• Published 2nd Sep 2013
  • 11,644 Views, 33 Comments

The Prodigal Student - Astral Sketch

When Sunset Shimmer was hit by the Elements of Harmony, they left an unexpected side effect. An alternate ending to Equestria Girls

  • ...

The Aftermath

At the front of the entrance of Canterlot High there was rubble and smoke and just yards away there was a huge crater, all evidence of a battle that had just taken place. All the students that were there were miraculously unharmed and were now waking from a trance. The last thing anyone remembers was being attacked by demonic creatures and a beam of light, fired at them by what appeared to be the demon leader. Slowly the students began to approach the smoking crater and as the smoke cleared the whole school could see six teenage girls standing together at the other end of the crater and heard a voice speaking out.

"You will never rule in Equestria. Any power you may have had in this world is gone. Tonight, you've shown everyone who you really are. You’ve showed them what's in your heart."

The one who had just spoken was Twilight Sparkle, the new girl who had just won the title Princess of the Fall Formal. But she was different now she had wings and her ears were big and pointed and were at the top of her head. The other girls that were with her were also different and had similar ears, two of them had wings. Twilight was speaking to someone inside the crater and as the students looked down they saw Sunset Shimmer, the girl who had ruled the school with intimidation and fear was at the center of the smoking crater. She was on her knees, her leather jacket torn, hair a mess, she was trembling but said nothing. She then slowly crawled her way up the crater towards the direction Twilight had just spoken. When she reached the top she was within a few feet from Twilight, she was still on her knees trembling and her hands were covering her face.

"W...what... did... you do to...me?" Sunset whimpered.

"What?" said Twilight in confusion.

"My eyes... I... I can't see... What did you do to me?" she cried lowering her hands, looking at Twilight with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"What are you-*gasp*"

Before Twilight could finish her statement she was shocked when she saw Sunset's eyes. Her eyes were no longer the teal blue they have always been. Her eyes were clouded as if the color had faded way.

"No, NO! How can it be!? Why would the elements-" Twilight was in a panic state that she couldn’t finish her sentence.

Sunset Shimmer was still on her knees and wept with her hands covering her face. Twilight then fell to her knees also and placed her hands on Sunset's shoulders.

"I...I don't know what to...I'm... sorry," said Twilight with tears in her eyes as well.

After the incident, the remainder of the dance was cancelled, Sunset Shimmer was taken to the nearby hospital and as for Twilight, she was never seen again after that night.

It has been a few days since Twilight had returned to her own world and was still in the Crystal Empire. Although she was happy to be home with her pony friends she still felt sadness. Not just because she left the friends she made in that other world behind, but because she left Sunset behind also. She had no choice in helping Sunset, as she was taken to the hospital. She couldn't get her out and get back to the portal in time. But it wasn't just that, for some reason she felt that Sunset needed to stay, as if the element in her crown was telling her that it would all work out somehow. It eased her mind knowing that her friends from the other world promised to look after Sunset, but Twilight still felt like it was the wrong choice. Twilight still could not believe what the elements did and that is why she was going to see Princess Celestia again. She eventually found Celestia who was alone looking out of the Crystal Castle's balcony.

"Princess Celestia," said Twilight as she walked up to her mentor.

"Yes Twilight," said Celestia in a sad tone as she turned to see Twilight.

"Princess, I know we've discussed this when I got back but, I still don't understand. How could the Elements of Harmony do what it did to Sunset Shimmer, It just seems... cruel," said Twilight.

"Twilight you're not the only one who thought the Elements could be cruel at times," said Celestia.

"Princess?... what do mean? How?" asked Twilight.

There was a pause for a few seconds and then Celestia finally spoke.

"When Luna became Nightmare Moon, she tried to bring about Eternal Night. Her symbol of power was the moon which she tried to keep in the sky forever. When I was forced to use the Elements of Harmony against her, the end result was her trapped inside her own moon, alone. Then there was Discord, do you know what chaos is Twilight? ... Constant and uncontrolled change. The Elements turned him into stone, unmoving, unchanging the very opposite of his true nature. Imagine what it would be like to be trapped for over a thousand years unable to move or speak trapped inside your own body. And as for Sunset Shimmer I can only guess that because of her own blind ambition and arrogance she refused to see how her actions affected others, nor would she see the power of friendship. As a result the Elements took her sight away as punishment... at least that is the only reason I can think of for what happened. Do you see the pattern Twilight? The Elements appear to have a thing for irony."

"But if the Elements do these things then why do we still use them?" asked Twilight.

"You know the answer to that already Twilight," Celestia replied, "It is because they are necessary, to keep all of Equestria safe, otherwise Equestria would have been lost long ago."

"But will Sunset Shimmer ever get her sight back?" said Twilight.

"Perhaps, we have seen the effects of the elements wear off over time, when they do I cannot say," said Celestia.

News of what occurred at Canterlot High's Fall Formal had spread and as a result the school was closed for a few days while an investigation was under way. After failing to find any evidence for any realistic explanations to what happened the school was reopened and the students were allowed back. Physically Sunset Shimmer's eyes were undamaged and despite their efforts the hospital could not find a medical reason for her loss of vision. During her stay she had refused to meet any visitors, she expected Snips and Snails her two henchmen but was surprised that there were five others, but regardless she would not meet any of them. After a few days of observation and because she was otherwise unharmed Sunset was finally released from the hospital.

Going back to school was hard for her not just because of her loss of sight but also because she would have to face all the students that she once had control over. Would they even recognize me she thought, she did not look the same as she did before. Not being able to see made it difficult for her to get dressed. Her signature leather jacket was ruined, now so she just wore a plain sweater, a skirt and sneakers. Her hair was no longer stylized, it was flatter now and to hide her eyes she wore a pair of sunglasses. To her surprise Snips and Snails continued to do her bidding, they mostly served as her eyes helping her navigate through the school campus and now they were at the cafeteria for lunch. Sunset didn't know whether the two were acting out of loyalty or pity but she didn't ask. She just sat alone at the end of the cafeteria while Snips and Snails went to get their lunches.

She could smell the food that was in front of her but she had no appetite and as she sat by herself she could hear the other students whispering. Turns out it was true when one loses one sense the others get stronger, because she could hear what the other students were saying. From listening to the whispers some of the students felt pity for her, most of it was contempt and for others it was both. She already knew about the new names that the students were calling her, the most frequent name she heard was "Sunset Satan" along with some other less flattering names. Before they would avert their eyes whenever she walked into a room but now she could almost feel their stares. Sunset suddenly gripped her chest, she couldn't stand being there anymore and she didn't care if Snips and Snails aren't back yet. She then grabbed her guide stick and after assembling it to its full length she got up and using her memory she tried to make her way towards the exit.

Sunset still wasn't used to using the guide stick and in her rush to leave she tripped and fell forward on the floor. She slowly lifted herself up and on her knees she tried to use her hands to feel for both the stick and her sunglasses that had fallen off from the fall. After seconds of feeling around Sunset was able to find her guide stick but she still could not find her sunglasses. Most of the students had seen her fall and were watching as she struggled to find her glasses but not one of them said a thing, no one went over to help her. Frustrated Sunset gave up trying to find her sunglasses and got up to her feet, she barely used the guide stick and instead used the wall as she shuffled herself out of the cafeteria.Unfortunately as she walked out she heard a crunching sound coming from under her foot. It didn’t take a genius to know that she had stepped on her sunglasses, but she ignored it as she left the cafeteria.

Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash had just gotten together from their classes and were on their way to the cafeteria.

"Things don't seem the same since Twilight went back to her world," said Applejack.

"I know," replied Rainbow Dash, "I also miss having wings, it was so awesome being able to fly."

"Hey! Why don't we find the Twilight from this world and include her to our group?" said Pinkie Pie.

"That a good idea Pinkie Pie, I'm sure she'll be just as wonderful as the Twilight we know," said Rarity.

"I do like that idea, but what about Sunset Shimmer we did promise Twilight we would help and befriend her," said Fluttershy.

The others were silent for a few seconds before any of them spoke.

"We know Fluttershy, but she hasn't been making it easy to do that," said Rarity, "after all she has been avoiding everyone since the Fall Formal incident."

"We just got to keep on trying Rarity," said Applejack.

As they continued their way to the cafeteria they saw Snips and Snails franticly searching the hallway outside the cafeteria.

"What are you two doing?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Snips and Snails froze for a moment and after taking a quick glances at each other one of them spoke.

"Its Sunset Shimmer, we can't find her," said Snips.

"What do y'a mean y'a can't find her?" asked Applejack.

"We left her alone in the cafeteria to go get lunch," said Snails.

"And when we came back she was gone and these were on the floor," said Snips hold on a pair of crushed sunglasses.

Despite all that had happened between them, they couldn't leave Sunset lost in the school in her condition.

"We'll help you find her," said Rarity.

All seven of them split up and searched the hallways checking empty classrooms and restrooms. After a few minutes of searching, Fluttershy saw a door that was partially open. She took a peek inside and although the lights were off she could tell that it was a storage closet. From the light that came from the hallway she was also able to see a guide stick on the floor then she heard someone inside. Fluttershy knew she had found Sunset so she looked back out into the hallway and saw Rainbow Dash at the other end. She waved to Rainbow Dash signaling that she had found Sunset Shimmer, the five girls then regrouped in front of the closet. They could not find Snips and Snails and as they talked about how to best approach Sunset, Fluttershy to their surprise just walked inside the storage closet. Fluttershy was slowly walking inside and as she did she could hear labored breathing at the end of the room.

Sunset Shimmer was sitting on the floor with her head down and her back against the wall, she also had her arms wrapped around her knees. Even though she was breathing hard she was still able to hear footsteps walking towards her direction.

"Who's there?" said Sunset Shimmer, "I know your there."

Fluttershy was just about to turn the light switch when she heard Sunset speak out.

"Who are you?" asked Sunset.

Fluttershy then turned on the light and she started to approach Sunset. As she walked, she remembered what Twilight asked them to do.

“You will look out for her will you?”Please help her.” Fluttershy remembered.

"I said who are you?! Say something!" said Sunset Shimmer.

"It's me... Fluttershy," she answered.

As soon as she heard that name Sunset became still then she began to tremble. She tried to crawl away from Fluttershy, but as she felt around, she knew that she that she was trap and she couldn’t get away. She then began to break down in tears.

*sob*"I'm... I'm sorry... *sob* I'm so sorry... I wronged you... I wronged so many, please forgive me *sob*" she cried.

Watching this, the other four girls walked into the room and stood behind Fluttershy.

*sob*" Please help me... my insides*hic*... feels like it's on fire!" she said as she wrapped her arms around her chest.

Because of her dark intent, Sunset Shimmer was unworthy to bear the Element of Magic and as a result it used her own darkness against her. Not only that, but when the rainbow beam hit her, not only did it take away her powers, but it also forced her to experience all the fear and pain she had inflicted on others since she came to this world. Even now she was still affected by that magic which was the source of her pain.

Suddenly Fluttershy felt her friend’s hands on her shoulder and then they all noticed that they were beginning to glow. The compassion they felt for Sunset Shimmer had somehow sparked what was left of the magic that was inside them. Not just theirs but also the traces of the magic from Twilight's Element was still in them. Somehow Fluttershy instinctively knew what to do, but first she looked to her friends who nodded as if they had just answered a question that didn't need asking. As they glowed all five of them stepped closer to Sunset Shimmer. While still keeping physical contact with each other all five of them got down to their knees.

Sunset Shimmer suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around her, "What are-" she tried to say only to be softly hushed by Fluttershy.

"Everything going to be fine," said Fluttershy as she placed a hand over Sunset's eyes.

After a few seconds the light they gave off had intensified and then it was gone. To her shock Sunset Shimmer no longer felt the pain that was inside of her. When she opened her eyes they were no longer pale, they had returned to their original color. As for her vision at first she saw only darkness but slowly she began to see light. She also saw five figures in front of her, blurry at first but then her eyes began to focus and in seconds she saw clearly who was in front of her. It was indeed Fluttershy and her friends were also there and they all looked upon her not in anger or in judgment, but with compassion.

"I can see," said Sunset, "after everything I've done to all of you... and you still helped me?"

"Of course we did," said Rarity.

"It’s what Twilight would have wanted," said Rainbow Dash.

As tears began the well up in her eyes again, Sunset lunged out and wrapped her arms around Fluttershy and wept as she hugged her tightly.

"It's ok," said Fluttershy with a smile, "I told you everything going to be fine."

It was late at night in Ponyville, Twilight had finally returned home and was in bed asleep. Her crown laid on top of a nearby table and then in for brief moment the element imbedded on it began to flicker. As it happened Twilight suddenly woke up, she didn't know why but when she looked at her crown there was nothing unusual about it. Then she felt something strange, for some reason she no longer felt the sadness about Sunset Shimmer that she had been feeling since she returned. She couldn't explain it but perhaps it was the element. Maybe she thought that somehow the element was letting her know that Sunset Shimmer was alright. Then with her mind finally at ease Twilight laid back down on her bed and went back to sleep with a smile on her face.

Author's Note:

Can anyone guess the inspiration I had for this story? Thanks for reading please comment.

Comments ( 33 )

Um, FiW episode after "Foaly Matripony"? Refresh my memory with that one please and thank you. Oh, and this almost made me cry...

Not gonna lie, I teared up a bit.
Good story.

3146593 Actually I never "seen" that episode till just a minute ago.

Not too bad. Could use some work on the grammar and punctuation in places, but otherwise a good read. And you do make a good point about the effects of the Elements...

That was pretty good.

Hmmm...Some would think its little quick which would explain the downvotes

But I think that it was pretty heartwarming :ajsmug:

I have to admit, this would probably be a great concept for the mlp micro series.

3146852 Ok, thanks, have a heart :heart:. Normally I would give a muffin, but no emoticon, darling :facehoof:.
3146863 I was gonna ask if I could feature this in my weekend blog. Seems interesting.:twilightsmile:

3151627 Okay, it'll be up by Friday:raritywink::twilightsheepish:

The pathos, it overwhelmeth.

Poor Sunset... I wouldn't wish that fate on anyone. :fluttercry: At least she isn't blind anymore at the end, thanks to the others. :twilightsmile:
Reminds me of that verse from "Amazing Grace":
Was blind, but now I see.

3268304 Its "I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see":twilightoops:

Sorry, got it mixed up. :twilightblush:
Anyway, it's nice to see that Sunset has actual friends.

Blind Sunset Shimmer.
That should be a Tumblr.

I really loved this! It was so emotional, I actually almost cried! Sunset's blindness also reminded me of Helen Keller. It would be great if there was a sequel to this!:raritycry:

Glad you liked it, I'm actually thinking about writing a sequel. It'll most likely be another one shot.

Comment posted by Lord Nopony deleted Dec 2nd, 2013


That's great to hear!

Jerkass Woobie: Sunset Shimmers after she becomes (temporarily) blinded by the Elements of Harmony. - TVTropes.org

I love this one-shot of Sunset. This is an interesting idea of the hardships she has to go through in the aftermath of Equestria Girls. :twilightsmile:

"Miss Shimmer, have you ever heard of a condition known as 'psychological blindness? Blindness is usually caused by some physiological condition - damage to the eyes, optic nerves or even the visual cortex of the brain. However, there is another cause. Sometimes, the mind of a person who can see decides that it does not want to see. The consequence is a kind of blindness without any physiological cause."

"What are you telling me?"

"I'm telling you that your eyesight will only return... when you want it to return."

...Meh. This story was pretty meh.

It felt super rushed, and there were plenty of grammar mishaps. That said, the ideas were pretty neat.



3268304 Wow! nice to know someone knows the hymns
( Or it least that song)
Were did you hear it?
If you don't mind me asking....

5091607 That's great!!!!
I go to church too.:pinkiehappy:

hmm...It was an ok read but I think this could have gone on quite a few chapters (10-15 chapters maybe) if you could expand more on Sunset's daily, mental, internal struggles and redemption goals while blind. How others feel about Sunset and how she goes on without her sight and perhaps delve into her personal life like where does she sleep, how she gets around without snips and snails, how she got out of the hospital without a parent or guardian, ect. Now these are all suggestions on how to expand it, so its really up to you if you want to keep it how it is or expand it.

Other then that, I'll let others point out anything else. On a scale of 1-5 I give it a 3.5
Good but could use more in my opinion.

P.S. I really love the idea of "what if" Sunset became blind after she got hit by the elements. Had the idea going around my head for a while and when I found this story, I got excited. After reading it, again I loved the idea but as I stated above, it could have gone on longer if done right.

Short but great enough to be in my favourites ;)

"Twilight you're not the only one who thought the Elements could be cruel at times," said Celestia.
Do you see the pattern Twilight? The Elements appear to have a thing for irony."

All this talk about the Elements effects, tha's what I enjoyed the most, putting it in that way about how balancing the personality or the goal of their target, even if that's not what really happened to Sunset, that's a good idea and guess you've done.

I would've had that Twilight all of a sudden saw a book glowing and jumping about as it was a journal. Twilight opened the journal and tears--tears of joy fell as she saw in big words:

Dear Twilight Sparkle


Sunset Shimmer, and friends.

I liked the setup and the general idra. I liked the scene between Twilight and Celestia, and the point being made about the Elements.

The actual execution of communicating the horror of being blinded to the reader isn't really well done r, beyond the initial reaction.

Followed up by a magical, 'everything's ok', leaves a lot lacking in the catharsis of the ending.

If a larger part of the text was devoted to Sunset's pov, there would have been a better payoff in the end.

"My eyes... I... I can't see... What did you do to me?" she cried lowering her hands, looking at Twilight with tears streaming down her cheeks.

???: heh i know what its like to lose sight
But hey!
I got over it
(Oh and for the record say hi to luna for me!)

I feel like she should’ve been blind longer.

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