• Published 9th Mar 2012
  • 3,310 Views, 25 Comments

Leaving Home - Carmine

Shining Armor looks back at his memories before he leaves home.

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Leaving Home

Shining Armor sighed as he levitated the last of his clothes into the black suitcase. The day had finally come, the one he had loathed, yet yearned for. The day he would finally be going overseas to promote peace to warring nations. He had volunteered to join the Equestrian Royal Army nearly eighteen months ago; just a colt, but one with a heart that wanted to defend his country and those that were most important to him.

He looked around his room, the one he had woken up in and fallen asleep in. The same room where he’d study and do his work. The same room he practiced proper techniques for battling other ponies that didn’t believe peace was necessary to resolve disputes. The exact same room that he had been in for the last seventeen years of his life.

The walls, formerly vivid blue, had lost some of their former brilliance; still, they managed to call to mind the same feelings of serenity and peace that Shining Armor had relied upon his entire life. His room was mostly bare. In the corner was a oak dresser where a few of his valuables were laid out: a picture of his family, certificates from school, spare bits, and a few random things he had collected. A ceiling fan straight above him, currently turned on, lifted his blue mane in front of his face, slightly obscuring his vision. A twin-sized mattress laid right before him, the suitcase he had previously finished packing resting on top. A bright azure light enveloped his horn as he grasped the zipper of the suitcase, and zipped it shut.

Normally ponies didn’t wear clothes in Canterlot unless it was winter, or they were trying to look fancy, but where he was going, wherever it was, he would need to protect himself. Rumors had spread amongst the new recruits of the dangers they might face. Though he had no way to verify their accuracy, Shining wasn’t going to run the risk of being unprepared.

Levitating the suitcase in front of him, Shining Armor slowly trotted out of his room. He made a right turn into the hallway, his eyes scanning the walls. Pictures were placed across both walls. Memories immortalized into small non-moving scenarios, emotions openly shown. The first picture had a picture of him as a foal with his parents. The image itself was slightly blurred, but the expressions on his parents’ faces were scintillating, as if the photo itself was alive. It was the day he was born; a cold chilly day, right in the middle of winter.

In the windows in the background of the picture, the snow was stacked high. What hadn’t fallen looked like minuscule white streaks, barely visible to the eye. His mother was sitting on her haunches, her face was sweating, clearly exhausted. Her light grey coat was ruffled, her white and lavender striped mane was in disarray. In her hooves was a white foal, his face barely visible in the blanket that was wrapped around him. His father sat beside his mother. He was an emotionally strong, sturdy unicorn, although his physical features didn’t show it. What he lacked in physical strength he made up for with his wisdom and love. His smile was ear to ear as he gazed down upon his son with caring fatherly eyes.

Shining’s eyes drifted back to the foal, whose eyes were shut.

We picked your name because we knew you were going to be a strong stallion when you grew up. Your mother and I knew you would protect what you felt was right, even if it meant going against other people; yet you’d always settle things the proper way. That’s why we called you Shining Armor. You’re going to shine as bright as polished armor when the sun reflects off it, and you’re going to protect everything you hold dear.

The words his father had told him were engraved in his memories. Forever a reminder of the reason he had his name, the one he vowed to live up to in any way possible. He continued trotting down the hallway, his eyes passing over the pictures on his way.

His first bath.

His first toy.

Memories flooded his mind. Times he thought would never end had ended. Times he thought he could be carefree and reckless were remnants of the past. Times he thought he could forever be in a safe environment were going to be lost.

His eyes passed over another picture. It was of one of his proudest days. The day in school when he had to tell the class what he wanted to be when he grew up.


“And when I grow up, I’ll put out fires like a real hero! I’ll save kittens from trees and be the coolest mare ever!” a bright orange filly yelled.

An cacophony of hooves banging against their desks resonated across the classroom.

“That was very nice, Ember. Firefighting is a very nice aspiration for when you want to grow up!” said Mrs. Fields. She was an elderly mare with a lively green coat. Her mane was a bright purple, but white hairs had started to claim it, strand by strand. Her cutie mark was a chalkboard with an A+ written on it.

Ember nodded happily. “I’ll be just like my dad!”

“Following in your parents hoofsteps is always a wonderful thing to do!” Mrs. Fields replied. “But your time is up, so back to your seat, dear.”

The orange filly bounced back to her seat in the back of the room.

“Next up we have... Shining Armor!”

Shining pushed himself up from his chair, and slowly trotted to the front of the room. He turned around and faced the crowd of students; every student had their eyes planted on him. Every single move he made would be judged, every single word he spoke would be thought about. Until lunchtime, that is.

“What do I want to be when I grow up? I want to be the type of pony that helps other ponies!” Shining said, flicking his tail. “I don’t want to be a policepony, I don’t want to be a firefighter. I want to be a normal everyday pony that watches over everypony else. Not for personal gain, not for fame or glory, I want to do it because it’s what I was born to do!”

“Sort of like a superhero?” a brown pegasus colt asked.

“In a way yes, but I’m not super! I’m just a normal colt, I’ll always be a normal colt! I was given my name for a reason, and I’ll live by it! Shining Armor, protector of Equestria!”

The applause was deafening, fillies and colts banging their hooves so hard against the desk, Mrs. Fields thought they were going to break. “That certainly is a big dream there, Shining. Do you have any idea how you’re going to live up to it?”

“By helping everypony that needs help, no matter how small the task!” Shining replied happily.


Shining Armor smiled as his memory ended. Every single picture he passed had a story to it, whether sad, happy, or completely random.

First time baking.

First talent show.

First school concert.

First time falling and getting a cut.

So many firsts in life, pictures to detail everyone of them. Memories that would last forever, remembering the times of joyful laughter and sincere happiness.

First time skating.

First time caught singing in the shower.

First time dressing up as a guard and pretending to chase away the evil villain that was actually a cat.

Shining couldn’t help but chuckle as his eyes swept over picture after picture. His parents wanted every single memory to be engraved, along with the house, into the stone that was his mind. Finally, Shining reached the end of the hallway, turning into the stairwell on the left. At the bottom were his mother, his father, and his baby sister, Twilight Sparkle. Shining slowly began his descent down the stairs. Pictures were sparse along the stair walls, yet his eyes eagerly darted between them.


Shining Armor was trotting through the streets of Canterlot, offering the occasional nod to his fellow ponies.

“Hey, Shining!” a voice yelled.

Shining turned to his side to see his friend, a bright green coated unicorn, waving at him. “Hey Clover!” Shining replied, returning the wave.

“Did you hear about the news? The Royal Equestrian Army is recruiting new ponies to go on adventures in the name of protecting Equestria!”

“Why would the army be looking for new recruits? Equestria is already completely peaceful as is!” Shining retorted, slowly trotting towards his eager friend.

“That’s the thing, while Equestria is peaceful, other places aren’t. There’s this foreign land ruled by some alicorn named Cadence that has requested backup from Equestria! This is your chance to fully live up to your name!” his friend shouted, bouncing on the spot. “I’ve already signed up, you should do it too!”

“Aren’t I too young to be in the army though? I mean, I’m only sixteen, I haven’t even enjoyed all that Canterlot has to offer!”

“Strangely, the age requirement is sixteen. That’s kinda funny, almost like a coincidence... Oh, maybe it’s a sign that you should join!” Clover Leaf said.

“Is it free?” Shining asked.

“Yep! They also give benefits to your family as soon as you’re shipped off to the foreign land!”

“Why do you keep referring to it as the foreign land?”

“Oh, uhh... I didn’t really catch the name of the place.”

“So why did you sign up then?”

“The thrill of adventure! Promoting peace throughout the entire world! Isn’t that what everypony wants in Equestria? To be able to walk outside your door and not have to fear for your own life? I want to make it all happen!”

“That... does sound like something I’d like doing...”

"So, you sold?"

“I’m sold. Where can I sign up?”

“Follow me!” Clover yelled. He started trotting the other way with a small bounce to his step.

Shining hastily followed.


Shining Armor smiled softly to himself. That had been a crazy day. I just hope that it’s not the type of decision that I’ll ever regret... His eyes skipped over the second picture on the stairwell walls, and scanned the last one. It was his personal favourite. The day he learned he had a sister.


Shining sat on his haunches right in front of the door, waiting for his mother to return. She was taken to the hospital last night, and his father had sent him a letter stating that the birth was a success. Soon, his parents would arrive and he’d get to see his very own sister! The seconds turned into minutes, but time didn’t faze Shining Armor. He kept watching the front door for the very second they’d come walking into the house.

“We’re home!” yelled a voice.

Shining Armor couldn’t help but grin. His facial muscles pulled at his lips to send them into the biggest smile he would most likely ever have.

The front door opened, and a light-blue unicorn stepped into the room, followed by a white unicorn.

“Hey, Shining!” his father said, eagerness and joy filling his words.

“Where is she?!” Shining asked, jumping up to all four hooves.

“Shh... Shining... she’s asleep,” his mother cooed, slowly trotting towards Shining. In her front hooves was a white blanket bundled around what appeared to be something purple.

Shining Armor peaked inside the blankets. Inside was the most beautiful little filly he had ever seen. Her coat was a soft lavender, her mane a dark purple with a striking feature - a lone bright pink stripe running down the middle of it. Her eyes were closed, her mouth forming a small o as her chest rose and fell to a set rhythm. True to the family, she was a unicorn. She stirred, wiggling her nose, while extending her front hoof out as if trying to reach something.

Shining Armor couldn’t resist laughing quietly at his sister. So innocent, so pure, so adorable.

Her eyelids slowly opened revealing a pair of animated violet eyes. Shining couldn’t help but stare back, his gaze latched with hers. “Have you... given her a name yet?”

“We were thinking...” Shining’s mother started.

“Of naming her Twilight Sparkle,” his father finished.

“Twilight... Sparkle, huh? Well then, Twilight, welcome to Canterlot, and welcome to your new family!” Shining Armor stated proudly.

Twilight muttered something incoherently, before a small dribble of drool escaped her lips.


Shining stood in front of his family. His mother was weeping; his father sniffling, fighting to hold back tears. Twilight was oblivious to what was going on, happily sucking on her pacifier while sitting on her haunches.

“Do you... really have to go?” his mother asked, tears forming a small river down her face.

“Afraid so, mom. You guys named me Shining Armor for a reason, and I’m going to go protect everypony wherever I can!” he replied, with a flick of his tail.

His mother pulled him into a hug. “You can still... drop out, can’t you?”

Shining rested his muzzle on his mother’s shoulder. “It’s too late to drop out... but don’t worry, I’ll be okay, I promise!”

“Honey... he’ll be ok. He’s a strong colt, just like we hoped,” his father stated.

Shining’s mother let go off the hug and stepped back.

His father stepped forward, raising his hoof and resting it on his son’s shoulder. “I’m proud of what you’re doing. Going to new places, promoting peace. Just... make sure you write every once in awhile. You’ve probably heard this a lot from me, but you’re turning into a mighty fine stallion, Shining.”

“Thanks dad!” Shining replied, his eyes latched onto his father’s. His father looked like he was about to break down, his tear ducts were moistening, his sniffling becoming more frequent.

His father stepped back, and opened the door.

“I can’t leave just yet...,” he stated, turning towards Twilight. “Now for you... I have a little gift for you.”

He unzipped his suitcase and pulled out a grey doll with button eyes. Its short mane was grey, and it wore blue shorts with white polka dots. He placed it in front of Twilight; the purple unicorn immediately started ogling the doll. Shining re-zipped his suitcase.

“This is Smarty Pants, she has kept me safe all of these years, and I think it’s time she does the same to you.”

Twilight spit out her pacifier, and crawled towards it. She picked it up between her front hooves, and placed one of the doll’s ears in her mouth, happily gumming on it.

“It’s sad you won’t get to hear her say her first word...,” his father glumly said. “She’s getting really close to a few, I’m sure she’d love her brother to hear it.”

“I trust you’ll write all about it, dad!” Shining replied, smiling. “Sadly, I have to be on my way now, though. I’m probably going to be late as is!”

“Just promise you’ll write,” his mother said.

“Have I ever broken a promise? If I can ever write, I’ll write. If not, I’ll still find a way to write!” he said, winking. He started trotting outside the door.

“B... br... broder,” Twilight whispered.

Shining held his head to the sky. “Did she just...?”

“...It’s close enough to count as a first word, I guess. How do you feel about that, her first word was nearly brother!” his father happily exclaimed.

A tear ran down Shining’s face. “I feel... proud. Great things are in store for her, I can just feel it...”

Shining Armor continued trotting outside to the expectant sunlight, to the unknown places he’d be visiting, to the group of soldiers he had learned to call friends.

Yet away from the family he’d always love and cherish the most.

Comments ( 25 )

This was rather fun to write, hope everypony enjoys reading it:heart:

Okay....I kind of really love this.

Very cute, I have to say I love it. :twilightsmile:


Yea, instant favorite.

But..what happens next!? My mind will run wild with possibles! Crap, there it goes. Very good story.

Heh,I would be lying if I said I didn't shed a tear.
Good job,

"I feel... proud. Great things are in store or her, I can just feel it..."

...or her? oh poor twi. Great things... or her. oh my, Shining, that was mean. :fluttershysad:

355173 Woah, thought I caught all errors. Thanks! ^^

Very well done, and sadly that all I can say at the moment and congrats on getting featured on Equestria Daily :twilightsmile:

You sir, have earned a watch and a fvorite. (with a side of thumbs up)
Great story, I enjoyed it, and please continue to write

. . . Ow, I think I broke my finger from trying to click the fav button so hard. I don't think I can emphasize just how fantastic this was! Seriously, I've been sitting here trying to describe how I loved this story, but I can't! Let's just say it will be a dissapointment to me if this ends up being somehow contradictory to the show canon (which knowing my luck, it will).

Progression of my facial expressions while reading: :ajbemused: -> :applejackunsure: -> :fluttercry: -> :pinkiesad2:

All in all a very enjoyable read.


I... don't know why, but this made me burst out laughing.
Thank ye kindly.

Saw your story on EQD and I am glad I checked this out. Damn man these feels are too powerful. Manly tears were shed. Good job on this story.

This was adorable. Thumbs up, faved and tracked simply cause the first two didn't seem enough

Wow. This was fantastic! Thank you! So now we know why we didn't hear about Twi's brother until now. And how he met Princess Cadence. Very well written, I must say :twilightsmile:

Manly tears...I missed those. Thanks for the story! :pinkiehappy:

Nicely written, a very heart warming tale for a little known about character. Well done.

Fury of the Tempest approves this story.

My reaction was mostly :derpyderp1: but then when Shining was saying byebye to baby :twilightblush: I was all :fluttershysad: then I was :twilightoops: because the story was over and I'm used to much longer stories. Gratz on another EQD feature. Um and I'm talking to you on Kong right now too! :derpytongue2:

Nice story, and nice attempt at predicting how Shining Armor and Cadence would be introduced even though it got thoroughly Jossed by the episode itself. Little Twilight was adorable. :)

The age discrepancy seems a tab bit large to fit canon, in my opinion. If Twilight is in her early 20's in the season finale, Shining is probably only in his later 20's/early 30's. Then again, that is going on the assumption that's the growth rate of ponies is equivalent to that of humans, which may not be the case at all. But, regardless of that, this was a well done fic, in it's structure and composition. Shining's lines near the end seem a little, for a lack of better terms, forced, but other than that I enjoyed how you wrote this piece of literature. Keep up the good work!

And the age difference isn't that large. Ten years is the max I'll accept.

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