• Published 5th Mar 2012
  • 6,370 Views, 144 Comments

Wings of Gold - totallynotabrony

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August, 1994

West Lafayette, Indiana

The first day of school was something Rainbow Dash hadn’t experienced in a long time. It carried the usual feeling of nervousness. She was a long way from home, knew nopony, and might have just signed up for something that would be impossible.

The US Navy’s Blue Angels flight demonstration team had enamored Rainbow, and she knew there were several things she would need in order to accomplish her dream of joining them. One of the most time-consuming was getting a college education.

To become a Naval Officer, she was required to have a degree. Rainbow wasn’t sure why. After all, what did school matter if you had the skills? Still, it was an unavoidable requirement.

She’d chosen the college carefully. Her eggheaded friend, Twilight Sparkle, was interested in human learning and more than willing to help. They’d reviewed many possibilities before Rainbow made a decision.

She'd eventually settled on Purdue University. It had one of the strongest Aeronautical Engineering programs in the country, in addition to an airport on campus. Twilight warned her that there would be difficult math involved with that field of study, but expressed confidence that Rainbow would have no problems if she worked hard enough.

The school was located in the same state as doorway #1, the very first link that had been established between Earth and Rainbow’s world. The doorway was at a military research site in southern Indiana, and had a direct connection to Ponyville.

Purdue also happened to be the same place where Amelia Earhart had taught. Rainbow had found a role model in famous human pilot. Her autobiography was titled The Fun of It, which struck a chord with the pony. There were also other well-known pilots from the school. Several alumni, including Neil Armstrong, had even gone on to be astronauts.

Also, the university’s symbol was a train, which was touted as the loudest and fastest college mascot in the world. It sounded like a perfect fit for Rainbow.

There was some difficulty in getting the university to accept her school records from Cloudsdale, but Twilight had come thorough once again and helped polish her application. She’d also managed to secure Rainbow grants and loans to pay for it all.

She was not the first pony to go to a human university, or even the first to go to this one, but there was still very little precedent to follow. Rainbow was effectively blazing a new trail by doing something that hadn’t been done before. It was going to be a difficult undertaking every step of the way.

She showed up a few days before classes were scheduled to start, and was glad that she did. It gave her some time to get used to the massive changes that she would have to live with.

All the buildings were tall. It was less a school and more a city. There were tens of thousands of students. It was all very confusing to a pony who had grown up in the clouds.

Flying with her own wings was going to be restricted. The airport’s traffic pattern was always busy, and there was a real risk that she’d get run over by a Cessna if she flew over campus.

Lots of food was available at all hours of the day, but very little of it was tailored to her liking. Most was greasy junk food that the other students were content to shovel in, but probably would have made Rainbow sick.

And then there was the dormitory. The most economical housing involved sharing a building with a couple hundred humans. All of them were different colors, spoke a range of languages, had varied customs, and practiced many religions. The concept that there were different ways to worship was perhaps the most confusing. Rainbow had no need for faith. After all, she knew the Princesses of Equestria existed.

The dorm, Windsor Hall, was a very old building that the maintenance crew just barely kept up with. Like most buildings at the university, it was made of red brick. Rainbow was delighted to learn that Amelia Earhart had lived there.

Meeting her roommate was a strange experience. Her name was Denise. She had yellow colored hair and was very friendly. She’d tried to pat the pony on her head when they'd been introduced, but Rainbow got her straightened out quickly. She was not a pet, and she expected to be treated like an equal.

The girl was very embarrassed and made it up to her with dinner. To Rainbow’s surprise, it was exactly what she wanted to eat. As it turned out, Denise was studying Nutrition and wanted to go to veterinarian school.

The thought of spending a year living in a tiny room with a human was disconcerting. Rainbow decided that she would need some advice, and began writing letters to her friends asking for input. The mail service did deliver to Ponyville, but it took a couple of days. Rainbow knew what a telephone was and thought it was a great invention, but phone lines between her dorm room and home did not yet exist.

The opening day of classes finally arrived. Rainbow walked to the class building carrying heavy saddlebags of textbooks and notebooks.

She quickly became accustomed to the stares that accompanied her wherever she went. Her totally awesome reputation as the coolest pony ever was unknown on Earth, but she still got plenty of attention. She felt like showing off, but knew she should instead concentrate on school work. It was just as well that she wasn’t allowed to fly. Such a load of books would quickly tire her out.

It was her mouth, however, that showed fatigue first. There was a lot of writing to do, and each class lasted at least fifty minutes. There was no way she would trade her wings for a horn, but Rainbow did wish for a better way to hold the pencil. The math looked like nothing she had ever seen before, and she was forced to write down every word to make sure she understood.

It was only her burning desire to achieve her goals that carried her through the first day, and every day after. Rainbow knew that she needed to have some kind of guiding signal carrying her forward. As a reminder of what she wanted, she hung a picture of a Navy F/A-18 fighter jet above her desk. It was a stark contrast to Denise’s pictures of cute animals.

The series of letters that Rainbow traded with her friends gave everypony some interesting insights. All of them were supportive and curious about her life.

The pegasus knew herself and her abilities very well, and had always been good at managing her day to include a designated time for getting her work done. As a result, she often got long periods of free time, which was perceived by some to be laziness when they saw her lying around.

That free time gave a lot of time for new experiences, which she related to her friends. She had always been at home in a crowd, and Twilight was interested to hear firsthand accounts about human behavior and social gatherings. There were parties, events, and all kinds of things to do at college, many of them free to attend. She quickly learned to be careful about what she ingested. Grain alcohol was very different from grain. Rainbow managed to avoid trouble, and took warnings from many who didn't.

When she got the chance, Rainbow would canter down the road a ways to get out of range of the airport. West of campus, there was farmland where she could stay in shape and fly. She wanted to take flight lessons in an airplane, but couldn’t afford it.

Her budget had been calculated to include only the essentials. Looking for extra money, she applied to several places for a part-time job. Eventually, she managed to find work at a small restaurant in the student union. About the only thing she could do without fingers was make pizza dough. She had to spend long hours balancing on her back hooves to keep her sanitized front ones from touching the floor. Luckily, her wings helped with that.

Once everyone caught on to how fast she was, Rainbow was tasked with delivery. She much preferred that to working in the kitchen, although making change was sometimes difficult. Humans had an annoying variety of coins and bills.

It was all worth it to earn her first flying lesson. The price in dollars was frighteningly expensive, so she vowed to make it count.

The instructor admitted he had no idea how a pony was supposed to control an airplane. After introducing the basics in a class on the ground, they walked out to the ramp to begin preflight.

The aircraft was called a Piper Cub. It was quite old, but maintained well enough. All the controls were very simple. With a little creative positioning of the seat, she was able to reach the rudder pedals and manage the all the other controls.

The airplane had been retrofitted with an intercom between the pilot and copilot. The headphones squashed Rainbow’s ears a little, but she figured she could stand it. The instructor handled the takeoff, but then let her handle the controls.

The air was very familiar place, but experiencing the airplane was completely new. Rainbow was apprehensive at first. The loud mechanical engine seemed like it could quit at any time, and she didn’t trust wings that were made of bucking fabric. Still, she was soon enjoying herself.

The instructor asked her to do a few basic maneuvers. Despite the simple controls, getting everything to move just right took practice. A couple of times, Rainbow caught herself moving her own wings when she instead wanted the airplane to move. She filed away the idea of a wing-to-control interface to talk to her professors about later.

In what seemed like not very long, the instructor asked her to come around and return to the airport. He took over for the landing. When he asked how she liked the Cub, Rainbow told him honestly: it wasn't fast enough. Unfortunately, a higher-performance training aircraft cost more money. Rainbow thought that waiting until she could get her hooves on a jet would drive her nuts.

That wasn't the worst of it. As Rainbow walked back from the airport, she began to think about other things that she had to wait on.

Besides getting a degree, there was something else Rainbow had to have. She needed to be a citizen of the United States in order to join the Navy as an officer. The process would take several years, and she had begun as soon as she knew that it would be required.

Rainbow felt conflicted. As the Element of Loyalty, it felt strange to be filing paperwork to become a citizen of a different country. Equestria was home. Changing citizenship didn’t mean she couldn’t be loyal to Equestria, but getting the green card was a big thing, symbolically if nothing else.

She arrived back at her room, thinking of what lay ahead. Despite begining her bachelor's degree and starting on the path to joining the Navy, there was still a long way to go. Rainbow glanced at the picture of the jet above her desk. She wasn't about to give up.

Big Author note:
Real aviators, I beg you to contact me for technical support. I want to get this right.

Purdue people, I hope I got everything correct. I'm only using Wikipedia and Google street view.

The next few chapters aren't going to be awesome military badassery, or at least not at first. Rainbow has a long, long, road ahead of her in order to get her wings. I'm trying to write about these things called feelings.

Thanks to everyone who helped out with ideas for this story, including my prereaders and the commenters on my blog, especially Jlargent.

Yeah, here I go writing short chapters again. I've got a plan to fix it next time: Dialogue!

Edit: I wrote a whole story based on just this chapter. It's called The Roommate