• Published 29th Nov 2013
  • 2,754 Views, 85 Comments

The Element of Chaos - steel soul

On the final assault on the villainous Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik a miscalculation causes a rift throwing the Hero's of the Sky into another world.

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This is New...


“Gah! I hate that Fox!”

Eggman stomped about his red lilted grounded base, watching the frantic robots about him tending to the damages that it had sustained as he threw a tantrum.

“Because of him I am left with little to no power but the reserves. It will take forever and a day to get it back in the air! Plus! A forest! I hate the forest!” He stop stomping as she looked over a computer monitor. “At least the cloaking is still working. And since no one has come to see where I had crashed then that would mean we still are unnoticed.”

A red orb rolled its way in front of the scientist, it pulled at his jacket, garnering his attention. “Sir a word.”

“What do you want Orbot! I’m busy!”

The red robot nodded. “It will only take a bit of your time sir. We found something that you might want to see.” It began to hover and made its way towards a nearby window. “look.”

The Doctor looked out the window his eyes growing wide, finding three of his warrior robot dragging a cage with a beast he had never seen before. It seemed to have the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion. Upon its back were bat like wings . “Oh ho ho ho…that is quite the discovery. That has to be a manticore! Read about them in early studies. To have such a beast at my beck and call…Maybe some good can come of this yet.” He pointed to the robot. “See how long it will take for them to ready the project I had been woking on! We may have the perfect test subject."


Element of Chaos

Location: Equestria-Outskits of Everfree

Fluttershy paced up and down her living room, awaiting the arrival of her friend. The Yellow and pinked maned pegasus with the butterfly cutie mark was in dire straits. Whatever it was that was in her kitchen was causing quite the racket looking for whatever it wanted to. She had never seen an animal like that before it, and while she normally would be so gentle the creature was unwilling to even face her, brushing her aside to fly into the kitchen. She had sent a message bird to Twilights so that she could acquire some help in the matter.

It wasn’t long before a knock came upon her door. The mare quickly opened it to find a lavender mare with a deep purple mane and a pink stripe running down the middle of her hair and tail. She wore a saddle bag with many books within its confines, as well as paper and quills.

“I’m here Fluttershy.” She spoke in a determined tone. “Where’s this new animal you were talking about?”

The mare squeaked as she bowed her head a bit. “Um…Hello Twilight. Thank you for coming. I just didn’t know what to do.” She pointed a hoof towards the kitchen. “It’s in there, has been since he woke up this morning.”

Twilight nodded and cautiously made her towards the doorway, the mare slowly peeking from around the edge of it. What she saw nearly made her laugh out loud.

A little purple and white creature with a body that looked almost cat like in nature, currently had its head stuck in a cookie jar, its paws casually playing with its foot paws. Twilight could clearly hear the sound of munching coming from inside where the head was. Twilight turned to face her friend doing her best to suppress her giggles.

“Wow...it looks like it’s having fun.” The mare opened one of her books and gave it a quick scan. “Now let me see.” She flipped through her book aptly named ‘Monsters Creatures and Monstrosities of Equestia and You; A Learners Guide.’ It took some time but she was able to flip through the book rather impressively. “That’s strange. I don’t see any creature that looks like that in here, except maybe the fairies, but even those are pony shaped.”

She cautiously made her way to the creature that looking over its purple fur and fluffy white tail. After taking a note of what it looked like she spoke up . “Um…Excuse me…”

The creature seemed to react to her voice turning to face the mare, despite not really know who was really talking to her. The munching stopping, the creature, to her surprise, spoke. “Hello? Oh think goodness! I thought I was going to be stuck in this jar forever! Mind helping me out?”

“You’re…stuck?” The mare suppressed a giggle. By its tone it seemed to be a male. “How did you get like this?” She said as her horn glowed brightly, wrapping her magic along the jar.

“Well…I was hungry…and I found this cookie jar. The rest is pretty much self-explanatory” The creature braced himself as he began to feel a tug on the jar that wrapped around his head. With a few hard tugs the jar released its captive finding a catlike face filled with crumbs. The cat looked around before settling his eyes upon the lavender mare. He seemed to blanched as he looked the mare up and down. “A…horse?”

The mare huffed angrily. “I am not a horse. I am a pony!”

“OOoooohhhh…wait what?” The creature looked about the room he was in. “Hey…this isn’t the Egg Fortress. In fact I don’t think this is the Egg Anything.” Shifting his eyes back to the mare, he gave her a angry pout. “Are you with Eggman? I bet you were placed here to send me into a false since of security so that I could let my guard down when.”

Twilight deadpanned. “I have no Idea what you’re talking about. What’s a Eggman? And an Egg Fortress?”

The cat creature huffed and folded his paws about his chest. “I would suspect one of Eggman’s robots to say something like that!”

“A robot? Robots are just superstition.” The mare exclaimed with a wave of her hoof. “Something fabricated by Science Fiction writers.”

“Hold you horse-” at the mares glare he gulped sheepishly. “I-I mean hang on. What do you mean robots aren’t real? What have you been living under a rock? Don’t you know about the war?”

“I’ll have you know that I am well versed on many subjects and robots are defiantly not real.” She paused. “At least as of right now anyway. And I defiantly don’t know anything about a war.”

The creature looked at her for a long time before his eyes blanched wide once more. “Wait a sec! Does that mean that Eggman machine worked!?” He jumped up and down cheering loudly. “That means I’m not dead!!” He stopped jumping. “Wait a sec…If I’m not dead…then…” He looks around franticly. “Tails! Tails!” He jumped into the air and tried to flap his wings but found something cracked behind. He fell to the ground with a thud. “Ow! What the-!” He looked back to find his glossy wings slightly torn. “What the…? My wings!” tears began to form in his eyes. “How did…Awww…it’s gonna take forever for them to heal properly!”

At the sight of his tears the normally frighten pegasus quickly made her way inside the kitchen and scooped the little creature up in her hooves, her previous feeling of fear instantly being washed away when she learned that he was hurt. “Oh my. You poor little creature.” She cuddled him lovingly as she took him into the other room. Setting him down upon the couch the mare nuzzled him affectingly, her motherly side showing more and more. “Don’t worry ma’ma will make you feel better.”

The creature blushed brightly at being treated like a baby, but then smiled just as brightly for that same reason. He smiled as he nuzzled himself into the covers. “I could get use to this.”

He watched as Twilight trotted over and clearing her throat. “Well, before you get to comfortable I need some information.”

“Well…” He tilted his head. “What do ya want to know?”

A quill and a parchment appeared in front of her with a poof of magic. “Absolutely everything.”

The creature thought for a moment. “Well…it all started when I woke up this morning…”


Location: Unknown City

A black figure cloaked in a tattered brown cape stood on the top of the building, overlooking the city below. With deep red eyes he watched as the citizens of the strange world went about their nightly routine with interest. Looking back up he could make out the words on a distant sign that read ‘Welcome to Fillydelphia.’

Shadow closed his eyes. “This is…Unsettling…” He said after turning to look behind him. “What do you make of this Knuckles?”

The Red echidna sat a ways away from the black hedgehog with arms folded as well. “Not really sure. I’ve never seen creatures like those before, and I’ve done my fair share of traveling.” He closed his eyes. “That warning that Miles gave us…do you think whatever it was caused us to end up here?”

“It’s a possibility.” Shadow remarked, making his way from the edge. “What worries me more is the reason why we were transported.”

“You mean the Chaos Emeralds…” Knuckles closed his eyes. “Yeah I sensed it too.” He shook his head. “I thought that we had gotten rid of all but one one of them. Eggman must have found a way to find them all again.” He looked around. “But it seems that they are not altogether as of this point. Its faint but they seem to have separated upon arriving here”

“Which means that it’s the classic game of first come first serve.” Knuckles said pounding his fist together. “My favorite!”

Shadow nodded. “Though we should find the others as well. Make sure they are alright.” He paused before adding. “That is to assume that any of them were teleported here as well.”

Knuckles nodded. “Yeah. I agree…” He chuckled lightly. “Hard to believe your that same stoned face loner that always wanted to do things his way.”

Shadow turned from him. “Yes…but we all know why I changed now don’t we?” He siad with a bit of bitterness in his voice.

The echidna looked away. "Oh...man...I'm sorry...I..."

Shadow waved him off. “It is in the past now echidna. There is nothing I can do for her now except live on.”

Knuckles’ next apology was cut short as a scream permeated the air, causing both hedgehog and echidna to stand to attention.


Location: Fillydelphia.

A pure white pony with a bouncy curly mane and tail and three diamonds on her flank ran down the nearest ally way only to find that it ended up in a dead end. The mare turned to face the way she came only to find three stallions blocking her path. She slowly back peddled until her flank hit the back wall, her body shaking like a leaf.

“M-my dear sirs…” She said in a shaky yet regal like tone. “I do so appreciate the offer to help me find my way around here but…as for payment I am sorry…I can only supply you with a few bits. What you’re asking for…I just do not have that much money on me.”

A black earth pony chuckled as she looked the mare up and down hungrily. “Oh…I am sure we can come up with a payment plan.” He trotted his way to the mare, letting his hoof cresses her face gently causing the mare to flinch. “You’ll be able to pay us back in no time…with interest of course.”

The mare suddenly found her lips locked with the stallions, his tongue forcing its way into her mouth. Without a second thought she pushed him away as hard as she could and slapped him across the face. The stallion barely flinched at the contact but his eyes bore anger like she had never seen.

He struck the mare, causing her to tumble to the ground. Through blazing tears, she looked up to see the stallion standing over her. “You damned poker! You think your too good for us earth ponies!” He raised a hoof to strike the mare once more, only to be met with something catching his arm. When he turned he found a creature like he had never seen before staring deep into his eyes, a look a pure calm rage overwhelming his own like the sun light to a candle. “W-what the?! What the hell are you?!”

“No one of importance…just a by passer.” He said as he turned the stallion and gave him a good smack to the face. It was hard but not enough to send him to the ground. “I wonder though…she went down with only one good hit. I wonder how many it would take to send you to your knees.” He smacked him again. “That’s two.” Again. “Oh three and still going strong…”

The stallions, face was starting to swell with each hit he received. He looked over the creatures shoulders, seeking help, only to find that his two cohorts where laying in a pile beside a red creature not unlike the one that was assaulting him.

Another smack. “Opps…sorry. Didn’t mean to catch you in the eye.” The creature shook his head. “You better pay attention so it doesn’t happen again.” He raised his hand. “Now where was I…oh yes...”







The stallion felt his body hit the floor before slipping into a pain induced coma and the creature just shook his head upon seeing him fall. “Wow…I hit Miles twelve times harder than that during training and he can last a full five minutes.” He turned to face away from the heap. “Simply pitiful…”

The mare that had been struck had sat and watched as the two strange beings convers with one another. Her tears still staining her face she stood up on shaky hooves to slowly made her way to cloaked creature. “You…I…” a fresh wave of tears formed in her eyes. “Oh thank you!” She wrapped her hooves around the creature, embracing him and sobbing into his cloak, despite how dingy she thought it was. “You…you saved me…I…(hic) Thank you…(hic) So much!”

The creature’s eyes went wide as he felt her body pressed against his own, the tears of the mare staining his clothes. With a hesitant gesture he let his hand press against the mares head and gently stroked it. “You…are well?” was all he could ask, though he didn’t expect an answer.

The mare, after a while pulled away and wiped her eyes with a hoof. “I am…thank you sir.” She looked up at her savior her eyes shining lightly in the moonlit night. “To whom am I to thank for such a gallant rescue?”

Before the black one could speak, the red one placed a hand own the black one’s shoulder, grinning wildly. “This is Shadow the Hedgehog. I’m Knuckles the ‘Coolest’ Echidna!” He nudged the black hedgehog with a sly grin. “Hey! Wink wink, nudge nudge!”

The black hedgehog gave the echidna a glare before looking back at the mare. Gently pushing her off of him he folded his arms about his chest. Though his face partially being covered by the cloak he wore, Rarity could have sworn she saw something red upon his peach cheeks. Perhaps he had gotten hurt.

Forgoing that thought she would smile and hold out her hoof. “I am Rarity. I thank you once again for saving me.” She looked away as she wiped her mouth with a hoof after shakeing Shadow’s hand. “That villains disgusting taste still clings to my mouth even now.” She looked back towards the two. “Please allow me to thank you for all of your help. Is there anything you need, anything at all?”

Shadow closed his eyes and folded his arms about his chest. “We require no aid…”

Rarity raised her head in the air. “I simply will not take no for an answer. There must be something I can do for you.” Her eyes brighten. “Oh I know! I will take you both out for some refreshments! And some...” She looks the hedgehog up and down. “Perhaps find you something more…suitable…”

Knuckles let loose a roar of laughter as he watched the mare drag Shadow down the alleyway.


Miles stretched out his legs as he stood outside of Zacora’s house, the fox all the while smiling lightly.

The zebra watched with gentle interest, her eyes straying more specifically to this two tails. “Now take it slow as you are on the go. This forest is dangerous. One misstep could be disastrous.”

Miles stood up and twisted his body while locking his arms over his chest. “I’m use to danger. Anyway…are you sure that this…Princess Celestia can help me out?”

She raised an eyebrow. “I am quite sure of this. Do you want me to take a lying test?”

Miles scratched the back of his head embarrassed. “No no…its ok…I don’t mean to doubt you Zacora.” He looked back at her. “You sure you don’t want to come with me?” Miles gave her a bright smile. “I could carry you if you want. “

Though she knew he was joking, she could not help the blush that formed on her cheeks. She coughed politely before speaking again. “From what you tell me you speed is quite great. I will take my own path. Trust me I will not be late.” She pointed a hoof. “Just go that way and you will see that you will be in Ponyville in less than an hour or three.”

The fox nodded before getting in a running position. “See ya there Zacora! Ready?” He smirked. “Go!” Shooting off his legs the fox disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye, leaving the Zebra alone once more. Turning back to her hut the healer smiled gently as she went inside to back.

“I sense many trials ahead of you fox. It will be unwise for me to sit around and just watch.”