• Published 6th Dec 2013
  • 12,206 Views, 794 Comments

Guardian - Requiem17

After making an emergency slipspace exit Spartan II Ale finds himself the last survivor of UNSC Enduring Ember. Ale becomes the defender of Equestria. But there are dark forces rising. Can Ale defend our beloved ponies?

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Vinyl Scratch was steadily walking towards the library where she knew Ale lived. She wasn’t angry at him for the events of last night. In fact, she wanted to apologize for Ale being treated that way in her club. She said hello to the few ponies she passed every now and then, relishing the midmorning air. It wasn’t long until she felt a peculiar thing. There was electricity flowing through the air that Vinyl could only feel. She knew it well and closed her eyes to focus.


Her sensitive fur and well trained hearing picked up vibrations through the air. She began to step forward, her eyes closed and relying on her other senses to guide her. The vibrations soon picked up into a beat as she began to hear more clearly.


She opened her eyes and sped up her pace as she headed towards the music. It was unlike anything she had ever heard, unknown emotions running through her. Her body was shaking in exhilaration. She found herself nearing the library as her body was on autopilot. She ran around the corner and walked past the two flying machines. The sound was fairly loud at this point, but it only drove the DJ onward. She slowly peeked her head into the garage opening and spotted another machine in the middle of the room. She stepped around the green beast and saw two armored legs lying out from beneath it.


Ale carefully replaced the faulty wire in one of the nodes under the hog. He reached beside him and picked up the covering, watching a set of white hooves approach. He lined up the plate and clamped it down firmly. Ale then shuffled out from underneath the warthog to find the friendly mare who owned the club from last night staring down at him in utter excitement. She was banging her head to the beat of the music Ale had been playing from his helmet. The song soon ended as Ale got up and brushed his armor. The DJ soon regained a hold of herself and beamed up at the soldier.

“That was bucking amazing! How come you didn’t tell me you were into music?”

Ale smiled at the exuberant mare. “You never asked.”

She giggled slightly. “Is that what all your music sounds like?”

“No. There are many types of music where I’m from. I just like techno and club music better. I even dabble in some orchestral music as well.”

“Well that was amazing! Hey, do you think you could come over some time? I would love to record some of your songs. And Tavie would love to hear some of your classical music as well.”

“No problem.” Ale was curious to see some of her equipment closer. He was still confused at how this world had such advanced technology but was like the renaissance age of Earth. He shrugged his thoughts as the mare started speaking again.

“Anyways, the real reason I came over was to apologize for what those creeps did last night. I can assure you they won’t be coming back anytime soon.”

Ales posture slouched a little as he replied, “You don’t need to apologize. It should be me for my actions last night. I should have kept a level head. I…”

“Stop right there mister. You were and still are welcome there. Those guys had been unruly there for quite a while and it was about time someone showed them there place. Albeit you may have gone a bit far in the pummeling area but they received the message nonetheless. Besides, you payed for the damages and you are more than welcome to help me out with my music.”

Ale brightened and nodded in agreement. Vinyl smiled and glanced at the warthog. “Say, what were you doing anyway?”

Ale smiled, gesturing at the vehicle. “That, is a specialized variant of the M12 Force Application Vehicle, Warthog for short. It’s got a M41 chain gun with 12.7X99mm armor-piercing rounds. The M41 LAAG can be interchanged with the M12A1 LAAV, (Light Anti-Armor Vehicle) or commonly known as a gauss cannon. Essentially, you don’t want to be on the wrong side of this thing. It can also drive over almost all terrain at its top speed of 78 MPH. It’s cumbersome to handle and is easy to role but most marines are able to learn how to handle it quickly.”

Vinyl was a little lost but smirked as she replied, “Nice intro and description but you still didn’t tell me what you were doing.”

Ales smile dropped as he gave himself a hardy face palm. Vinyl giggled and listened as Ale spoke, “I was replacing some faulty wiring. It wasn’t starting but it should now.”

Ale climbed up the 36-inch step clearance and settled in. He reached for the key and when turned was met with a satisfying rumble as the engine started. He glanced over to Vinyl. “Care to go for a ride?” Vinyl nodded and Ale reached down and picked her up, bringing her across as he placed her in the passenger seat. He buckled her and himself in. “Ladies and gentleman, please keep your hands and hooves within the vehicle at all times. Please enjoy the ride.”

Ale gently pressed down on the gas pedal and was satisfied as the hog responded immediately. He slowly pulled out of the garage and quickly sped up to a moderate speed down the street. Ponies looked out of their houses in awe as the grumbling monster drove itself. Ale glanced in his rearview mirror to see a familiar purple horse. Twilight’s eye was twitching in irritation, probably because he didn’t show her the machine. She began to walk towards them, slowly speeding up into a jog.

Ale glanced at Vinyl and said, “Want to see how fast it can really go?”

“Hay yeah!”

Ale grinned as he slammed the accelerator down. The warthog jumped forward and accelerated through town. Ale pulled the handbrake and skidded smoothly around a corner, grinning as Vinyl screamed in joy. He gunned down a side street and soon reached the warehouse entrance. He waved as he blew past the astonished guard. The hog zigzagged through the stacks of lumber; a billowing dust cloud choked the air behind it. He rounded a corner and Vinyl tensed as a wagon backed out in front of them. Ale smoothly reacted with an almost perpendicular drift to the wagon. The worker gawking as the high speed vehicle barely missed him. Ale yanked the wheel and straightened the vehicle as he sped up. He set his sights on a dirt pile along the fence as he steered directly toward it. The vehicle took the rapid incline in stride as they jumped clear of the fence, landing with a surprisingly smooth bump.

Ale grinned as the vehicles shocks took the impact perfectly. He glanced over to see Vinyl hyperventilating, her grin quickly reassuring Ale that she was fine. With a nod Ales’ foot turned to lead with joyful laughing filling his ears.


Twilight was irritated. No, she was absolutely irate. Her thoughts toiled over the different ways she could punish Ale, a maniacal grin a mile wide stretching across her face. Spike looked on in fear from the other side of the room. Her posture, actions, and especially her face reminded him of the time she didn’t have a friendship report for the princess. His musings were interrupted when a dull roar soon approached, announcing the arrival of Ales’ machine. Twilight stood and walked out as Ale stopped outside with a little bounce.

The single occupant stepped out covered in mud along with the rest of the warthog. Ale hesitated however as he caught the look on Twilights face. They stood there for a few uneasy seconds until Spike spoke up.

“Where’s Vinyl?”

“What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t drop off my guest at her house, especially when she’s covered in mud?”

Spike sported a knowing grin, but it soon dissolved as Twilight began to giggle a bit. The hairs on the back of Ales’ neck stood at the unnatural tone she emitted.

“That’s funny. I recall a certain gentleman staying over at my house and using my hospitality. He then goes and shows his machines to somepony else before I do?” She giggled a bit before she broke out into uproarious laughter. Ale began reaching for his assault rifle intent on defending himself if he had to when a loud clang rang out. Ale saw Spike retract a pan he had used to bash Twilight with, rendering her unconscious.

“Sorry about that. She can get that way sometimes. Just some advice for the future, show her your stuff before somepony else.”

“Noted.” Spike nodded and began dragging Twilight back into the library, Ale grabbing a hose to wash the vehicle and himself off before it dried.


Ale strolled through town in his freshly polished armor as he headed towards work. He looked down and smirked at the skid marks he had created earlier from his little joyride with Vinyl. It didn’t take him long to arrive at the warehouse, the guard smiling at him as he entered. Ale had just punched in when the commanding voice of his boss called out to him from his office. Ale cringed at this and slowly turned around. The stallion in question beckoned him over. Ale straightened and calmly walked over to him.

“Shut the door please.” Ale complied. The stallion walked around his desk and sat down in a black plush chair. He tweaked a plaque reading, 'Hard Wood, CEO.' Ale stifling a laugh at his name. Wood, as Ale decided would be better to call him, leaned forward with a stoic face. Ale mentally prepared himself for a berating, expecting a good ribbing for his little show that morning.

Wood took in a breath and spoke, “Relax kid. I’m just messing with you.” Ale let out the breath he had been holding in surprise, his exhale audible through his helmet. The stallion grinned, “Sorry for scaring you. Gotta make a show to the rest of the workers. Now then, I’d like to discuss the events of this morning.”

Ale prepared a defense when the stallion continued, “I have to say I was surprised when the morning shift had described a self powered carriage rampaging through the yards. My disbelief being broken when I saw it in town later today. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised when you had something to do with it.”

Ale nodded, prompting the stallion to continue. “I would like to make a proposition for you. Can that machine of yours haul around heavy weight?”

“More than I can move if it’s on a trailer sir.”

The stallion nodded. “Our normal delivery crew is late and they haven’t sent word about their whereabouts. They’re probably drunk in Canterlot right now. This brings me to my next question. Can you use your machine to transport a order for us?”

“Just point me in the right direction.”

“Excellent. The delivery is to be made in Canterlot tomorrow morning. It shouldn’t take too long to get there if the reports about how fast your machine is. Say, how fast can it go?”

“It has a top speed of 78 MPH on most terrain.”

The stallion whistled. “Damn, not even chariot races go that fast. It should only take you a little over an hour to get there at those speeds.” The stallion stood, gesturing Ale to do the same. “While you’re there see if you can ‘convince’ the normal crew to get back here soon. I’d like to have a little chat with them. After that, enjoy yourself. Your single day of work has put us far ahead of schedule.”

Ale nodded and began to open the door, “Oh, and don’t tell anypony else of what transpired in here. I got a reputation to uphold.” Ale chuckled and the stallion raised his voice for appearance. “Now get the hell out of my office and back to work!”

Ale shuffled out and glanced around, his coworkers giving him smiles of sympathy. Ale smiled and walked towards the exit. He had a ride to get.

Author's Note:

I'm back! So no excuses as to why this took 3 months to get out. I was just lazy. I did however storyboard a lot for my other stories and this one. Also I have finished rewriting chapters 1-14. It was just minor grammar changes and some addition/tweaking of the exposition and overall smoothness of some parts. You don't have to go back and reread. It was more for my satisfaction. However what you should not e is that I changed the Longsword that he crashed in into a Sabre instead. The specialized Longsword has been changed to a specialized Broadsword. Reason being I mistook a Sabre for a Longsword. Longswords are fucking huge so I had to change it. Anyways that's about it. Updates should get on a faster updating track now. Next chapter Ale will be digging in some heavy feels with Luna! Until then...