• Member Since 28th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Monday


I'm a quasi-professional internet technologies specialist who dabbles in fanfiction. I write, draw, and sometimes edit. When I'm not creating, I'm sleeping. Mornings are my mortal enemy.


There is no such thing as White Rabbit Object. There never has, never was, or ever will be. Its existence can neither be confirmed nor denied. You have been warned.

General Moexatl was having an awful day. Thousands of miles from home, away from his two young daughters and marching darkly into the shithole center of Southeast Asia, his day could not get any worse. Without warning, it did just that. Now he has no idea where here is, how he'll get back home, or even if he's still in the same dimension…
There's no place like home until home is canceled.

Due to the formatting of the dialog of various characters dialog, it is strongly recommended that you read this story with the Applejack or Fluttershy background. Most characters text will be readable in standard Light Mode, but others will not, due to lightly tinted text colors. Thank you for reading!
AND, for the color blind among us, I have these chapters, unformatted, in my Google Drive. <<----Click there.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 53 )

Is the title an intentional Jurassic Park reference?

3120570 A little. :raritywink: I always thought the WRO was a very cryptic sort of phrase. Go figure some black bag government agency would use it to describe their- :twilightoops: Almost gave it away…!

... I think you'd have more success if you didn't call a covert government team or whatever "Rabbits". Doesn't bring to mind burly killers.

3124554 Maybe. The Name will make more sense later on.

You said 'lethargic, like punching into a pillow". I think you meant cathartic.

3125711 Yes, I did. In Chp. 2 I used proper. Correcting now…

3151326 lol never thought i'd get a response to 'seems ligit' (its quick to write when i am on my droid)

Cant wait for the next update...

3154661 You won't have to wait long. Chapter Five, "Where the Wild Things Are," is being written as I type. :yay: This will be a very revealing chapter. I would say more, but that would ruin it for ya.

I like your story. Please sir I want some Moar:pinkiesad2:

3155540 As you wish! I'm writing the next chapter now. It'll be a while; this one is gonna be long. Like, 5,000 words or more long, it feels.

I really like the way the dialogue color changes for each character speaking...

3157100 That was the point. I don't know about anyone else, but I hate one I'm reading a story and the writer has to say which character is speaking. I prefer formatting the text with color. Makes it look more vibrant. Oh, yeah, did you catch the drama bomb?

3157106 Eyup, said drama bomb landed on my foot, and proceed to slap me in the face (good thing i wear steel toes) :pinkiehappy:

3157121 :ajsmug: Just wait. The drama (and the Chekhov's Armory) are still to come!

Oh noes drama! Ah well still a good story mate keep it coming.:rainbowdetermined2: Just a little constructive critic though you write knew instead of know.

damn what a twist at the end o.O

3158671 Where was that? I'll correct it a.s.a.p.

3159465 I did mention I was gonna drop some drama bombs. This is but the first of several.

Sorry about not getting specific:derpytongue2:. Its the the fifth ch were the wild things are. Its the second paragraph after the small text saying I knew it; I'm surrounded by assholes keep firing assholes. Great space balls quote lolz.:unsuresweetie:

3159797 Thanks! I got it corrected. (Found it myself! Who knew?) I've been trying to add things in the spacers to that are kinda in-jokes. Trouble is finding new ones. I'm open to some suggestions.

3159804 lolz well its cliqe but I love two do only to things and that is kick ass and blow bubble gum. And Im all out of gum ahahah.:derpyderp1: but if I think of anything good ill give ya a holler

3160071 THE Y LIVE! It's soo bad it's good. I might use that one.

so this universe is along the terms of ponies are in the future for earth? If i may assume or... white rabbit got transported there w/him or vise versea.,,,

3163802 The former. WRO will be explained more thoroughly, but the general idea is that Ana'Ra has been temporally displaced by more than a 1,000 years. In the last chapter, you'll see how that happened. (Side note: when was last time you saw a morning talk show host blow their brains out on national television? Probably never, I'm guessing.)

another overused Joke is. On second thought lets not go to canterlot tis a silly place. Goody but a olde hah:rainbowlaugh:

3164749 :rainbowlaugh: That is good! I might use that, but in this next chapter.

3164771 CLASSIC! That one is going into Something Under the Bed is Drooling!

one of my previois project i hyguesithised that he was still on earth just a distant future.... is the doomsday vault still in tact?

3181859 It is, but not at the place you think. In my one of sequels to WRO, I'll be adding a new villain that likes of which have never been seen before. First, though, we gotta see FlutterSol's foals… And Sol is gonna need a cutie mark…

Hey Thunder I was wondering if you could tell m how to do a fan fic I tried to save my work But it got deleted how do you save your chapters do you know and great ch btw:pinkiehappy:

oh and another good joke is when someone asks whats up

and then the other person says the sky, and the rent lolz:rainbowlaugh:

3184865 Yeah, sure. First and foremost, you need to start writing. FiMFiction offers the ability to upload from GoogleDocs, so if write a fanfic there, then you can upload it here. If not, then start by creating a story. (There are some guides to do so within The Writers Group.) Once you get the main elements down, start typing. In the chapter preview, there's a button that says EDIT click on that. Type you chapter up. When you need to take a break or when your done with that chapter, you can (a) Click on the SAVE button or (b) use the keyboard macro Ctrl+S. That will save your progress. I save chapter progress at least sixteen times or so. It also might be a good idea to find an editor and I know for fact that there are several groups that do just that. Helpful at all?

I pointed this out in another fic, but this is murder on those of us who don't see colors the same way you do.

3200344 I'm going to sound facetious here, but how do I see colors differently from you? I'm pretty sure my rods and cones are in proper alignment, even if I can't see red+white or red+green in combination.

It's called being color blind. A fair chunk of the population (including myself) have various conditions whereby our cones don't function in quite the same way yours do.

In my case, it's red/green color blind. Purple/blue is also pretty common (I myself can't distinguish purple form blue at all.) There are people with even more severe forms of it out there, including ones that make MLP FIM look pretty ugly.

When Green Isn't Your Color: Being a Colorblind My Little Pony Fan

Coloring your text obnoxiously like that makes it more difficult for people like us. It's also not recommended in style guides, either, for the same reason - it makes things more difficult for people, especially for people with disabilities.

You don't sound facetious, you sound insensitive.

3323872 My apologies. I don't know when or if this might happen, but I may rewrite this without the text formatting. (Mind you, with the sheer number of characters I use for this series, sometimes the only way to tell them apart is color formatting.) If it pleases you, I can post these (unformatted) into my Google Drive and give you the link. Just say the word.

That would be acceptable, yes.
I'd suggest posting them in the text of the synopsis.

3323888 Gimme an hour. Do you have a Drive account? I can send you the link that way.

Yes, but what would be easier is making it View to All and posting a link in with your warning about text formatting. You can let me know when you've done so.

Also, ether.echoes -at+ gmail.com

I did not personally enjoy this story but I will try and keep your free review as un-bias as possible.

First: I don't like how you change the text size and color. It seems very unprofessional and takes away from the story. But that's more of an opinion. A strong opinion.

Second: 8 out of 10 grammar score. Grammar was good but there were some sentences that could have been written better.

Third: Stephanie? *Cough*Cortana*Cough*From Halo*Cough* I don't know if that was intentional but just keeping you aware.

Fourth: Okay he gets to Equestria and BAM has no problems seeing and talking to multi-colored ponies. I find that a bit sudden and shallow. He doesn't even question it.

Overall a 6.8 out of 10
The grammar was good and descriptive but I could not enjoy this story due to disliking the plot and the pacing

Note: I only read four chapters because I personally didn't like it. Sorry but I have other free reviews to attend to. Me away! :rainbowdetermined2:

"Hey Celestia. Did you get turned into a pony a thousand years ago by runaway nanotech?"
ending credits~\o My little pony ~\o

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