• Published 16th Sep 2013
  • 1,755 Views, 166 Comments

Of a Certain Adventurous Pony - RavensDagger

All you need to know is this: There’s this big school in an equally big city called Academy City. In that school students are graded based on a level system. Twelve is good—“Celestia on a good day”—one is bad. I’m

  • ...

Arc Three: Judgements - Barging Math

The next morning I was in class. Yes, that place where you learn things, and where everything is mostly quiet. Where the worse thing that can happen to you is a spitball, a false accusation, or a bad rumour spreading around.

Well, class is supposed to be safe.

There I was, listening to the teacher prattle on about the applications of the theory of relativity to magical movement, something way above the heads of anypony in this classroom, while also wasting the precious time of my youth by drawing on my computer's screen.

So, all in all, a good day.

No explosions, no crazy mares, no time travelling dilemmas that give me headaches, no weird folks blasting things apart, and also no explosions. Just math.

I don’t like math.

I’ll give you three choices as to what could happen next:

One: The classroom could blow up, which was somewhat likely.

Two: Those bratty girls behind me could turn into brainless zombies and go on a rampage, which was not as likely.

Three: Omni could walk in, which is what actually happened.

The tall, lanky and far too muscular pegasus trotted in, his face twisted into a frown while his eyes searched across the classroom. The mares behind me instantly began their game of whispering and chatting to each other while the teacher, Miss Bearskin, blinked dumbly at the intrusion. “Excuse me, young sir,” she began in her hoarse, grating voice. “Are you lost?”

Omni Disciplinarian slowed to a halt a few paces from the front row, his orangy tail swinging from side to side. “Hmm? No, I’m not lost. This is Classroom One-C, first quadrant, eighteen steps away from Classroom One-B. You’re Miss Bearskin, the homeroom teacher, am I not correct?”

She huffed.

I think that now’s a good time to mention that Miss Bearskin’s one tough cookie. I mean, she has to put up with ponies like me all day....

“What I meant by, ‘are you lost,’ was ‘what in Celestia’s name do you think you’re doing barging into my class, during my lesson, while I’m supposed to be teaching?’ Or something to that effect, young colt,” she snapped.

“Oh,” Omni said, touching a hoof to his chin. “I am being rather rude, aren’t I?”

No shit, I thought, but instead of saying it aloud I jammed my hoof into my face. This day had been so good so far too.

The pegasus spun around, trotted out of the room, then back, stopping by the entrance arch before he knocked on the doorframe. “Hello, may I come in?”

“No,” Miss Bearskin said.

He came in anyway, eyes glazed over as he trotted right by her as if she wasn’t even there. The murmuring continued, drowning out the sound of Miss Bearskin grounding her teeth together. Omni was causing a real ruckus in our little classroom, a ruckus that I wanted nothing to do with. It’s about then that he stopped right in front of my desk and slapped my screen shut. “Tight Wedge, I found out something really interesting!”

I groaned and let myself fall forwards, forehead slamming into the desk and sending a wave of pain up my head, which I just tossed onto the growing pile of problems I had. Hey, a small concussion might be welcome at this point; after all, then I could convince myself that this whole thing was one big nightmare.

“What did you find?” I finally asked with an exasperated sigh, lifting up my head to stare at the baggy-eyed math geek.

“Well, I can’t tell you now. I can only tell you when others aren’t listening. It’s dangerous information.”

I looked to either side of us and did a quick head count. There were about 50 students in my class and 90% or them were staring at us. Omni probably could have given you a concrete number without a calculator.

Miss Bearskin trotted up to the side of my desk, a huge, eerily happy smile plastered on your face. “That’s perfect. I just called security, and now you two will have plenty of time to talk. In detention.”

Why can’t anything ever just be easy?

Author's Note:

Edited by:
The Misfits

Oh noes! A short chapter! Omni is such a weird character that I think he needs a little bit more devellopement.

More soon-ish! I've two more chapters written up and I just need to convince certain ponies to get editing. The next is boring, but the one after was brilliant fun to write. Plus it has a catfight.