• Member Since 18th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

Jade Ring

The purpose of a story is that it's a story. It can be more, but it can never be less.



This story is a sequel to Slender

Equestria is ruined. The Slender One's reach cannot be escaped and now the populations of entire cities have disappeared, vanished without a trace.

Even the princesses have left the ponies to their fate.

Big Macintosh returns to Ponyville with a team of like-minded ponies and one goal in his mind; to stop the evil once and for all.

Cover art by Swirling Line, of course.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 28 )

Cool. Spark seems a bit more of a jerk than how I designed him, but I guess that's what apocalypses do to you.

:twilightsmile: Really well written. I'm enjoying all the characters, hope Hattie is a little madder in the next chapter.

Been waiting for this one for a long time...and it's finally here.:rainbowdetermined2:

Also, are we going to get back stories on these OC's or are they just there for Slender bait?:applejackunsure:

yay conclusions.

I hope (crosses fingers)

He really is Mr Exposition

*waits for part II*

3426817 A wee bit of backstory... but mostly Slender-Bait. Sorry guys.

I'm not sure what to think. If this posse is just going to their doom, we'll just be left with a reiteration of the "Just Before the End" note that the last story played. If they did somehow manage to kill the Slender One... well, you just don't usually do a Slender story like that. Still, it should be interesting either way.

Geez, got my hopes up for finally getting this over with....:twilightsheepish:
But yeah, this did merit its own bit. It's a good job illustrating the emotions and motivations of the characters and engendering sympathy, despite having only a vague idea of where they're coming from (Mac notwithstanding).

Also, FIRST:trollestia:

And now to sit eagerly for the final part.

What I hope is the final part. I thought this would be it but it was another chapter.

Don't get me wrong, this was a nice chapter that gave some great insight into the characters, I just want to read about the Slender one and see what the heck happens! *does an eager jig*


:fluttercry: Ruby's all grown up. She's fighting the supernatural and hitting on stallions for a one-night stand. -Sniff- I'm so proud! :raritycry:

Well... that felt pointless. Fun in a horrible gothic way, but pointless.

OK, so not so pointless after all, but the fact that there is in essence more real plot development in the stinger for next year than in the whole rest of the story is a little grating.
Incidentally, by sheer coincidence I had been listening to "Velcro Fly" just before I started reading, so I got to imagine Mac and the rest were hearing the God Drums of Lud.:pinkiehappy:

3594287 No story is pointless. If a story is told, no matter how bleak, then it has served it's purpose.

“Now, seeing as Lu-Lu only just released me from my stone prison, perhaps ]you can tell me.” His yellow eyes focused on Leo.

I'm not sure that the bracket should be there.

Ad now for my thoughts on the story: I liked it. I think you did all of our characters justice. Also, why didn't anypony think to burn down the Everfree?

3606272 How did I miss that?

As to the 'Burn Everfree' plan, even if someone had thought of it, it wouldn't have worked. Notice at the end, the winds were pushing the flames away from the forest.

Man I waited too long to read this, I thought I was hoping for a happy ending but i was surprised by how satisfying the final was.

I agree. :ajbemused: Terrible end to a great idea.

My only problem with this whole plot-thread is that Alex's solution seemed to be the only one really worth anything (burn the tapes, kill everyone who had any knowledge of Slendy, who runs off obsession, the more obsessed you become with him, the more he's drawn to you) until wossname fucked that all up. Ending seems hopeful.
With EverymanHYBRID and Tribetwelve now being added to the mix, canon gets tricky to keep track of.
Although you'll get a huge cookie if you use "severance".

It's good but definitely not the best I've read

Oh no... Please let them live!

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