• Member Since 25th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 18 hours ago



This story is a sequel to Power Surge

Takes place ten years after the events of "Power Surge"

There may come a time when the powers we gained so long ago, the skills we fought to refine and keep at their peak will need to be put to the test. That time has come, and Twilight must show that she is ready to push herself to her limits and beyond. For if she does not, everything will be lost.

Thanks to This guy! for the new and awesome cover art :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 131 )

AWESOME! The sequel is out!

~Skeeter The Lurker

Seeing as it's predecessor is also in the Library, and this hold to the same standards...

I gladly approve this for Twilight's Library!


~Skeeter The Lurker

Urrrrrgh. I really wanted to enjoy this story, I truly did. It seemed right up my alley, and I did quite enjoy the last one.

Unfortunately, the very rough writing and overly expository style kept me from getting deep into it. I feel like this is far, far longer than it need to be, for a simple action scene. Granted, it was a pretty cool scene, but I found myself skipping over most of it.

I'm sorry, but I can't say that I really enjoyed it.

Most epic pony battle ever.

You laid it on pretty damn thick that Twilight was stupidly powerful

Which didn't seem particularly necessary considering the preceding fic

The Power Surge stories are training grounds for me. I wrote them with the goal of practising writing combat, nothing more.

3498187 and they've come out pretty good

The whole story felt rather strained, as 3497899 noted. Also, frankly, a lot of the exposition, the voice of the planet, all that nonsense about spell levels, naming the weapon... really all of it was kind of... yeah, pointless? It didn't really add to the story.

3498187 practise?! are you telling me you think you need to get better? dude, your combat is the best i've ever read!

If you really think about it, my combat writing is lacklustre compared to some other's.
Have you read, say, Immortal Game? That has, in my opinion, some really good combat writing. It's a lot more fluid than mine.

3498443 no, no i have not. now i believe i have to.

3498433 This is up there, though, Incepto Ne Desistam and Death by Dragon are a great deal better in the fights department, in my opinion.

And everybody can get better.

3499371 i've read the first one, and i loved it! never read the second one though. now i have two stories to read.

3499382 I always love the chance to advertise Death by Dragon.

So Discord goes from being Twilight's friend to a "mistake" whose death causes only good things?


Chaos and harmony do not equal order.

complete disorder and confusion.


agreement or concord.

the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.

Chaos is the opposite of order. Harmony is what happens when order and chaos coexist. I can understand Discord going mad and overcompensating because the world is out of whack.

But when someone is mentally ill, you don't say "do the sane thing and surrender so you can be cured."
What part of insane do you not get? Why not break the other Elements out and zap him, restoring him to normal? The world just comes across as arrogant, calling an individual who is a perfectly decent being when not suffering the effects of imbalance in the world a "mistake" and giving free license for Twilight to just kill him, though his actions are not his fault. There is a reason we have an insanity plea. Twilight assumes that the world said so, therefore she must be right in annihilating someone she claims to call her friend. Nightmare Moon got better treatment than this. Looks like Twilight knows nothing about friendship after all.

I honestly hate downvoting stories, and I can't remember when I've last done it. But the moral dissonance I've experienced means I cannot in good conscience support this.

P.S. And I really liked Power Surge. Sad that I could not say the same for the sequel.

woot! badass twilight being a badass again. First I'm going to point out three little things that popped out at me.

“Casualties?” Luna demanded.

“A few hundreds,” the lieutenant replied

“And what in tarnation does that mean?”

“I means, fair Applejack,

The smaller alicorn suddenly raised her snapped her head up and scanned the horizon.

I donno about punctuation stuff... such things don't bother me generally, assuming I even notice anything. But for these three things, well, just trying to make the best better.

Really enjoyed it and the one before it. Cheers to another good story and for being featured again.:twilightsheepish:

Harmony may not have been the correct word to use. It probably should have been order, lowercased. Both Chaos and order clash continually, a natural cycle in a naturally conflicting world. This clash results in true Order, where neither side has any advantage over the other. The two polar opposites create a middle ground, a gray area.

That's the concept that the story was conveying, it just wasn't stated as well as it could've been.

3499798 It seems to me that for such conflicting states as order and chaos to coexist is nothing less than the essence of harmony; but my problem is less with the theory of this story and more with the OOC behaviour from someone who is supposed to know how to be a friend.

As much as I love this story, I have to agree with some of the points that 3499614 made.

3499719 'lieutenant' is a new rank. Obviously.

The small text got me curious:

And when I say that I got a sudden burst of inspiration. I mean "my muse slapped me with a ten-feet iron bat she calls 'inspiration'."

... Auch

I tried to get across the point that Chaos does things that aren't logical, and Discord coming into being was such a thing. Chaos isn't mean to have a physical embodiment, which is why Discord is a "mistake."

Also, the chaos/harmony thing. Depends on how you view it. I view Harmony as when things work as a well-oiled machine: Nothing is wrong and everything works perfectly. That's not how the world works, that's where Chaos comes in; The force that causes slight imbalance here and there, making the world be a place of strife as well as peace. Order is when the world works as it should. At least I see it as such.


The smaller alicorn suddenly raised her snapped her head up and scanned the horizon.

Bah... Fragments <.< xD

You're pretty much spot-on Asmcint. I just didn't really know which other word to use save "Harmony." I explained above why I used that exact word.

I put everything else on hold because of this :facehoof: Don't blame me. She hit hard.

Oh hey, see this living being over here that is the embodiment of chaos? Lets force him to ignore his entire purpose of existence and act shocked and kill him when he snaps and tries to compensate for all the years he was forced to ignore his purpose.

Remember what Celestia said? She wanted to use his powers "for good."

To her, good is for chaos to not exist. She may be a demigod, of sorts, but she isn't faultless. Nothing ever is - She made a mistake, thinking that him "using his powers for good" wouldn't impact the world.

3501141 Definitions aside, Discord is still a thinking being who has apparently been a friend to Twilight and the others for years now. They know he's not sane right now; why would they ask him to let himself be cured?
Did they expect him to say yes? When he turns the offer down, Twilight takes it as a sign of his evil and decides he should die for the crime of having been driven insane; something the Elements of Harmony can cure. That's just an excuse to kill him. When he's insane, Discord is not evil, because he isn't in his right mind. Any court would acquit him of wrongdoing based on insanity; granted, he'd go to a mental hospital, but this is Equestria, where a rainbow blast can get rid of hateful feelings. Why does Twilight kill an innocent who could have been saved? Someone who she claims to be her friend?

I don't know about you, but I don't really see how Twilight could have gone for much more without killing him. He showed in the end that, for all her power, she still wasn't strong enough to defeat him.

At that moment, she had no other choice but to destroy him, and let chaos as a force of its own roam free in the world, leaving it without a physical body which was why things had gone awry.

Without a physical body, without Discord, the force that is chaos would return to its "natural" state of just being there, doing what it is meant to do without overdoing it or not doing anything at all.

3502060 If the world can lend her enough power to utterly obliterate him, it can lend her enough power to knock him out so he can be cured. But really, the main problem is that Twilight claims to be his fried, but doesn't seem to be interested in curing him despite the fact that his actions are clearly not his fault. Why not break out the other Elements and zap him, or just use the world's power to incapacitate him so he can be cured? You don't kill your friend because they have contracted a curable mental illness. So chaos' natural state is without a physical embodiment. This justifies murder?

Is it murder if there isn't true life to begin with? Discord was never meant to be.

And, considering that it happened once, there's a chance for it to happen again. Discord, as such, can't die. He can only be "delayed" so to speak.

Regardless; Twilight had no other choice. The "Class Zero" spell is one spell. It has one function and one function alone; to destroy. It's like how a binding spell cannot be used to level a mountain. It was either destroy him, or let the world fall into chaos.

3502096 Um.

I would argue that if Discord can think, if he's capable of feeling emotion, if he's capable of forming friendships with others and feeling happiness and sadness and being a person, killing him while he's mentally ill is murder. Nothing less.

And perhaps the spell can't do more. The world should be able to offer a nonlethal option.

And if Discord resurrects himself, I hope he doesn't retain friendships with ponies who don't feel he has the right to exist, in spite of years of friendship.

Then I raise the question: What about the Mirror Pool Pinkies? They were just "brutally murdered" as well.

And no, Discord isn't alive like Shining Armor, Twilight or Fluttershy is. He is an entity created out of a force. He was never born, never lived. He only was.

As for the world; It never gave, it only allowed Twilight to take. It cannot give anything in the way you expect. So no, it wasn't.

As for Discord resurrecting himself... Very much possible, but it won't be the same entity. It'd have the same powers, but it would be different. I did consider ending the story with a small (female) draconequus appear somewhere where the Mane6 & Princesses were not. Decided not to, though.

But I agree with you, he possibly wouldn't consider them friends if he returned as himself, but Twilight was given no alternative. She couldn't stall him anymore. I also think it was made somewhat obvious that she wasn't trying to outright kill him at first, but just to delay him. She didn't go at full power from the beginning, after all.

It is now my head canon that Twilight is the most powerful alicorn in existence and can level mountains. There better be more.

Apologies, but I must disappoint you. This is most likely the last of the Power Surge stories.
That is not to say that I won't use the same universe (or parts of the Power Surge universe) for future stories.

Apology accepted. And after reading these, you get a follow good sir.

3502138 Yes, Mirror Pool Pinkies were killed.

But it doesn't matter if Discord was born or not. He could think, he could feel. Not being born makes him no less of a person.

I'd say that either the world is seriously limited, for being, y'know, the world, or it's the antagonist here.

Twilight should have tried diplomacy, Elements of Harmony, but she jumps straight to murdering a friend. And see, in this story, we just don't see Twilight treating Discord as a friend. When she kills him, it's okay, because he was made differently and so doesn't deserve to live.

That's just not friend behavior.

Bitte. Whoa. I'm speaking German, ma!

Okay, let's make a 180 here.

Your friend is trying to kill you, you've tried diplomacy and you have 5 seconds left to live if you don't do something and it will take 15 seconds for help to stop him to arrive. The only thing you can do is kill your friend to save yourself. Would you just let yourself be killed?

No, you probably would not.
Twilight was out of options. She wasn't able to delay him anymore, was unable to use the Elements against him because they weren't there. She had no choice but to end his existence.

3502183 Clearly Twilight had no choice but to defend herself. I'm saying that she should have let Discord fly, off, then broken out the Elements of Harmony. Also, expecting a mentally ill person to act as if they were sane is not diplomacy.

And she feels no guilt.

Someone she had considered a friend had turned their back against her, had turned from good to pursue whatever madness had possessed him.

It's his fault he's insane, apparently.

Twilight can escape his spell before it's cast, she should have hidden and broken the Elements out after he left. She teleports them, they zap him.

“I don’t want to fight you, Discord. You were my friend. Celestia and Luna were your friends, too. Give up and come back with me. We used the Elements to banish the Nightmare, I’m sure we can banish whatever madness has possessed you.”

EDIT: I have been blocked from commenting, apparently. :pinkiesad:
My opponent has failed to address my contentions that Discord was a thinking being, that he could have been cured if Twilight broke through the shield and got the Elements.

Also, Twilight feels NO GUILT. She goes "ehh, he wasn't born, it's not murder, what is this friendship you speak of" and is okay after killing him. Not friend behavior. Nobody else, not even Fluttershy, is shown as being sad about his death, despite years of friendship.


You've shown your ineptitude to understand what is going on. Don't you think Twilight would have just teleported the elements to them if she could? Yes, she can affect him with her magic while the others can't, but she can't just nullify his magic. Why do you think the "bubble" had to be broken? Because teleporting in and out of it is impossible.

And letting Discord fly free would result in hundreds if not thousand of casualties. Is the life of a thousand ponies less important than the life of Discord? No. Absolutely not.

It's his fault he's insane, apparently.

Again, you base this on Twilight, Celestia & Luna knowing why he turned on them. They don't. They see someone who betrayed them, something who threatens the very existence of ponies.

I repeat, for the last time, Twilight had no other choice but to kill him. Diplomacy failed, she would be dead before the Elements got there, and letting him roam free would kill thousands.

This is the perfect setup for a new world
Powerverse... Meh
Surgeverse... Still meh
Im not really good with coming up with names like that
Ohh you set up a perfect "Princesses of Harmony" verse here

Heh, I am considering using what I dumped into this as a verse in the future :P

You should turn this into a fully fledged story as you seem to have done a lot of setting up in these two chapters for future plot.
All in all I really liked this story

More must have more:pinkiecrazy:

3502798 yeah, sure he should but... the only reason this story is so good is because, it is a two-shot (two storys that are one-shots) and if it was a story then, it's already gonna suck. I mean, the story IS pretty good and I and many others would like it to be a story but, it would probally be disapointing... :twilightsmile::trollestia::gamerluna:

3503109 You have a point mate, but I'd'd still like to see where it could go. Then again I hate open ended story's (or in fact open ended a anything) so maybe that's just me wanting the author to tie up all the possible ends in this story's rope (so to speak).

I felt that listening to this was appropriate during the entire fight.


Epic win brony
Bro hoof /]

Nice tiny phrase at the bottom of the Author's Note there:trollestia:.

Dragon Ball Z ponies activated! They're actually still pretty weak by Dragon Ball Z standards if they can't destroy the planet. If I had to give power levels.

Celestia and Luna: 200
Twilight(1%): 300
Discord: 4,000
Twilight:(Full power): 3,000
Twilight(World Power): 6,000

I agree with FashionablyHospitable that Twilight was callous with Discord. It's not the fact that she killed him, it's the way everyone reacts to it. They don't really care, they just kind of shrug. I was expecting a big sad scene where Twilight mourned Discord right after killing him, but no, we get "IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZOR!"

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