• Published 11th Mar 2012
  • 1,782 Views, 33 Comments

Starcraft: The Equestrian Resistance - NeutralParasite

The lands of equestria are corrupted when an unidentified object falls from places unknown.

  • ...

Chapter 3: History Lesson

Twilight had awoken from the sound of rain sprinkling her window, like small insects landing on a surface.

She had gotten out of her bed sheepishly and was greeted with an antsy Spike, who must have been awake all night, as he had bags under his eyes and his conjunctivas were deeply bloodshot. He had possessed a look of anxiety.

“My Celestia, Spike! Have you been up all night?” Twilight said with a worried look.

“I couldn’t sleep last night. Every time I had tried to go to sleep, I’d end up having nightmares of those... Zerg? I think that’s it.” His voice was weak and stuttered.

Spike had a look of horror in his eye when he had said Zerg, like it was a poison threatening him if he had ever said the word.

“I know it was frightening, but don’t worry, we will be fine. It’s not like they can attack us from here, they would be completely outnumbered. If we got enough ponies, I believe we could remove them entirely from the Everfree Forest, and everything will be back to normal.” Twilight had smiled, showing no sign of doubt.

Although, in Twilight’s mind, there was in fact some doubt. What if they couldn’t succeed in purifying the forest? The thought made Twilight have the urge to shiver.

“I guess you’re right, I just hope they won’t come here.”

On their way to Zecora’s, the ground was covered in mud, like it had been raining for quiet sometime now. The forest was completely saturated in water, and the brightness of the area was close to that of last night.

The two had reached Zecora’s hut, where she was still in one piece.

The rest of the witnesses had arrived in Zecora’s hut, along with the extra Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, both eager to know what happened the night before.

“It sounded like super duper fun last night! Why didn’t anypony invite me?” Pinkie Pie had a look of sadness.

“Because, you wer’ too busy workin’.” Applebloom had answered, as she had attempted to tell her the day before to come along.”
After the group of ponies had told the two mares of what had occurred the night before, there was already almost immediately a breakout of questions.

“So, I don’t get it, a ‘tentacle’?”, Rainbow Dash was completely confused about the entire situation.

“Spine Crawler.” Zecora had corrected her, followed by a group of surprised faces by the name of the now known structure. The name of the organism gave them shivers down their spines, as the name even describes.

“Doesn’ see, raht, the way it was actin’. It could have injured one of us bahdly.” Applejack had a look of anger and sadness, of what could have taken place.

“It could have done more, it would poison you, leaving you quiet sore.” Zecora had changed her mood over the past day. The once known happy Zebra was now a deep in thought wreck that hadn’t had a clue what to do.

“What do you mean, sore? Do you mean like we’d get sick?” Pinkie Pie had tilted her head, still full of happy emotion.

“The Spine Crawlers have a poison they apply, for it could even make the strongest colt die.” She had started to shake, almost like she was about to burst into tears. “I have a story, of one with Zebras and all of there... Glory.”, Her face had an emotion of disgust, like defining her own race as ‘glorious’ was like saying Pinkie Pie was the worlds most serious pony.

“A story? Is it a story of happiness?” Rarity had questioned, but Zecora’s eyes said it all.

Zecora had a dark chuckle, like she had lost some of her sanity,”Far from happiness, my stylish mare friend. It is more like my origin’s end.”

The sky was a dark tinted orange, the ground, aside from all of the rotting corpses, ravaged and destroyed. There was a complete onslaught of Zerg rallying towards the Zebra’s frontal region, which had been repaired numerous times.

“We need more frontal defense!”, Zerul had shouted, he was in deep panic. He had scouted the defense;, only several hundred Zebras as opposed to the thousands they had before the attack. “Goddamnit! If we can’t hold them off quick enough, we will all be slaughtered in seconds!”

The Zerg army came in large waves; many different mutations had rushed to the front, trying to destroy the fortified wall, which was almost completely destroyed. They ranged from small to large, flying to ground.

Zerul was just about to give up before a few other Zebras had come to aid their lone Commander, ammunition at hoof.

“Sorry for the delay, Boss, we were tending to the numerous injureds scattered across the defenses.” This Zebra was a well-built, but short stallion, he had several injuries but was still in good shape; Zebras were strong, they did not give up without a fight for sure. His voice was deep, and had a thick accent, one that you would find in the tropics.

“No times for apologies, General, we need to defend as long as we can!” Zerul was the Commander of the forces, he was tall, vicious, and a straight out brute. He had a short greatcoat, representing all of his achievements and accolades while being in the battalion, which were covered in a thick, purple liquid - the blood of the Zerg he has vanquished.

The defense was a large, round open area, with a few huts here and there. The surface of the base was covered in many Zebras that were injured, dead, and medics that were healing the injureds. In the center was an unusual structure, one of which you would see in a science fiction movie, was powering up. The nexus was glowing a pure white, almost like it was near full power.

“We just need to hold on for a few more minutes!” The other colt had said; he was tall and skinny, like he hadn’t eaten in days.

The three had just barely held them off before there was a shout coming from the Nexus.

“It is at full power! We need to leave now!” There was a young colt, he must have been at least 16 or 17. He was standing right outside of the Nexus, his eyes fully bloodshot.

The survivors had all filed into the large structure known as the Nexus. It had taken at least ten minutes, due to the injured ones that had limped or dragged themselves into the building.

The three defenders had leaped right off of the platform leading to the enclosed bunker that held them throughout their barrage. Right before the three could make it, the Nexus had formed a sealed force field.

“What in Tartaurus, why did you secure the Nexus before everyone was finally in?” Zeraul had shouted in frustration and panic.

The Zerg had breached the defense and were now rushing towards the Nexus at full speed. It was all hopeless for Zerul and his two colleagues.

They all had kept shouting until the Nexus had finally vanished into thin air, it all seemed so surreal.

The three had stared at the swarm that was sprinting towards them. This was it, they had watched their final seconds in complete fear. The Zerg had kept at it as they travelled towards the trio.



“It has been a pleasure knowing you.”


“I am sorry that you won’t be able to say your goodbyes to your loved ones on this day, but know that you will see them again soon.” A tear had escaped the Commander’s eye.

--- --- ---
A young mare had awakened in a small room, one of many inside of the Nexus. She had looked about the age of ten, her hair in a small Mohawk, with earrings in both ears.

She had travelled down the stairs and into the main area of the Nexus. She had spotted a few Zebras arguing in the main control room, where she had eventually heard her father’s name in the dispute and she had finally walked into the room, with unknown whereabouts of her father.

“Where is Papa Zerul?”

Zecora was streaming in tears after the explanation.

Hundreds of questions lurked through the minds of everypony, as it was all so sudden. How could this have happened? Where did they get the technology to construct the Nexus? And how did Zecora end up in the outskirts of Ponyville after living in that wasteland?

After a horde of chattering, Twilight had decided to ask the first question,”What exactly happened? Did they just come in with the massive waves out of no where?” She had pretty much just taken one of the questions out of everypony's mouth.

Zecora sighed,”Sadly, no. We had thought they wouldn’t do much, as they had been very secretive about their society, we thought they wouldn’t grow. We had once thought they were the peace bringers of worlds, but we were sadly mistaken, as they had taken over our home in a swirl, it didn’t make much sense.” She had finally stopped sobbing and had a serious face like she had before on, like a sergeant preparing for war.

“And that Nexus thing? How did you zebras make a thing so... advanced?” Rainbow Dash had raised an eyebrow, almost as if she though Zecora was making the entire thing up.

“Your guess is as good as mine, my mare friend. But however, it did save us from the end of our Zebra existence.”

“And how exactly did you descend onto our, might I add lovely, planet?” Rarity came out of no where after being so quiet for so long.

Zecora had been patient answering these questions, as the Zerg had already started to build hostile defenses,”According to the Nexus, it had landed on whatever near inhabitable planet it could reach, In which it had landed on a nearby beach. The Zebra civilization is located on the other side of the Quiet Sea. But-”

“Why did you leave them then?” Sweetie Belle had interrupted, which was followed by a sigh from Zecora.

“I left them because... because” Zecora was starting to tear up,”Because they are selfish nobodies!” She had already erupted in tears, which had seemed so sudden. It was like a cloud had suddenly come over her head, blocking all of her happy thoughts and replacing them with depressing, sad ones.”They didn’t care about any of the casualties they lost, the Zebras had just did what they had once done before on the unoccupied planet before; Extract the world of it’s resources and kill the animals that had scurried around the surrounding area.”

With a gasp and near faint by Fluttershy, Zecora had continued.

“If anything, the Zebras is worse than the Zerg, and I am ashamed to be one of them. I ran away five years after our landing, after finally knowing the fate of my father. I had the idea of it, thinking it was a misunderstanding, that he was just scouting the area. But for five years? I think about it now, and I can’t believe how unintelligent I was back then, trying not to follow my beliefs in my own fears. What matters now, is that we need to deal with the Zerg before they infest this planet too.”

“So how exactly do we deal with these meatbags? They don’ seem too strong in their current form.” Applejack was determined on exterminating the Zerg as soon as possible, not aiming for unknown consequences and waiting.

“We need to armor to protect us from the Zerg’s vicious sting, and we will need some strong offense to bring.”

“Oh man, I can’t wait to do this!” Scootaloo was filled with adrenaline, this was a moment in her life that would be one of the greatest, or so she thought.

“I don’t think you four should help us, better safe then sorry, right?” Twilight replied with a small grin, talking to the Crusaders and Spike.

“Aww, c’mon! Ah think we can help lots! We can handle ourselves.” Applebloom had argued in reply, as she had wanted to help them in their attack.

“I’m sorry Applebloom, but you can be absolutely sure that this infestation will be over soon.” Zecora had smiled, something she hadn’t done in the past two days.

“But we’d be more support!” Sweetie Belle had added to the disagreement, saddened by the fact that adults had always tried to ruin the fun.

“Girls, please, we don’t want to take anymore risks than we are already taken.” Fluttershy was trying to persuade them into agreement, but their child minds would not quit without a fight.

Fluttershy tried as much as she could, until she had finally done something that even the strongest colt would be frightened at.

The Stare.

The four looked at Fluttershy, now much more aggressive than she was a few seconds ago. They all had come to an agreement and decided to leave the hut and retreat back to Ponyville, all having angry faces.

“Ah you really comin’ with us Fluttershah? You sure you don’ want to stay here?” Applejack said with a worried glance. She had never seen Fluttershy as an offensive type, let alone a participator in a battle. It was all too unusual to Applejack to see one of her shyest best friends going and engaging into battle, let alone playing an offensive role.

“I think I’ll be fine... Maybe.” Fluttershy didn’t realize what she had gotten herself into; she or her friends could get hurt. And who knows what is in the poison inside of their stingers, it placed fear into her. “On second thought, I think I might stay here.”

--- --- ---

The Bubbling inside of the pool of acid had stopped just as something emerged from the green liquid,

It was a Queen.

The Queen had a row of large spikes resting on her head, along with a column of scales, one spike on each column. It had two large claws coming from the back sides of it’s head, looking to that of skeleton bone. Her eyes were a glowing yellow, like an inferno burning in her eyes, and two small sets of fangs, and durable skin. Her body was covered in glowing green bubbles, most likely from the pool of acid still having effect on her skin. Finally, her six legs had the same durable bone as her claws; strong as hardened lava and dry as a desert.

She had made an ear busting howl as she had descended from the pool. She rallied herself towards the original structure where she had placed a few eggs inside of the odd building. It was made for birthing larvae; a hatchery.

The Queen had successfully birthed a set of larvae, to which she had just planted a few moments ago. The few larvae had formed into sickly green cocoons, but this time they were much more unstable inside of their cocoons than the norm worker mutation.

What torture were the larvae going through? And what were they mutating into?

Comments ( 16 )

Review time!!

So let me get this straight. Zebras are Protoss, Zerg is Zerg, And maybe the Ponies are Terran?

Moving on, you sorta lost me for a moment during this transition..

"Zecora had a dark chuckle, like she had lost some of her sanity,”Far from happiness, my stylish mare friend. It is more like my origin’s end.”

The sky was a dark tinted orange, the ground, aside from all of the rotting corpses, ravaged and destroyed. There was a complete onslaught of Zerg rallying towards the Zebra’s frontal region, which had been repaired numerous times."

It took me a moment to realize that you went into a flashback.

Next thing is about the Flashback's battle scene, You did a good job on describing the Zebras themselves but you kinda left the actual fighting out a lot. here is the only part about the actual fighting or action scene (albeit the ending after the nexus leaves)...

"“We need more frontal defense!”, Zerul had shouted, he was in deep panic. He had scouted the defense;, only several hundred Zebras as opposed to the thousands they had before the attack. “Goddammit! If we can’t hold them off quick enough, we will all be slaughtered in seconds!”

The Zerg army came in large waves; many different mutations had rushed to the front, trying to destroy the fortified wall, which was almost completely destroyed. They ranged from small to large, flying to ground.

Zerul was just about to give up before a few other Zebras had come to aid their lone Commander, ammunition at hoof."

Ok so many problems with this right here, First off i am going to assume i don't know anything about SC. what the hell is going on? Sure i know that the Zerg aliens are attacking Zebras....but with what? And near the end of that part it says a Zebra came with ammunition, well, ammo for what? a gun he carried in his hooves? a mounted turret on his back? Lets see if we can rewrite this so that it is more fun for non-SC people to read and understand (as well as be able to visualize) and for people who do know SC to guess which unit is which.

"“We need more frontal defense!”, Zerul had shouted, he was in deep panic. He had scouted the defense;, only several hundred Zebras as opposed to the thousands they had before the attack. “Goddammit! If we can’t hold them off long enough, we will all be slaughtered in seconds!”

The Zerg army came in large waves; many different mutations had rushed to the front, trying to destroy the fortified wall, which was almost completely destroyed. They ranged from small to large, flying to ground. The small were fast dog like creatures with long claw like appendages sprouting from its back allowing it to tear apart anything it can reach. its running companion was a green glowing blob that resembles a water balloon, it would run up to the wall and detonate itself spraying its green goo all over the wall burning it with its acidic properties. But as powerful as they sounded alone in tiny numbers they would get destroyed so the Zerg fixes that by sending hundreds, if not thousands of the little monsters at a time. Kill and kill as the Zebras might with their weapons the Zerg never stopped, and some believed they could never be stopped. But the hound like creatures and the suicide blobs alone cant take on a wall no matter how many are there so they are reinforced with a tank like creature and a snake one. This tank like creature has plates of harden bone all around it, effectively shielding itself from almost any attack. It would run on four quickly moving legs, not as fast as the hound like ones, and when in range would shoot green goo just like whats is inside the suicide blobs. But as strong as it sounds it has one disadvantage, it cant shoot its goo past three feet in the air, meaning air support or a really high wall prevent its from shooting up. But the Zerg is ready for this and its snake like brother joins the tank. Literally sliding on a tail this snake stands up right like a cobra but instead of just fangs it has claws sprouting from its sides giving it a menacing look. But those claws aren't made for slicing, no its made for throwing. On the back of this snake are spikes as sharp as diamonds made from hundreds of years of evolution on its bones, along with it comes the snake most fascinating ability to regrow its spikes on its back at a very alarming rate. Meaning that while the tank like roach spews its acid on the wall, these snake hydra duo part pulls its spike from its back and hurls it upwards into the sky raining death from below onto the Zebras defending. All of these unique and vastly different abominations together form a formidable opponent as they tear through the ground, and yet the Zerg is not done. For what is an army without its air support? The sky is the Zergs best friend, flying likes bats whose numbers swell in the hundreds are these shrimp like figures with huge wings sprouting out of its back. Whats special about this thing is that it only has a body, and a pair of wings. But what makes the Zebras cower in fear is that at the end of its body is a huge hole, and just like all the other Zerg creatures, it lobs out green goo. But this green goo is different, instead of sticking and burning it instead hops from one surface to the next inflicting minor yet numerous wounds at one go! While one Shrimp like bat can cause many wounds, imagine if they had a group, a flock, an army. When one blob rains from the sky a few get hurt, but when hundreds start to rain down on the Zebras the number of wounds are starting to add up and the constant wounding start to turn fatal.

Zerul watched in morbid awe and fear seeing the Zerg tear through their great wall. A group of Snake hydras spotting him and he quickly took aim down his mounted turret in his bunker and released a hail of metal slugs towards them tearing through their armored skin. He looked down at the ammo box and was greeted by a glowing number of 69 indicating how many bullets were left. Were this on better condition he would have laughed at that number, but instead it only brought back fond memories he shared with the other Zebras on base, telling dirty jokes, talking or bragging about the Mares at home waiting for them. Another small group of three Hydras came close and spotted him. He quickly lied flat down on his face as they released a hail of bone spear spikes in perfect unison and tore through the protective bunkers wall leaving gaping holes with sickly jagged edges showing how strong the spikes are. He couldn't reach the turret lest he get pin cushioned by a ton of spikes so he was just about to give up before a few other Zebras from the back of the lines showed up to come to aid their lone Commander, ammunition at hoof."

Now that is just an idea but seeing as how your going along you probably don't want to show the whole Zerg race yet so i would understand some secrecy. the next thing i wanted to point out was when you were describing the Nexus. You got the alien sci-fi part down but you left out its actual physical form out. You could have described it as a huge pyramid like building with glowing white lights swirling around the tip of it, showing it is powering up for something. Next up is...

“I left them because... because” Zecora was starting to tear up,”Because they are selfish nobodies!” She had already erupted in tears, which had seemed so sudden. It was like a cloud had suddenly come over her head, blocking all of her happy thoughts and replacing them with depressing, sad ones.”They didn’t care about any of the casualties they lost, the Zebras had just did what they had once done before on the unoccupied planet before; Extract the world of it’s resources and kill the animals that had scurried around the surrounding area.”

Yep, no rhyming at all from Zecora. I actually don't blame you if you cant find a way for it to rhyme but dude, as awful and annoying as it is for her to rhyme, its just part of her character. Now i suggest you do something to her that either A .Cures her or prevents her from rhyming, B. (personal favorite) Somehow later on she gets attack by a Zerg unit rendering her a mute and she cant talk anymore or C she simply dies for some cause you can come up with.

Ok, idea time. I want the CMC to be productive in this story, i dont know how or why but the fact they first found the Zerg i feel as if they should be a part of something big. Maybe instead of them actually fighting the Zerg they could spy on them instead? Sweetie Bell could learn some cool spells that help them sneak up at the base while Scoot learns how to fly(hover or just jump really high) and is able to scout from the tops of the trees while Applebloom scouts the ground. They could gather crucial information that later on helps save lives or they could could just study the Zerg looking for weaknesses. (HUGE IDEA) i just thought about this. What if, Sweetie Bell finds a stranded larva on creep far from any of the buildings and tries to 'talk' to it with her magic but ends up effectively mind controlling it causing it to hatch into a (Insert what unit she gets) and it becomes her PET! That would be freaking awesome. Pet Zerg, make it happen. (oh god my face if she gets a pet Ultralisk)

And lastly the queen part was awesome! i can understand why you made it come out of the pool, since it wont makes sense explaining how it came from the hatchery. Also you hinted possible Zerg attack units at the end, i swear if you 6-pool the town I am going to cry.

This is a long explanation.

Are you ever going to give him a break? He kinda deserves one after this seriously fucking long ass explanation about it

>> Dezmo
Thanks again for the review, they never disappoint c:
As for Zecora rhyming, I always, ALWAYS forget to make her rhyme at some points. I'm going to edit the story so hopefully most of her dialogue will fit her character.

As for the spawning pool and the Queen's arrival; I thought it would be more dramatic for her to come from there because it just seems more dramatic (I mean, having a structure create organisms but only to have them come from the ground or cocoons?)

I was looking at some edits for the past sequence, and making it more known to the reader that it actually is a memory from the past. Great job on the edits though, the descriptions were amazing. Don't worry about those for now though, this is coming from Zecora's perspective and what she had the knowledge of when she was (slight spoiler) at her young age. I will be describing most of the Zerg later on (I am only like, 1/20 of the way finished with the story for what I have planned, so there's going to be quiet a bit of explaining the Zerg unit's attributes, just so the reader isn't overwhelmed with constant descriptions [and yes, there will be a role for every Zerg unit, so don't you worry :pinkiesmile: ])

As for the CMC; as much as I don't want to spoil (HNNNNNNNG) some parts, all I will say is I in fact do plan to have them in the "fight". Let's just say they will play a pretty big role in the story, well one will anyways.

>> Iambrony
Don't worry about it. If anything, he is actually helping me. It's criticism I actually need, that way I know what to improve in the future c:

ok in my defense it was 4-5AM in the morning when i wrote that. I was tired but very hyped to see a new chapter. And the only reason i am so hard on him is the same reason parents are so protective. I just love this story so much i want to help him on everything yet no matter what he does ill still enjoy it either way.

As for you, yep i do agree getting the Queen coming from the pool was pretty damn cool. May i also suggest, now that i have had a full nights rest, that you re-word the queen part? You did a great job on describing the Queen no doubt about it, but i think you could have gone just a little step forward. Lets look...

"The Bubbling inside of the pool of acid had stopped just as something emerged from the green liquid,

It was a Queen.

The Queen had a row of large spikes resting on her head, along with a column of scales, one spike on each column. It had two large claws coming from the back sides of it’s head, looking to that of skeleton bone. Her eyes were a glowing yellow, like an inferno burning in her eyes, and two small sets of fangs, and durable skin. Her body was covered in glowing green bubbles, most likely from the pool of acid still having effect on her skin. Finally, her six legs had the same durable bone as her claws; strong as hardened lava and dry as a desert.

She had made an ear busting howl as she had descended from the pool. She rallied herself towards the original structure where she had placed a few eggs inside of the odd building. It was made for birthing larvae; a hatchery."

Now that alone proves how much effort you put into this and i applaud you for it but lets see if we just switch a couple of parts around. We will name the unit after it is described...(My edit)...

"The Bubbling inside of the pool of acid had stopped just as something emerged from the green liquid,

It was a huge creature with six appendages as its legs, using them to pull itself out of the green goo.

The creature had a row of large spikes resting on its head, along with a column of scales, one spike on each column. It had two large claws coming from the back sides of it’s head, looking to that of skeleton bone. The creature's eyes were a glowing yellow, like an inferno burning in its eyes, and two small sets of fangs, and durable skin. Its body was covered in glowing green bubbles, most likely from the pool of acid still having effect on its skin. Finally, its previously mentioned six legs had the same durable bone as its claws; strong as hardened lava and dry as a desert.

The creature made an ear busting howl as it descended from the pool. Nearby other Zerg creatures shied away form this monster, opting on going around it rather than get in its path. The creature from the pool walked around the small Zerg base resulting the fellow Zerg units to follow in awe of the magnificent huge strong beast. It was treated with respect and almost close to worship from the other Zerg. The creature finally made its way to the odd looking building, upon getting to it she placed four glowing cyst from her abdomen onto the building. A few seconds later larvae popped from the cyst only for the creature to put four more on it. The creature was making more larvae, it was helping the Zerg expand its numbers, it was helping the Zerg conquer the planet. The creature let out a horrifying scream that would chill any brave stallion to the bone, but this scream was different. That last scream almost sounded feminine, meaning this creature is a she. She alone can better the Zerg, she alone can cause the Zergs number to swell with her ability to produce larvae at an astonishing rate. She, was the Queen of Zerg.

(That queen part was actually fun to write) Moving on, when ever you get a chance to describe a Zerg unit, try to get your descriptions to instill fear like how i (tried) did with the Queen. Sure she only just spawns larvae but she is the back bone of the army, without her Zerg might as well leave. Remember the strongest ally Zerg has is its ability to instill fear to the other races. Looking back at the battle scene i wrote (Oh man i need to edit it) the main purpose i was trying to achieve was describing the units and then to show how terrible and fearsome they can be.

And just another idea I am looking forward to is when you plan to use the Overseers ability to create a changeling, Should be hilarious or downright creepy, who knows!

Well, I'm a huge fan of the zerg.

Spawning pool, lair, hive, hatchery, roach warren, hydralisk den, all that shit.

Personel favorite is Hydralisk if you ask me.

What would be awesome is describing an Ultralisk or a Leviathan:pinkiehappy:
The largest of the 'Zerg', resembling a twisted and misshapen elephant with an extremely thick, exoskeletal carapace; this gargantuan beast instills rightly fears into not only it's enemies, but also it's companions: 2 massive scythe-like blades are seen in symmetry along with 2 other smaller blades below the larger ones next to the head; the blades are cleaved through the air in a motion as if to hug the face, but is instead done to hack down enemies like as wheat falls to a scythe. The powerful muscular contractions allow the massive beast to continually sweep through the air literally every second, making this creature a fearsome siege weapon of war. The thick carapace allows the beast to withstand even the most powerful of blasts, which allows it to charge into enemy lines without fail.
I know, I suck at describing...

I tech to Muta with a few zerglings, banelings and hydralisks.
But in SC1 and SC2 Hydra was my fave unit.

I went Spam HYdralisk, because of their rate of fire and their damage.

You did a good job with describing what they do, just not their looks and appearence.

There isn't that much to describe on the Ultra's appearance, it's an oversized elephant:ajbemused:
Exoskeletal monstrosity with a small fucking head?

There is a lot to discribe.

So yea.
My older brother is writing a story that needs plenty of Discription.

I bet he can do a ultralisk easily.

k, u got me...
Haven't played SC in ages, I forgot what an ultra looks like.

Its cool.

I actual forgot what a roach looks like on Starcraft.

Really you forgot what a ROACH looks like?
Props for SC2: Heart of the Swarm:yay: coming out in... April or something.......:unsuresweetie:

If there are no DTs in this story...let's just say you might want to invest in some detectors for your house...

very good (even though I haven't played the game) I'm looking forward to more:twilightsmile:

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