• Published 22nd Aug 2013
  • 2,494 Views, 48 Comments

Switching Sides - Annalisa Flat

When Fluttershy discovers a magical gem that can grant her any wish she desires, she wishes that she could fly like Rainbow Dash. Little did she know, her wish did more than just give her more wing power.

  • ...

Seeking Answers

This wasn't happening. She must be dreaming. But no matter how many times she tried to wake up from this horrible nightmare, the costume remained to exist. She hyperventilated. Fear swallowed her confidence, and her heart rate increased dramatically. Her little life was peaceful, ordinary, never interrupted by witchcraft of this sort. How in Equestria is this going on?

That's when she heard a knock at the door. Being the polite pony she was, she set her own predicament down for a second so that she could address the pony at the door. When she turned the knob and opened the door, a teal mare with windblown blond hair stepped into her tiny room. She had pegasus wings, and was wearing a suit identical to the one in Fluttershy's closet.

"Fluttershy, what are you still doing in your robe?!" she asked."We're going to be late for practice now, and Spitfire is going to hammer us when we get there!!!"

"Um, excuse me, do I know you?" Fluttershy questioned.

The pegasus rolled her eyes."Very funny, Fluttershy. Of course you know me. I'm Lightning Dust. I'm unforgettable."

"Well, I seem to have forgotten you," Fluttershy said, now extremely worried.

"I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR GAMES!" She screamed, her face resembling a red cherry."Get in your suit, and let's go to class! I can't show up without you, because I'm the wing pony."

"Um, ok, give me some time to get ready..."

Lightning Dust had slammed the door shut before Fluttershy could finish her sentence. How rude she thought.
She couldn't mind that now, for she had a bigger dilemma on her hands. How does that mare know her? Where was she? What was going on!!!!!!!!!

Immediately, Fluttershy calmed down with one of Cadance's breathing techniques. Yes, she did have a serious problem that she couldn't solve. Though, as the element of kindness, she had no right to hold up everypony's day, and decided to simply go with the flow for a single day. Maybe things will start to become more clear as the day progressed. All she needed was some fresh air.

Fluttershy reached into the closest and retrieved the academy suit. To her surprise, it fit perfectly when she slipped it on. Next, she had to brush out her hair and such. However, something in the sink mirror caught her eye. She stepped back, and began to hyperventilate.

Her cutie mark had changed.

Now, instead of three pink butterflies, there was a single butterfly, followed by a streak, making it resemble a shooting star. This wasn't logical. Her cutie mark had only switched when one of Twilight's spells went wrong, but this, this was her cutie mark, individualized to fit her, except this wasn't hers. How much chaos could've happened in a single night?

Fluttershy rushed through her routine, fearing that if she didn't get some fresh air, she might go mad. She sprinted towards the door. However, when she opened it, there wasn't any solid ground. Only a tiny patch of clouds were there to act as a sidewalk. She looked around some more. To her right, hundreds of dorms just like hers stood on the clouds. To the left, a dining hall stood proudly with a wonderbolt emblem across the top. Lastly, in the center of it all, a long stretch of floating land seemed to act as a runway of sorts, and several groups of ponies were sitting in groups next to instructors in military outfits. That must be where I need to go, she told herself.

Careful not to fall on her take off, Fluttershy leaped into the air and soared down at her normal pace. It was actually quite easy, as if she had gained more wing power overnight. She decided to pick up the pace just an inch. This was still surprisingly easy. Suddenly, she had a need for speed. She put a lot of effort in this time while flying downwards, so much that she couldn't pull up. She had gone straight under the land, and was plummeting down. Immediately, she discovered why. A small skinny cone had formed around her, pushing her muscles with so much resistance that she had to let go of the grasp. When she stopped flying, a sudden burst of energy threw her back up into the air above her. She struggled to gain her balance, and instead came crashing down. She heard a sudden bump, and her stomach cried in pain. What had she fallen into?

She looked up, and realized ten ponies were staring at her with displeased eyes. One of these ponies was a mare with fire like orange hair, a yellow coat, and a military uniform. Fluttershy recognized the face in a millisecond. It was Spitfire, captain of the wonderbolts, and Rainbow Dash's idol.

"FLUTTER-SHY!" she shouted, attempting to get her attention."WHY DID YOU HOLD UP THE WHOLE GROUP?"

"Oh my," Fluttershy awed."You're Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts!"

"We've met before, Fluttershy" Spitfire gave her confused eyes. Fluttershy couldn't understand why. Instead, she continued to talk.

"Oh, my friend Rainbow Dash is a huge fan!" she announced."I remember she saved you with a sonic rainboom once, and she attends this school, I believe."

"I don't know what's gotten into you this morning, Fluttershy," Spitfire said,"but I've never heard that name in my entire life. We don't have a student named Rainbow Dash."

Fluttershy's jaw dropped as she heard those words. She didn't know who Rainbow Dash was?! That's crazy! Something strange was going on, something stranger than waking up in a dorm that's not your own.

"Oh, now I remember!"

"You know who Rainbow Dash is?"

"Ya," She replied. Fluttershy saw a little hope. "She's that mare who chickened out at the best young flyer's competition a few years back. Who was it that won again?"

"I believe it was Rarity, Spitfire," Answered a mare with straight blond hair and a pink coat.

"Ah yes, that's right," Spitfire said."Anyways, let's get back on track. We are going to start our day off with 500 laps, then 100 wing-ups, and lastly, a turn on the dizitron. Fluttershy?"

"Um, yes ma'am?" She answered nervously.

"Since you're generally faster than the other students, you will double everything and go on maximum level of the dizitron."

"Wait, WHAT?"

"Good luck!" Spitfire cheered as she went to her post. Fluttershy gulped. She was the slowest flyer in Equestria, and Spitfire expected her to be faster than all these prodigies? She wanted to buy herself time to think about this, but she knew she couldn't when an earsplitting horn blared its sound across the campus, signaling the start of the exercise.

The other pegasi leaped into the air effortlessly, and began making laps around the chunk of land. Here it goes, Fluttershy thought to herself, as she beated her wings repeatedly. When she was at a stable hover, she dashed ahead as far as her wings could take her. In a single effort, she managed to catch up to the others easily. But catching up was nothing. She knew she had to fly double-time if she was going to please Spitfire. She took a deep breath, and darted as fast as she could. The sudden burst of wind startled her, as she covered her eyes with her hooves. That was when a loud voice from below shouted, "LAP 1!"

She had already done a lap? She glanced around, and discovered that she had indeed flown a whole lap, and effortlessly too. Why was she so strong today? Did she have a good night's rest? The question was beyond her right now, as all she cared about was getting through the next 999, make that 998, laps ahead of her. Scanning the sky with her eyes, she flew exceptionally, avoiding all hazards and flyers. The laps went by in a breeze, faster than anypony could count them. And for the first time this morning, she was having fun, as if this really WAS her life, and flying was her forte. Before she knew it, all one thousand were up, and though she didn't believe it, she still beat everypony to the finish.

"Nice work, Fluttershy,"congratulated Spitfire."Go ahead and do your wing-ups. The other students are still struggling."

"Yes, ma'am," She said with a smile on her face.

She was astonished! In all her life, she had been left in the shadows,, and wanted nothing more than to fly like Rainbow Dash. Now, in..wait..WHAT! Something inside her snapped. She could've sworn that was the wish she made on the Dream Diamond was excactly that. Her wish had come true!

It all made sense now. She wished that she could fly just like Rainbow Dash. Now, she is pretty much living Dash's life on an alternate timeline. That would explain why Spitfire didn't know who she was! It would also explain why she woke up in a room she didn't know about. This is how her life plays out on this alternate timeline.

But wait... it's irreversible. Her life before is history, like none of it ever existed. Does that mean, oh no. Her friends, are they still her friends? Is Twilight in Ponyville? What have the rest of her friends become? Where's Angel? Can she still talk to animals? All these questions swam in her mind as she competed her one-hundred wing-ups. After all, Rainbow Dash said the best way to relieve stress is through exercise. After she was done, she just sat there. Is this really what she wants? Is being a great flyer worth sacrificing all your friendships? What had she done?

"Nice work, Fluttershy," said Spitfire, who had been watching her. "Let's get you in the dizitron. Then you won't have to wait for every pony to finish up, and you can have a break. You have been working exceptionally hard lately.'

"Thanks," Fluttershy replied, though she had no idea what the dizitron could be.


Spitfire guided Fluttershy to a gigantic spiraling circle at the end of the runway. The purple and green contraption had a little pocket that could hold a single pony. When Spitfire ushered her over to it, she shivered in fear, but gave in unwillingly.

"Ok, you know the drill," Spitfire said as she directed a stallion to pull a huge lever.

"Um, yes I do, um," Fluttershy said in her shy voice," But could you, maybe repeat the instructions again?"

Spitfire face-hoofed. " Fine. The dizitron is going to spin you around and make you very dizzy. When you are released, try to regain your balance ad direction, and fly back to this point. Got it?"

"Um, maybe?" she responded.

Spitfire orded the stallion to continue pulling the lever until it got to maximum power. Fluttershy was drowning in tears as the dizitron nauseated her and scared the feathers out of her. She couldn't catch her breath as she wailed continuously. Suddenly, a weightless feeling overtook her, and she was flung into the air in a full-on spinout. Don't cry Fluttershy, don't cry Fluttershy, she said to herself, trying to regain her balance. She then immediately darted forward, did a loop de loop, and tried to achieve a stable landing. Fortune called on her that day, as she stuck the landing flawlessly.

"Nice, 5.7 seconds, that's an academy record."

Fluttershy blushed sweetly. She wasn't used to getting so much kind attention towards herself. usually that attention was distributed to Rainbow and Twilight. Finally, she got to be the star, and since she was strong and fast in this timeline, she didn't have to lift a finger to be victorious.

"Great job today, Fluttershy. Are you planning on entering the Best Young Flyer's Competition?"

"The what?" Fluttershy was confused.

"You know, where all the best pegasi show off their flying skills. We aren't the judges this year, but we do get to send one representative for the academy. If you're up to it, you can enter."

Fluttershy instantly did a fangirl squeal. Be the school's representative in a televised competition? That's everypony's dream! She had to except, but she wanted to play it cool, just like Rainbow Dash. "Um, I'll think about it."

"Good," She responded, happy to hear that her favorite flyer might compete."You're first on my list, but tell me soon."

"Sure thing!"Fluttershy chirped."See you tomorrow for practice!"

Spitfire soared of to the other side of the runway to speak with the other students. Fluttershy wanted to stick around and help, but she had more important things to worry about. She didn't want the world to collapse because she changed history with one thoughtless wish. She darted to her cloud dorm and pushed the door open slowly. She scanned the room, looking for none other than the dream diamond. She ransacked through every cabinet, every shelf, but she couldn't find it. Not until she spotted her weaved baskets in the corner on a table.

She facehoofed herself. She never took the rock out, so of course it was in there! Now she had a huge mess to clean up later, only because she wasn't thinking.

Fluttershy walked slowly over to the basket, hoping there wasn't some dimensional poison left over, and reached her hoof in. Thinking it was the dream diamond, she pulled an object up, but the fuzzy fur on it made her have a heart attack.

What was that creature?! She peered into the basket, and found something she thought she had lost forever.


"Hi Fluttershy."

Fluttershy embraced the creature, giving it a little kiss on the nose. "I thought I had lost you forever! How are you here?!"

"Well, when the dream diamond transported us to this alternate timeline, it transported the baskets as well. Since I was in the basket, I came along with you to this world."

"But wait, how can I still talk to you? My cutie mark changed..."

"The single butterfly is still on your cutie mark, which shows that you still have your connection with animals."

"How do you know all this? I thought you were in the box the whole time."

" I was in the box, not blind. I watched the whole thing happen last night. I was worried about you, so I stayed up all night."

"Aw, that's so sweet! Though it's kinda weird that I'm getting all my answers from a bunny. Now come on. There's a certain purple unicorn I need to talk to."

Angel handed Fluttershy the dream diamond, which, no surprise, had turned into a diamond, just like the description said. She trotted over to her closest, took out her saddlebags, and placed the diamond inside. Angel climbed on her back, and they flew off, hoping that Twilight was still in Ponyville. They had some magical business to discuss.

Author's Note:

I have nothing to say except, here's chapter 2! Enjoy!