• Published 3rd Apr 2012
  • 5,714 Views, 122 Comments

Triage - Vargras

The daily life of a simple nurse.

  • ...


Six in the morning. She had been doing this for years, and yet it never got any easier. With a groan, Redheart rolled over and fumbled for her alarm, smacking the nightstand a few times and knocking over a picture before finally finding her mark. As she slipped out of bed, the white mare let out a quiet yawn, gently rubbing at her eyes with her forelegs as she fought to shake off her own sleepiness. Redheart turned towards the nightstand and muttered under her breath as she gently picked up the portrait, a faint smile spreading across her face as she caught sight of the subject. Not even a picture of Big Macintosh would be enough to cure her early morning grumpiness, however, and she honestly had no idea why she had ever agreed to morning shifts in the first place.

That was a complaint for another day, however. For the time being, she slowly made her way towards the bathroom, and after brushing her teeth, she hopped into the shower. Not surprisingly, the water was cold, and she quietly grumbled about the coming day as the water washed over her. For three years - three! - she had lived in Ponyville, and some of the regulations at Ponyville Medical still confused her to no end. Why was a child like Nursery Rhyme part of the staff? Why was there only one actual doctor at the hospital? And furthermore, was Nurse Sweetheart going to steal her lunch yet again?

She quickly shut off the water and hopped out of the shower, drying herself off as best she could, and began the arduous task of pinning her mane up. Redheart knew full-well that it was done for safety reasons - a long mane gave unruly patients something to grab onto, and it could also be a liability at times. Still, that didn't make it any less difficult to do, especially when one only had hooves and no magic. She had been doing this since nursing school, which certainly made it easier than it could have potentially been, but it was still a hassle that she often wished she didn't have to go through.

The mare let out a faint sigh as she finally succeeded, and she grabbed the towel in her mouth, throwing it into the sink as she made her way towards her kitchen. Breakfast this morning was going to be simple, as it always had been - coffee and a bagel. Part of her felt like a bit of a hypocrite in regards to the coffee. She had always told some of her patients how bad it could be for their health, and yet she still drank it. Unlike them, however, she managed to moderate her intake, and she gave the coffee-maker a gentle kick with one of her hindlegs as she retrieved a bagel from the fridge. At the very least, it looked like Macintosh had cleaned the pot since the last time either of them had used it, something she was certainly thankful for.

As she waited for the coffee to finish, she threw the bagel onto her table and unlocked her front door, briefly stepping outside to retrieve the newspaper. She soon pulled a chair out and took a seat at the table, idly tapping a hoof against it as she flipped through the paper. It was never anything overly exciting or out of the ordinary, but one article in particular seemed to catch her eye. With her curiosity piqued, Redheart leaned forward and took a closer look.


A mystery stomach bug has apparently put the entire Wonderbolts team on sick-leave, a representative said early this morning. All members of the aerial performance team were taken to medical facilities, though the representative declined to specify which ones. "They're getting the best care bits can buy. That's all you need to know."

Redheart sighed and closed the paper, briefly rubbing her face before grabbing her bagel and taking a bite. If the Wonderbolts had all gotten sick, it meant something nasty was starting to go around, and it would only be a matter of time until Ponyville Medical would have to deal with it as well. She hastily finished what was left of her bagel, then tossed her lunch onto her back and kicked the coffee-maker off - she wouldn't have time to finish it anyways.

With her nurse's cap stuffed in her mouth and her sack lunch balanced upon her back, she made her way out the front door, and there was only one thing on the nurse's mind.

"Damnit, I hate Mondays."


Not surprisingly, the hospital was already busy, and staff members scurried to and fro as they carried out their respective duties. Redheart ignored them, for the time being, and made her way to the nurse's station. She soon approached the assignment board and began to look it over. It took a bit to find her name - recent additions to the staff, most likely - but she soon found it and began to go over her list of patients for her shift.

Nurse Redheart

"That... can't be right." Seeing the Wonderbolts on the list was a bit of a surprise, but that wasn't her biggest worry. Instead, what had confused her was how short the list was. No charge nurse worth their salt would purposely give anypony such a small list of patients, as it inevitably lead to other staff members getting more patients to make up for the slack. Concerned, Redheart quickly tracked down the charge nurse, and she let out a groan upon seeing who it was - Nurse Coldheart. "Coldheart?"

The yellow mare turned around and briefly eyed her before looking back at her clipboard. "Morning, Redheart."

"Coldheart, I think you made a mistake. I've only got three patients on my assignment list."

"Not a mistake. Those three are all you've got for the day."

Redheart blinked and quickly shook her head. "But if I've only got three, then that means-"

"That the others are gonna have more." Coldheart briefly looked over her clipboard from top to bottom and soon turned a page with her nose.

"You do realize that I'm gonna get dirty looks during lunch break, right?" Getting a light workload at Ponyville Medical often meant one of two things - either the patients required more attention than usual, or somepony had managed to become the Head of Nursing's favorite. More often than not, it was the latter, and it often earned the unfortunate recipient a fair amount of scorn. "I mean... only three? This stomach bug can't be that bad, can it?"

"Sounds like somepony did her homework." Coldheart set her clipboard aside and grinned at the white mare. "It's honestly not that bad, but the Wonderbolts are willing to pay a hefty amount if we give their best flyers some top-notch care, so some of ya got small assignment lists."

Redheart sighed and shook her head. "So it's about the money."

"Well... not entirely. We all made an oath when we got our nursing licenses to help everypony, no matter what. The money's a good incentive, though."

"Why are the Wonderbolts here, though? They've always gone to Canterlot or Cloudsdale. I mean, they've got better facilities, and-"


Upon hearing that, Redheart quickly balked. "...Overflow? You can't be serious."

"Nope." Coldheart simply shook her head and picked up her clipboard once more. "When the article said the whole team got sick, they meant it. Every single pony in the Wonderbolts is sick right now. Cloudsdale took most of 'em, Canterlot took some as well but they were already fairly busy, so we got the others."


"You've got a job, Redheart. I suggest you do it."

The white mare soon admitted defeat and made her way towards the nurse's station once more.

Time to get to work.


The first patient on her list - Soarin' - would be easy enough to handle. She had taken care of him before during a very brief stint at Canterlot Hospital, and the light blue stallion had always been fairly easy to take care of. Redheart briefly knocked upon the door to his room and opened it, slowly making her way in as she balanced a tray of food upon her back. "Well, well, well. Look who it is."

Upon hearing her voice, the pegasus rolled over in bed, turning to face her. "Well, at least they gave me a pretty face."

"Quite the flatterer, aren't you?" She grinned and slid the tray off her back and onto his bedside table, sorting out the various foods and drinks that had been prepared for his breakfast. "Haven't been getting into trouble or anything, have we?"

"Oh, you know me..."

"Yeah, I do know you. You're too good of a guy to get into anything too bad." Redheart stopped setting his breakfast up and grabbed his folder from the end of the bed, briefly flipping through it. The nurses from the previous shift had already left her some notes, and some of them made her frown ever so slightly. "Hm. Been having trouble keeping your food down, eh?"

Soarin' shrugged at her. "Water's about all I've been able to keep down."

"Well." She snapped the folder shut and set it aside for the time being. "Let's see if we can't fix that. We're gonna try something a little less... substantial."


"Apple sauce, mostly."

The stallion quietly snickered and shook his head. "Apple sauce and apple sauce, with a side of apple sauce. That's breakfast, huh?"

"Pretty much!" Redheart let out a small laugh of her own and pulled his bedside table towards him. "Go ahead and start eating, I just gotta check a few more things."

Soarin' had already picked up a cup of apple sauce in his mouth, and he turned to glance towards her. "Lik'?"

"Don't even play that game with me, mister. You've done this enough to know what comes next. C'mon, wing out." She grinned and slowly shook her head, even as the blue pegasus did as told. He slowly extended his left wing for her and simply went back to eating his breakfast, and the white mare soon bent her foreleg and placed the bend of her leg near one of the joints on the wing. Though earth ponies and unicorns often had their pulse read from an artery in one of their forelegs, there was a much easier way to find it when pegasi were involved - it may have seemed rather odd at first glance, but the wings were actually an excellent site for a pulse reading. The musculature in the wings obviously needed a source of blood, and the various arteries and veins often ran close to the surface of the skin, making it very easy to count the pulse rate.

The stallion set the first cup of apple sauce down and let out a satisfied sigh. "Good call with the apple sauce. I think I actually might be able to keep this down."

Redheart smiled and opened the folder once more, quickly jotting down his vitals - part of them, at least. "Good to hear, Soarin'. I'm gonna have to come back later to get your blood pressure, but your pulse and respiration are well within normal bounds."

"Considering how much I practice, I'd sure hope so."

The nurse couldn't help but laugh at that, and she giggled before closing his folder once more and placing it at the foot of the bed. "At least you're staying positive. Just call if you need anything else."

"Like more apple sauce?" He smiled and gave one of the empty cups a poke, causing Redheart to grin once more.

"Yeah, like the apple sauce. I'll be back in a bit, need to check on some of your team-mates."

"Alrighty. Thanks, Redheart! Real quick, though." Soarin' raised a hoof, and the nurse quickly stopped and turned to face him once more. "Who do you need to check on next?"

She didn't really know why it mattered so much, but Redheart didn't necessarily see the harm in answering either. "Misty's next on my list. Why?"

The light blue stallion quickly began to chuckle and grin. "Oh, you're gonna have fun with her."

Redheart simply sighed in return and left his room, shutting the door behind herself.

Oh, you're gonna have fun with her - that didn't bode well at all.


Misty's room was right next to Soarin's, and though Redheart had never worked with her, the Wonderbolt already had quite a reputation. She had been one of the younger and newer recruits, and yet she had quickly worked her way up the ladder, enough so that she was now part of the main team. Redheart glanced down at her own clipboard and flipped through several pages before finding the additional notes that had been written about her next patient.

-VS taken by 3rd shift, no VS necessary from 1st & 2nd
-FUO noted
-T reading required
-Pt c/o cramps in RLQ
-WBC recommended

The nurse took a seat upon the floor and idly tapped a hoof to her chin as she went through the notes once more and thought it over for herself. Third shift got vital signs already, less for me to do... fever of unknown origin? Probably the stomach bug, take her temperature and double-check it. Cramps in right lower quadrant? Might be viral. White blood cell count would help verify that, though... that means needles get involved. Nopony ever likes needles.

She would worry about that once she managed to actually get to it - for now, Redheart hung her clipboard on the door to Misty's room and gently knocked before letting herself in. Unlike Soarin', the mare seemed to be fast asleep, and her lights had been dimmed. Such a thing now gave the nurse the unfortunate task of waking the patient up, and Redheart knew just how fleeting sleep could be when one was sick. Still, it had to be done. Everything they did was for the well-being of their patients, after all.

The white mare slowly walked over to the light switches and gradually bumped them up a few notches, hoping for a result. When nothing happened, however, Redheart knew she was going to have to lend a helping hoof. She made her way towards Misty's bedside and gently rocked the pegasus back and forth. "Misty? Time to wake up, dear."

"Ngh... five more minutes..."

"I know the feeling, Misty, but you need to get up. Now c'mon, rise and shine."

Misty slowly shook her head and buried her face in her pillow. "...don't wanna."

Redheart sighed and shook her head. "Should I open the curtains instead?"

"...fine." The light yellow pegasus rolled over towards the source of the voice and rubbed at her eyes - as best she could while she was still hooked up to an IV, at least. "I'm up, just... don't open the curtains."

As the Wonderbolt finally opened her eyes, Redheart gave her a warm smile. "Don't worry, I wasn't going to. Now then, I'm Nurse Redheart, and I'll be taking care of you for the next few hours. First thing's first, though, I need to get some readings."

Upon hearing this, Misty's eyes flew open, and the pegasus quickly curled up into a ball. "Readings? What... what kind of readings?"

The nurse simply blinked and stared at the huddled mare. Okay, should definitely check her folder. "Just some basic information, Misty. Nothing too serious."

"...Oh. G-good."

Redheart briefly eyed the pegasus as she made her way towards the foot of the bed, and she quickly pulled out the folder and began to flip through it. At the very least, it seemed like Misty had calmed down, but...

Additional Notes
-Patient seems deathly afraid of needles + any other invasive tests. Often complains of IV being itchy. White Coat Syndrome a distinct possibility, in addition to mild hypochondria.

She soon closed the folder and placed it back in its spot, then redirected her gaze towards the Wonderbolt. "Alright, Misty. How are you feeling right now?"

Misty turned to face her, and she sat up in her bed slightly. "Um... g-good, I guess. My stomach really hurts, though."

"Yeah, read about tha-"

"Is it cecitis?"

Redheart paused for a moment and let out a little giggle, shaking her head as she did so. "No, it's not cecitis. What made you think that?"

"Well... uh." The pegasus nervously tapped her front hooves together. "I... I read about it once. Like the symptoms and stuff. And that you can die. And I'd really... really like to not die."

"Misty, dear, you don't have cecitis. All you've got is a stomach bug. You and the rest of your team all have it. And besides, cecitis is almost never fatal."

"What if it spreads, though? And what if I do get cecitis?"

Redheart placed a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. "Misty, you're not gonna get cecitis, alright? Have you been able to keep your food down okay?"

The pegasus quieted down somewhat, and simply nodded. The change of subject had seemed to help somewhat, but it was doubtful it would last for long. "What um... what kind of information do you need to get?"

"Well, the previous shift already got your vital signs, so we don't need to do that. Says you've got a fever, though, so I'm gonna need to take your temperature."

"Oh that's... not so bad."

"If you're complaining of stomach pain and cramps, though..." Redheart tried her best to say it in the least frightening way possible, but there was never an easy way to tell somepony that needles would be involved. "...I'm gonna have to draw your blood as well."

Not surprisingly, Misty quickly curled up into a ball once more, and she furiously shook her head. "No. You can do the temperature, but no needles."

"Misty, dear, this is so we can help you get better. The faster we figure out what's going on with you, the faster we can treat you and help you get out of here." She sighed and quickly brushed part of her mane aside. "I don't like needles either, but you have to believe me when I say that we're just trying to help."

"...never liked needles. Always been scared of them ever since I was a filly."

"Alright, um..." Redheart idly glanced around the room as she tried to think of something to perhaps sway the Wonderbolt's opinion. "What if I got you a local anesthetic? Won't hurt as much."

Misty quickly shook her head, fear in her eyes. "No. No no no. No anesthetic."

"I could always sedate you instead, you know. It's one or the other."

The light yellow pegasus sat up once again and rubbed at one of her shoulders with a hoof. "...the anesthetic wouldn't hurt or anything, right?"

"Not at all, Misty."

"Alright. I... guess I'll do it. The anesthetic, that is. And the temperature is just... by mouth?"

"Yep. Nice and easy." Redheart had already retrieved the thermometer and now sat by Misty's bedside. "Open up for me."

The pegasus slowly opened her mouth, and even after closing it around the thermometer, she managed to smile slightly.

This wouldn't be so bad after all.


In the end, things with Misty had gone surprisingly smooth - the Wonderbolt was understandably nervous, especially due to her rather obvious fear of needles. Redheart had managed to break through to her, however, and the blood sample was retrieved without incident. After sending it off to the lab for testing, she hastily trotted towards Soarin's room and took his blood pressure, jotting down the numbers within his folder. Somehow, she had managed to accomplish all of this before her favorite time of the day, a feat that left the white mare quite proud of herself.

Her favorite time of the day was, of course, lunch break. It wasn't as if she hated her job, but life as a whole had been incredibly stressful as of late, and any sort of reprieve from it was certainly welcome. She made sure to tell Nurse Coldheart she was going on break, and then quickly made her way for the break room. Within the fridge was a sack lunch with her name on it, something that she had made sure to write repeatedly all over the entire bag. She was sick and tired of Nurse Sweetheart taking her lunch, and even after confronting the mare over the issue, she continued to do it. Redheart hoped that, maybe by writing her name all over the entire bag, Sweetheart would finally get the message. As she entered the break room and approached the fridge, she closed her eyes and slowly opened the fridge door...

...only to open them and find that her lunch was gone. Again. Fuming, the white mare stormed over to a nearby table and took a seat at it, resting her head against the surface and letting out a groan. With lunch no longer a possibility, Redheart closed her eyes and did the next best thing.

She took a nap.


Redheart found herself in a rather familiar setting - a pond, a brook feeding into said pond, and a tree overhead. She was sitting on a checkerboard blanket, a picnic basket at her side, and sitting next to her was-

Macintosh. I remember this. This was our first date.

She glanced towards him, and the red stallion smiled warmly at her. They had already been together for a month or so, but to see this all over again sent her heart aflutter once more, and she certainly didn't regret having to see this once more. She sat in silence and watched as Big Macintosh opened up the picnic basket and fumbled around for something inside, eventually causing an apple to tumble out. He simply shook his head, the smile never leaving his face as he spoke. "Never good goin' through life with regrets."

Her own hoof pushed the apple towards him, something that he seemed rather thankful for, and Redheart soon heard herself speak. "So, Macintosh... I've got a question of my own."

Sheesh, this feels weird.

"Yeah?" He seemed to fumble around briefly and eventually managed to catch the apple by the stem. With the snack clenched in his teeth, Macintosh threw it skywards and caught the entire thing in his mouth, chewing it with almost no problems at all. She hadn't paid much attention to it back then, but to see it now was... surprising.

Did he just...? Okay, no. Not important. If I remember right, what's next is...

"Why me? I mean... I dunno if you've noticed, but you've had quite a few mares looking your way. You could have your pick of the litter, if you wanted." She felt herself smile nervously - if one was willing to excuse the pun, it was no secret that Macintosh was the apple of many a mare's eye, and so Redheart had found herself somewhat confused that she had been chosen for a date with the stallion above all the others. After all, she wasn't anything special. A simple nurse, and nothing more.

"Hm. And ya wanna know why I picked you fer the date?"

She nodded. "Pretty much."

Macintosh seemed to stare at the pond for a while as he mulled over an answer. "Well... I guess it's 'cause ya sorta went above and beyond when ya were stayin' at the farm and takin' care of Granny Smith. Ya didn't just take care of Granny, but ya took care of the whole darn family. Awful nice to find somepony willin' to go that far."

"Oh. It's... nothing, Macintosh. I was just doing my job."

And a damn good job, too!

He seemed to grin mischievously, and even though she had lived through this once before, Redheart found herself paying attention once more. "Yer job was takin' care of Granny. Nopony said ya had to take care of me or Apple Bloom, or that ya had to get up in the middle of the night just to keep me company."

"Yes, well... somepony had to take care of you, since you wouldn't. And I had trouble sleeping anyways."

And it's awfully hard to stay asleep when a sweetheart like him can't get any rest...

Redheart quickly found herself beginning to fawn over Macintosh once more, and in her dreams no less. As much as she wanted to simply stay lost within her own thoughts, however, things quickly deviated from the norm upon hearing Macintosh speak up once more. "Betcha wish our first date had been more romantic, eh?"

Okay, that definitely didn't happen on our date.

Macintosh began to lean towards her, a faint smile upon his face as he drew ever closer to her, and Redheart found it increasingly more difficult to resist such a... handsome stallion. "Well... kinda."

"C'mere you."

Oh ho, gladly...


"...is she talking in her sleep?"


You're better at this than I thought, Macintosh...

"Who the hay is she even talking about?"

"Pretty sure that's her boyfriend."

Hee... no biting, mister.

"Uh, wow."

"Alright, I've had enough of this."

Nurse Coldheart stomped a hoof against the ground, and it was enough to jolt Redheart awake. The white mare's eyes fluttered open, and she quickly glanced around the break room, letting out a faint groan as she inspected her surroundings. "Ngh... please tell me I didn't drool all over the table."

"You did." Coldheart slowly shook her head, and the yellow mare calmly paced back and forth as Redheart got her bearings. "You've been out of it the past few weeks, Redheart. Naps in the break room, performance has been slacking off..."

Word of her performance certainly caught her attention, and she quickly leaned forward. "I'm performing just fine! I can still do my duties!"

"Redheart, dear... you've got circles and bags under your eyes. You're sleep-deprived."

"No no, I can still do my job. I still need to check on Fleetfoot anyways."

Coldheart shook her head, a determined look upon her face. "I don't think so. If you're tired, you're a liability to yourself and the patients, and I can't have that. Go home and go back to bed. Take tomorrow off too, while you're at it."

"But... you can't do that! I need the hours, and you'll be understaffed!"

"I'm bringing in someone new. They'll cover your shift for you. Now go home and get some rest."

Redheart narrowed her eyes and scowled. "And if I don't?"

"Then the new guy gets to keep your job. Home. Now."


Before she could leave, however, Coldheart stopped her once more, a grimace of her own upon her face. "And before you go, clean up that table. After being here three years, you oughta know better than to sleep in the break room anyways."

As Coldheart and some of the other staff members left the break room, Redheart let out an irritated groan and stared at the puddle of drool upon the table.

Damnit, I hate Mondays.