• Published 6th Mar 2012
  • 4,822 Views, 44 Comments

Across the Universe: Foster's Home of Power and Magical Friendship - Moon Shooter

A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic/Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends/Powerpuff Girls Crossover

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Prolouge- Penny for Your Thoughts

Imagination... thoughts... stories... dreams... ever wonder where they go when they leave one’s head? Have you ever wondered what happened to these stories once they were given the opportunity of freedom, and liberation of the mind. The answer is death... no thought can live or exist without the crutch that is a mind... but what about those thoughts? Do they have the opportunity to think themselves? No, a sane person may say, they’re just thoughts. The only thoughts that go through their head are ones of the man or woman that thinks them... but what if I were to say you yourself were no different than the thoughts that went through your own head? That you were a thought in itself, part of something greater, that is also it’s own thought? What if they were thoughts of thoughts of thoughts... and so on and so forth?

I bring up these questions not to confuse you, my dear readers, or anger those who can not bear the thought of thinking differently... but to open your mind in order to be able to grasp the tale I’m going to spin for you. Keep these questions in mind... they’re important as they are unbelievable. The reason being is because this is the story of thoughts, and how they became the only hope for mankind, and cartoon kind alike. I’m here to tell you the story of two gods.

These aren’t the kinds of gods that we commonly think of. Gods of immense power and immortality, no... these gods are quite mortal, and downright powerless... at least to us in our worlds. These gods are one we refer to as an “animators”... story writers, and directors of sorts for these worlds. The two in particular I want to mention, a man and a woman, the names of whom you may know, but I won’t mention quite yet. The man... the god as some of them might refer, worked with the goddess, in something of an apprenticeship, to create two worlds... or rather universes would be a better terminology, considering the sizes they can range from... with completely different rules, people, and even laws of physics. In some cases, they could even play off of our home, Earth... or should I say, our own thought and universe, Earth. To them, these animators that have been able to open their own minds to the truth... they referred to their own thoughts with numbers and equations beyond the understanding of the average human, but to us, we might refer to them as... shows. Television cartoons and programs created out of the heads of these animators, and story writers for our own amusement... universes unrealistic as unrealistic could get... at least in our respect as humans. These two universes, created by the animators I mentioned earlier, were known as the Power Puff Girls universe, and the Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends universe. These two... though different in all ways held a special connection, that I won’t get into right now. The point is, these two worlds existed separately, never colliding with each other... after all, something like that would be disastrous.

Years passed, and these shows were taken off of the mainstream known as “air”. In some cases, being on air was the lifeline of a cartoon thought. Getting taken off air, and especially getting canceled was a cartoon’s worst nightmare on a sub-conscious level. However, some cartoons, especially these ones, were given so much love, care, and attention from their animators... their creators... that they were allowed the rare opportunity to live without air. The creators saw that their thoughts had developed a small self awareness that was a rarity in cartoons. They saw their specialty, and gave them the opportunity to thrive independently without a thought... They lived, given the ability to think of their own accord, and were forgotten for a long time, along with their creators... until they came.

The goddess created a new show, she called... My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. She created this cartoon alone, and it became something that swept her world... her universe world wide. This was the most special of all the cartoons that were created in it’s time. It was clever, funny, smart, and above all, publicly appealed. I’m not here to give you an opinion of this show, but rather to state facts of it’s existence. The reasons it developed it’s self awareness earlier than any other cartoon of it’s time. They were young... but gained the power of a show that had been “on-air” for years. Not to mention their special power their goddess had ignorantly added to their world... and nearly doomed it to the death that all cartoons fear. That the power she gave these specific cartoons the power to destroy not only all cartoon kind, but mankind as well. This is the story of how those powers of dark and lights were awoken by... well, that would just spoil the story, now wouldn’t it.

If you’ve managed to read this far, then I commend you cracking open your mind for what I am going to tell you. The larger that opening is, the better you may be able to understand this yarn I will spin to you. These events are true, but only as true as your mind may allow it. The events I am going to tell you about are about these cartoons... these ponies. This is the story of how they all traveled past the boundaries of the fourth wall and back to save you, me, and every living thought in this world. This is the story of the relationships they’ve built, the friendships they’ve created, the teamwork they used, and the trials they conquered. This is the story of how the Power Puff Girls, the Foster’s gang and the Elements of Harmony saved the freedom to think, dream, and imagine forever... for they saved their world by doing something unheard of in the worlds of cartoons and mankind alike... by traveling Across the Universe.