• Published 3rd Dec 2013
  • 1,945 Views, 4 Comments

Apple Wedding - Rakoon1

Big McIntosh and Cherry Blossom are about to marry. Let's see what happens during this engagement and obstacles that will appear.

  • ...

A Wish Born in the Chaos

The morning sun started to rise in Ponyville, illuminating the beautiful village with its warm rays of light. These rays of light bursted through the windows of the houses to greet the ponies living there. In one of these houses, the sun's rays focused on Cherry Blossom that opened his eyes lazily. She sat on her bed and stretched. She got up and opened the window, feeling the morning breeze caressing her mane and the taste of the early spring sunbeams. Cherry Blossom took a deep breath and then headed for the exit of her home, exiting.

She then began to walk around the village, with many ponies greeting her and with her returning the greetings. She trotted cheerfully, having only in her mind her destination: Sweet Apple Acres. In every morning, she always went there because it was there that was the reason for her to get up so early.

She arrived to the apple farm and she soon found Applejack, who, on seeing her, greeted her with her usual enthusiasm:

"Howdy, Cherry, how are ya?"

"Very well, Applejack" Cherry Blossom replied. "And you?"

"Ah couldn't be better," Applejack said. "Let me guess, ya want tah know where Big Mac is, don't ya?"

"It's so obvious, isn't it?"

"Since ya come here everyday jest tah see him before ya go tah tha hospital, I think it has become a habit."

"Yes, I think you're right," Cherry said, laughing.

"Mah brother is there, plowing" Applejack told. "Ya can go tah him. Ah'll go tah tha orchard. Those apples won't catch themselves."

And she walked away. Cherry, meanwhile, went to the place Applejack told her to go and found Big McIntosh, her fiance, pulling his plow in a wheat field, preparing the land to the sowing. She approached, leaning on the fence to observe, smiling. She loved to see Big Mac working, because it only showed how strong and hardworking he was. Besides it was also good to see how he was always with a smile on his face.

When he finished, he looked around and saw Cherry there, watching him. He made his big smile and went to her.

"Hello, my love" Cherry said, as she and Big McIntosh nuzzled each other. "I see you're already working and yet the day has just begun."

"Eeyup" he said. "Ya know Ah like tah start early."

"I just hope you have not started before the sunrise" Cherry said. "You know that just makes you sick."

"Don't worry, Cherry" he said. "Ah start'd with tha dawn. Ah always follow tha advices of mah favorite nurse."

"I hope so" she replied, smiling. "I don't want anything to happen to my charming fiance days before the wedding."

"Ah can not wait fer that day comes" Big Mac said "It will be tha best day of mah life."

"And also mine" Cherry Blossom said. "I'm anxious to get back to see my parents, my sister and my friends. Thankfully, the Lord of Order will leave them to come."

"Ya miss them, don't ya?" Big McIntosh asked.

"A lot" Cherry Blossom said. "I'm eager to see them again and hug them."

She then looked at Big Mac and saw him looking a little sad.

"Hey" she said, placing gently her hoof on his face. "I love you. I love you so much. I chose to stay here because I want to spend the rest of my days with my great love, you. Nothing will be able to separate us, okay?"

Big Mac smiled and then said:


The two then prepared to give a kiss when they heard a hack. They turned and saw the little Apple Bloom, watching them with a big smile.

"Yes, Apple Bloom?" Cherry Blossom asked. "Do you want something?"

"I'm just glad to see you together" she said, still smiling.

The couple looked at each other and smiled. That, coming from Apple Bloom, was really something that made them smile, because it was partly thanks to her and her friends that they were together and happy.

"Cherry, did you asked to Dr. Stable if we could train in the hospital to see if the Cutie Mark Crusades can get the Cutie Marks in nursing?" Apple Bloom said.

"Well..." Cherry Blossom started. "You know, Apple Bloom, I don't think a hospital is a place to fillies like you and your friends."

"Oh, come on, Cherry Blossom" Apple Bloom asked. "It would be so cool."

"Ya heard Cherry, Apple Bloom" Big McIntosh said.

"But we could get our Cutie Marks" Apple Bloom said.

"Yes, but you and your friends can try to get your Cutie Marks in nursing without having to go to the hospital" Cherry said. "Just find somepony who has been hurt and treat him."

"Cherry, you're a genius!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, hugging Cherry Blossom. "Well, I gotta go get my saddlebag to go to school."

And she walked away.

"Ya know ya jest made mah sister have one of those great ideas of hers, don't ya? " Big Mac asked.

"It's always better than having them in the hospital causing trouble and bothering the doctors, the nurses and the patients" Cherry said. "And speaking of hospital, I think it's better get going to prepare myself, otherwise I'll be late. Goodbye, my dear."

She gave him a kiss on the cheek with he saying to her:


And Cherry walked away. Big Mac saw her walk away, smiling. He really had a beautiful marefriend and he hoped that nothing changed and they could be together forever and ever.


Sky, the Crown Prince of Eraklyon, after hearing by Bloom herself that she was no longer in love with him anymore and found a new love, didn't stopped trying to find some way to be able to enter into that strange world inhabited by ponies where she was. Of course that he had been warned by the Lord of Order to not even try, because otherwise he would have to deal to him, but Sky didn't care. He didn't care what that pile of metal with a ridiculous hat said. He would see Bloom again, even if he had to use more obscure methods.

It was then that an idea came into Sky's mind. How he had not thought of that. If the Lord of Order existed, so he should also exist and he should be able to send him to Equestria. Without attracting the others' attention, knowing that they would try to stop him if they knew what he was up to, Sky researched a way to find him. Then he was able to locate the portal leading to his world. He went to its location, finding it and crossing into it.

When he did it, he found himself in the most chaotic place he had ever been. Seemed to be the origin of all the nightmares of all beings in all worlds and realities. It was a place that scared more than Obsidian. It was a dark place, where the only source of light came from the sea of lava that laid beneath. It was a place where nothing made sense: there were places where gravity varied, places where forward was backward, places that challenged logic... That kingdom was a complete chaos. It was not long until Demons attack. He was ready for that and started to fight all those monsters. Although they were more in number, Sky's determination in reaching his destination led him to successfully defeat those Demons.

He then saw, floating on the top of that world, a huge castle, completely built to withstand an immense war and even attack. Sky advanced to there and then entered into a zero gravity zone and Sky used it to his advantage to fly up there and, when he was to land, he realized that gravity was back to normal. Taking a deep breath, he advanced to the castle, entering there. Inside, he found more monsters to fight. This time, it was not just Demons , but other vicious creatures that didn't exist in the Magical Dimension. In the end, he managed to beat them all and move on.

At the end of the long corridor, he found the door which should give to the throne room. It was a huge door made ​​of black metal containing ornaments depicting the creatures of darkness as Witches and Elves (the opposing creatures to Fairies and Pixies, respectively), Demons and many other creatures. Sky intend to push to open it, but then it was just opened, making a creaking noise, and it revealed to him the throne room it was protecting.

It was a fairly dark room. It was so impressive as creepy. It had black pillars that had reliefs which looked like skeletons, whose empty eye sockets seemed to emit a strange and gloomy glow, and the walls were decorated with jewels of dark colors that give that place a dark look. Each pillar contained a torch, but only those who were near the entrance were the ones these were alight and they were illuminating two rows of huge mirrors with a black frame, very similar to those that the Lord of Order had. In the back, Sky could see stairs that rose to the shadows. Through the shadows, Sky could distinguish a throne and a figure sitting there.

Sky entered, with his sword prepared for any possible attack. Then the front door just closed quickly, causing a noise that startled Sky. He then heard movement coming from the throne and turned his back and then saw two red eyes appearing in the middle of those shadows. They were equal to Lord of Order's in terms of color and shape, but these, instead of transmitting light and tranquility, emitted a cold wave that could reach Sky's innermost being.

"Look if is not Prince Sky of Eraklyon" the figure said with a playful voice, but at the same time frightening. "What brings your royal highness to my beautiful and magnificent citadel?"

Sky didn't answer, merely moving forward earnestly, and stopping after a few steps.

"Well, that's a very good unsmiling face" the figure commented. "If people tell you that a smile suits you, it's because they have not seen you in that way."

"You are Lord of the Order's brother, aren't you?" Sky said. "You are the Lord of Chaos, right?"

"Sky, Sky, Sky" the figure said. "A word of advice. Don't ask questions like that, or else I'll think you're as dumb as my brother describes you. But..."

There was a snap and the remaining torches lit up one by one and then they showed the top of the stairs. They would give to a throne made ​​of shiny black stone with red spikes on the sides of the back and the tip of each arm. Behind there was a gate made in smooth black wood, but tough and sinister, whose height was up to the ceiling.

However, Sky's attention was going to figure seating on the throne. He was just like the Lord of the Order, with the same type of armor and conical hat, although they, rather than gold, were in a very dark red. In his left hand he held, just like the Lord of Order, a double-blade spear.

"...yes, I am the Lord of Chaos, master of all evil and disorder. But now, I have a question in mind. What makes someone from the Order side like you on my personal chaos?"

Sky kept the sword and said:

"I need your help."

The Chaos Lord made ​​a sigh full of irony and said:

"No, really? Don't tell me."

"You don't look so surprised" Sky said.

It was then that the Lord of Chaos turned himself into black smoke which came quickly to the front of Sky and he appeared again, saying, while puting his clawed hand on Sky's chest:

"I felt your heart's desire."

When the Lord of Chaos touched him, Sky felt an immense cold invading him, followed by a great feeling of unhappiness, making him feel as if he would never feel himself happy again.

"Your desire comes from the darker side of your heart" the Lord of Chaos continued, collecting his hand. "That, my dear friend, is black magic, my beloved element. It's very rare to see something like that in such a noble and so honorable warrior like you."

"I want you to help me to see Bloom again" Sky said, while the Lord of Chaos gave some steps to his throne.

He paused and then asked, turning to him:


"You heard very well" Sky said. "I want to see Bloom again. I want to go to Equestria."

It was then that the Lord of Chaos began to laugh. The laughs almost made ​​Sky's blood to freeze.

"You can not be serious, are you?" he said to Sky.

But seeing him with his serious face, the Lord said:

"You're really serious."

He turned himself into smoke again and returned to the throne, where he appeared sitting with his legs crossed and his head resting on his hand, whose elbow was resting on the arm of the throne.

"But answer me this, wonder boy, what makes you think that I can do a spell that only my brother is able to do?"

"It's pretty simple" Sky said, advancing. "With my experience with magic, I know that all good magic has a load of negative effect. Although the Lord of Order are the only one capable of performing the spell that sent Bloom to Equestria, you must know another spell with the same purpose, because, although you and your brother have opposing magic, you two have equal power."

"I'm very impressed..." the Lord of Chaos said. "You conclued this brilliant conclusion all by yourself? If you did, then I must say you're not so stupid you appear to be."

"You're just like your brother, you know?" Sky said, seeing a similar way how he insulted him as the Lord of Order did.

"Don't even compare me with him" the Lord of Chaos replied. "I'm much funnier... and also more attractive."

"And for what I saw, also more arrogant" Sky added.

"Thank you for the compliment" the Lord of Chaos thanked. "But now, we will get to the point. I can actually do that, but it requires a price, like my brother's magic."

"Whatever the price is, I accept it."

"Ah, in fact the youth of today is the decadence of the previous generations" the Lord of Chaos said, putting his hand to his forehead. "Well, as you wish. The choice is yours. I will explain to you how we'll do this. My brother used one of the most powerful spells on the Order side to send Bloom to Equestria: the Elements of Harmony. The magic of these elements is commonly known as magic of friendship" he grimaced when he said these last words. "So, I have to use the opposite magic: the Elements of Chaos."

"The Elements of Chaos?" Sky repeated.

"Six elements that conflict with the other six Elements of Harmony" the Lord of Chaos said. "However, if you want I use them, you must to accept them."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sky said.

"What I mean is you have to leave my brother's side and come to mine."

"Wait, do you want me to become bad?"

"You from the Order side and your restrictions" the Lord of Chaos said. "Everyone is bad, my friend, they just get carried away by the kindness that my brother seeks to spread. You just have to ignore that nagging little voice that you call consciousness. It is the only condition."

That made Sky thinking seriously. If he wanted to see Bloom, he had to sacrifice everything he believed and was part of him. He have to forego the honor and the kindness and all good feelings. But for Bloom, he would do anything.

"I accept it" Sky said.

The Lord of Chaos laughed and then stood up and said:

"As you wish."

He raised his spear and said:

"Powers of darkness and corruption, open the portal of my mirrors, for the heart once pure can pass. By destructive power of deceit, by the malicious power of cruelty, by the potent power of anger, by the enhancer power of selfishness and by the manipulative power of betrayal, I command you to turn the purity in deeper darkness, using the heart's dark magic."

The spear began to glow and then the Lord of Chaos cast a beam to one of the mirrors that shone with a purple glow.

"There" the Lord of Chaos said, lowering his spear. "Go through that mirror and you will be in Equestria as a new Sky. Guaranteed promise."

"Sorry to say this, but a promise coming from the Lord of Chaos is not one thing that comforts me a lot" Sky said.

"Well, you can always turn around and go away, but believe me that leaving will be much more difficult than gettin in" the Lord of Chaos said, looking to his nails. "But don't forget that your greatest wish is on the other side of that mirror and that is within your reach."

He gave a laugh which angered Sky. He approached the mirror. He thought of his family and friends. If he crossed that mirror, he could never see them again, and, if he saw them again, they would be enemies, because he would be on the Chaos side. However, he couldn't lose that opportunity of seeing Bloom.

"Sorry, dad... mom... guys" Sky said.

And then he went through the mirror, being swallowed by darkness.

Author's Note:

So this is the begining of the sequel that many of you requested. I have to thank to Bluecatcinema for letting me use the Elements of Chaos in this story.