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Steel Resolve

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It can be troubling at times, when you like nice quiet evenings, and your marefriends have a much different idea of fun. But then, being out of your comfort zone is what brought you together.

Written as a part of a group polyamory challenge for the Intelligent Shipping Discussion Group.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 53 )

Are those 2800 words already read? Man, I remember starting with reading this fic like it was yesterday...

Not gonna lie, that title gave me a different implication, still a nice read though.

That was a weird relationship. But good nonetheless.

Hahah, this was good. Really good.

Nice to see someone play her in a way that suggests a fun mare beneath the pomp and such.


“L-like I just had a nice romp with you two, only slightly less sore,”

Lost it at that. Nice job.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Thats a strange threeway relationship, but I liked it nonetheless.


I'd argue that the backstory on this bitch would be fun to read.

Just throwing that out there :pinkiecrazy:

Reading this story is like looking at one of M. C. Escher's pictures. By all laws of logic this impossibly unbalanced relationship simply cannot exist, but apparently is does.

Two ponies with very similar habits and interests, plus a third one, who is their direct opposite in all possible respects... I guess I'll just follow Rarity's example and won't think too hard about this whole situation. (drinking is optional)

It can troubling at times, when you like nice quiet evenings, and your marefriends have a much different idea of fun. But then, being out of your comfort zone is what brought you together.

You're missing a 'be' in the description, and you can't start a sentence with 'but' unless it's dialogue.

Hmm. Really not seeing a healthy relationship here. As far as I can tell RD and AJ are in a relationship, and Rarity is just their friend with benefits; I couldn't stop thinking about what this relationship would look like 6 months down the road, and it didn't look pretty.

An admirable try at shipping such an impossible triad, but I wasn't quite buying it.

Hee, Rarity showing them how it's DONE. :raritystarry:

Applejack cuffed Rainbow angrily on the foreleg. “It’s called a ‘distraction’, Rainbow. And I suggest you hush up, cause it’s a danged good one!”


Seconded, :rainbowdetermined2:


Quote: Chicago Manual of Style, University of Chicago Press 2010, page 257

There is a widespread belief—one with no historical or grammatical foundation—that it is an error to begin a sentence with a conjunction such as 'and', 'but', or 'so'. In fact, a substantial percentage (often as many as 10 percent) of the sentences in first-rate writing begin with conjunctions. It has been so for centuries, and even the most conservative grammarians have followed this practice.[17][c]


Oh believe I know, but that's how it was taught to me so that's what I'll take as more truth than not. Point in fact, you can break most any rule in English occasionally, it's why our language is so wonky. In general though, people don't like it. At least, from what I've noticed.

3200141 Mostly just high school english teachers. Anyone else will actually, you know, make sense.

It's never been a rule, it's just a myth that's been passed down. Like the "you only use 10% of your brain" horseshit, or "I before E except after C."


Have to agree. That was the same impression I got. Still a good read though. Rarity was damn sexy here.

Damn Rarity you a freak.
Lol this was a fun sorry about two of my favorite ships colliding. Good job :ajsmug:

“Hey! This is one of those... make-me-be-quiet-with-promises-of-sexytimes things, isn’t it?”

Applejack cuffed Rainbow angrily on the foreleg. “It’s called a ‘distraction’, Rainbow. And I suggest you hush up, cause it’s a danged good one!”

I about died. This was a good fic.

Rarity presumably provides the counterpoint in the relationship, along with more depth, with Dash and AJ being too similar to have much beyond the physical. Their differences wouldn't work all that well, either - the deep bonds of the Apple family are nearly antithetical to Rainbow's very solo, unfettered lifestyle. Rarity, though, bridges the gap, being able to appreciate family and taking care of a younger sister, even while preferring to work in solitude.

Not to mention that they have a secondary harmony underlying it all, being the adults with the closest relationships to the respective Crusaders. They'll always be able to discuss their charges' latest antics, catastrophes, and rare successes.

Polyamory not really working? :pinkiegasp: Who would have thunk?

I don't think there are any workable triangles in the mane six.

That was kind of cute, I guess. It felt sort of, I don't know... muted? Like maybe you didn't put as much time and feeling into this story as you usually do. Rarity's being awfully flirty the whole time, and Dash and AJ are being awfully contentious. It doesn't seem like a very satisfying relationship for any of them.

3226121 I did try, but this was a random pairing. IE... not one I was able to give much forethought to beforehand. Also, we're seeing the bare beginnings of the relationship. They are still feeling things out, trying to understand each other.


They are still feeling things out, trying to understand each other.

Now that sounds like a really interesting story. I would have liked to have seen more of that kind of character exploration and emotional development, and less silly innuendo.

3227917 and I get that, but this was intended to be a quick one shot, a moment in time if you will. I may reexplore the couple at some point.

Okay, this is cute but it kind of bothers me at the same time. I think everyone is written beautifully and Rarity especially was great fun. My issue stems from two specific incidents. First, AJ comes across as incredibly jealous of Dash and Rarity making out and that's not healthy in such a relationship so it sounded off to me. The second is Dash is upset as she feels he relationship consists of nothing but cuddling and sex yet at the end of the night is happy to go back to the status quo. It made me feel like you were sort of implying Dash was easy to distract and keep happy, which I think is somewhat underestimating her.

Feel free to brush this all off as my comments are simply on a quick one shot.:twilightsmile:

Huh, well that blew by me. I knew it was a short one-shot but the story went by far too quickly! :raritydespair:

I like what you've done with this trio: I'm not sure exactly what Rarity's role is apart from being there to break up arguments then go riding (as that's mostly what I'm getting from this) but there's definite affection there. Seems like she's still just about the new one in the relationship and that's fine, because these things must have several stages to go through. They're pretty comfortable with each other but Rare is still being shown bits of AJ's and Dash's lives "from before", which is heartwarming.

That to and fro at the beginning had me thinking:

:duck: "And what are you two banging on about now?! I'm working!"
:rainbowhuh: "Bored, so we're throwing out things we like doing"
:raritystarry: "But, but you both said..."
:ajsmug: "Eeyup!"

Very well written but then again that's not unexpected. This three way relationship definitely has me intrigued. While I do wish there was more to the story it did end on a good note. :raritywink:

Aww, I was kind of expecting Rarity to stay on because of grace and poise. :fluttershysad:

Not all possible respects! Rainbow and Rarity both have loads of ambition; they want to make it to the top, and look good while doing so. (Rarity and Applejack, though... eh, I got nothin'.)

3429871 She still did good for her first try :duck:

Goodness, this was cute. Adorable, even.

“How is it I am the least high maintenance in this relationship?”

Pardon me, I'm busy choking to death with laughter. Back in a minute.


OK, seriously, self-aware Rarity is hilarious.

That was quite a bit of fun. I'd love to see the beginning of the story for which this is a middle.

and with this, i think i've read all of your stories (unless i missed something, like stuff not directly linked to your story list). i loved every minute of it. =) you are an amazing writer, Steel-san. i also enjoyed seeing your development. i found you through Green, and finished So, You've Grown Wings just before reading this one. well done awesome.

Goddamn, Mr. Resolve, I've never seen a better Rarity on paper. Also the whole triple-ship, the S.S. Rainbow Rari-Jack, that twas simply a thing of beauty, sir. Atmosphere was absolutely fun and fast-paced, 'specially the bit with the mechanical bull. I remember riding one of them beasties in New York. Ahh, chafing... still, all in all good read. Will seek out more of your writing, stat.

Your Antagonist


The characterization of all three of them was spot on, but I'd be lying if I said I really felt the chemistry here. Despite their words, their interactions just kind of felt friendly, like the show. To be fair, though, this is probably one of the most difficult triplings to pull off. AJ and Dash play off each other in a way that Rarity would never fit in with.

4448282 Perhaps, but this is a new trio, and it would take some time for a new person to fit in with an established couple. Perhaps it will work, perhaps not, but for now, they are trying.


I'm sure you could pull it off. You got their personalities and interactions down well. There should have been a more intimate scene, like just the three of them sitting in front of the fire or something, to show how they convey their emotions to each other. I think the length of the story was the limiting factor here, as such a complicated relationship would require more time to naturally blossom, no matter how talented the writer is.

4452413 Yes, that's more or less the problem. We don't see the beginning, and we don't see how it continues, just a brief glimpse at the middle. Sadly, I don't have time to write every couple and trio a novel :pinkiecrazy: but if you want to see it properly explored Donnys Boy did a great Rarijackdash http://www.fimfiction.net/story/68945/take-the-long-way-home

>Applejack at least had the common courtesy to look abashed at her bad behavior, even if it did not stop her from continuing to behave badly.

>three way relationship
since that's an uncommon thing, did you want to explain that to your audience? I would

>This is one of those... make-me-be-quiet-with-promises-of-sexytimes things

Wow, the writing suddenly got better once they reached the bar, not sure what happened. The dialogue seems pretty natural and fitting, and any cringing comes from character traits themselves. What happened? :twilightoops:

Very nice little fic here, once it got past the starting point. Sometimes characters can be a little overly flirtatious and that bugs me, but it didn't ruin the story for me. Nice read.

5113266 What happened was this was a prompt driven story, and it took me a while to get a feel for the trio. I usually stick to pairings I have a strong sense for. This trio took me a bit to get into.

Fair enough: I was actually telling a friend of mine yesterday that the part I dread most about a story is starting it. I usually have to get past the first page for me to start feeling comfortable with it.

karrakaz mentions you quite often when we're discussing stories (usually when I say I can't stand when X happens, he says that you're one of the few writers to pull it off). Glad to give your stories a read. :twilightsmile:

5114252 :raritydespair: It's so true! The start is always hard. Every time I begin a new chapter even it's so slow at first.

Never underestimate how much fun mechanical bulls can be.:rainbowlaugh:

Author Interviewer

This is definitely the best threesome fic I've ever read. (But dang, keep it in your pants, Rarity!)

It's an interesting pairing. There doesn't seem to be a lot of common ground between these three... until you remember that Rarity has demonstrated some incredible martial arts proficiency. All three are physical in their own way. It's no wonder their relationship is so centered around activities rather than ideas.

An interesting ship and a fun story. Thank you for it.

She is a unicorn. She was born horny. I am so sorry. Not really.

LOVED this piece! So glad for more Rarijackdash! Can't get enough of this OT3! :D Thanks a lot for writing and sharing this! *hugs!*

7769913 Well, you know, this was an experiment of sorts to see how well I could write a different ot3. Thank you, I tried to make it interesting.

She laid the materials down and walked into the room in a huff, regarding the two of them cooly. Both of them had huge grins on their faces as she walked in, which only made this intrusion worse. “How is it I am the least high maintenance in this relationship?” She looked back and forth between the expectant faces. “What is it this time?”

At least she recognizes that she is high maintenance:ajbemused::rainbowlaugh:

“Rares, it’s cool. It’s just a thing, you know? Sometimes it’s cool to do something kinda stupid, makes you feel alive!”

no risk no reward

“How is it I am the least high maintenance in this relationship?”

I came from Scribbler's reading of this, and I have wonder just how this happened. :rainbowlaugh: I mean really, Rarity being the least high maintenance of the trio? That is something.

Excellent work Steel.

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