• Published 3rd Nov 2013
  • 8,132 Views, 51 Comments

Taking Care of the Moon - Abydos

As Luna deals with the shock of having Nightmare Moon being purged from her body, it is up to her sister to help her through her ordeal.

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Everlasting Love

Celestia carefully walked into the brightly lit room with Luna resting on her back. The blue alicorn was still shivering, but she was too exhausted to try and run away now, as her weakened body lacked the capacity. This particular washing chamber was smaller than the large decorative one that the two of them shared. Covered in simple, unpainted, white tiles, the room was small, but it was cozy, not claustrophobic. It held a large porcelain bath to the right of the entrance with a golden faucet and knobs. The alicorn stepped forward to the edge of the tub and lay down to bring her sister to the floor, sparing her the possible scare of being lifted with magic. Luna slid slowly off of her back, eeping as her rump touched the cold floor.

Celestia used her left hoof to bump the hot water knob; letting the clear, warm water fill the bath. Her pensive gaze returned to the tiny pony, who was staring intently at the floor, avoiding her sister’s gaze. She went to lay down beside the blue alicorn and tried to nuzzle her reassuringly, but her sister just turned away in fear. Then seeing as how she still didn’t want to be touched, the sun princess just kept an eye on her as the tub filled with water.

When the tub was halfway full Celestia placed a hoof in the water. It was very warm, but pleasantly so. She looked back to her sister. As deliberately as she could, she reached out with her hooves and touched her side, showing that she wouldn’t bite and that there was nothing to be afraid of. Luna squeaked, but she didn’t try to move away, resolving to hold her ground, shivering. Celestia moved her other hoof and gingerly picked her up by the forelegs, frowning as she saw her sister close her eyes and shrink. The white alicorn lowered her into the hot water.

As the easy heat of the bath started to warm her, Luna gradually opened her eyes and looked up.The taller sister still smiled sweetly, so she looked away, but her eagerness to do so was less apparent. Celestia waited patiently, and gradually, the calming effect of the water seemed to take effect. The little pony lay back and tried to relax. Then while the moon princess was properly situating herself, as quietly as she could the elder channelled her magic and levitated a bar of soap from nearby. Bumping it against the side to let Luna know what was coming, she slowly reached in.

At first, seeing the huge pony was going to touch her again, she inched back and when the soap touched her fur, she whimpered. Lightly, Celestia made a shushing sound and rubbed the soap across her, starting a lather. As the motion continued and she covered more area, Luna quieted down. With time, she even started to relax. The sun princess tenderly continued to wash her sister, scrubbing sensually and hoping Luna would enjoy the massage.

With this, the little alicorn finally looked up at her sister and gazed upon her face. Celestia was smiling sweetly as she labored to get her clean. Unlike the abhorant monster in her dream, her eyes were not green and red, but colored with a soft magenta. An aura of kindness and gentleness effused from her, and she felt that just maybe she could trust this person. The tall, white alicorn was just like the sister that she remembered. She was so relaxed by this time, that even when Celestia reached into to the water to lift her leg and clean it, she didn’t protest.

The elder sister saw the change and was glad. She knew that she had not lost Luna completely. Luna wasn’t smiling yet, but she clearly wasn’t deathly afraid either. When she was done, she looked at her sister and suppressed a giggle when she saw her coat was a scraggly mess of blue and white. She took a pitcher with both hooves and drew out a measure of water. Then she poured it out slowly over the more soapy patches of Luna’s coat, washing away the suds. She repeated the action, until the tiny princess was free of the soap. Once more then she deliberately made a move to pick her up, and when Luna didn’t flinch, she lifted her out of the tub and onto the tiled floor.

After pulling the stopper out of the drain, she reached for a yellow towel hanging on a rack nearby, and brought it to Luna’s coat. The white alicorn quickly rubbed the fluffy material over her whole body. The towel absorbed the moisture dripping from her fur fast and before too long, she was dry.

As Celestia finished drying off the wet alicorn, she heard a slight rumble coming from her stomach. “Ahhh, is somepony hungry?” Celestia asked, putting as much care and love into her voice as possible. Sniffling slightly, Luna looked down towards the ground and gave the smallest of nods. “Alright then, I think some cookies and milk are in order.” Celestia stood up to get them their special little midnight snack. As she was just about to leave, Luna started to look around, and she realized how different she felt now than from moments ago. Now, she was only afraid that Celestia would leave her and never come back, forcing her to fend for herself in her feeble state. Celestia halted when she heard her sister start to whimper.

Looking back, she saw her sister staring at her pleadingly. “Don’t-don’t go…” she whispered hoarsely, speaking so softly Celestia barely heard her speak.

“I’ll only be just one min-” Celestia started before being cut off by her sister.

“No, please don’t go,” Luna said again, looking at her sister with tearful eyes. “I don’t wanna be alone…” She cast her gaze down. Soon, Celestia saw tears begin to run down her face again.

“Luna…” Celestia cooed softly as she hurriedly went to sit down beside her sister. Pulling her into a tight hug, she said, “I’ll never leave you again, little sister… I promise you that.” As Luna’s sobs of relief wracked her small frame, Celestia tightened her hug, pulling her beloved sister against her warm chest. Extending her wings to her fullest extent, she laid them over her sister’s back, pulling her even closer. “I’ll never let you go…” She held her there for several minutes, more than happy to sit there the entire night if that’s what it took to calm her sister down.

Thankfully, that wasn’t the case. Several minutes later, Luna’s sobs eventually quieted down to whimpers. Looking up at her sister, Luna gave her a quick nuzzle and softly whispered, “I love you, Tia…”

As love and happiness blossomed in her heart, Celestia pulled her back into her embrace and contentedly said, “Oh, Luna, I love you too!” Giving her a quick nuzzle, she pulled back and asked, “Now, what about that snack?”

After wiping the last of the tears from her eyes, Luna said, “That-that would be nice, sister.” She started to walk out of the bathroom, but she stopped when her sister wasn’t following her. She glanced back over her shoulder and asked, “Aren’t you coming?”

“Luna, those sheets that you had your accident on were irreplaceable hoof-woven sheets from Saddle Arabia. Those aren’t that easy to come by, and they’re really expensive. With that being said, we can’t have you having accidents throughout the night…” Celestia said, looking a little guilty as she tried to hide a small smile.

“Whatever do you mean, sister?” Luna asked in confusion as she cocked her head to the side, letting her damp mane hang loosely over her shoulder.

Lighting her horn, Celestia summoned a rather large box from the bathroom’s closet and laid it between the two. Walking up to it out of curiosity, Luna poked the top of the box off and gasped as she saw its contents. Diaper after diaper lined the interior of the box along with a basket of common baby lotions and other various essentials. “Sister... why?”

“Because in your weakened state, it is apparent that you cannot control even your most basic bodily actions, and this is merely a temporary solution that would prevent you from having more accidents. Now please, be a good little filly and lie on your back.”

As Luna complied, she said, “But sister, that time has passed. I don’t need to wear diapers; I never have since I was a foal!”

“It’s alright, dearest sister. Even us mares can lose control; I think they call it stress incontinence, and I’m pretty sure that this is exactly what you have. There is no reason to fret though, because I’m here to make sure that this next week is going to be as stress free as possible!” Celestia said with a happy smile as she levitated one of the plastic-backed and crinkly diapers from the box. Enlarging it with her magic so that it would fit an adult mare, she set it down next to her sister as she grabbed the baby powder from the box.

Luna sat on her rump, staring at the diaper with a mix of confused thoughts. One part of her told her that this was so unheard of, and she wanted to reject it. She was a princess after all. But another part, along with the events of this night told her that it was completely all right. That former part of her still remembered that nightmare, but moreover it remembered the days from before. It held onto the past, making her fear and doubt herself. This world seemed so hard; everypony seemed so hostile, so easy to ignore her. The fear of all this was strong, and it held her down, kept her paralyzed beyond any hope of anything better.

Yet that other part saw the pony in front of her smiling sweetly. Celestia wanted to help her, and Luna knew that her sister only had her best interests at heart. Celestia wanted to help her; she was just asking for a little trust first. Yet it seemed so hard to trust her. How could she not be afraid if she gave up control? The prospect beat at her mind and would not seem to give her peace… But then in that moment, Luna realized she was tired. She was tired of being afraid, tired of sleepless nights and days, and tired of seeing her own sister as the bad pony. If she took a gamble, it would be more than worth it.

Finally, Luna found her tiny voice again. “O- Ok, I guess…” Luna trailed off as she hesitantly laid on her back and spread her hind legs, exposing herself to her older sister. It seemed strange to her. She should have felt ashamed, or even nervous, for showing her sister her privates, but the only thing she felt was a sense of love and of being safe. There was no fear here, because she knew Celestia loved her. She wasn’t ashamed that she was weak now. Even the strongest ponies needed help sometimes, and it was her turn to let somepony help her.

Moments later, Celestia powdered her up by shaking the small white bottle of powder all over her genitals. Sprinkling a little bit inside the diaper, Celestia used her magic to tilt Luna back so that she could slide the diaper underneath her. Pulling the front of the diaper in between her legs, Celestia quickly taped the diaper shut with her magic and gave it a small pat. Testing the waistband with her magic, she asked, “It’s not too tight, is it, Luna?”

As the soft edges of the diaper curled around her, Luna felt like she was being placed in the most unbreakable protection. Until she was ready to go back into the world, she was untouchable under her sister’s grace.

“No, it’s fine…” Luna said, her forelegs curling up to her chest. “It actually feels really...nice.” She smiled warmly at Celestia, who bent down and kissed her on the forehead, just like a loving mother would.

“Now, what about those cookies?” Celestia asked as she stood back up, allowing her sister to do the same.

As she rolled over to stand back up, Luna yawned loudly, eliciting a slight giggle from her sister. “I actually kinda just want to go to bed, sister. I’m pretty tired; I’m sure you can understand...”

“Oh… okay,” Celestia said, feeling a little downcast; she had been looking forward to a little snacking before bed. “I’ll leave you to your rest then…”

“No!” Luna said a little too loudly. “No, I mean… can you spend the night with me? Please?” She looked at her sister hopefully, praying that her sister would agree to stay with her.

“Of course, sister,” Celestia contentedly said as she gave her sister a quick but loving nuzzle just under the cheek. They both walked out of the bathroom and made their way over to the bed. Quickly but carefully cleaning the sheets of Luna’s earlier accident with her magic, the sun princess climbed up onto the bed, waiting for Luna to do the same.

When the padded alicorn got onto it and lay down, the elder followed suite. Once more Celestia nuzzled her, and the two of them enjoyed the shared warmth of their bodies and the soft tickle of their fur. Once more, the sun princess’s left wing drew over and covered Luna, and the younger sister wiggled in pleasure and contentedness as the warmth and safety covered her almost completely. How could she have been afraid of this only a short while ago, when her sister was so gentle? That was who she was, Luna remembered with a little giggle. Even when she ruled over unruly subjects, she always was the one who wanted to let them off easy.

Luna felt completely secure in her sister’s embrace. She knew that she could awake tomorrow and return for the first time to her library, ready to pour the infinite knowledge of the contents of her books into her mind. And with Celestia here, no one would dare stop her. It wouldn’t be long before she could start to do magic again, and her heart leapt with joy when she thought she might get to raise the moon again. It had been too long since she had done this service for the world, and she wanted so much to start doing it again. How her servants and elite guards must be waiting so eagerly to speak to her; how she wanted to greet them. It was all so attainable, here, in her sister’s embrace. She had all the time in the world to grow again and to one day reclaim her long forgotten throne as the princess of the night and the regent of dreams.

Celestia ran a hoof through the night princess’ mane, stroking the tresses and enjoying how silky they were. The two lie there like that in the dim light of the fading candle, and as time grew on, each of them started to regain their tranquil weariness from all of tonight’s fusses and wonders. Luna’s eyelids started to droop first, and she opened them again with a little effort. She didn’t want this moment to end so early. Yet even the older princess was starting to feel sleepy, and Luna could feel the rise and fall of her chest even out as Celestia’s breathing slowed down.

In a final attempt to hold onto this moment, Luna said softly again, “I love you, sister.”

Celestia, through sleepy eyes, pulled the blankets over the two of them, and she answered, “I love you too, Luna. Let us sleep now; tomorrow is a brand new day.” And like that, Luna desired to enter into her long sought-after world, the land of dreams. Gently the shade of sleep drew over her, even as Celestia’s downy feathers brushed over her, and before she knew it, the two of them had fallen asleep, comforted by the other’s embrace.

Comments ( 22 )

There is nothing that needs to said. This is beautiful. :heart:


Very nice. Hope Luna recovers well!

...Fine. I guess that was kinda cute.

The diaper felt a little too abrupt. A sheet change to something less fancy would have been fitting, and if/when she had another accident it would be justified. Reading through your replies shows me why you chose to do this, but it still doesn't really tackle the problem of how the diaper's inclusion is logical.

Does this mark the end of the story, or is there yet more to be added? While it reads like a conclusion, it does not feel particularly definitive.

shoulda gone cookies then diaper. but overall i sympathize with Luna's mental state. I remember how out of it i was after being admitted into hospital in 2009 for a blood clot. I hadn't been able to sleep a wink in four weeks by that time and that proves that without sleep you truly do lose our mind and cant distinguish reality from fantasy.

Prior to hospital when i tried to sleep my breathing would stop and shock me awake instantly, i have scoliosis and it is what has caused my breathing and heart issues. in hospital i started using a bpap and eventually blood thinners and diuretic but my first week was hardest. My memory was in and out. My younger bro was with me the first 2 days or so and my mind was so out of it i thought my fate had been switched with his. I was severely burned when i was 10 and now im an amputee and i started crying when i thought i saw his amputated leg hanging off the edge of the bed. i even checked my own limbs as he came over to ask what was wrong and showed me his leg. I even asked if Obama was still president.

He eventually had to go home because his wedding was in a few weeks. in the meantime i thought i was dying and they were trying to let me go and that my brother couldnt handle me dying. i was hallucinating, caption on tv appeared messed up, lost track of time, etc. I wet the bed for first time in ages cuz i was half dreaming nurse came in and was helping me go. i even had a dream i thought i was a ww2 soldier who lost his legs. The wierdest probably was when i was dreaming my mind was connected to internet while my eyes were actually open staring at the ceiling and i couldnt get out and started crying.

in all my time in hospital over the years never had an experience like that. Just goes to show you how out of it you can really get. Oxygen deprivation and insane severe lack of sleep is a bad combination. And i felt more at ease when my brother was there, so i sympathize with Luna and Celestia cept in my case im the older sibling. :trollestia:

Needs a sequel. :heart:

While I rather enjoyed this story the ending seemed far too abrupt. And the diapering... Wouldn't a change of sheets be more appropriate? If the accidents continued then the diapers would have been a good choice.

Really? Some sheets are more valuable for Celestia then her for a thousand years lost sister?
Embarrassment is a really needed addition to already cramped mental state of Luna, for sure...
Except diaper part very good story though.

"Luna gives up just a little control willingly and consciously because she trusts her sister."
this line is the problem right there , you presented no reason for this to occur , in fact you made it so reason for the opposite would be the case with
"“But sister, that time has passed. I don’t need to wear diapers; I never have since I was a foal!”"
"One part of her told her that this was so unheard of, and she wanted to reject it. She was a princess after all."

also using possible mess making as a driver for the inclusion of this realllly doesn't hold up when in the adjacent paragraph you include "Enlarging it with her magic so that it would fit an adult mare,"......

:trollestia: Well done, I like this story.

Finally a good story of how luna would have been exsept may e the diaper but that arguable the point is that fear or celestia was well done. And this is for u /)

This can either go very very cute or very very bad.

Oh my god there needs to be more, this was such a cute story, and I love the thought of Luna with her big sister. I love the thought of her still being haunted by such things, and the fact that Celestia is so caring only reflects the heart a big sister should have towards their sister.

Excellent story! I almost skipped it due to the diaper warning, but I'm glad I didn't.

Its good ;)

I cri erveytim:raritycry::raritycry:

I can understand lunas fears and being helpless against them. she is in a very vulnerable position as this transition takes place. it sounds like shes living in a nightmare, and is totally afraid of everything. it looks like shes taking some vital steps though. I think shell be fine, with her sisters help.

I would love to see someone do this on youtube. It is just so cute !!!

The first chapter was great, but the second just felt too abrupt.

Hello, I am the ABDL of Chinese cartoon fan MLP. I like this story very much. Please allow me to translate it into Chinese and reprint it to the following website

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