• Member Since 17th Feb, 2012
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Violet CLM


Rainbow Dash never did finish trying to break the Equestria Ball-Bouncing record. Rarity, though, is unimpressed and thinks she can do better. This is not a serious work of literature. Cover image by Valcron.

Basically a followup to Dragonshy, like Cloven Hearts and Cloudy Hooves was a followup to Hearts and Hooves Day, although this one is set quite a while after the episode instead of beginning the very next day. And is less serious.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 18 )

THe title made me chuckle, first :rainbowdetermined2:

Starts off slow at first, but then it gets hilarious.
If it weren't for a couple of details, I'd say this could definitely work as an episode.

Wow, this story is amazing so far! Perfect characterization of Rarity and Rainbow Dash! :raritystarry: :rainbowkiss:

I love you for including the double-inside-out loop reference. :rainbowlaugh:

On to the third chapter . . .

Poor Twilight, LOL. :pinkiehappy::rainbowwild::rainbowlaugh:

486738 I've read that Rainbow Dash is probably supposed to be attempting a double inside-out loop at the beginning of Read it and Weep and that's why she crashes, so it may not be totally accurate to call it out of style, but it just made more sense to use that than to make up some random move name. (Or maybe she's being petty about it?)

I think you mean 'pure pleasure of a properly-perpetrated prank'.

Also, Zecora needs to get in on this. She at least stands a chance, given her pole-balancing skills.

Pinkie *sigh* ya can't just go around walking on air like that. You have to at least be discreet about it. The 4th Wall is already annoyed with you and ya don't need Physics upset with you as well. Take it easy ok?

Rarity: Forgive me Thunderlane.
Thunderlane: Huh?
Rarity: YEEEE HAAAWWW! :rainbowlaugh:

C'mon Scoots It ain't sneaking if the target knows you're there, it becomes awkward stalking :scootangel:. Although I guess give 'em enough time and they'll know they're being followed.

At first-> :rainbowhuh: Where's this ball goin? Then-> :rainbowlaugh: All over Equestria that's where!
Hoo boy. that contest kinda spun out of control didn't it. I mean the only pony that used their own ball was Luna. Unless Celestia was using her own and not Rarity's. That was freakin hilarious Vi. And random appearance of Chrysalis and if I'm not mistaken those are the R63 names. Crazy list of appearances but how come there were no random humans?
Anyway loved it. :pinkiehappy:

This was adorable. I loved the image when I first saw it and I love what you've done to expand on it. The nod to the 64th rune was nice too. (Why is there no pony wink emoticon?)

Definitely gonna check out your other works.:eeyup:

I liked this right up to the last paragraph. But I *really* don't like the last paragraph. :/

You really need to write more Twi/Gate. The tiny glimpse at them interacting here is wonderful, but not nearly enough to quench the insatiable need you somehow gave me.

Anyway yeah, glad I ran across this a year ago, following you ever since has been a pleasure. Thank you.

2507109 I agree. My proper Twigate-centric story was started in September 2011, and I've barely made any progress on it since then because it focuses on two distinct time periods and I haven't found a good way of making that pleasant to read. :(

comprehensive Rainbow Dash Insurance

Hahaha XD

the otherwise frequently peaceful village of Ponyville

This is a wonderful description :3.
Not 'often peaceful', 'frequently peaceful'. Which implies regular intervals of 'not-peaceful-at-all' XD.

Rainbow Dash had bargained her way into getting a cut from each Rainbow Dash Insurance policy sold, putting her conscience at rest as far as crashing into buildings was concerned

That's just too confusing :P. I'm gonna leave that one alone.

Pinkie would always seem to know exactly how far was too far or not far enough for dealing with any given pony, and the strange thing about it was

She, like, the perfect pranking companion! :pinkiegasp:

a levitating apple tree

Ahahahaha XD

“Well, umm…” Fluttershy gulped. “It’s a pegasus thing. If we bounce balls too long, um, our wings fall off.” She gave a feeble grin. “Right off, feather by feather. It’s simply horrible, and you know how much Rainbow Dash loves her wings! So I’m sure you can see how you’re just being a good friend by keeping her from doing it, and…”

“Fluttershy, you are lying to me.”
Fluttershy drooped. “…yes. Yes, I am. Oh, I’m sorry.”

Ahaha! :rainbowlaugh: Oh, that was hilarious!

Her ball, by contrast, didn’t even bother trying to replicate her cutie mark, since clearly she was too awesome to be reduced into ball form.

I totally have to draw a Rainbow Dash ball now XD

Besides, if I save you from falling to certain death too many times, some ponies might start to get the wrong idea!”
“Celestia forbid,” Rarity said to herself darkly

Aha XD

What was a tightrope, anyhow, besides an elaborate metaphor for… something?

For the treacherous path that was socially acceptable behaviour for a lady, which Rarity walked with style and grace :scootangel: :trollestia:.

None of her friends could understand what skill and dedication it took for such doubleness of one’s life… except perhaps Rainbow Dash. She was a creature of the sky, after all, though simultaneously a citizen of Ponyville.

I'm starting to think that Rarity might not mind being saved from certain death so much after all XD.

Rarity turned to meet the other pegasus, Blossomforth, who was glaring pointedly at her. “Come on, Thunderlane,” she continued, “let’s get you home. You’ve had far too much excitement today. Remember your allergies!”

D'aww :).

I love Rainbow Dash's fashion critique :3.

“Wow, Rainbow Dash!” cried Scootaloo. “How’d you know I was following you around this whole time?!”
Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes upward. “It’s a knack, kid.

Ahaha XD

“If so you sayst,” said Luna. Such senseless frivolity still struck her most dubious. Then another burst of emerald flame embrightened the room about them, and a second ball, this one picturing the starry sky that was her home, appeared to them. Luna thrust her head underneath of it before it could fall to the floor.

“Huzzah!” said she. “The fun hath been doubled!”

This is the best scene XD. Why not more people read such a story as this?

“Now hold on just a second,” repeated the one with a mustache, “because our skills are insurmountable!”

“We’ve talents, acts, and daring-do,” said the other, “that you’ll have to call uncountable!”

But it just gets better! XD

And then...

Next to her on the cloud, Rainbow Dash fidgeted. “Um, I’m not actually Rainbow Dash.”

And then!

“Berry Bubble,” said Dusk Shine testily, “I don’t know where you got those balls, but put them back this instant.”

Ahaha! Hahaha! Hahaha :rainbowlaugh:

She was the world champion, after all.

Yeah, I totally called this one XD.
(I mean, in my head... but it still counts!)

I was kinda didn't realise this was the conclusion
(I was expecting Raridash as my cue for the closing credits and got Twigate instead XD).

“You would think,” said Colgate. “Hey, I’m going to go to your library and eat all your food. Is that cool with you?”
“What?! No!” Twilight stared beseechingly at her, hooves still rooted to the ground. “Colgate, I need food to live!”

These two are wonderful :pinkiesmile:.

great story so far. i never thought one could write a full lentgh serious story about bouncing a ball on your head. good job

But who won?!

This... started off fun in chapter 1; continued being fun in chapter 2; and then got completely ridiculous and hilarious in chapter 3. Magnificent. I can't believe that silly throwaway line in Dragonshy prompted a... silly throwaway yet completely awesome fic such as this :)

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