• Member Since 20th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Sunday


Author of the Tarnished Silver series. I write clopfics with too many emotions in them. My work is very niche, but my readers are a wonderfully enthusiastic bunch, so I must be doing something right?

Comments ( 57 )

Awwww., So cute

Your stories hurt me whenever I read them, but I can't stop because they're so good.

I need a smoke after that :heart:

Definitely a different kind of love story. Definitely a good story, I personally don't really get whole BDSM thing. But I found the emotional connection compelling. I guess this is a good compromise shipping rather than getting into the Silverbelle vs Silvertiara Shipping war. :pinkiecrazy:

Tarnished Silver is becoming a little world of it's own, to the point as I am seeing it as a separate entity from the mainstream of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.:scootangel:

I am definitely looking forwards to more side stories in the future. :rainbowdetermined2:

Nice work, it was decently a lot of fun to see how Twist has grown up and was standing her ground against Babs. :twilightblush:

To be honest I always wondered who the 'dark orange mare with bright red hair' was that Silver was talking about. The first time I read that passage I thought it may have been Happy Tune, but that thought was quickly dismissed. Wrong color scheme among other things.

Oh HELL YEA.. i can't wait to read this Hammy! :yay:

As a (ex, sort of...) sub myself, I'm not sure whether to be turned-on or saddened by this in retrospect... My pussy is confused...

In all seriousness though, like everything else Tarnished Silver, this was awesome and extremely well-written. I can totally relate to Silver Spoon here (or at least Babs's interpretation of Silver Spoon's thoughts anyway), as I've been in that position numerous times... like right now, for instance... Hmm, well anyway, bravo once again, good ham. Bravo.

Okay, that's it. Put on my tough girl face. It's scared away bigger mares than her.

That reminded me of this

Just when I thought this universe had spun out all the drama it could provide along comes this gem. :raritywink: The fallout from my precious misguided Rarity will never really be over and it was silly of me to think so. Not so secretly excited about that as you know my edging on inappropriate love of the series. Really enjoyed your take on Babs as it is very close to the type of pony my head-cannon immediately screamed she'd turn in to. Against all odds you keep making me like Twist, I guess this is the only continuity where she isn't one of my least favorite ponies and that alone deserves a reward.

Completely off topic, I am sure I forgot to review Cadence Interrupted because I read it ebook style while on a flight but I am taking note to do so. Long story short I loved that SOOOOOOOOO much. Also I know this probably something not on the forefront of most fans minds but if you aren't planning to write a story about it I really would really appreciate a blog post explaining what you'd think it'd be like when Celetia wakes up bat shit insane with the power of a million exploding suns. :trollestia:

That all changed the first time I came to Ponyville. There were two ponies who took one look at how I was acting and put a stop to it: one was my cousin. The other was a filly named Diamond Tiara.
Turned out Diamond had been the town bully herself for a while. But my cousin said she'd “had a really tough year” and changed her ways. She was still a bit on the haughty side, but her heart was in the right place. The two of 'em sat me down, and Diamond looked me right in the eye and asked me the one question I never expected to hear.
“Who hurt you?”

Oh I love this! the alternate beginning to One Bad Seed!:pinkiehappy:

Instead of coming in meek and nervous Babs starts right off the bat with her thug routine only to have AB and DT call her on it.. I am so loving this already!:duck:

I like the way you wrapped this series up.

Of all the stuff we do together, the aftercare is the part I look forward to the most. More than the sex, more than Silver obeying my every whim. Even more than the orgasms, and the orgasms are damn good.

None of it compares to just holding that girl and being there for her, knowing she feels safe lying close to me, that she trusts me so completely. Some nights I think all my tough dominatrix jazz is just me setting the scene. All kinds of fun, wouldn't give it up for anything, but still just the opening act. The recovery, the cuddling, the closeness: that's the real show.

But I ain't never telling her that. I got an image to maintain.

I guess there's a lot of things I ain't never gonna tell her.

And that's fine. Ain't no reason to worry about how long Silver and me are gonna last. The future's gonna come along sooner or later, whether we like it or not.

But not tonight. Tonight belongs to us.

:fluttercry: Fuck, man... :fluttershyouch:

What Babs is going through with Silver reminds me, to a T, of an ex of mine... Broken girl, hated herself, wanted me to hurt her, really hurt her, dominate her absolutely completely 100%. Like Silver, I suppose, but I have no idea who her Rarity was. But I... Well, I'm a nice dom, or too nice for her, I guess... I fell in love, she left.

And Babs is gonna go through the same... Silver's just too broken, too goddamn broken. :fluttershbad:

I'm in a much better relationship now, and I don't have to only show one side of my personality now, but... Fuck. Goddamit. Expletive, expletive. I hate you for making me feel feelings right now. :twilightangry2::twilightblush:

10/10 excellent story, great side-story to the series.


...Also I know this probably something not on the forefront of most fans minds but if you aren't planning to write a story about it I really would really appreciate a blog post explaining what you'd think it'd be like when Celetia wakes up bat shit insane with the power of a million exploding suns.

Oh man, I don't think there would be a bunker strong enough to contain that rage. :pinkiegasp:

My GAWD Hammy.. first.. you write my Silver "Serving" Spoon word for word who she is before I ever even read your fics.

THEN you write who she is to her Diamond Tiara through your Mistress Babs Seed!:pinkiegasp:

Everything Babs said (short of the "I know it will end") is exactly how my Tiara feels about her Spoony. She has hurt her, insulted her, brought her as low as any human being can go, but it is in the "damage control" where Diamond Tiara shines as her mate. One of the moments they both cherish in which they remind each other how much they are in love and how grateful they are to be together.

I feel sorry for Babs, because in that moment only she will allow herself to feel that way, and Silver may want to but can't let herself give that last piece of herself.

I still remember Diamond's words in the last chapter of a Silver Sky

"One day you will be mine again... No.. I will be yours."

and it still hits me hard to know how much Diamond still loves Silver. So if it has to be Babs Seed or Diamond Tiara who has their heart broken, I think I'll have to vote for Babs Seed, not because I don't like her, but because Diamond and Silver belong together.

I think it's wonderful that Babs would be happy for Silver if she found some pony she could give her heart to again. Oh I would love to see this happen for Diamond Tiara but most likely will not in this story.

Still Luna willing, i can dream.

Another lovely addition to the tarnished universe! :heart: thumbs up!

Hammy, to say "You've done it again!" Would be an understatement! Outstanding job Good Sir!

That was wonderful. Great story telling.

on account of I just met her

might be better as

on account of the fact that I've just met her


'cause I just met her

. You might want to cut

not showing a trace of fear

down to

not a trace of fear

. I could probably nitpick even worse, but I'm enjoying this story too much to mind. :twistnerd:
not sexually

Well, I'd like to express a little opinion of mine about this. If it's okay with you.

First of all, I liked the story (as usual :twilightsmile:), a bit of aftercare after Rarity's Fallout and it touches interesting subjects.

To be precise, I liked it intellectually. I read it and found it very good. But I think it lacks something compared to the main serie, which I liked "primitively".
Maybe it was the child abuse vivid representations of such strong images. It really tickled a sensitive part of my mind. In short, I sort of lived through it, I saw it as it was happening to me, something that I do rarely.

Don't get me wrong, though, I'm really hype to see a new story of yours, and I'm looking forward to more of them. I just think Tarnished Silver is a work of art, and because of this I have really high expectations.

On a second note, I hope I haven't made any grammar mistake. If I did, you have my permission to come to my home with Amit and rape me hard with an English Dictionary. :fluttershyouch:

Seems I was spot on :pinkiehappy:

Once again, an awesome story. Thanks a lot :twilightsmile:

I hooe Silver falls for Babs.

HAMMY!!! YOU ABSOLUTELY MUST WRITE MORE ON THIS! I DEMAND IT!!!!! :flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::raritywink:

This. I want this.

Has to be my favourite one-shot ever.
God damn... So much awesome, but somnambulist is a weird safeword :raritywink:

Thanks though Ham, really enjoyed this! Be sure to thank the friend that asked you to put it online on behalf of this generic Internet pervert too.


Your stories hurt me whenever I read them, but I can't stop because they're so good.

I think Silver could relate to your mindset. :raritywink:


As a (ex, sort of...) sub myself, I'm not sure whether to be turned-on or saddened by this in retrospect... My pussy is confused...

Yeah, my stories seem to do that a lot. Much to my own surprise, I keep finding new ways to mix sexiness and tragedy. I got a PM not long ago which mostly said: "I read your story and I don't understand. Should I be crying or masturbating?"

Is confusing pussies a special talent? I kind of want that Cutie Mark, but then I would probably have to cover it up when I went out in public.

I've been in that position numerous times... like right now, for instance...

Yeah, same here; parts of this story were inspired by stuff in my own life, and in the lives of close friends.


I really would really appreciate a blog post explaining what you'd think it'd be like when Celetia wakes up bat shit insane with the power of a million exploding suns

"Misguided," eh? :duck:

As always, Rar1ty, your enthusiasm is very appreciated. I'm not really interested in writing about what happens in the Tarnishedverse 150 years from now, mainly because 90% of the cast will be dead. So it's unlikely I'll write a fic about Celestia waking up. But a blog post is pretty likely. Should inspire some good debate if nothing else. I'll get to it one of these days!

Yeah, I thought it was important to explain how that story unfolded differently in this world, since on the show Babs and Silver met as foals., but I really wanted them to meet as young adults here. And thanks to me and my wacky plot devices, all of the CMC had their cutie marks by the time Babs came to town. So I figured that would have brought out all her blank flank insecurities and led her to go straight into bully mode.

Just for the record, I am not picking a side in the shipping sweepstakes. Diamond and Babs are both fine ponies, but Silver Spoon is still learning to love herself, and she wants to do that before she can give her heart to another. The two of them have a good shot, though....someday.


So I was really close to using the same image your avatar comes from as the cover image of this story. I do envision adult Babs with longer hair, but she looks a bit too studious there to match my version of her. That's a tangent. Anyway!

But I... Well, I'm a nice dom, or too nice for her, I guess... I fell in love, she left.

:fluttershysad: Oh geez, that sounds really rough. I'm sorry you went through that.

The world needs more nice doms.

And Babs is gonna go through the same... Silver's just too broken, too goddamn broken.

She really is, sadly. But the good thing is that she recognizes it, and is trying to protect herself from her own worst instincts. Someday, she'll be the pony she wants to be. But it's a long road.

This story (and the Cadance one) is a bit from the others; a lot more more BDSM-y than before. Also, at no time is the fate of Equestria at stake. So they're very different beasts, and I don't blame anyone who doesn't enjoy them the same way.

On a second note, I hope I haven't made any grammar mistake. If I did, you have my permission to come to my home with Amit and rape me hard with an English Dictionary

:pinkiehappy: Ah ha! The word "Mistake" should be plural! LET'S ROLL, AMIT!

(60's Batman theme begins playing)


Be sure to thank the friend that asked you to put it online on behalf of this generic Internet pervert too.

I will! She was pretty insistent that everyone get a new TS story for the holidays. GENEROSITY. :raritystarry:


So I was really close to using the same image your avatar comes from as the cover image of this story. I do envision adult Babs with longer hair, but she looks a bit too studious there to match my version of her. That's a tangent. Anyway!

Er... This avatar is just an avatar I commissioned, unless the artist cropped it from a larger image floating around... :twilightblush: I think Babs should grow her mane out as well, but I like her either way!

She really is, sadly. But the good thing is that she recognizes it, and is trying to protect herself from her own worst instincts. Someday, she'll be the pony she wants to be. But it's a long road.

Very, very true.

Oh geez, that sounds really rough. I'm sorry you went through that.

The world needs more nice doms.

It was, but I came out stronger in the end. Thank you, though.

And it baffles me how doms cannot be nice... How can you be anything BUT nice to someone who trusted you enough to let you hurt them? :twilightoops:

It makes perfect sense that Babs wouldn't meet Silver as a foal with DT. Silver was most likely very introverted after her experience, because she didn't seem to fit in anywhere after Rarity threw her away.

She couldn't relate with the abused and she couldn't really have a normal foal hood with unabused foals and every pony hounded her as a hero when she wouldn't even let herself have that honor for the good she did do.

She also spent allot of time at the shelter with Cadence in therapy. So it makes sense she would barely show her face till she started fund raising for the cause. Giving her new purpose in life.

Diamond Tiara, Twist, and Sweetie Belle were possibly the only foals who saw her much back then.

I would hope Cheerilee got to see her grow into the mare she always new Silver could become.:twilightsheepish:


Er... This avatar is just an avatar I commissioned, unless the artist cropped it from a larger image floating around...

No idea! I just found it while searching for potential cover images on Derpibooru.

And it baffles me how doms cannot be nice... How can you be anything BUT nice to someone who trusted you enough to let you hurt them? :twilightoops:

I like the way you think. :twilightsmile:

Sadly, there are a lot of people out there who take cruel advantage of that trust. I think it's how a lot of negative stereotypes about the dom/sub relationship come to be. That sort of perception bothers me, so I suppose you could see this story as my tiny way of pushing back against that.

Damn you, now I'm visualizing Silver Spoon dressed as Batman and "whatever the fuck is Amit's avatar" dressed as Robin getting inside the Rape Mobile, with two giant Dictionaries as their weapons.

Please, not too rough. :fluttershysad:

I gotta say. I know very little about bondage, or BDSM in general. But reading and thinking about this has certainly put a lot of it into perspective, especially in regards to the attitudes people have going in, and precisely what it is they draw from it. These characters feel very raw, very genuine, and incredibly relatable.


Sadly, there are a lot of people out there who take cruel advantage of that trust. I think it's how a lot of negative stereotypes about the dom/sub relationship come to be. That sort of perception bothers me, so I suppose you could see this story as my tiny way of pushing back against that.

True, and you did a good job of demonstrating so. :twilightsmile:

Is this the only chapter or will their be more to come? Also Great story, as always.

Cool, another side story. Will read this as soon as I get some time to.

I didn't tell Twist that I've read all her books. Something tells me should would have resented it.

Picked up one typo here. I assume 'should' should be 'she.'

Also, somnambulist? As in sleepwalker? I don't understand the significance of that safeword.

Apart from that, I finally got around to reading this story. It was a nice addition to the Tarnished Silver series. You fleshed out the dynamic of the SilverSeed (sure, why not?) relationship very well, and it really shows that where you truly excel as a writer is with your characters.

Fixed the typo. Thanks!

Honestly, "somnambulist" was chosen completely at random. I just wanted a word that stood out but that had no real significance.This is a good way to pick a safeword in real life, since you want it to be distinct and easy to remember, and not something that might naturally come up during sexy talk.

Thank you for the kind words, though! Silverseed is a good ship name. Searching for it currently returns zero results on Derpibooru, This must be rectified.

i can't believe this story fell through my fingers in the feed. if it wasn't for your recent blog post i probably wouldn't have seen it for a while longer.

i came in expecting the usual (and thats saying a lot:twistnerd:), but instead i got hit with lonely melancholy that tugged at my strings:applecry:. you seem to have a knack for putting two opposing emotions together, those feelings are the powerful because they always resonate back stronger from each other. whether they're love and hate, anger and sadness or sadness and happiness as the case is on this story. my only regret is that i had already finished the tarnished silver series a while ago, and i know if i had read this before the ending it would have made the ending that much more special :fluttershysad:.

Keep up the excellent work, are there any more side stories i should be on the look out for in the near-ish future?

This was really sweet! I love bondage relationships, real ones, not the Fifty Shades of Abusive Twilight Fanfiction crap that everyone seems to fawn over.

Your original story made me too uncomfortable to finish but this was a healing balm. Very relatable and nice to see you clarify wanting this sort of thing isn't always crazy with the right partner.

Wow, I can tell just how good or a sequel/epilogue this is, and I haven't even read the tarnished silver series yet...

I think I will get on that in the morning.

I often wondered what someone who had never read any of the other other stories would think of this one. I'm happy to hear you liked it. Hope you enjoyed the other Tarnished stories, as well. :twilightsmile:

Really hard to spot error when Babs is telling Silver she has five minutes to bring her sexy-stuff:

somethin' I can hit with you

Unless you meant to imply Babs is picking Spoony up and smacking her into the implement... :rainbowhuh:

I've loved every one of your stories so I was really excited when I decided to re-read The Tarnished Silver series and found 2 new side stories :D It's been a while, I guess! :P

Please, please, please write more chapters to this... So want to see Babs x Silver and hoping they stay together...

Turned out Diamond had been the town bully herself for a while. But my cousin said she'd “had a really tough year” and changed her ways. She was still a bit on the haughty side, but her heart was in the right place. The two of 'em sat me down, and Diamond looked me right in the eye and asked me the one question I never expected to hear. “Who hurt you?”

This is a myth irl of course, bullies don't really have sob stories or atleast no more than anyone else.
The Sirius and Snape bullies of the world are the exception, the James bullies are the rule.

“You know what? You don't need to know the specifics,” I say. “All you need to know is this: I am NOT like Rarity. So back the fuck off.”

Potato tomato, meh.

Love it. Love the whole series. Can't wait to start Interrupted Cadence. Keep it up, dude, I really hope you write more.

Commence read.

Must have missed when these side stories started up.

A nice read.

Good for Silver.

As soon as I found out that mare at the end of the tarnished silver serie was and relate it to this story I had huge spectatives about it, and as soon I read the first paragraph I was sure it would not dissapoint me. It have all the psycological deep that makes me love the tarnished silver serie, maybe not so intense, but I surelly love the addition of romantic love, I always liked love stories. I actually like more Babs than Diamon Tiara, even if she love her I doubt she can give silver what she wants, Babs, in other hand, is perfect for her. Though that's just my personal opinion of course.
I can't wait to read your next story, I really want to know what will happen with this adorable couple.

Babs shouldn't allow Silver to leave when they fall in love. Silver needs to learn to trust others again, I know it's going to be very hard for her to truly put her faith in another pony but she has to. If Babs has to force that then so be it.

Is there going to be a sequel??

Perhaps, if the right inspiration hits. Who knows what the future may hold?


Out of all the story's with silver spoon I picked this one because it has my favorite characters. also it doesn't seem to have Diamond Tiara, so yea I'll read this later and hope it is good anyway till next time peace.

But then, not all that long into the session, I kicked her. It was part of the fun, of course: by then I could tell she liked pain, and I know how to dish it out. But as soon as I did, she yelled out, “SONANBULIST!” and that was it. Safeword invoked, scene over. I let her down, a bit surprised, a bit disappointed. I figured she was made of tougher stuff.

Somnambulist is misspelled.

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