• Published 7th Mar 2012
  • 97,584 Views, 4,778 Comments

Hands - Andrew Joshua Talon

A slightly more realistic take on the "Human in Equestria" story concept... For a given value of "realistic."

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Extras 5


A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction

By Andrew J. Talon

DISCLAIMER: This is a non-profit fanbased work of prose. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the property of Hasbro, and the reinvention of the lovely Lauren Faust. No copyright infringement is intended, please support the official release.

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This section was written by Bankrupt Samurai. But I had to include it because it was too good.
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Andrew and the Mane Six, minus Rainbow Dash and Pinkie who were busy planning a summer storm party, were waiting for Shining Armor to arrive as Cadence joined them, when the Cutie Mark Crusaders made their own appearance on the opposite side of the sim.

Seeing a chance to have a little fun, Discord snapped his fingers and appeared in front of the three fillies, making the sim opaque on their side. “Come to see who you’ll be dating when you get older?” he teased.

“I already know who I’ll be dating,” Sweetie Belle replied.

“Really, who?” Discord asked curiously.

“Spike,” she replied, much to the shock of everyone who wasn’t a member of her family or the CMC.

“How is that going to work out?” Discord asked.

“Part of the reason Spike has a crush on my sister is he knows she’ll treat his heart with care and forgive him for any mistakes he makes while he’s trying to learn to be a good colt friend,” Sweetie Belle explained. “By the time he’s grown out of his crush, I’ll be ready to date and can snap him up, already trained!”

“That’s a good plan,” Discord admitted. “And you?” he asked Scootaloo.

“Not interested right now,” Scootaloo replied. “Probably join one of my friends.”

“And you, Apple Bloom?” Discord asked, seeing a chance to rag on Andrew a little. “Looking for a pony like a certain human perhaps?”

“Celestia, no!” Apple Bloom snapped back red faced.

“And here I though you liked him,” Discord said, surprised at her response.

“I love him,” Apple Bloom said easily.

Eyebrows were raised by the watchers on the other side of the sim.

“I’m missing something here,” Discord admitted.

Apple Bloom laughed. “You know I got no parents, right?”

“Just a granny and an older brother and sister,” he agreed.

“Well AJ is more than just a big sister to me,” the filly explained. “Whenever I needed a mom, AJ stepped up. Heck, she’s done such a good job I had to check my birth certificate to make sure I wasn’t an unexpected surprise after some after school hijinks, ya know?”

“That does happen on occasion,” Discord admitted.

“So I ain’t ever had to wonder what it was like to have a mom,” Apple Bloom said. “But I always wondered what having a father would be like.”

“Big Mac didn’t ever step up?” Discord asked.

Apple Bloom laughed. “I love Big Mac to death, but he’s never tried to be anything but my big brother, which is something he’s real good at. If you ask him he’ll tell you he’s not father material, yet. He’s got some growing to do still.”

“And what does all this have to do with Andrew,” Discord asked, shaking off the image of a Big Mac the size of Godzilla, climbing one of the towers of Canterlot castle with Luna in one hoof.

“Andrew encourages us when we try something new, he does his best to protect us when something goes wrong, and if asked will kiss boo-boo’s while putting bandages on any bumps or bruises we have. If we get out of hoof he reigns us in and when we succeed he tells us he’s proud of us,” Apple Bloom said with a light smile. “I no longer wonder what it’s like to have a father.”

“Enough of the mushy stuff,” Scootaloo groaned. “Have you seen Rainbow Dash anywhere?”

“She’s over at Pinkies planning a pegasus party,” Discord told her.

“Good! Let’s go!” Scootaloo said as the three galloped off.

Apple Jack had her ever-present cowboy hat pulled down over her eyes as she asked Twilight and Fluttershy in a strangely formal voice, “May I borrow Andrew for a minute?”

“Go right ahead,” Fluttershy said, placing a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder to still any questions she might have asked.

Apple Jack hugged Andrew tightly. “Thank you,” she whispered with tears in her voice.

“Anytime,” he promised returning the hug.

Apple Jack took off her hat and turned it sideways to hide their faces as she kissed him until he passed out from lack of oxygen. Putting her hat back on, eyes still watery, but with a smile that lit up her face, she turned to Andrew’s two mare friends. “Thank you!”

“Anytime,” Fluttershy promised, proud of Andrew and thinking what a great father he was going to be.

Shining Armor finally arrived carrying the popcorn and soda for everyone. “What happened to monkey boy?”

“AJ knocked him out,” Twilight said amused.

“Hope he deserved it,” Shiny muttered.

“Oh, he did,” Cadence said with a grin.

Author's Note:

Written by Bankrupt Samurai.