• Published 29th Oct 2013
  • 914 Views, 8 Comments

Short Story: Pinkie's Promise and Broken Heart. - SadisticFluttershy

A short story about Pinkies friends suddenly dropping dead, she now has a broken heart, but made a very special promise.

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Pinkie's Promise and Broken Heart.

Pinkie had it all, a great job, great friends, and had the honor of carrying one of the Elements of Harmony, what more could she ask for?

She never thought that anything could go wrong. But one fateful day, an enemy that was totally unknown came into Equestria, together, Pinkie and all her friends faced the beast and defeated it, winning the battle. However, the Elements of Harmony took it's toll, an explosion ocurred shining out a blinding light caused all of her friends to suddenly drop dead but Pinkie's Harmony necklace didn't go south. Pinkie was unconcious for a short while. As she got up, she immediately noticed every one of her friends on the ground in front of her completely motionless, she tried desperately to wake her friends up and she began to fear the worst, that he friends were gone forever. She tried and tried but nothing was working.

Pinkie was starting to lose hope, but she said to herself "I WON'T GIVE UP ON MY FRIENDS!".

She continued for hours, trying to wake each one of her friends. This didn't run through her mind to check for a pulse. She placed her ear at each one of her friends mouths for any breathing, there was none. She looked at their sides, no chest rising or falling. She knew that her fear came true, she lost all of her friends. She knew she had to leave them. She was all alone now. She sat on her haunches and began to cry uncontrollably. She looked down on her hooves. *sniff* "How could of this happen? This isn't fair! WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?!" Pinkie said, screaming on top of her lungs, only making her cry harder. "I- I can't believe all my friends are gone forever".

She grabbed her Element of Harmony and got up, throwing it into the ground, stomping it multiple times causing the balloon shaped blue crystal which was encrusted in the gold plating of her necklace to break into tiny pieces. "Stupid Element! This is all YOUR FAULT!!".

She sat down uneasily, with her breathing out of rhythm. She started asking herself questions that nopony could answer. She started to wonder. "Why couldn't I have gone with them?!" She began to have depressing thoughts. "I guess there's nothing else I can live for, no reason for me to be alive anymore since all my friends are gone forever".

A tear ran down her cheek. "I don't know why I'm even telling myself this, my friends wouldn't want me to be this way. I can't let my friends down like that".

She realized that she had to continue to live on for her friends, she knew that every one of them didn't want her to be all alone. She had plenty of friends in Equestria, but the friends she always hanged out with were her bestest friends in the whole world, then all of a sudden they're gone. Pinkie began to go into thought, 'Did they knew that they were going to die if they fought and that herself would survive?' Howcome none of them told her about this? It was a mystery that she will never be able to solve. She was more confused than ever.

"I don't understand why I wasn't taken. Each and every one of my friends Element of Harmony necklaces took their lives, but not mine too? What is this telling me? Somepony tell me, please!". No answer was given as she knew that nopony would be there to answer her questions which could forever be unanswered.

"I guess I have to answer that question myself". Pinkie said to herself.

She knew that she couldn't do anything. Pinkie got up and walked to each one of her friends bodies that still layed in their proper spots. She gave them a hug and a kiss on the forehead and said goodbye. A lightbulb appeared above her head. She had the idea that she couldn't leave her friends there, she had to give them a proper funeral. She got up and ran towards Ponyville's funeral home so that each one of her friends had a proper funeral at the same time. This was the least she could do since they're no longer with her.

A few days have past since the deaths of her 5 friends. At the funeral home, Pinkie walked into the room where all 5 caskets were placed, all opened. She examined every one of her friends carefully. They all wore a white dress but 2 of her other friends wore a black suit. Each one of them had a red and purple rose in between their hooves. She didn't know why 2 of her friends wore suits, but she didn't care as long as they were dressed formally.

A few hours past and the funeral session began at the Ponyville Cemetery of Heroes. Pinkie's friends caskets were lined up in a row, each casket was a different color with their cutie marks on the top and sides.

Pinkie was in the front row seat, crying her eyes out. She wasn't alone however, her Mother, Father and both of her sisters were there with her to comfort her. Her father spoke softly to her. "I know it's hard losing the ones that you loved and cared for, but this isn't the end of the road sweetheart, you have to continue to be strong for your friends. They want you to live on and continue to be a happy party pony that you were destined to be. There's plenty of more friends to make honey, you have us too darling". Pinkie smiled weakly at her father. "Your right daddy. *Sniff* I know that my friends want me to live on and continue being what I truly am. I pinkie promise to each and every one of them that I won't stop being happy. I'll make sure that their final request is met and made properly".

A grey colored earth pony who worked for the funeral home in Ponyville, walked up to the podium and asked if anyone had to say anything about these 5 brave ponies who sacrificed themselves to save Equestria from the evil enemy. Pinkie raised her hoof "I do". She got up and walked up to the podium and began to speak.

"Hey everypony, this will be quick I promise. These 5 friends I had and always will have, were the most special, loving, caring and bestest friends I've ever had in my entire life. I also have everyone else here in the audience as my friend too but, these 5 were most than just friends, they were like a family to me to only be suddenly gone by the recent evil that we all successfully defeated". Pinkie began to cry again. "But that doesn't mean I'll stop living, I'll continue to live on and continue to be me and make everypony smile, I know it would of been their last request. I pinkie promise to forever keep that going for as long as I live. I'll be up there with them someday, but today isn't the day or anytime soon. Goodbye my dear friends. I love every single one of you. May you all rest in peace". And with that, Pinkie walked off from the podium and sat down
with tears flowing down her cheeks.

The grey earthpony walked up to the podium again. "If nopony else has anything to say, we will now bury these 5 heroes".

A network of ponies grabbed each casket and brought them to the row of gravestones in which were in perfect allignment. Each gravestone had their names carved in, their Element of Harmony stone and description, birth year and death year. Each casket was layed in the holes softly and everypony threw roses on top of their caskets. As the last bit of dirt covered the last casket, everypony departed, except Pinkie who had a few more words to say.

"It was a great adventure and pleasure to have each and every one of you as my friends. I'll never forge the times we shared and the fun we all had together. It was an honor. Again, I pinkie promise to fullfill every one of yall's requests. I'll be forever grateful to have known you guys and live with like a family. I'm going to miss each and one of you so much. Rest in peace friends, I love every single one of you. I'll be up there soon and then we can party for all eternity. I promise".

Pinkie got up and kissed her hoof and waved it on every single stone and began to walk back to Ponyville with tears running down her face, remembering her friends peacefully.

Author's Note:

I hope every one of you liked this short story.
I wonder if any of you had a similar situation if you found out that your friend, friends or even family were dead suddenly when they were with you the previous day, week, month etc.

Hoping some of you shed tears as I did writing this and listening to really sad music.

Comments ( 8 )

Fucking.... Beautiful

3414395. Thanks, i appreciate that mate:pinkiehappy:

*gives you an award* You deserve this.... it was beautiful

It was truly beautiful but I'm confused why didn't pinkie die?


And that's what Pinkie Pie said to herself.. why was she spared, but everyone else wasn't?

From what I think is that Twilight put a spell on her Element protecting it from any sudden blow.
But that's not really fair.. but that's just my guess.. lol.

3417651 You are welcome. *nods*

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