• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 4,013 Views, 116 Comments

Rainbow Dash makes a windigo - Immanuel

Being awesome has unintended consequences for Rainbow Dash, as a windigo she has brought to existence needs tender loving care.

  • ...

The Ponyville Horror

Chapter 4: The Ponyville Horror

Rainbow Dash woke to the faint sounds of Windy blowing raspberries on her stomach, stopping every now and then to softly sing tuneless notes, accompanied by the occasional stomp of her cloud-covered little hoofsies on Rainbow's chest. The soft impacts felt like tufts of cotton that had been in the refrigerator for a while. Rainbow Dash smiled at the little windigo, who didn't pay attention to her waking, seeming content enough to amuse herself on her belly.

"Hey there," Rainbow Dash said groggily, caressing with her hoof the tendrils of Windy's strangely wispy mane. It felt like arctic wind.

Windy smiled unsurely at her mommy, before yawning hugely with her little mouth. After a moment of blinking at each other, Windy continued with her stomping and raspberries, somewhat more energetically and loudly now.

"I guess I should get up," Rainbow Dash said half to herself, still playing with Windy's freezing mane. "There's work to do today."

That was right, wasn't it? Yesterday had been Moonsday, which meant today was a weekday. The first Niwian of the month, when Rainbow Dash went over the weather schedule for the following month and assigned the duty roster. It was the most annoying part of her duties as the weather manager, and try as she might to go through it quickly, it always took her most of the day to accommodate everypony's schedule.

This time of year was particularly hectic, as it was about time to start arranging the fall storms. That meant assigning wind patrols to make sure there were no accidental oversights either in the intensity or duration of the winds, as well as coordinating with other regional managers to arrange proper rainfall for the winter.

Soon enough ponies would be complaining again about how the winds kept messing up their manes, or how rain would always ruin their days out or how unexpected hail storms destroyed the late harvest. Some ponies just didn't know how to chill.

That was a big part of why Rainbow Dash had been stunt-flying the previous day. It was a goodbye for the lazy summer, when most days she needed just to clear the sky to make it bright and was able to spend the rest of her time as she wanted. Windy hadn't been part of the plan, but seeing how adorable the little windigo was contentedly playing around on her barrel, she wasn't about to complain.

"Not like you're responsible for being here, right, squirt?" she said, lifting the foal to her face, where Windy proceeded to try grab her eyes with her stubby little cloud-shoes, opening and closing her mouth as if trying to eat. Rainbow Dash giggled at the baby windigo's antics for a while, before some things she had said started to demand her attention.

"Hold on," she said slowly. Work, baby. Baby, work. She blinked at the foal, trying to get her half-sleeping brain to work. Baby. Work.

"Nope," she said after a while. "Haven't got a clue."

* * *

Pinkie smiled at the sight of fresh bagels spread on Sugarcube Corner's breakfast buffet and breathed their scent in deeply, before covering the still steaming bread pastries with a cloth to keep them fresh for the soon to arrive wave of hungry ponies off to work. About to launch into a catchy tune about making ponies happy with a nice breakfast to kick their day off, she hopped around the bakery, humming the overture.

"Hi, Dashie!" she chirped happily, deftly dodging the blue streak suddenly bursting through the Corner's front door by pirouetting on one hoof while balancing a stack of saucers on all the other three.

The plates ended up in a neat arrangement on the buffet table, right next to the pyramid of tea mugs, while Rainbow Dash came to a screeching halt in the middle of the room, followed by enthusiastically whinnying Windy who galloped through the air behind her, only marginally slower than Dash herself.

"Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash shouted, intercepting Windy's power hug by grabbing the foal in her hooves and thrusting her towards Pinkie Pie. "I need you to foalsit Windy today!"

"Oh, I wish I could, Dashie!" Pinkie Pie said, finishing off the breakfast buffet by depositing an enormous bowl of salad in the middle of the table. "But the Cakes are catering for the Mayoral Pre-Fall Civil Servant Summit at the town hall today, and I need to take care of the bakery all by myself, and boy, if it isn't going to be a busy day! We couldn't do this at all, if Pound and Pumpkin weren't in the daycare."

"Daycare, huh?" Rainbow Dash said, raising one hoof to her chin, leaving Windy free to float to Pinkie Pie, who immediately joined her in a raspberry competition.

* * *

"But Ms. Dash!" Penny Loafer, the manager and head nanny of Fluffy Firm Foal-care protested. "I can't have a freaky frigid fiend about around foals!"

"Oh, don't you start that with me, mister!" Rainbow Dash snapped, thrusting a hoof to the stallion's muzzle. "That's just pure prejudice against my daughter! I will have you know that the Cakes trusted Windy with their twins for most of yesterday afternoon! In fact, they seem to be doing just fine right now!"

Penny Loafer glanced behind him, noticing that Pound and Pumpkin had led a small herd of toddlers to the windigo foal, all excitedly touching the gleaming white cloud covering the adorable abomination and laughing with the creature, who seemed overjoyed at meeting new playmates.

"Be that as it may, Ms. Dash," he sighed, "you still can't just drop it...her off like that. There is paperwork to be filled beforehoof, for one thing. While accommodating an extra foal wouldn't normally be a problem, I need to have her information for insurance reasons, you need to give me your express approval for transferring care, and I need all kinds of contact information in case of emergencies.

"Not to mention, that I don't even know how to take care of a windigo foal! What does she eat? What if she gets hurt? What if she sets the children against each other and brings forth an age of winter upon the nursery?

"And there needs to be an agreement among the parents of my other fosterlings. Yes," Penny Loafer said, raising a hoof to quell Rainbow Dash's protest, "I understand, but that's how it is. Every parent has the right to be concerned over their foal, and you cannot deny that a being of ancient evil from half-forgotten memory will cause concern."

"So you're saying you won't take her in?" Rainbow Dash demanded angrily.

"I'm saying I can't, Ms. Dash," Penny Loafer answered solemnly. "There is every chance I would get in legal trouble over this. You need to go through proper channels." He hesitated for a moment. "Why didn't you come to me sooner? Normally these kinds of things get taken care of pretty much automatically during the pregnancy and nursing period."

"Well, I didn't know I was going to have a foal before yesterday!" Rainbow Dash snapped. Then she sighed tiredly, and covered her eyes with a hoof. "What do I do now?", she said in a small whine. "I have a ton of work today, and I can't take Windy with me. There's no way I can get anything done with her around!"

"I sympathize, Ms. Dash," Penny Loafer said, and placed a comforting hoof on Dash's withers. "Perhaps there's a friend...?"

* * *

"Ah'm really sorry RD," Applejack said, bucking the apple tree behind her with a grunt, "but ah don't think ah can look after a foal during the applebucking season. This is pretty much the busiest time of the year, when all the fall varieties ripen up. We gotta get them bucked before the storms come."

"Yeah, I figured," Rainbow Dash said, her head drooping.

Windy was flying in circles around the apple tree, letting out small whinnies every now and then. Applejack peered at her curiously.

"Ah've never seen a foal like that before," she commented casually.

"Windy's a windigo," Rainbow Dash said with a hoof-wave. "I accidentally created, or birthed her or whatever, yesterday, when I was doing stunts. We kinda...bonded."

"Heh," Applejack chuckled. "Ah always did say you need to use protection when flying, RD!"

"Oh, don't you start with that," Rainbow Dash said, glaring at the farm pony. "I already got enough of that from my mom last night."

* * *


Away on a field trip to entrap and study a horror beyond time.

Please mail any urgent or Princess-related messages to the following address:

Canterlot Castle
Canterlot 01
P/O Princess Twilight Sparkle

Please drop off due books in the appropriate slot.

Rainbow Dash groaned. "Of course she isn't in town the only day she gets up early."

* * *

The clear light of the morning sun gleamed on the majestic figures of Twilight and Luna as they climbed through the air towards Canterlot mountain. For the few ponies in the position to see the sight of the two princesses flying side by side, the visage inspired awe for their grace and beauty, respect and thankfulness for their powerful protection and love for their sheer loveliness.

In many of the Canterlot elite, who couldn't avoid the sight with their muzzles in the air, the sight also inspired rather uglier covetousness.

"There," Luna said, nodding towards the mountaintop, "Can you sense them?"

"Yes..." Twilight said, closing her eyes and expanding her astral senses, gently touching the surrounding magical field with tendrils of her own aura. "I can feel it - like a disturbance in the aether, or a dark dissonant chord beneath the harmonies of love."

"No, that's just the Nobles' district in the city," Luna said. "What I meant was that bloody chill coming down from the mountain."

"Oh," Twilight said, flustered, opening her eyes, "er, yes! I thought it was a bit chilly for this early in the autumn."

"They hang about," Luna said in a distant voice, "circling the city, drawn by the greed and petty jealousy at its heart, yet repelled by the love between my sister and her ponies."

"And you," Twilight said softly, caressing Luna's side with a hoof. "Your ponies, too, and the love between us and you."

"Yes, of course," Luna said, blushing gently and clearing her throat. "In truth, I've kept my distance from the vile creatures, not hoping for them to touch the memory of my jealousy and bitterness from so long ago."

"Oh, Luna," Twilight said in a low, sympathetic tone.

"No matter," Luna said firmly "Together, we shall endeavor to capture one of the demonic beasts and study it."

"How do you think we should go about it?" Twilight asked, suddenly switching gears from commiseration to academic fervor. "Veneric the Vile's Cthtonic Calamities Compendium had a detailed description of a summoning and binding ritual, but I really don't think a blood sacrifice to Sog-Yothoth would be wise."

"Indeed," Luna said. "They are so very rare. And cranky."

"Otherwise," Twilight continued, "it was suggested to use the summoned being's true name or magical essence in its calling. Which seems a bit backwards, considering we wish to capture one for study. There were hints of a tome that would have lists of all the names of ancient demons, but Veneric refuses to call the tome by its name. It's always 'Shall-Not-Be-Named' this and 'Of-Which-Pony-Was-Not-Meant-To-Know' that."

"Well," Luna said, rubbing her chin with a hoof, "there is a vault within the castle that holds all kinds of things considered too vile and dangerous to be exposed to the public, including a collection of manuscripts from Ahuizotl's dungeons. Miss Do keeps digging them up. We could see if there's a lead in one of them."

"Ooh!" Twilight exclaimed in anticipation, and clapped her hooves together. "Arcane manuscripts! What a lovely idea, Luna!"

"And of course, you should also sit in on one of Tia's Day Courts," Luna added. "The nobles tend to gather to compete for favors there."

"Not today, though," Twilight said. "I'm rather tired after staying up all night. What do you say we call for some late-night snacks and compare notes on demonology over a mug of tea?"

"Huzzah!" Luna shouted. "A sleep-over!"

* * *

"Aww!" Fluttershy cooed, hovering so close next to Windy that their muzzles were almost touching. "She's adorable!"

"So," Rainbow Dash said, "you won't be having any trouble looking after her for the day?"

"Woochie-coochie-coo!" Fluttershy replied softly, playing a game of catch with the baby windigo with her hooves. "Who's got the most adorable little hoofsies? Who? Windy! Windy has!"

"Shy?" Rainbow Dash asked, waving her foreleg.

"This little piggy went to the rose garden," Fluttershy said, counting the giggling demon-foal's little hooves. "This little piggy went home. This little piggy went for a dip in the lake, and this little piggy ran all the way to the Canterlot mountain to see the Princess!"

Windy turned excitedly to follow after Fluttershy's hoof that raced over her back to touch the top of her head, covered by the tiny little cloud-cap. With a whinny she jumped and chomped her tiny mouth close around the hoof, which started to turn blue almost immediately.

"Oh, ouch," Fluttershy said so quietly it might have been a whisper in the wind. "Now, Windy, Auntie Fluttershy gets cold when you do that and you don't want to give her a frostbite, now do you?"

Rainbow looked at the pair, Fluttershy full of tender kindness, Windy slightly chagrined but calm. "Good enough," she said under her breath. "Okay, Shy, I gotta go for work. I'll pick her up in the evening. Bye, Windy! Mommy has to go to work, but I'll be back soon. Stay with Auntie Shy and be good, okay?"

Windy reached for Rainbow Dash's face, popping her lips softly and letting little whinnies. "Mah! Mah!" she said.

"Aww!" Rainbow Dash groaned smiling, and totally did not get teary-eyed at all. "Mommy's gonna miss you, Windy!"

* * *

"Dash!" Cloudkicker yelled accusingly, when her boss finally arrived. "You're more than an hour late!"

"Can it, C," Rainbow Dash said. "I had to cuddle."

Comments ( 40 )

Okay, there's a lot of shit I'm willing to take, but PONIFYING THE DAYS OF THE WEEK?!
No. Just... No.
It quickly gets confusing, as you go from Moonday to Niwian to Hoofsday to Hornsday and so on and so forth.
I only hope you understand this evil you have unleashed.
Heaven help us all.

3897495 Haven't you ever felt bored by the way the names of the days never change? Year after year we drudge on from dreary Tuesday to another...:pinkiesad2:

"I can feel it - like a disturbance in the aether, or a dark dissonant chord beneath the harmonies of love."
"No, that's just the Nobles' district in the city," Luna said. "What I meant was that bloody chill coming down from the mountain."

Ah, nobles. Always the same.

3897535 Well, I can kinda understand the want to do something different with them, but from what I gather, the Moonday is equivalent to our Sunday, right? If so, then I just think that it doesn't make that much sense, seeing as it is connected to relaxation and such and going with mlp's history, they didn't really have that good an opinion of the night.

On the other hand, it'd be night, which is kind of where you relax, so. I don't know. It seemed unlogical at first.

The Lovecraft references. :yay:

Have some:
Unicornomicon :rainbowkiss:
Alhayzred :rainbowkiss:
Alfalfoth :rainbowkiss:

I wonder if Windy is starting to become agressive and everypony is oblivious... or maybe Windy's just being a cute adorable evil spirit that she is. :trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:

3897759 Thanks for the suggestions, tehmisiu! :twilightsmile: Alhayzred and Alfalfoth are brilliant, but for the third I think I prefer Neighcronomicon. :trollestia:

3897535 Tuesday is actually the only day name they've given in the show itself.


3897846 Damn you and your encyclopedic knowledge of FiM minutiae! :twilightangry2:
Nah, that's cool. :coolphoto: Seriously, though, I have no idea whether there will be a need again to mention a day by name. If there is, I'll probably just a pull a name out of my donkey. :scootangel:

Wow... I feel dumb. I can't believe I didn't realize it was you writing this story, Immanuel, since I'm also reading First Contact! :derpytongue2:

3898499 Hee! I probably never thanked you for following 'first contact', then!:twilightoops: Sorry, there was a period of shock when it got popular, and I had to get over my shyness to be able to acknowledge the people who showed interest.

Glad to know my stories have piqued your interest, Midnight Meerkat! :twilightsmile:


Glad to know my stories have piqued your interest

They haven't just piqued my interest, I'm fully enjoying them! You're a talented writer with interesting ideas; the only downside is that quality takes time! :yay:


only downside is that quality takes time

Oh, don't I know it! Not just that some of my favorite stories update with months-long intervals, but I also repeatedly get annoyed at my own stories for not updating! It's kind of frustrating to realize several times a week that I have to write them myself...:raritydespair:


I know exactly what you mean! Unfortunately, I took the dark road; my story hasn't been updated in nine months. :twilightoops:

I have other ideas too, but I never seem to actually write them, even when I feel like writing and get excited with all the possibilities I could cover... I blame YouTube. :derpytongue2:

3898608 A pregnant pause, eh? :trollestia: Sorry, sorry...


Trying to build the tension, like a boss. :moustache: I have over 1000 words of the next chapter written, but I just never finish it. I don't know why.

3898631 Well, power to ya. I have some RL projects that have been on hold since 2009...

Want to hug, but also don't want hypothermia. What to do?

3899182 Summon a Maxwell demon, of course! :derpytongue2:

On a totally unrelated note, I just realized you've written a bunch of interesting stories I had not put on my reading list yet. You should have said something! :twilightsmile:

"Can it, C," Rainbow Dash said. "I had to cuddle."

Just once I wish Dash would say that when referring to me... :raritycry:

Oh and i'm stealing that quote. No you don't have any say in it.

3899436 You have my blessing. May you and the quote spend a happy life together. :twilightsmile:

"I can feel it - like a disturbance in the aether, or a dark dissonant chord beneath the harmonies of love."

"No, that's just the Nobles' district in the city,"

Eeyup, sounds about right.:eeyup:

"I can't have a freaky frigid fiend about around foals!

There's technically nothing wrong with this sentence... but may I offer this alternative for one more point of alliteration?

"I can't have your freaky frigid fiend flittering about around the foals!

Just one of those things that seemed like it should be there.

But lovely chapter. Windy keeps being just adorable. :rainbowkiss:

I finally gave this a try, not expecting much.:unsuresweetie:

THIS IS AWESOME!:pinkiehappy: I love how you casually refer to Windy as a demon incarnation of strife and then go on to make her diabetically cute in the same breath. And those little references. 'Sog-yothoth', wouldn't happen to be Yog-Sothoth from the Cthulu stories would it? Compare notes on demonology over tea. Ha!:rainbowlaugh:

Liked and favorited! You deserve it. Pls update soon.:scootangel:

"Can it, C," Rainbow Dash said. "I had to cuddle."

Best excuse for anything I've heard all month :rainbowlaugh:

Now, take your well-deserved upvote and know that another random anon is reading your stuff.


Although I would love to seen Granny Rainbow make an appearance and find out she is a Granny now.

I died of laughter; many, many times. Windy is adorable well beyond the point anything has a right to be. :twilightsmile:

I need moar! :flutterrage:

. . . please? :fluttershysad:


You're sitting alone in your room, typing away at your computer; reading, messaging, and possibly listening to music. You look up for a second, having thought you heard something. Shaking your head you return to your screen. But there it goes again, this time you're positive you at least heard a whisper. Looking around a bit, you most definitely hear it the third time. With the fourth sounding, small items about your room rattle. Something is getting closer.
Now you're up and about, constantly looking out your windows to try and see what's making that noise. When all of a sudden something slams into the ground just outside your window. You stumble back, spooked/scared/terrified. It takes you but a moment to focus on the figure, obviously humanoid, and cliche'ly dressed all in black. What's worse, it turns, and steps right next to your window. Not that you care too much now, scrambling out the doorway and down the hall.
Some time later you've returned to the room; bat, knife, or phone in hand. Instead of being chased by a madman, instead of finding the room ransacked, all you do find is a piece of paper taped to the window. On it is a picture and a bit of writing hastily scrawled across the bottom:

3897846 :twilightoops: I got here as fast as I could
:trollestia: Good because its tuesday
:twilightoops: OMG something always happens on tuesday

This going to update soon?

That last line! :rainbowlaugh:

Moar! I must have MOAR :flutterrage: less my hatred for you for not continuing this story cause another ice age and I do NOT mean the movie.

Art. Art. Where is the art for this? We need windigo foal pictures.

Ooh, ooh, ooh. Can I suggest chapter titles?
At the Mountains of Nobles
The Windy Out of Cold
The Windy of the Dark
The Windigo in the Moonlight
The Whisperer in Ponyville
That Nighted, Windigo-fringed Abyss
The History of the Neighcronomicon
The Very Old Windigo
The Strange High House in the Snow
The Dreams in the Mother's House
The Call of Windulhu

So cuuuute :3
Keep on writing, don't get entangled in writers' block! :twilightsmile:

Man, this fic was awesome. Shame it's dead.

Awwh. Is this not a thing anymore??

Lol moonsday in celtic equals Monday in English ~doki

Don't feel bad, I am following some fics that haven't updated in over 2 years. And that's just this site.

Really is a shame trolling the waters of dead fics.

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