• Published 20th Feb 2012
  • 10,898 Views, 398 Comments

Three Magics - Arkensaw Pinkerton

Twilight rediscovers her purpose, through studying the magic of three friends.

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Twilight got to her feet, squinting at the new town hall clock in the distance. She concentrated for a moment, her horn glowed, and the air in front of her warped into a lens. Through it, she could clearly see the time- 11.25. Exasperated, Twilight shifted her saddlebags and set off towards Rainbow Dash’s cloud house at the edge of town.

By noon, Twilight was returning to the pond and about ready to scream. Rainbow’s house was absolutely nowhere to be found. Iit wasn’t where it should have been and it wasn’t anywhere Twilight had looked. She’d looked everywhere, as well; with the assistance of a Mindslide spell she’d borrowed the eyes of the birds in the area and could now confidently say that Rainbow’s fluffy little palace wasn’t anywhere within five miles of Ponyville. She’d just sat down by the pond, ready to write the afternoon off entirely and go home, when she heard a familiar, brash voice behind her.

“You’re really late,” Rainbow Dash said, unamused. The pegasus walked round in front of Twilight and glared at her, and Twilight snapped right back.

“I’m late? You were twenty-five minutes late! I went looking for you at your house and then I couldn’t find the thing. Where in Equestria did you hide it?”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow at that, and Twilight could see a hint of amusement cross the pegasus’ face for a second.

“Twilight, I sold that house ages ago! I think it got towed to Cloudsdale or something. I live at the boutique now. You really have been living under a rock, huh?”

“I’ve just not had time to waste, okay?” Twilight said exasperatedly. “The Starswirl Bursary is a really big grant and I have to work hard to justify the university choosing me as their recipient. It’s a big responsibility so I’ve not had time for-”

“-anything and anypony else?” Rainbow interjected, shaking her head and cutting Twilight off.

“Look, I didn’t come out here to shout at you, I’m not angry,” Rainbow continued. “I came out here because Princess Celestia asked me to. I came late because I didn’t really want to see you that much and I was deciding whether or not I was going to blow the whole thing off.”

“You didn’t want to see me? But we’re friends,” Twilight said, and her voice sounded petulant even to her.

“Nah, not really,” dismissed the pegasus with the awkward expression of someone breaking minor bad news. “We used to be friends. And you’re probably still, y’know, a nice pony and all. But you haven’t talked to me in like a year and a half. You didn’t come to my Wonderbolts audition, or help out when I got suckered into that stupid dice game with Blueblood, or come get me when I got all freaked out about Rarity talking about the future and I booked it back to Cloudsdale for a couple of days. You haven’t been there for the big things, Twilight, and you sure aren’t there for the little ones, so no. We aren’t friends.”

Twilight could feel her eyes watering up. Rainbow wasn’t even being cruel- she was just being honest. Twilight had been in her own little world ever since she got the grant, but that was how it was supposed to be, wasn’t it? She was finally putting her mind to use bettering all Equestria. If that meant she had to lose out on some social connections, then that’s what it meant. Steeling herself, she steadied her voice and replied.

“I suppose you’re right,” she admitted, and saw Rainbow relax a little. “I’m not here to waffle on about the past or anything either. I’ve got to learn about pegasus magic, as per Celestia’s request, and I’ve got an elixir and no clue how to start.”

“Hey, don’t worry! I totally put a lesson together, it’s going to be awesome,” said Rainbow, smiling. “First things first- that elixir’s basically me in a bottle. You drink it and you’ll be able to feel what I feel for a bit. There’ll be some other effects too, but it’s all aimed at getting you to understand what being a pegasus is actually like. So drink all of it and watch me go.”

Rainbow waited for Twilight to retrieve the elixir from her pack, and smiled as Twilight started drinking it and her eyes immediately began to water. It was the sharpest, spiciest thing she’d ever tasted. She was put in mind, for a second, of lemon and chilli peppers, and then suddenly the taste changed, becoming smooth and milky-soothing, with hints of raspberries and other summer fruits. As soon as she’d downed the elixir, Twilight realised she felt lighter, as though she was only connected to the ground by the barest of tethers. She also felt expectant, as though something great was going to happen. And a little hungry. And kind of angry, but not as angry as she’d been earlier today. Twilight observed herself feeling these alien emotions, and narrowed her eyes a little.

“Is this some sort of feedback? Rainbow, I think I’m feeling what you’re feeling,” Twilight said carefully.

“Cool, that means it’s working. Now watch close, okay?” Rainbow said, winking once at Twilight and suddenly beating her wings hard, launching herself into the air. Twilight expected to feel her stomach fall away, but it didn’t happen. Instead, she was visited by the most wonderful sensation of freedom, a feeling of power and joy that extended from the bottom of her hooves to the top of her head, concentrated around her shoulders. Twilight couldn’t help but let out a whoop of delight as Rainbow Dash lazily looped the loop above the pond before coming back in to land- and the moment that the pegasus’s hooves touched the ground, that feeling of extraordinary lightness faded from a blinding light through her body to a quiet glow between her shoulder blades. Twilight could feel it there, a dampened sun wanting to shine and blaze through the skies again, like an itch that could only be scratched with flight.

“Is this how you always feel?” Twilight asked, shifting her shoulders uncomfortably and noticing that the anger she’d felt a moment ago had almost entirely washed away.

“Pretty much,” Rainbow said, downplaying the genuine pleasure Twilight could feel that her old friend had taken in impressing her.

“Now look at me properly for a second,” Rainbow said, and as she slowly flared her wings out Twilight gasped.

With every stretch of Rainbow’s wings, Twilight could see a flowing rainbow line appear across her friend’s body, swirling in her shoulders before splaying out across her wings and down her legs, tendrils of colour stretching around the pegasus’s chest and neck with every movement of her wings.

“See? The elixir lets you see the magic. It lives in my wings and it flows when I move them. Just like your magic lives in your horn. Now watch, I’m gonna show you a pegasus spell.”

Twilight didn’t have time to ask for a clarification before Rainbow lifted off the ground again, lazily circling to a nearby cloud. Twilight felt the raw, shining joy of flight thundering through her body; when Rainbow was off the ground, the coloured lines of magic spreading from her wings seemed brighter and more intense.

“Watch carefully!” Rainbow shouted, and turned her back on the cloud.

Twilight had seen pegasi kicking away clouds before, but she’d never been inside the kick like this. The bright tendrils of magic seemed to condense around Rainbow’s wings as she pulled back for a second, and then suddenly sprang down her legs when she kicked out at the cloud. Then, flashing red, the lines of magic actually extended beyond Rainbow’s hooves, circling the cloud for an instant before tightening like a net. The cloud was shredded in the blink of an eye, dissipating into the air as though it had disappeared.

More than that, the flash of red was accompanied by an emotional surge, a sudden, intense burst of righteous fury that was gone almost before Twilight could identify it. Rainbow set back to the ground, and Twilight could feel the pegasus’s satisfaction as she landed and her magic dimmed once again.

“Rainbow, why were you so angry for a second? When you kicked the cloud, I could feel it,” Twilight asked.

“Oh, that? It’s no big deal. Pegasus spells, like moving clouds or kicking them or the Rainboom, they all need you to have access to emotions. You don’t need to be feeling them completely at the time, but you do need to be able to feel them. Does that make sense?”

Twilight shook her head, and Rainbow rolled her eyes and started again.

“Okay, the cloud? I need anger to kick it, but I don’t need to be angry at the cloud. I was pretty angry at you earlier, so I just tapped into that. If I’m moving clouds around then I need to feel a duty to something, and for the Rainboom I think I have to feel absolutely, completely trusted. So I can’t pull that one off very often ‘cause I secretly think I’m a bit of a flake. That’s why I’m the best in Equestria at pegasus magic. Because I don’t lie to myself about how I’m feeling. Ever. You follow?”

“Yes, I think so. Except earlier you said you weren’t angry at me. I’m inside your head now so I know you’re still pretty angry,” said Twilight, and as she did so she could feel her friend’s fury bubbling up, feeding into her own desire for answers and loosening her tongue.

“So what are you angry at me about? I feel like I have the right to know-” Twilight asked, and then before she knew it Rainbow was right in front of her face, practically screaming at her.

“You abandoned me! You abandoned everypony! Applejack nearly lost her farm a couple of years ago and I bet you don’t even know about it. Spike started returning the care packages Fluttershy was making for you because you didn’t even open them. When I didn’t make the Wonderbolts and you didn’t come to see me I know Rarity wrote to you, asked you to come visit the boutique and cheer me up. I know you didn’t get those letters, because at first I thought it was Spike’s fault and after I tore a strip off him he said you had instructed him- no, you’d ordered him- to deliver no personal messages. Because they were a distraction. I was in really bad shape, I’d had the worst week of my life, and then I found out I was just a distraction to you?”

Rainbow’s eyes were watering, tears crawling down her cheeks, and this seemed to confuse the pegasus even more.

“Ugh, it’s making me feel awful saying all this. I’m really sorry, Twilight. No, no I’m not! I’m not sorry! What the hay is going on?”

Rainbow slumped back on the grass, gulping great breaths of air in in an effort to keep from crying and twisting her hooves into the soft grass. Twilight took a deep breath before speaking in a quavering voice.

“It’s- that’s the elixir. You’re getting some feedback. It’s me, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”

Twilight sat down by Rainbow, almost touching her, and let herself cry for quite some time. After a while, she felt a cautious foreleg around her shoulders.

“Yeesh, you really are sorry,” said Rainbow, her voice a little clearer. the pegasus reached round with her other foreleg and tilted Twilight’s face up until they were looking at each other. Twilight could see the tear tracks down Rainbow’s face, and the tired little smile she used to know so well.

“Look, if you want to mean it- the sorry, I mean- then you’ve got work to do. I can talk Rarity round, you know I can, but you really hurt Fluttershy and Applejack’s pretty furious at you over that. And how you and Big Mac ended up. She’s pretty furious in general since the farm got into so much trouble and she doesn’t have anywhere to point it, so watch out there.”

Twilight nodded carefully. Rainbow was right- if she wanted to make a proper apology, then it needed to be done in person. To all her friends. To do that, she needed information.

“The Apples nearly lost the farm?” she asked quietly.

“Oh yeah, it was this whole big stupid thing. They had a bad crop- a few of them, actually, all one after another. It turned out there was a salamander nesting under the ground, drying out all the soil while he slept. Nopony’s fault. Fluttershy dealt with the salamander, they use the little fella to heat the forge these days. Problem was, they didn’t have the bits they needed to keep running, so they took out another mortgage and that’s when they really got in trouble.

“Filthy Rich stumped up the cash, but Big Mac didn’t read the fine print as finely as he should have. The thing’s dotted with big balloon payments and if the Apples pay a day late on any of them, Filthy gets the whole farm. When the first one showed up, they didn’t have the money and Rarity just signed away the boutique, right there and then. Didn’t even think about it. But then she didn’t have anywhere to stay, and Rarity’s home is where she works, so that wasn’t a good situation. I had a think about it and realised the cloud house my folks left me was pretty nice, so I sold that and we bought back the boutique. It worked out okay.”

Twilight thought for a second before asking a question.

“You didn’t make the Wonderbolts?” she asked.

“Nope. Stage fright,” Rainbow said firmly, and Twilight realised that that line of conversation was closed. She reached for something she’d been putting together since she’d felt for herself how Rainbow felt whenever she flew.

“A long time ago you told me living in the cloud house was like flying all the time, even in your sleep,” she said carefully.

“It was,” said Rainbow quietly, looking up at the sky. “I didn’t say it worked out great, Twi. I said it worked out okay.”

The two old friends were interrupted by a shouting voice near the pond, from behind one of the bushes.

“Yo! Dash, where are ya?” Twilight and Rainbow both recognised Scootaloo’s voice, and Rainbow shouted back to confirm their location before whispering to Twilight.

“I’ve been training Scoots a little recently- don’t tell her, but I think she’s a better technical flyer than I ever was. I never had the patience. She’s here for a bit of a surprise for you.”

Scootaloo turned the corner, beaming at Rainbow, and Twilight’s heart sank a little- she really had sequestered herself away. The young orange filly she remembered was no more, replaced by the strong, brash young mare in front of her with a wicked little grin and more ear piercings than Twilight could count in one glance. The grin faded away, however, as soon as Scootaloo saw Twilight.

“Wait, Dash, you never told me she was going to be here. You just said you needed a favour.”

“Yeah, I’m teaching Twilight about flying,” said Rainbow. “I needed a spare pair of hooves to give her a lift, let her get up in the air so she can see what it’s all about.”

Scootaloo frowned, before fixing Twilight with a stare that contained genuine hatred. Twilight was shocked- what had she done to anger Scootaloo so much?

“Rainbow Dash, I’m sorry but I can’t help you. I’m not touching her. I get enough crud on my hooves as it is.”

Rainbow frowned at Scootaloo for a second, clearly confused.

“Scootaloo, knock it off! What are you-”

“Ain’t gonna happen, Dash. You can yell at me about it later. But for now, Miss Twilight Researcher Sparkle with the big grant and so many special responsibilities, I’m afraid I’m way too busy with my life to spend any time assisting you with yours. Sound familiar?” Scootaloo spat at the grass in front of Twilight, and the unicorn recoiled for a second. Even Rainbow was too taken aback to say anything before Scootaloo had launched into the air, powering away towards the town on broad strokes of her wings.

“Scootaloo!” Rainbow shouted, uselessly, before rubbing her mane and turning back to Twilight.

“I didn’t know she was mad at you. Do you know why?” she asked, and Twilight shook her head. It was probably worse that she didn’t know, she thought to herself. How had she managed to generate such animosity without even knowing it?

“Well, I think this old mare’s still got enough in her to get you home, at least!” Rainbow smiled, trying to gloss over the situation. “Look, this is easiest if you hold me around the neck and I hold you around the waist, like a hug.”

Rainbow walked over to Twilight and roughly pulled her up to balancing on her hind legs before the unicorn could object, holding her tight around the middle. There was a warmth to the hold that Twilight had almost forgotten, and as she wrapped her own forelegs around Rainbow’s neck she could feel herself relaxing in a way that suddenly reminded her of a thousand little tensions she’d been ignoring. She could feel Rainbow relaxing too- the elixir was still feeding back.

“You really needed a hug, huh?” Rainbow murmured, trying to keep a note of amusement in her voice.

“Yes,” Twilight admitted, burying her head in Rainbow’s mane. It smelt of cheap soap and a little like tangerines. “Rainbow, I’d like to be friends again. If you’ll let me.”

Twilight felt herself lift off the ground, suffused with joy, and knew Rainbow had taken flight.

“I’d like that too,” said Rainbow. “But you gotta mean it this time, okay?”

They didn’t say anything else for a while, and as they flew Twilight could feel the elixir fading away. As it did, she could feel a calm, cold clarity descending around her thoughts- while she’d been under the effects of the elixir, it had been so much easier to let her emotions guide her. She didn’t think she’d lied, but that desire for companionship wasn’t burning as brightly now. It was still something she wanted, though, she admitted to herself. Her reverie was interrupted by a sudden bank to the left, and she realised Rainbow was circling downwards. Snapping back to reality, Twilight suddenly noticed that Rainbow was sweating profusely, and grunting with effort.

“Rainbow? Are you okay?” she asked, worried.

“I’m fine! Just- sweet Celestia, Twilight, how much do you bucking weigh?” Rainbow snapped out through clenched teeth. “I’m having to put us down early and you cannot be angry when you see where!”

“What?” Twilight asked. Holding Rainbow as she was, she could only see the sky. “Where are we landing?”

Rainbow didn’t answer, and as they spiralled tighter towards the ground Twilight realised why.

She could smell apples.