• Published 10th Mar 2012
  • 10,990 Views, 553 Comments

Directive: Grow - Dragon Dreaming

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Memoria: Once Upon a Fluttershy

Once Upon a Fluttershy

Quartum 19, 1409 AN


Fluttershy tilted her head to the side, eyes locked on the enormous tree. Her ear twitched a bit, as Hummingway shifted, and she took another cautious step forward. There was something very different now, she decided; the whole area seemed more alive than it ever had been, and the tree itself was thriving. “Do you think they’ve finally brought it online?” she asked. A chorus of chirps and twitters answered her, and she nodded in satisfaction. “I thought so, too. That’s very good. It would have been so sad if they’d just let it lie fallow after all that work.”

The tree had been there for two years now, steadily growing under the watchful, if invisible, care of its development systems. The yellow pegasus had taken it on herself to also keep watch, although no one had approached her or asked her to. She didn’t figure they would mind. At least, she hoped they wouldn’t. She’d been very careful not to actually approach the sapling, and no one had ever objected to her taking her regular peeks to check on its progress.

The time it took hadn’t really bothered her; after all, real trees took much, much longer to grow, and completely new systems and programs often took years or decades to come to completion. What had bothered her was when all the development activity just suddenly stopped a week ago. She’d worried that it had been abandoned. But now … well. That didn’t seem to be an issue.

A tug on her mane caught her attention, and she looked down into the eyes of her bunny. “What is it, Angel?” she asked, and he pointed, directly at – “Oh my goodness! Is that Rainbow Dash?” She squinted, zooming her optics to take a better look. “It is! When did she get back? And who’s that with her?”

Her attention shifted to the other pony. She was a unicorn mare, with a lavender coat and purple mane with a distinctive pink streak, and for a cutie mark, a purple six pointed star with a pink shadow, and five small white stars arrayed around the main one. “I’ve never seen her before. She must be new in town. I wonder who she is?”

She took a tentative step forward, cocking her head as Rainbow laughed and ruffled the unicorn’s mane, before flying off, and watched the unicorn turn toward the tree and walk up to the door. “Oh. She must be in charge of the tree then. That makes us neighbors, doesn’t it, Angel?” The bunny rolled his eyes and tugged at his ear, looking at her expectantly.

“Well. It’s good that it’s being taken care of,” she said, nodding, and turned to leave. “Come on, Angel, we should go.” A chorus of chirps brought her up short, and she turned, gasping. “Angel! Angel, no!” The bunny, blast his wilful ways, was already halfway to the door. Wings flaring, she raced after him, praying she could catch him before-

She screeched to a halt as the door opened in response to Angel’s thunderous kick, the unicorn staring at her with a puzzled expression. Oh dear. This wasn’t how she’d wanted this to go at all. “Um … hello there!” the other pony said. “I wasn’t expecting a vis- ow!”

“Angel!” Fluttershy cried. The rabbit had leapt, as only he could do, landed on the poor unicorn’s head, and fled into the tree. “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

The unicorn shook herself, and blinked. “Um, yes, but what was-” A crash from behind her brought her whirling about, eyes and nostrils flaring, to rush towards the sound, and Fluttershy followed, mentally berating both rabbit and herself. But mostly herself.

She came to a halt in mid air, gaping at the sight before her: towering cases filled with rows upon rows of books, built into the very walls of the tree itself, and the mark of the system on every surface. This was a place built by the Sisters themselves, or at least mandated by them, which meant that this was a very important pony indeed. And Angel had gone and scattered books all over the place. This was not turning out to be a good day.


“I’m so sorry about that,” Fluttershy said, her hoof pressed gently but firmly on Angel’s head, to make sure he didn’t go anywhere. “I just don’t know what came over him.” She wanted to say that he wasn’t usually like this, but, well … that wasn’t exactly true.

“It’s alright. There was no harm done, after all,” the unicorn said, floating the last of the books back into its slot. “It was just a little surprising. He has a powerful kick for such a small animal.”

“Oh, well, yes, rabbits do have very strong hind legs.”

The unicorn gave a sudden gasp, and wheeled around to stare at Fluttershy, who shrank back, alarmed. “I just realized! You’re my first visitor!” she cried, and whipped herself back around to face the row of books. “Well, except for Rainbow Dash, but she was with me when I first got here so I don’t know if she really counts, but in any case I didn’t have the chance to do it right! Ah-hah!” she said, lighting on a particular title and floating it out from the case.

Fluttershy blinked, watching in mute confusing as the unicorn flipped though the book’s pages. Her first visitor? That made sense, the tree hadn’t been open last time she had checked, just last week. But why was that so important? “Right!” the unicorn said, and slammed the book shut, making Fluttershy jump. “Tea!”

There was a short silence, and purple pony’s smile faded, head, ears, and tail drooping. “I don’t have any tea. Wait!” In the blink of an eye, she was up again, the lines of her body expressing a kind of manic energy that Fluttershy was used to seeing only in Pinkie Pie. “Semper! Do we have any way we can get tea?”

“Affirmative, Bibliothecaria.” Fluttershy blinked, wondering why the unicorn had just answered herself, then squeaked and ducked as dozens of lavender stars flew from the walls to form a somewhat larger than life model of the unicorn’s head. “Do you have a preference?”

The unicorn blinked, brow furrowing in puzzlement, and looked over at Fluttershy. Was she looking for an answer from her? Oh dear. What did she know about tea? Rarity would know. Rarity did know. What had she used? Right. “U-um,” she said, and coughed, forcing herself to be louder. “Earl Grey?”

“Acknowledged,” the starry head said, and two cups of tea appeared on the table, steam slowly curling its way up toward the vaulted ceiling. The unicorn walked over to her cup, and looked down at it with a curious expression.

“So that’s tea. And the question of preference would indicate the existence of multiple options, which would suggest multiple flavors. Interesting.” She took a sip, her expression analytical, and then took another. “Very interesting.”

The unicorn’s found hers, and for a moment, they stared at each other, frozen in a moment of awkwardness. “Oh dear,” the unicorn said, letting the cup fall back down to the plate. “I’ve done this all wrong. I forgot about introductions.” She was slumping again, ears and tail drooping, and looked like nothing so much as a sad child. And then it clicked.

“O-oh, no,” Fluttershy said, “don’t worry! You’re doing a lot better than I usually do!” It made sense, of course; a brand new person to go with something brand new. She had to be young. Very young. It just made sense.

“Really?” the unicorn said, immediately perking up. Oh yes. Very young. Fluttershy nodded, smiling gently.


“Still, I could have done that better. I’m Twilight Sparkle. Designation TSparkle.ai,” the unicorn said, extending her hoof.

“Fluttershy. Designation FShy.ai,” Fluttershy said, and bumped her hoof against Twilight’s. “We’re neighbors.”

“Really? You live out here?”

Fluttershy nodded. “My house is just at the border of the forest, actually.”

“Wow! Then we should be seeing a fair bit of each other.”

“Oh, yes.” Fluttershy leaned forward, to take a sip of the tea. As she thought, it was just a basic representation. “U-um, if you don’t mind me asking, how do you know Rainbow Dash?”

“Oh! You know her? It seems like she knows everybody in Everfree.”

Fluttershy giggled. “Maybe not everybody. That’s Pinkie Pie, more.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow, her expression full of curiositiy. “Who’s Pinkie Pie?”

“Oh, well, I’m maybe not the best one to explain. You’ll meet her eventually. Everyone does.”

“Alright. Well, let’s see. Rainbow dash found me, really …”

This was actually turning out to be a pretty good day.

Comments ( 65 )

Two chapters in two days? This is bad precedent. *tsk*

Oh my gawd!
Twi.AI is so adorable just like Fluttershy. :twilightsmile: And Shy.AI. is adorable like Fluttershy. :yay:
*jumps out of the window*
Crap, this is the 4th floo-crash

That was cutecutecutecutecute and you should feel cute. I mean good, good, you should feel goooooooooooooooooood. :twilightblush:

Ok, that was adorable. I like seeing Fluttershy in her element and adorkable, young Ai Twilight both. I can imagine the meeting with Pinkie being so much of Twilight trying to process what's actually happening.

Here's hoping for a third tomorrow! :pinkiehappy:

All this computer talk and still no sweetie bot cameo? :unsuresweetie:

For shame.

I won't hold you to it, but I will say this:

Keep up with daily updates, and soon you will have a massive following.:raritywink:

Other than that, still doing perfect. Definitely capturing the Idea of TSparkle.AI quite well!

Man, this story's updating like (relatively) crazy now!

These seem out of order. I think this one should have been placed before the attack on the library.

Daily updates are a pipe dream I would love to fulfill but can't. I have no buffer. I tried getting a buffer, and just wound up losing interesting. The audience response and attention feeds the fires of creativity, I guess.

But anyways, without a buffer, I am at the mercy of the tides of life and events within it. There most certainly won't be an update tomorrow, as I will be busy all day with a small job (yay income!) and then my birthday party. *Le Shrug*

There's a reason it's titled "Memoria."

I could get used to this. That's probably what you're afraid of, lol.

1512593 Well then, Happy Birthday!


Well, like I had said, I won't hold you to this.
And congradulations! You have survived another year! You, are a lucky one! But who will plan this party? :pinkiegasp:
I think I know the perfect PPP (Party-Planning Pony/Person) :pinkiehappy:

"Rainbow dash"?
I want you to have Twilight have a Buffer Overflow freaking out about stuff. No reason. :twilightblush:
Also my MMOLP folder is ready for your specs. I even have blank Celestia.admai and Luna.admai files! :twistnerd:

I know those feels.

I need feedback to keep my interest going.

And I've released a chapter just before my birthday!

Happy Birthday to you!

And I like how you did their personalities with each other.

I actually had this chapter sitting there, about 1/3 completed, waiting for me to figure out how to get Fluttershy up to the door. Then I realized Angel was present.

After that it was just getting the two to talk to each other. Once Fluttershy gets over that initial hurdle she's actually fairly easy to work with.

I've had that happen. I didn't know how to continue a chapter, gave up for the moment, and on the way home realized that I had Rainbow Dash available to show up, and it all flowed from there.

Sweetie Bot is an AI uploaded into a robotic companion platform unit. That's real world stuff. Naturally she would not be around very much. Give it time.

Nice chapter:twilightsmile:I'm still crazy-hungry for details about this world, but most of my questions will probably be answered in time:trixieshiftleft:

I'll keep asking them though!dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Twilight_crazy.png
-What happens when an AI such as Dash actually lets Twilight "look" at them
-What abut users? Is it like Matrix and she is actually viewing their "soul" or DennouCoil/DotHack and it's just their avatar data(and souls require... special circumstances...:trixieshiftright:).
-Will the Everfree Library be just as much a failure as the Ponyville Library? Twilight wouldn't mind:twilightsmile: but I don't think it would be good for her prime directive:twilightoops:

i found a little error.
In chapter 5(Semper Liberi: Theatrum) you wrote

Newcomers, then – which meant it wasn’t Rainbow just yet. The pegasus was, up to now, the only one to have entered the library besides her. It had to be someone from the community proper, but who?

But this Chapter clearly contradicts this.

*Jedi hand wave* You saw nothing.

(Thanks, fixed)


Newcomers, then – which meant it wasn’t Rainbow just yet. The pegasi were, up to now, the only ones to have entered the library besides her.

the fix doesn't really work either. First you talk about Rainbow dash and then suddenly you talk plural? It is just confusing:applejackconfused:
EIDT maybe try this?

Newcomers, then – which meant it wasn’t Rainbow just yet. The pegasus was, up to now, one of the only two who have entered the library besides her.

AHA! I always new Angel was evil, the fluffy little devil is probably the one who planted the virus!

Lol, :pinkiehappy: at least this fic gives an explanation for Twilight not knowing much about personal interaction as well as her childlike interest in pretty much everything :twilightsmile:

Just for fun, Sweetie Bot should be a user. :unsuresweetie:

Twilight Sparkle is absolutely adorkable, even as an artificial intelligence!


Well, the thing is, the timestamp at the beginning doesn't really mean much without another timestamp to compare it to.

This is fantastic. :twilightsmile: TSparkle.ai is best digital sophont! You present her well as someone with a massive amount of knowledge and no idea what to do with it. I have to admit, I'm always leery of these sorts of space-future fics, but you have done a stellar job here. I'm fascinated by the interplay between the users and AIs. I await your next installment with baited breath. :yay:

Twilight is the best pony-AI!

This story is fantastic and you should feel fantastic. I look forward to more, whenever it may come.


Oooooo. I think you've just answered a question almost totally unrelated to your post.

Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash are AIs. Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie are users. But why? What separates those two subsets of our main cast?


For the first fifty episodes of the series, only Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie had canon families.

I don't think that's a coincidence. And if I'm right, that has certain implications...

Interesting... this seems to be some sort of cross between the matrix and Avalon http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0267287/ and possibly the movie tron.. only on a galactic scale? :rainbowderp:

There is a distinct difference between AI and people/things that log in... is The World the only purly digital envirment that exists in the known universe? how big is it? is it some sort of uber server thing that some company built? Perhaps its bigger scale than that, and the computers The World resides on spans across some planet? Maybe it spans several planets?

Do the "Users" get to choose an alies that they reside in while logged in? like... Rarity could be an elf or something. *shrug*

Those questions seem like they will be answered in the next several chapters... I hope this fic does not die, I would like to find out.


Pinkie is an AI, or at least does not seem to be (did not log out like Rarity did earlier in the story)


Ah. Good point. In that case it's probably more about who has family in Ponyville specifically.

Best title ever, love the setting and atmosphere, although I do tend to read the dialogue in robot voices for some reason. :facehoof: Still have a ways to go until I'm caught up, but feel free to chat on EQS!

Very well crafted story. Please don't pull a "Lost" and make me ask all these awesome questions you have absolutely no idea what the answers are. While Lost was an over all pleasant experience, it left me with a deep hurting. :fluttershyouch:
I don't want any more deep hurting...

Why, hello there, Picard.

I'm out of story. This makes me very sad. Please tell me you haven't abandoned it? It appears to have been months since you last released or updated a chapter.

Does anyone else suspect the fact that because there's both Celestia and Luna, and also because the place is called Everfree, Nightmare Moon is yet to happen?
26 weeks, 9 hours ago. That's over half a year!
We saw Twilight's parents in 'The Cutie Mark Chronicles' (Episode 23(?) of season 1).

This is Australia...

Sir Writer,.. Why hath thou abandoned us? Please, this is the sort of story I live for.. hell, I'll even do fan art, if it's a motivation..

The Barrens is a zone in World of Warcraft. Originally it was one massive zone which a player could expect to be in for a significant number of levels as they played. The result of this is a large number of semi bored people all sharing a single chat channel. All manner of conversations, debates, and arguments would occur and the channel became fairly infamous among WoW players. Legends say that every Chuck Norris joke to ever be made has been repeated in that channel at least 10 times. There was actually a T-Shirt released, not sure if it is still being made, with a map of the zone and a text overlay saying, "I survived Barrens Chat."

Well it's nice to know Spike is going to be a main character instead of a side one. And this time he doesn't even have to take center stage to be important. I like it.:moustache:

I certainly wonder what other characters you'll introduce that are in the show. I'm not sure what role the CMC could play. Perhaps they are testers of some kind. It makes sense. Though what I would really like to see is Trixie. She would probably be a designer for media and entertainment.

*gives like and favorite*

How does this not have a higher rating by now? This is one of the best stories I've read. :rainbowhuh:

Also, while the story image is good, with the way you describe how the world looks and how the creatures look as well (pretty much as if it were all real life if not with a few little "hints" such as slightly visible coding or light-lines) it just seems like the image doesn't "entirely" match.

Other than that, I hope this pics back up soon. Unfortunately I've gotten into the habit of seeing any story that hasn't been touched within the length of a year to be pretty much dead. Too many good stories like this end up that way. :fluttercry:

You must finish this fanfic, or the gods will punish you.

I recalled reading this long ago when it popped up on Equestria Daily, and i was instantly a fan. And i finally remembered what it was called and was eagerly looking forward to up thumbing and favoriting agan. Sadly however, i had already done so. :fluttercry:

Sad for two reasons. One i cant do it again and raise it up further into the view and limelight . But also sad because that means that it has been a long time from its last update. I suppose some times a muse can just leave, but i wanted you to know people still remember and loved what you had so far.:heart:

*smashes head into keys* WHY WONT YOU update? I need to know what happens next!

The Worldbuilding is equal parts confusing and fascinating. Also, it's a little weird to have the descriptions of the first meetings between Twilight and the other Manes spaced out so far, but presumably you have the narrative structured like so for a specific purpose. (At the very least, I admit it's less tedious than squeezing out a full introduction arc at the start would have been.:trollestia:)

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