• Published 6th Mar 2012
  • 1,344 Views, 23 Comments

How do You Like THEM Apples? - Satch

AJ roughs up Pinkie quite roughly.

  • ...

Chapter 1

“Howd’ja like them apples?”

(Ps: don’t expect too be impressed with awesomesauce writing, this is mainly to toss ideas/concepts along)

”So, what didja bring me here for Jackie? Is it a surprise Huh? Huh?”
Applejack glances backwards with a smirk
“Well, ya could say that sugar-cube, it will surely be a surprise for you at least”
“Ooh! Sounds interesting, I’ve never been to your cellar before!”
Applejack came to a halt near the end of one side, and motioned towards four metal plates in the ground, each had a hole in it, angled slightly to either side of it’s corners.

“C’mon girl, stand on tis here for me will ya?” Applejack stated with a friendly smile
Pinkie gasped in amazement at the... not so impressive looking contraption as she bounced up onto it. “Oh oh! What is it, what is it? Is it a game? Will it be fun? Huh, will it?”
“Yupp, you can call it that, and ayupp it will, ah promise” Applejack stated honestly
And with a pull of a lever to the side of the metal plate, a creak could be heard as something was released from within, sounding like something coming rapidly up from underneath.
“For me...” she added in a cold tone after the lever reached the ground.

Pinkie didn’t even have time to process what was just said to her as pain seared through all four of her hooves and near the shin at each leg. She let out a yelp in agony as pain suddenly overtook all her senses as she almost fell into a shock from what had just happened.
“Applejack! What are you doing? This hurts! I don’t want too play anymore...” Pinkie forced out through pained breaths. As she glanced down,she could see bloodied metal spikes sticking out though her flesh, as she didn’t seem to be gushing out blood, they seemed intended to keep the pony it was used on alive, and not bleeding fiercely.

Applejack stood in silence, cross one pair of legs over the other and leaned against a pole in front of her. Pinkie tried to move, but this only erupted into more pain, and a very slim result, if she wanted to get the pikes out, she had to pry her hoofises out, and leave open the bare wound. She soon realized that she was stuck for.. for..
“A-Applejack?” she stammered, mustering her resolve to continue “Wh-what are you going to do with me? And... and why?”

This cause Applejack to rise up and stand again, she then proceeded with slowly circling Pinkie. “Well ya see Pinkie, there are lots of fun things we ponies can do around these parts, and then there’s a few things we ponies can’t. And sadly, your latest prank, and these new “party plans” fits into that later category. Now, ah have been assigned the task ta try and ... “persuade” you to behave this one time, and listen when yer asked to not do one of yer crazy schemes. As ya can see, ah take my duties seriously... I’ve once before had to give Dash and Rarity a hint, but they quickly took it, and listened ta reason. But you... you, constantly have ignored my warnings to the best of your ability, refusing to look at my signals and hints, so it has come this now. Ya have forced me ta get physical with ya, it seems like you won’t listen to works, but maybe we can beat some sense into you.“

“B-but... I just wanted to, I was going to... I mean, over at the gra-“ Pinkie felt a hoof slam against her chin and was abruptly interrupted.
“Ah told ya, ah am gonna have ta teach you a lesson Pinkie, and ah won’t stop until you can get it into that pretty little head o yours.”
Pinkie cringed and whinnied as she endured several other strikes that came to follow over the coarse of around two minutes.

Tears streamed down her bruised cheeks as she coughed up some blood, the metallic taste making her nauseated. “Jackie... please stop... you don’t have to do this *sniff* we’re friend remember..?” Pinkie’s hair had deflated during the first minute of beating.
“Ah am your friend, and ah am doing this since I care about you sugar-cube. We want ta avoid any more slip-ups with you, and trust me, twas either me or somepony else that had to do this, and ah couldn't stand the thought of what tha other pony would do to ya Pinkie... just take into consideration that ah am going easy on ya”

Pinkie looked up at Applejack with sorrow and anger in her eyes.
“No you’re not! It hurts really bad, and if you do this to others you should feel bad! You’re bad, and being a terrible friend, a meanie Mcmeanpants and you’re not making any sense! Just stop this and I’ll bake you a cake? Please, anything? I can let you join in on the prank thi-*CRACK*” her eyes shot wise open as pain once more burst through her, this time it was allot more painful the blows she had received up to now... maybe she was taking in easy on her after all. As Pinkie let out a scream of agony she could feel how her right front leg had it’s bone snapped off by Applejacks powerful buck. Her scream died down as the pain went from unbearable to intense pulsating in her leg.

“There, that any better? You wanted equal treatment... Pinkie, just promise to stop what you have planned and this can all end. You don’t have to do this you know?”
Applejack looked at Pinkie solemnly, looking at her for a response.
“Please Jackie... just let me go. I will throw you a par-*CRACK*

Applejack turned back around from the second kick and forced Pinkie up by tugging at her hair with a hoof. “Pinkie, just stop your silly games and do as you’re told and this can all be over. And we can go back to being friends like nothing happened, don’t make me continue.”
Pinkie glared up at her with a expression that said it all, spat her in the face and yelled.
She soon found herself with an apple in her mouth.

“Now listen here missy... ah will try ma darnest ta get you to give up your more crazy shenanigans, and to do as you’re told when asked. If ah’m unable to get ya to cooperate, ya will have had a little “accident” on the way here, ya understand?”
Pinkie stared in Applejacks harsh eyes in disbelief, she could feel fresh tears well up as her legs screamed of pain as they were being strained upwards.

Pinkie faltered a bit before she found herself being dropped, her head slammed into the ground with a cry of pain. She tried to get up, but her legs just wouldn’t support her anymore. She could hear Applejack trot around her to the back, presumable to work the rest of her legs... “I-I’m still not gonna do it... I’ve planned for this prank for months! It will be glor-“ *THUMP* she had been expecting another blow to her legs, but she found it to be in between them. Her hind legs instantly gave under her weight and she collapsed onto the ground, Pinkie’s world was in a blur right now, the pain she had just felt crippled her every thought, every movement. It was far from as hard as the other kicks had been, but it was the placement of it... the placement that had meant it all.

Her body writhed in pain on the floor. She found herself throwing up at the peak of her misery. She had never felt pain like that before. Struggling to stand, she realised her legs did not obey her right now.
“Just agree to do what we say Ms Pinkamina and this will all be over. Please don’t make me hit you there again, it’s not really a honest thing to have to do.”
Pinkie just whimpered as her body shivered in response.

She closed her eyes shut and tried too hope the pain would go away. She could hear Applejack trot away to wards where she thought she had seen a fireplace before... why would an apple cellar need a fireplace anyhow? It’s not like it would be us-*ssssss* new pain welcomed her back to her senses as she screamed out she could start to smell... burnt flesh?
She darted her eyes back and saw Applejack removing a branding iron from her side and looked at her, seeming to wait for Pinkie to make the next move.

Pinkie responded by staring poison at her intently, huffing and glancing in the other direction, this just gave her another searing reply from her captor. She bit into one of her limp legs in an attempt to muffle her cries. By Celestia it hurt so bad... she could feel her fur just being incinerated as the material started to singe and dig into her flesh. Maybe AJ would stop if she stopped screaming? Maybe she just wanted to hear her beg for it, well, Pinkamina Diane Pie was not about to give her that satisfaction.

She heard an irritated sigh, then follow by some hoofsteps and a switch going on. And Pinkie suddenly felt her entire body spasming as electricity shoot through the spikes. Pinkie felt like she was being cooked from the inside and out, her hair standing straight up once more, and she felt like foam was starting to gather at her mouth, and then it went dark...
She awoke shortly after, feeling something sharp being pulled out of her skin. She shakily looked around while breathing heavily. She had now entirely given up on that AJ just did this for the pleasure of hearing her suffer, she did really want something from her...

“Pinkie, I’m giving you one last chance now before things get dirty... so far you can likely make a full recover in a couple of weeks.”
After managing to pinpoint the direction, behind of her. She now suddenly felt what AJ was talking about... near her thighs, she could feel heat radiating, it was the branding iron and it was being held next too her... Pinkie’s head and eyes shot up as straight as her abused legs would allow”

“NO PLEASE! STOP! NOT THAT, NOT THERE! I’LL DO WHATEVER YOU ASK! JUST PLEASE... DON’T DO IT!” her voice was full of panic as she lost control over herself trying to escape what was about to happen. This caused the sound of red hot iron being cooled off with liquid, Pinkie could still feel that it was more then hot enough for the task however and didn’t stop her mad trembling as fresh tears streamed down her cheeks.

She laid as motionless as she could sobbing quietly, hoping it wouldn’t hurt as much as she imagined. But the pain never came, she suddenly head metal clang to the floor and the tension and a breath she didn’t notice she was holding started to let go.
“Ah’m so glad ya finally came to yer senses Pinkie. That could have gotten nasty right there ya hear?” Pinkie was still to busy cowering to dare to say anything and just nodded meekly.


Several minutes later, Pinkie had been propped up with a soft chair under her stomach to help her stand straight and lessen the burden on the legs. Pinkie had still yet to recover from the panic she felt in her heart, but had calmed down enough to be able to speak again.
“So Pinkie, the painkillers should start working in a few minutes, in the meantime, let up repeat: How did you break your legs again?”

Pinkie shuffles as much as the chair allowed and shakily stated: “I-I was climbing a tree, but s-slipped and landed roughly on a rock. And.. and then you happened to hear me call for help and took m-me to the hospital...”
“Atta girl. And stop being so scared of me sugar-cube, you’re in good hooves my pink friend, or don’t ya trust me?” Applejack narrowed her eyes
“N-no! I mean, I totally trust you! You’re the element of honesty, why would you lie?” Pinkie responded, fidgeting nervously.

“That’s what I thought.” Applejack stated with a confident smile on her face, nuzzling against Pinkie’s cheek with her own briefly before she turned to the location of the fireplace.
“Oi, ya could come out now, ah would need some help with getting ‘er back up and ta the clinic” First Pinkie was confused, but she suddenly noticed that there indeed was the silhouette of a pony in the shadows behind the fireplace. Pinkie was flabbergasted, had that pony just sat there and... watched as she was being tortured?! She didn’t have to wonder for long who the mystery pony was however, as it soon got up on all fours and walked forth.

Out from the shadows steps a regal figure, as it comes into the light, it reveals a pristine white unicorn with gorgeous purple hair, levitating magically a need with pink thread, make up, and bandages the same color as Pinkie’s coat. Halting her whimpering, Pinkie looks up and her eyes widened with shock.
“So glad you came to your senses darling, now lets get you presentable for tomorrow...”

Authors note: See? It’s not that damn hard to make a grimdark-ish fanfic or work that is not cupcakes. Like AJ would say: “Good gravy girl”. This ain’t meant to be extremely good, nor proofread much at all. But I just wanted to make a point that it ain’t that hard to add some variation. Like said, I’m not a anti-violence hypocrite, but it’s like if the Simpson's ONLY showed their Halloween specials, every day, all of them. You’d get bored rather quickly.

Comments ( 23 )

It was alright.

Only notable error I see:

“N-no! I mean, I totally trust you! You’re the element of loyalty, why would you lie?”

Either Pinkie's in complete hysterics at that moment, or the author made a slip.

It's good I suppose...:unsuresweetie:
Don't get me wrong I love horror as much as romance.:twilightblush:
keep up that fantastic writing of yours:pinkiehappy:

292822 Whops, derp. Okay that was quite a big slip up on my part heh.
She could very well be in hysteric as well thou xP

292990 Thanks. It was mainly just a semi-prove-a-point fic thou.

That was quite good. A bit violent and gory, but who doesn't love that every once in a while? Much better than Cupcakes on a child-friendly rating, and I'd say that it definitely deserves a thumbs up and :scootangel: The Scoot of Approval.

293472 Thanks. And yeah, it was a bit to prove that you don't have to kill to be "dark" as well.

My moustache and I applaud you. Very well done.:moustache:

293623 Thanks. Far from a fic I am pleased/proud over having done thou heh.

Gore Fics are a bit like Clop Fics: Most people don’t read them because the story is so great. In Clop Fics people want to see Ponies fuck, in Gore Fics people want to see how ponies get dismembered in bloody and gory ways.

That’s why it’s always: “Pony X is crazy because nobody loves her/ her friends said something rude/ she forget to put out to light before she left home and starts to kill one or more ponies in her secret torture basement.” Nobody cares if a character is OOC as long as the blood flows. There may be exceptions but that’s the basic of most Gore Fics.

You tried to make something different instead of writing another Cupcakes. Well I think you succeeded. But like you said, too, it’s not a masterpiece of writing.

AJ is pretty OOC, but that’s nothing unexpected in such a story. However, you could’ve given us more information about the prank Pinkie planed and made AJ use such drastic measures. Sure we get some hints but that’s all. Also I would’ve liked it if you had shown us some scenes in which AJ tried to talk some sense into Pinkie. In this story it looks like torture was her first idea.

If she would’ve tried some different approaches first and failed then it would’ve made more sense to use the heavy guns. Not that this would’ve justified her treatment of Pinkie. She seriously injured Pinkie and was willing to go even further by crippling and/ or killing her just because of some annoying pranks. I doubt that they just can go back to normal and Pinkie will try to stay away from AJ for the rest of her life.

295648 To an extent, I will agree with you. I almost always read stories for the story. If it is grossly ooc or makes no sense, I won't like it. Romance Reports is a great example. I blends story in with sex, heck, many even skipped the sex to read more story, but problem there being that there was story, IN the sex scenes as well xP

While I didn't put much, or any effort in this one to "make sense", I personally prefer them to stay close to ooc and have a logical reason. I'm sure the majority just wants to see blood flow, but that is them, with their simple superficial minds xP

But yeah, it was just made to make an exception/point that people didn't have to keep making cupcakes v 72. There was other options to take. The quality is well, bellow my average I think. Not that my average is very good to start with heh.

And lets see, if I recall right when I wrote it. Pinkie has planned to pull a huge prank on some important pony/visitor from out of town. (possibly Celestia) that,or someone suggest it could be a prequel to cupcakes where they (somehow) find out about Pinkie starting to slip, and "corrects" her before she gets anywhere. And I know it looks like torture was her plan all along, but if I recall, I was playing a bit with the "Apple Mafia" joke at the time, so either she had had talks with Pinkie, or went straight to the point to prove that "Don't even fucking dare go there, next time you won't even get a warning."

I know it would make more sense, but like said, it was partially jury rigged to start with heh. And in my logic, killing her would only be last resort. But to my defense of "just because of some pranks", this is Pinkie we are talking about, imagine her on a constant pranking spree for a few months. She would get most ponies ticked off. Anyhow, as said with her being scared of her, see it as a passive bonus of me being a female haha. Males are more direct and physical in their "pain", females are generally known to aim for mental tormenting. Most wounds can heal, mental scars stay. Compare a "and then she died" ending to a "and then she had constant nightmares for several weeks before just going over to being a nervous wreck for a couple of months before being able to properly suppress it. I won't lie when I say I could easily make a story that would make cupcakes seem weak (heck, it is pretty weak tbh, just aiming for shock value), as well as being IC and greatly psychologically tormenting, especially for the one that doesn't get injured at all. I likely won't however, as not even I want to write it, it's to gruesome, especially since none dies in it. Plus, I' far from good enough to write it properly enough. But yeah, gore fics are a very special genre.

Don't undersell the gore fiction in FIM; After all, what about Cheerile's Garden? I still think that one takes the cake. That, or Flutter. Both impressive works. ;)

315687 Well, I can just say that I've seen allot of rather generic "shock value" stories in the gore fiction.
I am aware that there are good ones, but like said, like with many genres, there's "the few really good ones".
Haven't read those thou.

Really? You're missing out! Cheerilee's garden was phenomenal. I particularly like Flutter, although I don't think it's on FIMfiction. But I totally get what you mean.

315818 Mind giving a quick resumé of both? xP
Rather busy atm, but might make time to try and read if they sound intriguing enough.

Cheerilee's Garden:
When Cheerilee gets assigned to a new class of problematic students, she slowly slips into a depression. Can a special talent go away? She has always loved what she does, but these students are unreachable. With the school play coming up, she slowly comes to the conclusion that it is not her, but the students, who are the problem, and comes up with a sinister way to trim these "weeds" from her garden of "blossoming" students.

When Fluttershy stumbles across a small animal in a field during the dead of winter, she immediately tries to save it, but gets stung by a small barb from inside the furry thing instead, and passes out. Waking from a hospital, she feels fine, and goes home. After awhile, she feels strange and suddenly finds herself giving birth to a small white bundle of cat/pony like fluff. She is overtaken with affection for this strange thing, but has no idea what chaos it will wreak on her life, and the future of ponyville.

Cheerilee's Garden is a fantastic grimdark gore fic, but if you're not into supernatural-based fics, fLuTtEr may not be your cup of tea. Both are highly recommended, though.

Cheerilee's garden is relatively short; fLuTtEr is pretty godamn long. :trollestia::heart:

316472 Hum, can kinda guess what happens in both of them. At least the garden one. The other I can guess the majority of. (have to say the start seems a bit to random for my liking, but it works due to being fantasy.)

Would have to discard flutter I think, mainly due to the premise of it being long, and as said, don't got to much time or motivation to read with.
The garden I might give a watch. Even if it sounds like it'd take a "overly unnecessarily elongated path" (I think that is a word) or a "skipping the option to "remove the thorns from the rose" direction". I actually think I'll searching for it here. (if it was on FiMF) And I hope the "these things" made any sense, kinda late atm, and a bit tired heh.

(althou, that said, not knowing which of the ~3 plausible ways I can see her take, it's leaning towards the one that involves killing for the sake of extra gore. But I could be wrong and it could be the "other" path, I would likely have taken if I'd written a similar thing.)

And ah: Thanks for the resume's. Much appreciated.

Cheerilee's Garden is here on FIMfiction, and no, I don't think it's too long (Not sure if that's what you're asking.) It's a shame about Flutter, but I can totally understand why you might pass on that one; It's a long time investment, and there's even an equally long sequel in production. I bet you might be able to guess the barest sense of where Flutter heads, but it is so artfully convoluted and involved that it would probably surprise you; Part of the reason I enjoyed reading it, since I'm not usually a fan of extra-fantasy in a cartoon fiction.

319668 (Firstly, don't expect to good grammar or sense, I wrote when a bit woozy heh) Well, I read/skimmed through it and as I expected, it took the "easy" way of out random gore. And even through I skimmed, I have to say the "detailed parts" (I actually read more closely) felt rather odd, I couldn't get a good grasp of the Scootaloo scene, like, what exactly she was in, and how it worked, and where Cheerilee got it from. I mean, I read it a few times, but yeah, I couldn't really understand how it worked. Might not have tried hard enough to understand it thou. But yeah, it was rather good written, but it had many cliche moments and aimed for "shock and awe", not on Cupcakes level, but it leant there quite allot. Would have found it much more interesting if she took the diabilical/devious path instead of snapped/insane. Since it really had the "I asked you nicely to stop without putting much effort in it, so now I've had enough, and taking the most extreme measure from using one of the least extreme is the only way to go! Plus, ignoring actual promises she'd very likely actually keep" (if that made any sense xD)

Since tbh, it would have been really interesting to read about what my AJ/Pinkie story touched, (although it didn't do it to well tbh, or went very far xP) having Cheerilee break down, dominate, then control her students with fear and an iron hoof. And of course nopony would believe the children with their "wild imagination". Cheerilee is such a nice pony, that they even would dare suggest such things are just ridiculous, and they should be ashamed. But yeah, it's kinda like porn, rather mindless, and if you are onyl after more graphic visual stuff, that type works better. (it had some odd descriptions at times thou imo. Like the tomato juice one.)

So yeah, from what I read so far, it just throws gore in there "for show". There was quite a few odd section (like the Cupcakes double self-wetting. She emptied her bladder, then pissed herself because of it... yeah, makes total sense. In this one it was Scoots being crushed, yet having time to see the machine "come crashing down", yet she was lodged stuck by it pressing her down. It's like "She saw the knife at her throat come rushing towards her", and that her eye made it, those quite easy "pop". That one might could work thou. But yeah, it had to little continuity or relevance to be interesting. It was just Cheerilee killing ponies in questionable ways without anyone noticing in any ways. And ofc, going fully mental without a very decent reason. I only bothered to read around half, skimming several drawn out parts. For those wanting to just read about torture and gore, it's probably a rather good story. But it was lacking to much for me to find it a good story. (I'm a bit picky when it comes to gore xP) Plus, she pretty much killed more then half of her class. And the near last scene was just odd, especially since none noticed it. And overall: Overly sound proof walls and uninhabited areas. So meh. If I'd rate it, it'd be between ~1-2, for just gore fanatics, maybe ~3-4. It had to many holes and illogical parts to be any good. It had potential, but took the boring/easy way out imo.

Anyhow, what goes for Flutter, I can just guess it involves the things rapidly(?) growing up, murdered ponies start popping up, she slowly finds out it's "her babies", she has hard to stop them as they're "her babies" and etc. And it'd mainly be about them or her seeing them maim and murder ponies in gory ways? Possibly that she starts to help/clean up after them or so. Or turns into something similar herself. If I'd have more time and will, I might have tried reading it, but I found gardens to be rather dull as well, then again, I never spent to much motivation on reading it, partly since I got close to none heh. But yeah, I generally place a standard on a "story motive" or "interesting plot". Stuff like Cupcakes failing it hard, just a very simple "I gut ponies and turn them to cupcakes, for no discernible or logical reason, and for no reason either, I also torture them in the process. And yell stuff at them, alongside being a pussy myself, yay" (ok, even bad explanation for a caricature/sarcastic explanation, but w/e xP) and I know mine don't fall very well at all on "story" either, but I at least tried to hint towards a point or reasoning behind it. Althou, with them being examples as said, that area was sadly not in focus. And I trailed of allot here ^^' But yeah, if you feel like revealing the whole story of flutters in a "wrap up", that could be nice, since it'd prolly be the only way I could "read it" in. Anyhow, I went on long enough here, hope I managed to make any sense.

"Anyhow, what goes for Flutter, I can just guess it involves the things rapidly(?) growing up, murdered ponies start popping up, she slowly finds out it's "her babies", she has hard to stop them as they're "her babies" and etc. "

Surprisingly, that's how I thought it was going to go down, too; It sort of does at first, but takes some surprising turns that, at first, seem a little OOC for Fluttershy, but it's explained so well pretty soon that it actually feels pretty believable.

And yeah, you've got valid points there for Cheerilee's Garden. I really did mean it was great for the gore genre.

325240 As said, will prolly not get around to reading, so might as well spoil if you feel like it's worth telling :derpytongue2: (likely in a PM thou)
But hum, kinda neat to hear it'd have a twist at least. Most manage to be predictable, but it's nice to hear there's still some out there that is doing non-generic stuff.

And yeah, it was rather good for "random, technically generic gore with little reason and a 'villain' that gets away scoot free" fic. And I need to become better at quotation explanations xD

This I was able to read! I tried to read cupcakes (one of them) once and I have (or had) an extremely weak stomach. Was queasy while reading this, but from what I read in the comments the cupcakes story would end with myself being disappointed. My darker half would've thought it interesting to see Pinkie only leave her victims with a scar. On that note, I was hoping that this would be of two other characters, not Pinkie or Rainbow. Clearly this would be difficult. Still an interesting end. Eventually Pinkie would learn to cope with the nightmares, but it would take a chunk of valuable time. I also got an idea from this, but it would be letting an extremely dark portion out of myself. I also have troubles with writing detailed stories. Hmmm... I'm going to sleep. I've been up way too late now.
P.S. Sorry if it seems like I'm self pitying myself. I likely am as I've noticed it is an extremely bad habit I have, and I do apologize for such behavior.

You actually have a few paths Pinkie could take here. She could eventually go insane with the fear of being tortured by Apple Jack and want her to suffer an equal amount, or possibly just slowly go insane to escape fear. In another alternative, she could do what I'd expect; make herself believe it was a nightmare and that she just shouldn't pull the prank on whoever it was. I'm assuming zone of the Princesses. Maybe a very high ranking official that could benefit the Apple Family business. Those are a few possible paths. If I had the time I'd try and figure out how the rest would go for sure, but knowing Pinkie, you can never be sure of anything. In some episodes she almost seems to teleport by bouncing. That is all. This is one of the few gruesome stories I am able to read, at least right now. In the future I may think that this isn't gruesome whatsoever. I'm done now. That's all.

3863191 Nice to hear that, I think xP Personally found cupcakes to be really "meh", the first version of it was really sloppy, and only aimed for jump scares per se. The revamp did a little better in terms of spelling and story. And personally find the concept of her either just scarring, or heck, even just sexually abusing (the "just" in terms of "generic concept", cept it would've been unique as she's female) And yeah... can say it's rather bland that almost all can only go with one type of char for these things. Always Pinkie being mental, always Rainbow being the victim. It's really meh imo. Not that hard to come up with something new.
And eh, it's fine. We all got our issues.

And I know, this, like most my stories, have potential to go somewhere. But this is a very old story of mine, and I've almost quit writing as a whole tbh.
And okies. Can say this was a relatively "light" version. I also have a few other "dark/gruesome" stories. I even have the only cupcakes based fic in which Pinkie dies, in cupcake esque manner.

Nice fic, though if we'd known more about what Pinkie was planning to do that caused Applejack to go to such extreme measures, and especially for Rarity to go along with it, it'd be better. Though obviously it had to be something pretty bad, otherwise no matter what Applejack told her Pinkie would've gone running to the police to have them both put away. But apparently Pinkie didn't want the authorities involved. Still it'd be better for the reader to have more insight in the story itself. That way you won't find yourself explaining your thoughts in the comment section. Good story overall though. It was well written. Just left me wondering why until I read your explanation.

316472 I would like to read Flutter. I tried to find it but I couldn't. Can you give me a link to the story?

5614745 Man, barely recall what was in this tbh xD
And unless I recall wrong, it's mentioned in the description of the story that it's a bit of a "fuck cupcakes" work, so to speak. I don't recall too well tbh... but I think it was supposedly hinting towards that. Or something.

Still, nice to hear this apparently was decent. Was done very early in my career or what to call it.

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