• Published 3rd Apr 2014
  • 5,769 Views, 153 Comments

The Dark Side Of The Sun - ocalhoun

Celestia will always struggle with the pain and shame of what happened that fateful night, but it's nothing compared to what happened next.

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Chapter 6 ~ Purifying Flames

I watched as a beam disintegrated Crystal's left foreleg. My magic dissipated, but I couldn't stop the barrage from the diamonds.

It felt like a hard kick in the gut. I rushed toward her, pulling up a shield spell, but I couldn't get to her fast enough.

Another glowing beam burned through her back right leg, severing it almost completely.

Finally, I managed to put myself and my shield between the enchanted stones and my only friend... but it did nothing to quiet the filly's cries.

An eternity passed while I blocked my own attack and listened to the injured filly's screams degrade into harsh sobs. Finally, the last of the jewels expended its energy and stopped firing.

As soon as I felt safe dropping my shield spell, I whirled around to Crystal. “Are you okay?”

Stupid. One leg was gone, and another hung by a thread. Of course she wasn't okay.

Crystal just whimpered, pushing herself away from me with her good legs.

I had to stop her bleeding. I glanced around, finally spotting the royal robes I never wore. Levitating one over, I tore a few shreds off of it and moved to wrap them around the bleeding filly's wounds.

She screamed and backed further away.

“Crystal, I need to tend to your wounds, please don't–”

“Get away from me!” Her voice squeaked and broke, but it held an authority I would never have suspected from her.

My heart tied itself in knots as I watched her stumble to her two remaining feet. I held out a hoof. “Crystal, please! You'll hurt yourself! Just lie down and let me–”

“No!” She tried to take a step toward the door, but fell flat on her face, blood spurting everywhere.

I reached for her. “Crystal!”

She vanished in a blast of blue magic.

I froze, and my priceless makeshift bandages dropped to the floor. Looking up, I saw the pony responsible.

Starswirl stood in the doorway, looking directly at me.

You,” I snarled. “What did you do to Crystal?”

“I sent her to get the help she needs.”

I stalked toward him, my horn glowing bright. “Where did you send her?”

When, actually.” He kept his smug visage, seemingly unperturbed to have an alicorn in a dangerous mood closing in on him. “I used one of my time spells and sent her one year into the future... where she will receive the very best medical care available... That is if you can get control of yourself by then and arrange it.”

I stopped just in front of him, towering over him. “You will die for this, you know that, right?”

“The elements are too much for any one pony to bear, Celestia, even one as strong as you.” He didn't back down an inch. “They are corrupting you from the inside out, causing irreparable damage.”

I slapped him to the side with a blast of magic. “I know that. I know that better than you ever could.”

He picked himself off of my floor. “I can help you, Celestia. I've made a spell that will take the elements away.”

Of course! He wanted the elements for himself! Once he had them, he'd be able to overthrow me and take Equestria for himself. That was exactly what I wanted! The fires burned inside me, and my eye twitched. No! That was the opposite of what I wanted! This usurper had to be dealt with immediately – I couldn't risk him taking away my precious elements.

I released another blast of magic, only to see it dissipate around his shields. I grit my teeth and dug deep. I would end this pony. Today. I summoned the full fury of the sun. He had to be weakened from the barrage dealt out by my diamonds. He wouldn't survive this time. My beam of sunlight struck him head-on. He vanished behind a wall of white-hot flames. I grinned, letting my eyes grow wide as my attack ended, ready to gloat over his smoldering corpse.

Infuriatingly, he stood unharmed within a circle of blackened marble. “Celestia, let me help you. Let me free you from your burden.”

I screamed. If only he could... if only he could.

I twitched again. I knew I couldn't let him do that, not ever. So he thought he had good shields? It was time to stop holding back. I no longer cared about collateral damage. The only thing in the world that I still wanted was to see him burn.

My horn glowed. I called upon my connection with the cosmos.

Far up in the sky above, a solar flare the likes of which nopony had ever seen split off from the sun. Drawing off this much of its fire would leave it slightly, but permanently dimmed. I didn't care.

“Celestia, you don't have to...” Starswirl looked up as the entire castle began to tremble, the first hints of genuine fear breaking out on his face.

Good. This imposter may have been guiding the sun in my absence, but it always had and always would answer to me, first and foremost.

The searing rage of thermonuclear fire struck my castle. The marble roof overhead vaporized, and my entire vision filled with the blinding light of the sun. I basked in it, the only being in the world who could survive – thrive – in the inferno.

In mere moments, the flare was gone. I had merely used a small portion, after all. I didn't care to destroy the entire planet just yet.

All around me, the scant ruins of my castle crumbled and smoldered, a shriveled husk of its former glory.

One of the glowing-hot piles of rubble in front of me shifted.

I groaned. What would it take to kill this pony? Better not take any chances this time, I decided. This time, I would wipe out the whole continent.

Starswirl pushed the smoking chunks of rubble off of himself. His beard was singed, and his hat was missing. “So, this is how it ends?” he whispered, watching my glowing horn, “I wonder, are you going to slice me to pieces like Crystal, or are you going to banish me like Luna?”

I diverted the next flare, arcing it around the planet and back toward the sun. I stood there, just breathing for a moment. My bones still burned with rage, but my lips trembled. I couldn't stop my eyes from watering.

I collapsed onto the hot stone floor. “What have I become, Starswirl?”

He rose to his feet with a groan. “What you have always been – a good pony and a loving princess.”

Liar,” I spat. “I've driven away every pony for miles around with my cruel tricks. I molested and maimed the only pony who stayed. I've destroyed my – our – castle, and I've sent my sister off to a thousand years of torment... and now I've just tried to murder you.”

Celestia, you've been through a lot lately.” Starswirl walked up to me. “And the elements have been attacking your mind. You can't blame yourself for–”

“If I hadn't stopped my last attack, I would have killed every pony in Equestria.” I hid my face under my hooves and I felt another burning rush of compulsion flow through me. “I don't want to go on like this. Make it stop, Starswirl. Kill me.” I closed my eyes and waited for it.

I could hear the hum of Starswirl's magic above me. I knew the end was close now. I would finally be free.

His spell shot lightning through my veins, and my world went dark and cold. With my last breath I whispered, “I'm sorry, Sister.”

* * *

I rolled over onto my side and groaned. Six round stones sat in front of me, each with the shape of an element embedded in it. Why was I still alive? Had Starswirl lost his nerve?

“Did you sleep well?” He reclined on a nearby slab, watching me and twirling the tip of his beard around with his hoof.

“Wha– what happened?”

“I used my spell, of course. Quite ingenious, if I do say so myself. They don't call me 'the father of the amiomorphic spells' for nothing!” He chuckled. “It turns the elements' own power against them, and they do what they do best – they encase themselves in stone.” He hopped up to his feet. “And don't worry. They'll break free when they're needed... when six ponies with the right spark approach. No more of this multiple element per pony business. It's just too hard on the ponies holding them.”

I took a deep breath... The compulsion of the elements – it was gone! I gasped. “I'm free! I'm actually free!” The strangest feeling came over me though. “But... why do I still feel like... molesting you?”

Starswirl sighed. “I wish you would have let me help you sooner.” He stared at the burnt floor, shaking his head. “Our memories and experiences shape who we are. Unfortunately, you now have some very dark ones, and they'll never completely go away.”

“Never?” I sat up and folded my wings.

“They will always be a part of you now. It's something you will always struggle with.”

“Then my survival is a tragedy.” I slumped back down.

“... But you have an eternity to improve yourself – thousands of years to practice making yourself a better pony... and to make amends.”