• Published 23rd Feb 2012
  • 27,418 Views, 600 Comments

The Married Life - Legacy55

With Celestia pregnant, Discord is forced to change his chaotic ways in order to be a proper father.

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“I can’t believe this actually happening! Are we really just sitting down here while those evil unicorns take over your kingdom?!” Princess Cadence yelled in frustration as she once again became bored of pacing her small cell.

“Well, what can we do? As we’ve already told you, these cells are magically reinforced. We just have to wait here until Twilight Sparkle and her friends find Discord.” Luna replied sternly, now having enough of the younger alicorn’s complaining.

Cadence sighed in response before slumping to the cold floor. “What will it matter? Isn’t he still all crazy?”

“As soon as he hears that I’m in trouble he’ll snap out of it!” Celestia exclaimed as she stared blankly at the wall. Or maybe not… maybe he doesn’t even care about me anymore…

“I hope so, sister, for all our sakes…” Silence followed soon after, as the three alicorns waited in the relative darkness. The more Celestia waited, the more she feared that the Draconequus had truly abandoned her. After all we’ve been through, he can’t just let it end here… He still loves me… He has too…

Magus chuckled as he drained the last of the wine from his chalice, a relaxed grin crossing his slightly red face. “Ah… It’s good to be emperor…” He mumbled before quickly refilling his cup with his magic. Standing around him were his fellow council members; all of them drinking and talking amongst themselves.

“A toast, my brothers and sisters…” Magus slurred to the five unicorns as he was sprawled sideways across his new throne, his head dangling freely off of the side of the armrest. “To our great victory! Where Nightmare Moon, Discord and Chrysalis all failed, we succeeded!”

They all cheered in response as the clinking of cups filled the air. “And of course, what better way to celebrate this momentous day then to execute the last three alicorns in existence!” He exclaimed to more roars of excitement. Magus glanced out one of the far windows, and the few beams of light indicated to him that sundown wasn’t far away. Come a few more hours, and Equestria will finally be rid of those pesky alicorns. Then WE, the unicorns, will take our rightful place over those other inferior races!

As Magus stared up at the high ceiling, lost in happy thought, his fellow council members returned to their debates about the many rather boring affairs that he couldn’t be bothered with.

I can’t wait to see the look on Celestia’s face; I think I’ll execute her sister first! Or maybe her niece… Hmm, I wonder which would hurt her more…

Magus and the rest of the council were so focused on their drinking and celebrating that they didn’t notice the loud pop that echoed through the room, or even the tall Draconequus and much smaller lavender unicorn that were now standing in its center.

“Wait, what?! Why are we here? Aren’t we getting the rest of my friends first?” Twilight questioned, quickly looking up at Discord.

“They can wait; right now I have six idiots to take care of…”

Immediately, the said six idiots noticed the two new guests, and were soon left staring in a mix of shock and horror.

“Magus,” Discord turned to look at the seated unicorn, dressed in his blood red cape and golden crown. He looked more like a foal in adult’s clothes then an Emperor. “Get out of my chair…”

Magus rolled off of his throne and crashed to the floor, glancing up at the Draconequus in disbelief. “P-p-p-prince D-d-discord! Wh-what are you doing here?!” He yelled, practically choking with each broken syllable he uttered. He, along with his fellow council members, all wore the same terrified, panic stricken expressions.

“Oh, not much. I just came by to deal with a bunch of moronic unicorns that thought they take advantage of my wife while I was in a state of mental imbalance…”

“B-b-but you…” Magus continued to stare at Discord, his jaw hanging low in horror. After a few moments of silence he sighed, then quickly changed his fearful expression to one of confidence. “Well, it doesn’t matter anyway. We rule Equestria now, and you can’t stop us!”

“Oh, I can’t?” Discord asked with a mocking grin, his voice an odd mixture of anger and amusement. He raised up his sharp talons, two of his fingers pressed together. “Now before I violently rip you and your unicorn oligarchy limb from limb, I just want to ask you one question, Magus.”


“Did you honestly think you could get away with this? I’m a god, after all! I could end all six of your lives with just one snap…” Discord muttered, his eyes lingering from the council to his outstretched talon, as if almost considering it.

“My plan was brilliant! It IS brilliant!” Magus exclaimed with a sudden burst of courage. “As soon as Luna told us that your wife was pregnant, I saw the opportunity. She wouldn’t dare risk harming her foal in battle, so that meant we just had to deal with you and her bratty sister. Luna was easy to get rid of, as a few weeks of raising the sun and moon left her as weak as an earth pony.” The unicorn stopped to stifle a laugh at his racial joke.

“And then you just waited for me to leave…” Discord mumbled with a frown.

“Of course! With the way you were acting, I knew it was only a matter of time before you bailed on your wife…”

Twilight quickly broke up their conversation. “Discord, remember that you’re wife is still sitting in a cell! Let’s save her already!”

Discord nodded, “You’re right, Twilight. I’ve had enough of this idiot’s ramblings.”

Magus growled before pushing to the front of the small crowd, now standing directly in front of the Draconequus to meet his piercing gaze. “We never intended to fight you, Discord. But I think we’re more than strong enough to deal with a freak of a god…”

Several of the room’s doors were suddenly opened, no doubt by the unicorn’s magic. Crowds of armoured guards poured in, and after a minute of the booming noise of hooves on stone, they stood ready. From what Discord could tell, there were at least four dozen of them. Twilight quickly lowered her head, her horn poised at the nearest guard.

“So, Discord.” Magus chuckled, much braver now that a horde of soldiers had entered the room. “Half of the Royal Guard is here, and you’re facing the six strongest unicorns in Equestria. Do you really think you can beat me?”

“Well, you might as well get the other half over here, because this won’t be nearly enough.” Discord stated with a grin, the large amount of guards not even fazing him.

“We’ll see about that…” Magus mumbled before firing off an orange spell, directed right at the Draconequus’s chest. He teleported away, however, and the spell merely hit a wall, leaving a streak of black. Discord appeared in another part of the room, laughing up a storm.

“Missed me!” He taunted, teleporting again as six separate spells hit the spot he once stood.

As Discord continued to dodge the council’s spells with ease, a large group of the guards had gone after Twilight. She easily took out three of them with her magic, though there was simply too many for her to fight. She closed her eyes in panic as several of them charged at her, a terrible fear sitting in her stomach as she did. However, instead of being violently attacked as she had expected, a loud clattering noise filled her ears.

She slowly opened her eyes, hardly believing that small, metal spoons were now sitting where the guards once were. Indeed, all of the armoured ponies that had been in the room mere seconds ago were now gone. Her shock, however, was nowhere near that of Magus and the Arcana Council.

“SPOONS?!” Magus roared as he looked between the small objects and the floating, laughing Draconequus. “You turned them to spoons?!”

“Why yes, I did!” Discord said as he smiled at their expressions, once again terrified now that their only real advantage was gone.

“Magus, you idiot! This is all your fault! We never should have listened to you!” One of the male unicorns bellowed at their now most likely former Emperor.

“This isn’t over yet!” He yelled in response before turning back to Discord. He sent another spell his way, it only ending up scorching the beautiful marble walls. No matter how fast he acted, the Draconequus effortlessly avoided all of his spells. After only a few minutes, he, along with the rest of the council, were exhausted.

“Getting a little tired, Magus?” Discord asked after yet another teleport. Twilight was simply watching with a smile, much preferring watching the chaotic god deal with them then acting herself.

“N-no…” He mumbled in response, taking a deep, heavy breath right afterwards. “I…I can beat you…”

“Oh, can you? Well, fire away! I’ll even stand perfectly still for you!” Discord grinned as he dragged his paw across his chest, a painted target appearing just as it had done long ago.

“With pleasure…” Magus said before firing another spell at him, his other council members doing the same. With glee, he watched the six separate spells hit Discord directly in the chest. His once floating body immediately fell to the ground in a heap, the unicorn letting out a triumphant yell right after. “HA! I knew it, even a god can’t defeat me!”

Twilight looked at his body with concern before running over to him. She hadn’t expected the Draconequus to actually take the spells, having believed it was just a trick he was playing. “Discord!” She yelled before stopping in front of him, “Are you alright?!”

“See, this is why you put your trust in me…” Magus remarked to the other unicorns. “I led us to victory over the alicorn’s, and so have I over Discord!”

“Ugh…” Discord moaned before his body stirred, shocking the council that had just been celebrating moments earlier. He raised himself back up, cracking his neck as he did so. “Wow, that actually kind of stung!” He said before breaking out into laughter.

Magus looked at him as if he just had fell a thousand miles and survived. “H-how?! That would have easily killed any pony!”

“Well, I’m not a pony, now am I…” He said slyly before raising back into the air. “Now, I think it’s about time I finally took care of you six…” He raised his talon again, and as he did an orange aura surrounded Magus and the rest of the council. They were lifted up into the air despite their protests, and after a flick of his wrist, they were violently thrown against the ceiling. Their impacts echoed through the room, before Discord sent them crashing to the ground.

After a few moments, Magus slowly got his hooves, his body now aching all over. A sharp pain sliced through his back, and it hurt to even stand. He felt like he had in fact fell a thousand miles. “N-n-now Discord… Can’t we just talk this out?”

“Oh, it’s FAR too late for that.” Discord smiled before throwing their bodies around again, finally leaving them to lie broken and battered on the ground after a few minutes. Magus was the only one out of the group who could still stand, though his body ached incredibly with even the smallest movements.

“We don’t have to solve this with violence…” Magus stated, trying to sound as nice as possible. He shot a quick glance at the nearby lavender mare, an idea immediately coming to mind. “We’re both civilized creatures, aren’t we Discord?”

Discord glared at him. “I’m the only civilized one between the two of us, Magus. You’re the brute who tried to take advantage of my pregnant wife and her exhausted sister.”

As soon as Discord finished speaking, Magus teleported past him and beside Twilight. He quickly cast a spell at her before she could react, leaving the element of magic withering on the ground. He turned to Discord and gave him a devilish grin.

“Twilight!” Discord shouted as he went to raise a talon, though he was halted as Magus spoke up.

“Now now Discord, you wouldn’t want Celestia’s personal student to get hurt, would you?” He asked as he pointed his horn at the suffering unicorn, whose body was twitching from the intense, burning pain of the spell.

“Don’t you dare…”

Magus only laughed at his serious reply. “Unless you want little Twilight here to be a part of the first execution under my reign, you’ll do whatever I say.”

“I’ll never take orders from you…” Discord shot him a glare that would have shattered ice, though the unicorn was hardly fazed by it.

“Well, we’ll see in just a moment then…” Magus’s eyes lingered from the struggling unicorn to the Draconequus. “Get my council members over there back on their hooves, then we’ll escort you peacefully to your cell. If you don’t comply, then Celestia will just have to find another student…”

Through the searing pain, Twilight only heard parts of what they spoke, though she was certain what the vile unicorn’s intentions were. The question then was, would Discord risk her to save Equestria and his wife? She would have thought more about this, but the feeling of burning flesh easily distracted her thoughts.

“So Discord, what do you choose? Either you give up, or Twilight dies…”

After a moment of silence Discord appeared to have come to a decision. He spoke up, and Magus listened closely for the words that would signal his victory.

“I choose… Neither.” Discord snapped his talons and a bolt of lightning appeared from the ceiling, striking the unicorn with an exceedingly bright flash. Magus was left covered in black soot, his eyes wide open and his mouth agape.

"Ow..." He groaned at the unbelievable pain of ten million volts flowing through his body before collapsing to the floor.

Discord snapped his talons again, and Twilight immediately felt the pain in her body dissipate. After a few moments, she got to her hooves and smiled upon seeing the vanquished Emperor lying beside her. “Discord, you did it!” She congratulated before running over to him.

“Was there ever any doubt?” He grinned before shooting her the first real smile she had seen from him in a long time. “But we can’t celebrate just yet. This still isn’t over…” He motioned to nearby body of Magus. His cape had been all but turned to ash from the lightning, and his crown of gold was now black and twisted from the intense heat. The only notification that he was still alive was the pained groans passing his lips every now and then.

“So Magus, had enough?”

A muffled groan was his only response, and Discord merely chuckled. He hadn’t wanted to hurt him this badly with the last blow, but he often underestimated his powers. “Let’s get you on your hooves…”

Despite his protests, Magus was lifted to the ground and left standing with his aching body. “You gods make me sick… Thinking that you have the right to order mortals around... We unicorn’s deserve to rule… we are the only mortal race with the power of magic!”

“Bah, like I believe any of that! You aren’t doing this for your race or Equestria! It’s perfectly clear to me that you’re just some egotistical, power hungry, sniveling little worm…” Discord’s voice turned cold and serious once again. He raised his talon again, threatening him. “Let’s just see how you feel without your precious magic…”

He snapped his talons, leaving Magus to gaze at him in horror. His body felt the same, pain and all, and nothing seemed different. But when he slowly reached a hoof to the top of his head, he let out a gasp.

“M-M-MY HORN!” He instantly yelled, his hooves still fumbling around his head. Everything he had worked through in life was now gone; all the countless hours of reading spell books and practicing, wasted. His horn was gone, and without that, he was no better than an earth pony. “GIVE ME BACK MY HORN THIS SECOND!”

The sudden burst of anger from the obviously pained leader surprised him, though he hardly listened to his threats. More cries of rage and protest filled the room, as the five exhausted ponies beside him realized that they too were robbed of their horns. Another loud snap filled the room, and they disappeared into thin air; Discord wanting a few moments alone with their now outraged leader.

Magus’s entire body was shaking, the earlier pain being overcome by the extreme anger he now felt at the Draconequus. “DISCORD! GIVE ME BACK MY HORN RIGHT NOW, OR I SWEAR I’LL MARCH DOWN TO THE DUNGEON AND KILL YOUR WIFE PERSONALLY!” His voice boomed through the empty room; Magus was so caught up in his rage he didn’t even consider what the chaotic god would do to him in response.

Out of all the threats that Magus had uttered at Discord, this by far provoked the strongest reaction. He snapped his talons and appeared beside the now hornless pony. His talons clutched at his neck and he violently shoved him against a marble wall. His thick, sharp talons keeping a near-death grip on his esophagus. He wheezed and struggled to breath, uselessly swinging his body in an attempt to get free. Discord held his neck tighter, constricting the single vital passage of air that supplied oxygen to his whole body.

“Don’t you ever threaten my wife…” He hissed in a voice that made his spine curl.

“N-n-now now, Prince Discord, n-no need to be so angry…” Magus rasped in his most respectful voice. “I’m ever so sorry for everything I did, please just take back your throne and free the Princesses… There’s no need to resort to violence…”

“You think I’m just going to let you go? After you took advantage of my defenseless wife? I swear Magus, if I find out that you laid even a single hoof on her… well, I’d much rather just do it to you then explain it…” Discord mumbled with a scowl, giving his small neck a violent squeeze.

A glimmer of fear flashed through the unicorn’s eyes and he began trembling in his still-constricting grasp. “B-b-b-but everypony knows you’ve changed! You wouldn’t seriously harm anypony now; Celestia would never let you!” Magus stated, now seriously afraid for his own well being.

Discord leaned in closer to his face, giving him a twisted smile. “Oh, but Celestia isn’t around, now is she?”

Magus swallowed loudly and squirmed in his grip. “I-I-I can give you the key to their cells, just please let me go! I’ll never hurt another pony again!”

“You make me sick…” Discord barked before tightening his grip to the point of strangulation. Magus’s body kicked and jerked wildly as he scrambled to break the Draconequus’s grip, his face starting to turn a light blue from the lack of oxygen.

Twilight hurried over to him in worry, her eyes full of panic as she watched him choke the powerless former unicorn. “Discord, stop this! You’re going to kill him!”

“Good, I should squeeze until his little head pops off…” Discord showed no sign of stopping as his face turned a darker shade of blue.

“Discord!” Twilight called again, “Celestia wouldn’t want this!”

As Discord looked into at the former Emperor, who lay so weak and defeated in his grip, he saw maybe just a glimmer of himself. He had been no different a thousand years ago when he ruled, not caring who he killed… In fact… Wanting to take enjoyment in ending Celestia’s life. He wasn’t so different then the pony choking under his talons, and after a moment, he loosened his grip. Magus happily filled his lungs with deep breaths of fresh air.

“Fine, but we’ll settle their punishment later. Now, where’s that key?” Discord turned to ask the panting pony.

He merely pointed to the throne, and after teleporting over, he found it resting on the golden chair. It was a simple key, made of a now darkened bronze that reflected the light. “Good. Now Twilight, you wait here. I’ll go get my wife and her sister, and then we’ll come back to sort him out.”

Twilight nodded before turning her horn to Magus. She seriously doubted he would try anything, seeing as he now had no horn and his body was no doubt suffering from a lot of pain. Discord teleported away, giving the lavender mare a victorious grin before he did so.

A bright flash filled the decrepit hallway, fully illuminating the poorly lit cells. Celestia immediately looked up; the sound being so familiar in her mind. She still remembered that moment not long after she had visited Discord on that cold winter day. The same sound had echoed through the halls of the Castle mere moments before she found her future fiancée floating above her, happily enjoying the freedom of movement he had been denied. And just as before, she found him waiting there, a grin spread across his face.

“Celestia…” Was all Discord could mutter as he stared at her, not having seen her in what felt like years. Despite her ragged and weary appearance, he was still amazed by her beauty, just as much as when he had first set eyes on her face.

“Discord, you came! I almost thought you had left me…” Celestia exclaimed, now looking on the verge of tears.

Without saying a word, he hurried over to the lock, and the bronze key fit perfectly into place. He smiled, half expecting Magus to have given him a fake. He turned the key and the door swung open. Before he could even act, Celestia had pounced onto him, sending them both to the floor. She buried her face in his chest, crying her eyes out.

“Its okay! Equestria is safe and the council-” Discord began to try and comfort her, though she quickly cut him off.

“I don’t care; I was more worried about you…” She mumbled in between her sobs. “I thought you didn’t love me anymore…”

“Of course I love you! You still mean everything thing to me.” He stared at her for a few moments, watching as she cried into his fur. “I’m so sorry; I never should have left the castle… I was acting so stupid…” Discord replied as he ran his paw through her silken mane. She glanced up from his chest, her gorgeous eyes of magenta staring directly at him.

“Does that mean…” She muttered her half question, almost not believing it herself.

“Yes; I, Discord, am proud to say that I’m a father.” He stated before leaning down to her face, placing his lips on hers. Celestia embraced herself in the moment, her tears stopping. When was the last time we kissed? She silently wondered. It feels like it’s been years…

For those few moments of them embracing in the relatively dark hallway, Discord felt better than he had in months. In fact, better than when he had first heard the news from her lips. The idea of being a father now didn’t seem as daunting as it had back then, as long as he had Celestia at his side.

They broke apart and Discord continued to stare into her eyes. “We’ve been through so much together so far, so there’s no way we can’t handle just one foal. I’m excited now, if anything…”

Celestia finally heard the words she had dreamed of for the past few months. Discord’s acceptance. It seemed for the past while she was always fighting to gain somepony’s acceptance; Twilight and Luna with the wedding, and then her husband about the baby. A smile crossed her lips; her student had been right in the end. Things had turned out fine.

“Um, I hate to interrupt your reunion, but I’m still stuck in this cramped cell!” Luna barked, snapping the two of them from their trance. Discord let out a laugh before hurrying over to free her and Princess Cadence.

“Now Celestia, there’s just one final thing to take care of.” Discord stated as he watched her rise to her hooves, now looking much stronger then when he had first seen her.

“The Arcana Council.” Celestia muttered as she looked to the ceiling, Luna grinned after she said this.

“Finally, we get to punish those greedy unicorns! What are we waiting for? Let’s go!” She exclaimed as she looked to the Draconequus.

“Alright, let’s go…” He snapped his talons and the four of them vanished, leaving behind the dark cells for what they hoped would be the last time.