• Published 6th Jan 2014
  • 2,915 Views, 57 Comments

Final Thoughts - NotARealPonydotcom

Rarity isn't the only pony who learned something during her week in Manehatten...

  • ...

Bright Lights, Big City, Small Horses

Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

Manehattan leaves its hoofprint on everypony who ventures into it.

Let's have a go at it, shall we?


P.S. Any errors? Please tell me!

NotARealPonydotcom presents
Final Thoughts
on the City of Manehatten
Starring Princess Twilight Sparkle


Dear Journal (and/or whomever is reading this),

I know that Rarity's already written about our journey to Manehatten and how she learned a lesson from it, but I feel it is important that any and all lessons we learn—"we" being the other Elements of Harmony and Spike—should be put down in this journal. This can help the ponies who will eventually read this learn as much as they can about the importance of friendship and how it shaped our lives and the lives around us. With that, allow me to tell you what I learned on my trip to Manehatten.

Let me start by saying that Manehatten is a gorgeous place. Between the gleaming towers that seem to rise into the heavens above as you tour the city, the countless landmarks that make such tours an absolute delight, and the seemingly limitless forms of entertainment scattered throughout the city streets (have I mentioned how great Hinny in the Hills was?), I can't decide what I find the most charming about the place. Everything about it screams at you with an excitement and attitude that's simply intoxicating. The city's energy is contagious enough to put anypony into an eccentric mood, which is exactly what happened to my friends and me when we first arrived—Rarity even broke into song and dance spontaneously.

However, there are a few small problems I had with the city, despite all of its positive aspects. Firstly, it seems that the weather team is not as effective at informing the citizens of Manehatten of the current weather schedule; it was the middle of the day when, out of nowhere, a rainstorm broke out, and only for a few minutes at that! There also seems to be a problem controlling the city's avian population: I watched a bird swoop in and snatch a carrot dog right out of Spike's hand. Admittedly, he was holding the dog comically high above his face, which was basically the same as saying "Gee, I sure hope nothing happens to this delicious carrot dog before I take a bite!" Still, though, it was odd to see such behavior from a bird. A few more pieces of advice, just as a warning: there are some alleyways that are a lot smellier than you'd think; some of the landmarks aren't meant for those who get a bit dizzy at great heights; if you plan on traveling by cab, don't expect instant service unless you make a friend out of a cab driver.

Of course, the city is still completely worthwhile if you can make the trip. These are all minuscule problems I've named, and I'd be ridiculous not to admit that I'm nitpicking when I point them out. They're little things, really. They probably won't even affect you, now that you know about them.

Oh, just one more thing: don't expect anypony to know that you're a princess, even if you're standing right in front of them with your wings and horn in plain sight.

Now, this one goes back to what I mentioned above about getting a cab to ride around in. It happened when we all realized that Rarity needed to get to her runway show in ten minutes. We approached a cab, hoping to get her a ride right then and there. Unfortunately, the cab was already filled. You can imagine how surprised I was to hear its passenger rudely tell us to move to the back of a cab line, one long enough to stretch around the street corner, without even listening to our reasons for wanting to go first. When I did explain what needed to happen, some random colt in the line spoke up and not only repeated the passenger's rude statement (in a much ruder fashion, I have to add), but implied that I was lying about Rarity needing a cab! Me, a princess of Equestria! Which brings me back to my complaint.

I didn't think it was that much of a problem at first. I mean, anypony could have made that mistake. I'm not as tall as Celestia or Luna or Cadence, and I'm still relatively new to the princess game. I've only done one public appearance since my coronation, and regardless of the fact that it was at the opening ceremonies of the Summer Sun Celebration and that I made this huge magic burst in the air in front of the entire city of Canterlot and then some, not everypony saw me or knows about me just yet. So it's understandable that the colt didn't realize who he was speaking to. And that's fine. Totally fine.

Well, besides the fact that I'm also the Element of Magic. Those stories must have gotten out, right? Six mares stop Nightmare Moon from bringing on an endless night? Six mares stop Discord from destroying Equestria with chaos? Six mares stop a changeling swarm from taking over the capital city of Equestria? Six mares save an empire that had been lost for a millennium from an evil ruler obsessed with crystals? The same six mares save the world multiple times, and yet they don't recognize them when they're trying to get their friend a cab ride. One of those must have been on the front page of the newspapers in Manehatten, right? And I know that I've had my photo taken for a paper before, so they have no excuse not to use my picture in those stories, either. Just because we've given up the actual Elements (there's another story—six mares save Ponyville from an expanding forest of evil and rescue Princesses Celestia and Luna, all in the same day!) doesn't mean we're not the same mares that have saved the world before! We still rescued all their lousy, rude-talking flanks, Elements or not, and it'd be nice to feel appreciated by somepony other than my mentor, who is Princess-pony-Celestia, I might remind you!

Now that I think about it, why do we even need a cab service, in any city? If you get down to the bones of it, all a cab does is make another pony run for you. You wouldn't really go any faster, unless of course every single cab driver in the world is a bulked-up stallion who ran for the Equestria Games at one point, which I'm certain they are not, speaking from my experience in Manehatten. In fact, pulling the cab and whomever chooses to ride in would make it slower than just running to your destination yourself. We're wasting money on that industry, really. Sure, it provides jobs, but wouldn't it be better to focus our spending on an industry that actually improves the lives of Equestrians, instead of forcing them to wait in ridiculously long lines made up of rude little ponies that can't even tell when they're talking to royalty!?!

I just re-read what I've written and noticed that I actually wrote three punctuation marks at the end of that last sentence. I didn't mean to, but now that I look at it, it seems to get my point across well enough.

Anyway, while Rarity learned that it's wrong to take advantage of other ponies' generosity, I learned that it's wrong to assume that everypony in Equestria knows who its rulers are. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a business letter to write.

Faithfully yours,

Princess Twilight Sparkle

P.S. Luggage is heavy. —Spike

Comments ( 57 )

That last line. :rainbowlaugh:

Good job! You've earned an up vote and a favourite from me.

Yes, Spike, Luggage is heavy.

Seriously, the girls must have made the little dude carry at least five times his body weight. Little fella's got some power in those muscles.

He is a dragon after all. One could estimate his physical strength to be rather high even if his body is not much more than that of a toddler.

Wheels in Equestria are obviously magical. Even flying Pegasus wagons have them!

Trixie is right not to trust them...

You just summed up everything that was going through me head during that episode when Twilight was refused the cab.

Also that last line. Great job.


I kinda thought...If there's cabs, shouldn't a Princess have a personal carriage, anyway?

3744056 Also why don't they have a larger bedroom. Surely as a princess she has enough money to buy a penthouse even if no pony recognizes her ( which is just stupid anyway why does she even have a title if nobody cares)

Beautiful. I thought of a few of these as well (particularly the cabs, at least as far as speed went), but somehow I forgot about the weather being regulated! Maybe it was a few weather ponies in training that day, creating those mishaps? :rainbowderp:

You know, it didn't dawn on me at the time, but Fluttershy could've asked the bird to give back the carrot dog. Although, maybe they didn't think that was sanitary? :fluttershysad:

Princess Twilight Sparkle apparently needs a retinue and a magical hair-style to get noticed. Maybe she needs to invest in one of those Royal Guard driven sky-chariots? Shining could recommend some of the best for that job! And I imagine, despite being hard work, it could be something of an honor. (You're getting the royalty where they need to go and you're not in a battle. It's tiring, I'm sure, but less boring than standing around the castle the entire day. Hopefully you wouldn't get hurt. If I had the strength, I'd gladly do it!) :trollestia:

I think the episode captured the New York spirit quite well.

People don't care how important you think you are. This is New York.

The question of "how famous are the Mane Six" really is an inconsistency that's dogged the show for quite a while, even as far back as the season-1 finale. When you get right down to it, the Mane Six really should have far more social prestige and recognition than the show gives them, considering that they are (or were) the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony, which is only the most powerful magical force in all of Equestria, and that they've only saved the world from numerous world-ending disasters every time one of Celestia's old boyfriends breaks out of whatever can she sealed him into. :rainbowlaugh: Not to mention that even before Twilight Sparkle ascended to alicorn status, she was still Celestia's personal student, and Celestia clearly considers her and her friends to be important ponies. You'd think everypony would want to be seen in their company and would be wary of offending them...


And guards. I can understand in Ponyville, where a new person would be noticed right away, Canterlot where there's a bunch of them anyway, and Everfree where nopony in their right minds would go alone anyway, but having the Princess who has been attacked by numerous super-powers, has an entire race of beings who may hold a grudge against her and are able to blend in anywhere, in a huge freakin' city, and Twilight doesn't even have a single guard?

Despite seeing the map of Equestria a few times you would think that the news of the mane six would travel through out the land. Then again, I'm guessing other areas just don't care and when it comes down to it the whole celebrations that have to do with Royalty anyway are probably just from Canterlot itself, Ponyville (obvious reasons), maybe Cloudsdale and the Crystal Empire. Every other place like Appleloosa and now Manehatten has pretty much has very little or non-existent reason to be associated with royalty.

Yes that was confusing I admit but as far as I'm guessing... The stories don't travel far or either no pony really cares. It's like when in your home country you hear about a tragedy that happened in another country and you really don't seem to bat much of an eye unless you're interested. But if said tragedy happened in your home country then yeah you're going to want to read about it if even once and your emotions and feelings tend to mix because it could have happened very close to you, 100 miles away, in another state. Maybe bad analogy but if you twist it, it can pertain to Twilight and her friends. No pony probably gives a crap about your accomplishments outside Ponyville, Crystal Empire, and Canterlot. Sure it might look bad for tourism but you got to remember that not everyone is going to be holding you up on a mantel while others are going to be saying that everyone has to roll out a red carpet just for you because you did blah blah blah.

I'm not defending what that pony did to Twilight, I was a bit surprised myself.

Comment posted by NocturneD85 deleted Jan 6th, 2014

I joyed this a lot:pinkiecrazy:

I still wonder why the others didn't considered on having Rainbow Dash, the best flyer in all of Equestria, to either transport Rarity to the runway show and/or to transport the dresses for her? Rainbow is one of the fastest Pegasus in the known world, and she can maneuver easily in the air compared to the ground. Plus, she is quite strong since she has saved Rarity, Spitfire, and two other Wonderbolts while unleashing a Sonic Rainboom. Sure, she may not know where the runway show is, but Rarity could have pointed it out to Rainbow if she knows where it is.

I'm just saying.

Funnily enough, I was kvetching on my local pony thread about this very issue. At this point, the fact that nopony outside Ponyville in four seasons appears to recognise Twilight and co is becoming more and more disconcerting. (The fact that Daring Do is real and apparently no-one knew that either just makes it worse.)

Frankly, it's beginning to get to nightmare fuel territory, since I'm starting to ask WHY. Is there something wrong with the ponies? Are they THAT insular (which doesn't really match all that well with what we've seen.) Is this sort of thing being repressed, either for the sake of keeping the notoriously panic-prone citizens of Equestria calm or for the security of the Elements? If it's the former of that last pair, then it worryingly asks the question, what ELSE is being repressed?

Whatever it is, it's becoming clear there's definitely something wrong somewhere.

They do seem to do that to the little ones on occasion, don't they? (See also "Sleepless in Ponyville".)

I didn't even think to notice any of this when I was watching the episode, but now that I read this, my mental expression for the Manehattan ponies is simply this: :facehoof:. Im sure that if Twilight really wanted to, she could get all of those ponies into some deep trouble.

Also, if it really is every pony for themselves, wouldn't you want to be nice to other people, in case they were someone big and important, thus maybe giving you a slight chance for an amazing opportunity? Didn't Coco kind of prove that?

You kinda just said what we were all thinking, just from Twilight's perspective. I like it.:twilightsmile:

I felt sorry for Spike during the whole episode.

Indeed, we can point, as a notable example, "Sweet and Elite" episode. At this point, the 6 Bearers have defeated Nightmare Moon and Discord, among other accomplishments, and even get commended by Celestia, and cheered in Canterlot's throne room, ater Discord is back to stone. Also counting Twilight as Celestia's personal student. And yet, the 6 of them are like perfectly unknown by Canterlot's nobility in "Sweet and Elite", and the five mares (except Rarity), including the princess' star pupil, are even called ruffians...

Anyne #22 · Jan 7th, 2014 · · 1 ·

If she wants to be treated like a princess, she should fucking wear her crown


Generosity doesn´t apply to him, it seems. Not even Twilight complains about Rarity using her femenine charm to make him do what she wants (a kid, not less).


After the coronation, the brony fandom raged about how turning Twi into a princess ruined the character ( royal duties, being forced to live in Canterlot, immortality, etc..) so the writters went in the opposite direction. Maybe too much, after the first new episode .
Yeah, I agree is ridiculous.


That is exactly what I was thinking watching that episode. :rainbowhuh:

3746272 To be a TV Trope stickler, it would be Fridge Horror and not Nightmare Fuel, but I'm with you 100% of the way there. It's getting creepy how little people actually recognize the mane six except at public ceremonies convenient to their importance, at which point they become super stars who would naturally get invited to do something important (Canterlot's Hearth's Warming play, Cadance's Wedding, Twilight's first Summer Sun Celebration). Maybe the Elements Of Harmony put some sort of blurring shimmer on them that makes it impossible for ponies to recognize them when they are doing disharmonious activities, or something. Or maybe the writers are just lazy about addressing the issue of fame. :derpyderp2:

Quite honestly, in my opinion, the entire letter/entry is nearly overshadowed by Spike's one line. Now I want a letter/entry that's just Spike ranting about how he's taken advantage of. Not taken for granted, or being useless, but being the pack mule butt-monkey.

They make him like Meg Griffin in Family Guy


Indeed. I should clarify I'm not saying that everypony should be mobbing them every time they go out, or at everypony should recognise them - but the fact absolutely no-one does, I find slightly disturbing. There ought to be the occasional nod to that here and there - not major plot points, but at least some acknowledgement.

Whichever way you slice it, as it stands though, it's not got good implications. The denizens of Equestria are either being influenced (probably magically, either by state or Elements) or astoundingly insular and self-obsessed and/or stupid beyond even humans levels. On my local ponythread someone dismissively suggested that, as evidenced by Daring Do, perhaps saving Equestria hijinks occur for many other ponies on a regular basis, rendering the mane six's efforts not especially remarkable; worthy of a few paragraphs in the local paper, but no more. I find that idea even more disturbing, frankly, since it not only undermines the elements, but suggests that Equestria is on a catastrophy curve to extinction and bad as, say the SCP Foundation (whom I heavily blame for making me see the Bad Things in this instance) is, only with public knowledge on top. (It would mean the various forces arrays against Equestria only need to be lucky once - Equestria needs to be lucky all the time.) Doesn't gel well with what we see of the show to me.

Note that the writer's intentions in not addressing it (presumably because they don't want to deal with it) are completely irrelevant - until they address it one way or another in the show, we are obliged to take what they show - and don't show - at face value and have to supply our own reasons why that is. And currently, I can see no scenario where this is a not a significant sign of a serious socital problem.


Spike is, sadly, a very downplayed character. Considering his usually down to earth perspective and sharp/sarcastic tongue, he could be the perfect counterbalance to the Mare Six´s antics, or even the Crusaders´
Even worse, in those few episodes about him, his I.Q suddenly drops into a single digit. :facehoof:


Considering its Twilight, giving her a guard would be the equilivant of saying president Captian America needs a secret service.


The way I see it, it works like this

Ponyville-Respects the privacy of the mane 6 and would rather not bring it up.

Canterlot- Sure you have saved the day, but what have you done for us 'lately'? As in, today. OR- Yeah, they saved the world...so what? They are still commoners *insert haughty lauigh here*


Basically, welcome to the Marvel universe way of thinking! Saved the world once or twice? Ok...but mess up once and we will turn on you. Villian caused the damage to the city? Blame it on the heroes! Sure, Spider-man has saved us about 345 time so far, but he is still a menance because of what that guy in the newspaper said!

Also, I wonder if the mane 6 want it this way?


For Canterlot, I kinda like the idea that they just aren't impressed, like every good Canterlot noble is some super-bad-ass hero (Makes things easier once you imagine Fancy Pants dressed as Solid Snake, which isn't too hard to do). This also leads to me thinking of Twilight as a Pony Tomb Raider, which is why she like Daring Do, because Lara croft, as hot and tough as she may be, will pretty much always be in Indiana Jone's shadow.

Twilight knows this and understands she still has a bit to go, Spike too, but they don't bring it up with the others because, to them, it's common knowledge...

I may have to write something for that...


Fancy Pants as solid snake :pinkiehappy:Lets see, Fancy as a badass high class assassin, and so much more.

But yeah, like you said, they just aren't impressed. This doesn't lower the accomplishments of the mane 6, oh heavens no, if we said that then we would lower the accomplishments of heroes like Spider-man or Nightwing who pale in comparison to the WORLD saving exploits of Captain America and Superman. This just shos that they are awesome in thier own way and their exploits are something that is just a little bigger than the high class badasses.

Wait, does this mean that Fluer is his Emma peel?

Ps. If you do write something about it, I will read it!


Basically all my complains about this episode in a nutshell. ( Do not get me wrong, I really liked the entire episode, but those stuff mentioned in the Dairy kind of annoyed me ).

On side note, Cadence and Shining Armor ( and Spike one time ) assisted mane 6 in fighting against Chrysalis and Sombra, so it was nice that mane 6 didn't had to do all dirty work alone again.

Also, Twilight could teleport Rarity around, even if not in a single jump, she could make short range teleports while Rarity point the way. Oh, and Dash being the fastest pony in Equestria, and also a strong athlete could fly Rarity to her destination in seconds. so yea. ( Pony pulling you in a cap help only if you are unicorn in very poor shape, if you are earth pony with not bad physical condition, unicorn with good physical condition or pegasus who can fly, you do not need earth pony to pull you ).
Also, Spike should write something like:

I wonder do Twilight or her friends care about me, because I was carrying huge amount of weight for Rarity ( which now that I think about it, I feel like she was using me, a child for a free labour ) and none of my friends helped, I mean come on, Twilight hauled TOM what is most likely 15 times heavier then her, and she levitated Ursa Minor, levitating those bags would be a breeze for her, and yet she often make me carry heavy stuff and never offer to help, same for AJ and the rest, I even hear that Sweetie Belle had to pull Rarity and even more cargo than I did, and it was Scootaloo who offered to help her, yea, why should a strong farm pony or a flying athlete offer help to a filly doing a free labour.
Oh, and I also noticed that Twilight often forget that she can teleport or use spells when it matter the most, for example, she could easy catch Flutterbat in levitation field, teleport Rarity to her destination, teleport away from Hydra.
Dash being super fast could easy get Rarity to her destination or catch Flutterbat, and I can mention countless other situations where her speed would really help.

Here is my advice. If you or your friends can teleport, are strong, fast and so on, try to not forget it, trust me, it will make your life much more easy.


Let's be fair - some of my favourite characters ever are X-Men, but in NO WAY can you argue that the average citizens (and indeed, non-superhero politians, usually) of the Marvel (and to a microscopically lesser level, DC) universe are not cataclysmically idiotic, even more so than regular humans...

If it indeed is "everything is like a superhero universe" that ITSELF is clearly a rather large problem. (And if Equestria does indeed need saving that often, you'd expect there to be far more circumstantial evidence than we've seen. Whether or not you'd get it another matter...)

And ESPECIALLY in the current climate, aside from the animated side of things, I don't think anyone can accuse Marvel or DC's modal quality writing to be something that is at all desirable to emulate...

We have two athletes, two unicorns, and a pinkie pie. Lets make the baby carry absolutely everything.

Sums it up just about right. :trixieshiftright:


How about a little snippet? Here you go

3759821 one unicorn, one alicorn. :P

3750216 no.this is a bit out of Twilights character.Its just for humor.In the real show, she even states it in threes a crowd, she said-it twice actually- :Princess Twilight Sparkle part 2- Discord: "I didn't think you'll be the type of pony who would think she was better than everypony else..." I love Discord!! :P Twilight:"I don't think I'm better than anypony!" Discord:"Sure, you keep saying that."
Threes A Crowd:Discord:"So what if Twilight thinks that now that she's a 'princess' she's to good for me?" Twilight:"I have never con-"
Discord:"Shh!Im talking!"
Yeah, bottom line, no crown because Discord stole it and now owns it.

3984949 I was referring to the Twilight of this fic

3747245 that's true.about Twilight getting them into trouble if she ever felt like it.But that's WAY to OoC.Couldn she have gotten them in trouble before she was even a princess? :P
I think Sunset Shimmer would probably get them in trouble whenever the heck she felt like it.
Random Stallion:Me?
Sunset:Yeah you!Im going to report you to my teacher!
Random:What did I do?Whos your reacher anyway?
Sunset:Princess Celestia!
Random: umm..you.a little filly?Again, what did I do wrong?I have somewhere to be so...
Sunset: yes me!Ill have you now that I have awesome power!And your getting in trouble for wearing such an ugly scarf and trotting like that.
Random:If your so awesome, why is their a purple foal over there levitating a bear?
Random:*evil lagh*
Foal Twilight:Bear!Bear!
Bear:When I grow up, you'll be taking me on because a blue mare will show you off and you'll show her back!
Foal Twilight:YAY!
Sunset:there must be no witnesses...

3984954 I figured. :P Discord still owns her crown

3984977 Discord owns everything

3984980 he does look good in Twilights crown. T:

3984924 I sometimes forget that she has wings.

3988567 how dare you? :P
Did you watch Twilight Time?

3989416 Yes I watched it. I was so happy when they acknowledge her princessness.

3989462 I know right?!They finally realized there was an AWESOME pony princess living in their library!!!I love how that finally happened, yet Twi isn't a perfect little princess, like in the burger scene.Did you see how she ate those burgers?It was so adorable!In a Twilight-awkward-Princess sort of way. :P

3989574 I know. but then she had her serious moments like when she called all the childern out on not coming over to learn things. and then there was the sweetie belle who spent the whole episode scheming then in the end she learned a lesson on friendship and she did magic. best cmc can do magic now. I like this. This is a good thing.

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