• Published 10th Mar 2012
  • 4,071 Views, 509 Comments

Guilt and Hate - Mindblower

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Chapter TwentyTwo

Chapter TwentyTwo


The press corps went berserk for a few moments before finally settling themselves down and waiting to hear Applejack’s response. All the poor Element of Honesty could utter, though, was a startled grunt, her eyes wide.

“I suppose you Elements never stop to consider the real-world consequences of the crimes you commit,” Drammatica said, flicking her mane to the side and advancing to her seat between Malachai and Latte, opposite of Twilight. “It doesn’t matter. There’s more important business to attend to than my personal matters.”

Applejack was still speechless, so Twilight stepped in to try and save face: “We’re very sorry for your loss. If there was anything we could have done to prevent it, we would have. There wasn’t much we could have done. At the time the Elements of Discord were much more powerful than us. I accept responsibility for their deaths and offer you my sincerest condolences.”

“That, I can understand. What I can’t understand is why you never stopped to consider that Saphira and Lorey might have family,” Drammatica said, sitting down. “You simply buried them and didn’t give them a second thought thereafter. I waited a long time for you to come to me, at the very least to apologize, but you never showed up. You ignored your responsibility. That’s what bothers me the most.”

“I appreciate your sentiments, Drammatica. Shall I organize another meeting about it?” Luna asked.

“Oh? I apologize if I have been delaying. Sometimes my emotions can get in the way of my etiquette. I’m sure some of you here know the feeling,” Drammatica said coolly. “You may begin when you are ready, Princess.”

What emotions? Twilight muttered to herself.

“Thank you,” Luna said. She adressed the entirety of the conference. “You all understand that Rainbow Dash’s wings are in a hopeless condition, as far as my best physicians are concerned. However, Ms. Sparkle and I are very convinced that the Element of Guilt would be able to repair them. My plan is to allow him out of prison for the duration of the procedure before placing him back into Royal Guard custody once again. Rainbow Dash cannot properly function without her wings, and if the circumstances weren’t as dire as they are right now, I wouldn’t be considering Guilt’s proposal. However, there are not many options at the moment. So what say you all? Yay or neigh?”

“All we need to do is get y’all to approve this motion, ‘n then we can get it underway,” Latte said. “Personally, I don’t see a problem s’long as Guilt’s kept under control.”

“That was actually something I would like to bring up,” Drammatica began. “How do you know that Guilt won’t break free at the earliest opportunity? I’m unconvinced that the ponies controlling him would be safe. He’s killed without provocation before.”

“Guilt has acted as if he has a genuine desire to help us,” Twilight replied, “and if that isn’t enough for you, my friends Pinkie and Rarity, the Elements of Humor and Generosity, respectively, would be more than enough to suppress his powers. They have both realized their Potential, and Pinkie has already overpowered Guilt once before. The two of them together will keep him well under control.”

“I would like to agree with you, Twilight,” Malachai rumbled, “but do take care not to undereskimate Guilt. He hask proved very reskorskful in the pask. That askide, iskn’t Pinkie Pie skill recovering from her injuriesk?”

“My doctors have assured me that she’s very much back on her hooves and fit to utilize her powers, and I trust their judgment,” Luna stated.

“A-And we have Rarity ta back Pinkie up, too,” Applejack seconded, though she stuttered a bit as a camera in the background flashed.

“True, true,” Malachai agreed. He paused for a moment, then said, “The Forskes of Discord have no objection to thisk plan, although we will conskent only if you agree to turn Guilt over to usk after the skurgery isk complete.”

“I don’t see anything wrong with this plan,” Twilight said.

“Me neither,” Applejack seconded.

“That makes five votes out of a required six,” Luna began, looking at Drammatica. “Do you have any objection to this plan, Drammatica?”

“Yes, actually,” Drammatica said. “How come you are all so certain that two measly Elements of Harmony would be able to hold back Guilt? You saw how much damage Hate alone was capable of. I’m not convinced that it would be safe to release Guilt from his prison just yet.”

Twilight chuckled. “Drammatica, I’m not sure that you are aware of Guilt’s powers.”

“Oh? Enlighten me,” Drammatica said, folding her forelegs and leaning back in her chair.

“Guilt has power over the fabric of space. He can teleport to any location in Equestria at will. Even when he was in prison, he was able to open a portal to my hospital room without even breaking a sweat. He could leave anytime he wanted to, which leads me back to my first point: He really seems to have a genuine desire to help us,” Twilight argued.

“After Guilt broke out of prison the first time, he was restrained and rendered immobile by our best magicians. He will not be escaping anytime soon,” Luna said. Her voice was strained, though, and she looked at Twilight fiercely. It looked like she wanted to warn her about something, though Twilight wasn’t quite sure what.

“So Guilt has complete power over space,” Drammatica said, her mouth twisting into a smile. “I am aware of the powers of the Elements of Discord, though I had not heard of this before. Interesting. How can I be certain, then, that you aren’t just making this up to intimidate me?”

“It’d be fairly easy to prove,” Twilight said, annoyed. “That is, if you want to put all our lives at stake.”

Drammatica laughed. “Go ahead, then, little Element. I could do without one or two of you.”

Twilight fumed. She reached out in her mind for Guilt, refreshing the underused mental tether that held their minds together.

Yes, Twilight? Guilt asked.

I need you to make an appearance. Do you know where I am? Twilight asked.

I’ll be a minute; first I need to pinpoint your exact location. ...Ah, the conference room. I’ll be there in a few moments, Guilt said. What do you need?

I need to prove to Drammatica that you have good intentions, Twilight replied. “He’s on his way,” she told those present at the meeting. The press corps readied their cameras.

“Guards, stand at the ready,” Luna ordered halfheartedly. She was rubbing one of her temples with her hoof, looking as if she was about to be sick.

Guilt materialized on top of the conference table in a burst of orange energy. Some of the reporters shrieked and ran away, but most of them lit up the room with a lightshow of camera flashes. Guilt flexed and looked around, though he tensed when he saw Malachai.

Twilight looked at Drammatica, expecting shock, but she was sitting back in her chair, grinning smugly. Twilight was confused for a moment before she realized why, and the truth made her blood turn to ice.

Applejack leapt up onto the table, staring at Guilt, her eyes wide and filled with shocked tears. “B-... Big Mac?”

Despite everything, and despite the horror of the situation, Guilt’s mouth was still able to twitch into his characteristic, sinister, sadistic grin. Twilight was screaming internally for him to stop before Applejack saw, but it was too late.

Applejack’s shock and fury were incalculable. She turned away for a moment, fighting back sobs. After everything... after Apple Bloom... not you, too! Tears began to leak from her eyes, and her face twisted into one of shock and agony.

Guilt simply stood, staring at her impassively, as if she wasn’t even there.

Applejack shuddered with rage, yelled, and smacked Guilt into the table. Not stopping there, she turned and bucked him into Luna’s royal banner, tearing it to the floor. She rushed up and tried to hit him again, but the two guards posted outside the chamber were already dragging her away. She didn’t yell, she didn’t scream; she only cried under the multitude of flashing lights.

Twilight was about to throw up, and Luna had closed her eyes and was rubbing her temples still, looking as if she was about to faint.

Guilt tossed the banner aside and stood up, one of his eyes blackened. Drammatica stood up and walked over to him, never letting her gaze leave his face. “So, you’re the fourth Element of Discord. A pleasure. I do appreciate you making an appearance today; you’ve done Equestria a great service.”

Guilt stared at her coldly.

“How did you know?” Twilight croaked.

“Unlike you, I do my research,” Drammatica answered simply. She turned to look at Luna. “I have no objection to the surgery. I have attained what I needed from this meeting. Good day to you all.” And with that, she, and the great majority of the journalists, departed.

“A skurprisking turn of eventsk,” Malachai said, rising to leave as well. “Vengeance will be quite interesked to learn what hask happened here today. I bid you farewell, Equestriansk.” He lumbered out of the room.

“Dis-missed,” Luna hissed, standing up suddenly and glaring at the remaining few journalists. The rest of the press corps, muttering to themselves, took their leave. “Twilight, I dismiss you to your apartment. You can stay there and think about your blunders while I mop up the mess you have created.” She angrily stormed out of the room, leaving Twilight to her silent tears.

“...What a drama queen,” Latte muttered to himself before ambling out of the room, not even stopping to see if Twilight was alright.

She played us all for fools, Guilt told Twilight. I don’t like being played for a fool.

“N-No.” Twilight was sobbing into her forelegs, leaning on the conference table. “Sh-She played me for a f-fool. N-Now everyp-pony in Equestria will see how a-a-awfully I me-messed up.”

Guilt walked toward the doors and closed them. It would be a little longer before Luna sent a team to recapture him, if she even bothered to do so at all. Slightly uncomfortable, he went and took a seat next to Twilight. Twilight... there is something I think I ought to tell you, about life. It’s something that I learned after seeing so many ponies suffer throughout their entire existence. Let me know when you are ready to listen.

Twilight cried softly for a few more minutes before getting hiccups. That made it rather difficult for her to cry, so she forced herself to calm down so that she could listen to Guilt. Wiping her eyes, she looked up into his slitted orange irises.

You know... in Equestria, there are plenty of ponies that will be perfectly willing to call you a loser, or a mistake, or a monster, or even a failure, Guilt began, returning Twilight’s gaze, but never say those things of yourself. There will always be ponies focusing on your mistakes and your misfortunes. If you let that get to you, then all the powers you once had will slip out from under you. I know that firsthoof. Never forget, Twilight--you saved Equestria countless times. Your friends would be lost without you. You may have made a mistake today, but Drammatica is trivial. You are above her, and you have much greater things to worry about than public opinion. As long as you can defeat Vengeance, everything else will work itself out automatically.

“How’s that--hic--supposed to make me feel better?” Twilight sniffled. “Hic--Just because I know I have bigger things to--hic--worry about doesn’t mean what Drammatica just did doesn’t sting. It hurts, and it hurts a lot. And you just want me to--hic--brush it off? Guilt, do you know what she’ll say about me?”

I don’t request that you brush it off, I demand that you brush it off, if nothing else but for the sake of your friends, Guilt growled. They will not listen to the advice of an expert. Twilight, you are listening to the pony whose entire name is based around the emotions you’re feeling right now. I have worked with misery and disappointment ever since I was born; I am the embodiment of it, just as you are the embodiment of Friendship, and good friends will set aside their own emotions to help others cope with theirs.

“She made me look like a foal!” Twilight blurted. “L-Like a foal who--hic--like a foal who got out in the first round of the spelling bee!”

But does the spelling bee define who that foal is? Guilt countered. Does the spelling bee, a single event, ruin that entire foal’s school career? Surely she may be made fun of for it by peers, but will she let that stop her from achieving what truly matters to her?

Yes!” Twilight screamed right in Guilt’s face. She broke down into hysterical sobs. “Yes--!

Then I’m afraid that I will not be able to help you, Guilt said simply. Let me know when you are ready to talk again. You know where I’ll be.

And with that, he vanished, and Twilight was alone.



Sweetie Belle was lying on a couch, wrapped in a blanket and reading a book. Applejack had left her some crackers and apples on the coffee table and had told her to do something, but she had forgotten what, so she had picked up one of the books she saw lying around and was struggling through it despite the fact that the words seemed to shift around on the page.

There was a knock on the door. Sweetie yawned and got up, dog-earing the page she was on and lazily ambling to the front of the apartment. “Who is it?”

“Twilight,” the pony on the other side of the door said. She sounded odd, as if she had just eaten something really sour. “May I come in?”

“Sure, Twilight,” Sweetie said, opening the door and smiling when she saw Twilight on the other side. “It’s good to see you!”

“It’s good to see you, too,” Twilight said. She looked haggard and exhausted, but she managed to smile nonetheless. “How are you doing? I wish I could have visited with you, earlier, but there were some things that I needed to take care of first.”

“You mean in the library?” Sweetie asked. She paused for a moment, and her brow furrowed. “Wait a second... the library still, um, exists, right?”

Twilight shook her head as she entered the apartment. “It was destroyed by Hate. But there are other libraries,” she added.

Ohh...” Sweetie moaned. “I really thought I had it that time.”

“Huh?” Twilight asked.

“Well... I can’t remember things so well anymore,” Sweetie said, leading Twilight to the couch. “Like I can’t remember which Element of Discord possessed Celestia, and I can’t remember that Pinkie Pie isn’t alive anymore.”

“Sweetie...” Twilight began softly, sitting down next to Sweetie. “Pinkie is alive.”

“...Oh,” Sweetie began, genuinely surprised. “But Centime... he isn’t, right?”

Twilight nodded sadly, a lump forming in her throat as she began to recall the tragic memories surrounding the ponies Sweetie was trying so hard to remember. I can see why this would be painful for Rarity to go through. Sweetie can’t tell which ponies to bring up and which ones not to.

“I’ll get it eventually,” Sweetie shrugged. “Applejack told me something about a meeting you and her were going to. How’d it go?”

“...Pretty badly,” Twilight admitted. “I made some pretty big mistakes, and I gave a very mean pony called Drammatica the upper hoof.”

“So Dash’s wings won’t get fixed?” Sweetie asked, clearly expecting a dreadful answer. Her lower lip trembled. “What’ll she do without her wings?

“No, no, nothing like that,” Twilight began. “Dash’s wings will still be fixed; in fact, the procedure is supposed to start tomorrow morning.”

“Oh! Thank Celestia,” Sweetie said, relieved. Something occurred to her. “But... isn’t that what you wanted?”

“Well, yes, but...” Twilight trailed off.

“So it was a success!” Sweetie stated. “Now Dash’s wings’ll be all fixed up and we’ll all be able to fight Vengeance! Isn’t that what we were trying to do in the first place? As long as Dash’s wings are fixed, then it doesn’t matter what else happened!”

“Well, yes, but...” Twilight was scouring her mind for a rebuttal, but she found nothing.

“But what?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Well... I guess you’re right,” Twilight shrugged, though she remained unconvinced. It has to be more complicated than that, though. Starting with Applejack.

As if she had read Twilight’s mind, Sweetie asked, “Have you seen Applejack? She’s supposed to make me dinner, and I was hoping that she’d be back around the same time you were.”

Twilight bit her lip. If the paperwork is all filed swiftly, then Applejack should be being released as we speak. I doubt she’ll be in any mood to feed Sweetie, though... Maybe I should watch her for a little bit. It’s the least I owe Applejack after what I did. “Applejack should be back in a couple hours to cook for you. Why? Are you hungry?”

“Well... no,” Sweetie Belle began, “but... It kinda gets lonely just being cooped up in here without friends to talk with. Books can only get you so far,” she said, pointing to the half-read novel on the coffee table.

“I know that firsthoof,” Twilight chuckled. “Tell you what: if you’re willing to stay here and read for a little longer, I could try and get Pinkie and a few relatives so that we could all go out to eat together. How does that sound?”

“That sounds really fun! But could you bring Rarity, too? I haven’t seen her in forever,” Sweetie Belle added as Twilight stood up from the couch.

Twilight pursed her lips. “...I’ll try my best, Sweetie, but I can’t promise you she’ll come.”

“Why not?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Rarity and I are... we’re sisters, right? Aren’t we?”

Twilight nodded. “You are. And I’ll be sure to mention that to her when I ask. It’s about time you two get to talk to each other again.”

Sweetie nodded. “Okay. Don’t be long.”

Twilight opened the door out of Applejack’s apartment, though she turned to hug Sweetie before she left. “I won’t. Stay safe, Sweetie Belle.”



Twilight rang the doorbell of Rarity’s apartment and waited a few moments. Maybe she’s not in? She began to lean on the door, pondering how to find her friend, and noticed that it was left slightly open.

The apartment was almost a complete copy of Twilight’s, though Rarity had obviously been in hers for longer, because there were soon-to-be-filled picture frames lining the walls, and an open box of cereal on the counter. Twilight glanced around and called out, “Rarity? Rarity!” She received no answer. She searched the other rooms in the house, as well; the shower was still damp from recent use, and the bed was unmade, but there wasn’t a soul to be found anywhere.

Did something happen? she asked herself. Maybe... I’m not sure. But I can ask. She stretched out her mental beacon, concentrating as she locked onto Guilt’s signal.

Are you ready to talk? he immediately asked.

No, not yet. But there’s something I need your help with, Twilight began, scouring the apartment once more. Rarity’s missing, and she might have been foalnapped. Whoever was here left in a hurry.

And this concerns me in the slightest? Guilt asked.

Yes, yes it does, Twilight replied angrily. She might be in danger! I need you to see if you can find her in the same kind of way that you find me.

I’ll see what I can do, Guilt said. You’d better not be wasting my time, though. In the meantime, you possess the same senses that I do, see if you can sniff out anything abnormal.

I’m not a bloodhound, Twilight muttered.

Bah, you know what I mean, Guilt grumbled.

Twilight extended her senses, but since she wasn’t quite sure which ones to extend, she ended up aimlessly wandering about the apartment until Guilt contacted her again.

Well? she asked hopefully.

Unfortunately, her aura signal is being disrupted by one of my siblings. That much I can tell. However, the mere fact that she has an aura signal means that she’s alive and well, and I can also tell you that she is in Fillydelphia.

Well... That’s a start, Twilight began.

Are you sure that you’ve checked everywhere in the apartment? Guilt inquired.

I think so... Twilight began, before a note on the back of the front door caught her eye. Wait, I just noticed something. A note on the back of the door.

Through what means did you fail to notice that before? Guilt grumbled.

I’m not perfect, okay? Twilight snapped back. She peeled off the note, which was hanging by a piece of tape, and unfolded it on the floor to read. It was a poem in Ancient, but the letters didn’t seem to fit together in her mind to form words and sentences. This note is written in Ancient, but I can’t seem to read it. Do you think it’s a different version, or something?

Possibly... but the far more likely explanation is that you lost the ability to read Ancient when you lost your magic, Guilt pointed out.

I’m not so sure, Twilight began, closely inspecting the shifting words. I think the text might be enchanted, actually. If text holds power, it’s difficult to decipher.

But that would also imply that it activates a spell, Guilt began. Which means it would be unwise to try and read it until the situation can be contained.

Twilight paused for a moment, contemplating her course of action.

...You’re going to anyway, aren’t you? Guilt asked.

Of course, Twilight thought back, inspecting the text. I’m sure Rarity would do the same for me.

You put a lot of faith in your friends, don’t you? Guilt inquired.

What else is there to put faith into? I’m not going to hoard it all to myself, Twilight replied. The text was becoming clearer, and she began to read: “In this jail of broken will-” she stopped. “...Huh? These words aren’t written in regular speech, so why am I reading them that way?”

Hah! Guilt laughed. And I was worried you’d lost power! It appears that one of your hidden Elemental abilities has unlocked. You’re translating the document automatically.

“And this happened... when?” Twilight asked, arching an eyebrow.

Well... technically, it’s not strictly an ability of the Element of Magic. Given enough time spent with the Ancient Language, anypony can manipulate it how they choose. I mean, take Verba; he’s made of Ancient; that’s all he is. You’ve been around it for what, one, two years now? I’m not surprised that you’re reading the text in your native language. It should have happened long ago. Over time you’ll see more and more growth in this area, including being able to manipulate the fabric of magic itself. But that’s for a later discussion. You have a paper to read.

“Okay,” Twilight began. “In this jail of broken will, a filly waits in hope, until-

Wait a minute, Guilt interrupted.

What? Twilight asked irritably.

I think you’re reciting... well, it’s a poem made by my sister, Arrogance, long ago, Guilt began. It’s rather dark, and it hold dark meaning, which in turn translates into dark magic. I’m not convinced you know what you’re getting into here.

“Guilt, I can take care of myself,” Twilight growled, forgetting for a moment that she was communicating telepathically. “I just want to get this over with.”

Then by all means, Guilt began, but I am slightly apprehensive of this course of action.

Twilight took a breath, then read:

“In this jail of broken will
A filly waits in hope, until
She knows there is no way to go
No north star leads through icy snow
No compass leads through former friends
No map can lead her to good ends.
And then the tears come in full flow
For she has nothing else but woe;
There is no way to save herself
And so she picks up from a shelf
A quill and ink to write a note
A hasty scrawl that will denote
How evil that she must become
To flee far from this awful slum.
These are the keys to soul and strife
That plague me now throughout my life
And I refuse to blame just I
For crimes committed on a lie
No, it will fall upon the others
That I will kill, my former brothers
Who locked me up to burn me later
I’ve done no wrong; they are the traitors.

She paused for a moment, then said, “Wait a minute. That’s translated from another language, it shouldn’t rhyme!” She she tossed the paper aside and turned around. “And besides that, it’s really only saying things I already know. Hate’s already ranted about how much the Elements of Harmony supposedly mistreated him and his siblings. So how is this important?”

“It’s important,” another pony hissed, “because you still aren’t taking it seriously.”


Twilight gasped. All the hairs on her neck were standing up, and she shivered. “G-...Guilt?” she squeaked.

No answer.

Twilight slowly turned back around, though her movements were a little jittery. This had better not be Indicina, or I’m going to have a fit.

“Hey. Hey! Snap out of it!” The same voice. Twilight glanced around before she saw Arrogance standing at the entryway of Rarity’s apartment.

“What are you doing here?” Twilight asked.

“Um, you’re the one that sent yourself here, bozo,” she sneered back.

She flicked her hoof to the side, and the apartment complex collapsed. Twilight screamed, though after a few moments she realized she wasn’t falling. She uncovered her eyes and looked back up at Arrogance, her head slightly fuzzy. “What do you want?”

“Um, you tell me,” she said, floating back toward Twilight. “I didn’t invite you here, you know. You read my poem. Only one of those exists in the world at any given time, and it essentially holds the power to, like... y’know what, never mind. I have a job to do anyway; doesn’t matter where I do it.”

Twilight was put at ease slightly by the fact that Arrogance was still, well, Arrogance, and not some creepy half-formed blob that wanted to tear her inside-out, which would have been a dead giveaway that Indicina was trying to take her over again. It’s not like I can relax, though, because, Arrogance is still, well, Arrogance.

She looked around. She and Arrogance were in a minimalistic version of the Dreamscape where they had fought the Daymare; it had the same golden sky and pearly white clouds, but none of the infrastructure or the cityscape. Twilight looked down to see only wide, golden plains. Wait a minute... is this Arrogance’s private Dreamscape?

“Let’s see here... it’d kinda risky to drag two ponies in here at once, but meh. I can always kick one of you out if something goes wrong,” Arrogance began. She flicked her hoof again, and a dark blue portal opened up. Out fell a white mare with a sea-blue mane, wrapped in bonds and gagged. She struggled slightly, but since she was suspended in midair, she couldn’t do much. She looked at Twilight, clearly panicked.

“Wait. First tell me how I got here,” Twilight demanded. It took her a bit to recognize the mare through all her bonds, but then she ordered, “And why did you bring Drammatica here? She isn’t a part of this!”

“She is so a part of this, Twilight. And of all ponies, I would have thought you hated her the most,” Arrogance added. She gripped Drammatica by the scruff of her neck and pulled her upward sharply. “It’s because of this trash that Vengeance’s plans are delayed. It’s bad enough she’s turned traitor on us, but now she turns our spies into double-agents? No way, José. Not. Happening,” she hissed right into Drammatica’s ear before tossing her aside. Drammatica grunted in pain.

Twilight gritted her teeth. Great, now I have her life in my hooves, too. I should probably just let her die... but I’m not like that, and I’ll never be like that. I’m not like Arrogance, or Vengeance, or any of them. So like it or not, I’m going to have to save her... somehow.

“As for how you got here, well, like I said, you read the poem. I wrote it down before I knew what it was, and it’s gotten me into a load of trouble since. It, basically, sums up who I am, or something like that. Y’know, life force, life experience, everything. That allows you into the deepest part of who I am, and it’s where you are now. Luckily for me, since you lost all your magic, I don’t have to worry about a thing. In fact, you’re the one who should be begging for their life right now,” she added with a glare.

“No thanks. I’ve been in realms like this before and I know how to manipulate them,” Twilight began. She took a breath, then extended her hoof. A gleaming platinum sword appeared at the end of it.

“Not bad, not bad at all,” Arrogance remarked smugly. She paused for a moment, then exhaled.

“...What?” Twilight asked.

Arrogance giggled. “Your... everything?”

Twilight glanced hurriedly to her sword and found that it had vanished, as well as all four of her legs. She was simply a torso floating in space, and when she tried to move at all, she just wiggled about in midair.

“See, you’re not the only one with experience in these realms. Heck, I spent a good few thousand years in one while we hid from you way back near the beginning. But enough about that. I still have a job to do,” Arrogance began.

Twilight felt her limbs ease back into existence, and she tested them. “Okay, just one more question: How did the poem lead me into your Dreamscape?”

“Same way a compass points north. It constantly does. You just happened to pick it up and read it,” Arrogance sighed, resting her head in her forelegs. “You don’t know anything, do you?”

“Let’s just get this over with,” Twilight growled.

“Fine. You were the one holding us all up,” Arrogance sneered. She picked Drammatica up once again. “The reason you’re here, Twilight, is because you have a choice: Does she live, or does she die?”

“That’s a stupid question. Why in Equestria would I choose to let a pony die?” Twilight growled in reply.

“What if you knew that Drammatica here had your dear friend Dashie mutilated?” Arrogance continued. “Or maybe about her plans to usurp Luna and put a fascist state in its place? Hmm?”

Twilight shook her head. “Arrogance, I don’t care about any of that. You’re not Obsidian. You don’t have to test me for some dumb virtue. I fight for what’s right!”

Arrogance burst out laughing. “Wow. You’re so bogus. ‘I fight for what’s right’ my flank. Twilight, do you have any idea at all what state Equestria is in? You’re either way out of touch or way in over your head. Pick one.”

“...Maybe both,” Twilight mumbled, “but I’m not going to choose to kill somepony when I can avoid it. I’m not going to let you trick me into making the wrong decision. Whatever happens, I call the shots.”

Arrogance doubled over with laughter. After she recovered, she wiped her eyes and said, “Wow. Just wow. That’s really rich, Twilight. We have to do this some more; job or no job, this is just hilarious. I mean, you’ve done a fantastic job so far of protecting the ponies you do care about!”

“There was nothing I could do!” Twilight argued.

“Well maybe that’s the problem, Twilight,” Arrogance retorted. “There’s nothing you can ever do. There’s nothing you can do to save your friends from us. There’s nothing you can do to stop us from taking over. And there’s nothing you can do... to prevent me from killing Drammatica and taking over her body!”

Drammatica flinched and struggled more, clearly entering a state of panic.

“You can’t do that in here!” Twilight exclaimed. She tried to rush at Arrogance, but rammed into an invisible wall. She yelped and flinched backward, a trickle of blood dripping from her nose. “This is just a dream!”

“Yeah, and it’s my dream, so I call the shots!” Arrogance replied, laughing. She picked up Drammatica once more, who was wriggling with even more fervor to escape her bonds. “Just because this dimension is a dream doesn’t mean we need to sleep to enter it!

Arrogance raised her hoof high into the air, then swiped it toward Drammatica.

She stopped millimeters from her neck.

A ripple spread through the dimension, yet Drammatica’s frightened breaths continued. Arrogance hesitated for a moment more before tossing Drammatica toward Twilight. “Y’know what? No. S’not worth it.” She was scowling, but not at Twilight or her captive.

“Huh?” Twilight asked, catching Drammatica in midair.

“Well, Twilight, I have bigger things to worry about ‘sides that fly buzzing in everypony’s ears. I think she’s been petrified enough by her visit here. Wouldn’t be right of me to let her pass on without first having a few nightmares about it,” Arrogance explained with a sadistic grin. “I’ll kill her later.”

“What gives you the right?” Twilight growled, her lower lip trembling. “What gives you the right to decide who lives and who dies?”

There was a long pause. “Y’know, when you think about it, the answer should be obvious,” Arrogance chuckled, grinning at Twilight darkly.

There was a long pause, in which Twilight and Arrogance studied each other carefully.

Arrogance turned her head slightly to the side, looking at Twilight with only one eye. “And Twilight, before you go, there’s something you should know: Guilt isn’t the only one with reservations about how this war is going. Just keep that in mind. I’m not going full out traitor yet, but... y’know. Expect me.”

And with that, a force with the momentum of a brick wall smacked both Twilight and Drammatica out of the dream.


[Note]: I do not own anything in this story that already belongs to someone else.
This story takes place BEFORE season two, but AFTER season one.
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