• Published 24th Jan 2014
  • 696 Views, 6 Comments

Lifelong Dreams - Uncr3at1ve

Dreams can exist to torment, disillusion, or dishearten, but they can also be used to comfort, clarify, and elate.

  • ...

1: Only Slightly Awkward

Memories of that night faded from memory as the years passed, awkward love was replaced by studies and training. Scootaloo never got her answer but she knew now was not the time to ask about it, in only a couple months everyone in their grade would be leaving for higher training in their given fields of cutie marks, Scootaloo would be in Cloudsdale, flying, while Sweetie Belle would be in Canterlot, singing. However, for now those thoughts get pushed to the wayside as the final months of their senior year approach, everyone hell-bent on enjoying the last few weeks of childhood.

The recent Winter-Wrap-Up only adding to the excitement, bringing in the sweet scents of spring and a feeling of renewal, the all too short period of time between winter's chill and spring exams, and what better way to spend the current spring break then by reminiscing with one's friends on the beach.

"Ugh! Sand sucks." Scootaloo's cries were ignored as Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom continued to build a sand castle. "It sticks to everything, how can you stand it?"

"Are ya'll still angry over those exams?" Apple Bloom asked with the air of someone who had asked the same thing repeatedly.


"C'mon, you can tell me."

At that, Scootaloo jumped up into Apple Bloom's face. "I failed flying. Flying! The one exam every pegasus takes every year, and I failed."

"Because ya saw Sweetie Belle watching ya. Yeah I get it, you got distracted and got a bad mark I don't see why I gotta hear ya complain about it every ten seconds." Apple Bloom grumbled while slowly running a ruler along the edge of her half of the castle. "An' seriously ya'll, when are ya going to tell me what happened between you two, all this back an' forth is gettin' old."

"Nothing!" both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle shouted at the same time. At which each turned to face the other before meeting Apple Bloom's deadpan stare. Sweetie returned to her misshapen lump of a half while Scootaloo flopped down onto her back and stared pointedly at the clouds.

A few minutes passed before, "Sand sucks."

Apple Bloom threw down her ruler and glared at Scootaloo, "Ya'll don't have to stay ya know."

Scootaloo grumbled something inaudible and rolled onto her stomach, "Sand beats telling my parents I failed."

"Then stop complaining and build your moat, it's not like you can hide it from them forever."

"I don't have to hide it from them forever, just for a few years until it doesn't matter anymore." Scootaloo started digging the moat around the base of the castle.

Hours passed as the castle raised from the sand, at the time of its completion the sun was beginning its loving embrace of the earth. The final result was not dissimilar to a half slagged farmhouse with half a trench carved around its base, the other half filled with the ruins of war.

"Ooh, Rarity needed my help with something, bye guys." Sweetie Belle half squeaked, half yelled as she ran away.

"Yeah… hehe, I'm gonna go too." Scootaloo started flapping off right as Apple Bloom grabbed her tail with her teeth. "Yeeow! Geez what is it with you Apples and biting tails off anyway."

"What happened between you and Sweetie Belle? I want answers." Apple Bloom at this point had straddled Scootaloo onto the ground, pinning her.

"Why now? Why not when things started getting awkward?"

"Because ah didn't care then, I figured it was just a phase. Scootaloo, it's been five years."

"I don't want to push her," a dejected flap of her wings, "it's stupid."

"If it were stupid you could talk about it." Apple Bloom shifted her weight more onto her own hooves than Scootaloo's body. "And if ya can't talk about it then it's something ah should know about."

"It's nothing important."

"It's important to me."

"Promise not to laugh."


Scootaloo motioned with her wings for Apple Bloom to get off of her at which Apple Bloom slow released her weight and crawled off to the side.

"I kissed her…" Scootaloo stopped at Apple Bloom's stare. "What?"

"That's it? You just kissed her one day and suddenly all Tartarus breaks loose and you can barely make eye contact for five years?"

"Well… yeah?"

"There has to be more to this, explain." Apple Bloom motioned Scootaloo to continue with her hooves.

"It was, like, midnight or something around Hearth's Warming Eve, and I was out on a walk around Ponyville. So… long story short Sweetie Belle sang to me and I kissed her."

"That sounds more romantic than it probably was."

"I may have snuck into her bedroom because I saw her light on."

"Aaannd now it's creepy, so what was her reaction?"

"Well, she kinda flipped, yelled at me for taking her first kiss, kicked me out, but then hugged me because she got her cutie mark from singing to me."

"Ah always wondered if her cutie mark had any connection with this."

"She said she would give me an answer when she was ready but, she's apparently not ready yet. What do I do Apple Bloom? I still care about her, and don't want to make her think that I wasn't serious about her by moving on, but I also don't want her to think that I'm obsessing over that one moment."

"Was it ever serious?"

"I don't know, that's the thing, I can't tell if I actually love her or if it's some awkward first crush that never went away."

"You want mah advice?"

"Yes please, give it to me."

"Talk to her. Get it settled that you don't want an answer right now and see how your lives pan out."

"But that still has it hanging over our heads."

"Any more than it is now?" At Scootaloo's empty stare Apple Bloom continued, "Didn't think so. Talk to her, get it settled and let's enjoy our final months together as true friends, and not awkward strangers, ok?"


"Ah mean right now, before you start making excuses."

"Like right now, right now?"

"Yeah, do ah have ta drag you there so you do it?"

"N-no, I'll go, just… come with me?"

Apple Bloom took one more look at the sand-thing before nodding. "Alright, but I'm not going in I'll just be out on the street so you don't run away."

"I wouldn't run away…"

"Ya sure about that, you've ran away from things before. If fact I'm pretty sure you've ran away from this discussion for around five years now."

"Let's just, go already." Scootaloo started walking towards Ponyville proper, or, more specifically, Carousel Boutique.

The spring night air wafted through Ponyville, the sweet scent of fresh grass with the sounds of crickets stretching their leg muscles after a long winter. But for Scootaloo, these did little to calm her nerves as she sat in front of the door into Carousel Boutique. Raising her hoof to knock she gently set it against the door frame. Raising her hoof once more she rushed forward to knock and created a loud tap… by Fluttershy's standards.

"Ugh, why is this so hard?" Steeling her will, Scootaloo once more raised her hoof and created a few normal knocks, if slightly quieter than most would consider a knock.

"Coming!" a voice called out from within the Boutique. Rarity opened the door, wearing a silk gown and further in a table was set for two with a bottle of wine on the table. "Oh, hello Scootaloo, I was expecting someone else, hehe. Sweetie Belle went to bed a little while ago."

"Oh, um… ok. Do you mind getting her, if she's still up. I kinda need to talk to her about something."

Standing aside from the doorway Rarity motioned her inside, "I'll let you go up, don't make too much noise though, I am expecting company soon."

"Ok Rarity, thanks."

Walking up the stairs Scootaloo rounded the corner to see Sweetie Belle standing in the hallway staring towards the stairwell. "Hey." Scootaloo mumbled.

"Hey yourself… I heard you come in." Sweetie Belle murmured.

"It's about that thing."

"The thing at the beach, or the thing that caused the thing at the beach?"

"The thing that caused it…"


"Wait… just hear me out first ok? I don't want to lose any confidence."

"Ok, continue."

"Look, Sweetie, I really do like you. I don't want to push you into anything your uncomfortable with it's just, I have to know. Not a definite yes or no just, is there any way you'd possibly consider me as a potential fillyfriend."

"Scootaloo, I've been thinking on that for five years now, almost every day. I want to give you a yes but now it just feels too late, we're going to continue on with our lives after high school. It's already been decided. I'm going to Canterlot, and you're going to Cloudsdale."

"Then let's just get our lives started and then decide. I just want the last few months we'll have together as carefree kids to be something we can look back on, not something that's either a missed chance or a mistake."

"Ok, once our lives are settled we'll talk about it some more, I like that." Sweetie Belle ran up to hug Scootaloo, "And to answer your earlier question, yes. Just, not until I'm ready."

Scrunching into the hug Scootaloo let out a sigh. "Ok."

A knock came from the door, quickly followed by Rarity sprinting (in a lady-like manner) to the door. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle both tip-hoofed over to the top of the stairway to peer down into the show room.

"Oh, hello Apple Bloom. Why are you here?"

"This fella' here said her was looking for a Rarity of Carousel Boutique, so I showed him over here."

"Oh, right. Ah-hem, thank you Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are upstairs if you wanted to see them."

"Ok, thanks I'll be sure to tell them to keep it down for your date." Apple Bloom slowly trotted towards the stairs while Rarity greeted a white unicorn.

"It's not a date per se Apple Bloom. Hello, Fancy Pants, glad you could find the place I wasn't sure if I had put enough detail into the directions or not."

"Oh, no dear, I was simply wondering around the quaint little town of Ponyville, I'm not much used to the rural lifestyle as I should be, though that Apple Bloom sure made it sound quite enjoyable."

"Yes, she's the sister of Applejack, whom I'm fairly certain you've met before."

"Ah, the younger sister to the Element of Honesty, quite prestigious I must say."

The young adult trio slowly creeping their way up the stairs was slowly tuning out the conversation.

"So… How'd it go?" Apple Bloom asked when they reached the top of the stairs.

"Umm… it went, good?" Sweetie Belle stated with a look of confusion between Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

"Yeah, good," Scootaloo echoed.

"Well that's nice. Because Ah'm pretty sure Rarity won't want us downstairs for the rest of the night."

"Soo… sleep over, for old time's sake?" Sweetie Belle offered.

The answer was a solid yes, and morning light found the trio asleep beside each other, with Sweetie Belle almost touching Scootaloo.

Comments ( 6 )

this story was great! it deserves more likes, anyway I can't help but notice the incomplete tag. Is there going to be a chapter 2? or did you just forget to change it? :derpytongue2:


OH come on. Why did u stop writing this story. In the end I will be the one continuing this...
If you won't finish this story. The idea is good but too much time passed. Will u ever continue? Please respond! :/

Sorry about the long reply, life kinda has taken over all my time. But, I would like to say that I'm not completely dead, just that my time has been focused elsewhere.

Writing has resumed on this project so you should see a new chapter released in the next week or so, hopefully two years has added to my skill rather than rusted it.


I'm looking forward to see it :ajsmug:
Thanks for replying anyway, I know it's hard to spend time writing New chapters while you have to focus on your life. Also I want to mention, no offense, but when you put something on the internet, the best thing is when you upload it fully complete, so maybe we wait for years for a good story, but we can at least view on a full story.

Sorry for the long reply.
I'm sure it will be perfect:twilightsmile:

Sorry for disturbing you again. Is there a potential upcoming chapter for the next few weeks maybe? Just wanted to ask, although I don't want to push you, I'm Just too curious what will you come up with :applejackunsure:

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