• Published 9th Dec 2013
  • 9,290 Views, 22 Comments

Aromatherapy - NotARealPonydotcom

Rainbow Dash has been stressed out lately. Fluttershy offers a form of relief, free of charge.

  • ...

or Relief by Flowers

Featuring a tired Rainbow Dash and a clever Fluttershy
by NotARealPonydotcom


I don't like giving up. That's something that anypony who knows me will tell you. They'll say, "Rainbow Dash would rather ram into every apple tree in Sweet Apple Acres than give up on anything." And if I were there with them, I'd say, "Hay yeah, I would!" and puff out my chest, maybe show of a little wing power, something cool like that. That's true, too; in fact, I think I have rammed into all the trees on the farm, or at least a good 95% of them. There might be a few on the edges that I missed, the ones really far out past where I do my agility tests...

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that, when the going gets tough, I don't get going. I stare my problems right in the face, wait for them to back off, and if they don't I fly straight into 'em and through 'em, no problem. I take them down, or I send myself to the hospital trying.

In the case I faced right now, though, I thought I might be sending myself to the morgue. Well, maybe... How hard do you think you have to hit solid ground with nothing slowing you down even the slightest bit to send yourself on a one-way trip to that great big Cloudsdale-In-The-Upper-Atmosphere? Pretty hard, right?

Just another day in the life, I guess.

The ground was getting closer and closer each second, and I was ready to stop. Not give up, mind you: I was gonna make this trick mine, no doubt, and I would have done it today, if there hadn't been the teensy tiny problem of my wings not working. Now, in this sort of situation, it's a good idea to keep perfectly calm, which I was, and figure out what the hay was keeping you from flying again, which I did. See, my wings weren't moving, and I couldn't really feel them, which made zero sense to me. But, you know, I guess it was just one of those days where you were in the middle of practice for the most important flight audition of your life and your wings suddenly cramped up in the middle of a dive and you keep plummeting and no matter how hard you try you just can't get them to obey you anymore and oh Celestia I couldn't use my wings my greatest fear had come true and now I was gonna die oh crud oh no oh no oh crud I don't wanna—

Okay, so I wasn't being perfectly calm. But you wouldn't either, if you were a pegasus who suddenly couldn't fly!

Anyways, I'm probably making this all seem like I'm gonna die or something like that. Don't worry about that, though. I wouldn't be telling this story if I died right then. I just wanted to start off with something exciting.

I was rushing towards the ground, and even my adrenaline rush wasn't enough to hold back that enormous terror that anypony gets when they're plummeting. I'm sure Scootaloo felt like this a few times back in the days when I coached her. I think the worst part is that the wind bows in your eyes and makes you close them, like it doesn't want you to take it like a stallion and watch the ground come up and punch you in the bucking face. That's what was happening to me, and I was all set to do just that when I heard, literally, the loudest bucking scream in the universe:


Seriously. The loudest. Scream. Ever. I went deaf for a full minute.

All of a sudden, I was yanked out of my fall by somepony; I guessed it was the screamer. Being blind, deaf, and flightless at the time, I didn't bother fighting the pony. My savior brought me down gently, and I could faintly hear a soft voice speaking fast, too fast to comprehend with my messed up ears. I could tell it was a mare, and all it took was the flash of her I got when I opened my still burning eyes for a split second to realize who it was I owed my life too:

"Thanks, Fluttershy."

Then she punched me. Like, actually punched me, hard enough to hurt. In fact, it hurt a lot. Like, way way way way more than what you'd expect. It shocked me back to reality, and suddenly I could hear again.

"What were you doing, Rainbow Dash?!"

"Ah! Not so loud, Flutters..." I never thought I'd ever say that.

"I have a right to be loud, Rainbow Dash! You almost died!"

"No I didn't."

"Don't you dare lie to me, Rainbow! I've known you longer than anypony else in Ponyville, and I know what you look like when you're falling."

My vision'd come back by then, and hoh boy, I'd be totally fine never seeing Fluttershy the way she was at that moment. She was giving me her infamous Stare, the one that Scoots and her pals all talked about from that one time they stayed the night at her place. She was Staring me down hard, and the more we talked, the less and less I felt like lying to her about how I was fine.

"Rainbow Dash!"

I'd been looking at the ground, trying to avoid her Stare, but I snapped my head back up at the sound of my name.


"I asked you a question."

Uh-oh. Apparently, I'd drifted off. "Um, yeah?"

"What were you doing that made you fall?"

I tried to shrug it off, telling her, "Look, it was a fluke, okay? I'm totally fine. You don't need to worry." I put a hoof on her shoulder and gave her my most award-winning grin. "Thanks for catching me, Flutters. I owe ya one."

"Then tell me what happened to you," she said. It seemed she wouldn't take a shrug for an answer.

Cursing inwardly, I answered, "It was nothing. My wing just cramped up, and—"

"Oh, Rainbow!" Fluttershy interrupted, putting a hoof on my wing and stroking it. A blast of pain shot through the appendage, making me hiss; that cramp wasn't gone. Fluttershy saw my face contort and continued: "You've been practicing too much!"

"Nuh-uh," I explained. "Not possible. There's no such thing as practicing too much."

"There is if you're trying out for the Wonderbolts!" she snapped. "You can't keep spending all day flying around doing stunts. If you're not careful, you won't be able to even get to the auditions, much less compete in them."

I drew away from her as she advanced on me, ignoring the pain surging through my wing as best as I could. I hissed at her, "I told you, I'm fine. Don't worry."

"It's too late for that, Rainbow."

"Fine. Stop worrying, then."

"Let me help you," she begged. "You're too tired to keep flying right now. I can fix that."

I didn't believe her, but I figured it would be the easiest way to get her off my back. "Really?" I asked her.

"Oh, yes. I have a relaxation method that always works for me. It's perfect for you and your wing."

She gave me one of those smiles she gives that can make anypony say yes to her. Being her oldest and closest friend, though, I managed to fight its hypnotic power.

For about five seconds.

"Ughhhh," I moaned, resiging myself to my fate. "Fine. Just do what you wanna do, and I can get back to practicing."

She nodded, and gave me a gentle hug, muttering, "Thank you, Rainbow Dash." Then she took my hoof in hers, and pulled me along. "Come along, now. It's at my house."

"The relaxation stuff?"

"Mm-hm," she confirmed, nodding. "That's the only place we can do it." A small blush appeared on her cheeks, and she repeated, in the voice that she's much better known for, "At my house."

I shrugged it off. There wasn't anything weird about the way she was acting to me. It was just Fluttershy being Fluttershy, doing her best to treat anything that moved and looked even the slightest bit hurt. What else could she be doing, besides bringing me to her house to fix up my wing?


Her house was weirdly quiet when we went inside. There were only a few mice and that jerky bunny she loves unconditionally. Even weirder, she shooed them out of the house the moment she saw them, like they'd mess up whatever this "relaxation method" was. Once the animals were gone, she set up some water to boil and had me lay down on her couch.

"I need you to stretch your front hooves out above your head, and your back hooves below your flank," she instructed, standing directly in front of me. I listened, and she pulled herself up onto her hind legs, placing her front hooves onto my back. Again, I winced when she touched my cramping wing, and she said, "Your whole body feels remarkably tense, but it's this spot specifically that hurts, correct?"

"Mm." I nodded, burying my face into a pillow in preparation for the pain I knew I was going to be feeling soon.

"Alright, we'll start with that, then." She pressed her hoof down on my wing joint.

"Schragle!" That was the noise that came out of my mouth when I felt her hoof touch me, or at least as close to the noise as I'll ever be able to remember. My entire body pretty much went into spasms after that, and despite the countless curses, hisses, and other vomit-y noises coming from my mouth, Fluttershy continued massaging my wing joint. I managed to get a good look at her face while this was going on: she was scanning me with eyes, looking up and down my body with a faint blush on her cheeks. She almost looked like she didn't know what she was—



"There we go," Fluttershy muttered, setting my wing down. "You dislocated it. You should start feeling better now."

She was right, surprisingly; after that amazing burst of pain, my body felt much better. Well, my wing did, anyway. The rest of me was still aching like... I don't know, something that aches really bad.

"Hey, what do you know?" I said. "You did it, Fluttershy! I feel better already!" I started to get up from her couch. "Well, guess I'll be getting back to—"

I couldn't finish because Fluttershy shoved me back onto her couch. The aching in my back pulsed, and I couldn't help but wince.

"Oh no," Fluttershy tittered. "I can't let you go just yet. I haven't even started the actual treatment yet, and your body is still so tense." Her ears perked up at the high-pitched whine of the tea kettle in the kettle. "Excellent!" she said, getting up and trotting over to the kitchen. "I'll be right back with your tea."

"But I don't drink tea."

"You'll have to drink this one, if you want to feel better and get back in the sky anytime soon." From the kitchen came the sound of clinking china and shuffling hooves. I heard pouring water, and a minute later, Fluttershy came walking out with a tea tray balanced in one wing. She set it down beside the couch and brought a steaming cup of brownish liquid to my lips.

"Drink up," she instructed, tilting the cup towards me. I managed a whole sip before I started gagging.

"That stuff tastes like manure!" I told her. I wasn't exaggerating, either; I've flown into a few cow houses before. "That isn't tea, it's poison!"

"The best medicine tastes the most bitter, Rainbow. This is a special blend of herbs that work as a muscle relaxant." She pushed the cup back in my face. "Please, Rainbow. Drink it."

She gave me her stupid can't-say-no face again, and I managed to get a groan out before she put the rim of the cup to my lips again and started pouring that crap into my mouth. But I took it, mostly because I knew she wasn't going to let me go without doing her whole treatment. I figured that the best way to get out of here was to just get through this thing as fast as possible, and if that meant choking down some nasty brown "tea," then I guess I could deal with it. Besides, Fluttershy always knew what she was doing when it came to fixing ponies up. I honestly think she should become a nurse or something like that, because Ponyville could definitely use more than Nurse Redheart and her stupid—

Hey. The tea's gone. I guess I drank it.

Fluttershy set the cup down on the platter and smiled at me.

"Thank you," she said, standing up again. "Now, just stay there, and I'll be right back with the next bit of your treatment."

"Do I have to drink anything else?"

She shook her head, whipping her huge pink locks around. "No. No drinking, I promise." For some reason, she blushed again. Spinning around, she went out of the room in a rush, and I heard her step out of the house entirely a moment later. I wondered where she was going, and whether or not I'd be lying here for a few hours. I considered making my escape, but I imagined the look on Fluttershy's face the next time I saw her if I did that, and my plan went flying out the window. I didn't really care about getting out, anyway; I was really beginning to feel tired, like I might pass out any second now. I didn't want to do that, so I tried staying awake by getting up and doing laps around Fluttershy's room. I sat up to get off the couch and WOOOAH.

The whole world sort of imploded right in front of me. I fell backwards again and tried not to move anymore, because each fidget or twitch I made sent me into a fresh vertigo spell. I figured this was the tea doing it's work, and it occurred to me that Fluttershy might have gotten the wrong tea leaves or something. Maybe this was Discord fooling around with her house again, making things all chaotic. If that was the case, then I was probably going crazy, or maybe I was getting Discord-ified again. No, it wasn't like this the first time that happened. That was much worse than this. This was like when you sit on a hoof until it's numb and you can't feel it anymore, and each time you move it you felt this tingling burst of tickle-pain that—

"Rainbow Dash?"

"Muh?" Another tingle runs through my head as I turn it to get a look at Fluttershy. She's got a basket set down next to her, and she's looking at me worriedly.

"Oh good, you heard me this time," she says, sighing in relief. "I've been standing here saying your name for almost a minute now."

So I was a little disconnected from the world. I could probably still escape, if I wanted to.

"What's that?" I asked, thanking my brain for still working properly (is the brain even a muscle?). I pointed at the basket with a hoof, trying not to have it tremble from all the tickle-pain. Fluttershy smiled, and opened the basket to reveal a bunch of flowers and a few weird stick things.

"This is your therapy, Rainbow. It's called aromatherapy, and I always use it when I want to relax."

"So your gonna cover me in flowers?"

"Well, no. I put the flowers around you, and then I burn some incense, and the smells from them both are supposed to be therapeutic. It's wonderful, really. I do it every week." Again, she blushed. Wasting no time, she set up about twenty different bouquets of flowers, and by around the tenth I was beginning to smell them all pretty well. Now, this probably wouldn't have done anything to me if I'd been in the right mind, but since Fluttershy had gone ahead and drugged me, I was feeling these flowers fist their way up my nostrils to punch me in the brain, and that hurt. My vision started blurring, and I started to panic, only to feel a gentle set of hooves push me back down.

"It's alright," I heard Fluttershy say. "I know it's a bit overwhelming, but trust me, you'll be just fine in a second."

I opened my mouth to protest, but I could taste the flowers surrounding me, the smells were so strong. I heard the striking of a match, and something clinked behind where my head was. Then came a new smell, a smell so strong that I was sure I was going to faint from sensory overload. It took me a while to realize that I was taking enormous breaths, and I tried not breathing for a while to see if that would stop the smelling. That worked, but I couldn't hold it long enough without making Fluttershy tell me to breathe again.

"Breathe slowly," she whispered in my ear. "Let your body slow down. Let your mind slow down. Let everything come to a standstill."

And just like that, everything did just that. I felt like I was floating down a river, lying on my back and looking up at the sun. I was actually looking at one of Fluttershy's lamps, but it was nice to dream. The tickle-pain was gone, replaced by this sort of ultra-sensitivity that totally would have made me the best at night flying. I could feel everything around me, feel the vibrations in the air like they were a gang of thugs beating down on me, except it didn't ever hurt. I guess I started smiling at something, because Fluttershy suddenly giggled.

"Good," she said. "It's all starting to relax you, isn't it?"

I nodded, or at least I think I did. It was all sort of blurry, like I was skipping to different moments in time. One moment, I was there with Fluttershy; the next she was out in her garden picking the flowers that were now around me; then she was in front of me, pulling me up to face her, pulling me closer and closer. Faintly, I could hear her talking:

"Y-Your back still feels tense. H-Here." Her hooves run along my spine, sending blasts of I-don't-know-what-kind-of-feeling through me. She pulls me into a sort of hug and starts massaging me, and with my brain in slow-mo-super-sense world, I can't stop myself from moaning. I didn't know if it was just natural talent or if she'd been getting secret lessons from those spa ponies, but sweet Celestia of Equestria does it feel good when she puts her hooves on my back. I lean into her and let her massage me, letting out uncontrollable squeaks and squeals. Her hooves move up, and when they reach that one spot right between my wings oh maaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnn. My back arches, and my mouth opens in a silent moan that never makes it past my lips. Fluttershy moves her hooves up, sliding them around my neck, and with my blurry vision I can see her blushing face. Her adorable, nervous, totally awesome face.

She orders, "C-Close your eyes, Rainbow." I can't help but obey. Why would I not? It's not like I could see anyway. Everything was so blurry; I could hardly see Fluttershy. It was a good thing she'd pulled me so close to her, or else I wouldn't have known if she were—


Soft, warm, slightly damp. That's what they felt like, Fluttershy's lips. She pressed them against mine. Like, hard. I wanted to open my eyes to look at her (or, like, the eighth of her face I'd be able to see), but I was too damn relaxed. So I just let her kiss me, and after realizing how much I liked having her mash faces with me, I kissed back. She drew away for breath, and I leaned in further to get to her mouth again. This time, we kissed with our mouths open, and I smiled into her mouth when she let out a squeak of surprise. I wrapped my forelegs around her, and pulled her down on top of me, sucking on her lower lip as I did. The moment my back hit the couch, another spasm of buck yesssssss shot through me, and I felt a new energy building in me. My body was screaming at me to satisfy myself with the yellow mare on top of me, and even with all the tea and flowers and Fluttershy's plump lips keeping me busy I couldn't keep myself from bucking my hips up to try and meet Fluttershy's. And they did.

The cute yellow mare on top of me gasped and drew back, leaving me to french kiss the open air. She looked down at me with her hoof over her mouth, and I just smiled back up at her. I felt something hot run down my leg.

"Y-You...you..." She was stuck on repeat, just saying "you" over and over again. That, plus her blush and the obvious business going on downstairs for the both of us, was enough to convince me to pull her head back down until our noses touched. Her eyes widened as mine shrank to slits, and I whispered to her:

"I what?" Just because I felt like it, I dragged my tongue up her cheek to her ear, making her squeak again. "I want you? Badly?" Another lick, around and behind her ear. I pulled my head back to press my nose against Fluttershy's again, and gave her the best damn bedroom eyes in Equestria. "Is that it?"

I got another mind-melting kiss as an answer. Her hooves pressed against the fur on my chest, and I felt ahhhh! as she rubbed me with them. Again, my mouth opened against hers, and she copied me and meekly slid her tongue past her lips. I ran my own tongue against it, tasting exotic teas and daisies and mmmmm forget-me-nots. Her hooves dragged across my chest; I could tell she was still nervous. So, I took her hooves in mine, and guided them down my body, past my ribs and my hips until we hit home. The moment I felt her hoof touch me, I jolted and bucked my hips against hers again, trying to squeeze as much as possible out of that brief, amazing moment.

Then she bucked back, and her hooves went to work.

After that moment, everything became a wild blur of colors and smells and touches that made me scream. There was Fluttershy on top of me, kissing and pulling away and gasping and laughing and moaning and screaming; there was me, trying to squeeze into the gorgeous mare humping me as best as I could; we were twisting and flying and bouncing and grinding against one another, exploring each other with hooves and feathers and tongues; I tasted sweat in her fur as I suckled her neck, and flowers in her spit as our tongues swirled together; the flowers around us fell, one by one, all over us and it was sexy and annoying at the same time because she was eating them off me oh Celestia she was so hot but the stems poked me and got in the way of my hooves as I tried to squeeze her flanks, her sweet, ripe, perfect flanks; she moaned into my mouth and I moaned back and we were trying so hard not to let it end right then and there oh it was so bucking hard; I felt heat and electricity and wind and water rushing through me, up my spine and out the top of my head and back down again, down to that spot that one spot in between my legs that she was just sooooo good at touching; and her flanks bounced sweet Luna did they bounce and bounce and bounce, smacking her hips against mine again and again and again; I squeezed her and rubbed her and bucked her oh I bucked her bucking brains right out of her bucking head, and she bucked me right back, and soon I could feel it all coming ahhhh! could feel her shaking against me, yelling my name, asking me please, please don't stop Rainbow Dash oh please, and I said mmmmmm! no way I would ever stop, Rainbow Dash doesn't ever give up, and it was building and building yessss! like a Sonic Rainboom coming out of me, not from around me; we kissed and sucked and smacked and hhhaaaahhh! I felt her shudder and scream and burst on top of me, and she flooded me with her love and I felt my floodgates shatter and I didn't want it to end, not without one more squeeze of that perfect cream-colored ass, but I couldn't even fffffffff— manage that so I just came and YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!.....


...and then everything slowed; Fluttershy fell to my side, something that wasn't tea dripped onto the floor of her cabin, and I felt my body shut down.

Everything slowed. Then it stopped.


When I finally got out of Fluttershy's house, it was dark outside. The moon was big and full (or maybe almost full, that kind of almost where you're like, "Hey, the moon's full," and your friend's like "Nah, look, there's a sliver missing," and then you punch her because she's totally just saying that because she wants to contradict you in front of freaking everypony), and from where I was standing I could see my house, floating above Ponyville like it had for years and years. I shook out my wings and smiled; not a single ache or cramp.


I turned around. Fluttershy was in the doorway, glancing back and forth between me and the ground. Half of her face was hiding behind her mane, the way it always does that makes anypony go "Awww!" and me go "Hot." She scuffed at the ground (cute), coughed (also cute), and blushed (hot) before saying:

"M—Maybe we could do this again?"

I chuckled at her nervousness; as if I'd just brush off today like it never happened. I trotted over to her and tilted her head up with a hoof. I looked her dead in the eye, making her blush harder (hot), and I gave her a kiss that I think Rarity would classify as "passionate."

"I think we could," I told her once I'd pulled away. "Maybe we could have lunch first, though."

A smile showed up on her face, and the blush vanished a little. She nodded, and said, "I-I'd love to have lunch, Rainbow."

"Good." I turned and trotted away, calling over my shoulder, "I'll pick you up tomorrow at one, alright? We'll hit up Mill Street Cafe."

"O-Okay!" she called back. "I'll be ready!"

I got into a take off position, and flexed my body just to check for any inner pains; I didn't feel a single one. I had just flapped my wings when I heard Fluttershy add a little addendum to her earlier statement:

"And we can have a followup session afterwards, right?"

A followup session. Man, did she want a piece of the Dash, or what—

And that's when I realized what had been up with her that morning. All of the blushing, the insistence that she deal with my problems, the massaging...

I took off towards my house. Uncontrollably, a grin spreads across my face.

"Fluttershy, you clever little filly," I mumble as my house grows closer. "You and I are going to have to have a little talk tomorrow."

And we will. But that's tomorrow. Right now, it's today, and Rainbow Dash always lives for today. So I sped on, thinking about my nice warm cloud bed and the mare I'd be sharing it with some day very, very soon.



Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

Had this idea to write a fic where Fluttershy fixed Rainbow Dash up after an accident, and I realized I didn't want to write another multi-chapter story with what's already on my plate. So, I turned it into this quickie one-shot. Hope you enjoyed reading it.

I like FlutterDash. It's a nice ship. Nothing too risky about it. Perfect for one-shots.

Anyways, I'll be getting a few more things finished here before the end of the year. I've been lazy lately, and I'm kind of sick of it. But, more on that later!


Comments ( 22 )

Hey, everypony remember that time Fluttershy drugged Rainbow Dash and they had a totally hot make out scene.
Cause I do know!

rainbow dash approves:rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::twilightblush::twilightblush::twilightblush::yay:

:pinkiehappy: Oh my gosh, this was so awesome! I love it! :rainbowkiss: I just love when Fluttershy works to get closer to Rainbow and seduces her, in a sense, while helping her. :twilightsmile: This was so adorable, yet very passionate and sensual, you can just sense the way their relationship is going to build after it's over. Ooooooh, I got butterflies!

I love this! Instant favourite! I'm always glad for some new good FlutterDash work. :raritystarry: This was very well written, very intimate and just an overall nice read. Good job!


Holy crap, how come that wasn't classified as a clopfic ?:rainbowderp:
Doesn't matter, I loved it :rainbowwild:

Wow. This. Was. Amazing!
The imagery, the detail, the scene, the relationship, everything!

Most impressive job here. you pulled this together, and it feels very complete. I haven't seen a shipping story of this quality in a while, and I really liked it. The idea was on the original side, and you executed it perfectly. So sensual, and intimate, and passionate, I just love stories like these.

My like and fav should tell you just how I feel about this story...

This was very impressive. It seemed amateurish at first because the first person perspective appeared unwarranted; but the style seemed spot on for Rainbow Dash, and about halfway through I realized that there was a very professional albeit unusual amount of appropriate detail. The experimentation with mind-altering states was well described and kept me interested. The sex could have been left out, and I personally would have written it as a cute story where Fluttershy just helps out Rainbow Dash, but that doesn't mean it wasn't well written either. All in all, I'm favoriting this

Man this is so close to a pure clopfic I don't know how you got it past anyone.

Still, have my like and fav. :pinkiecrazy:

so good


such flutterdash

many squees

But seriously, I loved this.

:trixieshiftright: I kind of want to have aromatherapy now. That sounds fucking amazing, and no it's not because of the drugged lesbian small horse sex. :twilightangry2:

Must... not... break... down... and buy another Pokemon game...

I do love this kind of free-flow, kinetic writing. This was cute as heck, too.

I could LITERALLY feel myself relaxing and almost falling asleep at that massaging part- Oh, this is most definitely a fave... I need to have a little nap now. Great story! !

That was such a fun read. First person perspective is tough, but you made it perfect for Rainbow Dash. Each little tid bit or random insight from her and her descriptions were so funny. They were on a wild trip. Fluttershy is a devious little thing. Loved the story, loved the romance. Instant favorite!

WOW SHY. Who could say sweet little Shy could do something like that?. And RD not wanting the treatment pff jejeje nice one funny and hot.

This was great, really enjoyed it. I have to chime in with the others who pointed out the great use of imagery (and Rainbow Dash's expressions). :pinkiehappy:

What else could she be doing, besides bringing me to her house to fix up my wing?

Oh, I don't know, probably getting her some of that Dash?

A followup session. Man, did she want a piece of the Dash, or what—

And I stand correct.

This WAS pretty adorable, but I don't see myself rereading this, so I'll just upvote it.

For a little while there I had to stop reading and think....is rainbow getting roofied?

But nevertheless this was an excellent story I very much enjoyed it. I too am very relaxed now.

And to think, this was written before Tree Hugger was introduced.:rainbowlaugh:

rapist fluttershy??????

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