• Published 20th Nov 2013
  • 4,198 Views, 50 Comments

Fallout: Equestria - Occupational Hazards - thefurryrailfan

In the harsh climate of the North Equestrian wastelands, a pair of friends must overcome all the wasteland has to throw at them - and maybe learn something by the end.

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Time seemed to slow down, as it had the night that orbital strike had hit my stable. There was a blinding flash of light, both Twintails and I forced to look away as our eyes burned. We could hear a faint rumbling before the air cracked around us, the shockwave of the blast knocking us off of our hooves, rooftops around us shaking and crumbling faintly as the wall warped in for a moment, springing back. My head hit the pavement on the top of Cross' shop, cushioned the slightest bit by the snow already on the roof. I got back up, my legs quavering and ears ringing as Twintails groaned in pain, standing up as well. We both stared back at the source of the light, seeing a giant mushroom-shaped cloud climbing far into the sky, the top expanding outwards and folding in on itself. I panted, confused and terrified. W-was that a Megaspell!? Who dropped it!? And why? My mind raced as I glanced over to Twintails, who looked equally as frightened shitless.

As my hearing started to come back, I heard screaming coming from the streets below. Rushing to the edge of the building, looking down granted me to the sight of the few ponies back in Mooscow in a full panic. Some were rushing into houses, others having collapsed on the ground, knocked out by the shockwave reverberating about. Twintails hurried over to me, but before he could say anything, my horn flared up and there was a flash of blue light. We landed in Cross’s kitchen, where Cross, Featherweight, and Buzzy were trying to reorient themselves. “What the fuck just happened!? Was there another strike? I thought the Rangers wiped the Enclave out!!” Cross shouted, hyperventilating. I rushed over to him and pulled a chair over with my magic, sitting him down.

“Calm down, calm down,” I said, unsure if I could even follow my own advice. Cross breathed heavily, Twintails rushing over to Featherweight and pulling him into a frightened embrace. “There, uh…” I gulped, trying to focus. Everything was going so well just a few minutes ago... “There was a Megaspell detonation near our Stable's mountain…” Cross’s pupils shrank down and he shook his head, myself hugging him tighter for a few moments, pushing backa nd looking into his eyes. “No, no, you’re okay, I’m okay… we’re all okay…”

“For now!” He blurted out, running a hoof through his mane. “We don’t know when another one could come! Not to say anything about the radiation of this one! Who launched this one? Is it the Enclave again?!” I looked over to Twintails, who was staring at me with the same worried expression. Turning back to Cross, I placed my front hooves on his shoulders. Oh, this isn't going to be easy to explain...

“Cross, you need to calm down and listen to me, or we’re not going to be able to solve this.” Cross tried to slow his breathing, taking in a few ragged breaths before he was able to look me in the eyes and pass along a nod. “Alright… look, when Twintails and I first met up outside our Stables, we ended up finding this place, the Northern Equestraian Artillery Megaspell Outpost. There was a pony there, the Doc. He was trying to rebuild a Megaspell firing device, a massive cannon, and hired us to look for parts.” Cross stared at me, dumbfounded. Well, better than screaming... “We stopped working for him a while back, but it looks like he’s managed to find the rest of the parts without us. Goddesses forbid...” I sighed, looking over to Twintails again. He was still staring at me in the same way, but there was almost a slow spark of determination in it as well.

“Cross, you need to run over to Razorwing’s shop. Tell him what I told you, and give him the coordinates of NEAMO.” I punched them into his Pip-Buck, a small icon appearing on the map. Cross tried to protest, but I spoke over him. “Twintails and I are going to head out in the tank, I don’t think we’ll have any time to wait if he’s ready. Just tell him to take the road and get as many of the Steel Rangers he can, he’ll spot us sooner or later.” I paused for a moment, looking at the royal blue stallion before me, the way his face was - filled with dread. “This won’t be goodbye, Cross, I promise you. We will be back. I love you.” I pulled him into a kiss, holding it for a few moments before heading back to our bedroom for my saddlebags.

The others followed me, Twintails hitching up his own bags and Cross grabbing the small gun I’d bought him, slipping it into his own coat. Featherweight stopped Twintails, pulling him aside. “Buzzy and I will fly back to the Turnpike, we’ll need to get more bombs than what we have, and we'll get the word out to a few more as well. Don’t wait up for us.” He picked up Buzzy and tossed her onto his back, looking back towards my pegasus friend. “I’ll see you soon, Twinny.” He winked and we all headed outside, Twintails and I climbing up onto the tank as Featherweight disconnected his wagon from it, Buzzy then helping to hitch it onto him.

I watched as Cross ran down the street, and past a few ponies running in the opposite direction. He skidded a bit on the snow, but turned the corner on the way towards Razorwing’s shop. Featherweight ran to the end of the tank, pulling his cart behind him before leaping into the air and taking off, quickly turning and heading west. Swinging the tank’s hatch shut and locking it in place, I followed Twintails to the driver’s seat, watching as he pulled a few levers, the engines roaring to life. I sat myself in the gunner’s seat, picking up the heavy cannon as he spun a crank, widening the view port as to not run over anypony still rushing through the streets. He carefully navigated us to the gate, stopping as Bloodbeak flew over to the side door, hammering on it. Twintails undid the latch, and the griffon nearly ripped the thing off of it's hinges. “What the hell just happened?! You two aren’t going out to that mountain, are you?” She asked, helping a few ponies lift an unconscious unicorn onto a stretcher.

“That Megaspell was shot from a place called NEAMO, it’s up north from here.” Twintails said quickly, looking anxiously at the gate. “Minty sent Cross over to Razorwing’s place to explain. Please, if you’re able to help, go and find him. We need to leave -now-, before the Doc has a chance to fire Megaspell Mary again.” Bloodbeak looked more than a little confused, but Twintails simply pulled a lever and the tank began to trundle forwards again, straight for the closed doors. The side doors banged loudly as the gate creaked open, Bloodbeak just managing to get to the controls before the tank moved through, watching as we turned down the street and began to head north.

As I gazed down the heavy machine gun’s sight, from the corner of my eye I noticed the radio embedded into the tank, the frequency dial wobbling a bit as we crunched through the snow. Setting the gun down, I turned the chair, leaning down and dialing the radio to Hi-Fi’s frequency. Six-forty or Twelve-forty AM band, thank you catchphrases. “This is an emergency broadcast of the CONELRAD radio system. There has been a deliberate Megaspell attack around the area of Emerald Ridge. To residents of Mooscow, Quebuck, and Trotisk, it is advised to evacuate to the nearest fallout shelter or Stable at this time in accordance with Civil defense measures. We repeat, there has been a deliberate megaspell attack against the town of Emerald Ridge, please evacuate to the nearest fallout shelter or Stable at this time.” I pulled out a spare emerald charge pack and plugged it into my temple, feeling the rush of energy course through me as I lowered my horn to the radio. Alright, going to need a lot of power to override the transmission...

Before my magic sparked to the radio, however, the automated broadcast’s voice crackled out to be replaced by a much less comforting one. “Good morning Northern Equestria, this is the good Doctor Cherry Cove.” He spoke in a flat, eerily calm tone. “Many of you may be wondering what the blast was just a few moments ago. This was a test of the recently reconstructed and re-enabled Megaspell firing mechanism, or ‘Megaspell Mary’, as it had been deemed before the war. Now, you needn’t worry, this weapon is only to be used when absolutely necessary, as per my bidding.” There was a bit of scuffling, sounding like some papers being tossed aside and adjusted. “However, this necessity is going to come with some… sacrifices. If you’ll indulge me for a moment, there’s a little bit of a history lesson I have.” Doc cleared his throat as I looked over to Twintails, both confused and nervous. His matching expression certainly was not helping any...

“One hundred and ninety years ago, two great empires were at war: Equestria, and the Zebra Empire. Now, Equestria proclaimed itself to be a kingdom of harmony, though you can take a look around and see how well that turned out.” There was another shift of papers. “And yet, even after these bombs fell, Equestria refused to change. Zebra containment and execution, Ghoul deportation and murder, anything they could do to remove these ‘lower’ life forms was done. Well, we’re now able to balance this out. Any city having previously shunned those different will face swift eradication. I’ll be formally starting with our once great capital, Canterlot. Any town leaders wishing to remain on the map will simply need to contact NEAMO for annexation. Otherwise… you’ve got two days.” Doc’s voice faded into static.

I immediately bent to the radio, my horn sparking into it. Alright, need to get this message out fast. “This is Minty Candy and Twintails, requesting assistance. We are attempting an assault on the Northern Equestrian Artillery Megaspell Outpost, coordinates: 44.8 degrees north, 91.5 degrees west. Please note, this is a severely dangerous expedition, only those excelling in combat should assist. Repeat, requesting assistance for a direct and full assault on NEAMO.” My magic died as the emerald charge pack dried out, leaving me drained. I pulled out another energy cell and plugged it into my temple, waking myself up a bit. Twintails looked over to me, a little appalled.

“What the hell, Minty? Now Doc’s definitely going to know we’re coming!!” I shook my head, slipping the drained batteries into my saddlebags. The tank trundled along the road, Twintails turning the corner and beginning to drive along the edge of the cliff. The RobronCo factory came into view at the far end of the valley, several robots patrolling the outskirts of the facility.

“There’s no way the Doc wasn’t expecting company anyway, I’m sure he’s already got his security guarding every door.” I spun the heavy machine gun towards some of the robots outside the factory, unsure if they belonged to Jumper Cables or the Doc. “Besides, he doesn’t know about the tank yet. Or Featherweight's battlewagon.” I smirked, Twintails joining me with a chuckle, pressing the pedal downa s far as it'd go. As we passed by the factory, Jumper Cables ran out, flagging us down. Twintails pulled the tank to a skidding stop, myself opening the window hatch on my side. Cables stopped in front of us, panting and exhausted, and being followed by four heavily armored security robots.

“I just got your distress message, you’re lucky you guys weren’t past us already.” She motioned to the robots, which all beeped and surrounded the tank. “These are all the robots I could spare, but hopefully they’ll help. Just try to not lose all of them; business won't exactly be booming if you can't do this.” She waved and ran back inside as we thanked her, starting up the tank again, the robots easily keeping pace with it. The tank crawled along the cliff path as I grew steadily more agitated by its slow speed and the winding road towards NEAMO.

I turned to Twintails. “So, do you have any ideas of what exactly to do when we get there?” I asked, suddenly realizing how late I asked this question. Twintails began to close the view port, thinking for a moment. The robots scanned the area, the air hauntingly quiet, save the occasional gust of wind that blew past the tank.

“Well, I suppose we ought to start out with firing at a distance with the tank and let the robots head in for close combat,” He said, flicking a switch so the lights inside the tank shut off. “See if you can pick off some of them with Jolts, then we’ll head in and make our way to Megaspell Mary.” He paused for a moment. “I just hope they don’t notice us first… though I’m not really sure how we can disable her right now either, short of landing a shot down her barrel…” I wracked my brains, trying to think of something in the military base that might useful. He shook his head a bit, leaning forwards and peering out the viewport. “Well, first things first, we need to find the Doc.”

The tank turned the corner and began to head downhill, finally. The glow from NEAMO was barely visible in the lightly clouded daylight, still a few miles off in the distance. Twintails turned off the road, beginning to head up onto the nearby mountain so we could see down into the valley that held the facility. Neither of us said anything, almost scared to breathe as we circled the large buildings. I pulled out Jolts, resting it on the large machine gun as I looked down the scope towards the glow. There were an almost unrealistically large number of robots patrolling the area, interspersed by the occasional ghoul wielding several large weapons. The large dome that housed Megaspell Mary was only partially open, the gigantic barrel of the gun just visible between the large metal plates.

I looked over to Twintails, taking in a deep breath, my heart pounding in my throat. “Ready?” He nodded, climbing out of the driver’s seat and moving up to the cannon, myself swinging open the side dorway and aiming down at the facility far below. I heard the metal hinges to the back of the cannon screech open before Twintails slid the shell into it, a flick of a switch and hum of talismans catching my attention for a moment before turning focus back to NEAMO. The breech slammed shut, and Twintails began to adjust the cannon's aim, focusing towards the large dome. I settled myself in, staring through Jolts’s scope again. I flicked a little switch, the cell charger humming with life as I lined up the sights with a ghoul standing guard near the main doors and gulped, trying to collect myself. My horn flared up for a moment, and I pulled the trigger.

The ghoul dropped to the ground as the steel bolt flew clean through his skull, spreading his grey matter all across the snow. The other guard leapt in fear, and immediately began glancing about for the source. There was a loud explosion as Twintails fired off the tank at Megaspell Mary’s dome, screaming in with a bright trail behind it. The shell slammed into the metal, but as the smoke cleared, we could see it had done nothing, aside from scorch the siding. The ghouls’ gazes all followed the smoke trail, spotting us on the hill - well, that bit of stealth sure didn’t last long. I plugged in another set of microfusion cells and took aim at a ghoul on top of one of the facility's buildings, who was attempting to aim a rocket launcher towards us. Giving a hard yank on the trigger, his head disappeared into a red mist as he fell off, landing ontop of another ghoul. The ghouls began to take places at fortified barriers, the robots charging up the hill towards us. Jumper Cables’ robots turned and began to run towards them, both sides firing off lasers and missiles as Twintails reloaded the tank.

I slung Jolts back over my shoulder as I instead took a hold of the large machine gun, spinning it towards the oncoming robots. My magic fed the belt of massive bullets in, as I began to fire sporadically. Snow was kicked up around them, a few of the Doc’s robots falling as their CPUs were shattered by lead and high explosives. Bullets and lasers ricocheted off of the tank, a few ghouls manning mounted guns. Twintails turned the cannon towards a large collection of them, and another explosion filled the air as it connected with its target. The ball of flame rose high into the air as I attempted to keep the robots at bay, thinking long enough to get the side door shut. One of Jumper Cables’ robots fell, the missile it had been about to fire shooting off towards a heap of radioactive barrels.

As I swung the machine gun around and fired at a few ghouls that were attempting to recover some missile launchers from dead ghouls, I noticed one large group rotating a howitzer towards us, Twintails firing off a shell in a different direction. My heart stopped as a faint glow emanated from the end of the barrel; Oh dear Celestia. Before they could fire, thankfully, something rained down on them, obscuring them in a massive cloud of snow and balefire. I tried to look upwards through the narrow view port, and caught a glimpse of a large cart, from which several bombs were being dropped. I couldn’t help but laugh as Featherweight and Buzzy swung around, Buzzy tossing more balefire eggs out of the cart as Featherweight fired off his heavy cannons. Talk about record timing.

Twintails turned the top of the tank towards another howitzer, which promptly exploded as he fired at it. I took a hold of the machine gun again, continually firing at the waves of robots, the bullets piercing their metal. Twintails stuck his head down from the cannon’s firing room. “I’ve only got a few of these shells left, we’re going to have to go in soon!” He shouted over the sound of the various explosions, guns, and laser fire. I nodded in response and he began to load another shell. I hopped over to the driver’s seat, pulling levers and cranking the view port as open as I dared. Cables’ robots followed us as we moved in on the facility, able to keep the diminishing number of robots off fairly well. Bullets and laser continued to pelt the side of the tank, the occasional missile striking and knocking me about in the seat.

Twintails shot the cannon again, taking out another group of ghouls wielding missile launchers and shotguns. Featherweight swerved as a rocket came dangerously close to hitting him, but the ghoul carrying the launcher was quickly dispatched by another barrage of bombs from Buzzy. I maneuvered the tank as best as I could from incoming projectiles, but I could feel myself wanting to yell at how sluggishly it moved.

Still, as I moved in, Cables’ robots had managed to take out nearly all of the robots that were initially charging at us, and were soon starting to focus on the few remaining ghouls. inside I stopped just outside the fence, my Geiger counter starting to tick. I stopped the tank, hopping back over to the gunner’s seat and scanning the area, but nearly all the robots and ghouls either lay dead on the ground, or were scurrying up the mountains. I climbed out of the seat, switching the tank off. The engines died down as I climbed up the ladder to Twintails, who was loading in the last shell. He turned the barrel of the cannon towards the front doors of the facility with a whirr of the motor drive, smirking widely. “Care to do the honors?”

I grinned in response, encompassing teh trigger in my magic and giving it a firm tug. The cannon fired and cleanly blasted apart the entrance to the building, stone and wood rubble flying in all directions. We climbed out of the tank, myself drawing my plasma rifle as Twintails readied his grenade rifle and Kindness, the wind whipping at our manes as our Geiger Counters clicked faster. Featherweight and Buzzy circled the area a few times before landing beside the tank. “Good to see you two doing so well.”

We jumped off of the tank, landing in the dirty snow beside him. “You guys practically took out half of them too, you know.” Twintails let off a small laugh, the bits bouncing in front of him. Before we could say anything more, though, a flash of plasma hit me in the side, knocking me down fast. Oooh, fuck fuck fuckity fuck on a fuck sandwich with fuck on the side... I felt the superheated material burn away some of the fabric in my coat as I tried to regain the breath that had been knocked out of me, Featherweight already on alert and Twintails moving over to me. I looked over towards the source of the blast, seeing White Thunder in the doorway hefting a large plasma caster, his facemask fallen away to reveal the ghoulish skin beneath. Twintails helped me up, and we ducked behind the tank as White Thunder shot off another blast of plasma.

“So much for pleasantries,” I said, charging up Jolts again. I popped around the side and fired off a shot, but it instead flew through a broken lamp swinging from the ceiling. White Thunder shot off a few more blasts of plasma, the treads of the tank starting to show serious degradation. Buzzy tried to lob a grenade towards him, but he managed to shoot it out of the air, causing plasma and shrapnel to rain down.

“Alright you four have got two options.” Thunder shouted. “Either you drop your weapons now and walk away, or I radio to Doc he’s clear for another launch. We’ve got plenty of those Megaspells, and Doc’s not too hung up about needing to use one on Trotisk.” We waited for a moment, all of us completely silent. My heart still pounded in my throat. N-no, Trotisk? He wouldn’t bother… but I shook my head, knew that he would. There was a crackle of static as Thunder spoke into a radio mounted on his hoof. “They’re not surrendering, start the sequence.” There was another moment of silence before the dome atop NEAMO began to rotate, the metal screeching horribly as the barrel turned westward. The dome’s plates slide apart slightly, revealing the barrel and the enormous back of the cannon. Once the barrel was oriented properly, Thunder spoke up again. “Now or never, boys.” I gulped, trying to think of what to do. I looked over to Twintails, hopelessness in his eyes.

Suddenly, though, he stood up and walked out in front of Thunder. “We’ll surrender our weapons. But we’re not walking away.” He tried to keep his voice level, but I could hear the fear causing it to quaver slightly. “You’ll take us to Doc, or we’ll wipe this place off the map.” His expression became more stern, while Thunder’s changed to one of clear disbelief. “We’ve still got a shell left in the tank, and a lot more friends coming. It wouldn’t be too hard for me to get a shot into that dome now the doors are open, and I think you’re smart enough to know what’d happen when a balefire egg goes off next to a megaspell.” Twintails actually began to smirk as Thunder’s pupils shrank. My heart couldn’t have been pounding faster.

White Thunder glanced at the large cannon of the tank, stepping back slightly. He looked back to Twintails, sweat starting to bead at his torn up forehead. Both he and Twintails stood staring at each other, frozen in place, before Thunder collected himself. “Fine, now drop your weapons.” He motioned with his caster to the ground. Featherweight, Buzzy and I all stepped out from behind the tank tentatively. I swung Jolts off of my back and pulled out my plasma rifle and Sugar’s laser pistol. Twintails dropped his weapons as Featherweight unhooked himself from the cart.

Thunder waited until we were all past him before he turned, keeping the arcing needles of the caster pointed at all of us. We began to head down the hallway, Thunder directing us towards the main room. It wasn’t long before we reached the large blast doors to Megaspell Mary’s chamber. Thunder punched in a code and the doors slid open, revealing the mammoth weapon, the computer arrays at its base all beeping and whirring softly. Doc was sitting at a wide panel of buttons and lights, and turned in his chair as he heard us approach. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’m not entirely sure why you’d bothered coming to me; I’m not exactly any further away from firing Mary. Then again, I did promise you two front row seats to the first launch. I suppose the second will have to do.” He smirked as he twisted one key in the panel, a warning klaxon going off a few times before his hoof moved to the second one.

Before he could twist it, there was an explosion behind us, dirt and rubble flying in all directions. A large chunk hit Thunder in the skull with an audible crack, sending him sliding along the ground, streaking blood on the floor. Doc was stunned as the dust cleared, revealing Sweetie, Nova, and Nikolai. A large rocket launcher was attached to Sweetie’s back, who was giggling excitedly at the carnage she’d caused. Nova tossed me Jolts as she balanced Kindness on her back. “Saw these outside, thought you might want them back, sweetie.”

I caught Jolts with my magic and turned back to Doc, aiming towards him and charging up another shot. He immediately moved back to turning the next key, but Nikolai was swift in blasting a hole through his chest, and the maneframe, with a shot from Ivan before he could. He stood in shock for a moment as blood began to drip from the hole, the ghoul earth pony falling aside and landing on the floor. His gore pooled around him as he let out a few last sputtering breaths, Twintails and I trotting up to him. Grinning up at us with a sick, twisted smile, tears of pain streamed down the side of his face. “Well, g-go on.” He coughed up blood, a feat I'd think pretty damn impressive considering he didn't exactly have much lung left. His head fell towards his forearm, an instant look of utter fear coming on Twintails' face. Oh... oh fuck. “F-four minutes bef... reactor fail... Warheads go off... we all die.” He let out a last, raspy chuckle, the light fading from his eyes as he stared up at the gun. He breathed his last, sputtering his last two words through the blood, taunting.

“Have fun.”


There was a time, once, in my life, when my biggest worries were just making sure I didn't fall asleep while monitoring Bruce, or got to the vending machines in time before they ran out of Sparkle-Cola. I remember spending happy evenings with Gamma Ray in the cool blue glow of Bruce, or laying together and watching a movie, or just sitting and listening to Vera Lynn playing on our pip-bucks, that soothing, slow melody making us both feel happy, calm, and relaxed. As I stood over the body of the Doc, watching his life drain out into a large red stain on Megaspell Mary's floor... oh, how I wished I could go back to those days, oh so very much. Featherweight and Buzzy stared at us, Minty looking just about ready to pummel Nikolai into a bloody pulp while Nova carried Kindness over, staring down in some confusion. I lifted up my head, my breathing fast and ragged.

"T-the Doc had a dead hoof switch on him. There are twenty-five buried megaspells in this complex, when they go off..." I couldn't bring myself to finish - didn't need to. The looks on all of their faces made it clear they understood what I was saying. Featherweight looked to me, his wide, blue eyes holding the same feelings of fear and helplessness as mine, the massive stallion moving forwards and embracing myself in a hug. Tears came streaming from my eyes, holding him in tight embrace, the seconds ticking by. If I am going to go out like this... no. The Doc said something about a reactor, and a reactor means there's some control panel somewhere that can fix this. Pushing Featherweight back, everypony was looking at each other, Sweetie Bot doing the scanning thing. I turned towards Minty, moving and wrapping a foreleg around his own.

"We're going to try and buy you guys some more time to escape. I don't know how big this thing is going to go up, but Mooscow should be a safe distance away. Get as many mountains inbetween you and here as you can. If we aren't there by zero..." Minty blinked, meeting my own eyes, his jaw slightly slack. The warning klaxons filled the air about us, snow billowing in as it was caught by the wind, Featherweight stepping forwards with Buzzy. We met eyes for a moment, sharing a quick kiss, Nova jumping forth in her power armor.

"W-what!? No! Minty, y-you can't-" She was cut off, a row of lights overhead exploding and raining sparks down ontop of us all. There wasn't the time left for this, damnit, we need to get to the reactor now! Sweetie Bot gave a ding, looking towards us with a smile, Nova glancing between her and us. "O-okay, go. Sweetie has a downloaded map of this place in her brain, she can take you straight there. Just, please, come out of this alive." Minty gave a nod, and Nova turned, starting to rush out for the exit while barking orders into her suit. She looked on the verge of tears, and for good reason. Giving a long look to Featherweight, he turned as well, Buzzy holding his neck tight as he took off, heading around and out of sight. Nikolai lingered for a moment more, Minty meeting eyes with him in the power armor.

"I-I-I didn't know! I'm-" My augmented friend raised his metallic leg, looking at the power armored zebra with a faint smile, his other hoof tightening around mine. Sweetie Bot moved over to us, her horn crackling with static and smelling of ozone, eyes wide and curious as ever. Minty glanced to her, then turned back to Nikolai, nodding once.

"Stop wasting time and get out of here, Nikolai. You're one zebra I'd rather not see dead." He stalled for a moment, about to answer Minty before responding with a quick nod and turning to run out. Minty looked to Sweetie Bot, leaning his head forwards and gripping into my leg tighter, everything vanishing in a quick flash of light and smell of ozone. We reappeared inside a room not to different from Bruce's main control center, with the maneframe taking up one wall and the large form of the reactor nearby. Our geiger counters clicked in unison, myself shaing a glance with Minty before nodding and getting on to work. Sweetie Bot stuck with Minty as he found a power conduit nearby, myself starting to look over the control panels. If he was trying to make this thing go prompt-critical, well, he failed at that. Though, supercriticality with so many of these safeties disabled...

My hooves began madly tapping at the keys, scrolling through control prompts and entering commands as they came up. Let's see... power re-route through secondary systems, yes, that'll give the reactor something to feed into for a few minutes. Lights on, washers on, projectors on, hell, everything go on! Now, about those safeties... control rods, lower those boys in, slow. Can't risk shattering or melting them. Pressure vent to cooling chambers, yes, that'll tame the beast for a few moments more. Time is life, gotta buy more time... the air smelled of ozone, and I turned myself about to see Minty with his mane fully on end, sparks arcing idly from his augmented foreleg to the floor around.

"Ho-ho-holy shit, I've never felt this kind of juice before. Let me see... the megaspells are on a relay circuit, each one will go off once a power threshold is reached and the breakers are tripped. So if I... Damn! Oh, don't you play games with me, Robronco... shit." Minty blinked a few times, his eyes coming back into focus on myself, hooves shaking and twitching faintly. Okay, maybe I should... no, no, we need to get as much juice flowing through the other systems as we can. "I can disable a few of the megaspell firing relays, but I'll have to work my way back through each one, starting with the last in the sequence. How long until the reactor output hits 70 gigawatts like this?" I spun my attention back to the screens, looking over them. Current output... 27 gigawatts, climbing at a rate of .1 gigawatts per second...

"Seven minutes, give or take. How long do you need?" Minty grimaced, looking back to the conduit and letting off a small sigh. More than seven minutes, got it. Well, if the... why are the control rods locked up!? Oh, no, no no no no, come on baby, don't do that to me... No, they are not budging. Seven minutes, well, it's better than nothing. Minty plugged himself back into the conduit, his mane goung frazzled again, warning klaxons starting to ring out. "Seven minutes is all we have..."

"I'm taking as many of the relays out as I can... damnit, who wrote this code!? Graah, one down..." I looked to the screen reading the power output, watching the number slowly creeping upwards. Five minutes, and nothing more I could do. Trotting back from the control maneframe, I watched as Minty concentrated, memories starting to flow through me. Stepping out of the stable... meeting him, going to Mooscow, the landmine... NEAMO, Quebuck, Tom Neighrer, Hi-fi... Turnpike, Trotisk, Featherweight and Buzzy, EQUAD and Nova... Greasy, Flash-Bang, Sugar Rush, Fringe, Nikolai, the TOG... everypony we've met out here. By the goddesses above, I was going to miss them... "That's three!" Two minutes. I looked to my Pip-buck, scrolling quickly to the file I'd played to death, listened to so many times with the ones I'd loved in mind. Vera's soothing voice started flowing, filling the air over the sound of the warnings.

"Minty, it's... there's nothing more we can do." Resting a hoof on his back, he panted, his overcharged mane sparking and standing on end, myself spending a moment to smooth it back down. He looked towards myself, eyes meeting mine behind his fogged-over glasses, hanging his head. I leaned in, resting my own forehead against his, brushing my muzzle along his cheek and giving him a small peck. He looked up, Sweetie Bot playing with a few wires leading out of the conduit, the little robotic filly vanishing in a small flash as the song played along. Neither of us really paid much notice, holding each other closely in embrace as the timer ran down. We were both silent, listening to Vera ringing out within the control room, wires sparkng around us. There was a sudden jolt, our embrace tightening about each other, the smell of ozone filling the air, and everything burst into a bright white light, before it went cold and black. Peaceful, in a sense.

"And I know we'll meet again, some sun-ny, day!"


"Oh, fuck! Get the broadcast back, get it back! Ah, ah, North Equestria, we're still trying to understand the situation, but reports are flooding in that there is no longer an Emerald Ridge, I repeat, Emerald Ridge is off the map. You heard it here too, though, that my favorite two stallions are heading up to take care of the issue right now, and I sure as all hell hope that they'll be able to make it out alive after this whole pile of pegasus shit is over. Steel Rangers are going in to help, and so is everypony else who's responded to their message, so, uh, fuck, I-I... fuck! Look, we can trust that they have it in hoof, and they're going to come out alive or die trying. We... what? But... no... no, no no no, fuck me! Uh, I mean, um, EVERYPONY! Listen, get in the sturdiest structure you can find, all residents of Mooscow get your flanks inside Stable 92 right now! That place they're attacking, uh, NEAMO, it's wired with a shitton of megaspells and things look like they've gone south. Get the hell away from NEAMO, get the hell out of there and get as many mountains between you and it as you can, because-"

A rumbling was felt throughout the stable radio station, the transmission cutting in and out sporadically. Just behind the mountain it was in, to the north reaches, the sky and ground were both stained in a bright white light, a visible shockwave traveling through the air and kicking up snow with it. The entire Stable shook as it felt the brunt of the explosion, the lights flickering sporadically for a few moments before coming back, a shaken and bewildered orange unicorn with an electric blue mane searching in the dark for her microphone. She caught her breath, the light above the booth flickering to illuminate the 'On Air' sign.

"Goddesses above..."


"We are twenty klicks from the target and closing. I tell ya, I'm loving these Vertibuck things, amazing they still work." The steel rangers conversed with small smiles as they flew towards the target, one in the back of the helicopter keeping a cigar held firm in his mouth as he watched the ground pass by below. The fifty caliber rifle on his back mounting moved slowly with his head, his eyes staring out into the distance. That megaspell hit the kid's Stable dead-on, and the radio transmission confirmed he saw it. How many times did he have to make sure this kid didn't die were beyond him. The closer they got, the more he felt that he'd failed him, this time...

"All Rangers, repeat, all Rangers, this is Paladin Nova, turn around and land away from NEAMO immediately. Fly away from NEAMO, get as far out as you can and land behind solid cover, we are not going to be able to offer assistance to Minty Candy or Twintails. Get your flanks in gear and run!" Fringe was dumbfounded. His jaw fell slack, and the cigar fell from it, sizzling out into the snow below. What the hell could've happened that had Nova in such a hurry? He braced against the back of the chopper as it listed hard to the left, turning around and diving, granting him a full view of where the NEAMO facility supposedly was. His suit radio crackled again, Nova screaming at the pilots in her vertibuck. "Go, goddess-damn it, go! There are megaspells there that are about to go off! Land by Stable 92, just, fuck, punch it!" Megaspells!? Goddesses almighty...

Tense minutes passed, his gaze still focused towards the facility. Nova's vertibuck was a speck landed against the far mountainside now, the crew likely having rushed into the safety of the Stable - least that would explain Nova just transmitting static now. The craft pitched into a dive, rotors slowing as it descended, finding a flat spot on the Snowdrop test range to land on. The small group of Steel Rangers hopped out, Fringe rushing towards the lip of an old crater where the snow had formed a small dune, staring off towards the NEAMO facility, and those two kids. There was a faint moment of silence as the wind seemed to stop entirely, his breath condensing into clouds of vapor in the cold mid-day air, time slowing to an agonizing crawl.

The burst of light was instant, the clouds above the facility seeming to be illuminated as though Celestia herself had smashed the sun into the ground beyond that mountain range. The power-armored stallion ducked, lifting a foreleg over his eyes at the sight, a billowing cloud of snow rushing across the plains and towards the group of rangers, following the blast wave. A single gigantic cloud rose up from the valley beyond, headed by a massive fireball that illuminated the landscape for miles around still, Fringe having the time to look back and promptly be lifted and thrown by the blast in the snowy cloud. The heavy power armor did him few favors as he slammed back into the snow, rolling several times and finally coming to a stop on his side, warnings of fractured bones filling his ears as portions of him stung with pain, then fell numb inside the suit. He released a long grunt, easing his head from the thrown snow and watching the massive cloud climbing skywards, feeling as if somepony had just given him a swift kick to the gut as well as throwing him like a ragdoll. Damn that kid...

His head fell back to rest in the snow, the less injured Rangers rushing about to find their comrades - he didn't think moving right now would've been in best interests. Been in enough explsions to know that. The telekinesis talisman pulled a fresh cigar from the tin on his suit's foreleg, bringing it to his mouth and alighting it with a spark, Fringe taking a long draw from it before chuffing the cloud out into the rumbling wasteland air. A smirk came across his face, resting with his injuries on the frozen ground, powered hofsteps coming closer towards him. "Had a feeling those two'd be the bloody death of me..."


The sudden surge of electricity was a strange sensation for the robotic filly, as her metallic horn inadvertently brushed against the exposed conduit which her older unicorn friend had been working with just moments ago. Now, she was caught in her own magic, in some strange realm where her visual receptors were only picking up intermittent flashes of black and white. For all she had been through, this sudden senseless binary pulsing frightened Sweetie Bot to no end, and it just kept coming. She flailed her hooves aimlessly in the void, releasing a scream but not hearing it, her ears instead filled with an endless whine of static and electrical discharges.

Falling, or floating, for what felt like an eternity more, the static filling her ears crackled loudly, a steady buzzing heard before her vision was filled with a bright white light, and she suddenly found herself finally coming to a stop inside the body of the gigantic tracked vehicle, buried under a somewhat stinky pile of barding and weapons. She shuffled herself free, releasing wht she percieved as a sigh of relief, curiously looking over the weapons and clothes in front of her. One was a dark blue jacket with gold trim, and two simplistic stable doors on the back section where they would've laid against the owner's flanks, and the other was a well-worn and well-repaired green duster, along with a black bulletproof vest and pair of faded blue pants. Her head tilted, hopelessly confused at the sight - wasn't this what her friends were wearing back inside the NEAMO facility? Where could they have gone?

"He-ey! Open up in there!" The sound of someone banging on the thin outer doors of the tank startled Sweetie Bot momentarily, her ozonic magic unlatching the doors and opening them outwards, met with the stunned face of the gryphon she'd met on her first time in Mooscow. Even for a robotic filly, these events were really beginning to confuse her. Bloodbeak looked into the darkness of the vehicle, dumbfounded and a litte frightened at the sight of the two glowing eyes she was met with inside. Sweetie Bot trotted forwards, meeting Bloodbeak with the same expression of confusion. "You!? But, what... how... where's Minty and Twintails!?"

"I... I don't know. Last recorded sight of them both was back inside the NEAMO facility, I am not even sure how I wound up here with their clothes and weapons." Bloodbeak blinked a few times, processing what the robotic filly was saying. So, gigantic tank suddenly appears in the Mooscow squeare with the kids' guns and clothes in it, and that freaky robot, but not the kids themselves. Great, just fucking great... wait! They could still be alive out there, maybe, they'll just have to go and rescue them. She jumped into the TOG, Sweetie Bot moving backwards to accomodate her, the gryphon frantically shuffling herself to the driver's seat to try and make sense of the controls. If she could just do that and get over there... "I wouldn't reccomend trying to head back to the NEAMO facility, there is an extreme risk of life in doing so!"

"Fuck you, ya tin can! They're still out there, and I'm not going to let those guys-" The sky above was illuminated in a brilliant white light, the few ponies who were still in Mooscow en route back to the Stable letting out screams of shock around, Sweetie Bot feeling as some of her systems frazzled with the rapid burst of energy. The air was calm otherwise, Bloodbeak shuffling herself back from the driver's seat to look out the side doorway, looking out past the Mooscow square and being able to just catch the sight of a truly massive fireball rising off in the distance, past the mountain that the city was at the base of.

"Mother of the Goddesses..." The massive plume headed a long, thick stem, the thin cloud layer that had been around earlier parting to the massive explosion, a nearly visible shockwave bending the air around. Both the gryphon and robotic filly watched on in awe, only breaking sight as the blast wave rumbled the ground around them and shook the heavy tank, having the energy to cause the entire vehicle to tilt onto one track for a faint moment before falling back down upon the other with a loud thud. The contents inside shook, the robotic filly letting off a scream as the pile of clothes was thrown back over her, the blast still reverberating in their ears. Shuffling herself back out from underneath the pile once more, she paused, looking back to it. Her sensors were picking up something that definitely didn't seem right... Her ozonic magic encompased a small paper pamphlet, levitating it out from the pile and over in front of her eyes. This certainly didn't seem like something from the wasteland...

"Owner's Manual for the Series four Stable-Tec licensed large-size residential refrigerator, dated May of 2076. This manual is one hundred and ninety one years old, why is it in with their personal items?"


The lone, old tank trundled along quietly across the snowy fields, heading towards the location the broadcast had spoken of. The earth pony mare inside solemnly stared through the viewport, listening to the engine behind her rumbling quietly as War Mare dipped and moved with the craters and dunes across the wide stretch of wasteland. This was once a place where they tested those megaspells and captured balefire weapons, wasn't it? She recalled seeing photographs of the tests they conducted, the massive mountains dwarfed by the sight of the gigantic clouds rising in front of them, those scorched, melted icy craters left behind after the explosions. Close-up sights of what had happened in the hours when Stalliongrad was hit, when Equestria burned. She released a quiet sigh, glancing to the radio and reminding herself of what she had left Quebuck for. Those two ponies she'd met were in danger.

War Mare responded with her quiet rumble, the snow compressing beneath her heavy tracks and road wheels, the radio still crackling, awaiting updates on those two gone off on the attack. An Artillery Megaspell Outpost... she could only fear the worst. The ground dipped away into another wide subsidence crater, War Mare soon getting bogged up in the softer snow that had accumulated in the bottom. The tracks kicked up fluff, the earth pony mare releasing a curse under her breath as she eased the tank back into a lower gear setting, the tank giving a lurch as the tracks gained purchase again and began drawing it forwards, slowly. Locking the controls in place, Rolling Tracks climbed up from her seat and into the turret, hefting herself up and out of the commander's hatch to get a better view of the wasteland around. War Mare finally crested the far lip of the crater, landing with a small lurch on the edge, the ghoul still gazing up at the mountains that drew nearer, and the narrow pass she'd have to take.

Then the sky exploded again.

"Mat' iz bogin'!" Letting herself fall back into her tank, Rolling Tracks let off a scream as the brilliant white light poured in through every place it could, mere seconds later being followed by a massive explosion, far larger than the one which had lifted War Mare when Stalliongrad was struck. The sensation which overcame her as the deafening blast reverberated throughout the tank was akin to how a ragdoll might feel inside a dryer, the whole body of the tank being thrown backwards into the subsidence crater with a blinding flurry of white snow.

The opened hatch allowed much of the fluff lifted by the blast to gain entrance to the tank, the battered ghoul gasping for breath in her bruised state as she sat against the side, the light from the fireball streaming in through the upper hatch. Righting herself, she climbed up to the hatch once more, looking out past the lip of the crater, staring up at the massive, rolling cloud just past the mountain. She coughed heavily, staring back up at the giant mushroom flowing skywards, jaw fallen slack. She wasn't quick enough... those poor young stallions...

The snow blew in quiet wisps around the snow-colored tank, Rolling Tracks laying her aged head against the hatch ring, silent weeps overcoming her. It wasn't the first time she hadn't been able to reach someone in time, but... it didn't make it sting any less.


"Think they're gonna be okay, Featherweight?" Buzzy rested on the back of the large stallion, the cold air blowing about them in the mid-day sun. The large battle wagon rocked slowly as they skimmed along the side of the mountain, passing over the large brick factory and the robots milling about around it, pressing on towards the relative safety of the Mooscow walls. The cloud from the first explosion was just wisps now, rising up from a large black scorch mark on the mountain's side where the small town once was, Featherweight coughing back tears. He glanced back to the small filly holding onto his neck, catching her large red eyes - she knew as well as he did the real answer wasn't the one either of them wanted to hear.

"I-I'm sure that they will be, Buzzy. I mean, they've... they've survived, what, three of these things going off already? W-what's the difference with four?... eheh..." The laughter was hollow, the frown on his face heard in it prominently as the little filly laid her cheek against the larger stallion's neck and mane, eyes staring back in the direction of the facility. Featherweight let off a long sigh, his hooves touching down on the snowy intersection, some small craters left behind being filled by the blowing snow. Only a little over a month since he first saw those two ponies... time flies too damn fast.

The wagon slid easily along the road on a pair of skids, the large wooden gates coming up towards them both. Buzzy sniffed at the air ahead, her face wrenching up in a bit of disgust. "Bleh, wha'ssat smell? Smells like..." Featherweight took his own sniff of the air beyond the wall, eyes gone wide in recognizing the peculiar odor. Ozone. That's what it always smelled like whenever Twinny and his friend teleported somewhere, they, they might have gotten out alive! They-

The sky beyond the mountains lit up in a brilliant white light, Buzzy letting off a squeal as Featherweight kicked the emergency release and wrapped his wings around his little sister, leaping for a ditch near the road, away from the explosion. Grabbing the small filly by her mane and wrapping her in his hooves, his large wings covered her as a pulse of heat shot down from the valley, follwed by a low rumble that quickly became a deafening explosive blast, shaking them both to the core as they huddled in the cold snow. The blinding cloud of fluff blew around and over them, Buzzy crying herself to shreds, Featherweight nearly joining her in doing so, a heavy thud reverberating nearby as the shockwave passed.

Moments passed, and the air grew quieter, save for the still rumble of the far mountains. The large stallion lifted himself from the ditch, along with his sister, looking northwards and catching the sight of the massive cloud looming heavy in the sky. Buzzy held tight onto his neck, her tears staining his coat, quietly shuddering a few more cries out into the air. Featherweight's jaw hung slack, moving in incoherent words, his legs failing him as he fell to the snow, laying there in defeat. Nopony could have survived that... "They're... they're gonna be okay..."


I gasped for breath, looking at the current surroundings. Ornate, detailed arches lined with vines and pink flowers covered the white pylons, apples hanging freely from other branches as the white marble room came into focus. A set of large doors rested on the opposite side, myself sitting on a cushioned bench quietly, pleasant sounds filling the air - the idle hum of Bruce's reactor systems, Vera's soft, longing voice, Featherweight cooking dinner up for us, Gamma Ray calling for me. Her distinct voice drew closer, myself giving a small, startled jump as a hoof poked me gently between my wings. Turning about, Lime-green strands of mane filled my vision before I met the eyes of the young, beautiful light-blue unicorn I'd known for all of my life. She smiled widely, leaning forth and wrapping me in her hooves, myself sputtering. "G-Gamma Ray..."

"Yes, Twinnie. It's me..." Her gentle hooves rubbed softly over my wings, that special way she always did it. It, it really was... acting more than thinking, my forelegs instantly wrapped about her body, squeezing it in a tight embrace. She let off a slow chuckle, leaning back and holding a hoof to my cheek. "Oh, you grew up so fast, Twintails. I told you that we'd meet again..."

"...some sunny day. Gamma, this is... I'm just so happy to see you again. How did you get here, I mean, I was with Minty in NEAMO's reactor room, and then... then..." I fell quiet, thinkng about it more. Gamma Ray, she was dead, I saw her go with my own eyes, held her in my hooves, buried her. A small frown fell to her face, her foreleg wrapping about me tighter. "G-Gamma, am I... I..." She nodded quietly, rubbing her foreleg slowly down my back and over my wings, moving her other one to grab my hoof.

"I'm sorry, Twinnie. I was watching you as you and your friend tried to delay it long enough, the reactor output peaked, and..." She fell quiet, leaving myself with my head hung low, looking as she grabbed my hoof tightly. She let out a small chuckle, her free foreleg releasing my hoof and lifting my chin up to look at her. "If it's any consolation, you did everything right. Well, you, and your friend..."

The doors on the other side of the white, ornate room opened up, a white unicorn trotting through them and over to myself and Gamma Ray, his left foreleg matching his right and horn a solid white color, the only thing not 'him' being the pair of glasses on his eyes. He smiled warmly, his trot breaking into a slight gallop as I stood myself up with Gamma Ray, us all meeting halfway to the door. Holding Minty in a tight hug, the sound of flapping wings and hoofsteps caught my ears, looking to the doorway to see a yellow pegasus with a long, flowing pink mane and tail hovering alongside the orange earth pony with a stetson covering her hay-colored mane. They both wore soft smiles as well all looked to them, the earth pony mare removing her stetson and holding it to her chest. "Miss Gamma Ray? Are ya ready?"

"Of course, miss Applejack. Just... one more moment, if I may." The orange earth pony smiled, giving a faint nod and placing her stetson back atop her head, myself looking towards Gamma Ray. She trotted up to me, holding a hoof to my cheek for a moment then pulling me into a tight hug, brushing her cheek and mane against mine. She took a step back, placing a tender kiss to my forehead, gently holding her hoof against my cheek once more. "I'm sorry, Twinnie, but I have to go. I promise you, I'll always be with you, and you know what Vera always sang... We'll meet again..."

"Some sun-ny, day..." She gave a small nod, Minty moving over as she trotted quietly over to the pegasus and earth pony in the doorway, the three of them turning to leave. I blunk a few times, thinking, taking a few trots forwards and drawing their attention for a moment. "B-but, wait! Aren't we... yanno..." The pegasus and earth pony looked at each other for a moment, the orange mare pulling a clipboard out from under her hat and giving it to the yellow pegasus. She scanned it over, looking back up at myself and Minty, pausing in quiet thought for a moment.

"Oh, no, I'm sorry. There was a small mistake, your friends wanted to make the most of it while you were here. Don't worry though, you will see them again, eventually, but not for a good long while." She smiled lightly, the orange mare gently poking at her hoof and nodding towards us both, then her foreleg as if she were wearing a pip-buck, the yellow pegasus letting off a small embarrassed giggle. "Oh, um, yes, it may be a shorter while if you keep hooking your friend up to reactors, though, so I'd really suggest you not do that. Goodbye!" The room slowly grew brighter around us, my last sight before my vision was entirely flooded with white being that of Gamma Ray's smiling face. We will meet again, Gamma, some sunny day...

I awoke, again, to the sounds of scraping and digging slowly getting closer, stuck and cramped inside... something, with Minty pressing up against me tightly... very, very tightly, in fact. Oh my. His eyes fluttered weakly, meeting my own in the cramped space, us being barely able to move a thing without bumping into wall or each other by that point. The scraping grew louder yet, our ears being met with a loud squeal of happiness and frantic banging on the outside of... whatever we're inside. I banged back in response, Minty letting off a groan and moving to grab at his ears - okay, yeah, confined space and loud noises, I think we've played this song before. And yet I still haven't learned a thing...

After a few more moments of frantic scraping outside, the brilliant, white light of day met both of our eyes, along with a sudden chill of the wind blowing in. Okay, yeah, we're pressing up against each other a little less tightly now, at least. What happened to our barding, anyways? Shielding our eyes as they adjusted to the light, we were met with the sight of Featherweight and Buzzy, Bloodbeak and Sweetie Bot, and Cross Stitch all standing over us where we were laying, the royal blue unicorn helping to levitate us both out and wrap us both in warm blankets, him taking to hugging Minty tightly while Featherweight did the same to myself, rolling over in the snow as his leaping hug came to a stop. I let off a light chuckle, looking back to the small crater we were pulled out of. The door they pulled open fell back into place, a formed metal handle sticking out of it's smooth exterior, the thing looking practically brand new as is. I let off a laugh of my own as I finally figured out what that was.

"Well, I'll be damned, a fridge does work."


"Helloooo, wasteland! And good afternoon too, what a Goddess-send of an afternoon it is! Ow! I don't know about you kiddies, but old Bertie here is still running off the amazement of the news came in from Mooscow just a few hours ago. Make sure you're sitting down for this one, because I sure as hell wish that I were when a certain pegasus and certain unicorn came trotting in through that Stable door to say hi. I'm not kidding you, kiddies, this is some goddess-send of a miracle - these two ponies, Twintails and Minty Candy, they were the ones that went up to see what the fuss in that NEAMO place was, and they were the only ones left there when those warheads went off and shook the whole goddess-damned wasteland from here to Stalliongrad. They stuck themselves direct at ground zero of that boom so their friends could have some time to escape, and their selfless act paid off in full, as nopony else perished when the time ran out.

"Now, getting back to them and their stop by just a few hours ago, we were still recovering from the explosion here so some of the equipment was acting on the fritz, which is why we didn't nab an interview of their escape live. But, you won't believe me when I tell you how they just managed to ride out that Stable-shaking blast unscathed and unharmed. Celestia strike me down if I tell a lie, turns out Stable-Tec refrigerators are just as goddess-damned strong as their Stables! Tommy's still trying to figure that one out, with the help of the Steel Rangers' Paladin Nova, so I'll keep you posted later on once they figure out how in hell it made it that far.

"The boys let us know that they were headed back to Mooscow to try and recover from what they'd just managed - I don't blame 'em in the slightest. Hey, you two crazy stallions out there, this song's going straight out to you both, I sure as hell hope you both get a good long rest after saving all our asses from that 'Cherry' asshole! This is Bert the Turtle on CONELRAD, six-forty twelve-forty on the AM band, and this song is dedicated to Minty Candy and Twintails - Vera Lynn, letting us all know that we'll all meet again, some sunny day."

"We'll meet again,
Don't know where, don't know when,
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day.

Keep smiling through,
Just like you always do,
Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds, far away.

So will you please say hello,
To the folks that I know, tell them,
I won't be long.

They'll be happy to know,
that as you saw me go,
I was singing this song.

We'll meet again,
Don't know where,don't know when,
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day.

We'll meet again,
Don't know where, don't know when,
But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day.

Keep smiling through,
Just like you always do,
Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds, far away.

So will you please say hello,
To the folks that I know, tell them,
I won't be long.

They'll be happy to know,
that as you saw me go,
I was sing-ing this song.

We'll meet again,
Don't know where,
don't know when...

But I know we'll meet again, some sun-ny, day!"

Author's Note:

Well, this is it, the very last chapter of Occupational Hazards. Both myself and Minty really hope that you all had an enjoyable time reading it - we sure had a fun as hell time in writing it out, even if we went a little overboard in parts or didn't quite meet our weekly deadlines. We will be writing again, eventually though, so don't you worry about that! Minty's off in college, and I might be starting a job of my own soon, so don't expect the sequel to come within weeks of the first - but rest assured, the world of Occupational Hazards hasn't been shelved just yet.

Regardless, for all of you who have been reading with us for the past year, thank you for putting up with us both and giving your time, and thank you to anyone coming here new and have stuck with for so long in finishing it. We hope that the ride has been as enjoyable for you as it has been for us!

Cheers, and catch you later!
~Twintails, aka the-furry-railfan

Comments ( 14 )

It was a very enjoyable story! Fantastic characters, fantastic locations, just overall fantastic! I think you two did a fabulous job of thinking up a story that was both original enough, and not overly ambitious, then executed it well. This was quite the few days read, but I don't think there was a part of it I didn't like. Thank you for the fantastic journey, and I can't wait to see more from you two! :pinkiehappy::heart:

fist chapter in, and I'm sold. Will be reading the rest of this.

The Stable Charcter name has fillies singing it in mah head ;-;

every time I her about the equestrian navy in this story, sadly I think of the pony pirates from my storys.

And finished. This was a good story, loved the characters, and loved the settings. I really enjoyed it.

Your book has been advertised on the new facebook group page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/foebooks/ :)

Oh my God I loved this story so much, I honestly think this is one of my favorites, up there with Fall of Hope, Allegiances, (Even though it's still starting off right now) Project Horizons, and Operation Flankorage. (Also the whole Merchants of Hope --> Old Grudges series) All in all, it's was freaking awesome! I can't wait to go read the sequel. Empty Quivers it's called, right? Anyways, loved it, thank the both of you for such a great story! :pinkiehappy:

7558502 Sort of. They were previously imgur hosted, though I do have another site that both the story and the sections of it between the pictures are up on; Twintails' side and Minty's side. Merges into a single story after the 4th page, where we alternate perspectives.

Thank you for the great story!

"Owner's Manual for the Series four Stable-Tec licensed large-size residential refrigerator, dated May of 2076. This manual is one hundred and ninety one years old, why is it in with their personal items?"

Don't you friggin Indiana Jones it minty and twintails :rainbowlaugh:

Well, that was an enjoyable as heck read. Minty and Twintails remind me so much of myself and one of my friends and well, it was just one heck of a wild ride to read this fic. The references were funny, the song adaptations we're amusing and most of all, it had all the DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA a enthusiast of it deserves:pinkiehappy:

Well, onto Empty Quiver on my lunch break

i was wondering if i could have your permission to convert this to audio

Certainly, feel free to if you'd like! Will be looking forwards to hearing the end result, just remember to properly credit to both myself and Minty Candy, heh.

A picture in the start or end of the chapter is nice, but too many pictures are distracting, and even more so when they ain't in a better quality than they are. I had planned to read this story for a long time, but I am gonna skip out on this one sadly

I see you are on Goodreads now. Following.

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