• Published 24th Sep 2013
  • 591 Views, 31 Comments

Derpy's Rainboom - Dead Lock

Derpy whooves joins the wonder bolts after performing a sonic rain boom

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Chapter 1

"Wow! Look at Rainbow Dash!"


Derpy Whooves stood and watched as Rainbow Dash was flying through the air, performing stunts no pony would ever do. She was jealous, just like every other Pegasus in Ponyville. Every pony loved Rainbow Dash, the coolest pony ever. Suddenly one pony shouted. "Look! She's doing a sonic rain boom!" Every pony looked up as the sound barrier was forming around Rainbow Dash. Rainbow smirked as she was getting closer to breaking it. Suddenly, the sound barrier flung her back.

"Ahhhhhh!" She screamed as she was flying away. The ponies in the square slowly thinned as they realized that Rainbow wasn't coming back for a while. Derpy decided to go home as well. She walked into the dark post office and turned the lights on. She walked into the back room and removed her saddle bag. She sighed from the long day of work and decided to hit the hay. She dreamed of being as cool as Rainbow Dash. The next morning, she awoke to a commotion outside. Probably another one of Rainbow's shenanigans, Derpy thought, I'll just get ready. She brushed her teeth and was going to get her morning muffin, when she saw half the ponies in town outside the post office, looking in. As she walked out in to the main room, they all started screaming and yelling.

"Calm down people!" Derpy yelled over them. They immediately hushed. "Well that was easy," She muttered.

"Open up!" One of the ponies said.

"Yeah!" Yelled another.

"What's the rush?" Derpy asked.

"Rainbow Dash's Wonder Bolts letter comes today, and we want to see if she got in!"

"Oh does it now?" Derpy said sarcastically. Uhg, another one of Rainbow's shenanigans. Derpy thought. She walked up to the doors and unlocked them. All the ponies immediately rushed in, knocking Derpy over. "At least let me get to the counter!" Derpy shouted over the commotion. After much pushing and shoving, Derpy finally got to the counter. "Let me see if I can find it." Derpy told the anxious ponies. As she was looking for a letter with the Wonder Bolt's seal on it, she heard a pony in the back of the crowd shout.

"Rainbow Dash is here! Rainbow Dash is here!" The crowd parted as Rainbow Dash walked up to the counter.

"I'd like my Wonder Bolts acceptance letter now," she said without even looking at Derpy.

"Let me find it OK?" Derpy said, annoyed.

"Take your time." Rainbow Dash said, then started hovering in midair. Derpy sifted through the letters, until she found the Wonder Bolt's official wax seal on the front. She checked to see if it was addressed to Dash, then gave it to her. "This is the moment of truth!" Rainbow said, tearing the letter open. "What! I didn't get in!" She shouted in anger, "Grrrrr! I'll show them!" She yelled, then flew out in a huff. Everyone slowly left the post office after looking around some. Derpy sighed after everyone left. Better get to work, she though, got a long day ahead of me. She threw on her saddle bag and left for work. She was making her daily rounds, and decided to stop at Carrot Top's house.

"Oh hello Derpy!" Carrot Top said when she answered the door, "What brings you here?"

"I dunno, I was just..." Derpy started, but was cut off by a loud grumbling in her stomach. I was so busy with the Rainbow Dash commotion, I forgot to eat my daily morning muffin! She thought.

"You sound like you haven't had breakfast," Carrot Top said, "come in, I think I still have some muffins from that batch you gave me last time you were over." Derpy followed Carrot Top inside. As they were eating their muffins, they chatted a little.

"Do you know Rainbow Dash?" Derpy asked.

"Of course, who doesn't?" Carrot Top replied.

"I'm not really a big fan of her."

"What do you mean? She's awesome!"

"That's just the thing, she's to much of an attention hog."

"I kind of agree with you, she is pretty full of herself."

"Today her crowd of paparazzi crowded my post office to see if Rainbow got into the Wonder Bolts."

"That would be a big honor for Ponyville."

"Still, you should have seen her, acting all high and mighty as she walked in."

"Did the Wonder Bolts accept her?"

"No, just like usual. After reading the letter, she flew of angry."

"Well, nice to see you again, bye!"

"Bye Carrot Top!" Derpy said while walking out. She took off again and continued her routes. As she was finishing she went back to the post office and took off her saddle bag. Ah, a successful day of work. Derpy thought, Better get some sleep. Derpy turned around and was walking to her room when suddenly, Rainbow Dash came crashing through the roof onto her.

"Ow!" Derpy yelled, "What in Celestia are you doing?!"

"Sorry," Rainbow Dash replied, not sounding contrite at all, "I'm trying to get this stunt down pat so the Wonder Bolts will accept me, I'll fix your roof later." With that, she flew off. Grrrr, that's it! Derpy thought angrily, I'm tired of Rainbow Dash! I'll show her who's better than who! I'll train and do a sonic rainboom and join the Wonder Bolts! That'll show her! Content with her plan, Derpy slept, dreaming of what life would be like if she was cooler than Rainbow Dash.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! This was my surprise story. Yup, it's a Derpy story. I like Derpy. She has a lot to work with. It's kind of hard though, since I call her Derpy in this story, and Ditzy in other stories. Anyways, Enjoy!