• Published 4th Aug 2013
  • 1,325 Views, 56 Comments

A Brave, New World (OLD version) - Biker_Dash

Can the Equestrian Socialist Union make room for a new way? Can the returning Luna bring about a brave, new world for freedom?

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Edited by Bad_Seed_72

Inside a small, rundown apartment in Manehatten, a Pegasus mare sits at a worn desk writing in her diary. The single candle lights the desk dimly, but it is enough for her. Dipping her quill into the little pot of ink, she thinks for a moment before continuing. Her thoughts are on the meeting which she had attended earlier in the evening. Several ponies had attended, and they had much to discuss. It was Bright Wind’s role to record the minutes of these meetings, and always after, she liked to put her own personal thoughts down on paper.

She smiles softly as the quill scratches softly against the paper in the book. Though she could always use a pen or pencil, the quill had been a gift from her parents when she was a filly, and had discovered her love for writing. Adjusting the quill in its holder, she puts her thoughts to script.

It is hard to believe that it has been almost a thousand years since Princess Luna was banished. It is said that she will return to us on the eve of the thousandth Summer Solstice. This is something that we have been praying and preparing for. Already, we have made our plans, and have our travel papers. It was hard getting these, with how tight security is supposed to be around Ponyville when the Empress is there. Still, even with the high security, the Ponyville Cell leader assures us that we will have what we need to complete our mission.

It is a sad thing, just how badly the Empress has distorted the histories. Fortunately, there are those of us who choose to remember, and keep the truth alive. Empress Celestia cares nothing for the truth though, because if the truth got out, she would lose her power. Well, in the past, the followers of Luna have tried to get the truth out, but Celestia’s iron rule has made that all but impossible. And with her niece, Cadenza at the helm of the Church of Equestria, she keeps a tight rein on the populace. It is unbelievable how so few are able to see through the lies and deceit.

Soon though, Princess Luna will be returned to us, and if all goes as planned, Celestia will be no more. In a way, I am actually jealous of my husband, whereas he has been selected as the one to pull the trigger. I guess that is where a Unicorn does have the advantage. Magic does make for a steady shot.

If we do succeed in this endeavour, then, I pray, we can start rebuilding this nation. We can do so in freedom. That is all Luna wanted for us; to be free. With any luck, we shall be able to help make that dream a reality.

Bright Wind removes the quill from the pen holder around her hoof and sets it in its case, then closes the book. She should go to the kitchen now and see what there is that she could serve her husband and son for dinner. Unfortunately, there is not a lot to be had, but at least what she does have does not require cooking. Damn these power outages! But that is just how things go for those who live in the slums. Those few in power or money do not have to worry about such inconveniences. They also do not have to worry about running out of food, or much else for that matter.

She was just about to head to the kitchen when she hears a pair of soft knocks at the door, followed after a brief moment by two more. That knock tells her that it was one of the cell members, and that it is safe to let them in. “I got it,” her husband calls to her. Trotting into the kitchen, she just gets the refrigerator door opened when she hears the front door come crashing into the apartment.

“SECURITY SERVICES! GET ON THE FLOOR! GET ON THE FUCKING FLOOR!!!” she hears from the living room. She feels panic grip her, and turns towards the window. She has to get out of there and warn the others. Somehow, the E.S.S. has discovered the cell, and they were doing a raid. Deep down, she knew that it was hopeless, and that the rest of the cell was probably in custody now, but she still has to try. Throwing the window open with an upward thrust of her forehooves, she climbs up onto the sill to make her escape.

Into the kitchen runs a Unicorn wearing SWAT body armor and night vision goggles. He is also armed with a shotgun, sees Bright Wind. Without hesitation, she moves to jump and make her escape. She does not get the chance though. There is an incredibly loud boom, and something slams into her side, right at her wing joint. Collapsing from the sudden pain, she falls forward out the window. Falling six stories, her last thought is a prayer to Luna that her husband and children will not suffer too badly, then she hits the ground with a sickening thud, silencing all such thoughts instantly into oblivion.

Inside the apartment, a brown Unicorn lays bound on the floor, with an anti-magic band attached to his horn. Next to him, a young colt is similarly bound, with a matching band affixed to his stubby horn. The father trembles in fear, while the colt sobs for his mother. The E.S.S. ponies standing in the room pay them no attention though. Instead, they come to attention as a white, uniformed Unicorn strides into the room. He has an air of authority about him that commands respect, and a reputation of intolerance towards failure that commands fear from those under him. Surveying the situation at a glance, he looks to the Sergeant and barks a simple command. “Deliver your report.”

“Sir, upon entering, we found these two in the living room. The adult Unicorn was on the floor, having been knocked down when we bucked the door open. The young one tried running to his room, but was quickly caught. They were both easily subdued and bound. His Pegasus wife was found in the kitchen, and was shot while making her escape. She fell to her death out the window.” His report is interrupted by a wail of despair and sorrow from the bound adult. That wail is quickly silenced by a kick to the side of the head by the uniformed stallion. The Sergeant continues, “No others were found in here. We did find what appears to be a diary on a desk in a back room. It does seem to contain information that can be of use. It has been packaged as per procedure.”

“Very well, Sergeant. As for the two here, dispose of them. As well as half the remaining cell members, and any others. Just make sure their leader is not among those you kill. The Empress does want to make sure that he publicly hangs after his trial.” And with that, Shining Armor, director of Equestrian Security Forces, strides back out of the darkened room, paying no heed to the screams of terror that are cut short by two blasts from a shotgun.

* * * * *

In her quarters within Canterlot Castle, Twilight Sparkle sits at her desk reading over reports that she had picked up this morning. She had been wanting to see if she could find out any clues to where and when exactly her Empress’s sister would be returning. Unfortunately, those she had tasked to the project proved to be pretty much useless, giving her no more information that she would find on a lunch break. “Spike, grab me my notes,” she tells her assistant, a small, purple dragon. Quick to comply, he runs to a filing cabinet and pulls out a folder. Returning to her, he delivers the papers, and she spreads them out. Grabbing a pen with her magic, she telekinetically scribbles down more notes, while scratching out other sections. Damn, she thinks to herself. The closest that she can come up with for a location is somewhere in the Everfree Forest. Unfortunately, that covers a pretty large area. Even worse, the town of Ponyville borders on the Everfree, and that is where Celestia is holding her Summer Sun Celebration.

“Spike, grab my saddlebags. We’re going to see the Empress.”

Twenty minutes later, the two of them are sitting in Empress Celestia’s throne room alongside the tall ruler of the Equestrian Union. Coffee and tea were brought in, and the three of them began discussing Celestia’s plans for the Summer Sun Celebration.

“Your Highness, does the celebration have to take place in Ponyville this year? From what I have been able to discover, Luna is most likely to return to Equestria somewhere in the Everfree. That is too close to Ponyville for my liking. I would respectfully ask you to consider that you move the celebration to another, safer, location. Maybe Baltimare or Trottingham.” Twilight levitates her coffee, enjoying the deep, rich taste. Brewed from the finest beans grown in Saddle Arabia, this stuff would cost a premium. Just one of the many perks of being the Empress’s personal representative and troubleshooter. “It would be safer for you, to not be around when Luna does return.”

“Twilight, As much as I do respect your concern, there are political considerations that I have to take into account for my choice this year. Mayor Mare has shown her support so many times, I feel it best that she should be rewarded, and what better way than to hold the Summer Sun Celebration in her town?” Celestia took a sip from her own cup, filled with a light tea from Neighpon. “Besides, with the security team that will be coming with me, along with you there, I think I will be perfectly safe,” she tells her protégé.

Twilight nods at this, accepting without any further question the decision of her ruler and mentor. She also knows the hidden message in the Empress’s words. She had better not fail to protect her. Changing subjects, the purple unicorn mentions the public execution. “The little display went well today. I suspect that the intended message will be received loud and clear, Your Highness. I have never seen anypony drawn and quartered before. It should give pause to any others who think about challenging your position.” Truth be told, as hardened as Twilight Sparkle had been conditioned to be, the sight of five ponies having their limbs brutally ripped from their bodies and left to bleed out disturbed her. She would never let that show though, for to do so would be showing weakness, and that is something that Empress Celestia does not tolerate among those working for her. “Too bad that my brother had the selected shooter killed outright. It would have been good to have him among the ones on display,” Twilight comments.

“True, though he did not know that fact at the time. Still, he did carry out the orders given to my utmost satisfaction. It is his dedication to duty which lets me overlook that he has been seeing my niece in secret. I suspect that I shall have to keep him busy with work. At least, like you, he does not fail me.” Twilight did not miss the subtle threat hidden within this message.

“That being said, with the information gathered in the Manehatten raids, we were able to eliminate the entire cell in Ponyville three nights ago. As you have undoubtedly read, it was done in secrecy and the ponies disappeared without a trace. I suspect that the celebration will go off without a hitch. And with that, I have things which I must take care of, as do you, Twilight. You and Spike will have transport waiting for you in two hours. I trust that you will have everything ready for me by the time I arrive.”

Author's Note:

I need to thank Bad_Seed_72 for her assistance in helping me make this story worthy of my audience. Thank you.

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