• Published 23rd Nov 2013
  • 12,798 Views, 784 Comments

Direction - Darth Link 22

The Mane Six have to work to save Equestria... without Twilight

  • ...


Applejack was really not looking forward to this.

After the meeting, Rainbow Dash flew off with Scootaloo in tow, hoping that the two of them could join Soarin for a family dinner. However, the look she gave Applejack indicated that their next meeting would be far from pleasant.

She had slept restlessly that night, both the knowledge of what was coming and the upcoming trip stopping sleep was coming. Winona rested on her covers, sleeping better than her master.

The next day she was out picking up some stray fallen apples in the orchard. It was against Big Mac's wishes, but she healed quickly and couldn't stand another day of sitting and watching her sister and Scootaloo trying feebly to do her work. As she was half-done, she heard the unmistakable sound of Rainbow Dash swooping down. Her body tensed. It was time.

"Yeah, you better believe I'm not done with you."

"I don't wanna hear it, Dash. I've got my pride."

"Was this the same pride that had you poison half the town? Or bet your farm on that stupid bet?"

"Don't bring that up! It was a long time ago…"

"And you haven't learned anything!"

"This comin' from the mare that still hot rods around like some basic school filly?"

"Stop it!"

Suddenly both mares shrank back. They recognized that tone, one that sent chills down their spine, even well into adulthood. After all, Granny Smith was a hard mare when angry.

The ancient mare was looking at them with an expression that turned them into fillies again, and both were acting like she had caught them stealing sweets. Rainbow Dash pushed her hoof into the dirt, not looking her in the eye, while Applejack tried hiding under her hat.

"The both a’ y’all are still actin' like yer in basic school. I remember you fightin' like this over games of catch or somethin' er other. You two have been friends for years, and I don't think either of you matured at all in that time."

Applejack opened her mouth to protest, but one glare silenced her. Rainbow Dash, however, had always had a lesser self-preservation instinct. "I'm a grown mare…"

"Until you get mad, then the two of you squeal at each other like it was years ago. Now, after a while I learned to let you two run yourselves out, since usually you didn't even remember why you were arguing. But if the Princess wants you to do somethin', I ain't letting you two go in sulking, no matter what it is."

The two younger mares looked at each other. Granny Smith knew Celestia was sending them away, but not where to or why. Not that she needed a reason if the Princess said so.

"You both have an ego on you, but you haven't let it get too far out of control before now. So either you two sort this out, or I'm gonna free the fillies from their punishments and make you do 'em fifty times."

Both winced, knowing that if Granny intended to do something, it would get done.

As she walked off, the two looked at each other awkwardly.

"…I'm sorry," Applejack said at last.

"Me too," Rainbow Dash said, somehow sounding both apologetic and like the words had a foul taste at the same time. "But you know I'm right about all this."

"The Apple Family…" the Earth Pony began, but she trailed off. "I don't like botherin' other ponies with my problems."

"Applejack, this is everypony's problem. What happens if the Changelings get past us? We got lucky at the wedding…" She swallowed the guilt that was still there. "Celestia… can you imagine how easily we could have lost?"

The cowpony shuttered. "I don't like to think about it."

"Well maybe it's time we do. We can't just keep clinging onto things. The Changelings need to be our top priority." Rainbow Dash stopped. Then she shook, almost like laughing. "I'm sounding like Twilight. She really turned me into another pony, didn't she?"

Applejack couldn't help but grin. If somepony had told her before she met Twilight that she would be the pony she is now, she'd have thought they were crazy.

"I guess you're right. We need 'ta be focusin' on this." She took a deep breath. "I think we better go see Rarity today."

Rainbow Dash blinked. "Why?"

"Remember our campin' trip?"

The cyan Pegasus thought, and it wasn't long before realization crossed her features. "She'll pack half her stuff and expect us to carry it. We better talk her out of it." It sounded like she was going to try and convince every Unicorn to give up magic.

"Well, that's something we agree on, at least."

Fluttershy picked out a few more carrots from the marketplace stall. The merchant selling them looked nervous, and for good reason. Even though Fluttershy had done everything in her power to forget Iron Will's assertiveness training, they had all remembered, and they remembered Applejack and Rainbow Dash coming around with a few choice words on how they treated her afterwards.

Picking out her food, she dropped her bits and bade a good day. She had turned and trotted a few steps before meeting another Pegasus.

"Hey, Fluttershy," Derpy said. Her words all leaned on each other, but Fluttershy had known her long enough to understand her.

"Oh. Hi Derpy. Is Dinky feeling any better?"

The grey Pegasus shook her head. "Her fever went up again. I wouldn't be away from her, but I needed to leave and get some medicine."

Fluttershy gave her a sympathetic look. "Well, I hope she gets well soon. I'll just have to ask Roseluck to watch my animals for a while."

Derpy tipped her head. "Are you going somewhere?"

Fluttershy gave a squeak, but remembered the story she was to tell quickly enough. "My friends and I are going to Canterlot for a few days to help Celestia put together the next Grand Galloping Gala. Twilight should be back from her royal business by then, and Celestia wants us to make the party for her."


Fluttershy nodded in earnest. "Really. We are all excited, especially Rarity. She's making some dresses to show off to the Princesses themselves. If she gets this commission, it will mean big things for her."

Derpy smiled. "That's great!"

Fluttershy couldn't help but grin. Derpy hardly knew Rarity, but she was always happy for anybody.

"When are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow," Fluttershy said. "We'll be gone for a while. Will you take over for Roseluck if Dinky gets better?"

Derpy nodded. "I will, don't worry. I'm sure she'll get better soon."

"No! No, I cannot!"

Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash cringed. They both knew it would be difficult, but that didn't make actually doing it any easier.

"Rarity, we ain't goin' to a gala, or a vacation. We're gonna be hikin', and Sweetie ain't gonna be around to carry everythin' for you."

"But I simply must look my best…"

"Rare, we're gonna be in th' middle of nowhere. The only ones that will see you will be us, and we won't tell nopony if you don't."

"But I'll know!" Rarity said, stretching her voice out as far as she could go without sounding like a filly. "I'll get sweaty and tired…"

"You'll get more sweaty and tired pulling all that weight," Rainbow Dash said. "Besides, you can look good after a workout. I catch Soarin staring at me."

The Pegasus snapped her mouth such as soon as the words were out of her mouth, but it was too late. Rarity now had her full attention on her.

"You never tell me how things are between you two! Oh you must tell me, is he just a dear? How's he taken to Scootaloo?"

Rarity's questions went on, and Applejack knew she'd have to intervene. The Gabby Gums incident had muted a good deal of Rarity's gossip, but old habits died hard.

"I'm sure Dash can tell you all about it on the way," Applejack said quickly, "but we need to talk about this now. Will you please leave some of this junk behind?"

"Junk? This is the finest make-up in Equestria. Why, you two should try some! I keep trying to tell you that you'd have stallions falling all over you."

"Uh-uh. I ain't wastin' time or money on that stuff."

"But AJ…"

The two argued on, but Rainbow Dash fell silent. She knew what she had to do now, but it didn't make it any easier.


The single word had enough strain to get both ponies to stop and look at her. Taking a deep breath, Rainbow Dash spoke, spitting out every word like a pack of manticores were pulling them out of her.

"If you travel light like the rest of us… I'll… letyougivemeamakeover…"

The words had dropped to below a whisper at the end, leaving her friends straining their ears. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I'll. Let. You. Give. Me. A. Make. Ov. Er."

Dead silence.


Rarity was now nose to nose with her friend, her eyes glittering more fiercely than Rainbow Dash had ever seen.

The Pegasus gulped. "Yes."

"And we can style your mane?"

Teeth gritted. "Yes."

"And you'll get a facial?"

More gritting. "Yes."

"And you'll let Aloe and Lotus give you a hooficure?"

Rainbow Dash thought her teeth would be worn down to the gums. "Yes."

Rarity let loose a squeal so high-pitched her friends covered their ears. In an instant Rainbow Dash was in a hug. "Finally! I knew you'd come around eventually! Oh you're going to look so good! And Applejack will join us, right?"

The Earth Pony, who had been watching with amusement, now look terrified. She opened her mouth, but Rainbow Dash beat her to it.

"Of course she will." This promise came out a lot easier. "The three of us will have a big spa day, and afterward we can send Applejack to the biggest party in Canterlot so she can bag herself a coltfriend."

Now Applejack looked appalled. But Rarity hugging her cut her off. "Oh, I've always thought you'd look good with some flowers in your hair! Ooh, I can see it now!"

From over Rarity shoulder, Applejack glared at Rainbow Dash, who merely mouthed three words. "Misery loves company."

Mr. and Mrs. Cake tasted the treats the yellow Unicorn presented for them. After a moment they nodded.

"You do bake well," Mr. Cake said.

The Unicorn grinned. "I serve in the royal kitchens. I get a lot of practice. Celestia likes her cake and…" She blushed, scandalized by what she just revealed.

Pinkie broke into a fit of giggles, while her employers looked around nervously, as if Celestia would jump out and have them arrested for laughing.

"So she can fill in for me when I'm gone?" Pinkie said. "I'm just going to be seeing what menu the Princesses need for the Gala… and what decorations."

"Sure, of course," Mr. Cake said. "And you said Celestia's funds would cover it?"

"I'm still on a royal pension, even when I'm sent to work outside the palace," Chocolate Drop said. "And I'll cook as finely as if I were cooking for royalty."

"The Princess must think you'll all do well to go through this much trouble."

Pinkie put on a grin that was a little too big. "The Gala is supposed to celebrate Twilight coming home. What would be better for her than all of us being there?"

The Cakes hardly noticed the oddity. Pinkie could be called odd in the best of time, and in the worst there was no word to describe her.

Chocolate Drop smiled. "I remember sneaking cookies to Twilight when she was a filly. Half the time Celestia was right there with her." She colored again, realizing her slip.

Pinkie giggled. She would sneak Twilight cookies almost as often. But thinking about that made her sad. She missed her friends when they were away for a day, and Twilight was gone much longer.

Before she could comment on this, the bell that signaled the entrance of a customer rang, and Pinkie trotted out to the front room to greet the customer. To her delight, it was Fluttershy, her grocery baskets full and a confused look on her face.

"Hey, Fluttershy! You have the supplies?"

The Pegasus perked up. "Oh, yes. It should be enough for after we leave civilization. If the Llamas decide to give us something, it'll be more than enough. I just thought I'd get a box of cookies for a treat."

"No problem!" Pinkie said as she began grabbing cookies off the display case. As she filled the order, she tried to make conversation. "Did you get Derpy to watch your animals?"

"Oh, no. Poor Dinky is sick. She's taking care of her."

"That might be why I haven't seen her in a while. I don't think she's come in to get her muffins in two weeks."

Fluttershy gave a sigh. "Poor Dinky. She must be real sick if she's pulling Derpy away like that. I just saw her. She left the house to get medicine at the market. Then we were walking here she flew off, saying she needed to get back to Dinky."

Pinkie deflated. "I hope she's better by the time we get back. I'll bake them something nice."

Fluttershy nodded, a bit slowly. "…I'm scared."

Pinkie stopped. "Huh?"

"We're leaving Equestria… I've never done that. Celestia can't protect us there…"

Pinkie was silent, a testament to how much she agreed with Fluttershy. "We'll be okay." Pinkie smiled. "Celestia knows what she's doing."

There was an uneasy silence as memories of the invasion came back.

"Celestia knows what she's doing," Pinkie repeated.

As much as we know what we're doing, Pinkie couldn't help but think.

Gilda had always prided herself on not being weak. She had been a member of the griffons’ army for years and had seen battle, and had always left the battlefield in a better state than her opponents.

Still, her nerves were failing her now. Her talons shook every time she removed the quill from the parchment, which was often. She needed the words to be just right.

She was so nervous she could barely enjoy the room Celestia had given her for her overnight stay. She had arrived midday and spent all that afternoon testifying before the court trying Trixie. They had asked her to repeat her story several times, apparently hoping she would remember some important detail, for what purpose eluded her.

She was disappointed to learn Rainbow Dash would be leaving too soon to visit. At least, she felt she should be. She was also relieved, but it was only half-hearted, as it was mixed with the knowledge that a painful experience was still coming.

After she penned her signature, she placed the message in an envelope. Hopefully, there would not be much time in between Rainbow Dash receiving it and their next meeting.

Author's Note:

And thus, with the next chapter there off. Gilda is the last we'll be seeing of anybody but the Mane 6 for a while, Arc 2 will be totally devoted to the adventure. See you all at BABSCon this weekend.