• Published 23rd Sep 2013
  • 43,858 Views, 1,636 Comments

Of the Hive - law abiding pony

After the royal wedding, a new changeling hive makes its presence known and wishs to open diplomatic relations. Twilight decides to use this opprotunity to learn more about them, but ends up getting far more than she bargined for.

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5: The Summit

A quill, gripped in orange telekinesis, hovered above a blank piece of paper. Its delicate tip trembled above the parchment, as though the quill itself were channeling Twilight Sparkle's excitement. Reading while hanging from the ceiling was one thing, but writing was an entirely different kind of difficulty.

Dear Princess Celestia,

You would not believe where I am right now. Cadista is taking me to the Summit of the Queens aboard a huge airship! The summit is an important political event, and in the interest of keeping open relations between our nations, Cadista has suggested I tell you all about it. I won’t be writing about it, though, because I’d rather tell you in person!

Tomorrow, when the Summit’s over, I’ll be joining the next trade caravan into Equestria to see you, my first family, and my friends in Ponyville. Every day, something helps me recover more of my old memories. I can only hope that I’ll get them all back in time, but I’ve prepared myself for the possibility that it might not happen. Then again, the future is just as important as the past. Even if I don’t get all of my memories back, I forge new ones every day, along with new friendships.

As for Stripped Gear’s technology, it’s absolutely amazing! A brother of mine, Ratchet Altair, told me the ship I'm on is just over a hundred meters in length, and is made of mostly steel. I’m not exactly sure why he was so proud of its steel construction, but the only other airships I’ve seen outside of Stripped Gear are two in Equestria, plus my old hot air balloon, so maybe wood construction is the norm outside of our hive.

Regardless, it’s time for my “changeling life” report. There are a lot of differences between what I remember, and how life is now. To be perfectly honest, I think I was very fortunate that I lost my memory before hatching. I’m not saying that because I want to forget my past, but because my amnesia sort of... helped me rebuild myself. Looking back on my old memories, how physically different I was, and the whole business with the hive mind; I just don’t think I could’ve handled my transformation if my memories had still been intact. My amnesia gave me the chance to rebuild the foundation of who and what I am, and for that, at least, I’m grateful.

Aside from you, I remember Shining Armor, and… most of what happened in the wedding. If I were still a unicorn, I’d probably have every right to despise changelings, but now that I’ve been one for almost a week, I can say that Chrysalis doesn’t define our species. I hope my visit can address any misunderstandings between our people.

I shouldn’t let such musings drag me down. Thinking about my life as a changeling, if I had to choose one thing that stood out above everything else, it’d have to be the hive mind.

I remember not being a part of one, so I can imagine how… unsettling it might be if you take anything out of context, but hear me out on this.

Being one with the hive mind is like being in a restaurant where everyone is having a conversation. Now expand that to encompass four thousand diners, where every one of them is audible to you. What’s fascinating is that, if I don’t wish to think about the Link, as we call it, then it fades into the background. It never distracts me from the task at hoof, and I find that it’s actually very soothing to just lay back, and immerse myself in listening to the hive mind.

Now I know you’ll think it’s probably maddening to listen to four thousand voices in your head, every waking moment, and it might be to a non-changeling mind. Perhaps that’s not the case for us because we’re simply built to work this way. Plus, because I’m a royal changeling, I can’t be forcibly commanded by the Link to do anything, so you don’t have to worry about me being coerced through it.

I’d like to go into more details, but I’d just turn this letter into an essay. Like I said, it’s complicated, and I’d rather just tell you face to face when I arrive. It looks like we’re nearly at our destination, so I better wrap this up. See you soon!


Twilight Sparkle

Twilight rolled up the scroll with her magic and detached herself from the ceiling, flying down to a desk where Spike's candle rested. She lit the dragon fire candle and burned the letter. A sigh escaped her lips as she watched the green flames eat through the parchment. It was a three hour flight from Stripped Gear to the Summit, and she was enjoying the accommodations the queen’s quarters provided. I’m kind of surprised a military ship would have such a spacious room. But, I suppose it lends credence to the idiom written above the door; “It’s good to be the queen.”

“Cadista said it was Yumia who put that plaque there, but…” Twilight smirked, “she never took it down.”

Well, if for nothing else, you might as well try to enjoy your lot in life.

Twilight got up and moved towards a porthole to gaze at the view. Despite the queen’s chambers being spacious, it did not have a very large window, something Twilight respected. If it’s going to be a warship, then having a large window for a target isn’t very sound.

<Twilight,> Cadista called, <We’re nearly there, why don’t you join me on the bridge?>

Twilight cleaned up her writing utensils. <Of course, I’ll be right there.>

A few minutes later, Twilight arrived on the bridge. She glanced at a plaque depicting the name of the ship: S.G.N. Deception.

Cadista was looking out the front of the bridge, which had the largest window on the ship. Twilight cantered over to her side and gazed down at the landscape below. While Stripped Gear rested in an extinct caldera, the vast stretches of land below used to be farmlands that had been reclaimed by the jungle centuries ago. Twilight could see sporadic ruins and old monuments proclaiming that civilization used to exist there.

Sitting above it were the ruins of a city on a plateau, with a castle cut from an ebony spire. Over the ages, only the castle had been maintained, and that was the Deception’s destination.

Twilight’s good mood fell as she laid eyes on the castle. <Well this is it. Whether I want to or not, everypony’s going to see me as your heir after this.>

<You’ll do fine, Twilight,> Cadista said while soothing her over the Link, <If I recall correctly, half your education under Celestia was in politicking. I’m sure it’ll start coming back to you.>

Twilight stopped fidgeting with her hooves. “I hope so,” she replied, lapsing into vocalizing her thoughts.

Cadista pulled the younger mare into a side hug while addressing the crew behind her. <Captain Silver! We’re close enough, drop the cloak; let them know we’re here.>

<Aye, my queen.>

Twilight gently nuzzled Cadista so she wouldn’t damage her mane style while watching the ship. The bridge sat on the upper hull, in the center, so she was able to see several orange crystals on steel booms. The crystals stood perpendicular to the hull and were constantly pulsing with maddeningly complex magical arrays to form a cloaking sphere around the Deception.

With the order given, the crystals stopped pulsing and the booms retracted. The ship’s cloaking field dropped, revealing itself to the castle.

Twilight scanned the skies around the plateau. The only things she could see were the distant figures of other changelings and white clouds. <Where are the other queens’ airships?>

<I’d be surprised if there were any. We’re the only hive with the capability and motivation to build one.>

Twilight furrowed her brow. <Then how do they get here? Surely they don’t fly on their own.>

<Not the queens, no. Look there.>

Twilight moved her head away from Cadista’s fur to see an enormous brown behemoth emerge from the dense cloud layer towards the south. At such a distance, all she could make out was the glint of what seemed like dragon scale, a swarm of brown figures around it, and its bloated body being propelled by no visible forces.

<That’s Queen Kreesus’ personal transport. It’s bigger than the last time I saw it.>

Twilight pressed her snout against the glass before seeing a telescope nearby and switching to it. “What in the world is it?”

Cadista cast a good humored smirk. <That, is Kreesus’ crowning achievement, Fluffy.>

Twilight couldn’t help but to stare at her matriarch. “Fluffy? Is she serious? It’s covered in scales.”

I really wish she would get used to speaking solely within the hive mind, if only to safeguard our secrets. <Fluffy is a specially crafted drone. It’s been grown over the past fifty years, and has even been completely weaned off the need for love at the expense of its mind being reduced to nothing more than basic instinct. It can carry over fifty thousand drones within its shell.>

“So, it’s like a living airship?”

Cadista barely suppressed a sigh; Twilight was still vocalizing everything. <To put it simply, yes.>

Twilight scanned the skies as the Deception closed in on the castle and berthed with one of the northern docks.

The two royals were escorted out onto to the ebony stone by four drones - black changelings with jet black eyes. The tallest dipped his head in respect to them. “Queen Cadista, welcome to the summit.” He faced Twilight, who stood silently in a stoic pose. “Who is this?”

“This is my heir, Twilight Sparkle.”

The lead changeling eyed the purple mare for a few moments before nodding to her. “Very well. Half of the queens have already assembled. This way, if you please.”

He turned about-face, and started walking away. Twilight followed a step behind Cadista. <Who do they belong to?>

Cadista was glad she had the wits to stay in hive-speak while in the company of others. <They are the Home Guard. They do not belong to a queen, and consist solely of drones who are donated to the castle while still in the shell. This castle marks the first known hive to exist, and is considered neutral ground. Any attack upon another while a summit is in session, or three days before or after is tantamount to declaring war on everypony.>

Eventually, the pair arrived at a massive throne room, open to the sky above. It was designed like a circular amphitheater, with a small ebony spire towards the northern side with an empty black throne carved into it. Twilight saw only a scant few drones among the sixteen royals, four of whom were princesses.

The Home Guard captain yelled an announcement. “Assembled queens, I present Queen Cadista, and her heir, Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

All eyes shifted first to Cadista, whom they expected, and then to Twilight, which drew far more attention than the purple changeling ever wished to have. Cadista soothed her over the Link. <Be alert, but also at ease. You will garner a measure of respect if you appear comfortable in your position.>

Before Twilight could do so, a moss green queen jumped up from her seat. “What’s this Cadista? A former Equestrian? Is this just one more step towards ponifying your hive?”

Cadista narrowed her eyes. “Yeelindrus. What I do with my hive is none of your concern.” She sat down, with Twilight to her right. “You should spend less time drowning yourself in nectar and more time improving your alchemy.” She glanced at Yeelindrus’ escorts. “Their chitin looks rather fragile.”

A much older queen hovering over the abandoned throne spoke out before Yeelindrus could retort. “Enough, both of you,” she said in a grating voice, eroded by the passage of time. “You can bicker amongst yourselves after the summit.”

Cadista nodded in respect to her elder, while Yeelindrus scoffed. Twilight was enraptured by the exchange. I should get to know who I’ll be dealing with in the future. <Who is Yeelindrus and that other queen?>

<The green one is Yeelindrus, an atrocious waste of space, capable only of breeding brittle, mindless drones. She leaves all the thinking to Chrysalis, her older sister.>

Twilight remembered Chrysalis after her memories of the wedding returned in full. She scowled while casting her gaze to the black queen with acid green eyes. Chrysalis was studying Twilight in turn, but held her tongue. While Twilight glared at her, Chrysalis was finding it extremely difficult to hide her shock at the purple mare’s very existence, and her appearance only complicated the effort.

Cadista directed Twilight’s attention towards the elder queen with magenta eyes and a violet mane. <She is Silandrus. The oldest queen alive by far, and has the most powerful hive of nearly one hundred fifty thousand drones. She also holds great respect among those of us who know better,> she said while glancing at Yeelindrus.

Twilight balked. <How can she lay so many eggs?>

<I’m not sure. I suspect she has the original version of Chrysalis’ breeding drones, or she’s found a way to give her drones incredible longevity. It could be neither of those things for all I know, but Silandrus has been the rock of our nation for the past millennium. She’s responsible for both keeping explorers from venturing into our territory, and information control. She’s the reason we were only myths to Equestrians until now.>

Cadista informed Twilight of every queen in attendance, including those that trickled in as the meeting time drew nearer. It took nearly an hour and a half, and by then Twilight was getting rather hungry.

<Are we going to be served lunch any time soon?>

Cadista tried to search her fellow royals for any unusual glances at Twilight. <No. Back when Silandrus was barely out of the shell, Summits used to last for months, sometimes years. Time means rather little to long lived beings such as us. Silandrus however, hated it, and as soon as she could, she forcibly cut down on all the bickering and political maneuvering of the Summit. Part of that plan was to forbid food or drink, so that decisions would be reached in hours instead of years.>

<Wait, is that why we didn’t have breakfast?>

<Aside from our love requirements, yes.>

Silandrus called out as the last of the twenty queens sat down. “The Summit of the Queens is now in session.” She glared at the younger royals until they quieted down. “We are here to discuss a blatant violation of one of our most sacred principles and best defense. Not to mention the invalidation of my hive’s work for the past thousand years, and that of my predecessors since the times before Discord.”

She turned a baleful glare at Chrysalis. “What say you?”

The black queen hovered over the south side of the bowl. “I acted in everyone’s best interest with my assault on Canterlot. My plan was to capture the entirety of the city’s population and prevent any news of the attack from ever leaving the Equestrian capital. After making off with the ponies, I would detonate an anti-magic bomb to level Canterlot. Not a single soul would have caught wind of who caused it, if it wasn’t for a small miscalculation.”

<Small miscalculation my flank!> Twilight growled, barely keeping her thoughts on the Link.

Silandrus shared Twilight’s anger, but not for the same reasons. “That doesn’t excuse your actions. The two princesses of Equestria know of us now. We can no longer slink into the shadows and let time wash away their memories. As punishment for this, I am severing the bonds you share with Yeelindrus and Jstrul.”

A collective murmur of alarm and shock resounded through the chamber before Silandrus silenced it with gesture. “Never would I have imagined that one of our own would be so foolish as to execute a large scale invasion on a national capital! Did you even have a contingency plan, or were you so drunk on stolen love that you never considered failure a possibility?”

Chrysalis smiled viciously. “Actually, the plan I just told you was the contingency plan. I wanted to thrust us into the spotlight.”

The surprise from before redoubled at Chrysalis’ conceited smirk. Silandrus’ tone grew caustic. “Explain yourself, before I have you and your hive declared rogue.”

Chrysalis’ smug grin fell at the threat. Twilight turned to Cadista, who was wearing a sly smile. <Is there something I’m missing about going rogue?>

<Chrysalis is one step from being declared unfit for her crown. That means her land, hive, and life will be forfeit if the majority agrees with Silandrus’ ruling. The problem is, Chrysalis holds sway over many of the queens, and I think the order to sever her bond with her sisters is going to be ignored.>

Chrysalis flew into the air. “How long have we shied away from prying eyes? We feed on the love of others like parasites rather than the predators we should be. Even in the short time I held Canterlot in my grasp I gathered enough love to satiate my hive for five months!

She cast a scornful glare at her enemies in the room, including a particularly nasty one at Twilight and Cadista. “If the Equestrians have done one thing right, it’s raising livestock for their omnivorous neighbors. Why shouldn’t we do the same?”

Cadista flew into the air to challenge Chrysalis. “You would have us treat sentient life as cattle?”

Chrysalis sneered. “Don’t we already? The only difference is that our food is always let out to pasture, when we could be milking them dry for every scrap of love they’re worth!”

Cadista glared at the other queen, but Kreesus spoke up from the other side of the room. “You would reduce us to the very monsters they believe us to be!”

“Then we have nothing to lose,” Yeelindrus called out from the sidelines. “If we don’t act quickly, the nations of the world will start ousting our collectors, and then where will we be?”

“We do the same as we have always done,” called out another queen. “Fade into the shadows and pretend we never existed. Even the ageless alicorns will forget, now that they’ve submerged themselves in the commoners’ lives.”

It was the safest, most comfortable course of action, and most of the queens voiced their approval. Chrysalis let the others converse for a few minutes before throwing an accusatory hoof at Twilight. “A shame that won’t be possible, not with Celestia’s prized student posing as a princess changeling!”

Twilight was already fuming at Chrysalis after her memories of the wedding had returned. She has some nerve! “I am not posing!” She barked while her wings buzzed just enough to pick her off the ground for a few seconds.

Cadista flew back to land next to Twilight. “She was reborn into my hive as my heir. She is as much of a changeling as any of us.”

Silandrus did not care for Chrysalis’ attempt to divert blame. “Cadista is known as one of the few who employs rebirthing, and the chamber’s demasking aura would have stripped her of any illusion magic. As such, I recognize Twilight Sparkle as Cadista’s legitimate heir.” Her tone soured. “She has demonstrated foresight you sorely lack, Chrysalis. There’s something to be said about Celestia withholding her military.”

Chrysalis scoffed. “Equestrian military; it’s laughable at best. I was about to conquer their capital with half an expeditionary force. We could crush Equestria before their griffin allies could set one claw in the jungle!”

Silandrus, along with most of the older queens, were unmoved as a tan royal shouted from the right of her. “You do realize that the Royal Guard is nothing more than a police force, don’t you? Their military forces have been honing themselves in constant skirmishes against the chaos spawn Discord unleashed upon our world. If your infiltrators had bothered to go a few dozen kilometers north of Manehatten, you’d see where the bulk of the pony forces have been. Equestria is not to be trifled with!”

Chrysalis sneered. “And what makes you think they would pull those forces away from the chaos spawn?”

“Just how far have you fallen,” Cadista glowered, “to think that enslaving the world in those barbaric cocoons of yours is justified?”

“I concur,” a light olive green queen named Thereena replied. “We take what we need from the other species, and leave them be otherwise. It never harms the other races to siphon love, and the longer our relationship with them remains symbiotic, the better for all of us. If you enslaved the entire pony race, there would be no love left to steal! Your cruelty would be your undoing, Chrysalis!”

“I, for one, am sick of being labeled as a parasite when we could be the predators,” one of Chrysalis’ supporters shouted back. “Stop being so sentimental; the ponies alone produce enough love for a hundred hives. With them under the lash, our race wouldn’t need to hide in the shadows.”

After three hours of listening to the queens bicker, Silandrus was too hungry to bear it any longer. She grabbed a large stone gavel in her magic and slammed it twice upon the ebony floor. “I am old and weary of this banter, and I will suffer it no longer. Chrysalis, for the crime of breaking our most ancient and sacred defense, you are to be stripped of half your lands and your hive is to be embargoed for no less than fifty years.” She surveyed the gathered royals. “All those in favor?”

Despite her vocal opponents, only half the queens voted in favor. The scant few princesses and proto-queens had no say in the matter, much to Twilight’s chagrin. Silandrus hid her displeasure behind a neutral mask. Just how far has our kin fallen to harbor such disregard for the lives of other species? “We are at an impasse.”

One of the dissenting queens spoke out. “I believe her methods were out of line, but she brings up critical flaws in our traditional stance towards other nations. A thirty year embargo is more just.”

Silandrus felt that was tantamount to a slap on the wrist, thanks to Chrysalis’ hive being self-sufficient. This was why she wanted to strip Chrysalis of her territory, but there was nothing she could do. “All in favor?”

More than half, Chrysalis included, voted for it. Silandrus barely kept her disgust in check. “Then it is decided.”

“As for our stance towards the other races, we must enact damage control. I will have my drones spread misinformation among the populous, and keep the identity of the real culprits from ever spreading beyond Equestrian borders.” She addressed Cadista next. “You and your heir already have the ear of the Equestrian Princesses. Let them know we police our own, and find some way to have them minimize our involvement with the Canterlot fiasco. I don’t care how, just make it happen.”

Cadista inclined her head. “I have no objections.”

“I do!” Yeelindrus shouted. “She’ll set up a nice treaty with Equestria for more power. She’s already got Celestia wrapped around her hoof after absconding with her former pupil.”

Cadista glowered. “Maybe if you hadn’t been stupid enough to attack her in the first place.”

Yeelindrus returned her hate-filled gaze. “You have no proof of that.”

Twilight noticed Chrysalis’ spiteful glare shift towards her younger sister. Interesting...

“Might I provide a solution?” Kreesus called out before flying into a hover on the south side of the room after Chrysalis returned to her seat. “Cadista’s brood already looks fairly pony-ish. I move that she be our public face to the alicorns. She can claim to be the real changelings, while Chrysalis and her ilk are degenerates that have long abandoned the true way. Then we can pass off any future sightings as part of Chrysalis’ feral brood. Given that she’ll be the only one placating the alicorns, I think it is only proper that she be able to sign whatever treaty is necessary to keep the peace.”

Twilight watched as the queens either silently brooded, or murmured to each other about the idea. Her gut churned as Chrysalis’ scowl slowly turned into a feral sneer. The ebony queen stood up. “I have no objections.”

Silandrus brooded for several seconds. If both of them are agreeing to this, then there’s no need for a vote. “Then it is decided. I call this summit to a close.”

The gathered royals departed quick, if for nothing else than to eat. Kreesus flew over to speak with Cadista. “Darling, it’s been far too long!”

Cadista smiled warmly. “That it has. Why don’t you join me on the Deception for lunch?”

Kreesus snickered. “Not a chance. You provided the last dinner date we had; now it’s my turn. We’ll speak again on Fluffy.” She leaned in and whispered, “I’d rather not catch up on old times with Sticky Spit’s posse still around.”

Cadista nodded in agreement. “We’ll join you now, then. I’ll have my ship brought alongside yours.” She turned to Twilight. <Do you wish to come as well?>

<I’d love to see how a different hive lives!>

Cadista smiled at Twilight’s eagerness. “Then let’s go.”

Fluffy’s interior was about as strange of an experience as Twilight expected it to be. The floating giant had large gas bladders that were covered in resin to make it easier to walk. Twilight saw no trace of metals, glass, or cloth. In their place was nothing but bone, muscle, and rough scales. Twilight gasped at seeing a large blood vessel the size of her head as she followed the queens to their destination. I get the feeling that Kreesus doesn’t believe in non-organic technology.

The red queen led them into a dining room with chairs made of cartilage, covered in a thick coat of hair, while the table itself was milky white bone. Kreesus sat at the head of the table while her two guests sat across from each other.

“Now, you have to tell me all about yourself Twilight. Ever since I found out about you, I’ve been wondering how you were turned into a royal.”

Twilight paused in the middle of lifting a small bone cup. “Wait, you’re surprised I was turned into a royal, not a changeling?” She looked to Cadista, who shrugged, prompting Kreesus to elaborate.

“Well, it’s not uncommon for some hives to kidnap an affluent member of foreign society for various reasons, some good, some not. But you are the first to have ever been successfully converted into a royal changeling. Not that there have been many attempts, mind you.” She faced Cadista. “It was a complete transformation, right?”

“As far as I can tell, it is. Although, a few pieces of her old self remain: her coat, eyes, most of her hair, and her cutie mark, oddly enough.”

Twilight examined a plate of strange looking food that was placed in front of her. “So… I was supposed to look like you?”

Kreesus and her hive were herbivores, but she kept a small store of meat when she entertained Cadista, who dug into the blue steak with a knife. “Well, to be honest, I wasn’t exactly sure. Every royal appears exactly like their mother upon hatching. They can make changes later in life if they wish. Unlike drones, we can change a lot about our appearance and abilities, but only through alchemy. These changes happen as quickly as you desire, but chitin needs to be shed before a new color can take its place. The few ponies I know of that have been changed into drones became identical to every other drone in the hive, save for above average intelligence.” She cast a snooty glance at Kreesus.

“Pah, one of these days those smart drones will be the death of you. There’s a reason no one else uses highly intelligent drones.”

Cadista snorted playfully before addressing Twilight. “It’s entirely possible that your self-identity was strong enough to prevent all changes, save for the stripe of orange in your hair, and your cutie mark.”

Twilight held her tail in her hooves and levitated a lock of orange hair with her magic. So, the only part of the old me are my memories and my looks? Beneath all that, I’m just as much of a changeling as Cadista is. Is that going to be enough for my old friends and family, or would I have been better off letting my colors go grey and orange?

Cadista could sense Twilight’s dour mood. She needs time to think. She knows to ask if she needs advice.

The two queens gossiped about various politics while Twilight fretted over her trip to Equestria. By the time she finished her blue steak, she had come to a conclusion. Everything I remember of them makes me think they’d accept the new me, but will they be able to look past my changes? Well, there’s no way to find out until I see them.

“Twilight, dear,” Kreesus called out of the blue, causing her to snap to attention. “If you do decide to change your natural appearance, at least try to keep your cutie mark. I think it looks rather becoming on you.”

Twilight looked down at her flank, and a smile crossed her face. “To ponies, their mark represents their talent and self-identity. I think a purple starburst lying on top of orange is rather fitting. I won’t be changing it at all.”

Cadista smiled, while Kreesus scrunched her face in thought. “So, aside from keeping Celestia from warring with us, what do you bring to the table?”

Twilight furrowed her brow as she let go of her tail. “What do you mean?”

Cadista held her peace while Kreesus spoke. “What I mean, darling, is what improvements will you bring to our race? Keeping Celestia from attacking us is all well and good, but you could lounge on your flank all day and do that. What are you going to do to improve your hive?”

Twilight mulled over the question. She brings up a good point. What can I do? A studious look fell upon her face. “Play to my strengths, of course. My hive is already a center of learning and research, and I am no slouch in either respect. Right now, the best thing I can do for the hive is to learn.”

“An interesting answer,” Kreesus admitted, “but how will learning benefit your hive?”

I’m just going to assume she means outside of what’s necessary to perform my duties as queen. “As Cadista once told me, the demeanor of the queen is reflected by the hive, and I think there is no higher calling than the pursuit of knowledge and friendship.”

Kreesus acceded the first goal, but laughed at the second. “Friendship? Hardly a need for that when your drones are united under you anyway.”

“It doesn’t have to be with just drones, why can’t friendship be between queens like you and Cadista? I could even expand that to include Equestria as well.”

Kreesus leaned back in her chair with an amused grin. “My, don’t you have some lofty goals. Well, I would comment on it, but it’s not my place to raise another’s heir. Nevertheless,” she added with playful curiosity. “I will be watching you closely, young one. You ought to prove very interesting, very interesting indeed.”

“Uh, thanks?”

Cadista sought to give her a chance to escape Kreesus’ questions. “Twilight, why don’t you learn how to disguise yourself from one of Kreesus’ drones? It would be good for you to learn how another hive functions.” She turned to Kreesus. “Don’t you agree?”

“How long has she been out of the shell?” Kreesus stared at Cadista with faux indignation. “You’ve let your priorities become garbled, I’m afraid.” She faced Twilight and noticed she was mostly done eating, “Cadista and I have been allies for centuries, it is only fitting that I extend that friendship to you as well. I would be happy to have one of my children instruct you.”

Without a noticeable order, a drone with solid cyan eyes approached Twilight from Kreesus’ direction. Both its appearance and its voice seemed genderless. “This way, your highness.”

Twilight was caught off guard by the lack of self-introduction. “Um… Alright.”

The nameless drone guided Twilight through various corridors while she surveyed the interior of the craft. Everything was organic; the walls, the floor, even the doors were muscles that automatically moved by walking near them. The lighting was from bioluminescent pods casting everything in a bright yellow light. Twilight noticed the drones were quite different as well.

She saw massive chimera sized drones, some half her size, others had specialized appendages or spines grown in various places. The one thing she noticed above all else, was that they had no visible irises beneath the cyan glow of their eyes. It’s even brighter than the ones from my hive. “Why do you guys so vastly differ from each other?”

“We are all bred to specialize in a specific task. Most of the drones you see here live within Fluffy to keep it healthy.”

“I see. Like an immune system, of sorts.” The conversation lapsed into silence for a few minutes. “Do you have a name?”

“I do not,” it replied emotionlessly.


“Names are unnecessary to serve my queen.”

Twilight scowled. “Don’t you want a name?”

This time, the drone looked back at her with puzzled look. “How would having a name better serve my queen? If she has need of me, she knows how to find me.”

“Er— well, serving your queen is all well and good, but what about your personal time?”

The drone’s confusion only mounted. “Personal time?”

“You know, when you’re not working.”

Realization dawned on the drone’s face and it turned back around. “We sleep. Frivolous activity wastes energy.”

“Did Kreesus decree that?”

“She does not have to. We live only to serve the queen. All else is meaningless.”

Twilight’s ears drooped. “Sounds… empty.”

They arrived in a small chamber that had highly reflective resin on the walls and had been smoothened out to be an effective mirror. A single light hung from the ceiling, but the all-encompassing mirror made it more than enough to leave the chamber well lit.

The drone walked to the side before becoming rigid. A moment later, the glow of its eyed faded to reveal reptilian slits and it spoke in Kreesus’ voice. “Ah, my favorite mirror room, always a good place to test new disguises.”

Twilight jumped at hearing the high pitched voice. “Kreesus? But-”

The drone smirked playfully. “The look on your face is priceless, my dear, but you didn’t honestly think I would leave this lesson to a drone, did you?”

“Well, I thought you were busy talking with Cadista.”

The drone puppet smirked. “You are fresh from the shell aren’t you? A queen must know how to be in a thousand places at once, directing the hive as she sees fit.”

Surely she’s exaggerating. “How is it possible to do that?”

The puppet tilted its head in thought. “Well, I have some idea of how your hive mind operates, but with mine, each drone lends their mental facilities to me. With that, I am able to spread my influence across a very large space without being overwhelmed.” The puppet seemed to waver a bit before becoming a carbon copy of Twilight. “I believe we came here for instruction.”

Instead of the shocked look Kreesus was expecting, Twilight shot forward to inspect her doppelganger. “So that’s what I look like to the others.” She moved all around until a look of mock indignation crossed her face. “My flank is not that big!”

The puppet let out uproarious laughter, along with Twilight. “Oh, I haven’t laughed like that in years. I think you and I are going to get along just fine, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight was enraptured by the control Kreesus had over the drone. “I didn’t know queens could take over a drone like this. The most I’ve been able to do is direct a group of arguing engineers into fixing the problem with port engine five instead of arguing over whose fault it was.”

Kreesus arched a curious eyebrow. “Well, I never have problems with bickering drones, but occasionally some of the smarter drones out there need some more… direct guidance from their queen. Personally, I prefer using simple minded drones to avoid the problem altogether. Now, back to the task at hoof. Go ahead and ask your Link how to formulate your disguise.”

“Right.” Twilight focused on the hive mind and made her request. The Link eagerly gifted her the information. “Okay, I got it.”

“Good. Now, jumping straight into a full body disguise is not recommended. You have the knowledge, but not the experience. As such, you should start your first disguise piecemeal. Begin with your coat.”

“Alright.” Twilight’s thoughts drifted to Flexi and her purple fur wavered before turning grey.

“Now, wait until you’re comfortable with maintaining each piece of your disguise before moving on to the next.”

Nodding, Twilight changed piece by piece. Her mane turned solid orange; she shrank two inches, and her eyes changed last. She looked at herself in the mirror, twisting and turning to see every facet of her temporary image. “So, this is what I would’ve looked like as a drone.”

“Well done,” the puppet praised, making a close inspection. “Utterly flawless. You truly do learn fast, but then again, wearing a disguise comes naturally to all changelings.” The drone dropped its disguise, prompting Twilight to do the same. “Now that you can craft and maintain it, try to disguise yourself faster this time. You need to be able to raise it in an instant.”

“Okay, here goes.” For the next hour, Twilight dropped and crafted the same disguise over a hundred times before the change was so fast it looked like an orange flame engulfed her from hoof to horn as the disguise took hold.

The puppet gave Twilight one last inspection. “Well done. Now it’s time to branch out. Try to appear as a pony.”

A cloud hung over Twilight. As a pony… Without needing to give it much thought, Twilight turned to the mirror and brought up her disguise. Gone were the holes, wings, and the orange stripe in her hair, while the rounded pupil and familiar spiraled horn returned. Twilight stared into her old pony self.

Pain lanced through her mind as flashes of old memories bubbled to the surface. Standing in front of a mirror while Rarity put the finishing touches on a dress, the simple act of brushing her mane and teeth, standing propped up against the glass of a candy store as a filly, giggling at a reflective golden trophy depicting her as the winner of a magic contest, and many more memories crammed themselves into her mind’s eye.

Twilight sat on her haunches to try and rub the migraine away as her disguise faded. The puppet had never seen such a reaction before. “Are you well?”

“Y-yes, I’m fine.” Twilight replied weakly as her highly organized mind quickly filed each memory away. “Just regaining... some of what I’ve lost.”

Kreesus could tell this was a sensitive subject. “Well, you’ve gotten the basics down, and all you need now is practice. I’ll leave the drone outside for when you wish to leave.”

“Thank you, Kreesus,” she replied flatly.

“Of course,” the drone’s eyes returned to normal and it departed, leaving Twilight alone with her thoughts.

She looked up at her true reflection and grimaced. When I go to Equestria, I hope I’ll be able to walk around without wearing a disguise. This is who I am now. All I can do is hope my friends and family will accept me this way.

Author's Note:

The best typo ever: "Stripper Gear"

This is the first chapter I had time to properly edit, so if I missed something you can all laugh at me.

-Cloud Hop

Maybe I should rename this editor's notes.