• Published 23rd Sep 2013
  • 1,784 Views, 12 Comments

GOD - Greenhorne

Written for the thirty minute ponies prompt 'And I will become God of this new world' - Twilight searches for a new pet but ends up biting off more than she can chew.

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Chapter 1


What is a God really? Is it merely a being with power beyond imagination, or is it something more? Is there a supernatural element, a moral imperative, or are they just as flawed as us? Could a mortal, given the resources and determination ascend to among the ranks of 'gods'; to look about and comprehend the practicalities of miracles yet be unable to explain them to those below; to be worshiped and exalted by their previous equals for the very actions that are now normal to them? Are we gods to a plate of bacteria and if we look far and hard enough will we see the eye of our indifferent god gazing down a cosmic microscope at our tiny universe?

“So, you are interested in an exotic pet, hmm Princess?” the stallion spoke with a reverent, but almost mocking tone.

Since becoming a princess it had become common for ponies to greet Twilight with more gravitas, some even seemed to be afraid - as if to mis-speak in her presence might have one thrown in a dungeon. She was never one to stand on ceremonies, but this stallion was the first pony she had met that treated her Princess hood as if it were some kind of joke. She found it surprisingly irritating.

“And you will become god of this new world…” the stallion muttered almost inaudibly.

“Call me Twilight, please,” she replied, trying to hide her annoyance, “and I think I may have come to the wrong shop.”

She turned to leave, but the stallion called out to her -

“Wait, I’m sure I have something for you here.”

“I don’t think so,” Twilight replied, “ these creatures are all common enough - if I wanted a rabbit I would just ask Fluttershy… and this one looks kind of sickly.”

The rabbit in question was unmistakably past it’s prime, it sat unmoving, patches of fur missing, legs stringy and weak; but there was a strange fire in its eyes that she held ones gaze as if it were staring directly into your soul.

“You are a learned pony yes?” The stallion continued, “You know a great deal of animals?”

“I-I suppose,” Twilight didn’t like to brag, “I can name the Animals that live in Equestria.”

The green stallion smiled, flicking his grey tail to pull back a curtain into the back section of the shop.

“How about this,” he said, “if I can show you an animal you cannot name, you will buy something from my shop.”

Twilight was hesitant, fearing a trap, but she was fairly sure she could overpower the stallion if it came down to it. Ever the scientist she couldn’t resist the appeal of a fresh discovery. She followed him into the rear section of the shop.


The back section of the show was dimly lit with an eerie red glow. Aquariums on the left wall held all manner of strange deep sea creatures - bioluminescent squid flashed green and blue as smaller creatures darted around trying to evade their sprawling tentacles. Twilight could sense the spells that held the tanks under pressure. She proudly named most of the creatures as they passed them by but the stallion paid no heed to this, proceeding to a door at the back of the room.

“Few ponies have seen what I’m about to show you,” he stated cryptically, “and fewer still know what to call them.”

He opened the door, revealing a single terrarium on a pedestal. Tiny specks moved on the simulated mountains and valleys of the tank, scurrying around with no discernible order.

“I hope you haven’t brought me here to see ants.” Twilight snarked

The stallion was unfazed. Hoofing a magnifying glass into place in front of Twilight.

“Look closer.”

Twilight peered into the magnifying glass… and gasped. What had appeared to be bumps in the landscape were tiny houses. Grey streaks were roads. On a cliff face was a carving, an image of the Stallion’s face, looking out across the tiny city. The most surprising thing however was not the city. It was the residents - ponies; tiny, little ponies. Ponies of every colour and shape, milling about on the simulated terrain. Twilight’s face was stricken with horror.

“The likeness is good, no?” The stallion grinned maniacally, “Well, how do you like my little ponies?”

Twilight was speechless, her mouth opening and closing silently.

“But every land needs a princess right?” The Earth pony stallion moved closer, crazed eyes now inches away from hers. She tried to summon her magic, but found herself wrapped in magic not her own. The stallion grew to titanic proportions as she shrank to the size of an ant. She passed out before she hit the floor.


Twilight awoke on a soft bed, wings sticking awkwardly into her sides.

“Thank Celestia, it was just a dream.” She intoned.

She looked around and realised she wasn’t in her room, but instead in some kind of castle chamber. Was she in Canterlot?

The doors burst open revealing a white stallion in guard’s armour.

“Princess Twilight!” The stallion called, “are you alright?”

“Y-yes?” Twilight blinked in confusion.

The stallion bowed to the floor.

“I apologise for the intrusion Princess,” the guard continued, “but isn’t it time you raised the sun?”

“I… wha?” Twilight’s brain seized, “Where’s Princess Celestia?”

“Who?” The guard replied quizzically.

Twilight walked out onto the deck of her chamber, and sure enough it was dark, thought the clocks read almost ten AM. She looked out at an adjacent mountain and rubbed her eyes in disbelief. It was the carving of the crazy stallion with the pet shop!

Twilight lit her horn, reaching out, probing with her magic until she found it. With a ‘click’ she activated the light switch on the outside of the tank and light flooded the simulated landscape. Ponies cheered from the streets below.

“And I will become God of this new world…”

Comments ( 12 )

Oh, at first I thought this was going to be a ponyfied version of Sandkings.

It was, but then I started running out of time, so I improvised.

Love that story.

Ya know what? An extended story would suit this very well

holy... that I'm not sure what to say....
but cool...
*mind explodes from strangeness*

Anon3mous1 I like this story. I think I'll write a story, that's based on this story. Respect.

Do so with my blessing.

Permission to make a story inspired by this?

Permission granted, godspeed.


Thank you! I’ll be sure to release it when it’s finish.

I'm just imagining that the original universe is also in a bowl and that Celestia and Luna can only see the real outside.

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