• Published 17th Oct 2011
  • 8,442 Views, 132 Comments

Swing - TheGentlemanCreeper

It's summertime fun and summertime love for everyone's favorite work-pony

  • ...

Chapter 4

As the sun set over the ocean, you couldn’t help but think how beautiful it looked. Almost as beautiful as the mare you’re curled up to right now.

“Hey Applejack?”

“Yeah honey-bun?”

“What’s your favorite part of the sunset?”

Applejack rubs her chin with her hoof for a few seconds as she got lost in thought. Finally, a small smile creeps across her face. “Guess.”

You wrack your brain for all the things that you love about sunsets and begin naming them off. “Hmm… Is it the way the water sparkles?”

She shakes her head. “Nope.”

“What about the stars just starting to shine?”

The smile on her face begins to grow wider. “Guess again.”

“…I give up. What is it?”

In one smooth motion, Applejack puts a hoof around your shoulder and draws you closer to her. “It’s sharin’ it with you. Now come’re and gimmie some sugar.”

* * * * * * *

A stray sunbeam from an open window hits you in the face and stirs you from your sleep. You begin to smile as you contemplate how perfect your life really was.

That is, until you realize it was all a dream and the events that took place last night were very much real.

Burying your face into the pillow, you scream aloud. You couldn’t cry anymore. Celestia knows you’ve tried, but the tears just wouldn’t flow anymore.

“I’m so stupid…” you mumble “Stupid, stupid, stupid…”

When Applejack ran away, you laid there on the beach until the sun came up, sobbing into the sand. Everything else didn’t matter. All you wanted was to see Applejack again and tell her you were sorry. You didn’t even think about getting up until the sun rose and Violet found you. Not only did she literally drag you home, but she’s been checking in on you every so often. So it didn’t surprise you when you heard a knock at the door for the fifth time today.

“Come in…”

Slowly, you hear your front door open. For a while, there’s no other sound until a single voice speaks up. “Hey… How are you doing?”

Picking your head off from the pillow, you look to Violet. Your mane was knotted and had clumps of sand in it, your eyes were red and puffy from an entire night of crying, your wings drooped by your side and you were still wearing your Sublime t-shirt from last night. The look on Violet’s face said it all.

“I look like a mess, don’t I?” you say with a ragged sigh.

“No! Not really… I mean, all you need is a shower.”

You flop back down onto the bed and burry your face into your pillow again. “I don’t wanna.”

“I dragged your butt here and I’ll drag you to the shower. Now come on.”

You dig yourself into the bed and do your best to ignore Violet’s pleas.

“Oh come on! How long are you go mope around? You haven’t breakfast or lunch and it’s creeping up on dinner!”

“I’m not hungry.”

All of a sudden, you feel a pair of hooves on your face and find yourself staring at Violet, who was looking at you with much worry.

“Please… Don’t do this to yourself.”

“What do you mean?” you ask sharply.

“You’re torturing yourself over this.”

You look away from her, disgusted with yourself.

“I had something great, Violet. And I ruined it because I was too stupid. I bet Applejack doesn’t even want to look at me, much less hear from me.”

Violet wraps her hooves around your neck and hugs you tightly. “You don’t know that. You made a mistake, sure. Everybody makes mistakes. And if Applejack is really the friend you think she is, then she’ll be willing to forgive you.”

A glimmer of hope starts to shine as you take in Violet’s words. “Y…You really think so?”

“Of course,” Violet assures as she lets go “now come on, why don’t you take a shower and then we’ll go get something to eat. And afterwards, I’ll help you find Applejack so you can straighten this all out.”

“Thanks Violet…” you say as you hop off of your bed for the first time in hours. You stagger towards the bathroom, your legs feeling numb from lack of movement. Before you close the door, you turn back to Violet. “You’re a real great friend.”

Shutting the bathroom door behind you, you pry your sand-caked t-shirt off and toss it to the floor. Even though your spirits had been lifted, you were still feeling low. You don’t climb into the shower and instead fall into it.

You hear Violet yell through the door when she hears the heavy thud. “Are you alright in there?”

“Yeah… I’m fine,” you say as you turn the hot water on. As the water washes over you, you feel it carry away some of your anguish.

Maybe… Maybe things will be alright…

* * * * * * *

“You know, Violet, I’m actually starting to feel a little better.”

It was amazing how a hot shower and a good meal could take the weight of the world off of your shoulders. You were done feeling sorry for yourself. All you needed to do was psyche yourself up for the task at hand.

“That’s great to hear. How do you feel about talking to Applejack?”

The very mention of that name makes your stomach twist into knots. “… Not too well…”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure-”

You and Violet stop in your tracks when you find your path blocked by Klein, Calvin, and three other stallions' that you didn’t recognize.

“Do you have a moment?” Klein asks curtly as he steps forward.

Undeterred, you begin to push your way through them. “Get out of our way Klein. I’m not in the mood to play your stupid games.”

They offer little resistance at first, but you’re shocked when you feel Klein grab a hold of you and toss you backwards.

“Klein, what the hell has gotten into you?” Violet yells as you hit the ground.

Klein Scoffs at the question. “Are you telling me you actually care for this filly-fooler?”

Your stomach drops into your hooves at the word. “W-What are you talking about?”

“Don’t pretend! Me and Cal saw what you and her were doing at the beach after the concert. That’s just wrong!”

You can’t find anything to say and instead start shrinking back in fright. Your whole illusion of normality was gone and they were picking you apart, piece by piece.

“So what if she likes girls? There’s nothing wrong-” Violet says as she gets in-between you and Klein.

“Nothin’ wrong?” Calvin asks as he steps forward “It ain’t natural! Gays don’t belong on our beach!”

You never knew you’d be attacked so violently over this. “Th...That’s just...”

“Yeah, get outta here, you queer!” one stallion yells.

“Damned filly-fooler!”


All you can do is watch in horror as the Klein and Calvin’s group descends on you, hurling insult after insult at you, chipping away at your resolve until you collapse in a heap and bury your face into your hooves. You hear Violet calling your name as the group of stallions circle you, pointing and laughing as the insults get harsher.

Just as you begin wishing that Princess Celestia would send you to the moon, far away from all the teasing, you hear a gallop approaching. Fast. You open your eyes just in time to see an orange blur run right through half of the stallions, knocking them all down.

“What the-”

Was about all Klein got out before the orange blur hit him broadside and sent him flying into a nearby palm tree.


You knew that orange blur. It was Applejack and she was bringing a hoof down on Klein’s neck, making him sputter and choke aloud. The two that held violet let go and rush to Klein’s side.


Applejack pushes her hoof harder into Klein’s throat, her face contorted in rage. “YOU’LL WHAT?” she yells “YOU’LL SICK YER BOYS ON ME?” she asks as she glances towards the stallions who were moving around her and Klein skittishly.


“Well what are you all waiting for?!?” Klein chokes out “DO SOMETHING!”

His orders fall on deaf ears as they move back from the two, leaving Klein to watch on in horror.

“Now listen here…” Applejack says firmly “If you ever make her cry again or even say one nasty thing again, I swear to Goddess above I will beat you down and use you as fertilizer, do I make myself clear?!?”

Applejack waits for some sort of reply, but gets no sort of response. Only a dirty glare from the stallion underhoof.

“DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?” she screams this time.

Klein nods quickly

She takes her hoof off Klein’s throat before giving him a swift buck. “Now get outta here!”

Klein needs no further encouragement and runs away from Applejack as fast as possible without a word.

Looking to the remaining stallions, Applejack slams her hooves down again, getting their attention. “You should all be ashamed of yerselves! She risks her life everyday to save other ponies and even jumped into the water with a shark! And you’re gonna bring her to tears just because of this?!?”

The group of stallions look away from you and Applejack, apparently realizing what they just did.

“Git outta here ‘fore I lose my temper.”

That was all the encouragement they needed. Calvin and the rest take off like a bolt of lightning, running in the same direction Klein did. When the dust finally settles, Applejack lets out a sigh of relief. “You two alright?”

“Yeah… I’m fine,” Violet says as she dusts herself off “but you should really be asking her that.”

Applejack’s attention shifts from Violet to you. “Are ya okay? He didn’t hurt ya none, did he?”

You turn away from her bashfully. It was hard to face her and you didn’t want her to see you crying. Suddenly, you feel her nuzzle up to your cheek, making your heart beat a little faster.


That did it. That little name was all it took to break the dams. You let your tears flow once more, but not in sorrow, but gratitude as you wrap your hooves around her neck and cry into her shoulder.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you…” you say into her coat. You feel her run a hoof through your mine while she rocks you back and forth, much like a mother would a child.

“It’s okay… It’s okay…”

You and Applejack stay like this for a few moments before you hear Violet speak up.

“Klein has pulled a lot stunts over the years but this… This was just… I’m going to talk with the boss. I think it’s time Klein packed his bags.”

“Okay... I’m gonna take her back to the hotel so she can calm down. I’m in room 213. Just tell the bell-keep fella that yer a friend”

Violet nods. “Alright. It’s going to take a while anyway. I got a lot to talk about.”

“Yeah... So do we...”

You try to hold her tighter when you hear the word ‘talk’. You begin mumbling two words again and again into Applejack’s shoulder. “Don’t leave…”

* * * * * * *

The walk to the hotel was as bad as you thought it would be. An awkward silence hung in there air as Applejack led you to the Coco Cabana, a quaint little two story hotel with an indoor pool and continental breakfast. You have never been more terrified of a hotel in your life. Applejack wasn’t making it any easier on you, either. Every so often, she’d adjust her hat so you couldn’t see her eyes and kept looking away from you. Eventually, you decided it would be easier if you followed from behind.

On the outside, it looked like two friends going somewhere who didn’t have much to talk about. But on the inside, you were fighting the urge to just break down and start crying again. The whole experience was way too much.

As you walk into the hotel lobby, you hope the air conditioning would take away your blush and some of your anxiety. The stallion at the front desk continues to look through his magazine; like he didn’t even hear you enter. You walk over to the elevator and push the button, only to hear Applejack call out to you.

“Ya comin’?” she asked at the base of the stairs.

“Uh… Yeah.”

As you and her climb the stairs, you feel your curiosity get the better of you. “Why didn’t you want to take the elevator?”

“Too slow for ma tastes.”


That’s the extent of the conversation for the rest of the climb. Your heart begins to race when you reach the top of the stairs and make your way out of the stairwell and towards room 213.

Applejack opens up the door for you and nods towards the bed. “Sit down.”

You trot quickly over to the bed and sit down, your heart now on the verge of bursting. “W-W-What did you want to talk about?”

Applejack sighs heavily as she hangs her hat up on the rack. “Us. But first, I need a drink. Steady my nerves…”

“Yeah… Me too…”

You watch as she walks over to the mini-fridge in the corner and pull out two bottles of hard cider and toss you one. She grabs a hold of the cap with her teeth and yanks it off in one quick motion before taking a long swig. You eye your bottle suspiciously before attempting the same trick yourself, only to have it slip out and make you yelp out in pain.

“Here, lemme do that.”

Applejack grabs a hold of the bottle and rips the cap off in the same fashion as before. “Thanks…” you say as you take the bottle from her. You take a small sip and grimace.

How can she drink something so strong?

“So… What did you want to talk about?” you ask sheepishly.

“Hold on… Just trying to gather ma wits,” she says as she takes another swig of the bottle. Within a matter of moments, she’s finished the bottle and tosses it in the trash.

“Okay… Now I’m ready.” Applejack takes a deep breath and looks you right in the eyes.

“I…” she stops “Before I get all this stuff off ma chest, I gotta ask. Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine… I’m just glad you showed up when you did.”

Applejack nods. “Alright. I don’t wanna do this if yer not feelin’ well.”

Oh dear Celestia, she’s going to dump me… you think with increasing worry.

“I… I wasn’t expectin’ you ta pull a stunt like that last night… But I’m not surprised.”

“Y…You knew?” you ask bashfully.

She nods slowly. “Part a me did. I just tried to play it off as nothin’ but all the signs were there. I guess I kept ignoring them into... well… You sorta opened my eyes.”

“I want to say this: I ain’t mad at ya. I’m more disappointed in how I handled the situation. I ran off and started wanderin’ around the island, tryin’ to clear ma head. I was… confused.”

“Because you’ve never thought about a mare loving another mare?” you ask curiously.

Applejack hangs her head. “I… I… Can… Can I ask ya a question?”

“Of course.”

“When did ya know you…you know… liked mares?”

“Umm…A little bit after I met you.”

Applejack looks at you quite surprised. “Well I sure wasn’t expectin’ that… It was a little different for me.”

It was your time to be surprised. Instead of asking a million different questions, you simply listen.

“There was this friend of mine… Ball a fire, that one. This girl didn’t like ta lose, so when I whooped her butt at horseshoes, she challenged me to a contest of sorts. ‘Iron Pony Competition’ is what she called it. We both butted heads and in the end, she won. Well, only because she used her wings,” she adds bitterly “So I challenged her to a rematch. A race across town called the Runnin’ of the Leaves. It’s somethin’ Ponyville has to do every year and we turned it into a competition. To make a long story short, we tied.”

“For first?”

Applejack shakes her head with a chuckle. “Fer last. We were so busy fightin’ that we didn’t even notice all the other ponies that passed us. So in the end, we set aside our differences and we ran the track again, this time as friends. But…” her eyes seem to tear up a bit as she tells the story “I… I don’t know what came over me. Just me and her runnin’ through the fallin’ leaves, laughing and havin’ a good time I… I guess I fell fer her. I wanted to say somethin’ to her, talk to her about it… But I was too nervous,” she says as she takes a seat on the bed besides you.

“and by the time I worked up the courage to face her, I found out she got herself a boyfriend. Doctor fella. Now don’t get me wrong, he’s perfect for her and really loves her it’s just… I got my heart broke,” she says dryly.

“and then you come along and you remind me so much of her and then ya kissed me and my heart soared so high and fell so much farther. I thought I was over that heartache, but it’s just… just…”

You couldn’t believe it. Applejack was the one who was crying now and it was your turn to comfort her. You draw her into your chest and stroke her hair ever so slightly as she let it all out.

“It’s okay… I’m here for you. I’ll always be here for you.”

“T-Thanks honey-bun…” she says as she breaks the hug and dries her eyes.

“To be honest… I was so scared. I honestly thought you were taking me up here to dump me… tell me that you never want to see me again.”

Applejack sniffles back some tears before grabbing you and bringing you closer for a tight hug. “I’ll always be there for ya, if yer there for me.”

You hug her back tightly, smiling as you do. “That’s just what I wanted to hear.”

You and Applejack fall back onto the bed, still holding each other, staring up at the ceiling.

“Hey… AJ?” you finally ask after a few minutes.


“You’re not… mad about the whole surprise kiss thing, are you?”

She shakes her head. “Naw, not at all. I kinda liked it.”

“Well then…” you coo into her ear “if you wanna do it again… or anything else, I’m all yours.”

You feel her heart race inside her chest at your words.

“Y… You’re not pullin’ ma chain or nothin’, are ya?” she asks nervously.

Instead of answering, you begin planting kisses up and down her neck, eliciting giggles and gasps from her every so often. “Of course not.”

“I gotta warn ya… I ain’t got that much experience.” she says with a dry chuckle.

You run a hoof up and down her chest, smiling as you feel her shiver from your touch. “Show me what ya got, cowgirl.”

In a flash, Applejack rolls over and stands over you, her breathing shallow and her face flushed. You couldn’t help but smile; you pressed all of the right buttons and now the fun began.

Slowly, she leans down and plants a soft kiss on your cheek. She moves back slowly and hovers over your lips for a second before pressing her lips tightly against yours and kisses you greedily. You let out a soft moan, prompting her to stick her tongue into your mouth, which you gladly allow entry. You surrender yourself to the orange mare and let her have her way with you. Her kisses were inexperienced and she was kissing for more of her pleasure than yours; experimenting, almost playing with you. And you gladly surrendered yourself for her, just to make her happy.

You shift uncomfortably when you feel your wings unfurl and fully spread, but you make no attempt at hiding it. She had become your lover and she had every right to see.

When your wings reach their apex however, she stops and looks at them with a puzzled look on her face.

“Why are they doin’ that?” she asks.

You blink a few times. “You’re joking, right?”

She shakes her head. “No, I ain’t. Why are your wings doin’ that again?”

“You silly-filly…” you muse under your breath “Applejack, the wings of the pegasus are the most sensitive areas on their body second only to… you know.”

Applejack shoots you a strange look. “Waitaminute… They’re sensitive? So uh… When I was rubbin’ them on the beach before I-”

“You kinda sent me over the edge…”

Applejack’s cheeks go bright red as she silently repeats what you just said. “I… I didn’t… Wow. You mean I…”

You nod slowly. A sly grin starts to form on Applejack’s face and before you can ask her what she was going to do, she makes her move and plants her lips on yours once more, but her hoofs wrap around your wing and begin massaging them vigorously, making you cry aloud in pleasure.

“You weren’t kiddin’. They really are sensitive,” she teases as she stops her attack for a moment. With this reprieve, you take a chance and reach down and grab Applejack’s tail and give it a sharp tug. While she might have not been entirely familiar with a pegasus’ sensitive areas, you were familiar with an earth pony’s.

Applejack pants aloud and groans as you pull her tail taught. She doesn’t give up her own attack and kisses you deeply again before grabbing a hold of your wings. You and her embrace like this, giggling or moaning occasionally and sometimes rolling around on the bed and switching who was on top. But no matter what, Applejack always found her way on top.

Just when you think you’d never let her go, a knock on the door makes you and her freeze up.

“Just a minute!” Applejack says as she steps off the bed, straightening herself off as she does.

Applejack walks over to the door and opens it just a hair. “C-Can I help you?”

A gruff, but familiar voice answers her. “You must be the tourist Violet was talking about. I’m Micky.”

You hop off of the bed this time and prepare yourself as you walk towards the door, conjuring as many sad mental images as possible. By the time you reach the door and move Applejack to the side, you were in tears.

“H...Hi Micky...” you say meekly.

The blue earth pony looks at you with a tender smile and rubs the side of your head. “Hey there... How ya feelin’?”

“I’m... kinda in a bad place right now. Klein’s said a lot of things over the years but this was just cruel...

Micky sighs heavily. “You don’t have to say anything, Violet told me all about it. I’ve given him way too much leeway. Effective immediately, he’s fired.”

“Thank you so much, Micky. If you don’t mind, I don’t think I’ll be in tomorrow.”

“I understand. Take some time off. After what’s been going on, you deserve it.”

“Thanks again, Micky,” you say as you close the door “for everything.”

You put your ear to the door and listen. When you hear the Micky’s hoofsteps fade, you turn to Applejack and let out a sigh of relief.

“Okay then...” you say as you walk over to the bed “where were we?”