• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 27,620 Views, 2,842 Comments

The SweetieMash Chronicles - Justice3442

The Cutie Mark Crusaders decide they need to expand their numbers, but things quickly go awry when their first target begins sobbing on the spot. Sweetie Belle soon finds herself roped into hanging out with the young colt.

  • ...

Chapter 20: Only Dig for Valuable Minerals during the Day

The SweetieMash Chronicles

Chapter 20: Only Dig for Valuable Minerals during the Day


Author’s notes: There’s some comic references and some gentle nods to my other fic, The Wheel and the Butterfly, in this chapter, but not enough that you’d be lost if you haven’t read either.

Enjoy and thanks for reading!


Rarity wrinkled her brow slightly as she stared at something on her work table and took a cautious step closer as if the item in front of her might suddenly explode if she made a false move. She carefully looked over the pink rectangular item with a white heart on it that was set in front of her. She eyed it with an intensity almost as if it was a gem she was checking the quality of. Carefully, she extended her front hooves towards the front of it.

The item clicked softly as Rarity’s hooves made contact. Rarity tossed an unsure look to the light tan mare standing next to her.

Love Tap gave Rarity a reassuring smile and nodded to the item.

With all the caution of a child trying to open a door late at night as not to wake their parents, Rarity gritted her teeth slightly and pulled up on the item with one hoof. The top half of the item pivoted upwards on a hinge on the back. Slowly, Rarity continued to raise the top half until she saw her reflection in a dark screen. Looking down, she saw several rows of rectangular buttons.

Rarity turned towards Love Tap once more. “So… What’s it do?”

Love Tap’s smile turned slightly strained. “Lots of things! You can type up documents in it. You can keep track of your boutique’s inventory.” Love Tap’s voice dropped to just a hair’s breadth above a mumble. “You can play games on it.”

Rarity cocked an eyebrow. “What was that last one, dear?”

Love Tap forced an awkward smile to manifest on her face. “You can play games on it.”

“Ah, so it’s basically like one your son’s electric doodads.”

Love Tap waved a forehoof about. “No, no, no, no, no, no. It’s way more sophisticated than that.”

“But your son has one right?”

Love Tap frowned slightly as she predicted where the conversation was heading. “Yeah…”

“And he plays his beep-bop games on it?”

Love Tap scrunched her lips to one side of her face. “Well… it’s not like Button is going to try his hooves at writing or has much to inventory.” Love Tap thought about this for a moment. “Though, maybe Chip could help him use it to help keep track of his video games.” Love Tap’s eyes lit up and she turned back towards Rarity. “Oh! But he can use it to help him with his homework.”

“Hmmmm…” Rarity hummed simply.

Love Tap let out a sigh as her ears flopped down around her head. “We just need some ponies to test these and report to us how useful they find them.”


“I’m sure once you start using it, you’ll wonder how you lived withou—”


Love Tap sighed once more and quickly put her happy countenance back on. “I have one and I love it! I’m surprised the Princess herself didn’t want one.”

Rarity pursed her lips into a small frown. “Well, she’s a bit busy with an important matter at the moment. I’ll keep it around and try to find a use for it.”

Love Tap smiled warmly at Rarity. “That’s all I ask.”

“Rarity! I’m hooooome~!”

Love Tap smiled as Sweetie Belle’s voice rang through the boutique’s main room and into Rarity’s work room where the two mares stood.

Rarity leaned her head past a mannequin with a partially finished sparkling blue dress on it. “In here, dearie!”

Love Tap smiled at Rarity as the sounds of something stirring from the front room could be heard. “Foal sitting again?”

Rarity smiled. “Well, my boutique is closer to the school and her and her little friend’s hideout than my parent’s home. And I do have the room available.”

“Well, it must be nice to not be by yourself all the time.”

“Whatever do you mean, dearie? I have Opal to keep me company.”

Love Tap chuckled. “Sure, but you better be careful. You don’t want to end up some sort of crazy cat lady.”

“But I only have the one cat,” Rarity said as the sound of hoofs softly trotting on carpet grew closer. Sweetie Belle appeared in the doorway, her white bag with the green strap and gold clasp slung across her chest.

“Hey, Rarity! Oh! Hello, Button’s mom.”

Love Tap smiled at Sweetie Belle. “Hello, Sweetie Belle.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow at Love Tap. “Button’s mom?”

Love Tap chuckled. “It’s just what’s stuck with the kids, I guess.”

“I see,” Rarity said simply.

“Hey!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed as she noticed the device on top of Rarity’s table. She trotted over next to Rarity and stood up on her hind legs, propping her front legs on the table. “What’s that?”

Rarity’s horn glowed with an azure light that soon matched an aura that surrounded the device. It scooted back about a foot away from Sweetie Belle.

“Sweetie Belle,” Rarity said in a somewhat maternal toy. “This is a delicate piece of equipment. I don’t think you should be touching it.”

Sweetie Belle puffed out her lower lip and gave Rarity a deep frown.

Love Tap chuckled. “It’s alright. Maybe she can play some of those ‘beep-bop’ games on it.”

Sweetie Belle chuckled. “‘Beeb-bop’ games? You make it sound so lame! Like something Rarity would say!”

Rarity’s cheeks grew puffy and slightly red as she glared at Sweetie Belle. “Well, I’m sorry if some of us ponies don’t have time for all those strange, time wasting gizmos!”

Sweetie Belle scowled back at Rarity. “Well maybe if somepony learned how to have fun every once in a while, you’d know more about them!”

Love Tap gave Sweetie Belle and Rarity a stern look. “Sweetie Belle! Don’t insinuate your sister is lame! Rarity, stop belittling your sister’s hobbies.”

Rarity and Sweetie Belle tensed up like two foals just caught quarreling by one of their parents (which wasn’t too far from the mark). They turned and gave Love Tap an apologetic look.

“Yes, ma’am,” they said simultaneously.

Love Tap’s eyes widened and she raised a forehoof over her mouth. “Oops, sorry girls. Force of habit.”

Sweetie Belle lowered herself back to the ground as Rarity smiled and shook her head. “It’s alright, darling. Sweetie Belle and I do need to be kept in line from time to time.”

Love Tap chuckled. “Alright, well I better be going.”

Awww…” Sweetie Belle said in a disappointed tone.

Love Tap smiled and rolled her eyes. “I’m sure you’ll see me soon enough, Sweetie Belle.”

“Won’t you stay for tea, dear?” Rarity asked.

Love Tap shook her head. “I wish I could, but I’ve got to get home and make lunch for everypony.” She smiled warmly. “It’s so nice having the family back together again.”

“Very well,” Rarity said with a nod. “Next time then.” Her horn glowed azure as she levitated a pair of brown saddle bags and gently placed them on Love Tap’s back.

“Of course!” Love Tap replied. She began to trot out of the room. “Take care, you two!”

“Bye-bye!” Sweetie Belle said cheerfully with a wave.

“Goodbye!” Rarity said.

Sweetie Belle looked at the device on Rarity’s table then turned to grin at her sister.

Rarity sighed. “Well, if Love Tap says it’s okay for you to be on it, then by all means, you can figure out what to do with it!”

“Thanks, Rarity!” Sweetie Belle practically squeaked out.

“Hmmm…” Rarity hummed as she watched Sweetie Belle enthusiastically pull the device closer to her with a green glow of her magic. Rarity flashed her sister one more serious look. “Just be careful with that, alright? I shudder to think what Love Tap would say to me if that device broke in my care.”

“Don’t worry! I’ll be careful!” Sweetie Belle said.

“Quite,” Rarity replied as she trotted over to her red sewing machine. Soon the machine was taping along as Rarity peered through red framed glasses and pushed red fabric under the needle. The needle went up and down, inserting a pink thread into the material below. So entranced by her work was she, that Rarity barely even took notice of the whistle like music notes and melodic hum that came from the device.

“Rarity! How do I make this go?!”

“Excuse me…?” Rarity asked as she looked up from her work.

“This thing!” Sweetie Belle said as she pointed to the screen of the device. “How do I make it go?!”

Rarity stopped her sewing and trotted over to Sweetie Belle. “Why, whatever do you meahahahaheeeaaaan?!” Dozens of tiny square pictures filled the screen above words Rarity had never seen before, let alone knew the meaning of. The words she did understand were often squashed together with a capital letter denoting when the new word began as if space had no meaning to this small device. Rarity could feel herself being sucked into the azure background with its vaguely wave-like or maybe wind motif. Reality crumbled around her as she attempted to discern the abstract meaning of the four colored squares arrange next to each other in the upper right hand corner. She soon found herself staring up at the red, green, blue and yellow squares from an azure ocean full of tiny square debris.

Rarity began to flounder, thrashing her legs frantically and spitting out water as she desperately latched hold of a green tiny square that read ‘Excel’, only to find the item less than buoyant when she grabbed hold. She felt herself sinking as she stared up at the multicolored boxes in the sky, making one last prayer they the bizarre geometrical symbol would grant her mercy and deliver her from this strange, alien world made out of bright, foreign icons.

The symbols remained motionless, as if passing silent judgment on upon the unicorn’s accomplishments. Her life and all everything she had done in it found wanting as she sank deeper into the abyss.


Rarity’s pupils suddenly grew from tiny dots in the center of her blue eyes to their normal size. She was still at the boutique. How long did she spend in that other world? Days? Weeks? Years?! It was impossible to tell.

“Rarity, are you okay? You’ve just been staring at the screen for like 30 seconds!”

Rarity gave Sweetie Belle a sheepish look. “Oh… er… Sorry, Sweetie Belle.”

Sweetie Belle leaned back from her sister slightly. “And you’re even drooling.”

“A lady does not drool, Sweetie Belle!” Rarity said, mustering her dignity to her as she wiped a forearm across her mouth. “I was merely moistening my tongue to better answer you.”

“Oh! So you know how to make it go?”

Panic gripped Rarity’s features and traveled down her body, stopping to place a stranglehold on her heart before it reached her hoofs. “Na… No, Sweetie Belle.”

Sweetie Belle frowned. “But I want to play!” she whined.

Amidst Rarity’s deep, azure ocean of panic, an idea appeared like a lifesaver thrown from a passing ship. “Why don’t you take this to your dear friend, Button Mash? I bet he knows all about this sort of—”

Rarity took one last glance at the device and swallowed hard.


Sweetie Belle’s face lit up. “Hey, yeah! Maybe he has one, too and we can play together! Like with his and his brother’s Joyboys!”

Rarity’s face suddenly turned a luminescent shade of red, almost enough to cast crimson light on the room itself. “I… I beg your pardon?!”

Sweetie Belle smiled. “Joyboys, you know…” Sweetie Belle held up her hooves as if holding something in between them.

Rarity felt the strangle hold return to her heart with a vengeance.

“That little green game machine Button always has with him!”

Rarity let out a huge gust of air as if she was banishing a malignant entity that had possessed her personage. “Right… Joyboy…” She shook her head and looked up at Sweetie Belle. “Why don’t you take this thing and run along? I’m sure Button and his mother would be delighted to see you.”

“Thanks, Rarity!” Sweetie Belle said excitedly. With a light green glow of her horn, the device was quickly closed up, placed into Sweetie Belle’s bag, and soon the white filly was galloping out of the room with her bag on her back.

Rarity let out another sigh of relief. “I think… I think I need that tea now…”


Knock, knock!’

“Gibson, dear?” Love Tap’s voice called out through the cozy Ponyville home. “Can you get that please? Mommy is making lunch for everypony.”

“Of course!” A young, masculine voice replied. A teenaged earth pony stallion with a light reddish-brown coat, a short black mane, and a music note cutie walked towards the front door. “Hope you’re making extra!” Gibson shouted back as he trotted down the blue-carpeted hallway with its beige walls. “I invited a couple of babes to come by today!”

“… Sure, sweetie…” Love Tap replied, practically inserting an eye roll into her response.

Gibson smiled wide as he opened the door wide. “Heeeellooooo laaadies~!” he purred. “So glad you could…” Gibson trailed off as he realized he was greeting empty space.

“Hello, uh… Button’s brother… sir…” A small voiced called out. “Can I come in?”

Gibson looked down and scowled at the little white filly that was on his family’s doorstep. “Look, little girl. I’m hoping one or two real girls show up, and I can’t have a bunch of little kids—”

“GIBSON?!” Love Tap’s voice called out from deep within the house. “Is that Sweetie Belle? You be nice to her or you’re spending the next year in your room!”

“—I mean, ‘come in.’” Gibson said as he stood aside and held the door open.

“Thank you!” Sweetie Belle said cheerfully as she trotted inside.

Gibson poked his head out of the house, took a quick look around, and hung his head. He sighed heavily as he closed the door behind him.

Love Tap poked her head into the hallway and smiled. “Hello again, Sweetie Belle!”

“Hi, Button’s mom!” Sweetie Belle replied. “Is Button home?”

Love Tap smiled warmly. “He’s in his room playing a new game on one of the computers his father built.”

“Hey! I helped too!” Gibson said indignantly.

“I know, sweetie,” Love Tap said as she favored her son with a smile. She made a kissy face at Gibson. “Mommy’s so proud of you.”

Gibson let out a groan. “Now if only some other girls liked my accomplishments.”

Love Tap chuckled. “Don’t worry. You’ll find somepony in your own time.”

Gibson glanced down at Sweetie Belle as his frown sunk lower. “Yeah, I bet…”

Sweetie Belle gave Love Tap an unsure look. “So is Button in his room or…”

Love Tap smiled and nodded. “He is! Go right on upstairs.”

“Thank you!” Sweetie Belle said happily as she bolted down the hallway and up the staircase.

Gibson watched her leave and then shot his mom an irritated look. “And there’s two more just like her?”

Love Tap chuckled. “Your brother seems to have a way with fillies his age.”

Gibson furrowed his brow. He grumbled to himself, “Little brat doesn’t even play an instrument…”


“Button?” Sweetie Belle called out as she trotted down the upstairs hallway towards Button’s room. “I need your help with something!”

“Sweetie Belle?!” Button called out excitedly. “I’m in my room! I have something to show you!”

Sweetie Belle smiled and picked up her pace, cantering down the hall and into a room with purple a purple carpet. Button sat at a large wooden green table, a blue device much like the one she carried in her bag in front of him.

Sweetie Belle’s face lit and horn lit up as she quickly removed her pink device with the heart on it from her bag. “So you know how to make these things go?!” she asked, her voice raising an octave to match her excitement.

Button unglued his eyes from his screen just long enough to smile. “Yeah! There’s even a game we can play together on these things! My dad showed me!”

Sweetie Belle was next to Button with her own device opened in almost an instant! “Show me! Show me!” she cried excitedly.

Button turned his smiling face towards Sweetie Belle. “Oh you’re going to love this game! It’s a blast!”


Sweetie Belle shot a pensive look up at the sky. It had become dark much sooner than she expected, and she had already learned this bizarre world made out of cubes would show no mercy even to a newcomer such as herself.


Sweetie Belle jumped and turned with fear towards the source of the guttural growl. A filthy, pony with shaggy, discolored green fur shambled towards her.

Sweetie Belle let out a high pitched “Eek!” and galloped to Button.

Uh… Button…?” Sweetie said in a frightful tone as she glanced at the slowly approaching pony. “There’s like zombies and skeletons and a bunch of scary things showing up.”

Button chuckled and pointed towards a small single story building made out of bricks “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you! Just run back to the hou—”


Eep!” Sweetie Belle squeaked as she bolted in the direction Button pointed towards.

“—se.” Button finished as he watched Sweetie Belle run away.


Button turned and his ears flopped down around his head as he stood almost muzzle to muzzle with the green zombie pony.

Zeykamiff…” he uttered to himself.

-~A little later~-

Sweetie Belle enthusiastically pointed towards a cave in the distance. “Hey Button, I kinda want to go mining in the Nether again.”

Button looked up with a nervous expression, the sky had begun to darken. “Er… Well… Okay… I just hope I don’t fall in lava this time.”

Sweetie Belle began to run off. “Well you should really be more careful of where you step!”

One of Button’s eyes twitched.

-~And later still...~-

Ahh! Sweetie Belle! Can’t you sleep until its daytime?!” Button exclaimed as he hurriedly galloped after Sweetie Belle in the darkness.

“But it’s so boring to sleep, Button!” Sweetie Belle replied as the cave she was running towards grew larger and larger as the foals approached. “Come on it’ll be fine! I’ve barely died at all!”

“Sure, you haven’t,” Button grumbled.

“Oh, you worry too much!” Sweetie Belle said. “It’ll be fine, you’ll see.”

-~Just a few minutes later...~-


Button only had time to turn and put on a face full of panic as the towering green creature in front of him turned into a loud mass of white and pain.


ZEYKAMIFF!” Button exclaimed loudly.

Sweetie Belle let out a sigh of relief. “Phew, logged off just in time!”

GRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!” Button roared in frustration as he threw his forehooves straight up.

The sounds of hooves rapidly ascending stairs could be heard from outside Button’s room.

Sweetie Belle’s eyes widened and she leaned back from Button. “Whoa… What’s your problem?!”

“My problem?!” Button turned and shot Sweetie Belle a glare as if he was hoping he had suddenly develop the mutant power to melt her head with his eyes. “I’ve been eaten! Shot! Stabbed! Melted in lava, and I just got blown up and you want to know what my problem is?!”

The heavy sound of hooves suddenly reached a crescendo as Love Tap poked her head into the room. “Sweetie? What’s wrong?” she asked with concerned expression.

“A creeper blew me up!” Button exclaimed as he turned towards his mother.

“You really should disconnect when they show up,” Sweetie Belle said.

Button set his death glare to ‘disintegrate’. “I didn’t hit the keys in time, okay?!” he snapped.

Sweetie Belle matched Button’s nasty look. “It’s not my fault girls have faster reflexes than boys!”

“What?!” Button exclaimed. “That’s not true!”

“Yes it is!” Sweetie Belle shot back shrilly. “It’s science!”

“Kids! Kids!” Love Tap quickly interjected as she lowered herself slightly and inserted her head between the quarreling children. “Maybe you two should take a break from the game. You’ve been playing for hours and it’s still a nice day out.”

The two foals both took a calming breath and turned around and looked out the window behind them. Celestia had begun to lower the sun in the day’s sky, but it was still bright, offering plenty of daylight.

Button took one more calming breath as he closed his laptop. “Okay, mom.”

Sweetie Belle closed hers too. “I should really check in with the other girls, they’ve probably came up with a load of ideas they need me to help with,” she said as she returned the rectangular device to her white bag.

Love Tap smiled. “Okay dear, just stay safe.”

Sweetie Belle and Button both gave Love Tap a blank stare.

Love Tap sighed. “Just try not to end up in the hospital.”

Sweetie Belle nodded and slung her bag over her back. “I’ll do my best.” She turned to Button and gave him an unsure look. “Uh… Play with you later, Button?”

Button smiled back at Sweetie Belle. “Sure thing!”

Sweetie Belle smiled. Seemingly satisfied, she turned as a light green glow irradiated from her horn. The same glow enveloped that laptop and it floated after Sweetie Belle as she happily trotted away.

“Take care, Sweetie Belle!” Love Tap called out.

“Bye, Sweetie Belle!” Button said as he waved.

“Bye-bye!” Sweetie Belle called out.

Love Tap smiled as she watched Sweetie Belle leave then turned and gave Button a look of motherly concern. “Everything okay?”

Button got up off his chair and dropped to all fours as he smiled at Love Tap. “Sure, mom,” Button said with a nod. “Sweetie Belle is just a bit hard to keep up with sometimes.”

Love Tap’s eyes widened and then she smiled. “Maybe you should try talking to your father before going out.”

Button gave his mom a look of mild surprise. “Do you think he could help?”

Love Tap’s smile became a little warmer as she nodded. “Believe me, your father knows allll about what you’re going through.”

“Thanks mom! I’ll go talk to him right now!”

Button scampered out of his room, quickly descending the stairs into the homes downstairs hallway. Soon he was in the homes living room looking at a dark-brown earth pony stallion with a spiky black mane and a bushy mustache. The stallion sat on his haunches in front of a small round green table, a silver device, much like the one Button and Sweetie Belle were just using, rested on top of it, though this device sported a green computer chip emblem. The muffled sounds of an electric guitar rapidly firing off notes and chords drifted from someplace below.

“Dad?” Button called out.

The stallion lifted gentle amber eyes from his computer and smiled warmly at Button. “Yes, Button? How can I help you?”

“I kinda wanted to ask you something… about Sweetie Belle…”

Chip smiled. “Oh, you mean your cute little fillyfriend that was just here?”

Button’s cheeks turned a luminescent shade of red. “Well, we’re not… I mean we haven’t… eruh…

Chip chuckled. “Button, it’s fine to like someone.”

“Okay, but how do you know if they like you back?”

Chip chuckled once more and glanced towards the entrance of the houses spacious living room. Love Tap quietly stood just a little bit outside the room and gave Chip a smile and nod.

Chip turned back to his youngest son. “Well, I’m afraid you never know for sure unless you ask. Still, there are ways to tell if someone likes you. You spend a lot of time with Sweetie Belle, right?”

Button nodded his head up and down. “We see each other every day! And Sweetie Belle comes over to play video games with me all the time!”

Heh. Oh?” Chip glanced towards the hallways again. “Sounds familiar actually.”

“I also hang out with her and her friends!” Button’s excitement dulled slightly as his lips fell into a more natural expression. “But sometimes they do things that aren’t exactly safe…” Button said, trailing off as the sounds of the electric guitar ceased.

Chip’s smile likewise dropped as he continued to stare into the hallway. “Sounds a little too familiar,”

Love Tap’s ears flopped down around her head as he gave her husband a slightly apologetic smile. The brief quiet made it possible to hear the sounds of hooves hitting wooden steps grow closer and closer.

Chip turned back to Button. “Still, I think you two deciding to spend lots of time with each other is a good sign.”

A door in the living room suddenly swung open revealing a smiling Gibson. “‘Sup, everypony!”

“Hi, Gibson!” Button greeted cheerfully.

Chip smiled at his eldest. “Hey, Gibson. Just having a little heart to heart.”

“We’re talking about Sweetie Belle!” Button informed in a chipper tone.

Gibson let out a slightly disappointed sigh. “Oh, you mean your little fillyfriend?”

“Well that’s the problem!” Button said. “I’m not sure if she’s my fillyfriend or not!”

“You should try playing the guitar for her!” Gibson suggested. “Bit—”

Chip cleared his throat and gave Gibson a stern look.

“IMEAN—Girls love guitars.”

“Hey! Yeah!” Button said.

Chip raised an eyebrow. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Remember when Button tried to help your band?”

Gibson’s eyes widened as his ears flopped down around his head and he started off as if he was looking into an infinite expanse of space. “Oh right… I had to get a new amp… Crash and Wave refused to practice here for weeks.”

Chip nodded solemnly. “Well it took that long to repair the damage to the basement anyhow…”

“So… no guitar?” Button asked.

“No!” Chip and Gibson said forcefully.

Button said. “Awww…” Button uttered in disappointment.

Chip smiled at his son once more. “Look, Button. I think all you have to do is be yourself, and you’ll be fine.”

Button’s eyes lit up. “Really?!”

Gibson pushed air past his lips causing them to flap up and down. “Pbpbpbpbpbffft…Yeah that’ll work.

Chip raised an eyebrow at his son. “How many girlfriends have you had, champ?”

Gibson narrowed his eyes at his father and frowned heavily. “I’m just going to go back to practicing my guitar now…”

Chip nodded. “You do that.”

Gibson began close the door. “Lousy little bro gets more girls than me…” he grumpily grumbled to himself as the basement door shut.

Button watched Gibson leave then turned back towards his father. “So if I just be myself, Sweetie Belle will like me?!” Button asked excitedly.

“Well, being yourself doesn’t necessarily mean someone will like you, but I think in the case of your little friend, you don’t have anything to worry about.”

Button frowned. “Are you sure? What if I tell Sweetie Belle I like her and she doesn’t like me back?!”

“That’s a possibility,” Chip said. “I wish I could tell you exactly what to do, but… Well… this is sort of your own personal quest. You must do what you think is right.”

“My own quest?” Button gasped. “You mean I’m the hero?!”

Chip chuckled. “Of course you are Button.” His smile softened as a small amount of seriousness entered his face. “But don’t be too discouraged if she just wants to be friends. You have plenty of time to find your special somepony.”

Button smiled wide. “Thanks, Dad! I’m going to go get a toy and play outside now!”

Chip nodded. “Sure, Button.”

Button quickly scampered out of the room past his mom. “Mom! Have you seen my train?!”

Love Tap raised her forehooves up to her mouth. “Button, sweetie? It’s in the—”



Love Tap and Chip both cringed as their ears flopped down around their heads. The sound of their youngest falling and crashing into something was familiar to both parents, and they knew it could only go one of two ways.

“Found it!” Button replied cheerfully.

Love Tap chuckled to herself and shook her head as she trotted up to Chip.

Chip smiled and closed his computer as his wife approached. Love Tap wasted no time and nuzzling her husband. “You’re so good with him.”

Chip chuckled as he returned the affection. “Well, it’s all about learning to explain things to Button in a way he’ll understand.” He pulled back likely and gave his wife a serious look. “You do think this little filly likes Button, right?”

Love Tap gave out an almost silent chuckle that caused her chest to rise and fall rapidly. “Of course!” she returned to nuzzling Chip. “Those two remind me of two other little foals who used to spend all their time with each other years ago.”

Chip’s eyes went wide as his smile cratered into a frown with practically enough force to throw enough dust and debris into the air to blot out even Celestia’s mighty sun.

“That’s actually much more worrisome…”


“Discord!” Fluttershy called out in an unusually forceful tone. “You stop that picnic basket from running around and licking other ponies this instance!”

Discord sighed as he watched a wicker picnic basket which had sprouted stubby legs bark at a light yellow earth pony mare and a teal unicorn mare. The two ponies ran off, screaming as they put some distance between the unusually animated basket.

Discord snapped his eagle talon and the basket disappeared in a flash.

Fluttershy looked up and gave the Draconequus a disapproving look. “Can’t we just have a nice, relaxing picnic that doesn’t involve scaring ponies or covering them with gloppy, purple goo?”

Discord turned from Fluttershy and crossed his arms across his chest. “If you’re referring to Jamscapades day, I was merely trying to get the ponies of this town into the mood of the holiday.”

“Discord, you made up Jamscapades day!” Fluttershy said. “And everypony was washing out jam and jelly out of their coats and manes for days afterwards!”

Discord turned and pointed a lion’s claw at Fluttershy. “Okay, but no pony had any trouble finding something to put on their bread during that time.”

Fluttershy let out an exasperated sigh.


Discord and Fluttershy turned as Applejack rapidly galloped up to their position.

“Jus’ the pony I wanted to see!” Applejack said as she quickly slowed her pace and slid to a halt in front of Fluttershy.

“What is it Applejack?” Fluttershy asked. “Do you need me for something?”

In a flash of light, Discord was suddenly wearing a long brown coat, a red bandana, a brown vest over a light blue shirt, jeans that went all the way down to his cloven foot and dragon’s claw held up by a brown belt with a massive star belt buckle, and a hat that matched Applejack’s.

Discord tipped his cowboy hat. “Well howdeee, Applejack! Trouble at the ol’ farm? Granny hittin’ the cider too hard again?! Boy I tell ya what!” Discord slapped a knee with his lion’s paw. “That old mare is crazier than a goat and a pig bein’ taped together and joined at a shotgun weddin!”

Applejack turned to scowl at Discord. “Discord,” she greeted icily. She turned towards Fluttershy. “There’s trouble at the ol’ far—Ah mean, there’s trouble at the farm!”

“Oh my!” Fluttershy responded. “What kind of trouble?”

Applejack sighed. “Mad mouse uprising.”

Fluttershy turned towards Discord a narrowed her eyes. “Oh really?”

Discord’s clothes were gone in a flash, replaced by white robes and a golden, shimmering halo that hovered just above his head. “Well, don’t look at me ladies! I just got here! Honestly, with you all living right next to the Everfree forest, I’m surprised this sort of stuff doesn’t happen once a week.”

Applejack sighed. “It pretty much does.”

Fluttershy smiled warmly at Applejack. “Don’t worry, I’m sure a little talk with the mice will settle this matter right away.”

Discord chuckled. “Of course it will! Whoever heard of a big talk with a mouse?”

The girls turned towards Discord then back to each other.

“Well anyways…” Applejack began.

Discord put on a sullen look and crossed his arms across his chest. “Oh come on! That was gold and you both know it!” He said as his robes burst into flames and his halo fell, getting caught on his twisted horn.

“Well anyways,” Applejack said with more force, “we better get a move on before the mice conquer the gazebo.”

Fluttershy nodded. “You go on ahead.” She subtly tilted her head towards Discord. “I’ll be right there.”

Applejack gave Fluttershy an understanding nod. “I gotcha, pardner,” she said before she turned and began to canter back towards Sweet Apple Acres.

His robe now completely incinerated into nothingness, Discord removed his halo and examined it for a second. He shrugged and casually tossed it behind him, this was accompanied by the sound of a window breaking. He smiled. “So we’re off to see the farm, hmmm?” He rubbed his lion’s paw and eagle talon together. “Sample some of the Apple family’s fine baked goods? Drink some cider?”

Fluttershy gave Discord a worried smile. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea. Granny Smith wasn’t too happy to see you last time you were there.”

Discord stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Hmmm… True, the old mare did throw quite a few things at me. I’m amazed at her age she could still lift a rocking chair, or that end table…”

Uh… Discord?”

“…The picture she threw was nice! Too bad the frame broke when it hit my head.”


Discord waggled his eagle talon a bit. “Not to mention I turned the frame into a wooden snake that spit pear juice on everypony… Applejack was not happy about that!”


Discord chuckled. “I still have the kitchen sink mounted over my fireplace.”


Discord lowered himself to Fluttershy’s level and smiled. “Oh yes, Fluttershy, my dearest friend?”

Fluttershy gave Discord a serious look. “I really need to get going, but I want you to be on your best behavior while I’m gone!”

“Oh, pish posh!” Discord replied as he waved his eagle talon about dismissively. “What kind of trouble maker do you take me for?”

Fluttershy wordlessly answered Discord by tilting her head, frowning slightly, and dropping her eyelids.

Discord gave a nervous chuckle as he raised to his full height and tapped his eagle claw tips and lion claws together.

“I mean it!” Fluttershy said forcefully. “No messing with my friends! And no getting into trouble with the Cutie Mark Crusaders again!”

Discord frowned. “But they made me a member!” he protested as a red cape with the CMCs emblem appeared on his back. He smiled wide, wide enough that he wasn’t able to completely hide the wickedness in his grin. “And those three are so much fun to hang out with!”

“We can visit them together,” Fluttershy insisted. “For now I just want you to promise you won’t mess with anypony while I’m away.”

Discord sighed, and lowered himself into a near perfect arc as his smile dropped to a frown and his cape disappeared. “Very well, Fluttershy.” He suddenly stood straight up at attention as a green military dress uniform appeared on his body. He saluted smartly with his lion’s paw as he placed his eagle talon behind his back. “I promise I won’t mess with anypony while you’re away.”

Fluttershy breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s all I ask for.” Fluttershy took a weary glance in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres. “I better get going now. Goodbye, Discord!”

Discord smiled. “Take care, Fluttershy!” Discord said with a wave of his eagle claw as Fluttershy began to trot away.

Discord’s smile grew wider, and wider, and wider still until it looked less of a smile and more like a small crescent moon with a single fang hanging over it. Once Fluttershy was far down the way he took his eagle talon out from behind his back and held it in front of him. Two of the claws were crossed neatly with each other.

“Oops,” Discord said darkly. Discord threw his head back and his arms up into his air as he laughed maniacally. “HehehehehahahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

Just as soon as the laughter had begun, Discord leaned his head back and steepled his animal digits against each other. His eyes looked to the left and then to the right as a curly mustache grew from below his nose and his military outfit transformed into a black cape and wide brimmed black hat.

Discord curled one end of his brand new mustache with his lion’s paw. “Now to find somepony to… hehehe… play with.”


Discord’s ear perked up as his mustache, cape, and hat disappeared in a white flash. He dropped to the ground and slithered to a nearby bush, peering out at the source of the voice he had just head.

“Choo! Choo!”

Discord smiled devilishly as he spied the young brown colt in the propeller hat. “If only you knew the fun you were about to have, young one…”


Discord’s smile went supernova, destroying an entire star system of planets. “… It’ll be enough to turn your mane white…”

Author's Note:

Aaaaand we're back!

Sorry for the unexpected hiatus. I don't like to let things linger with this story so much, but unfortunately other projects came up and plus some things made it so I could never quite get in the mindset to sit down and get a chapter done for SweetieMash.

Right now things are going great though! Hopefully we'll see more SweetieMash sooner rather than later.

Glad to have you back. Thanks for reading!