• Published 14th Feb 2014
  • 4,711 Views, 35 Comments

Twilight Goes to Dalaran - Leila Drake

Twilight Sparkle, the princess mage of Equestria, is stranded on a foreign world. Her hopes lie on a mysterious city in the sky and her new, strange friends.

  • ...

Level 3 - About the Horde

"Wake up, Twilight", whispered a deep voice.

The alicorn was awake at once, jumping up and looking for who had spoken.

Oh, right. The tauren.

She hung her head. So yesterday had been real.

Twilight sighed and shot a glance at Tak. She cleared her throat. "I guess it's better if we stick to the alias. If what you said is true..."

Tak nodded. Then he smiled. "I got you some food. I thought... well, since you are a pony, you'd probably like something with hay in it."

"You thought correctly." Twilight grinned and accepted the small bag he offered her. She did not use her magic this time. Maybe it was better to keep a low profile with her magic, too. She smiled at Tak, then took a mouthful of the salad.

"Hmm, not bad, actually. Are those... daisies?"

"No", said the tauren and sat down next to her, unpacking his own food he had just purchased from a vendor outside. "They are called 'peacebloom'. I had them with me but I can get some more later when we enter Durotar. So help yourself."

"Durotar? Is that a country?"

Tak nodded. "Right. Different world, I remember. Hm, how should I put it... See, on Azeroth – that is we call this world – there are four known continents: The Kingdoms of the East, Pandaria in the south, Kalimdor in the west – that's where we are – and Northrend.

"There are many peoples on this world, fighting over resources, land, power... you name it. One of the most war-loving race are the orcs."

Twilight's eyes widened. She opened her mouth, but Tak raised a hand. "Please let me continue." She nodded.

The Tauren drew a rough map into the sand and Twilight tried to memorize it as he kept explaining. "How the orcs came to Kalimdor is not important right now. What you should know is that they are allies of my people, along with the Darkspear Trolls, the Blood Elves, the Goblins of the Bilgewater Cartel and the undead Forsaken. Ah, and some of the Pandaren joined the Horde recently.

"Of course, some individuals don't care much about politics or choose to use them for their own advantage... So this is the Horde. Then there's another main faction, the Alliance. They have members consisting of Humans, Night Elves, Dwarves and other races. I meant to get some information about the other races next time I get to Orgrimmar. That's where we are going."

He marked a spot in the east of "Kalimdor", not too far from the scratch that symbolized their position. Twilight noticed that there was a strange wobbly spiral in the middle of Tak's crude map, right between the continents. She wondered what it stood for. Maybe a maelstrom?

"But didn't you just say we were heading to Durotar?"

"We are."

"I don't get it."

Tak smiled. "Durotar is orc-land. Orgrimmar is the capital city."

"Oh. I see. Well, that's a lot of information. I wish I had my ink and quills at hoof to take notes...", Twilight sighed.

"Don't worry. I don't want to tell you what to do, but you could come to Orgrimmar with me. They don't just have books about other species," - Twilight's ears perked up – "but also paper and anything a mage might need."

"Well," said Twilight, "since this seems to be the only option that makes sense right now, you can count me in. I couldn't possibly turn away the chance of getting a look at those books! Do you think they might know something about portals?"

"I have no idea", admitted Tak. "But if the Horde has got any accessible information on portals, there's a high chance that it is in the capital."

Why am I telling her all of this?, he wondered. I must have lost my mind! Someone could have put a spell on me, tricking me... or worse! But wouldn't they know that I am just a simple tauren who does not give a kodo's crap about politics or arcane stuff?

And still, there was something about her that made him trust her. Even more, he wanted to protect her.

He turned to Twilight. "I will get you there safely, I promise by my honor."

Twilight blushed slightly and smiled. "Thank you, Tak."

- - -

After finishing their meal, they bought some more food and medicine - meaning that Tak did the talking and Twilight watched him curiously without saying anything. He got her a small cape to protect her from the heat of the day and the cold of the night and two blue bags which she managed to wear like saddlebags. They were so small that she would still be able to use her wings.

Twilight did not dare to ask about the material. She had read stories about how the griffins made things and armor out of animal skin and was suddenly glad Fluttershy did not have to see this. She noticed that Tak had emptied his purse with the purchase and did not want to embarrass him in front of all those other Tauren by refusing the gift.

They left the camp heading north, the mountains to the left, a steep cliff to the right.

The clouds still hung low and they were unable to see very far.

"Watch your step", warned Tak. "This is a safe road but you never know. The sun is so kind to hide us while we are this exposed. We might make it down to the Crossroads before nightfall."

- - -

Twilight had thought that Canterlot High had been strange, but dear Celestia, had she been wrong! Tak urged her to hide now and then when other creatures crossed their path. Lions slept in the shade of lone trees and Zhevras grazed quietly. They faintly resembled Zecora but on their foreheads they had curved horns and these creatures seemed unable to talk.

At one point they went around an Alliance outpost with heavy towers of white stone and armored bipedal guards – humans, as Tak said – and turned east afterwards. They found the pale stone road that lead through the Barrens straight to the Crossroads.

Tak kept looking around a lot and asked Twilight to stop now and then so he could pick flowers and roots. When Twilight asked him about it, he explained that he collected them to sell them to alchemists and scribes.

They got to the Crossroads in the evening, both sweaty and exhausted. Tak took her to a tavern in the middle of the small settlement and traded some of his herbs for a bed and a blanket. He used the blanket to make a bed for twilight and lay down on his own.

He stirred when he felt a small muzzle touch his arm.


Twilight looked at him with a nervous frown. "What are those big armored creatures in the Crossroads?" she whispered.

"Which ones?" he whispered back. "The sturdy green ones or the smaller stinking guy?"

"Both, I guess..."

"The green ones are orcs, the other one was a Forsaken. A former human. Disgusting fella if you ask me. I can't believe Thrall actually asked them to join the Horde..."

"Tak, what made him look so ill? I think I could even see some bones showing!"

Tak sighed. "He is not ill, he is actually dead."

"What?!" shrieked Twilight.

"...Yes. That was very dark magic. Don't ask. But they got their free will back so they work for the Horde now. At least I hope that they will hold on to their promise." He groaned. "Can we go to sleep now?"

Twilight's ears flattened and she hung her head. "Of course", she mumbled.

Tak frowned. "Are you all right?"

She looked up at him. "I don't know. This world is getting scarier with every moment that passes. Enemies, dangerous beasts in these Barrens, war-loving and undead creatures... I feel like I don't belong here. I know I don't...

"Tak, I have never felt so out of place before. Not even when Discord... ah, nevermind that. And I miss my friends so much..." she finished with a small voice, a single tear making its way down her cheek.

Without a word, Tak shuffled around on his bed until there was enough place for a little pony next to him.

Twilight took the offer without hesitation and lay down on Tak's bed, curling up under her blanket. His warm body made her relax a litte, knowing that the big tauren would make sure that nothing would harm her while she was asleep.

Five minutes later she was out like a light.