• Published 25th Sep 2013
  • 4,337 Views, 36 Comments

Play for Me - TheTobacconist

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Chapter 1

Octavia woke to the sound of water dripping in the distance. She struggled to upright herself and weakly looked around the room. It was small and empty. The only things in the room were the musty cot she had woken up on, a candle in the center, and a rusted suit of armor in the corner. She walked to the door and jiggled the knob.

"Hello," She called out, "Is anypony there?"

Octavia felt the rusted metal hinges beneath her hoof. She turned around, closed her eyes and balanced herself on her forelegs. Her forelegs were immediately pulled out from under her. She yelled as she fell on her stomach. She looked up. The armor looked down at her. Octavia crawled away quickly.

"Hello," She stammered, "I- I'm Octavia."

The armor stood still.

"What's your name?" She asked.

The armor did not move. Octavia shuffled away, and sobbed in the corner. She heard the armor's hooves clinking, but did not look up.

She was not sure how long it was until she heard the rattle of a key in the door. Prince Blueblood entered with a cello in hoof. He placed it on the floor in front of her. He looked up at her, regarding her with a wary eye.

"Play," He commanded.

"Where am I!" She screamed at him.

Blueblood smacked her across the mouth. "Play."

"No," She refused, "How did I get here?"

Blueblood walked back to the door, looked over his shoulder, and shut it behind him. She could hear the rattling of a lock. She skulked to the door and put her ear against it. She looked back. The armor was above her again. She backed away and sat on the cot. She looked down at the candle. It had become a short nub. The wax dripped onto the floor. It burned out, and she cried in the dark. The armor clanked back over to it's corner. She could not see it or anything else in the dark.

Her own growling stomach woke her sometime later. She could not tell how much time had passed.

"Hey." She looked in the general direction of the armor's corner. "What's your name?"

There was only silence.

"My name's Octavia," She told it, "But, I guess I already said that."

The door opened. Blueblood entered with a candle and a sandwich. He placed both on the floor. He gestured to the cello.

"Play," He demanded.

"No." She backed into her corner.

Blueblood took the sandwich and the candle. He left, and locked the door behind him.

Octavia walked to the door and pressed her eye against the keyhole. She heard a clank. Something grabbed her tail and dragged her to the cot.

"How did you get here?" She asked the armor.

It clanked back over to the corner.

"Ok," She breathed in deeply, "One clank for yes, two for no."

It remained silent.

Blueblood entered many hours later. He once again carried a sandwich and a candle. He set them on the floor. He gestured to the cello.

"Play," He stated.

Octavia looked down at the sandwich. She picked up her cello. He scooted the sandwich closer to her. She played a few notes. She looked up expectantly.

"I'm too hungry!" She yelled, "I need some damn food."

He picked up the sandwich and the candle. He left her in the darkness. She ran to the door and slammed herself against it. Splinters scratched at her skin. The armor picked her up and placed her back on the cot. She ran for the door. The armor grabbed her and held her down in the cot.

Blueblood entered again. He placed the sandwich and candle on the floor.

"Play," He demanded.

Octavia picked up the cello and bow. She played a refrain. Blueblood stared at her movements the entire time. He smiled and raised a hoof. She stopped. He left the sandwich and candle behind.

She shoved it into her mouth. She licked the crumbs off the plate. She licked her hooves. She noticed the open door.

She skulked towards it with some hesitation. The door was just barely cracked. She began sweating nervously. Octavia looked up at the armor. It stayed in its corner. She looked back at the door. She backed away from it and sat on her cot. The armor stayed still. She looked down at her cello.

She looked back at the door. It was shut. The armor swayed just a little.

Blueblood came the next day. He had more candles, a sandwich, and a metal bowl filled with water. He placed them in front of her. She grabbed the cello and began the same refrain. Blueblood shook his head. She chose something more upbeat. Blueblood nodded. He left the candles and the vittles.

The door opened sometime later. She looked up for Blueblood, but did not see him.

"Got another one!" The guard yelled over his shoulder, "Are you all right, miss?"

"Armor," She answered, "The armor. The armor. Watch for the armor."

The guard looked at the armor. It stayed still. He lifted its visor.

"Nothing in there," He told her, "Let's get you out of here."

"Can't leave," Octavia muttered, "That's when it gets you. That's when it lives. Clank, clank... armor's gonna get me."

The guard grabbed her and made for the door. Octavia kept her eye on the armor as they left the room. They exited out across the courtyard. Dozens of guards littered the lawn of Blueblood's castle. One was writing in a thick book. The rest were helping emaciated ponies out of the building. Ambulance carts waited along the road.

"The armor." Octavia explained, "It doesn't move when you can see it."

"Uh-huh." The guard helped her into the ambulance.

She was in the room of a hospital. She was not sure where, she had not asked. She had to keep her eyes open. The armor would follow. She knew it would.

"That's a very nice cutie mark," A nurse set a sandwich down on the bedside tray, "What do you play?"

"Play?" Octavia began pantomiming playing her cello, "Play. Play. Play P-"

Comments ( 34 )

Whoa, that's dark... but pacing needs working on and some sentences are choppy. Good story though and falls into "Dark" tag very easily.

The sentences are intentionally choppy. My idea was to make the story choppier and the pacing was meant to speed up as Octavia started succumbing to dehydration and other factors.
Thank you, Imagine.


Well, that makes sense. :duck: Also, your welcome.:pinkiehappy:

I love the rare blueblood/octavia fic but why are they always dark or tragic? I know there was no romance in the tags but just a nit pic of mine.
Short but interesting.

Thanks Charzoid. The story really isn't a representation of my head canon. I figure Blueblood is actually an all right guy. I just needed a villain.

3254395Its okay and I like prince blueblood to. You at least didn't take things with him as extreme as most people do so thanks for that.

I'm afraid not Drone. This was done for one-shotober, and I don't normally feel comfortable with the horror genre. Maybe I could do a sequel from Blueblood's perspective later?

3254512 good enough for me :pinkiehappy: cookie?(::)

That is awesome.
And now I feel the need to change the description.

Wait... There are people who take it to more of an extreme? Do I even want to know about the fics you're talking about?

3254579You didn't know of this torture? I've spent 300hours going through the links and still haven't found the good ending.

I think I just beat it. I mean, I died, but I did find the light switch.

3254708There's apparently an actual good ending. less than 100 people have found it.

3254591 With the exception of a few thankfully growing number of fics in which he is in a good light, redeemed,or playing a supporting role hes almost everyone's psychopath villain. Think of every evil,sick,disgusting,perverse and sinful act possible in every form and people have written in a lot detail him doing it.:pinkiesick:

I have a group dedicated to the fics of him as a good guy and there's one other group besides mine that does the same.

A royal's gotta do something in their spare time, as he learned from Celestia. :pinkiecrazy:

This would've been better if she'd been kept prisoner longer.

I think that I did it better when I told the story from Blueblood's point of view. It was quite difficult to convey time when I couldn't just have her grow a beard. Looking back on it, there are other methods I could have used.

The time frame is intentionally ambiguous. I'd rather keep it that way.

That armor... now I can't stop thinking about it! Was it possessed, her imagination...!? So many possibilities! Great job :pinkiecrazy:

Blueblood kidnapping and enslaving people? Well... he took the wrong mare...

You're in the sniper's sight, the first kill tonight, time to die.

You're in the bullets way, the White Death's prey.

Say goodbye.


Anyways, as the others have said, I think Octavia wasn't in there long enough/had to go through enough to get to the point she seemed to be at the hospital.

How long do you think she was in there?

4681610 Well, since she was only given a single bowl of water, as far as we can tell, a week or so. (Unless she was given more, and I don't remember because I read this at like 2AM...)

At least going under the assumption that said bowl is the size of a typical bowl one may have in their kitchen for cereal.

I mean, you could use either that she was given more water off-screen, or create some bibbly babble ponies can go for long periods of time without water, but otherwise she just didn't get enough water to have been in there for a very long time.

Depending on how hot it was in the cell, the rate of perspiration plays a major factor, obviously being in such a stressful situation she would've been sweating from nervousness without it being hot, also consider that depending on which scale you use to base their height off of, the 8th candy cane or the EqG Fluttershy and Angle comparison, the ponies would have the same, or less, weight as humans respectively. Meaning that sure they don't need as much water as a real life pony, but they also wouldn't be able to store as much of it either.

That said, with only a single bowl of water, and a cell only 60 degrees as to not cause natural sweating, Octavia probably only could've survived a week, two weeks maximum, without more water.

4683887 So a week with a couple sandwiches and a bowl of water.

4696429 More the water than the food, since you can go much longer without any food at all, about a month or so, (depends on body weight, and other factors) but water? Aside from air it's pretty much the most important commodity, in terms of how long you can survive without it.

So yeah, with only a single bowl of water, 1 week is probably how long she was in before being rescued, a week and a quarter maybe, but a week and a half, or two weeks? She'd be lucky to still be alive, let alone actually being able to talk comprehensibly. (Though it's not impossible.)

Ok.. Now this describes him as a quiet little sadistic fuck. I more see him as a loudmouth spoiled brat of a prick, but I hate this version none the less.

That is a good thing.

She has gone bananas

That link is dead it seems.

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