• Member Since 18th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen May 25th

Dusk Raven

"Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia." - Kurt Vonnegut. Currently accepting commissions!


Sequel to my fic “Sombra’s Crucible, Twilight’s Corruption.” Reading it may be helpful (and appreciated!). Do note, however, that the styles and themes are quite different.

After being brainwashed into serving King Sombra, Twilight Sparkle was able to break free with the help of her friends and family. She then dueled Sombra himself in a world of nightmares to buy her friends time to activate the Crystal Heart. Though her gambit succeeded, Sombra cursed her by implanting a fragment of himself in her mind.

Now she has the voice of the Black King himself in her head, able to listen to her innermost thoughts and pierce all her mental defenses. But something seems different about this voice in her mind... as time grows on, his mind becomes more entangled with Twilight’s, and he starts to feel everything she feels… including some feelings he may have never felt as the Black King…

Special thanks to the wonderful Wolframclaws on deviantART for drawing this cover image for me.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 46 )

Looking forward. Because I don't have eyes on my chin...

This seems interesting, will bookmark it!
Check out my Sombra's fanfic- His Black Heart's Inquiry; working on chapter 4 right now. At about 3,000 words :D

3047800 I will! I remember seeing it in searches but it wasn't what I was looking for at the time. I'll have to check it out...


There are. No. Words. to truly express how much I loved your first story and how elated I am to see a sequel.

Oh wow, wasn't expecting to find out about an update here xD (Update faster!)
Anyway, 3050072 I like what you're going for with this fic (just don't screw up) and am eagerly awaiting moar awesome. Update soon? :pinkiehappy:

3050360 In due time, in due time... gotta make sure my editor gets a look at it first.

I'm finding this to be a better story then the first one.

I’d rather stay with you.

Me gusta.

Dat moment when you miss two chapters because you forgot to fave :facehoof:

3075250 That just means you have even more to read when you return!

I do have plenty to read now, true. At least I faved it now:pinkiehappy:

Take your time, there's no rush into completing.

I'm sure that her friends have something to say about the voice in her head once they find out about Shade. If that even happens.


Didn't realize this was also in Twilight's Library. I actually put this right into my read later after I finished the first one. Again my only complaint is still the pace and slight lack of detail but I still liked it none the less. Can't wait for more and go ahead and have all my approvals. :twilightsmile:

3317724 Yeah... to think, I used to have the opposite problem, having too much detail. How I miss those days...

oooo, what is that feeling that Sombra is feeling.

A friend ooo, how's next chapter coming up?

3386419 I'm waiting on my proof-reader to look through it, though it's otherwise done.

Oh boy! I'm curious of what happened after that mind transfer/body building.

The development of the body creation spell did seem a little rushed, but everything else was fine.

Looking forward to the conclusion.

Sequel because we can't tell whether he actually dies or returns to the real world.:twilightsmile:

Sequel? Yes please.

I would like a sequel as much as I don't like trains. I don't like trains, trains make me feel sick. That's a yes, for the sequel that is.

A sequel should describe a fitting end to the story. good or bad. i hope you will find it within you to finish this.

definetely interested in a continuation

3415969 In retrospect... yeah, this wasn't the best way to end the story. In my defense, I only ended it this way because I planned to write a continuation no matter what.

I'd like some shade with a side order of sequel.

i like this one way better than the other one. :pinkiehappy:

I'm going to love this

Nothing like reading a book by a great writer:twilightsmile:

Kinda lost interest when Sombra became Shade... :/

I'm just surprised you got this far.

the fic is really good, but if sombra is not himself, it loses all the fun...

a feeling of feeling that Sombra is feeling a feeling.

The stallion now standing before Twilight said, “Sombra died that day. He died, and he left me as a parting gift in your mind. All of his legacy, all of the wrath he incurred, and none of his memories. He left me a purpose, and the only reason I followed was because I had no choice. I ran off inertia, functioning like Sombra for a time… but these past days have taken their toll on me. With no memories to distract myself, I’ve done nothing but reflect. My entire existence, practically, has been spent dwelling on the fact that you turned your back on power, because of friendship. The fact that Sombra was killed by the power of love. Both were concepts anathema to dark magic… to his very existence.”

Wait a minute. So your telling me this "Sombra" is not the real Sombra? So he's just like a fragments of him? Or something.....ok this is really unexpected

Oh no, must.. resist... urge to...SHIP :fluttershyouch:

“You don’t get it, do you? You think without your memories I have nothing to fight for? I have Twilight!” Shade snarled

This is fueling my shipping even more :applecry:

Sombra’s reaction was immediate and intense. Twilight felt a wave of indignation and fury rise up in her as Sombra said to her, That son of a…! How dare he! At that moment the vendor turned his head as a pair of fillies ran through the stalls, laughing. As he attempted to shoo them away, Twilight used her telekinesis to lift a set of ten bits from his bit box behind the counter. The vendor turned back as the sound of bits hitting the counter sounded out. He suspected nothing, not even Spike’s wide eyes giving Twilight’s crime away.

Oooh sneaky hehehe!!! Ten bits for a loaf of bread That's blasphemy bread shouldn't cost that much I think that the bread merchant was being greedy I think he should be punished for his greed I certainly would like to see him put in the stockades and then he gets rotten fruits and vegetables thrown at him yes that was a punishment back in the middle ages people tend to forget the past and it manage's to happen again in the future because some people never learn the first time I've seen it happen before it's frustrating you know I always say some people are just idiots it's the truth too I know this one example of idiocy that really happened to me and my dad this person was on the wrong side of the road heading straight for us they weren't moving because they were texting on the phone while driving we had to get their attention somehow so my dad honked his horn that got their attention they swerved back into the correct lane and stayed there that there is distracted driving that's very dangerous plus texting while driving is against the law so what they were doing was illegal and stupid what they were thinking I don't know and I don't want to know that person was probably British but this isn't england this is America

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