• Member Since 18th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


I've spent almost twenty years of my life writing fanfiction. Something is clearly wrong with me, especially if I'm writing about pastel cartoon ponies now.


Sunset Shimmer, back from the human world through means she doesn't really care to dismiss, has returned to get revenge on Princess Twilight Sparkle and take her rightful place as ruler of Equestria.
Her plan is simple: shoot Twilight with a gun. What could possibly go wrong?

Fourth in the Discord's Evil League of Evil Series

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 81 )

This title is an absolutely atrocious abomination of an alliteration...

(In all seriousness, I liked this.)

isn’t Magic the greatest force in the universe?”

Except for a nice MLT - Mutton, Lettuce, and Tomato, where the mutton is nice and lean, and the tomatos are fresh - they're so perky, I love that.

Amazing. I love how you just throw in wanton sex into these, it's so absolutely random.


3488675 Everyone loves alliteration!


3488824 Are they that good?


3488852 It is, isn't it?


3488865 Thanks.

3488852 random is how you describe ri2 he is randomness incarnate, the avatar of random if you will.

3488960 Er ... did you not get that reference?

3489144 i remember the line but can't place from where

Okay so Luna stole it.

The alliteration
it makes me moist

You probably aren't the most broken person alive, but that's only because you haven't tracked him down and consumed his soul yet :pinkiecrazy:


3489101 Thanks, Taze.


3489144 No, I did not get the reference.


3489263 Stole what?


3489362 Thanks.


3489350 Your welcome?

...question. Out of curiosity, I can readily understand how the 3 leaders were banished, but why were Pansy, Smartcookie, and Clover? I know it is a small whole in an otherwise hilarious version of events.

Besides the point, this story is hilarious as usual.

3489739 :( I was quoting Miracle Max in The Princess Bride! :fluttercry:


Oh deary me, Spike really does Have Issues, doesn't he, poor chap...


3489799 That she did.


3489802 I wasn't one hundred percent certain of that myself. Maybe due to their close association to the leaders? Or maybe the leaders were the only ones banished, but the subordinates decided to stay with them out of loyalty and/or love?


3489887 Can you blame him?

Ooh, more Evil League of Evil! :pinkiehappy: Today, I'll be reviewing stream-of-consciousness style.

Speaking as someone who's written two stories based on how stupid Sunset's plan is, I have to applaud your merciless appraisal of it.


Funnily enough, "amateur" originally meant "lover," so the answer is "yes." More so as the orgy progressed.

I now want to see Pinkie Pie throttling invertebrates with their own spines. I may have to write such a scenario.

I really like the idea of alicorn Twilight being composed of ultra-high density magic rather than matter.

Dat wall of text :applejackconfused: You may want to find a place for a line break or two in there.

Trixie! Glad to see the mental reconstruction worked out for her. :twilightsmile: Still, she should probably mention Spike's issues to Twilight. Or the other princesses. Or just about anyone.

In any case, another wonderful installment of the ELoE. Thank you for it. :pinkiesmile:

Oh....wow.....truly weird. Disturbing yet intriguing at the same time.

I see where you went with Discord talking about humans being a disgusting bipedal species...lol! A little Q-humor

And then the play and the rest, just so.....eeeesh

That would've been the darkest fucking ending I EVER would've read. Why did you force that vision in my mind? Ow. It hurts to think about it.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! THE PAAAIN! :raritydespair: You what you did to meeeeeeeeeee!? Why did you go into some much fucking detail!? I'm, like, seriously thinking this story over...

MY BRAIN CAN'T HANDLE IT! *Smoke forms from his ears*


3490881 Seriously, what was Sunset thinking?
Huh. I did not know that's what amateur used to mean.
Actually, Pinkie Pie DID throttle windigos with their own spines. She and Chancellor Puddinghead are the same pony. She's older than the universe, after all. You don't think this is the FIRST time she's been to Equestria, do you?
As a god of magic, I figured Twilight wouldn't be made of something as shoddy as proteins.
Which wall of text?
Mention Spike's problems? Whyever would anyone care to do that?


3491051 …I wasn't even thinking about Q when that happened.


3491626 Good thing that wasn't the ending, then.

Right now, for some reason, all I can imagine is Babs Seed helping Spike to work out his issues. We don't know a whole lot about her, maybe she has a talent for psychology. Plus, she does end up with Spike like the rest of the CMC later

I guess those are viable answers.
Personally, now that I think about it, they could have been lying to the leaders in order to keep them away from returning.
From the canon episode, they dislike the leaders' styles of rule. It would be easy for them to leave, stop part way home, and then travel back only to claim that their countries banished them. The facts that any proposal to return by the leaders in this story are rejected by the other 3, it could be seen as tactics to keep them from calling the bluff.
Just a theory.


3492491 How could Babs help?


3492606 But then why bother staying at all? Why not just go back home and tell everyone the leaders are dead or something and that if they show up again it's changelings?

They could stay in order to keep the 3 leaders busy and far away from their homelands. They have cast aside their own homes in order to make their homes better. For the ponies back home, if they allowed the 3 rulers to continue their ridiculousness, what is to stop them from coming back and ruling again?
Also, even if they were told that the rulers died, should they return all it would take is an interview and no one would believe they were changelings. They are far too annoying.


3492651 But if it was a lie, what's to stop anyone from back home sending an expedition to find out what happened?

Perhaps (hopefully) they realize how much better it is without them?
In all honesty, I just made a theory that gives Smart-cookie, Clover, and Pansy vindication that their decisions were what saved them and the ponies in their homelands while sticking with this story's plot. They lied so that their homes would prosper, claiming they were banished.
It isn't perfect, I admit.


3492663 No, no, it's a good theory. I like it, though it's probably not the one I'll use. Sadly, we'll never know for sure, since only the Princesses and Pinkie Pie know the truth…
Yeah, Pinkie Pie was there. She was Chancellor Puddinghead at one point. She's older than the universe, after all.

Completely understandable.
As for the Pinkie thing, it isn't that surprising at this point.

Oh. Pinkie Puddinghead, eh? That explains a lot.

And the wall of text I had in mind was the single immense paragraph beginning with "Spike had made good on his word." For some reason a paragraph that fills the screen bothers me more than repeating Titin's full name multiple times in the same story. Though not even Titin is worthy of being present in Princess Twilight's magistic form.


3492683 I wonder who else she's been throughout history. She was a pirate at one point, I think.



3492626Well, like I was saying, maybe just talking it out with him. Though if just by show canon logic, she could help Spike get revenge by spreading seeds of jealously throughout the Mane 6 on who is Twilight's favorite, because while she may love them all, they may want to be loved more than the others. Just a thought.

Also, Discord could help Spike by offering to let Twilight into the Evil League of Evil due to how she treats Spike, which would cause her to re-evaluate how she treats Spike


3493004 Oh my.
But Twilight can't be in the league, she's not the nemesis of any of the mane 6 since she is one of the mane 6. She can't be her own nemesis…CAN she?

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