• Published 25th Aug 2013
  • 5,900 Views, 220 Comments

Journey to the Center of the Rainbow - The DJ Rainbow Dash

One week. 7 Colours. A vacation given as a birthday present by Twilight to Rainbow will instead become a lifechanging experience for both ponies. What will become of their relationship?

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Chapter 6: Indigo

Journey to the Center of the Rainbow
Chapter 6: Indigo


Coming off the hectic nature of the past couple of days, Twilight and Rainbow welcomed this. No worries about landslides or flaming pits of fire, just an empty beach, and a few moments before sunset.

Following the events of the landslide, the pair had spent another hour searching for the exit. They were surprised to find a ladder which went up a perfectly cylindrical shaft reinforced in concrete. Together they climbed up, eyes shining in happiness when they saw daylight flood the shaft.

It turned out that the ladder had led them to a pony’s home in the middle of the woods. A mare by the name of Jadestone had watched this unfold, eyes widening in both confusion and surprise at their appearance.

Twilight and Rainbow gasped in surprise themselves over this strange encounter, and the three ponies stared at one another before one of them spoke up. It was Twilight who explained what had occurred, recalling all the way back to the very reason she and Rainbow were there.

Jadestone listened intently, nodding in understanding at the very intricate story. She in turn explained, the reason she was living out in the woods, and how she had accidentally stumbled into the crystals one day. A geologist, she told Twilight and Rainbow about how she spent her lives studying rocks, specifically underground cave structures. Once she found the crystals however, she picked that very moment to retire and start a less intensive side job of jewelry making, using the green crystals for all sorts of designs.

Twilight was curious as to why she could give up something she loved so easily, but the question didn’t faze Jadestone in the slightest. She simply said that even though she loved what she did, there comes a time in a pony’s life where it is appropriate to hang up one’s boots; to know that there comes a time where you simply cannot perform to the level you are used to. She knew that would happen, and gracefully moved on, although she did mention going on little cave expeditions from time to time.

Jadestone also mentioned the bigger reason, which was her husband. The countless expeditions she went on all over Equestria had taken away much of the time she had to spend with him, and they grew apart. Their hearts were still fond for one another, but she missed him more and more by the passing day. After many years, she just wanted to spend time with him without having to worry about what the next day brought.

Rainbow stayed silent during the whole ordeal, though not out of disrespect. Instead the pegasus began to get lost in her own thoughts. What Jadestone had mentioned impacted her more than she imagined, and Rainbow thought about her own dreams for being a Wonderbolt.

She was well aware of the ramifications and amount of time it called for, which basically was any time she currently had free. Being a Wonderbolt was a dream for Rainbow, but at the same time she knew it was also a lifestyle. From talking with Spitfire, she knew that there would be months at a time where she didn’t see loved ones due to how busy she was. Rainbow could only imagine having to stay apart from Twilight for that long.

It was these thoughts which put her at a crossroads she never approached. She could choose her dream, or choose the one she loved.

Right now, she wasn’t entirely sure if the last one was true.

So on the beach they sat, the only sounds being the ocean waves which rolled onto the sand below. It was as beautiful as it was soothing, and Rainbow didn’t really feel like making any sort of noise to drown it out.

Twilight sat on the sand next to her, her eyes glimmering like the sun on the horizon as she too watched the gentle waves come upon the shore. Her left hoof dug a small hole in the sand, appreciating just how soft it was. She was glad that they ended up coming to the Playa De La Arena Dorada, as she was really looking forward to spending the entire day on the beach with Rainbow. Even though she ruined the surprise of the yellow, there was another color that Twilight had planned on using the beach for.

Besides the sand, the beach was known for producing one of the most vibrant sunsets in Equestria. The amount of color they had rivaled that of anywhere else, and it was due to a specific color in particular.


She watched as the sun began to dip into the horizon, those very colors beginning to appear in the sky. Oranges and yellows swirled into one another, but soon the indigo color take over and soon the entire sky was completely bathed in the magnificent color.

This was one of the only places where Twilight had already been to on a previous occasion. Even though the sunset was breathtaking, Twilight was more interested in someone beside her. This time, she decided it would be more entertaining to watch Rainbow Dash out of the corner of her eye.

Rainbow’s eyes widened, and there was an evident twinkle in them as well. Her mouth formed a silent “o” at the presentation nature was currently giving them, fascinated by the way the colors blended together, almost like a watercolor painting. She considered asking Twilight about this phenomenon, but decided that the current silence was too nice to give up.

Although this was a sight to behold, it didn’t distract Rainbow from her thoughts very long. Apart from her thoughts about Twilight, she was curious about what the last day had in store. Twilight had mentioned something about this one being both "personal" and “close to home,” two phrases that didn’t do very much to quell Rainbow’s wandering mind.

She attempted to focus solely on the sunset, hoping that it would eventually help her empty her mind for the time being.
Unknowingly, she watched Twilight out of the corner of her eye. Rainbow couldn’t help it, the way the unicorn was sitting in the sand made her look cute, in an awesome sort of way.

Even better was the look of captivation Twilight always wore when she was doing something she loved. Although science could give her headaches at the very thought, just watching Twilight ramble on and become more and more excited was a show in itself. She just observed how the small dances and noises Twilight made when she got eager over something, or even someone.

Their viewing sessions of each another were cut short.


Both were startled, Rainbow falling backwards onto her wings. She tried to brush the sand off her mane and the rest of her body, annoyed with how sticky the sand was.

She suddenly was enveloped in a violet aura, and watched as every speck of sand floated off and back to the ground.

“Thanks Twi.”

“No problem,” she replied. “So, why were you staring at me?”

A surprised Rainbow put both her front hooves out in defense. “Well I think I’m not the one we should be asking now am I?”

Twilight cocked her head. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well, it seemed like you were staring at me from the corner of your eyes. Now am I wrong or right?” Rainbow folded her front hooves.

“How could you possibly know that without staring at me?”

Twilight grinned, but then frowned and facehoofed, realizing that she basically did the same thing. “Look, let’s admit that we were both staring at one another.”

“Oh alright. I can’t deny it Twi but when you become really excited or fascinated by something, you’ll act like a filly sometimes. It’s really cute.”

Twilight blushed as she remembered all the times she had acted exactly like Rainbow described. She was completely unaware of just how many times she did this until now.

“Well, the same can be said for you,” Twilight began. “You may not act like a filly when you get super excited about something, but instead you get extremely enthusiastic. On a scale of 1 to 10, any time you hit a 10 you go into another world of happiness and joy. It can rival Pinkie’s at times, and in all honesty, it’s just adorable.”

It was Rainbow’s turn to blush, which she did, albeit more evidently given the cyan fur. The moment which came into her mind in particular was right when she won the Best Young Flier’s Competition. Her friends always told her about just how incredibly happy she became, especially when she finally got to meet the Wonderbolts in person.

Rainbow turned to the sunset again, noticing that it was dissipating. “Hey Twi, how long does the sunset last around here anyway?"

“I actually have no idea, but I would venture out and guess that it could be anywhere from 10 minutes to even an hour."

“Also,” Rainbow began, “I’m going to assume that the next color in this journey to the center of the rainbow vacation is indigo?”

Twilight applauded. “Very good, and yes that is the plan. So Indigo was probably the hardest color for me to do research on, as it isn’t considered to be that popular of a color, nor a color you see very much of. Go and find a pony who’s favorite color is indigo, I will assure you they’re hard to find.”

“I think indigo might be Rare’s favorite color, although I’m not totally sure,” Rainbow replied, surprising Twilight and herself with the knowledge of such a thing.

“I’m not sure myself. I think it’s a royal or higher class type of color though. Speaking of which, indigo does fit that description. It also is a color which helps to promote deep concentration, as well as devotion and wisdom. It is a color which is reliant on one’s intuition rather thing planning things out.”

“That last one is a definition of me pretty much.”

“Well, it has other meanings I think fit you somewhat,” Twilight reassured. “When I said wisdom, I wasn’t actually talking about the kind which involves reading, science, and all that. Instead, it involves an inner knowingness and awareness of oneself, and one’s surroundings. For being a pony on the weather team, as well as a pony who is one of Equestria’s greatest fliers, I’m safely assuming this as a must. “

Rainbow nodded in agreement, a smile crossing her face.

“There is another element I found about the color, which may be a positive and negative thing.”

“I can handle it, trust me,” Rainbow replied coolly.

“Well it says that indigo can also represent one who can be a fan of showing off to others, and performance is something that can come naturally to you,” Twilight said, attempting to make it sound positive.

“Well, that’s pretty easy for me to agree with. I mean, how can I say no to something that I am right?” She chuckled, making Twilight breathe a sigh of relief.

The air cooled significantly with the setting of the sun, and now the pair sat in darkness. The only illumination was provided by a rising moon. Twilight swore she could sense the presence of Princess Luna nearby.

“Well then Rainbow, we have a single color left.”

“Indeed we do,” she replied. “Now I’m almost 100 percent sure you won’t tell me, but where in Equestria is the next color going to be.”

Twilight merely giggled, getting up and trotting off the beach, Rainbow close behind.

“You can’t give a location to a moving object Rainbow.”

Author's Note:

Shorter yes. Indigo isn't a popular color you know :)

Now comes the final color, so I won't give much away now.

Thanks for reading