• Published 1st Mar 2012
  • 3,701 Views, 51 Comments

Love Letters - Tealove

Love letters between Pinkie Pie and Braeburn.

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Chapter 1

Dear Pinkie Pie,

I sure am glad Cousin Applejack brought all her friends along when she came to Appleoosa, even if the circumstances weren't the greatest. It all worked out in the end though, right? And now we're all able to say we have a bunch of new friends. Me, I love making new friends. How about you? I like writing letters, too. That was why I liked the idea of being penpals. I enjoyed ya'll while you were here but there wasn't really a lot of time to really get to know each other. So, tell me about Pinkie Pie.

Talk to you real soon!

Dear Braeburn,

Oh my gosh, I LOVE making new friends! Isn't it the best, most wonderful feeling in the world? I overheard somepony say once that they didn't need anymore friends and I thought my jaw would hit the ground. Actually, now that I think about it, it did! My jaw actually hit the ground! Can you believe it? What pony in their right mind could ever think they don't need anymore friends? Not me! That's why I was so happy to be in Appleoosa. It was a whole town of ponies I didn't know but could make friends with! And I did! Well, after the whole pie war thing, but that was just a little speed bump on the road to widening my circle! Writing letters is fun, too. I write to my family back home all the time. Mostly my sisters and my Granny Pie. My Granny loves to write the most. You'd like her a lot. She's silly and likes to have fun, and her favorite thing is rock candy. Have you ever had rock candy before? It's just about the best thing to eat on a stick! Besides frozen chocolate covered bananas of course. I mean, really. There's no comparison there.

Tell you about Pinkie Pie? Let's see. She works at a bakery with Mr. and Mrs. Cake and lives in the apartment above with her toothless baby alligator, Gummy. She loves to ice skate, ride in hot air balloons, pull harmless tricks on her best friends, and loves to sing! Now it's your turn. Tell me about Braeburn.

Happy Wednesday!

Dear Pinkie,

Not needing anymore friends. Well I don't think that's something I've ever heard before. Guess there really is a first time for everything. We liked having all of ya'll here. Sometimes when you see the same ponies day after day it's real nice to be able to have somepony new to talk to. Not that I don't enjoy it here. Appleloosa's been my home for a little over a year now, but I liked having you here. You were kind of like a breath of fresh air, if you'll forgive the cliché. You know you're welcome back here any time, right? All of you are, of course.

You said you write to your sisters and your granny. How many sisters do you have? Do your parents write to you, too? Can't say I've ever had rock candy before. Sounds kind of hard and gravelly. Now frozen chocolate covered bananas are something I can definitely agree on. Ain't nothing better on a hot day than that.

So Pinkie works at the bakery. I can only assume it's not too far a stretch to say you bake? I suppose it's possible you just wash dishes and clean up. Or maybe you're the maintenance pony who keeps all the ovens in order. But something tells me you like to bake. Got a specialty? Who are Mr. and Mrs. Cake? And a toothless baby alligator? Miss Pinkie Pie, I do believe there is a lot more to you than meets the eye! Though I do remember your gift for singing. Maybe sometime I'll get a chance to visit Ponyville someday and get you to sing another song. Though maybe one that won't incite a war this time. And if I come in the winter, maybe I'll have to try ice skating.

What to tell you about me. Well most of what I do here is pretty much what my cousins do at Sweet Apple Acres, I reckon. We've got the apple trees to take care of (Bloomberg is settling in real nice. Would you make sure to tell Cousin Applejack for me?) and always lots of pies to bake. We've all got a real good relationship with the buffalo now, too. Fact, Little Strongheart and the Chief have supper with Sheriff Silverstar at least once every couple of weeks or so. Besides that, guess there ain't that much more to tell. I like to build stuff, you know. Anything where I get to work with my hooves. I also get along real well with the youngins. Used to want to be a teacher, can you believe it? But I need to keep myself moving and busy throughout the day. Can't seem to sit still for too long without going crazy.

Speaking of moving, I promised to go help with a fence repair so I should get to it. Hope ya'll are doing well.


We're getting ready for a big party today. Princess Celestia is coming to the bakery and the Cakes have gone crazy with preparations. Not to even mention Twilight. Besides meeting her, I'm sure I've told you about her enough through these letters that you know what I mean without my actually having to write it. Which is really nice since pencils really don't take all that great after they've been in your mouth for a really really long time. But I know I don't have to tell you about that either!

I was reading through some of your letters last night and I realized I never answered you when you asked about my parents. It's kind of complicated. And not something I really ever talk about with anypony. But I feel like I can tell you lots of stuff. These letters back and forth have made me feel like I know you almost as well as I know my best friends. So I know I can trust you. It's not that I don't talk to my parents, I do. We just haven't been very close since I moved to Ponyville. They don't understand my life here because it's so different from the life they have on the rock farm. My sisters have moved away and have their own lives, so they get it. And Granny Pie didn't always live on the farm so she knows what it's like, too. That's why I'm so thankful for the Cakes. They took me in when I was just a little filly and have looked after me ever since. I love being here with them all the time. They've become my family and I couldn't be happier!

You mentioned last letter that Appleloosa was having a bean bake. How did that go? When you said you put all the beans in a big kettle and then bury it in the ground to help them cook I thought you were crazy! But then I found a book at the library that talked about it. Maybe next time I come to Appleloosa I'll have to have some baked beans from the ground!

Oh no, here comes Twilight. If she sees me writing instead of helping with more last minute details she'll freak out! Which might be funny since I've never seen her freak out. Did I ever tell you about the time Rarity had a meltdown? Well she'd made us all these really beautiful dresses for the Grand Galloping Gala but we were all so set on things we had in our own minds that we didn't see how amazing her designs were until it was too late...


I'm writing to you just before I head out with everypony else to go watch the meteor shower. I hear the view in Ponyville is going to be the best there is to find, but at least we'll get to see some of it here. Guess I have a confession to make. There's a big part of me that wishes I was watching it in Ponyville. I know we've only been writing back and forth for about a month now, but I feel like I've known you a lot longer. You're one of the few ponies I feel comfortable opening up to and that's sort of strange for me. I've always been the type of pony to have friends and be close with his kin, but only to a certain degree. Ain't a lot of ponies I'd feel right being completely myself around. And even though we really haven't known each other that long, I know you're just about the only exception...

Dear Braeburn,

I know I usually wait a few days to write back but your last letter made me want to reply right away. It started out so nice but by the end of it I felt like you were sad and that made me sad. Please be happy. I like thinking about you smiling and not frowning. The meteor shower was beautiful. All of us gathered on the hill in little groups. Of course me with the girls. We had the Crusaders and our pets with us, too. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen. And I couldn't help thinking about you throughout most of it. We were watching the same sky under the same moon! And then I was thinking that everypony in Equestria was doing the same thing and it made me feel very very small. But in a good way. We live in the most amazing world and I think ponies forget that sometimes. Not a lot of ponies would think I even think about that kind of stuff, but I do. Sometimes, when it's late and I'm all by myself, I go up on the roof and just look at the moon and all the stars. And I'm just so thankful to be alive and to have the friends and family that I have. I'm thankful for you, too.

Isn't it strange how close we seem to have become? I think it's also pretty funny that Applejack is the only pony here that I know I can totally be myself with. I know I'm not her best friend, that's Dashie. But she's mine. Maybe part of that is because of you, because you two are alike? I don't know. But it feels good to have somepony to be able to open up to. I think she may be the only pony who's seen me really cry. And that's only happened maybe once. I do tend to be a bit on the bubbly side in case you haven't noticed. Speaking of bubbly Gummy's birthday is coming up soon! I have the best party planned for him. It's going to be so much fun...

Dear Braeburn,

I know I just sent you a letter and you haven't sent one back but...but...I just found out the most terrible thing. My friends...they don't like my parties and they don't want to be my friends anymore. I don't know what to do with myself. I've felt sad before but never this sad. Like my heart has been broken into a bajillion tiny little pieces, rolled over with a steam-roller, scraped up with a giant metal spatula, mixed with super glue and molded all together to form a giant sculpture of a real broken heart. And I can't stop crying. I've never been so hurt before. They all kept giving me these terrible excuses and lying to me and avoiding me. Am I really that unfun? Maybe I need to create something super fun like a party canon or something. Or maybe I'll go bake something. That always cheers me up. Or, even better! I'll still throw a party but for things in the bakery! They never lie to me or give me terrible excuses just to avoid hanging out with me.

It's party time!


Whoopsie! It looks like there was a big misunderstanding. And I was the one misunderstanding everything! My friends are still my friends and they still love my parties. But I was so caught up in making sure everyone was having fun and kept on having fun I forgot my own birthday! I'm so silly sometimes. Anyway, hope the package with some of my birthday cake gets to you in one piece!


Dear Pinkie,

I think you ought to know I was just about to get on a train to Ponyville when your third letter came in. I'm so sorry you were hurting, darlin. When you said your heart was broken it broke mine, too. I was about ready to give Cousin Applejack a pretty big piece of my mind, even though I knew none of that sounded like something she would do. Glad it turned out okay though. And the cake was really delicious! Happy Birthday, sugar. Had I known I would have sent you something. So you'll just have to accept this gift from me a little late. It's a dreamcatcher that Little Strongheart made. I saw it and thought you might like it. You haven't said anything about bad dreams before but my thinking is this will help keep the bad dreams and the bad thoughts away. Because nopony deserves to feel forgotten or unloved. Especially you...


Did you know today marks a year from the first letter you sent? Isn't that crazy? So much has changed between then and now. Twilight has a coltfriend, Applejack and Dashie are taking care of the Crusaders like they're their own, Rarity has a fillyfriend (so did NOT see that one coming), Fluttershy and Big Macintosh are going to have a baby, and Luna is my bestest best friend. If you had told me any of that stuff would happen when we first started writing I think I would have told you how crazy you were and forgotten all about it!

I know you said not to bother writing but I had to. I just won't send it. You'll get it when you get off the train. By the time you read this you'll know how excited I am that you're coming to Ponyville already but I have to say it here right now because there's no one else around for me to be excited with except for Gummy and he's napping so I have to say I AM SO EXCITED! I can't wait for you to meet Luna and hang out with all of my friends and meet the Cakes and Zecora!

Gosh, once you're here I might not be able to let you go!


Writing on a train is no easy picnic, let me just tell you that much. Good thing you'll probably never see this. Well now that's not very optimistic of me, is it? I shouldn't say never. I'll just say not for a long time. And hopefully by then you'll be able to forgive my sloppiness.

I don't think I've ever been this nervous in my entire life. We've been writing so long now that you'd think I'd be over it but the idea of seeing you makes my knees knock. Of course, you think I'm only staying for a few days. You have no idea that I'm heading your way with every intention of asking you to marry me. Cousin Applejack knows. I figured she'd be the pony to talk to about it since ya'll are so close. When she told me it was a great idea I knew I couldn't go wrong. At least I felt like that until I got on the train. Now I'm as scared as a colt on the first day of school. I'm praying to Celestia with everything in me that you'll say yes, and you'll let me build a life with you there in Ponyville...


Growing up I always knew that I was different from everypony else. On the rock farm, here in Ponyville. I knew I'd have friends and the friends I made were the kind you keep for life. But I always felt like deep down that would be it for me. I'm silly, sometimes too silly for most ponies to see past, and that was fine with me. I was happy when everypony else was happy, and that's really all that mattered. And then I met you.

You showed me a hole in myself that I didn't know even existed. And then you started to fill it up with each and every letter you sent, every silly joke you told that made me blow chocolate out of my nose, every thoughtful little present. And when I realized just how much you meant to me I knew I never wanted to let that feeling go, that I never wanted to let you go. Apart we're two big balls of crazy random quirky nuttiness that almost never makes sense. Together we're like two big balls of crazy random quirky nuttiness that makes sense on Tuesdays and bank holidays.

I'm so thankful to have you in my life and in my heart, and proud to be able to call you my husband.

Pinkie Pie,

Everypony told me I was crazy to let myself fall for you through letters. I told them the best love stories were the kind that were written down...


Can you bring some milk home? Love you!


Big Macintosh asked me to come by the farm later. Apparently there's some stallion get together tonight, a bachelor party for Clover or something. Anyway, I shouldn't be out too late. Pinkie Promise. Love you.


I left your pillow on the couch.


If that half burnt muffin and weak coffee you left me for breakfast was your apology, it needs some serious work.


Now THAT'S what I call an apology.


I don't feel right. Something's weird. I'll be down on the couch. Wake me when you get up.

Pinkie Pie,

I want you to take it easy today, you hear me? I love you so much. I can't believe we're going to have our first baby together. I hope it's a girl. I always wanted a little girl and with you for her mama, I know she'd turn out just fine.


Being pregnant makes me want to eat really silly things! Like peanut butter covered olives! Do you think you could pick up more olives before you come home? I think I used the rest of them in the ice cream the other night. Ooh, might want to get some soy sauce, too.

Baby Girl,

You're giving your mama a really hard time in there. I can hear her yelling all the way out here in the waiting room and it takes a lot to make her yell like that. Like breaking a Pinkie Promise. Not something I'll ever do again, believe you me. Now let me tell you, Jubilee. Me and your mama love you so much and we're going to do everything we can to take care of you and make sure you grow up right. But you gotta go easy on her now. She needs your help. You have to want to come out as much as she wants you out. Don't you want to see your mama? Your daddy? I know I want to see you.

Pinkie Pie,

I have never seen anything more precious in my entire life. She's the perfect mixture of both of us though she's definitely got your spirit. I can tell that much already. She's a tiny little thing. The nurse told me they're all this tiny when they're born. Maybe they are but she seems smaller than most to me. I never knew it was possible to love someone so much until you. And I feel that overwhelming love again with our baby. I am going to do everything in my power to take care of her. She will grow up knowing how special her mama was. How beautiful and loving. How much you loved her even though you never got to see her.

I miss you so much. It's like half of me is missing. I roll over in bed and reach over to pull you close but there's nothing there. It hurts to go to sleep but then I dream of you and it hurts even more to wake up. You changed my life in so many ways and now you're just gone. But I believe you're watching over us. I have to believe that.

Even if I said it every minute of every day we knew each other I couldn't have told you I love you enough to really express what I felt. There will never be another mare for me as long as I live. You were my heart and soul, Pinkie. And every day that I get up, that I kiss the face of our daughter, I'll be thinking of you.

I'll always be thinking of you.


Comments ( 51 )

I've never even conceived of this ship before, so I was interested to see how it could be executed - even though the premise of telling a story through correspondence is trite and a bit cliche, I thought it could be fun to read if it was done well. Unfortunately, that didn't seem to be the case here - the letters were incredibly short, which is not often the case when exchanging hand (or hoof) written post, and the pacing of the story was incredibly accelerated. Things jumped into marriage with almost no precursory establishment not even half way through the story, and it was downhill from there.

That said, there weren't any glaring grammatical errors or flaws in syntax, but the execution of the story's premise needed some work.

Shame on you for getting my hopes up.

I was getting to the end, and my line of thought was basically, "Ah, what a sweet stor... damn." Good job.

275741 This is actually one of my new favorite ships, truth be told. I do thank you for your feedback. For the most part tit was helpful. It was the last comment that made you just sound snotty.

.276170 Aw. :heart: Thank you.


This entire concept is gold. You have the standard--but still solid--falling in love through letters thing, which I'm a total sap for, and even though I thought sometimes they were a bit dry, I enjoyed the letters. But THEN you branched out with it and kept the letters going after they got together until the end of the story. I liked that idea, but it needs some work. There's just too few letters. I get the sense you wanted to give a few snapshots of their lives, giving us a good picture of what their lives are like, but jumping from a few short letters after they get together to pregnancy and death left something to be desired, and I wasn't fan of that ending. It wasn't so much the sad part that bothered me, but it was really cliche.

Overall, it's a nice story. It's marred with some rushing towards the end as well as the ending itself, but I found myself enjoying it immensely for its creative qualities.

276308 I completely hear what you are saying. I have this horrible habit of rushing when I get to the ends of things and I know that about myself. Yet it's something I keep doing. But I'm working on it. Seems like the general consensus is that more letters of length and substance are wanted. This is good to know. Thank you!

I love this ship. The end made me all depressed n stuff.

I've seen Braeburn & Pinkie Pie once before (Luna the Matchmaker. you can find it on deviantart. the author says he MIGHT submit it to here when he's finished)

This was AMAZING! Hope you write more like this.

I've never heard of this shipping before!
This is about as crazy as OATMEAL!

did..did pinkie DIE!
:pinkiegasp: :fluttercry:

Brilliant... I think you should put breaks inbetween letters, just to cut down on confusion. Thanks for writing about one of my favorite ships.

This should have the Tragedy tag on it as well, I believe. So that people who want to read a nice happy story won't be shocked so much by this one that they start screaming and sending nasty notes to you.


sniff* Yes... :fluttercry::raritycry:

How do I favorite this?

PINKIE IS DEAD!!! :fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::raritycry::raritycry::raritycry: How do you favorite stuff?!?!?

So, i was listening to my iPod and then a sad song came up as the last letter started and i was like, "Why am i listening to this, i should be listening to something happy," and then i got to the last three lines of the first paragraph of it and i was like,"... nevermind... " must go to Pound Cake Party Hard gif to end crying

Oh lord...this made me tear up so much. It was beautiful from beginning to end. I was curious as to how you were going to transition between the letter format and their interactions with each other, but the way you handled it was too awesome. I especially like the little bit about the bachelor party. xP But yeah...poor Braeburn. T.T I got sooooo choked up. It felt like my heart got kidney punched, but in a good way, if that makes any sense.

Hope to see more from you in the future.:yay:

Well done, man. Well done.

>>The Nightmare
Hit the star to the left of the fic title or chapter title. Once it turns yellow, you added it as a favorite.

How do I favorite this?! :applecry::fluttercry::raritycry::raritydespair::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:

277183 click the black and grey star on the left side of the story title. It will color yellow.

Great story. Some parts did seem rushed, but I don't expect Pinkie to write an essay on why Braeburn should get milk!

Funny, touching, sweet, and also devastating. You inspire me, m'lady.

Seriously, I was smiling the entire way through until the very last passage. Here, I proceeded to audibly gasp, slam my fist down onto the desk, and cry many manly tears. So ultimately, what you have here is a bloody brilliant tale, spun in a unique way that has been executed perfectly.

I would give you stars if I had any. But alas, we will have to settle for a "thumbs-up" and a favourite, won't we?


>> Tealove

"Tit be helpful."

Best typo since the last best typo.

*Doubles over in pain*
*Barfs rainbow*

Oh my gosh, you guys! I cannot even express how thankful I am for the comments and also the pointers. I'll definitely go in and work on the things pointed out and I'll add the extra tag. To everyone I made cry? *bows* Thank you. I have done my job as a writer.

I love you all!

279810 *falls over laughing* Whoopsie!

And now I have done my job as a comedian. :ajsmug:

That last line was meant as a catch-all letting you know that I was hoping the story would be at well done execution of the intended premise, and that I was personally disappointed when it didn't deliver in the manner that I expected. It wasn't intended as any kind of 'elitism', and I don't see how being disappointed in something conveys any type of 'heightened' level of judgement, it just communicates that a reader or consumer of a piece of media feels they've been let down by the artist. Even more than that, it was a comment meant as a closing remark almost entirely in jest.

Just posting clarification because apparently there are people in tithers about the nature of that sentiment - it wasn't meant to be derogatory or pedantic, just that I was hoping to fall in love with this story based on the premise you conceived, but didn't find it up to my expectations.

awwwwe, such a great story:ajsmug: the sad ending was a nice touch :fluttercry:

Fantastic story with a unique and great pairing, loved every minute of it.
I can't stop crying, thanks for that

276575. Yes. :fluttershbad: :fluttercry: THIS STORY MADE ME CRY!!!! This was me at first... :D. Then this D':

Dat ending...

i love breaburn x pinkie, and you are by far the person who has expressed it the most:rainbowkiss: :pinkiesad2:

524634 YAY! Thank you for saying that. Totally makes my day. :pinkiesmile:

I was about to go to sleep, and I lurked your page, thought: this seems nice, let's read a nice story before going to bed. Everything was peaches and cream, and then, this line: "She will grow up knowing how special her mama was".

I lost it, this was so sad, I cried hard :fluttershbad::fluttercry: . Awesome story nonetheless, loved the concept of the letters :pinkiesmile: And Braeburn/Pinkie FTW

537365 Oh my goodness! I'm glad it touched you but sad that you cried so much, and right before bed!


Don't worry, I guess it was my fault for not noticing the tragedy tag, not that avoid those stories, just that I wasn't expecting that :twilightsmile:

At first I was all "Awww, how sweet!"
In the middle there was a chuckle
The at the end I had only one thought: YOU BASTARD!:twilightangry2:

Oh my god, I :heart: you and your writing.

I was reading, and I was all like :unsuresweetie:.

But then I was all :rainbowkiss: and then I was all :pinkiehappy:.

But then you made me all :pinkiegasp:, and now I'm all :raritycry::raritydespair::fluttercry::applecry:

I-I'm so sad now. You-you killed her.

I loved it!

574460 Reading that comment was like listening to Flounder from The Little Mermaid talk. Thank you so so much! Especially for saying you like my writing. That's extra glee worthy.

damn that was a good story.

"good story so far, don't know why it had tragedy as a genre"
-reads end-
"sush a tradgedy :fluttercry:"

I need a pony to cry on :raritycry:

Did not expect that ending. :fluttercry://sobs//:raritycry:

Feels, man. Just so many feels. :fluttercry: Was not expecting the ending. Really well done story.

Me too. Wait. How did she die?:pinkiegasp::fluttercry::raritycry::twilightangry2::ajsleepy::rainbowderp:

6999889 I'm guessing she died giving birth.

I've never even heard of this ship before, but this was really well written!! But...WHY DID YOU HAVE TO ADD THE LAST LETTER?! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO US?!? :fluttercry:

Authors are all sadists...(not that I'm one to talk)

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