• Published 1st Dec 2013
  • 5,126 Views, 399 Comments

The Book of Water: The Heart of Winter - TalonMach5

Part two, of books two of four, in the Great Slave King Saga. An anthology of Equestria's history

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Chapter 11: A Thickening Plot, a Thickening Stew, a Treacherous Course, Better Make That Two

The Book of Water: The Heart of Winter

A Story by TalonMach5

Chapter 11: A Thickening Plot, a Thickening Stew, a Treacherous Course, Better Make That Two

She languidly laid on the borrowed bed, comfortably stretched out as she lethargically yawned. Opening her maw wide, she pulled back her lips to reveal her sharp and terrible teeth. Although she still felt weak and sluggish, slowly but surely she felt her strength returning to her. She would be glad once she'd finally regained full strength to her atrophied muscles. It had been far too long since she had last exerted her dominance over the shadows of her territory, and she was fairly certain that all the horrors lurking within had forgotten who the true terror truly was.

This feeling of being so weak and helpless, she didn’t like it. Not only was it humiliating to one of her stature to be so afflicted, but she could scarcely intimidate the lesser races into toeing line anymore, let alone protect her lord in this miserable state. Her master was in great peril as never before, she was certain of it. Her instincts demanded that she be at his side, hissing and snarling at all the threats that lurked within the shadows seeking to harm him, and promising a quick death to those malicious and wicked instigators if they drew too close to her fiercesome teeth and terrible claws.

Inhaling deeply, she caught the stale scent of death lingering in the air. The putrefied and rotting remains of the former inhabitants and slain trespassers of the broken city. Ectoplasm and despair, sure signs of the hungry dead and vengeful spirits that haunted the crumbling ruins of the once great city. Greed and fury, proof that more than the restless undead and malicious ghasts could be found lurking in the shadows. But most importantly, the foul odor of treachery. More dangerous than all ten thousand terrors found within the dead city combined, its miasmic corruption befouled everything within and without her master’s palace with its vile taint.

It had been so long since she had last been permitted to purge the treasonous taint from his home. If he’d permit her to, she would gladly ravage and slay all those who carried the scent of betrayal within his domain. But despite all her constant pleading and whining to begin the culling, he would always stay her claws and seal her maw. Oh how she longed to return the days of old, back to when both she and he were still full of rage and new in the world.

Together, they’d had broken the city’s defenses, slain all who’d opposed and oppressed him, and had swept away all those who’d dared resist him like dust in the wind. Thinking of those long since passed, pleasant blood soaked memories of carnage and gore, brought a slight smile to her muzzle. Sighing at the deplorable state of her silken black coat, she began cleaning her fur with her tongue as best she could. Although she couldn’t reach everywhere, it felt good to be able to do something as normal as grooming herself unaided.

Closing her burning red eyes, she released a low purr as she imagined her master’s dexterous fingers running through her fur as he scratched her behind the ears. It was pure bliss, sitting beside his throne and glaring at all those unworthy weaklings who sought supplication from their great and terrible dark lord. At the ones who annoyed him even slightly, she’d bare her fangs and extend her claws with a promise of violence. Those who scraped and bowed before him in fear and trembling she’d derisively sneer at, for there was no place for sniveling cowards in her master’s employ.

But for those few he found worthy, she deigned to nod her head ever so slightly. For if her master found them deserving of respect, she would acknowledge and honor his judgement. Skulking from the shadows she patrolled the hidden paths of their home, ensuring none could enter without his knowledge or permission. Whether it was changeling looters, pony adventurers, or diamond dog traitors, it mattered not. All who trespassed without permission would meet with the same grisly fate.

After making her rounds, she'd always returned to his side without fail. Either at his great throne, the fiery forges of the manufactorium, or her personal favorite, his bedchambers. She longed to return there, guarding him as she slept by his side. Laying her head in his lap, she’d look into his burning green eyes with adoration and be at ease. Even when he took one of those whores into his bed and wasted his strength by laying with them, she was content. For it would always be she, and not they, who would remain at his side the morning after, and for her that was enough.

But now, he’d taken one of those whores as his wife and felt lost. Her master was in danger and she lacked the strength to protect him now. Her spirit was full of turmoil at the thought of them alone together, usurping her place by his side. Whispering lies and falsehoods into his ear, turning him against her. Using her feminine whiles and magic to weaken and corrupt him. Binding him to her, and bending him to her will.

Her new pony whore mistress was his deadliest enemy yet, she was certain of it, and for all his might and power was defenseless against the threat she offered him. Sniffing the air, she smelt the refreshing scent of nature and life that the ponies carried with them. Even now, they were pushing back the shadows and darkness of the dead city with their skills and talents. Her shadows, her darkness.

She despaired at the thought, for without the dark what use was she? There was no place for her kind amongst the ponies and the light they loved so dear. There was no place at her dark lord’s side, not since that pony whore had stolen him away from her. No… she mewled in a mix of sorrow, melancholy, and anger. He would stay hers, even if she had to enter the Pit and slay Tiroc himself to prove her everlasting devotion to him.

Looking to the far wall of the room she was staying in, she tried scrying the shadows to see her beloved master’s face once more. Looking into the depths she only saw the soft twinkling of starlight and the dark beauteous countenance of her new mistress clouding her vision. She thought she saw a smug grin plastered on the alicorn’s muzzle, and wished to banish her happiness by raking her claws against the loveliness of her unparalleled beauty.

Looking away from the one who’d taken all she held dear, she mourned that even her beloved shadows had turned its back on her in favor of someone else. She imagined that pony whore lovingly nuzzling her master in courtship, as she wooed and enticed him to join with her, and whimpered in despair that he would finally be taken away from her forever. Had she possessed any tears to shed, she would’ve wept an ocean full as her broken heart mourned for him.

It wasn’t fair! No one else could possibly know him as intimately as she did. All the unbridled rage and fury he’d possessed had been expended into her unwitting creation. She had served him far more faithfully and steadfastly than any other, and had unwaveringly served him for over five centuries, whereas all the others had failed him. No one else was more worthy of his affection or strong hands than she was, and no one else could possibly ever love him more or far better than she did.

Wishing she could reveal the sincerity of her love and devotion to him, she cursed the cruel oversight of her creation in denying her the ability to speak like others could. Had she possessed the means to, she would’ve crashed the wedding and demanded a chance to fight the usurper for the right to claim her master’s hand as her own. Saving him from those false, duplicitous, and capricious whores that sought to steal him away from her for their own diabolic purposes.

She wouldn’t have even demanded that he exercise his husbandly duties with her. That she was permitted to be by side forever more was all she desired. Remembering the feeling of his hands running through her coat, she felt herself warming at the memory. Had she managed to become his wife she certainly wouldn’t have denied her master his privileges as her mate, if he so desired.

She felt her tail thump against the bed, as her foot began moving of its own accord. Dwelling on the steamy thoughts depicting her enthusiastically serving her master as his wife, she felt her face flush as she grew lightheaded. Letting out a loud purr, she relaxed into the bed as she let out an audible sigh.

“Having a pleasant dream, Nightmare?” a guttural voice asked with a hint of amusement.

Scourge! she accused, furious that he’d caught her in such a state, quickly placing her tail between her legs to hide her shame. Had she the strength, she’d have stood up and stared down the traitor with all the force she could muster. But as it was all she could do is glare at him in annoyance from her prone position on his borrowed bed.

“Nightmare, I take it that you’re recovering well?” the doomhound asked, as his voice reverberated with a ghostly echo.

Traitor, she seethed. Why have you dared approach me unbidden?

“I thought that a little fresh air and exercise might do you good,” he replied, approaching her before stopping and standing a respectful distance away from her.

She considered his offer. It would be a refreshing change to escape this room, even if it was only for a little while. Plus it might allow her to finally clear her head from the heady and licentious thoughts still clouding her mind and warming her nethers.

Very well, traitor, she said, giving the doomhound a contemptuous sneer. I shall allow you to escort me from the room and through the palace as I make my rounds.

“Of course, Lady Nightmare,” Scourge patiently replied, refusing to allow her churlish behavior to rattle him in the slightest.

Bending down, the doomhound waited patiently for Nightmare to grab hold of his arcanum armor. The ethereal blue light emanating from his ghostly form bathed her dark coat, and made her black fur shine. Looking at her as she tried raising herself up, he found himself looking at her in a new light. For a terrible creature of darkness and shadow, she looked quite comely and striking.

Languidly laying before him, the normally taut and powerful muscles beneath her coat appeared rather lithe and supple. Feeling her paw grasping his armor clad shoulder, he could see her flushed face still carried a hint of pink on her otherwise dark cheeks, evidence of earlier embarrassment. Allowing her to press upon him for support, he braced himself as he helped lift her up onto her weak and unsteady legs.

Pausing for a moment to allow Nightmare to catch her breath and recover her meager strength, he looked over his shoulder at her. She stood trembling as she leaned against him for support. Keeping her long tail between her legs, she gave him a hard glare as she made her displeasure regarding his wandering eyes clear.

Keep your eyes to yourself, traitor, she warned, trying and failing to sound the least bit intimidating.

“Of course, Lady Nightmare,” Scourge replied, humoring his churlish charge as best he could. Gesturing towards the door, he offered her a slight bow. “Shall we be off?”

Feeling the heat beneath her tail and smelling the scent of her arousal, she nodded in agreement. Mortified that the traitor had caught her in such state, and in his bed of all places, left her wishing to leave this place as quickly as possible. Placing one shaky paw in front of the other, she leaned against him for support as they slowly made their way from the room she'd considered her prison and had been forced to convalesce in.

Leaving the room together, she felt her formerly fleeing confidence gradually returning to her as the scent of her wanton desires for their master slowly dissipated. Although the scent of her shame had faded, the heat betwixt her legs and beneath her tail had yet to subside. Feeling the cool ectoplasmic light of her escort on her dark coat, she found herself slightly envious of his condition.

Scourge had been slain and returned from the land of the dead. In so doing had lost his corporeal form, and was now little more than a disembodied spirit inhabiting a suit of arcanum armor. Remembering his response to her aggressive advances when she’d pursued him through the city’s abandoned mines earlier, she was certain that he didn’t have to deal with such annoying carnal appetites. Frustrated that her desires for their master would never be fulfilled, she wished she could switch positions with him, if only for a day.

Sighing in annoyance, she leaned against his heavy armor, as they walked through the deserted halls of the Slave King’s run down palace. They walked together in relative quiet, as the echoing sounds of Scourge’s arcanum clad paws and Nightmare’s muffled heavy pawsteps broke the tense silence between them. Guiding her through the palace’s winding paths, the doomhound lead her slowly but surely towards the throne room.

Drawing closer to the heart of the crumbling palace, the broken and defaced bejeweled friezes depicting the once proud and glorious Earth, tattered and dusty tapestries hanging along the walls, and dusty and unkempt rooms, gave way to newly applied plaster and freshly cleaned and repaired carpets and tapestries. Looking at the repairs in progress, she saw piles of gems waiting to be fitted into new friezes that would eventually replace the old damaged and ruined ones.

Nodding appreciatively at the renovations, Scourge stopped for a moment to examine a nearby half completed frieze depicting the Slave King’s ascension from a lowly slave to a god. “Lady Nightmare,” he said, examining the emeralds depicting the Slave King’s burning eyes. “The ponies have certainly done expert work, don’t you agree?”

She derisively rolled her eyes at his words. Who cared how skilled they might be, they were still unwelcome intruders squatting in his domain, violating the sanctity of her home with their overly cheerful and nauseating presence. Had the Slave King desired these repairs, he’d have commissioned them himself. But instead of respecting his desires, the interlopers had seen fit to renovate the palace and gardens without so much as a by your leave.

If I possessed the strength, she grumbled, casting a flinty look at a nearby mason pony busy at his work repairing one of the arches overhead and its supporting columns. I’d drive these trespassers to the slave markets where they belong.

“Nightmare, the Slave King made it clear that the ponies Celestia left behind were to be treated as his honored guests,” Scourge replied, admonishing her to keep her misplaced anger to herself. "Besides, like us, they too serve our mistress, Princess Luna.”

Your mistress perhaps… traitor, she huffed, remembering the smug look the alicorn had given her when she’d unsuccessfully tried scrying the shadows for her beloved master earlier. But I’d sooner leap into the Pit and serve Tiroc, rather than ever serve that fool whore of a pony!

Rumbling in displeasure at her lack of respect for their new mistress, Scourge turned and faced his surly charge. Standing before her, he raised his head and stood at his full height. Towering over her with his much larger frame, he stood before the first creation and terror of the Diamond Vale. Placing a heavy, arcanum clad paw on her shoulder to steady her trembling form, he readied himself to dress her down for her rude and unjustified words against Princess Luna.

“Nightmare,” he quietly rumbled, allowing his deep voice to take a deeper timbre in warning. “The princess is the Slave King’s wife and your mistress. You would do well to remember that the next time you think to insult her in my presence.”

Why should I? she demanded, narrowing her eyes in anger at the traitor’s stupidity in thinking he could ever intimidate the one who held the horrors of the ruined city at bay with naught but her passing shadow.

“She is our mistress,” Scourge countered, looking into her crimson eyes that burned hot with fury. The same rage that their master had once known, and had nearly allowed to consume himself in his quest to slay the last Gembiter. “And that, Nightmare, should be all the reason you require.”

Humph, she snorted, refusing to acknowledge his words as she tilted her head away from his ghostly blue eyes. She felt compelled to offer a barb or two, when she felt her hackles raise. Second…

No sooner had she hissed the name, did the insufferable doomhound round a corner and slowly approach the two. With a slight swagger to his step, he gave them a dismissive sidelong sneer as he passed them by. Furious at being so disrespected by someone who she considered beneath her, Nightmare curled back her lips, revealing her sharp teeth, as she released a low snarl.

“Well it appears that somehound has awoken on the wrong side of the Slave King’s bed, or was it the palace,” Second remarked to himself, placing his paw beneath his muzzle in contemplation.

Watch your tongue, treacherous wretch! Nightmare hissed, as her hair stood up on end.

“Treason, really?” Second scoffed, offering Scourge a quick glance before returning his gaze to her. “The only traitor I see here, is the one you’re leaning against, outcast.”

“Second, I think you have better things to do with your time then annoy Lady Nightmare with your witless banter,” Scourge said, placing himself between the two. “Go about your business and we’ll forget your discourtesy.”

Hearing Scourge’s rebuke, Second offered his fellow doomhound a malicious smile. “So, traitor, I see that the little bird no longer flutters after you,” he said, offering them a quick look at his teeth as he slowly circled them. “I wonder how well she’ll fare out there alone in the wilds, especially when she’s away from the watchful eye of her beloved master.”

“If you dare harm a single feather on her head,” Scourge growled, slamming his arcanum clad paw hard into the ground with a heavy thunk. “So help me, the Slave King’s wrath will be the least of your concerns.”

“And you’ll do what exactly?” Second countered, looking over his shoulder at the hall behind them.

“I’ll kill you,” Scourge said, his voice nearly a whisper, promising vengeance and retribution should the doomhound dare to act on his veiled threat against his beloved disciple, Aria the Red.

“Oh really, traitor, looking to add attempted murder to your list of crimes against the Slave King?” Second taunted, with a low chuckle. “It’s not even been a week yet, and already you’re plotting murder against your fellows.”

“Second, I’ll slay you, it’s as simple as that,” Scourge said, stepping aggressively towards his fellow doomhound. “And if the Slave King wishes to settle accounts with me over the matter, then so be it.”

“Specter, your threats are as hollow as that rusting armor you haunt,” he answered, narrowing his eyes in contempt.

“I might be dead, Second, but I assure you, you’ll find me no less deadly an opponent,” Scourge said matter-of-factly, as his ghostly eyes burned with blue balefire.

“Then I guess we’ll see, Scourge the specter, haunter of closets, and helpmeet of cripples,” Second mocked, as he goaded either of them to make a move against him.

“Yes, Second, we will,” Scourge agreed, fully annoyed with his subordinate’s veiled threats and blatant disrespect.

Releasing a deep howl, he called for his fellow doomhounds to assemble at his side. When nohound answered his call, Scourge released a second more powerful howl that reverberated urgency and echoed the authority of his command. Minutes passed, and when he didn’t even hear a whisper in reply he lowered his head. Looking up, he saw Second laughing to himself at their fellow doomhound’s lacking response.

“I wonder, Scourge, why nohound answers your summons?” Second asked, releasing a raucous, mocking laugh.

“They will come,” Scourge answered, fully confident that even if Second didn’t respect him the others still did. “For I am still first.”

“You might be first for now,” Second said, placing his paws contemplatively in front of him. “But it’s my will, not yours they follow.”

Before giving Scourge a chance to respond, Second released a low growl. Within moments seven other doomhounds exited the shadows and surrounded them to the surprise of the on looking ponies and diamond dogs who were watching their exchange. Each was covered in fur as black as pitch, and possessed a pair of glowing red eyes like hot coals. Inside their maws they had teeth as sharp as blades, and on their paws claws like daggers. Covered head to toe in arcanum armor, each was as fearsome as the next and as deadly as the last.

“I see you’ve finally made your move, Second,” Scourge said, unhappy the others had ignored his call and instead chosen to answer Second’s instead.

“Scourge, can you really blame them?” Second taunted him, looking into his spectral eyes. “You might’ve been acquitted, but as far as everyhound is concerned, you’re still a traitor. So you’d best watch your back, for it seems your friends are few in number.”

Feeling his words pierce his heart, Scourge lowered his head in sorrow. “Come, Lady Nightmare, we’ve spent enough time here,” he said, turning away from those who’d abandoned him in favor of another.

“Yes, we should leave before the rank stench of their failure clings to us as well,” Second agreed, delighted how deeply his words had wounded his hated rival.

Nightmare, who until now had been content to allow the two doomhounds bicker against each other, narrowed her eyes in anger at the insult. It was one thing to insult another, but quite another to insult herself. Leveling a scorn filled gaze at each of the doomhounds as they passed them by, she reserved all her ire for the one who had angered her so. Drawing in all her strength, she raked her claws against the doomhound’s smug muzzle as strongly as she could muster.

As claw met flesh, Second released a shriek of agony as blood gushed forth from the four deep gashes she had left in his muzzle as a parting gift. Placing his paw against his bleeding snout in a futile effort to stop the bleeding, he leveled a murderous glare at her as blood oozed from beneath his paw.

“Nightmare, I’ll kill you for that!” he shouted in fury, trying his best to ignore the throbbing pain in muzzle.

“As long as she’s my responsibility, Second, neither you nor they will lay a paw on her,” Scourge said, placing himself between them. “But if you desire to avenge your wounded ego, feel free to press the issue. I’ll be happy to oblige you.”

Furious as he was, he could see by how Nightmare’s legs trembled that she was still weak. If they attacked her now, there was a good chance they’d manage to kill her. Of course Scourge was a problem, but given their numbers, albeit a manageable one. Lastly, there was still the problematic issue of witnesses, and given how many gawking ponies and diamond dogs there were watching their little exchange, choosing to fight here and now was inopportune.

“Scourge, I think I shall depart for now,” he said, between clenched teeth. Giving Nightmare a dark look, he narrowed his eyes menacingly. “My lady, I pray you stay well until the next time we meet.”

Without another word, Second turned heel and stormed off down the hall, knocking aside ponies and diamond dogs alike in his haste to leave. Without another word, six of the seven other doomhounds evaporated into the shadows like dew before the rising sun. Of their number, only Ninth stayed behind. Pausing to offer Scourge an apologetic look, he said nothing as he turned away.

“Ninth, it’s alright,” Scourge offered to his subordinate. “You can go, I understand.”

The doomhound said nothing, but followed the others into the shadows.

Sniffing the air once to ensure that he had truly left them, Scourge turned to her. “Lady Nightmare, are you well enough to proceed?” he asked, concerned that she’d overexerted herself in striking Second with her claws.

Shaking slightly, she rested against him as she tried her best to keep her balance. What am I, Scourge, some weak whelp, in need of her mother’s care? she retorted, offended that he thought her too weak to continue.

Ignoring her outburst, he waited for her to signal when she was ready to continue making her rounds through the palace. Feeling her move forward, he matched her pace and gait as he resumed escorting her towards their first stop, the throne room.

Looking down at her blood covered claws, and the bloody paw prints she was leaving behind, he thought he should say something. “Nightmare, would you care to wash up before we reach the Slave King’s throne?” he asked, wondering what the pony maids assigned to cleaning up the gory mess they'd left behind might think.

She shot him a withering look. No, he needs to be reminded that there’s been far too little blood spilt lately, she churlishly said, extending her claws, causing the stone beneath them to sharply squeal. A reminder of bloodshed might help get his own running hot.

“But they just cleaned this part of the palace, and blood stains on carpet are difficult to remove,” he pointed out, gesturing towards the ponies fleeing before them.

Who cares if they have to work a bit harder in their cleaning, she dismissively said, rolling her eyes at the thought of inconveniencing herself in the slightest for another's benefit. No one asked them to, and if they’re overly concerned about the cleanliness of the floors, then I say that they’ve chosen the wrong profession.

“Well, I care, and besides the Slave King will be displeased if he discovers that you’ve gone brawling in your state,” Scourge sternly reminded her. “So let’s clean you up.”

Fine, she sulked, too tired to put up more of a fight.

Offering her his shoulder, he led her through a side passage and out into the recently renovated palace grounds. All around them the scent of running water and nature filled the air. Rare blooming flowers and ornamental trees were carefully arranged to allow visitors to soak in and enjoy their aesthetic beauty, while the sounds of the garden’s fountains, pools, and streams provided a calming atmosphere.

Dipping her bloodied paw into a nearby reflecting pool, nightmare watched as the blood of her enemy was diluted and washed away by the moving water. Looking at her reflection, she saw the weakness inflicted on her by her condition and scowled. Where there should’ve been a dark terror at the height of her power reflected back at her, all she saw was a trembling weakling. Seeing her weakness, she turned away in shame. For in her condition, what possible use could the Slave King have for one such as she?

Perhaps his marriage to the pony was for the best. At least then he’d be protected from further harm from his enemies. Seeing her melancholy, Scourge waited patiently by her side, saying nothing.

“Lady Nightmare, do you wish to continue with your rounds?” he asked her, fully prepared to guide her back to her room to rest, if that was her desire.

No, she sullenly said, dearly wishing that her strength would return to her quickly, so she could return once more to her rightful place at his side. Looking at the doomhound, her fierce eyes slightly softened. And, Scourge…

“Yes?” he answered, waiting for her to return to his side, so he could guide her back to his room to rest.

Thank you… she murmured, leaning up against his cold armor to keep her balance.

Hearing her uncharacteristic utterance of gratitude made the old doomhound raise his brown questioningly, but seeing her ire beginning to raise, said nothing. Walking once more together through the old familiar abandoned halls of the palace, only the soft pad of her paws and the gentle ringing of metal meeting stone could be heard as they made their way back to her room.


The ship cut through the choppy water like a hot knife through butter. Breaking through a large wave, the vessel’s figurehead, an intricately carved image of the Lawgiver holding his trident at the ready, sent seawater crashing over the prow and onto the main deck. The crew, consisting of ponies and the odd seapony, were busily adjusting the mainsail's rigging in order to travel a more favorable course along this treacherous stretch of coast they were hugging.

Ordinarily, ships as large as this would sail in deeper waters. But the cargo they were carrying was of a sensitive nature, and considered illegal within the Domain of Water by Lord Triton’s laws. Only by hugging the coastline, could they expect to carry their contraband cargo to its destination without attracting the attention of the watchful eyes of the knights of the Lawgiver.

Adjusting the weather beaten tricorne hat that was perched perilously on his head with his chipped hooves, the paunchy and slightly overweight unicorn fought against the wind to keep his favorite hat from getting blown away into the sea. Using his magic, the pony pressed the hat deeper into his greasy and unkempt pale orange mane, as he made his rounds on the main deck.

Entering the bridge, the pony shut the door behind him, and approached the table in the middle of the room. Secured beneath some heavy stones was a detailed map showing all the hidden dangers lying in wait along the Domain of Earth’s vast coastline. Picking up a compass with his magic, he began charting the course for next leg of their journey. His faded yellow coat bore silent testament to his many years at sea, while his numerous scars and flinty orange eyes showed that he was no stranger to violence.

Tapping his hoof absentmindedly as he carefully studied the map, he contemplated between adjusting their course between two different routes around the reef that would shortly hinder their journey. Northwest towards a largely abandoned Lawgiver post on a small islet, was a route that would provide ample clearance and safe passage from the dangerous reef. Or they could take the much riskier passage north along the coast, which required them waiting for the high tide before they could safely proceed.

The problem was that the high tide was nearly six hours away, but given the contents of their cargo, should they be discovered, losing the ship to the reef would be the least of their problems. Normally the knights of the Lawgiver never patrolled this far south during this time of year, but given the recent sacking of Bone’s Landing, he’d seen their patrols swimming along the waves in the distance further south of their current position.

Given that their lives might be on the line if he made the wrong decision, he felt it best to consult with his first mate and bosun before committing them to their new course. Poking his head out the door, he drew in a sharp breath. “Mr. Barbed Hook, Mr. Gorehorn! Your captain requires your presence on the bridge,” he bellowed, before returning to the map and the two routes waiting for him to choose between.

Minutes later, a light purple seapony mare and hulking green minotaur stepped through the door. The seapony looked at her captain questioningly with her sole blue eye, as she adjusted the black eyepatch covering her left eye. For his part, the minotaur crouched down as he approached the map his captain was studying. Resting his left hand on the hilt of the cutlass he was wearing on his waist, he waited in silence for the unicorn to speak.

“Captain Tulip,” the seapony said, as she floated towards him and leaned down over the table to examine the sea chart he was busily studying. “I take that this is important? We’re almost upon the Shark Fin Reef, and the stallions need me on the deck.”

Hearing her address him by his given pony name, he looked at the image depicting a thorn bush tattooed over his cutiemark before giving her a sour look. “Yes it is, Mr. Barbed Hook,” the captain dourly replied, sliding the chart towards his first officer. “What’s your opinion of these two courses?”

The seapony spent a few minutes studying the chart, before pushing it back to the captain with her fin. “I’d say that Stormbreach Rock is the safer choice,” she said, pointing towards the tiny island on the map. Even if somepony is stationed there, it’s only a small outpost, and we can easily dispatch anypony that tries to get in our way.”

“Captain Thorn Thistle, I respectfully disagree,” the minotaur said, rubbing his thumb thoughtfully along the stubble on his chin. “The cargo hold is full, we could never give the knights the slip if they discovered what we’re hauling.”

“Bosun Gorehorn, I didn’t take you for a coward, too afraid to face the knights in battle,” Barbed Hook said, thoughtfully looking at the large cutlass he was threatening to draw from its scabbard.

“All it takes is one getting away,” he snarled at her, grinding his hoof hard into the deck. “And you can kiss all of our profits goodbye, Barbed Hook.”

“Well the alternative is scarcely any better,” she retorted, flicking back the purple locks of her mane with her fin. “We have a timetable to keep, and if we miss our rendezvous with the Blackheart, we’ll have no way to unload our slaves and get paid.”

“First Officer Barbed Hook, what did I say about speaking aloud about the sensitive nature of our cargo?” the captain demanded, annoyed that she’d broken protocol.

“Captain Tulip, what does it matter,” she protested, shaking her mane in disagreement. “Our stallions have seen our cargo and everypony aboard knows this is a slave ship, thinking otherwise would be naive.

“That’s Captain Thorn Thistle, Mr. Barbed Hook,” he said, snorting sharply through his nostrils. “You’re a seapony, you should know better than anypony else that the sea has ears.”

“We’re deep in the Slave King’s territory, I find it unlikely that the order would send anypony, let alone a patrol this far south, especially given what happened at Bones Landing,” she said, pointing towards the captured port displayed much further south of their position on the map. “I say we risk skirting the outpost, rather than losing six hours waiting for the tide to rise.”

“If we get spotted, we’re done for,” Gorehorn reminded them, impatiently tapping his hoof. “As heavily laden as we are, we’d be sitting ducks if some nosy knights decide that they want to inspect our ship's cargo. But if our first officer is correct, we can scarcely spare six hours waiting for the tide to rise, and meet up with the Blackheart at the agreed upon time.”

“Captain, can’t you… I don’t know, use your magic or something, and send them a message to inform them that we’ll be late?” Barbed Hook hopefully asked as she rhythmically tapped her fin against the table. “That way we could spare the six hours and avoid being discovered by any patrols.”

“No,” the captain replied, shaking his head slowly. “I’m not trained in light magic, and besides, I don’t have an anchor to send them anything anyway.”

“So that’s it then?” she asked, clearly annoyed at the tight spot they were in. “We either risk capture and arrive at the rendezvous on time, or wait six hours, brave the dangers of the reef, and risk missing the Blackheart?”

The bosun heard her concerns and let out a lengthy hmm as he tapped his finger against the hilt of his weapon. Seeing Gorehorn lost in thought, Captain Thorn Thistle wondered what the minotaur was thinking about.

“If you have something to say, Mr. Gorehorn, spit it out,” he said, hoping that somepony had a solution to their problem.

“Hmm, Captain Thorn Thistle, I’m not sure,” he replied, running his fingers over the map. Tracing an invisible line over the Domain of Earth’s coastline, he stopped when he saw a small unmarked cove on the map.

“What is it, Mr. Gorehorn? A solution to our problem?” the captain inquired, hoping his bosun knew something he didn’t.

“Possibly, Captain Thorn Thistle,” he replied, thoughtfully scratched his chin as he studied the map.

“So what is it then?” the captain asked, impatient to chart the fastest course to the point on the map his bosun was pointing towards.

“Captain, I have an idea that might possibly work, but it’s not without its own risks,” he mused, looking closely at the map.

“And what risks might those be?” Barbed Hook said, placing her fins contemplatively in front of her.

“Well for one thing, if things go wrong, fighting knights of the Lawgiver, or missing the Blackheart will be the least of our worries,” he answered, examining the map closely.

Spying that his finger was tracing a new line towards a nearby branch of the Lonely Road, made her realize what he had in mind. “So you're thinking that we should betray our partners on the Blackheart, by attempting to offload and sell the slaves ourselves, eh, Gorehorn?” she asked, pleased at having figured out his plan for herself. “You clever old sea dog, I never would’ve finned you as being so ambitious.”

“Well the Lonely Road does run close to the cove you’re pointing to,” Captain Thorn Thistle murmured to himself, as he considered the logistics of transporting their cargo across the wastes of the Domain of Earth to the nearest market to sell for a tidy sum. “But what about the paperwork for our cargo? Without convincing forgeries, our cargo is completely worthless to us.”

“Also Captain Greenbeard of the Blackheart, will be furious when they discover we’ve cut them out of our little arrangement,” the bosun pointed out, following the road north to the port city of Shadehoof. “We’ll need forged bills of sale for all the slaves, and I believe that the Blackheart had a scrivener amongst their crew.”

“Yeah, they do,” the captain agreed. “We transport the cargo and they forge the paperwork so they can offload them in the Shadehoof flesh market, for a larger share of the profits of course.”

“Well then gentleponies, what’s the problem?” Barbed Hook asked, greedily calculating and counting up her increased share of the profits for the sale of the slaves chained up in the ship’s hold. “We weigh anchor in the cove, and send a griffin or pegasi to Shadehoof to fetch us a scrivener to forge us the proper paperwork, then march the cargo to the Ruby Ridge, Sapphire Shores, or even the Neo Vale slave markets, and reap all the profits for ourselves.”

“But we’ve no wagons to transport them, and that’s nothing to say of the bribes we’ll have to pay to move this many slaves along the Lonely Road,” Gorehorn said, pointing out the difficulties they would face if they tried unloading their merchandise themselves.

“All manageable problems, bosun,” the seapony slaver said, imagining the large pile of bits that would shortly be hers.

“And what if the Slave King discovers what we’re doing before we have the paperwork to protect ourselves?” the minotaur pointed out, hoping to convince his captain to carefully consider his proposal before charging head down and horns out at full speed at this impromptu and reckless scheme.

“Captain, surely his eyes can’t be everywhere,” Barbed Hook said, hoping to convince the captain that the infinitesimal small risk of being discovered were worth the grand rewards this plan offered if it succeeded. “We’ll send out our stallion to Shadehoof once we’re in sight of the cove, if they make good time we'll have a scrivener at our camp in less than a day's time.”

Gorehorn gave her a sour look and shook his head, sorry that he ever said anything. “Captain Thorn Thistle, I already said my piece. What are your orders?” he asked, resigned to follow whatever the unicorn decided upon.

“Mr. Gorehorn, Mr. Barbed Hook, I’ve come to a decision,” he said, picking up the sextant with his magic. Placing it on the map he began charting a new course. “We’ll make for the cove.”

“Aye, aye, Captain!” Barbed Hook enthusiastically said, counting her future earnings in her mind as she exited the bridge.

“I just hope this doesn’t bite us on our tails, captain,” Gorehorn said, looking at the length of road that ran from the small cove to Shadehoof with concern.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Gorehorn,” Captain Thorn Thistle said, halfheartedly reassuring his bosun. “There’s nothing for leagues in all directions, I’m sure the pony we pick for this job will get us a scrivener before anypony discovers what we’re doing.”

Looking at the faded brand adorning his shoulders, signifying his status as a freed slave, he gave his captain a final look before exiting the bridge as well. “I certainly hope so, captain. I certainly hope so.”


Flittering beside the hot oven, she gently hummed to herself as she attended to her coking. A large pot, resting on hot coals, contained her latest culinary creation, a savory stew. The delightful scent emanating from her cooking filled the large kitchen, infusing everything with the promise of a wonderful meal. Satisfied that her stew was in no danger of burning, she turned her attention to the dough she’d left to rise on a nearby counter.

Gliding towards the rising dough, she lifted the cloth covering it and gingerly prodded the soft doughy ball with her tiny hoof. Satisfied that it was ready, she placed a generous portion of flour on the counter with her magic. Looking at the lump nearly larger then herself, she cracked her neck and went to work. Leaping onto the leavened mass, she pressed all her weight onto her hooves, and began kneading the dough as best she could.

Although she was much smaller than most other bakers, she certainly enjoyed pounding the dough hard with her hooves whenever she made bread. Sure, she sometimes nearly got stuck in the dough, but with a few hard beats of her gossamer wings and a little assistance from her potent magic, she always managed to shortly free herself from the sticky clutches of the dough.

Pouncing up and down, the tiny mare released a small giggle as she went to work on the bouncy lump of dough. Remembering who she was apprenticed to and what she aspired to be, she stifled her laughter and resolved to finish her work in silence as she beat the dough in earnest. Pound, pompf, pound, pompf, went the dough, as she diligently worked it with a renewed vigor.

Looking behind her, she saw the white pegasus layabout that she’d found alone and injured in the Hinterlands of Autumn. Silently shaking her head disapprovingly, she returned to her work. Although given the state of his still healing wounds, she couldn’t fault him for wanting to take it easy. But there was still work to do, and if she didn’t do it, nopony would. She heard him softly snoring, and saw to her amusement as he nearly inhaled his own golden, curly mane with each deep breath he took.

She wondered how long had it been since he’d last had a hot meal or warm bed, well before meeting her that was. Since judging by how much and heartily he’d been eating and how deeply he’d been sleeping, she thought it must have been quite some time since he’d last had the opportunity. He’d been in such a sorry state when they’d first met, she was certain he’d gone at least three rounds with an angry griffin.

In truth, it had been two angry griffins. Of course he’d not defeated them alone singlehoofedly, oh no. Thanks in no small part to her own magic, she managed to drive off the great brute that sought him harm. Standing nearly three hoofs higher than her friend, the beastly griffin was moments away from dispatching the poor pegasus before she’d managed to stop him.

Normally she’d never stoop to doing something as unrefined and ghastly as fighting, but the degenerate had the gall to insult her, and so needed to be taught some manners. Giving the thug a small taste of her magic had made him much more amicable to her suggestion to leaving them in peace. Crinkling her brow at the memory of his rude dismissal of her, she snorted in agitation, and pounded the dough extra hard with her tiny hoof.

As long as she could remember, it had always been the same. Bullies thinking they could take whatever they wanted, simply because they were bigger then you. Being flutterponies, her diminutive race had it worse than nearly everypony else. Among the denizens of the Everfree Forest there was a clear pecking order to things, and flutterponies were usually found at the bottom of that list.

Although her people possessed ample and potent magic themselves, they were all too timid to stand up for themselves. Terrible timberwolves running roughshod over their mushroom patches, menacing manticores tearing through their village as if they owned the place, and horrible hydras trying to devour them left and right whenever they had the chance. It was always the same, replant, relocate, rebuild, and finally mourn and bury the dead if they ever managed to find them.

Even though the forest was their ancestral homeland, it was a cruel uncaring place, especially to the flutterpony race. She supposed that the endless cycle of senseless death and destruction her people were continually forced to endure, was the main impetus of her desire to become a sage. If even a few of their number had a sage’s power, then perhaps future tragedies could be avoided.

Truly her being accepted as Sage Zhang’s apprentice nearly a decade ago had been fortuitous harmony indeed. Having heard of the kirin race’s vast wisdom on her travels, she’d decided that in order to help her people she would become a sage herself. Before being accepted as his disciple, she'd visited many other ziggurats, in the hopes of being permitted to join their order. However in the end, all but her master had turned her away from their doorsteps.

Even though her master had been reticent to accept her as his apprentice at first, she was certain that without her to look after him, that he’d be completely lost. After all, the sage hadn’t even had to brew his own tea in almost a decade, let alone any of the other necessary chores their ziggurat’s maintenance required. Looking back towards the oven, she abandoned her half kneaded dough, and flittered back to the pot of stew. Grabbing a long wooden spoon with her hooves, she gave the bubbling concoction a few stirs for good measure, before returning to her kneading.

Examining her hooftiwork, she decided the bread needed something more. After a few moments, she flew to the small herb garden she grew to on the kitchen terrace. Looking at her choices, she lightly tapped her hooves together, before swooping onto the rosemary to harvest a few hoofuls of leaves. With a sharp sounding shwick, she sliced a few sprigs of the herb free with her magic and carried it back into the kitchen. Stripping away the leaves from the stem, she cut them into fine pieces with a few more schwicks in rapid succession, before liberally sprinkling the sweet smelling herb on the dough.

Pressing hard into the soft, springy surface, she smiled as she inhaled the sweet aroma of the leavened dough. Licking her lips at the thought of eating a thick slice of freshly baked rosemary bread, she was certain it would be a hit with everypony. After all, one didn’t need to be a sage or possess true sight to know this meal would be a delicious one. As she worked the dough, her thoughts wandered to the vision she’d had during the last Grand Celestial Conjunction.

Her master had instructed her to use her true sight, otherwise known as sight beyond sight to help her scry the heavens for portents and omens. It was then, that she’d seen the face of true terror. A pair of burning eyes had sought the Slave King’s destruction, and once they were finished with him, planned to cover all of Equestria in fire, blood, and steel. The vision had frightened her greatly, and even now made her heart race.

Revealing what she’d seen to her master had caused the aged kirin sage to command her to drop the matter. But try as she might, the destruction the burning eyes promised to unleash on everypony, left her feeling ill at ease. Doing nothing about the vision she’d seen felt wrong to her. She’d left her timid people behind because none of them had the will to act to save themselves, and now she was being instructed to do the same here.

It felt so frustrating, not being allowed to take action. But she respected her master too much to disobey him. She only hoped that the Slave King would overcome his unseen enemy before they had a chance to bring ruin to the rest of Equestria. Pressing her hooves deep into the dough, she noticed it felt ready for baking, and began preparing the dough for the oven. Shaping it into an oblong loaf, she spread a light covering of oil over it before slicing three narrow cuts along the top.

Carrying the dough to the waiting oven, she gently laid it down on the hot stones with her magic. Wiping her sweating brow with her hoof, she gently sneezed as she breathed in some stray flour. Examining her hooftiwork, she nodded in satisfaction as she set about cleaning herself up. Brushing off the bits of dough that were still stuck to her bright yellow coat, and shaking the flour free from her purple mane, she flew to a plush pillow she liked using for a seat and waited for their lunch to finish cooking.

“Mmm, that smells wonderful, Glitterwing,” the pegasus groggily said, not having quite woken up all the way yet.

“Well of course it does, Bucky, I made it after all,” she haughtily replied, slightly miffed he’d left all the work of preparing their meal to her, and was only stirring now that her chores were finished and their lunch was nearly ready.

For his part, Bucky let out a wide yawn as he stretched out his legs and wings. Blinking a few times, he twisted his head back and forth to smooth out all the kinks in his joints. Sniffing the air a few times, he flew into the kitchen and inhaled the delicious aroma from the bubbling stew. Licking his lips once, he smacked them together in anticipation, as he reached for the wooden spoon next to the pot.

With a sharp crack, the wooden spoon lifted up and smacked away his hoof disapprovingly, before returning to its place beside the pot of stew.

“Yeouch!” he yelped as he gingerly rubbed his smarting hoof. “Glitterwing, what the hay was that for?”

“It’s not ready yet,” she cheekily replied, watching him like a hawk, lest he make a second attempt at some sneaky snacking.

“But I’m hungry,” he whined, looking up at her with pleading eyes.

“Bucky, by sleeping in you missed breakfast,” she scolded him, shaking her antenna at him. “If you’re hungry now, you’ve only yourself to blame.”

“Come on, Glitterwing, I’m starving here,” he begged, placing his hooves together in supplication.

“Well if you’re so hungry then, feel free to help yourself,” she replied, gesturing with her hoof towards the door and the grassy meadow outside. “There’s plenty of tall grass and wildflowers to be had this time of year in the Hinterlands of Autumn.”

“Grass? Bleh,” Bucky said, sticking out his tongue in disgust at the thought of eating wild plants like a wandering vagrant.

“Well, if the grass outside doesn’t seem appetizing, perhaps we could arrange a trade…” she teased, holding aloft an apple and half a loaf of bread right above his head, just out of reach with her magic. “I've got some dirty dishes that need to be taken care of.”

“Okay fine,” he eagerly agreed, stretching out his hoof expectantly for his breakfast.

Cutting the apple and loaf in two, she dropped the halves in his hooves, and returned the rest to lay beside her.

“Aww… cum on, tat’s bary a mowful,” he complained, spewing crumbs all around him as he shoved them in his muzzle as quickly as he could.

“No, part now, and the rest when you finish the job,” she said, frowning at his poor table manners. “And for the love of Celestia, Bucky, please cover your mouth when you eat!”

Releasing a small burp, his cheeks flushed as he gave her a sheepish grin. “Oh sorry about that, Glitterwing,” he chuckled, as got to work washing the dishes.

“Just don’t go making a habit of it,” she said from her cushion as she watched him fill up an empty pot with water to boil. “So tell me, Bucky, what else can you tell me about the South?”

“Hmm, the South,” he murmured as he waited for the water to heat up. “Anything in particular you wanted to know?”

“Anything and everything,” she replied, excitedly beating her wings. “The Neo Vale, The Order of the Shadow, the culture, but anything about the Slave King especially.”

“The Slave King, eh?” he grunted, rinsing off some dishes. “Only ever met him once.”

“Oh, what was he like?” she asked, sitting in rapt attention.

“Kinda hard to say really,” Bucky answered, thoughtfully placing his hoof at his chin. “I mean the stories make him out to be a fearsome giant.”

“But isn’t he?” she said, wondering how accurate the tales she’d heard told of the Lord of Earth were.

“Well, when I met with him, I got the distinct impression that he was more exhausted than anything else,” he said, placing the dishes in neat stacks as prepared to wash them.

“Exhausted?” she reiterated, perplexed how any member of the Pantheon could ever be tired.

“Yeah, I’d say exhausted would be a good description,” Bucky said, removing the steaming water from the fire.

“What made you think that?” she asked, curious why he thought so.

“Well…” he drawled, pouring the hot water into the basin. “I had been haggling with him over some spoils of war, and my eyes were itching a bit.”

“Your eyes itched?” she asked, confused why that would make him think the Slave King or anypony else for that matter might be tired.

“Yeah my eyes always itch a bit whenever I or somepony around me is feeling exhausted,” he explained, rubbing his own with a free hoof.

“Oh, you mean your second sight right?” she asked, tilting her ears towards him.

“No, my second sense,” he corrected her, shaking his head slightly in annoyance.

“Yes, you mentioned that earlier,” she said, remembering how he used it to avoid being slain by the griffins when she’d first met him. Picking up a quill, she licked the tip before she began writing on a nearby piece of parchment. “So itchy eyes means somepony is exhausted…”

“Yes,” he agreed, as he began washing a bowl. “And can you blame him? After all, he practically runs the entire Domain of Earth all by himself. He doesn’t even have a council like most of the other domains have.”

“Bucky, you mentioned you had haggled with him over the spoils of war, please elaborate,” she said, writing everything down on the parchment in a beautiful flowing script.

“Oh yeah, me and my friend Dawson had captured a doe at Bones Landing, and I sold her to the Slave King for a mint,” he said, looking towards his saddlebag full of bits.

“Why do you think the Slave King was exhausted?” she asked, dipping her quill in the inkwell.

“Probably due to overwork and sleepless nights more than anything else,” he muttered through his teeth as he struggled with a scrubbing brush. “Celestia knows he has more enemies then anypony else I could think of, on or off of the Pantheon.”

Remembering her vision, and the terrible portents it held, she wondered if her house guest might be able to shed further light on what she’d seen with her second sight. Meditating on her vision, she silently recalled what she’d committed to memory.

In the South, the heartless one sits upon his throne, tending to his own affairs, while the North, Center, and East relentlessly hunt him, hoping to encircle, entrap, and imprison him. While evading those who seek to make him their prey, the East silently retreats having spirited away his most precious treasure. In a fury, the heartless one’s left hand and finger crushes the crystal of the north, while being buffeted every which way by Winter’s rage. Taking advantage of the heartless one’s distraction, a pair of burning eyes seeks to release enough violence upon Equestria, to make the rivers flow red with the blood of the innocent.

Pondering over what she’d seen that night with her true sight, she decided to broach the subject with him. “So tell me, Bucky, what does the Slave King value above all else?” she asked, hoping that his knowledge of the Domain of Earth might provide her with some fresh insight into the vision’s true meaning.

“What?” he asked, nearly dropping the dish he’d been washing in surprise.

“I’m curious,” she answered, giving him a thoughtful look. “There’s so little known or written about the Domain of Earth, or the Slave King for that matter. Having had some dealings with him, your experience might provide a fresh perspective nopony else has ever considered before.”

Tapping his hoof lightly against the floor, the pegasus gave her inquiry a brief moment of thought. “He seemed more amused than anything else,” he said, placing the bowl he’d been washing alongside the rest to dry.

“Amused by what?” she asked, wondering what the dark lord of the South could possibly find amusing.

“Well Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Lord Triton, were each annoyed at me for refusing to release the doe for nothing,” he said, recalling what had happened on the day of his release from bondage.

“You had dealings with each of them?” Glitterwing asked, flabbergasted at the revelation and nearly dropping her quill in surprise.

“Oh, and Lady Zephyr was there as well,” he continued, as he washed a pot. “But she didn’t have much to say, to me at least.”

“You were present at a meeting that occurred between half the Pantheon, and haven’t thought about the need to speak a word of it to me until just now?” she tersely asked, her high pitched voice rising in annoyance. “You were supposed to tell me anything special you knew about the South!”

“The need to say anything about it didn’t come up until just now,” Bucky nonchalantly replied, as he moved to empty out the dish water.

“So tell me, Bucky, what else have you been keeping from me?” she demanded, pointing her quill accusingly at him.

“You know my friend Dawson,” he said, sitting down beside her.

“Yeah you’ve mentioned earlier that he was serving alongside you as a member of the Shadow Hooves,” she agreed, returning to writing down what he was saying on the parchment. “You mentioned that he was a griffin-half.”

“Yes, Dawson is Lady Zephyr’s son,” he explained, fluttering his wings a little as he held out his hoof expectantly. “I believe the rest of my payment is in order before I say anymore, Glitterwing.”

Without a word, the flutterpony levitated the remainder of the apple and bread into his outstretched hoof. “So tell me what the Slave King found so amusing?” she asked, looking up from her parchment to look into his blue eyes.

“They each felt I was wrong for selling my prisoner into slavery, having just been released from slavery myself,” he explained, taking a hearty bite from the apple. “But when I pointed out to them, that at any time they could free the Slave King’s other slaves, they only offered me halfhearted excuses for their inaction to right what they called an injustice. He offered me praise and a smile at my words, and twice my asking price for the doe.”

Looking at what she had written down, she pondered over what he had said. She was no closer to discovering what the Slave King’s most valuable treasure was yet, but thought that what had happened at the meeting between deities might provide additional clues.

“So tell me more about Dawson,” she said, wondering why he would go half way across the world to risk death by serving in the Slave King’s army. “Do you know his reasons for enlisting in the Slave King’s army?”

“He said that he wanted to win his father’s approval,” he said, thinking of his friend. “Dawson said he was the only griffin-half in existence.”

She found Bucky’s words intriguing. His mother was the Maelstrom, but who could his father possibly be? Unlike Lady Suzaku, Lady Zephyr wasn’t known for her dalliances. The only lover that the Lady of Air had ever taken that she was a aware of, was Lord Darkpaw, and he had long since passed. She must have found somepony new, the Slave King perhaps? But if that was true, why refuse to acknowledge his son? Surely, a new tribe linking the North and South would be beneficial to his domain’s influence.

“Did he ever mention who his father was?” Glitterwing asked, trying to puzzle out how all this fit together within the vision she had received.

“No,” Bucky replied, shaking his head. “Just some unknown wayfarer I guess.”

“So is he still serving in the Slave King’s army?” she asked, placing her parchment to the side.

“No, I don’t think so,” Bucky answered. “The reason why Lady Zephyr was there at all, was to collect her son. Apparently, he had sneaked out in search of finding fame and fortune. He’s probably back at his home in the Golden Eyrie by now.”

When she heard that, her antenna perked up. Although her master had forbade her from seeking after the Slave King, he’d said nothing about the Golden Eyrie. The Hinterlands of Autumn being a daughter domain to the Domain of Air, had regular commerce and intercourse with each other. In fact, one of the busiest highways in Autumn was the one that lead directly from Lord Raiden’s Ziggurat of Knowledge to the Golden Eyrie.

As Sage Zhange’s disciple, she made regular trips to the great tower of learning weekly, sometimes even more. And it just so happened, that she had another trip she needed to make to submit her master’s latest almanac and dissertation on the recent Grand Celestial Conjunction to the faculty of academics and brow of scholars that reviewed all sayings, writings, theses, dissertations, visions, portents, and almanacs that the sages of Autumn regularly submitted to be judged on their merits, before being either rejected or accepted into the great library in the Ziggurat of Knowledge.

Perhaps if they made the journey there together, she might discover more about the sire of Lady’s Zephyr’s griffin-half son, and with Bucky’s help maybe even an introduction to Dawson while she was at it. After all, the golden Eyrie wasn’t too far from the Ziggurat of Knowledge, and didn’t her master say the first responsibility of any sage was the accumulation of knowledge?

Knowing what she had to do, she decided to make her move. “So, Bucky,” she said, giving him a slight smile. “Have you given any thought to where you’re planning to go to next?”

“Well, I had planned on visiting the Domain of Air, and even the Golden Eyrie, but with the cold reception I received in the first tavern I stepped in, I think I might head to the Crystal Dominion, or Marelantis next instead,” he said, brushing a few crumbs from his muzzle.

“I need to make a trip to the Ziggurat of Knowledge,” she sweetly said, batting her eyes at him. “And I could certainly use the help of a big strong stallion like yourself to help me carry some books there.”

“I’ve never been there before,” he admitted, wondering what the famed center of learning in Equestria was like.

“Oh in that case, Bucky, you just have to come and see it,” she said flapping her wings about in excitement. “Everypony should see the Ziggurat of Knowledge at least once in their life.”

“So when do we leave, Glitterwing?” he asked, more concerned for the rumbling in his tummy than their itinerary.

“Maybe tomorrow or the day after,” she said, lightly clopping her hooves together, pleased that she’d gotten him to agree to accompany her to the Ziggurat of Knowledge. “I just need to let my master know when we’ll be leaving.”

“Leaving for where…” Sage Zhange said from behind them.

“The Ziggurat of Knowledge, master,” Glitterwing said with a slight bow. “To deliver your latest dissertation to the sages for review.”

“Oh yes, I’m sure my findings on the Grand Celestial Conjunction will be all the rage in the council,” the aged kirin dryly said. “I’m not sure it’s quite ready yet.”

“But, master, your hypothesis that the Slave King’s five hundredth inauguration will be the beginning of a new epoch of Equestrian politics is quite sound,” she said, pointing a hoof towards a stack of parchment on his desk. “Personally I found you made several compelling points and arguments in favor of your thesis.”

“It’s just that my last dissertation on the effects of Zebrakan imports on the Londwhinium, Marelantis, and Neo Vale economies wasn’t as well received as I hoped,” the sage sighed, as he ran a hoof along his lengthy, unkempt grey beard. “Those seventy year old kids running the review board certainly put my proposed theories through the wringer.”

“Well, master, economics were never your strongest field of study,” she admitted, bringing him a cup of tea.

“I guess I’m just feeling my age, my disciple, after all, I'm no longer a hundred,” he admitted, taking the tea from her with his magic. Pausing to gently blow on it, he took a small sip and sighed. “Ah, thank you, Glitterwing.”

“Master, don’t worry about your thesis,” she said, offering him a reassuring smile. “I’m sure the council will praise your work, you are one of the great astrologers of our age after all.”

Looking to his tiny disciple, he offered her a smile as he returned to his waiting thesis. Picking up a quill with his magic, he began writing. “So, Glitterwing, when did you want to leave?” he asked, as the quill flew over the parchment, leaving beautiful calligraphy behind in its wake.

“Maybe in a day or two,” she replied, flying into the kitchen to check on the baking bread and simmering stew. “Master, it looks like lunch is nearly ready.”

“Oh, great!” Bucky exclaimed, excited to get his fill.

Filling up a bowl with a generous portion of stew, Glitterwing brought it to her waiting master.

Levitating his spoon with his magic, Sage Zhange lifted up a spoonful of stew to his lips and tasted it. Smiling in satisfaction, he nodded appreciatively at her. “Wonderful as always,” he said, praising her cooking skills. “Glitterwing, while you’re off on your little adventure, perhaps you should speak with one of my colleagues, Councilor Xi Baoping.”

“Isn’t she a lawyer or something?” she asked, trying to remember if she’d ever met the kirin before.

“Yes, she is. She's also an academic, a scholar, and historian of some renown,” he agreed, sipping from his tea cup. “She also knows more about the Domain of Air than any other sage currently residing in the Ziggurat of Knowledge. If you want to learn more about Lady Zephyr, she’s the doe to speak with.”

“Oh, master, so you've figured me out then?” she asked, lightly blushing as she tried unsuccessfully to hide her face beneath her purple mane.

“Yes, but it wasn’t too difficult,” he admitted, placing a spoonful of stew in his mouth. “Your insatiable hunger for knowledge drives you to learn all that you can, and I suspect that until you completely understand your vision, a desire for your other studies will suffer.”

“So, master, I have your permission then?” she asked, hoping that he would grant her his blessing.

“Yes, my disciple, you may go,” he said, tilting his head and wizened and twisting horns to her. “I look forward to reading the dissertation you’ll write about your discoveries, once you’ve returned to me.”

“But will you be all right, master?” she asked, concerned for the aged kirin’s well being.

“I should be fine,” he said, holding up a hoof as he dismissed her concerns. “After all, Glitterwing, it’s not as if you’re braving the wilds and heading into the Slave King’s domain all on your lonesome.”

“But, master, who will make you your tea, and ensure you’re eating well every day?” she asked, flittering over his head and tapping her hooves together with worry.

“I’m quite capable of brewing my own tea, thank you very much,” Sage Zhange said, offering her a gentle smile. “I should make it fine roughing things for a few weeks on my own. I may be one hundred and thirty, but I’m not some old doddering buck, constantly in need of a nursemaid.”

“Alright, master,” she agreed, returning to the kitchen to fetch her own meal.

Once she was out of earshot, Sage Zhange pointed his hoof at Bucky. “Please look after my disciple,” he said, glancing towards Glitterwing momentarily before returning his gaze back to him. “Her magic may be strong, but she’s still ignorant of the ways of the world.”

“Don’t worry, sage,” Bucky answered, standing up from his seat. “I’ll help keep her safe.”

“Thank you, friend, for putting an old buck’s mind at ease,” the kirin said, before returning to his meal.

“So, Glitterwing,” Bucky said, poking his head into the kitchen. “What do we do now?”

“First we eat,” she said, carrying a large bowl for her friend, and a much smaller one for herself with her magic. Placing the bowl before him, she returned to the kitchen to fetch some of the rosemary bread she’d just pulled out from the oven. “And then we prepare for our journey.”

Inhaling the delightful aroma of her cooking, Bucky licked his lips appreciatively. “Glitterwing, now that’s a plan I can get behind,” he said, before digging his muzzle into the tasty stew.

Looking at the two impossibly young fawns planning their adventure together, Sage Zhange thought back to his own youth and smiled. “Stay safe, Glitterwing. May Lord Raiden’s wisdom guide you, and the Maelstrom protect you from all harm, my disciple.”


It had been a long and tiring journey to the coast, but she’d finally made it. Although she was a native to these lands, it had been ages since she’d last visited the sea outside of any official capacity. In fact, the last time that she could remember having spent any meaningful time near the Western Sea outside her previous employment, she’d still been a fledgling, barely able to fly unassisted. She’d come here together with her mother and sisters, to a hidden cove few knew about. Closing her eyes, she remembered that day only too well.

Her usually gregarious mother had been quiet for most of their journey together, and hadn’t said much until they had arrived there. Once they had set foot on the beautiful sandy beach, mother was all smiles once more, and had returned to her usual affable self. While mother was busy setting up their camp, she used her wings, and pushed her and her sisters out onto the beach to have fun.

Go on, Aria, love, she’d said, offering her a warm smile. Be a dear, and play with your sisters as I setup our camp.

Yes, mother, she’d replied, taking hold of her sisters’ hands, and walking a short way near the water’s edge.

Aria, love, be mindful of the sea, she’d called out. You can play near the surf but not in it. And make sure Melody behaves herself.

Yes, mother, she’d dutifully replied, for unlike her mischievous younger sister, she was nothing but an obedient child.

Together, she, Melody, and Harmony had a grand old time, making sand castles together and then the defenses to protect their creations from the incoming surf. It had been a joyful and carefree day she remembered. No tears, but only smiles. Well no tears that was, until he came…

So this is why you’ve summoned me here? he’d angrily demanded, furious with her mother for some unknown reason. His eyes held nothing but contempt for mother, as he seemed to ignore her and her sisters.

She could still remember how tall he was, and how he towered over her and her sisters, and even her mother as well. He’d been accompanied by two of his servants, both of them doomhounds. One was blue and translucent, and had a curious and gentle way about him. The other seemed even more annoyed at having been brought here then his master was. He wore a petulant sneer and his fierce scowling eyes felt as if they were boring into her soul. She’d decided then and there that she didn’t like him, not one bit.

However his companion was another story, his shimmering blue eyes held warmth and affection for her and her sisters. She’d met him once before, not too long ago, back when she had gotten lost in his master’s home. He’d gone out of his way to comfort her, and guide her back to wait for her mother, before anyfeather knew she’d disobeyed and gone missing. She decided then that she liked him, and seeing him once more, brought joy to her heart.

Looking to her sisters, she saw their fear at the sight of the two doomhounds, and moved to comfort and reassure them. Don’t worry, mother will protect us, but he’s a nice feather, she’d said, pointing towards the ghostly hound who was still standing beside his master.

Feeling bolstered by her words, the tears threatening to escape their eyes became dry, and they even managed to smile. Looking to mother, she grew worried, he was using a harsh tone towards her, and his eyes burned with an unmistakeable fury. She remembered how her mother had cried and plead at his feet previously, as she groveled before him now. They were both using words she didn’t quite comprehend, but judging by how angry his tone was and how terse mother seemed, they were fighting over something.

Looking to her hand, she counted her fingers. She had five, just like him. Her mother had once told her that her father had five fingers, just like her. But now one of those five fingers were pointing at her and her sisters, accusing them of some unknown crime or sin. It made her feel small and scared, and she simply wanted to curl up into a little ball and cry beneath her wings.

Seeing her distress, her blue friend approached her. Offering her a friendly smile, he gently prodded her with his armor clad muzzle. The touch of his cold metal armor against her feathers felt ticklish, and she released a small giggle.

Smile, little pup, for you are among friends here, he’d told her, assuaging away her fears with his kind and gentle words.

Whether he shared his servant’s opinion she didn’t know, but he made no move to correct him. Moving out of his sight she stood behind the doomhound, and motioned for her sisters to follow her. While Harmony was quick to obey her elder sister’s commands, Melody’s eyes twinkled with mischief as she began creeping towards him. She stood in shock as her younger sister sneaked towards him until she was standing inside his shadow. For his part, he didn’t seem to pay her or her sisters any mind.

Slowly she crept forward until she was standing right beside him. She didn’t reach any higher than his knee, but stood there looking up at him with an amused look plastered on her face. Looking up at him, she tilted her head as she studied his metal arm, beast skin cloak, and iron crown.

Although he barely raised his voice to their mother, she could tell that her eyes longed to weep. Mother approached him with outstretched wings and pleaded with him. She was fairly certain that he would have nothing more but cross words for mother, but then she saw her sister Melody do the unthinkable, she reached out with her hand and lightly tugged on his cloak.

Fearful of what he might do to her sister, she wanted to rush over to her side, but felt herself afraid for her own safety. With fear and trembling, she’d grabbed ahold of the doomhound’s armor and closed her eyes. But instead of frightened cries, all she heard was a playful giggle from her sister’s beak. Peaking up from behind the doomhound, she saw him looking down at Melody with a curious look on his face. Although the metal crown obscured most of it, she could still see his mouth. Always before, the corners of his mouth seemed to hold a permanent frown, but when he looked down at her little sister, she saw his lips slightly relax.

What is your name? he’d asked, his voice losing the hardened edge it had once held for their mother.

Melody offered him a smile, and reached out with her tiny hand to touch his metal one. Looking down at her, he opened his hand and offered his cool metal palm to her. Gently placing her hand in his, she looked up at him with a look of childlike wonder and innocence.

I’m Melody, are you my daddy? she’d asked him, offering him a small curtsey as she did. Staring into his burning green eyes, she quietly waited for his answer.

He said nothing, seemingly unwilling to answer her question. Slowly removing his hand from hers, he turned back to mother. Very well, if this is your desire, he’d told her, his voice containing none of the previous rancor it’d once held.

Mother had seemed relieved when she heard his words, but her eyes held a hint of sadness. Aria, love, she’d heard her call out. Come here, and bring Harmony with you.

Dutifully, she grabbed her baby sister’s hand and approached mother’s side. Yes, mother, she’d said, looking up at him briefly before returning her gaze to the comforting sight of her mother.

Her mother approached them, and pulled her and her sister’s into a loving embrace. Aria, love, she whispered, holding them tightly against her breast. I need you to be a brave girl. Can you do that for me?

Nodding once, she bowed her head. Yes, mother, she’d dutifully replied.

Good, she’d said, reluctantly letting go of each of them. Mother is going to be leaving you for a while. I need you to watch after your sisters, can you do that for me?

When she’d heard that her mother was going to be leaving them, she felt herself trembling as her eyes threatened to tear up. Remembering her promise to be brave, she lightly sniffed as she rubbed away her tears with her hand. Nodding once, she grabbed both of her sisters’ hands tightly.

Yes, mother, she’d hesitantly said, conflicted by her desire to be a good girl, yet wishing she wouldn’t have to be separated from her mother.

Looking up at her mother with uncertainty in her heart, she wondered how long she was to be separated from her. She felt a dark shadow covering her and turned around. He was standing there behind them saying nothing. She looked down at her hands and counted her fingers. Five fingers. She had five on each hand, just like him. Looking up at him, she wondered who was going to take care of her and her sister’s while their mother was gone.

Come, he’d said in a voice that suggested she had no choice but to obey.

Walking towards him she felt scared as she left the familiar safety her mother offered, but felt comforted when the blue doomhound approached, and walked beside them. Looking back, she saw mother standing there with an outstretched wing.

Staring up at him, she looked at him with curiosity. Sir, where are we going? she’d asked him.

Home, was all he said, his raspy voice echoing sadness.

With each step they took, she was being drawn further and further away from the loving warmth mother had always offered her. Slowly, the sandy beach of the cove gave way to hardened earth and stony ground. He motioned for them to stop. Flanked on either side by his doomhound servants, the verdant flames in his eyes flared with power as he stretched forth his metal hand.

She felt the ground beneath her feet moving and shifting. It was as if the earth had become like water, and was threatening to swallow her and her sisters whole. Panicking, she felt her heart race as she fought against the instinct demanding that she try flying away from this terrible place. But she held back. After all, she’d promised mother to watch after her sisters.

Be still, little pup, you’re among friends, she’d heard the doomhound’s comforting voice say.

Bolstered by his words, she pushed back her fears and stood beside him with her sisters. All around her, the world slowly lost all color as the shadows and darkness slowly enveloped them in its cold embrace. Losing all sense of the world, she felt him pulling her and her sisters forward. How long they were like this she didn’t know, but whenever she felt scared, she latched onto the doomhound’s familiar presence and was comforted.

Slowly the color returned to her vision, and was relieved when she felt solid ground beneath her feet once more. But what she saw there once the shadows had fled from her eyes, frightened her. This dreary place was dark and oppressive, and she felt a cold chill run along her back when she contemplated what might be hiding in the shadows lurking all around her.

Sensing her fear, the doomhound stood by her side and gently nuzzled her with his armored muzzle. Fear not, little pup, I will keep you and your sisters safe, he’d said, his words and tone banishing away her fears as he promised her his complete protection.

Follow, he’d said, gesturing to her and the doomhound with his metal hand.

Silently Aria followed after him, holding onto her sisters’ hands tightly, determined to ensure they were with her at all times in this dark place. Guiding them through the broken and crumbling streets of the ruined city he called his home, they approached what must have once been a grand and magnificent palace.

This is where you will be staying, he’d said, before pointing to the doomhound. Scourge, watch over them for me.

With that, he disappeared into the shadows, leaving Aria and sisters behind.

The doomhound approached them. Giving them a friendly grin, the ghostly hound laid down, offering them his back to ride on. Quickly forgetting her fears, Aria helped her sisters climb up on his back, before climbing up herself. Satisfied that all three of them were secure, the doomhound got up and walked deeper inside the ancient palace.

Do you remember me, Aria? he’d asked her. Because I remember you.

Yes… she’d said.

Opening her eyes once more, she saw the sandy cove before her. “I remember you, Master Scourge…” she whispered, feeling her eyes growing wet at his memory.

Blinking away her tears, Aria walked towards the cove as she contemplated what she should do next. Climbing over a small dune she was shocked with what she saw when she reached its crest. Slave smugglers. A group of about a dozen ponies, griffins, and a lone minotaur were in the process of unloading their cargo. They were moving cages full of shackled ponies and the odd griffin onto the beach below. Feeling her blood boil, she ducked down as she decided what she should do about it.

As a servant of the Slave King, she’d often been tasked with bringing down these slaver scum. However she was no longer in her father’s employ, and she had no reinforcements to call upon. This was the first time that she’d ever faced such a large number of foes on her own. Grabbing ahold of her arcanum long knife, she was contemplating what she should do, when she heard the rustling of grass behind her.

Before she had a chance to turn around, she felt a sharp blow against the back of her head. Slumping forward, she looked up and saw a purple seapony mare wearing an eyepatch and a cruel smile floating above her. Before she could recover, she saw the seapony raising the butt of her trident before she slammed into her head.

Before totally losing consciousness, the last thing she heard was the seapony calling out, “Oy, captain, I caught a mudslinger spying on us!”


He reached out and felt the ley lines pulsing with power all around him. It seemed so alien to him. Although he’d tapped into their power several times already without realizing it, the act of deliberately trying to use magic seemed like it should be an impossibility. He was no magician or wizard, and magic wasn’t something that men were want to do. Sure, he’d had the odd daydream of using magic to bending the world to his whims, but that was pure flights of fancy, no one could really use magic, well for humans at least.

But here he was using magic consciously for the first time. Using the abundant verdant green ley lines before him, he was forming an ordinary rock into simple geometric shapes with his mind, as his hands and fingers directed the magic to go where he willed. He supposed that if wanted to be proficient, using only his mind would be the best way to go. But it felt so natural, waving his hands and wiggling his fingers to control the magic like some puppeteer manipulating a marionette on a string.

Before he’d never been able to see the ley lines, but now that his impromptu teacher had shown him how, he was unable to believe that he’d never been able to see them before. They were all around him, pulsing with power and free for the taking. They flowed every which way, over the ground, in the sea, up in the air, and even through the desert plants growing in the hard baked soil.

He supposed they probably connected everything in Equestria together, even himself. At first he was surprised that ley lines emanated from him, but reflecting oh how he'd come to be and what she’d told him of his origins, it made sense. After all, he was made from the divinity of two gods, and supposed as a result was a natural a part of the world as any of the rest. Though he still wondered if his darker half was as connected to Equestria as he seemed to be.

Remembering what he’d been told of him, anyone who could perform the feats he had, most certainly was. From what she’d told him, ley lines were streams of power and divinity that emanated from the Well of Eternity. It was a sacred and holy place that was the source of all creation, life, and magic in Equestria and beyond. As deities, she and her fellows on the Pantheon were responsible for maintaining balance and harmony throughout all creation, and as long as they performed their yearly renewals, all of Equestria would thrive and prosper.

Depending on its source, each ley line was of a different color and luminosity. She’d described how the color indicated what type of magic it contained. For example green held the power of the Earth, while blue was attuned to Water, and luminosity indicated whether the ley line was of shadow or light. So while a verdant green ley line might contain fertility and life, a sickly green one would be naught but rot and decay.

By using and combing the ley lines power in the proper manner, he could do all sorts of wondrous and marvelous things. She’d advised him that while most of the magic wielding inhabitants of Equestria were mainly attuned to a few types of magic, the gods could use all but their opposite to varying degrees of success.

Seeking to test what she’d taught him, he tried grabbing hold of the golden ley lines flowing down from the heavens, and found to his amusement that their power seemed to mostly slip through his fingers like so much quicksilver. He’d thought it'd be fun to fly, and had hoped to tap into the ley lines of air to try. But seeing that he’d gained only enough power to scarcely levitate himself above the ground a few inches, he abandoned any thoughts of flying through the heavens under his own power any time soon.

Even though the power of flight was beyond him, he found the abundant green earthen ley lines the easiest to manipulate. He spent a few minutes shaping the sand of the cove into intricate shapes and structures, and wondered what else he had the power to do. Soon he’d graduated to manipulating earthy loam and even stone. He found it was quite simple to do once he’d gotten the hang of things. All he had to do was envision what he wanted to have happen, and the magic directed by his fingers seemed to do all the work.

Curious about the other ley lines, he sought out the red and blue he’d yet to toy with. He found the blue fluid and cool, while the red was fickle and hot. Trying to direct the blue ley lines was like moving through molasses, while the red seemed easier to manipulate. However, the green remained the easiest for him to use, and after a bit of experimentation found that he could combine their power together to varying degrees of success.

With a bit of blue and green he’d made a fine clay, which he shaped into a tiny unicorn. Moving his hands and tracing with his finger, he etched details finer than should be possible along its surface. Eyes, fur, mane, and tail, it was all there. A perfect copy of her. Looking down at his creation, he felt his eyes welling up with tears. Tapping into the red and gold, he dried and hardened the clay, leaving behind a tiny lifelike unicorn mare in his hand.

It looked so real, almost as if it was alive. He ran his finger along its back and thought of her. Placing his hand on top of the small sculpture, he closed his eyes and thought of her. Inside his clasped hand, he felt something move. Quickly opening his hand, he was amazed at what he saw, the clay sculpture was moving on its own. Looking down, he examined what he'd made and was astonished.

The tiny unicorn pranced about on his hand, as it explored this new world. Approaching his fingers, he found its muzzle tickling him as it nibbled on them. Looking up at him, he saw it hold a look of wonderment on its muzzle, as it looked up into his eyes with devotion. But then something troubling happened, the tiny unicorn’s eyes rolled back into its head, and it collapsed onto his hand.

Concerned, he looked down at his creation with worry. He had no idea what to do, he’d never intended to create life, simply to make a small sculpture on a lark. He felt the tiny creature's ragged breathing in his hand, and felt its heartbeat begin to slow, until it was no more. To his horror, he saw the unicorn breathe its last, before it passed. In sorrow, he wept freely for the poor thing. He felt some of his tears hitting his hand, and watched as the pony’s body slowly crumbled away into dust, before finally being carried away by a gentle passing breeze.

Releasing his hold on the ley lines, he shook as he realized what he had just done. He’d created the poor creature, and due to his inexperience had let it die. What had once been a source of curious amusement and wonder to him, now felt like a great weight pressing down upon his soul, and it troubled him. He had such power at his fingertips, and either due to his carelessness or ignorance had created and killed his creation. This power, it was an awesome responsibility, and he felt completely unprepared to wield it.

He longed for her to return from her errands to rejoin him, so that he could talk with her some more. He didn’t quite know what to think or do, and felt unsure of himself. She’d told him to practice using his magic while she was away, so that he could get acquainted with it. But now that he had, he didn’t know if he wanted it. What if he used it and hurt another again, he didn’t know if he could live with himself should that happen.

Returning to the stone, he decided to keep practicing by reshaping the stone into simple shapes until she returned. Adding a second and third stone to the mix, he discovered that unlike himself, he was able to levitate the stones with ease. He thought that perhaps it had something to do with the abundance of green within the small stones, but decided he would ask her about it once she’d come back.

Lost in thought, he meditated on the waves hitting the sandy cove as he slowly morphed the stones from shape to shape. As the stones orbited around his head, he saw in the distance a ship approaching him. Releasing his magic’s hold, he let the three stones fall to the sand, Getting up, he ran away from the cove towards the wastes that had laid behind him, looking for someplace safe to hide until she had returned to his side.


Disembarking from the skiff he was riding in, a yellow unicorn stepped out onto the sandy beach before him. Walking on the sand, he felt his hoof pressing down on something hard. Looking at his hooves, he saw an odd sight. Before him were three stones. A cube, a sphere, and a cone. Levitating them with his magic he closely examined them. Each was perfectly shaped, without flaw or imperfection. A masterwork of stone carving. Wondering where they had come from, he looked up and down the beach for anypony, and found no one.

Satisfied he was alone, he placed the three curious stones into his saddlebag, and returned to his compatriots still inside the skiff. “All right then, send out our courier to Shadehoof,” he said, giving the empty cove behind him one last look. “Looks like this stretch of shore is completely empty. So start unloading the slaves. Once we have the paperwork we need, courtesy of our scrivener, we can rest easy.”

But unbeknownst to the unicorn, a pair of light brown eyes hardened at his words, and laid patiently in wait for the perfect chance to strike.

Author's Note:

Thank you gentlereader for reading chapter ten of The Book of Water: The Heart of Winter, as always comments are appreciated.

Gentlereaders, thank you for your patience in waiting for chapter eleven. Writing it took another week more then I expected. Hopefully I'll be able to release future chapters more quickly. With the completion of this chapter I'll finish up the third Slave King ask me anything noncanon chapter, once its been completed, and start working on chapter twelve. As such, I'm no longer accepting further questions for the ask me anything. If you missed your chance, gentlereader, I apologize. Hopefully if you are so inclined you can try the next time I decide to do something like this.

Now that, that bit of business has been mention, we'll proceed to meat of the notes.

Poor Nightmare, so loyal to the Slave King, yet she's been relegated forgotten to the sidelines in her quest to push aside Princess Luna as her master's wife. For his part, Scourge too seems to be been brushed aside in favor of his former subordinate, Second. Who knows how long their power struggle will last, and most importantly who shall ultimately emerge victorious in their little squabble.

The ponies in the palace seem content enough to work for the Slave King, Nightmare's viciousness not withstanding, who knows perhaps their usefulness to the Slave King in this capacity will make him rethink his policy regarding free labor versus employing only slaves. Alas we can only wait and see, if their dutiful service will finally bring him around to the idea.

vast me hearties, along the coast, a dastardly captain and his wicked crew carry a forbidden cargo to a desolate location. Will these purveyors of wickedness succeed in their plans to smuggle slaves, Or will they be discovered, and hindered by somepony with the means and will to stop them?

Glitterwing seems to be chomping at the bit, eager to finally discover the meaning behind her vision's cryptic meaning. Well with her master's blessing, and Bucky at her side, perhaps they will discover the truth of the matter together, or at least avoid incurring any late fees from the library. Hopefully the scholars in the Ziggurat of Knowledge won't revoke her library card.

Aria has finally reached the end of her father's domain, but will it be far enough for her to decide what she truly wishes to do with her life. Should she continue in her search for the path she she should take, or return to her father and his uncaring ways? An interesting question in search of an answer, but for now, she has a more pressing matter to determine. How to escape her captors with her wings and feathers intact.

Having been taught the basic principals of magic by Lady Suzaku, Elrey has plenty on his mind to keep him occupied. For example, his apparent enjoyment of shapes, and flying. However unlike flying, he can at least count on a future career in stone carving if that is his desire. Having unwittingly discovered his knack for creation, we can only wonder if he has any desire to reattempt it in the future? Perhaps Lady Suzaku or another would be willing to train him in the sublimity of its secret art? And lastly, though he hides in fear at the slavers, will the cries of those at the mercy of the slavers move him to action, or will he refuse to move and aid them, like he had Snowe?

Find out the answers to these questions and more, in the next exciting chapter of The Book of Water: The Heart of Winter, coming soon to computer near you!

Once again, gentlereader, thank you for reading and all your kind words and support. You make writing worthwhile. Until next time!