• Published 29th Nov 2013
  • 11,193 Views, 607 Comments

Byte sized - Sir Hat

It started with one: one little pony that decided to crawl out of my monitor. Now I'm stuck with a load of tiny ponies. Things could be worse. Things could be worse though they're entertaining to say the least.

  • ...

The lush


Two weeks is a long time when you think about it. Two weeks I've had them here. They fight, they play, they keep my company, they make this place feel rather warm. Noteworthy has taken to books, Roseluck has her garden, Rainbow flies around out back, Vinyl has her music, and Berry...well berry....

"Go you weirdo ape, pour it!" Berry stomped her hoof, "I shaid do it!"

I poured some vodka in a shot glass, "Ya know...it'sh not really fair if- *hic* if'in ya only drink...like...barely any." I had taken to drinking out of a full glass while she settled for the shot glasses a quarter full, "Shtill not goona win!" I poked her nose with my finger. She seemed dazed for a moment before biting at thin air.

She quickly shook her head, "On tree...one...twoo...tree!" We both slammed our drinks, "Ahh, more!"

"No more...you're too drunk...an sho am I..." I leaned back in my chair, "Okay...sho...who won?"

Berry was about to open her mouth when a soft glimmer enveloped the shot glass. A few moments later Vinyl climbed some makeshift steps I had made and joined us on the table, "Brony don't forget about the best DJ here, hook it up!" She slid the shot glass over to me.

My reaction times dumbed down, I was unable to stop the glass from sliding past me and off the table, shattering on the floor below, "NoooOOoo!" Berry screamed stumbling to the edge of the table, "My besht friend!" She quickly turned around and ran over to Vinyl, "You are- ta worsht pony!" She took a quick swing at her, only managing to swipe at the air once more. Other quick bat of her hoof saw it resting on the back of Vinyl's neck, "I jusht..." Berry started crying into Vinyl's shoulder, "I jusht...so sad..."

Vinyl's eyes were pleading from under her glasses, she mouthed a silent "Help me" before slowly dragging herself and Berry towards me. In my slight stupor it took me a few moments to realize, but once I did I reached up to the table and pulled them apart. Vinyl shook her head, a small string of slobber clinging to her mane, "Eww...."

I laughed quietly, "I'll...I'll go do the thing with the water.... Uh, okay up...." I pushed off the table with my right while cradling Berry in my left, "Whoa-" I got to my feet only to stumble sideways and jam my shoulder into the wall, "You know...how to work the thing...the water thing?"

"Dude...go lay down, ya look like you're gonna be sick." Vinyl tried to ignore the slobber in her mane and jumped off the table, "Yeah I can figure out something...still gross though."

"Heh...heh..." I grumbled, hazily walking through the hall towards my bed, "Berry?" She answered with some horrid groan, "Berry...we're gonna go...take a nap...then we'll be...better!"

She gave another incoherent groan as I walked into my room, resting my weight on the wall the whole while. I had Berry cradled in my arms, and thus couldn't just toss myself onto the bed like I normally do. Instead I had to gingerly sit in bed and roll over. I set berry on my pillow while I drunkenly threw my shoes across the room.

"Quiet you...pony humping...weirdo..." Berry croaked, covering her head with her hooves, "Too loud..."

"Noo...no sad." with my feet free of my shoes I slammed my head down next to her, grabbing her and forcing her against my cheek, "No sad..."

She obviously didn't like being this close to me, quickly biting the bridge of my nose to show her disapproval, "I ain't sad...you're sat!"

"Is no chair..." I grumbled, pulling her off my nose, "You smell like...horse."

"You smell like stupid!"

"Yeah well...drunk." I sputtered out, taking Berry's stomach into my mouth and blowing.

Berry quickly let go of my nose, melting into an organic puddle of alcohol and pony on my pillow. Seizing the opportunity I pulled her against my face. Her belly still war from my breath. Carmine might be mad at me for getting her drunk, but this time she asked for it first.

As I nodded off to sleep Berry started wriggling. She popped her head out and bit my nose again, "Stupid, monkey, thing."

I ignored her and pulled her off my nose by the scruff of her neck, "No bite...sleep now..." Slowly but surely her writhing and hitting slowed. Once she was sufficiently out of it I tucked her next to my head and turned away from her. After a little bit she started gnawing on my hair until finally she gave way to labored snores. She sounded like a damn chainsaw.

My head went a bit swirly as I fell asleep.


"Doc you need any help?"

"No my friend...give me some time. I'm better with time...but I think I can figure this out...." Doc Hooves tapped a few keys.

"Alright mate, let me know if ya need anything."

Doc Hooves typed away, digging deeper and deeper into the computer code that made up the program, "Carmine, a moment..." I walked over and sat next to him, "Do you mind if I bring in some more help? Someone familiar with chaos magic."

"Hey if you think it'll get ya home quicker, go ahead." Hooves nodded and moved the screen along to a yellow pegasus, "Wait...you sure this will help?"

Hooves stared hard at the screen, "If I'm correct this might just be the first step...but who knows. I'm not perfect." With a gleam in his eye Hooves jammed the mouse and summoned up some help.

The screen lit up and plopped out another pony. I wasn't ever going to live down bringing more to earth but I couldn't figure out how to fix this on my own. I looked through the ponies on the list and found the smartest, most technologically adept one I could find.

Once the screen dimmed back down the dazed mare looked around and crumbled under my gaze, "Ms. Fluttershy, hello." Hooves walked over and helped her up, "Not much time to explain, this is Carmine, current assistant. I know you've been in charge of Discord since his return, we need your help."

"Oh..." Fluttershy brightened out, "Uh...hi." She waved meekly at me.

"Morning...sorry for the rude landing."

"Oh...it's fine...where are we?"

I looked around my bright room, "Long story...Hooves quick break? Explain everything and get some food?"

Hooves waved me off, "You two go ahead...I'll keep working."

I nodded and held my hand flat on the desk, "Right doc...I'll bring ya something." I looked back to the petite one, "Well come on, burning daylight."

I scooted her onto my hand and held her loosely against my chest before walking into the kitchen, "Oh...my..." She scanned my room, "It's so big..." I set her down on the kitchen table and grabbed some cereal. I slid the small bowl in front of her, "Oh....thank you."

I sat at the table across from her, "Long story short...something called discord popped up on my computer...then, ponies."

Fluttershy froze, "...Oh no...I should have kept a better eye on him..."

"Anyways...you think you can help?"

She stared hard at the bowl before looking up determined, "I'll try. Oh...and...I like your clothes."

"Oh...thanks? I like your tail." I ran my hand along her body, she chirped at my touch before pushing herself agaist my hand like a cat, "Well...alright then...ready to get to work?"

"Work? But how-" I cut her off and scooped her up. I couldn't really afford to waste time. The sooner we figure this out, the sooner we can start getting them back home.