• Published 15th Mar 2012
  • 13,939 Views, 845 Comments

Guardians of Magic - Shire Folk

Twilight, Trixie, and others are sent to traverse Equestria and beyond when strange beings appear.

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Wielders and Keepers

I’m going to keep beginning author’s notes short, but I need to say this. I know that Rei’s a little irritating right now, but you have to realize that she’s a freaking ten-year-old girl who just got changed into a unicorn and put into a land of ponies. This isn’t entirely her personality; this is a reaction to a stimulus.

Thank you.

Incoming info dump. Bear with it Kingdom Hearts people.

Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts and My Little Pony are owned by Square-Enix, Disney, and Hasbro, not me.


Guardians of Magic

Chapter 3: Wielders and Keepers

Twilight Sparkle was silent as the group walked through the halls of Canterlot Castle up from the dungeons. Her mind was abuzz with more questions than she could count, and she wasn’t entirely sure who she should direct them to. Everything these ponies had said seemed so outrageous that it couldn’t be possible, but the way they had said it all just made her want to believe that it was all true. Besides, those shadows that Sora had called Heartless had been real, so it was quite possible that what he said was just as real.

And what Rei said, that I’m one of ‘them’. What is that about? What does she mean, ‘them’? Directing her attention towards the unicorn filly, she saw that Rei was occupied with asking Spike the latest in a string of questions.

“Can you breathe fire?”

“Well, yes,” Spike answered proudly, glad to see that somepony was excited to talk to a dragon. “Want to see?” Rei nodded her head eagerly, and Spike took a deep breath before exhaling. A tongue of green fire, only as long as the baby dragon’s body, leapt from his mouth. Rei’s face lit up in excitement.

“Sora-nii-chan!” she shouted. “Look! He can breathe green fire! Green!” He laughed.

“Green, huh?” he asked. “I wonder how Mushu will react to a dragon that breathes green fire.” Rainbow Dash leaned close to Twilight.

“What does that mean anyway?” she asked.

“What does what mean Rainbow?”

“That…nii-chan thing that she says.” Twilight shook her head.

“I have no idea Rainbow Dash,” she answered truthfully. “There are a lot of things that they’ve said that I don’t quite understand.”

Rainbow Dash groaned. “You’re telling me. Still, that Keyblade thing was pretty cool.”

“Onii-chan means ‘big brother’,” Rei said suddenly, turning around and walking backwards. “So that’s what I call Sora-nii-chan, big brother Sora.”

Sora turned his head around from where he walked close to the front with Kairi and Princess Celestia. On his face was a weary smile. “And I’m the only one she uses honourifics for. Doesn’t call Kairi ‘Kairi-chan’ or Riku ‘Riku-kun’ or Riku-san, or nee-san or nii-san, just me.” He sighed. “Sometimes I regret showing her that anime channel.” His marefriend giggled slightly to herself.

“So, Riku, you wouldn’t happen to have a marefriend, would you?” Rarity asked from behind Twilight, the marshmallow-white unicorn walking next to the turquoise one.

“No,” he replied flatly, “and I’m not looking.”

Twilight tuned out Rarity in the back and turned her attention back at the filly. Rei was still walking backwards with a warm smile on her face, and she was staring up at Twilight. “What is it?” she asked. “Do I have something on my face?” Rei shook her head.

“No, I just still can’t believe that I’m here,” she answered cheerily. “This place is like a dream.”

“And why’s that lil’ missy?” Applejack asked, amused. “You don’t have ponies where you and Sora are from?”

Rei shook her head. “No, we do, it’s just that there aren’t a lot of them, they don’t talk, none are unicorns or pegasuses—I mean pegasi—and none of them have candy-coloured coats like you guys do.”

“Hm, sounds pretty lame to me,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“But, if there are so few ponies,” Fluttershy asked in genuine concern, “what about all of the animals?”

Twilight could see Rei looking at the pink-maned pegasus in confusion. “What about them?”

“How do they survive? Who looks after them? It must be such hard work for so few ponies to take care of them all.”

Riku appeared to have been listening in from behind them, answering with, “They look after themselves?” as if it were obvious.

Neither Twilight nor her friends could withhold gasps. All six of them stopped in their tracks and stared at the four other ponies, all gathering around each other and gazing at Twilight’s group with perplexed expressions. “What?” Riku asked.

“They take care of themselves?” Spike asked. “But—but that’s not right!”

“Their world must be like the Everfree Forest,” Rainbow Dash said, chewing slightly on her hooves, “and we all know how creepy that place is. It just doesn’t work the same as Equestria.”

The four human-turned ponies looked at one another. “Everfree Forest?” Sora asked.

Twilight began to explain, although she was now suddenly wary of them again. Animals looking after themselves, and without anypony lifting a hoof to help? She wasn’t the best with animals, not like Fluttershy or even Applejack, but even Twilight knew how important it was to look after Equestria’s wildlife. “The Everfree Forest is a place where—”

“Here we are,” Princess Celestia cut her off, opening a door with her magic. “Come on in everypony. We can talk here in more comfort than those dank dungeons.”

“Uh, Princess,” Applejack pointed out, “this here’s the infirmary.”

“You’re right Applejack, it is,” Celestia said. “I recall that you and Captain Cloudhammer came across a pony being attacked by the Heartless, correct? I think that she would like to know exactly what those creatures that attacked her were when she wakes up.”

“You do have a point, Princess,” Rarity agreed. “I know that if that had been me, I would have liked to know myself.”

“Yeah, same here,” added Rainbow Dash. Princess Celestia nodded and all of them filed into the room. A light grey unicorn stallion in a white doctor’s coat with a stethoscope around his neck and salt and pepper mane was examining Trixie as she lay on one of the beds. He turned around at the sound of their entrance and smiled slightly.

“Ah, good afternoon Princess Celestia,” he said. “What brings you here?”

“Good afternoon Doctor Checkup,” the Princess greeted. “How fares our little pony?”

“She’s doing quite well, considering,” he answered, his smile not leaving his face. “Only a few scrapes and bumps, and it looks like she pulled a muscle in her front left cannon, but beyond that it’s a textbook case of magical exhaustion. However…” he sighed, and this time the smile did slip from his face. “She also appears to be suffering from dehydration and the first effects of prolonged malnutrition. Look at how tight her skin is to her ribcage. She’s lost quite a bit of fat and muscle tissue.”

“So what are you saying doctor?” Twilight asked. “Is Trixie going to be alright?” She turned her violet eyes onto Trixie and couldn’t help but feel pity for her. What could have happened to the proud mare after she’d left Ponyville that could end up leaving her on the ropes like this? Even Rainbow Dash and Rarity were looking at one another in concern.

“She should be fine Miss Sparkle,” Doctor Checkup told her, “but I recommend that she gets plenty of rest, water, and nutritious meals for the next week, and be confined to this bed for the rest of the day when she wakes up. Don’t let her overeat though. Suddenly gorging herself after living off what looks to be minimal food could upset her system just as much as not eating would.”

Princess Celestia nodded. “Thank you Doctor Checkup. We’ll make sure that your recommendation is followed. Would you be a dear and go down to the kitchens? I’m sure that our friend here would love some black bean and carrot soup and a fresh loaf of bread when she wakes; and get some food yourself. I know that you’ve been worrying yourself since Luna brought young Starshine and Moondancer in last night.”

Checkup smiled and nodded his head. “As you wish, Your Highness. I’ll be sure to send some up.” As he trotted away, Rei slowly walked up to the bed in which Trixie was lying asleep. Twilight had to admit, Trixie didn’t look anywhere near as haughty while she was sleeping.

“Onii-chan,” the little filly said quietly, her eyes still on Trixie’s face, “she’s another one of them.”

“What? Two of them?” Riku asked, stunned. Rainbow Dash hovered above him and turned him around. Circles of aquamarine stared into frustrated, brilliant, rose.

“Two of WHAT?” Rainbow Dash countered. “What is going on here?”

“I’d like to know that too,” Twilight said, glancing at each of the Keyblade ponies. “What did Rei mean when she said that I was one of them? I’m one of what? What’s this about?” She looked to Princess Celestia, but her mentor didn’t say a word and only watched.

Sora sighed. “I think it’s time we told you our story.”

Twilight and the others listened patiently as mostly Sora, Riku, and Kairi told them about how they’d lived on tropical islands in peace for years, with Riku feeling trapped and confined, struck by wanderlust to go out and explore other worlds, and how in his need he opened the door to the heart of their world and accidentally let the Heartless in to destroy it. They listened to Sora’s tale of how he’d adventured across numerous worlds with two people named Donald and Goofy, trying to find both Riku and Kairi while they searched for their king, and of how Riku fell in with a witch named Maleficent and betrayed Sora because of his jealousy and their rivalry over Kairi’s affections. Kairi’s tale of how her heart had come to rest within Sora’s to keep it safe had them hanging on to every word, and she explained that she was one of seven ‘Princesses of Heart’, maidens with pure hearts of light who when brought together were the key to opening the door to darkness, beyond which lay Kingdom Hearts and the Realm of Darkness. Maleficent had used Riku to assist her in gathering the princesses, but they’d needed Kairi’s heart to make their keyhole to the darkness complete, and it couldn’t be completed or the keyhole sealed while her heart was within Sora’s.

“Wait just a minute!” Rarity exclaimed. “You stabbed yourself?”

Sora reared up onto his hind legs and pointed at a thin line in his chest. “Right there,” he said solemnly. “When I stabbed myself with the Keyblade of Captive Hearts to unlock Kairi’s heart, it came out and was returned to her, but it also caused my heart to fall into darkness.”

“Right in front of my face,” Kairi sighed. “Ansem then turned up and would have ended us, but Riku was able to regain control long enough for us to run. Ansem sent a bunch of Heartless after us, but Sora’s Heartless turned out to be just a little Shadow that followed Donald, Goofy, and me all the way through Hollow Bastion. I knew it was him when it looked at me and refused to attack us.”

“And I still need to pay Donald back for whacking me on the head with his staff,” grumbled Sora.

Kairi had seen through to Sora, and when the other Heartless surrounded and jumped them she’d shielded him with her body, and the light in her heart took out the Heartless and brought Sora’s heart back into the light. They’d all left Hollow Bastion and returned to Traverse Town for a short while, before Sora, Donald, and Goofy returned to Hollow Bastion to seal the keyhole and continue on to save Riku from Ansem. They ventured all the way to the End of the World, where they saw all that remained of the hundreds of worlds shattered and taken by the Heartless, before they found and confronted Ansem. In an epic battle, Sora and his friends emerged victorious in front of the Door to Darkness, but Ansem opened the door. To his dismay, Sora revealed that Kingdom Hearts wasn’t everlasting, eternal darkness, but light, and the light of all the worlds destroyed Ansem. Behind the door to Kingdom Hearts lay the Realm of Darkness, where thousands upon thousands of Heartless gathered, prepared to leave the Realm of Darkness and invade the Realm of Light. They were able to shut the door, but it required Riku and King Mickey to stay behind in the Realm of Darkness in able to do it. Then, as all of the worlds whose hearts had been taken were restored, Sora remained behind to search for Riku while Kairi returned to the Islands to wait for them.

Spike was blowing his nose on a tissue Rarity levitated to him, and Twilight rubbed her eyes with a hoof, feeling them getting a bit misty too. Trixie’s soup had arrived even though the unicorn showed no signs of waking yet, and Twilight admitted privately that she was getting a little hungry too; but the story wasn’t over though, and the five little ponies, Princess Celestia, and Spike continued to listen as Sora and Riku each explained about how they both came upon Castle Oblivion and their exploits within, Riku trying to master the darkness still within him in the form of Ansem, and Sora dealing with his ever-changing memories at the manipulation of a girl named Naminé.

“Naminé?” Spike asked. “Wait, didn’t you mention her before, Kairi.”

She nodded her head. “I did. Naminé is my Nobody. Roxas is Sora’s Nobody, and all of the people in black cloaks that Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku, and King Mickey were meeting were Nobodies.”

“Then, what is a Nobody?” Celestia asked.

“If a Heartless is the heart consumed by darkness, the Nobody is the body and soul left behind by a strong heart,” Riku answered. “Because all Nobodies are born from strong hearts, even the most basic Nobodies are stronger than about half of the Heartless varieties we’ve come across, and the more powerful the Nobody the more they look like what they were in life.”

“There were once a group of thirteen powerful Nobodies led by one called Xemnas,” Sora explained. “They called themselves Organization XIII, and their goal was to collect hearts with the Keyblade in order to make their own Kingdom Hearts, and use its power to make themselves whole again.”

“Well, that sounds reasonable,” Fluttershy said. “I mean, if I didn’t have a heart, I’d want mine back too.”

“You’d think it sounds reasonable,” Sora sighed, “but the thing is that without a heart, Nobodies aren’t able to feel emotion. The end completely justifies the means when they have no ethics holding them back. Their thirteenth member was Roxas, my Nobody, and because he was a part of me he could use the Keyblade, so they unleashed Heartless into the worlds for Roxas to defeat and collect hearts, not caring about anyone they hurt in the process. Once Riku, DiZ, and Naminé fixed up my memories and forced Roxas to merge back with me, the Organization continued by using me to gather hearts for them, and they also kidnapped Kairi to ensure my obedience.”

“Despicable,” growled Rarity.

“Preaching to the choir there, Rarity,” Kairi agreed. “The only nice ones from what I’ve heard from Naminé and Roxas were Axel and Demyx, while the others could be nice when they tried. Saïx,” she spat his name like it was poison, “certainly wasn’t that nice to me.”

“How can you have heard from these two?” Twilight asked before Rainbow Dash could ask the same question. “I thought that at the end of this story you would have beaten Xemnas and the rest of the Organization, rescued Kairi, been reunited with all of your friends, and returned home? And since you’re here, you’re obviously whole, so Roxas and Naminé shouldn’t exist at all, right?” Her friends all looked at Twilight and she flattened her ears sheepishly. “Well, that is the logical conclusion.”

“And it’s almost right,” Rei exclaimed. “Sora-nii-chan did beat the Organization and come home with Kairi and Riku and the others, but because Roxas-nii-chan and Naminé merged with Sora-nii-chan and Kairi, they aren’t gone and live instead inside of them.”


The three older ponies laughed. “We’ve got them living inside of us,” Sora explained, pointing a hoof at his chest. “We can talk to them telepathically and when Kairi and I are in close proximity they can talk to each other. We essentially have real alter-egos, and with a little effort Kairi and I can switch with Roxas and Naminé, and they’ll appear on the outside and have control of our bodies. We’ve been able to figure out so far that Roxas and Naminé have the ability to remain the dominant personality in control for as long as a week before they tire out and need to go back inside, but we’ve also learned that at any time Kairi or I can hijack their control and put them back.”

“Interesting,” Twilight said, rubbing her face with a hoof. “Do you think we could meet them?” Sora and Kairi glanced at one another, and then they bent their heads down and closed their eyes. A slight wind blew around them in the room, rustling their manes and coats of fur. From their hooves up their colours began changing. Sora’s mahogany coat darkened into a dark grey colour, and his tail and mane shifted from their chocolate-brown into a golden-blonde. Kairi’s light pink colouring softened until she was just as white as Rarity, her own mane and tail becoming a mix of white-blonde and platinum blonde. On Naminé’s snow-white cannons were pink hoof bands, but the most startling change was that the wings Sora and Kairi each had vanished as their colours changed. A horn grew out of Roxas’ head, while Naminé stood a resplendent earth pony, still wearing the raspberry beret Kairi had been wearing. Roxas’ cutie mark was a pair of crossed Keyblades one white and beautiful and the other the black one Sora had used earlier, while Naminé’s was of an artist’s palette.

“Hey there,” Roxas said, his cerulean eyes the exact same shade as Sora’s.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Naminé added, bowing her head slightly. Twilight Sparkle just stared at them in awe while Riku started to snigger, and both Roxas and Naminé turned to look at him. “What is it, Riku?”

“He’s a unicorn and you’re an earth pony,” he answered.

Naminé did not seem to be very amused. “Really? I’m an earth pony? I’m the most magical one in this group and I become an earth pony while the two who can barely use magic become unicorns? How does that make any sense?”

“Naminé, it makes perfect sense,” Roxas answered her. She trained her indigo eyes onto him in complete skepticism. “Sora and Kairi are the most athletic of us, so they get wings and become pegasi, able to run and fly and do all sorts of cool tricks.”

“Naturally,” Rainbow Dash agreed, puffing her chest out proudly on behalf of all pegasi.

“Tell me how they’re the most athletic when Riku’s the one on the Maechen Manticores’ Blitzball team and Sora and Kairi are only second-string for the Basch Justiciars’ senior boys and girls teams?”

“Ever see me doing those crazy flips and acrobatics that they’re always using?” Riku asked.

“Hmm,” Naminé grumbled, “point taken.”

“And remember what horns are?” Roxas asked her. “What do animals use their horns for?”

“Establishing male dominance and proclaiming their strength and ability for all eligible females and for rival males to take note of when searching for mates,” Naminé supplied dryly.

Roxas rolled his eyes. “They’re weapons Naminé, used for competing with each other and defending their mates and herds. Riku and I are the best swordsmen of the group—no, Sora, I’m still better than you—so it’s only natural that we get them.”

Spike looked up at Fluttershy. “Is that really what they’re for?”

“I believe so,” she said, “but I know that I’ve never seen any of my deer friends fighting one another over a doe before. When one of them takes an interest in a doe, they just go for a stroll in the meadow together, not compete with another male in a way they could get hurt.”

“And you,” Roxas said, “you, well…”

Naminé sighed. “I’m not the most athletic or very good with a sword. My art can be just as magic as my magical arts are, but I’m not physically strong.”

“Well now that doesn’t make very much sense at all, dear,” Rarity said. “Most earth ponies are stronger physically than unicorns or pegasi.”

“And while they can’t actively use magic like us unicorns can,” Twilight added, “they do have a stronger connection to the earth when it comes to growing things or taking care of animals than other ponies. But it does make some sense too; a lot of earth ponies have a variety of talents besides looking after the land or animals. Pinkie Pie’s a real party pony, and both she and the Cakes are pastry chefs. I don’t think any of them are anywhere near as strong as Applejack.”

“Aw, shucks Twi, yer making me blush.”

The colouring of the Roxas and Naminé started to revert as Sora and Kairi reasserted control. “Well, that was short-lived,” Roxas said dryly.

“It was nice seeing you all personally!” Naminé added.

“I do see why Kairi keeps that beret though,” Rarity called. “It looks lovely on you Naminé!”

“Thank you!” Naminé answered just before her head became light pink once again.

Sora shook his head, now fully in control once again. He looked at Riku. “I’m surprised you didn’t try to head-butt Roxas.”

“Meh, he had a horn too. Would’ve taken us hours for me to get the better of him.”

“He says that he agrees, except you’d be the loser.”

“When we have a free day, he can come at me and prove it himself.”

Rarity sidled up to Twilight and began whispering in her ear. “Now that’s something I wouldn’t mind watching,” she said. Twilight sighed.

“So, you guys got back home,” she said. “What happened then?”

Kairi answered. “King Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Pluto, and Jiminy all went back to Disney Castle, and we returned home to our daily lives. Rei was really excited to see Sora back, and all of us were grounded for two weeks. School started up again, we got a letter from King Mickey thanking us for all of our hard work and sacrifice, and time passed peacefully. However, we knew that we certainly hadn’t seen the end of it, and I had just gotten my own Keyblade and wasn’t that good with it, so Sora and Riku trained me both in swordplay and magic.”

“We could notice her getting better and stronger every week,” Sora said proudly. “In five months, Kairi was almost on par when it came to fighting with her Keyblade to me and Riku, and she’d already surpassed me in her ability to use magic. We started dating six months after we got back to the islands—”

“About fricking time too,” Riku muttered.

“—and while her dad wasn’t the most supportive of us training her to fight after he found out, he did understand the need for it and both of our feelings in the matter. Kairi didn’t want to be a damsel in distress anymore and help me and Riku out without being a burden, and more than anything I wanted to make sure she was safe, so keeping her close but able to stand on her own two feet were the best things to do,” Sora continued, smiling at his marefriend.

“That was almost seven months ago,” Kairi said. “We kept on training and doing schoolwork, hanging out and having fun, but then, just over a month ago, something happened that told us our peacetime was over.” She looked at Rei.

The filly gulped and looked at Twilight Sparkle. She glanced once to Princess Celestia, and then to her older brother. He nodded, and Rei turned back to Twilight. Apprehension filled every limb in Twilight’s body. Now she would learn just what it was that Rei had mentioned. Rei opened her mouth to speak, but before she could get more than two words out a groan from the bed interrupted her.


Trixie opened her eyes slowly, seeing everything in a fuzzy haze while consciousness returned to her. Dull pain wracked her body, and she felt incredibly weary. Her stomach ached from its now chronic emptiness, and Trixie regretted having eaten that last cinnamon-coated pinecone as a late-night snack instead of saving it for a time when she needed it, like right now.

She closed her eyes again, and remembered what had happened before she blacked out. Those shadows, what were they, and where was she for that matter? She couldn’t have gotten rid of all of them, and even if she had, shouldn’t she be lying on the road? This certainly felt like a bed beneath her back.

Trixie opened her eyes again. There was a white ceiling above her. “Where am I?” she asked aloud.

“Ah, so you’re awake now.”

That voice! There was only one pony in all of Equestria who had such a maternal and majestic voice like that. Trixie turned her head in a little bit of shock to see Princess Celestia herself standing beside her bed. “P-Princess!” she stammered. “To what does the Great and P—I mean, to what does the humble Trixie owe the pleasure?”

Sweat began beading on Trixie’s face as the questions continued to assault her mind. Obviously she was now in Canterlot Castle with the princess here, but how did she get here, and why would Princess Celestia be here, waiting for her to wake up?

The Sun Princess’ gentle voice touched her ears again. “You have no need to be afraid, Trixie,” she said. She lowered a wing to softly brush against Trixie’s face. “The castle is safe from the shadows that attacked you earlier. Please, be calm; you’re among friends here.”

Trixie felt herself calming down at the soft words Princess Celestia spoke. Her touch felt like a warm sunbeam, and Trixie let a small smile come to her face as some of her worries were swept away for the moment. “Thank you, but Princess Celestia,” she had to ask, “how did Trixie get here?”

“You could thank us for that.”

Trixie’s eyes widened at the voice. She’d heard it before, but it had certainly belonged to one of the ponies that she had humiliated when she’d performed in Ponyville. Princess Celestia still smiled warmly and stepped aside, revealing several other ponies in the room, and Trixie could immediately recognize most of them as Ponyvillians. It was the blue pegasus who had spoken, and even though she sounded a little annoyed, she did look somewhat concerned.

“Are you alright, Trixie?” the lavender unicorn asked her. Trixie’s eyes darted between the unicorn and Princess Celestia. Trixie had heard more about this particular mare and her friends since she’d left Ponyville. She was undoubtedly Twilight Sparkle, the Bearer of the Element of Magic of the six Elements of Harmony, a pony that had saved Equestria from eternal night and chaos along with her friends, and was the personal protégé of the white alicorn standing beside Trixie’s bed.

And Trixie had…

A small unicorn filly looked up at a brown pegasus stallion. “Sora-nii-chan, why is her face turning white?”

“Trixie, you don’t have to be scared,” Princess Celestia said in understanding, drawing the azure unicorn’s attention back to her and away from the Ponyville ponies. “I have heard about you from my faithful student, and I want you to know that neither I nor Twilight harbour any ill feelings towards you.”

Trixie blinked, and some of the colour returned to her face. “You…you don’t hate Trixie for what she did?”

Twilight shook her head and smiled softly. “No Trixie. Although your boasting about things you never did was a bit much, nopony could have expected Snips and Snails to actually go and bring an Ursa Minor to town.”

Rarity stomped a hoof on the floor. “You turned my mane green!”

Trixie bit her lip and lowered her head. “Yes, well, Trixie does feel a little foalish for her conduct in Ponyville.”

Applejack huffed. “A little? Are you hearing this Twi?”

“Applejack,” Twilight hissed.

“In fact, it was not only Ponyville that gazed upon the Great and Powerful Trixie as some of you did,” Trixie admitted in a quiet voice. “Fillydelphia and Baltimare were…less kind to Trixie than the rustic Ponyville was.”

Spike rolled his eyes. “Gee, why am I not surprised?”

Trixie shot the baby dragon a look. “If you must know, the Great and Powerful Trixie’s feats of unparalleled magic show ended in Ponyville. The Ursa Minor showed Trixie that she was a fool to trumpet feats she had never accomplished; that sooner or later her she would get herself into situations too big for her if she continued, or turn ponies she couldn’t best against her and possibly get herself hurt.”

Princess Celestia nodded kindly. “It sounds like you learned an important lesson about friendship.”

“Friendship?” Trixie laughed. “Princess, you give the Great and Powerful Trixie too much credit. Trixie only remembered to be honest and a bit more modest to other ponies.”

“But honesty is an important part of friendship,” Fluttershy said softly, coming closer towards Trixie and earning the unicorn’s attention for the first time. “Why, if nopony was honest with anypony else, then the foundation of trust many friendships are built on couldn’t exist.”

“You must be Fluttershy, Bearer of the Element of Kindness.” Trixie noted that the yellow pegasus took a half-step back at her blunt tone.

“Why, yes, I am. It’s nice to actually meet you, Trixie, but I don’t really think we should keep you talking very long. You just woke up after all, and I’m sure you’re very hungry.” Trixie’s traitorous stomach growled loudly in agreement, and she defiantly raised her head, daring any of them to laugh.

Twilight’s horn glowed with magenta light, and a bowl of soup flew towards Trixie’s bedside. “Here,” said Princess Celestia. “I had the doctor looking after you send this up from the kitchens. Eat up my little pony, and don’t hesitate to ask for more when you’ve finished.” A loaf of fresh bread was also levitated towards her, and Trixie felt a smile come to her face when she saw that none of them were now giving her looks of distrust.

“Thank you,” she said, her horn now glowing with violet light as she grasped hold of the bowl of soup and spoon. “Trixie is…grateful for your kindness and understanding, Twilight Sparkle, but she…I must know. How did I get here? The last thing Trixie saw were those shadow things surrounding her.”

“Princess Celestia summoned us to Canterlot and had one of the Pegasus Guard captains assigned to get us,” Twilight Sparkle answered. “We saw a big flash of light below us and saw you surrounded by Heartless, so that’s when Captain Cloudhammer and his team flew us down to your rescue.”

Trixie paused in eating her soup to raise her eyebrow at Twilight. “Heartless?” she asked snidely. “Is that what we’re calling those things?”

“It’s what they are,” spoke up one of the other ponies in the room, a brown pegasus with a wildly spiked chocolate mane, “and unfortunately, you and Twilight are going to be seeing a lot more of them.”

“And you are?” Trixie asked.

“I’m Sora,” he replied, “and this is Kairi, Riku, and Rei. We came to Equestria by accident, but we’re here to deal with the Heartless, and we’d like you and Twilight to accompany us when we leave.”

Trixie narrowed her eyes. “And why should the Great and Powerful Trixie go with you?”

For some reason, all the ponies looked at the little filly. She sighed, took a deep breath, and came closer to Trixie. Rei glanced at Sora, then Twilight, and finally settled her gaze on Trixie. “About a month ago, I had a dream,” she said. “I was standing on a platform with a floor of stained glass in the middle of a dark place. Painted on it were me and my brother, and at first I didn’t know why I was having this dream, but then a voice spoke to me. It told me that dark days were ahead, and that my brother would need my help to overcome them. The voice showed me flashes of people that would be the key. I can’t really remember what they look like now, but I know that I know who they are, and the voice told me to gather them, the Keepers of the Art.”

“Keepers of the Art?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Well what in the hay are they supposed to be?” Applejack wondered, glancing around.

Princess Celestia, however, gasped and leaned towards Rei. “Are you sure? Are you sure you were told to gather the Keepers?” Rei nodded, apparently surprised at the sudden earnest of the alicorn.

“Princess Celestia, what is it? What are the Keepers of the Art?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“And what do Twilight Sparkle and Trixie have to do with them?” Trixie asked. She took another sip of her soup, but she had to admit that the filly’s tale was intriguing. Preposterous for all of this fuss because of a dream and a voice, but Celestia’s reaction to it was no doubt intriguing.

The Sun Princess turned a steady eye on her pupil. “The Keepers of the Art are said in legend to be six beings, united together in mastery of the arcane art that we call magic. Together, they can perform feats of magic impossible for a single unicorn to do alone, or even a hundred combined. Luna and I together would even be dwarfed by their combined power.”

“Really?” Trixie asked, the spoon dropping onto the white sheet and slowly beginning to stain it red. Princess Celestia nodded.

“Yes,” she said, “and it is also said that together they can divine the location of any magical artifact and summon it, or at least clear a path towards it, in an instant. They also uphold the universe’s flow of magic just by existing.”

Kairi nodded her head. “Yeah. Master Yen Sid said about the same thing to us. He also told us that new Guardians are born whenever the others eventually die, but that if all six were to be killed at once then the Realms of both Light and Darkness would be thrown into total chaos as magic went haywire without anyone to uphold it.”

“Soon after Rei had the dream, Heartless appeared on the Islands and tried to take her,” Sora said. “But we were able to fight them off, and Rei got a Keyblade during the fighting. I…I honestly didn’t want to believe that she was the only one who knew who the Guardians were; that my little sister was to be my key to connecting everything, but she is. Thanks to her we’ve already found one of them, and now you and Trixie bring our count up to three, Twilight.”

“You said, ‘Guardians’ just now,” Trixie said. “I thought that they were called ‘Keepers’.”

Sora smiled sheepishly. “Well, technically, yes. But, Keepers of the Art just doesn’t sound as cool or easy to understand as Guardians of Magic does, because that’s essentially what they are.”

“So Sora’s taken to calling them the Guardians of Magic,” Riku clarified.

“You hear that Twilight,” the baby dragon said. “You’re a Guardian of Magic! How cool is that?”

“But what makes you so sure that Trixie is one of them?” Trixie demanded before anypony else could speak. “Tell me you have more to go on than a filly’s dreams! It is true that Trixie’s talent is magic, but she has not the power of Twilight Sparkle or the princesses. Trixie cannot defeat an Ursa Major, or even an Ursa Minor, and has never channelled the magic of the universe before. Though Trixie has good mastery and understanding of magic, all she has for tricks are minor conjurations and illusions, though she has—”

A flash of light silenced Trixie as her voice continued to drop. In front of the mare hovered something that she had never truly seen before, but thought she glimpsed before fading into unconsciousness earlier.

“There was only one other thing that Master Yen Sid gave us to go off of when finding the Guardians besides Rei’s half-remembered dream vision,” Sora said. “Each of the Guardians has the potential to summon a Keyblade.”


So yes, Trixie has a Keyblade and Twilight will be getting one as well. The astute will note that this means that Zelda has one too.

Please leave your feedback if you wish, and I hope you’re all enjoying the story. :twilightsmile:

May the Grace of the Valar Protect You

Shire Folk