• Member Since 29th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 36 minutes ago


I am but a humble servant to my dreams.


Set in the Pony Earth Verse setting, this story focuses on a human named Faith Tamera, with an already exhaustive list of medications on her schedule, waking up in the body of Screw Loose. The asylum-bound pony's mind soon makes it's presence apparent, and they both have to struggle to survive the experience.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 31 )

Can't wait to read this, since you are a very good author from what I have seen. However it will need to wait till tomorrow. Faving for now!

Ah, here we go.

Let the madness commense!

[What do you mean, that's not how you spell "commense"? I'm Humpty Dumpty, so all words are spelled exactly as I wish them to be spelled! Your vocabulary word for today is "baynevolent": the state of knowing that all is right with the world, because you have just discovered you are a character in a Michael Bay movie.]

“The worst is over.”

Interesting. I like the thought patterns - very evocative of a mind trying to maintain coherence of both thought and self while running on damaged mental substructures.

Well, they're three chapters, and they're short chapters, but for what it's worth you're doing very well so far. I can see you've done your research; keep that in mind as you write and you'll do fine.

But again: I urge caution.

Also, the grammar hound side of me demands that you learn the difference between your homophones. Its =/= it's.

It's = it is.

Think of its like "his" or "hers." Anywhere you would use a possessive pronoun like that, put its, and not it's.


You sir, are the most amazing person who ever lived. Based solely on that statement. Good show.

hmm... I'm a big fan of Asylum and other Broadhoof stories, and was avid follower of the one that revolved around Celestia being institutionalized, though it seems to be dead now.

this has the very different premise that it is understood from the beginning that both the human and pony sides of this equation are already not mentally stable. I am rather curious how it is managing that the human mind is being treated by human drugs interacting with a pony biology, unless Screwloose happens to have overlapping mental issues that would be treated similarly.

4321228 in part, the wonder of the placebo effect is at work, and on the other side of things this is a week into the merge phenomenon, so pony doctors and veterinarians have had a bit of time to collaborate, leading to a few basic guidelines. Beyond that, we are seeing an extremely skilled doctor who is carefully testing theories and medications since that is the only option.

So, overmedication making mental issues worse, turned into a pony, ran out of medications, afraid to go outside, pony was crazy. Between crazy and crazy and withdrawal and then merging, the violent episode resulted in shattered furniture and blood loss. And then the story starts, without explanation of any of that.


4706324 explaining the ramblings of a crazy pony. That is an exercise in futility.


You're an exercise in futility! :applecry:

4706513 Thank you! I guess, I dunno.

Ah, another chapter. I still enjoy reading these, as they seem to become more and more like prose poetry.

Great, a crazy pony with a BDSM fetish. No wonder she won't get better, because that'd mean no more getting tied up and beaten.

7112175 not necessarily a fetish. There are plenty of ways that people can develop obsessions with being punished without it being a sexual thing.


Well, she could feel horribly guilty and insecure, and desire punishment as a means of penance, but she's obviously not feeling guilty, insecure, or repentant. She could have some kind of scientific interest in her own response to pain, but she doesn't really seem like the egghead type, or the morbid type. She can't be craving attention, since she only gives the doctor "one chance" instead of bringing it up at every opportunity. She isn't nearly calm enough to be obsessive over rigid routine. There's a very thin line between "giddily eager to" and "sexually aroused by" and Screwloose sure seems giddily eager to get locked in chains and starve herself.

But any of those reasons could still be true. We haven't learned enough about her. I'm quite interested in learning how Screwloose could be so motivated, without being a bona fied masochist.

...allows them to heal from their past traumas by providing a loving yet controlled environment where they can learn that killing your caretakers to get sympathy from strangers is not going to turn out well for you in the long run? Teaches them healthy coping skills that allow them to come to terms with their past, to be able to live with the fact that you fucked up and killed your dad, instead of repeating the crime again and again in a futile attempt to justify it as a good thing, because you can't bear to accept it as a bad thing?

Or this, I suppose.


I agree. Absolutely. The time she's had has made her better, she can't see it though. She's too consumed in her obsession and her disassociative personally.

I'm writing this from her perspective of course, so she's a bit of an unreliable narrator.

7758062 QUIET DOWN, YOU LOONEY *blasts with the hose*


*Flails wildly while raving about the darkness and literary devices*

Why not use the Screwball tag?

This is Screw Loose, not Screwball. Remember the pony that was barking like a dog when chasing RD when she stole the Daring Doo book back from the library? That is the subject of this story.

Looks like Screwloose is getting a dog house! :pinkiehappy:

Well...I officially have no idea where this story is going. That's probably a good thing.

Also, the therapist's name is George. Really? George? As if I wasn't questioning reality enough in this story?

8017030 Listen, I want this story to be thoroughly unsettling and confusing, but still relatable. Besides, didn't you know you're my target audience? :rainbowlaugh:

Does Faith Tamera sound like Tamara from the Nostalgia Critic?

Maybe after a 4 year smoking habit and losing all sense of self, yeah. Though I'm sure the Tamera from Nostalgia critic is more chill when not on a video, I only watched one video so I'm not pretending to know the woman.
Faith Tamera sounds more like Charlize Theron with a throat problem.

Woah. Damn. That got deep. I, I don't know if I should be happy, excited, or a bit scared that I can understand and see parallels in my own life.
"Just because I'm not me right now doesn't mean that I'm not me at all."
I think I said that once, one of me did anyway.
We are all different people throughout our life, bit its when we disect and seperate our selves that the confusion starts. And when we seperate our light and dark totally, if even for a moment, we see how good and how bad we can be. Being afraid of the dark and being the one in the dark you are afraid of. Learning the good in the bad and the bad in the good.
Me. We. I. Thats how to break down yourself.
Me, the one that thinks its whole and speaks with no knowledge of the rest of itself
We, the process of seperating me from the rest and treating them seperate from itself.
I, the unification of the whole and an understanding of all of the self.

When someone is forced to break, they can't be put together right, like using a hammer on a piece of wood rather than a chisel.

Well, I don't know why that came out, but it fits the theme of the story. I hope to eventually see more of this story in the future, I really enjoyed reading it.

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