• Published 14th Dec 2013
  • 3,991 Views, 488 Comments

CAPS LOCK - Final Draft

The CMC learn the hard way that you should never feed a troll.

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II: You Mad?

“Ah don’t get it,” Apple Bloom said, looking at the crowd gathered around the new student. “Why’d he act like that?”

“And why does everypony think he’s sooo funny?” Scootaloo asked.

“Isn’t it obvious? He has a very advanced sense of humor.”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders turned to see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon eavesdropping on their conversation. The two looked just as smug as ever, and pushed past the fillies.

“And unlike some losers here, he has his cutie mark,” Diamond Tiara said, pointing over at the colt’s flank. The cutie mark that represented Caps Lock’s special talent (of which none knew for sure) looked like the leaves of a four leaf clover without a stem.

“We’re going over to introduce ourselves!” Silver Spoon said, and the two fillies strutted toward the gathering of colts. The group, which had been laughing uproariously at some of Caps Lock’s antics, suddenly went quiet.

“Hello!” Diamond Tiara said, addressing the new student. “I’m Diamond Tiara, and this is—”

“DON’T CARE! TITS OR GTFO!” Caps Lock shouted, interrupting the filly. She simply looked at him in shock as the group of colts laughed.

“Excuse me, what?” Diamond Tiara asked shrilly, wide eyed at the colt’s ultimatum. “What did you just ask for?”

“He said, tits or GTFO!” one of the other classmates replied. Caps Lock looked to the colt angrily and pushed him out of the circle.


The colt stood up and looked at Caps Lock in confusion. “But, but, all I did was say what you said!”

“PERMA BAN!” Caps Lock shouted. “ARGUING WITH ADMIN!”

“Wait! But—!”

“THREAD CLOSED!” Caps Lock shouted, and trotted away from the confused group. He made his way past Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom, stopping only briefly to size them up. They looked at him warily, hoping he wouldn’t have another strange outburst. After a moment, he smiled at them, raised his eyebrows twice, and trotted back into the school building.

“I’ve got a bad feeling about him,” Sweetie Belle said to the others. They nodded in agreement before being pushed out of the way by an absolutely livid Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. They stomped into the school building just as the bell rang to mark the end of recess.

Back in the classroom, Cherilee had managed to recompose herself, and she sat up straight in her chair. She fumbled clumsily with her desk drawer before standing to address the class.

“Welcome back class!” she said as cheerfully as she could. “I’ve decided instead of math, you can all just come to the front of the room, and tell your classmates how you spent your weekend! Doesn’t that sound fun?”

The class was actually pleased with the change in the lesson plan, and began to chatter excitedly. “I think Caps Lock should go first!” Diamond Tiara said above the noise. “After all, he’s the new student!”

Cherilee looked at Diamond Tiara with a death glare before mumbling in monotone, “Yes, that’s a wonderful idea. Caps Lock? Can you come to the front of the room?”

Loving to be the center of attention, Caps Lock rushed to the front of the class. He cleared his throat loudly before speaking in a tone a few decibels quieter than usual. “I spent my weekend playing Battle Stallion 3! I got my K/D up to 3.5!”

“Is that all you did? Play that violent video game?” Cherilee asked in disgust, appalled any parent would buy their colt an M rated game.

Caps Lock thought for a moment, and at last a look of inspiration came to his face. “AND I SLEPT WITH YOUR MOTHER!”

Once again, the immature class found the new student’s taste of humor absolutely hilarious. The teacher however, did not.

“Caps Lock! Go to your seat!” the teacher shouted, a vein on her forehead throbbing violently. Caps Lock did a small jig, smiling up at the teacher with his almost cartoonish grin, before racing back to his seat.

“Can…can I go next?” Feather Weight asked, raising his hoof timidly. Cherilee’s glare changed to a warm smile as she looked at one of her more well-behaved students.

“Sure,” she replied happily, “Please go ahead.”

Feather Weight shakily approached the front of the class room and Caps Lock blew a loud raspberry. Naturally, laughter followed. Cherilee gave an encouraging nod to Feather Weight, and a death stare to Caps Lock.

“I visited Canterlot with my parents over the weekend,” Feather Weight began. The whole while he spoke, Caps Lock mimicked him in a nasally voice. “I even got to meet Princess Celestia.

“WHOA! PICS OR IT DIDN’T HAPPEN!” Caps Lock interrupted.

Feather Weight, whose talent was photography, reached into his bag and removed photographic proof of his encounter with Equestria’s ruler.

“SHOPPED!” Caps Lock shouted, glancing away from the photos. “YOU CAN TELL BY THE PIXELS!”

“What? No, these are real,” Feather Weight objected. “I took them myself.”

“That’s very nice, thank you Feather Weight,” Cherilee said. “Can you do me a favor and switch seats with CAPSLOCKWHATAREYOUDOING?!”

The colt had removed a pair of scissors from his school bag and had taken to cutting the back of Sweetie Belle’s mane. She turned and screamed when she saw a pile of her own hair on his desk.

“CAPS LOCK! SIT UP HERE NOW!” Cherilee shouted, indicating to Feather Weight’s desk.

“Sheesh, no need to yell,” Caps Lock said, tossing the scissors back into his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. The teacher nearly exploded.

Feather Weight made his way cautiously around Caps Lock, and Sweetie Belle cried, trying to look at the damage done to her mane. Cherilee stomped to her desk, dropped into her chair, and opened the desk drawer.

“Class,” she said, blatantly removing the flask and taking a long drink. “It’s quiet time now.”

And with that, the teacher’s head hit the desk and she slipped off to some magical land where maiming bad students was completely legal. The class sat in silence, wondering if she’d get up, but after a few moments, it became apparent she wasn’t.

“Mods are asleep,” Caps Lock whispered, reaching into his bag and removing a strange device. With the click of a button, the screen on the device lit up and the students crowded around his desk. He looked around at his audience with an evil grin.

"So…Who here hasn’t seen Two Mares, One Cup?”