• Published 19th Jul 2013
  • 5,727 Views, 177 Comments

Rainbow Triumphant - Trinary

AU: A retelling of "Sonic Rainboom" episode, set in Dashverse (A universe where Rainbow Dash became Princess Celestia's student. A follow up to "Rainbooms and Royalty")

  • ...

Chapter 3

Chapter Three

Dinky’s eyes grew wide and lit up like two tiny golden suns when she entered the nearest souvenir shop. Aside from the usual kitschy tourist materials for ponies who want to buy cheap trinkets for their families, there was an enormous selection of material dedicated to a certain rainbow-maned pegasus. “Wow, Rainbow Dash! There’s so much stuff!”

Rainbow Dash felt her jaw hang idly open as she came to the same conclusion. There were hats with her cutie mark, rainbow hat with miniature blue wings on the sides, shirts with her face on it, rainbow banners, posters, mugs … wait, were those rainbow wigs?

“Ooh, I want one!” Pinkie Pie announced upon spying the wigs herself and trying one on. “This is so cool!”

“YEAH it is!” Dinky cheered as she practically dove into a bin of them. “I bet ’lula and Scootaloo will rilly like ‘em!”

Rarity critically eyed one of the shirts sporting a beaming Rainbow Dash looking back at her. “Honestly, how gaudy.”

“Who the hay would even buy all this junk?” Applejack wondered as she fished through a basket of Dash-themed merchandise, tossing out—among other things—a hat, a pair of sunglasses, a shirt, a visor, a hoof-held pennant, ankle band and a rainbow wig. She started shaking her head as she turned back around. “Gol durn ridiculous—good gravy!” Applejack yelped as she ended up snout to snout with Pinkie Pie, who had managed to put on every piece of merchandise Applejack had just tossed aside. “Whut in the—how in the—why in the…?” She stammered.

Pinkie giggled as she scooped up a similarly attired Dinky. “C’mon Applejack! This is great.”

“This is so awesome!” Dash squeaked as she spun in place, trying to take everything in and commit to memory. “All of this stuff is because of me! Me!

“Yay,” Fluttershy cheered grandly, so loud that she completely managed to drown out the sound of a pin being dropped. She giggled as she donned a rainbow wig of her own and stood beside Dinky and Pinkie.

“Joooin us,” the latter proclaimed as she advanced on Applejack and Rarity, holding out a pair of rainbow wigs. “It’s twenty percent … off. And really cool!”

Rarity backed away from Pinkie “It's simply not my color.” She coughed. “Colors.”

“But you have a white coat,” Fluttershy pointed out. “And it's a rainbow. They go with everything.”

“C'mon Applejackie!” Pinkie wheedled. “Taste the rainbow!” She shoved one of the wigs at her, accidentally cramming it into the farmpony’s mouth.

“Ptoo!” Applejack spat the wig out, trying to fish out the remaining hairs in her mouth. “Gyea--PINKIE PIE!”

Unperturbed, Pinkie bounced up and down excitedly. “C'mon, AJ! You gotta wear it! It's Dashie's big day!”

“Well, yes, but don't you think it's a bit ... much?” Rarity looked from Pinkie Pie to Fluttershy, smiling awkwardly.

Fluttershy timidly lowered her head, partially hiding behind her long mane. “Oh. Well, I just thought that it would be nice if you wore it to, um, show your support … but if you don't want to wear it that's okay too.” She finished with a sad little murmur that would’ve melted the heart of a windigo.

Rarity’s mouth opened a closes a few times before she could come up with a counterargument. “But ... but darling, the cut of it doesn't go with tail at all!” she exclaimed desperately, swishing her regally coifed tail for emphasis. But Fluttershy just let out a soft squeak and it was all over. “Perhaps with a bit of work...” Rarity muttered to herself as she took the offered wig and tried to style its shape with her magic.

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie continued her own entreaties on Applejack, who remained stubbornly opposed to putting it on. “Ah like mah hat just fine, thanks.”

“C'moooon!” Pinkie went into a full fledged whine. “I dressed up as an apple when you were having your Applebuck Season-y thing!”

“Ya did that on yer own, Ah never asked ya t' do it!” Applejack retorted. “Big Macintosh still has nightmares about that thing…”

Pinkie shot her most pleading, big-eyed expression at her friend. “Please? Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease—”

Applejack put her hoof down. “No, Pinkie!”

The party pony’s mane deflated audibly as she hung her head. “Darn.” Then an idea struck her and her mane poofed up again. “We could sing a song about Rainbow Dash!” She bounced around Applejack, breaking into song. “Go go Rainbow Dashie! Go go Rainbow Dashie! Go go Rainbow Dashie, you superawesomazingmegacool Rainbow Daaash!”

Dinky joined her, her enthusiasm and volume making up for her somewhat off-key singing. “Rainbow Daaaaaaaaaaash!”

Twilight winced as other ponies in the shop began to stare. “Just put it on Applejack, before they make a scene!” The orange earth pony shot her best sarcastic, hooded look that seemed to all but scream ‘are-you-serious?’ Twilight glowered back at her. “MORE of a scene!”

“Fahn, fahn.” Applejack grumbled, lazily slapping the wig on top of her hat. “Happy?” She turned to glare at Pinkie … only for it to slip off her face as she found the party pony banging on a large drum she had some procured with Rainbow Dash’s cutie mark emblazoned on it.

Turning to see Applejack with the rainbow wig, Pinkie stopped in midair and smiled. “Okay!” She somehow disposed of the drum before her hooves landed back on the cloud. “Wow, looking good Applejack!”

Applejack grunted neutrally, idly blowing a stray lock of rainbow hair out of her face. “S'like Ah've got a mange problem.”

Dinky giggled at the new word. “Mane-gey!”

“They have shampoos for that AJ!” Pinkie giggled too. “Remember? Just like the time you had lice in your mane when you were a filly and Granny Smith thought they had to shave your head to get them out?”

Pinkie!” Applejack barked, a blush overtaking her cheeks. “Aw, this ain't workin'.” She took the wig off her head and put it on her rump instead, laying it over her tail. “Heh, now it kinda looks like her.”

“Really now, Applejack, it's not that bad.” Rarity tried to make the most of it as she continued to try to reshape her wig into something more appropriate for her … and mangling the wig in the process. “… perhaps I should just dye my mane instead,” she mused, looking around for any rainbow-dye.

“Maybe ya could jus' soak yer head in a rainbow?” Applejack suggested, not quite conscious of how that sounded.

Rarity shot and annoyed glare at Applejack that was totally missed. “Hmph!”

Fluttershy softly spoke up. “Oh, um, I wouldn't recommend that Applejack. Rainbows are, um...” She lowered her voice even further. “Spicy.”

“Eh, if Rare can handle sittin' in mud an' them eye-waterin' per-fyumes she's always cahooting around in, she can take a rainbow dye,” Applejack reasoned with a shrug.

Rarity’s eyes narrowed as her voice turned dangerously sweet. “Is that so, darling?”

Most ponies would’ve recognized the warning signs and modified their words. But Applejack was one who always praised truth over discretion and bluntness over tact. “Eeyup,” she said with a nod. “Some o' them per-fyumes'd make an onion cry.”

Silence fell for a moment before Rarity daintily cleared her throat. “Well then.” She walked away for a moment before oh-so-casually calling, “Pinkie Pie? Could I speak to you for a moment?”

“Okie lokie dokie!” Pinkie beamed as she bounced over. “Wait, I mean okie dokie lokie! Cuz seriously, who ever heard of a lokie dokie? That's just silly.” She giggles. “Isn’t it just the funniest thing you’ve ever heard?”

“No, but perhaps this is…” Rarity then whispered her plan for horrible vengeance, making Pinkie giggle as she listened in.

Applejack would probably have started worrying had she not been so preoccupied with the rainbowed monstrosity hanging off her rear. She shook her rump. “Ah dunno, RD... ah still think th' representation's off.”

“What do you mean?” Rainbow asked indignantly, elbowing Applejack. “If Kicker were here, she'd say something about your rump never looking better.”

Dinky burst into giggles at the silliness of the grown-ups, which quickly turned infectious for Applejack, Rainbow Dash and the others. That provided the perfect opening for Rarity to signal Pinkie Pie into action.

With a wink and a nod, Pinkie idly strolled by the others, whistling inconspicuously—right before she pulled a pair of spritz bottles out of her mane and trained them on AJ. “Draw, y'varmint!” She began to spray Applejack with the most overpowering, flowery perfume ever devised by ponykind.

“Ackpt!” Applejack belatedly held up her hooves in a feeble defense against the onslaught. “Pinkie what in th—”

Twirling the two bottles in her hooves, she squirted Applejack some more before returning her weapons to her mane … and pulling out a new one: a full-sized seltzer bottle full of perfume.

Rarity let out a lady-like giggle which quickly became less restrained as Pinkie replaced her now empty seltzer bottle with a water-gun full of perfume, dousing the poor apple farmer.

“DADGUMIT, WHAT THE HAY'RE YOU—” Applejack sniffed, her eyes suddenly going wide and watering. “AAAH IT BURNS! IT BURNS!”

Rainbow Dash started snickering as she stepped away, flapping her wings to waft the smell away from her. The others joined her, seeking safety from the overpowering scent now emanating from the farmer.

AJ hawked and spat. “AAAH! IT'S IN MAH MAOUTH!” She frantically dug into the cloud underneath her hooves and stuffed it into her mouth.

Rarity, no longer able to restrain herself, started howling with the most undignified laughter. Rainbow Dash and Dinky held each other, laughing heavily. Twilight tried and failed to repress a series of giggles as Pinkie cavorted about, laughing freely.

Only Fluttershy had a different response. “Oh my... Applejack, you smell so ... flowery.” She let out a happy sigh. “It’s so wonderful! It makes me think of the meadow outside my house when all the flowers are in bloom and the hummingbirds are flying about...”

If Applejack said anything in response, it was lost as she continued chewing on the cloud, trying to get the taste out. “AAAAH CELESTIA, MAH EYES! MAH EYES!”

Rainbow snickered before scrunching up her face and wafting her hoof in front of her muzzle. “Ack!” She coughed. “Geeze, you stink AJ. This is worse than apple burrito night at the farm.”

If looks could kill, Rainbow would’ve found herself several miles down and taking a dirt nap. “I ain’t the one who sprayed me with that weed-killer.” AJ let her gaze drift over to Rarity, glancing over Pinkie Pie as she pulled out a massive clothespin out of her mane and put it on her muzzle.

“Well!” Rarity sniffed. “If you're going to be like that about it...”

“Ah am!” AJ snapped, ignoring Pinkie putting another smaller clothespin on Dinky’s nose.

Dinky squirmed. “Pinchy,” She pronounced as she took it off for a moment, only to replace it when she got a whiff from Applejack. “Fyewy…”

“Maybe I shouldn't have done anything, then!” Rarity sniffed, tossing her mane back.

Applejack snorted, trying to get the smell out of her nostrils. “Yeah, maybe ya shoulda left yer per-fyumes in th' bottle!”

“FINE!” Rarity proclaimed, dramatically turning her back on AJ.

“Fahne!” Applejack shot back as she dusted off her hat and put it back on … and instantly regretting it when her eyes started watering from the smell.

Pinkie looked between the two friends and loudly said, “Oh get a room you two!” The results were instantaneous and dramatic. Rarity flushed and stormed off to the far side of the store, while Applejack whopped Pinkie with her hat then did the same in the opposite direction. If Pinkie Pie was put out by the results, she didn’t let it show. She giggled to the rest of her friends. “Cloud Kicker paid me twenty bits to do that!”

“Rainbow Dash?” Dinky asked, looking up curiously as she took off her clothespin. “What'd Miss Pinkie mean by that?”

“Uh, It means AJ and Rarity were being bad so they should get sent to their room.” Rainbow’s smile substituted broadness for sincerity.

“Oooooooh.” Dinky nodded in understanding.

Rainbow Dash didn’t stay distracted by her friends argument long. She was soon back at feeling overwhelmed and awed by all the attention and praise thrown her way. “This is so--incredible!”

“An' awesome!” Dinky grinned from underneath her own wig.

Dash snatched her godfilly up and hugged her. “Can you believe all this stuff is for me?” She squeed slightly. “It's like I'm already a Wonderbolt!”

Dinky squeaked. “Yeah! An' that's super-cool, 'cause they're all gonna be here t' let you in an' fly with 'em!”

Rainbow beamed at her goddaughter’s support, gently tossing her up in the air. “This is so amazing! Think you're friends would like some of this stuff?”

“Yeah!” Dinky nodded as she was tossed, only to be caught again by Rainbow Dash. “'Cause 'lula likes you, an' Scootaloo rilly likes you too!”

“It is really impressive.” Twilight admitted as she looked at a Rainbow Dash bookmark, complete with a rainbow tassel. “But it’s still a bit much. I mean, I don’t see anything here for any of the other contestants.”

Dash shrugged. Twilight opened her mouth to say more, but decided not to press the issue. Instead she went over to see if she could fix things with Applejack and Rarity, leaving Rainbow and Dinky by themselves as they perused the merchandise.

Out of the corner of her eye Dash noted a few customers looking over the Rainbow merchandise and talk in low tones to one another. They had the fit, lean look of athletes. Maybe they were in the competition too? She headed over to ask them but stopped short when she noticed them looking her way and abruptly ending their whispered conversation. They quickly exited the souvenir shop without another word, just the odd backward glance at Rainbow.

“Wonder what that was all about.”

Rainbow’s ear flickered at the door chime sounding as it opened and closed. Then a moment later, it did so again. “Well, well, well.” Her ear twitched at the sound of a very familiar voice. “It’s our old friend Rainbow CRASH—the celebrity!”

“Yeah! Rainbow Crash! Ha ha!”

Rainbow took a moment to school her face into something neutral … but anypony who knew her could tell by the idle thrashing of her tail that something was bugging her. “Hoops. Dumbbell. Score.” Her eyes narrowed. “What do you three want?”

“Nothing much…” Dumbbell shrugged with forced casualness. “We just wanted to know what you’ve been up to. Y’know, in between crashing into the ground and getting kicked out of flight schools.”

“Psh. Rainbow Dash can fly through all uv 'em with her eyes closed.” Dinky piped up, standing next to her godmom protectively.

Hoops snorted, giving Dinky a look. “That's what she did--too many naptimes for her, so they kicked her out!”

“I didn’t get kicked out.” Dash said forcefully.

Dumbbell nudged Hoops. “Yeah, I guess she was just too busy trying to do a Sonic Rainboom to keep from flunking all her tests!” The three laughed derisively.

Dinky frowned, not about to let that pass. “HEY! You, you hush up, you dummy! Rainbow's the smartest pony an' the fastest!”

That amused the trio greatly. “What's wrong Rainbow Crash? You need little fillies to stand up for you now? Gonna ask your mommy to come in next?” Hoops laughed, setting the others off again.

“Quit bein' mean you dumb meanie!” Dinky stamped her tiny hoof warningly, only to be gently drawn back by Rainbow’s wing.

“It's okay, Dinky.” Dash murmured gently to her, her voice losing some of its usual energy as she looked around. “I got this.”

Dinky’s strident objections had started to draw attention to Rainbow Dash and the idiot trio. Fluttershy, who was the only other pony in the room to recognize them, gave a tiny gasp and made her way over to them in time to hear the last cruel remark made by the bullies.

“You leave Rainbow Dash alone!” Fluttershy stepped beside her friend.

“Fluttershy…” Rainbow felt touched at her normally reserved friend’s impassioned defense but also wished that she wouldn’t engage them further.

Dumbbell’s eyes seemed to light up as he recognized the yellow pegasus. “Oh hey Klutzershy, I almost didn't recognize you … usually you're huddled under Rainbow's legs!”

That did it. Rainbow snorted challengingly and leaned forward. “That’s it … back off you featherbrains or I’ll give you a taste of what happened the last time you tried to bother Fluttershy!”

“Yeah!” Dinky stepped forward. “Stooopid featherbrains! You shuddup you dumb meanies! Quit bein' so mean!”

“Yeah!” echoed Pinkie Pie, her head suddenly popping out of a bin full of Rainbow Dash regalia. “Nopony likes a big meanie, and you three are the biggest meanies I know!”

Hoops, Dumbbell and Score took a half-step back, clearly intimidated by the sight of the weird pony appearing out of nowhere … and clearly not having forgotten the thrashing Rainbow Dash and Cloud Kicker had dished out to them way back when. But they weren’t about to end this on Dash’s terms. “Probably think you're a big shot now cuz you got your face on some stupid merchandise.” Dumbbell blustered as he shoved over a cardboard cutout of Rainbow Dash. “That thing’s a better flyer than you!”

That little display attracted the attention of the rest of Rainbow’s friends—Twilight had been trying to patch things up between Applejack and Rarity when they noticed the altercation and headed over.

Rainbow started swearing slightly as her friends joined her. “Guys, it’s okay. This isn’t anything…”

Dumbbell smiled cruelly, seeing her discomfort. “What’s the matter Rainbow Crash? Don't want them finding out about how big a loser you were at flight camp?” He looked at her friends. “Hey, did she ever tell you about the time she decided she was going to over to the griffon camp and prank them?”

“She was awesome at it!” Dinky beamed with total confidence. Rainbow winced.

“HAW!” Hoops guffawed. “Derpy Hooves had to fly in and rescue her sorry flank! She came back crying for her mommy!”

Rainbow’s nostrils flared. “T-that's a lie!”

Rarity huffed. “Now see here, you ruffians! You can't talk to Rainbow that way!”

“So go away!” Dinky glared with all the force a six-year old could muster.

“Rarity—” Rainbow started to plead but Applejack cut in.

“Just who'n th' hay are you three?” She demanded. “Shewt, Rainbow Dash is a bona-fide hero!”

Dumbbell rolled his eyes, brushing his mane out of his eyes. “We're the only ponies in this whole town who actually knew Rainbow Crash.” He sneered at her. “Back before she was Princess Celestia's little charity case. The only ones who didn’t forget what an all-around flight school flunking, ground-kissing, feather-up she was as soon as she pulled off her little Sonic Rainboom con.”

Out of the corner of her eye Rainbow noticed Twilight give a little start at ‘flunked’ remark. Applejack blinked once before screwing up her face in angry. “Ah beg yer pardon!?”

“She did perform a Sonic Rainboom! Twice!” Twilight argued, sounding incredulous at the bullies’ remarks. “She used it to help stop Nightmare Moon and save the world! How can you not know about this?”

“Dang straight!” Applejack shot a fierce glare at the trio.

“Yeah! An' she's also way more superawesomazingradicool than you'll EVER be!” Dinky gave them a raspberry. “So there!”

“Yeah!” Pinkie nodded, blasting them with a long, ripe raspberry of her own.

The trio of bullies shook their heads and just dismissed Twilight’s claim with a laugh. “Yeah right! And I’m the Emperor of the Dragons!” Dumbbell hooted. “Rainbow Crash doesn’t have the skill to pull off a rainboom, much less stop Nightmare Moon! It was all just a hoax. She might have fooled everypony else here, but we know Crash. Much better than you dweebs do.”

Rainbow snorted. If there was a contest for intelligence or courage, none of the idiot trio would even win a participant’s trophy. But she really didn’t want to get into this with them. Not with her friends there. “Guys, it’s okay … “

“It most certainly is not!” Rarity cried.

Their previous argument forgotten, Applejack nodded in agreement with Rarity. “Like hay it is,” she told Dash.

Dinky shook her head. “Nuh-uh it isn't! They're almost as itchy at Diamond Tiara!” She paused. “Though I dunno why ponies say that, 'cause Diamond Tiara doesn’t do any scratchin’.” She shrugged and turned her attention back to the bullies. “So you. Stop. TALKIN'!”

“Wisdom from th' mouths 'o fillies…” Applejack noted as she glared at the trio, who were starting to realize just how outnumbered they were. “Ya might wanna listen.”

Fluttershy, intimidated but determined to be there for her friend, spoke up again. “She's a really nice and good and brave pony!”

“Puh!” Hoops rolled his eyes. “What do you know about bravery, Klutzershy?”

That did it. Rarity’s eyes flashed as she growled and jumped protectively in front of Fluttershy in a martial arts stance. “I detest fighting, I really prefer fashion, but if you insult dear Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash again I'LL DESTROY YOU!”

Applejack stood next to her, her hat tilted downwards. “How 'bout buckin'? 'cause the way Ah see it, ye're cruisin' fer a bruisin'!”

“I think you should leave. Now.” Rarity warned them “You have five seconds to leave, before this gets ugly.”

“Wun ... two ... FIVE!” Dinky ran up and kicked Dumbbell in the shin.

“Ow!” He clutched his leg close to him.

Dinky frowned at him. “Dummy.”

At that last bit of indignity, the three pegasi bullies beat a hasty retreat from the souvenir shop. Dinky ran to the door and deliver one last cutting remark. “Stoopid dummies!” She raspberried them again as she turned around and scampered back to Rainbow Dash and the others.

Rarity nodded as she dropped out of her stance. “So uncivilized.” Applejack agreed a touch more crudely, grumbling things about their parentage and anatomy, but having the presence of mind to say it under her breath so Dinky couldn’t hear.

Twilight walked over and gently put a hoof on Rainbow’s withers. “Rainbow Dash? Are you okay?”

“Yeah--are you okay, Rainbow Dash?” Dinky repeated, giving her godmom a get-better-hug.

Rainbow grinned weakly. “’F course. M’fine…” She was less than convincing.

“Who were those brutes?” Rarity asked.


“They were these awful bullies from Flight Camp.” Fluttershy spoke up gently. “Always picking on us and teasing us.”

Rainbow groaned, really not wanting to get into this. “Fluttershy…”

Applejack narrowed her eyes. “Really?” She looked at the now closed door. “Ah'd be more'n happy t' introduce 'em t' mah left and right hooves.”

“S’nothing…” Rainbow mumbled.

“It most certainly is not!” Rarity proclaimed. “If I see those horrible stallions again ... well, I'll not be held responsible for what happens next!”

Dinky hopped up. “Yeah!”

Pinkie menacingly held up her super-soaker. “So where're these rainbow fountains you mentioned, Fluttershy?”

“Y'all right, sugarcube?” Applejack patted Rainbow’s back.

“O-of course I am!” Dash tried to shoot her most confident grin but it came off more as a grimace. “You think I care about what some lameos ... think of me.” She trailed off, sounding increasingly depressed. Dinky hugged her leg so tight that it started to cut off Rainbow’s circulation.

Rarity flicked her ears. “Hmm. Well, I know just the thing for our new celebrity! We simply must find a way to make her look her absolute best!” She looked to Fluttershy. “Does Cloudsdale have a spa?” At Fluttershy’s nod, Rarity beamed. “Wonderful! Come along girls! Dinky can come too, of course.”

“Yay!” Dinky cheered. “Thanks Miss Rarity!

Twilight took out a scroll and a quill from her saddlebag. “I’ll write a note for Ditzy and Cloud Kicker. No sense getting them worried about where we went. Especially since we have Dinky with us.” She went over to leave it with the pony running the store, who was busy trying not to goggle at Pinkie’s ability to neatly pack all of the voluminous amount of merchandise she had bought into her saddle bags.

“Rainbow? Can ah give ya ya a bit o' honest advice, pony-to-pony?” She put a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “Don’ take those idjits seriously. Dumb words come from dumb ponies, an’ ye’re just draggin’ yerself down if ya listen to ‘em. Got it?”

Dash smiled slowly. “Yeah, I think I get it. I’ll just put any dumb stuff dumb ponies say out of my head!”

“There ya go,” Applejack said, beaming. “S’whatcha can do that’ll bring in the bumper crop, not whatcha hear about prices o’ labor.”

“Thanks, AJ.” Rainbow smiled, back in good spirits. “Come on guys, let’s get going!”

Rarity smiled. “The spa awaits! How delightful!” By the time Fluttershy and Rarity had led the group to the spa, Rainbow was actually starting to look forward to a long relaxing soak in a hot tub—which was not the same thing as going to a spa for a hooficure and all that lame stuff. As they were going in, she found Twilight gently nudging her side with her horn.

“Eh? What’s up, Twi?” She winced when she saw the look on Twilight’s face. Rainbow knew what Twilight was about to say…

“Um, Rainbow? Can I talk to you about something?”

Sometimes, Dash really hated it when she was right. Twilight looked a little uncertain as she asked her, as if Twilight was afraid that Rainbow wouldn’t want to or that she was intruding. The cyan pegasus knew that if she said no, Twilight would take it personally and feel like she had done something wrong when she really hadn’t. “Okay, Twi. What is it?”

Instead of answering, Twilight gently pulled Rainbow in the direction of one of the empty steam rooms. After another look to make sure they were truly alone, Twilight cast a silence spell over the room. “Dash, was it true you didn't finish Flight School?”

Dash felt her ear twitch. She could tell where this was going. “Yeah.”

On cue, Twilight looked like Rainbow had just admitted to not knowing what ‘is’ meant. “What happened? Why didn't you finish school?” She pressed.

“It just wasn't for me is all,” Rainbow flicked her tail, trying not to sigh.

Twilight paused. “What do you mean?”

“What I said.” Dash huffed, crossing her hooves. Seeing Twilight still waiting for an answer, she sighed and elaborated. “It was boring, okay? It was either trying to lecture me on stuff I don’t need to know and doesn’t help me become a Wonderbolt or was trying to teach me things about flying that I already knew. It was dull and it was pointless.” She shrugged. “Why read books or write papers about flight when I could just go out and do it? I honestly did my best when I was just going out and doing it.”

“What about Princess Celestia?” Twilight asked gently. “I thought you were going to be her protege after you did the first Sonic Rainboom?”

Dash nodded. “Well, she still wanted me to go to school and then we’d have our own lessons on weekends and stuff. But by the time I was in flight school I just … had enough, you know? It wasn’t helping me go where I wanted to go, so I just stopped bothering doing the class work. The best thing I got out of flight school was plenty of time for naps.” The look on Twilight’s face at this open affront to education is impossible to accurately describe through words alone. Rainbow didn’t pay it much heed anyway. “So I was about to flunk out when Princess Celestia went to the school and she took over my education n’ stuff. It was still boring, but she wasn’t boring, y’know?” She rubbed a hoof through her mane. “Is this really a big deal?”

“Yes, it is!” Twilight stressed. “Your education is a huge deal.”

Dash turned away to sit down on the bench, hunched forward over the heated rocks. Her tone was gruff and defensive when she finally responded. “I'm a perfectly awesome flyer and I've gotten this weather managing thing down. Who cares if I have some stupid piece of paper saying I sat through some boring lectures and dumb tests?”

“The Wonderbolts for starters,” Twilight answered as she sat down next to her friend. “They check that type of thing when they look for applicants. I drew up a list of the criteria they look for in new Wonderbolts.

Rainbow turned to Twilight, her ears flattening. “Y-you did?”

“Of course I did,” Twilight sounded somewhat surprised that Rainbow Dash would even ask. “I want to help you get into the Wonderbolts someday.” Her horn briefly lit up as she cast a retrieval spell to fetch a scroll from her saddle bag in the foyer. “See? Item 36 education: typically, your average Wonderbolt has a degree in weather engineering or military science.”

“Typically. Not always,” Rainbow reminded her, ready to spit out the names of every Wonderbolt, past or present, who lacked a formal education. “'Sides, I know that stuff. Princess Celestia didn't let me just practice making Rainbooms y'know. I learned all the stuff I needed to learn anyway and just didn’t get some fancy piece of paper saying it.”

Twilight nodded as she magicked her scroll away. “Oh, so you have a Flight School or equivalent degree then?”

“Nnnnnoooooot exactly.” Rainbow rubbed the back of her neck, idly flicking off the sweat from her hoof.

“Not exactly, or not at all?” Twilight shot her a scrutinizing look that reminded Dash of her mother.

“A little bit of Column A and a little bit of Column B?” She grinned weakly, sweating a little bit more. Must be from the steam, she reasoned--right before she wilted under Twilight’s gaze. “Well, a lot of Column B.” She bit her lip. “Mostly Column B.” With a final sigh she admitted. “All Column B.”

Twilight’s eloquent facehoof said it all. But just in case it didn’t she went on. “Rainbow, this is important! You can't just go around without a degree, it’s essential to your future!”

Whether it was frustration, the heat of the steam room or the after effects of running into the idiots, Rainbow had enough. “Hey! I managed to land a good job without a degree. I performed the Sonic Rainboom without a degree. I managed to save the feathering world without a degree!” She stomped her hoof. “Isn't that good enough?! Isn't the awesomeness I do everyday enough without some stuck up professor or principal judging me and putting their own personal hoof of approval on it?!” Rainbow didn’t quite realize she had started shouting until her own voice echoed back at her and she saw Twilight flinching and sliding away from her. Dash groaned. She knew Twilight was just trying to help and she just bit her head off.

“That isn't what I mean. I just want to help. With some prep work we can get you ready for the test to get you your basic Secondary School Degree.” She fidgeted for a moment before looking Rainbow back in the eyes. “I know how good you are, but I don’t want you to be held back by this.”

“Sorry, Twi.” Rainbow sighed, calming herself. “It's not you … you've been great. I mean, okay, that lesson plan on Starswirl the Bearded's eating habits was a bit much … But I really appreciate that you’re take the time to help me with that formal education thing Celestia asked you to do. I just…” She looked at the closed door and what lay beyond it. “Nopony else cares. Cloudsdale doesn't seem to care if I fl--dropped out of flight school. The only ones rubbing my face in it were those three stooges. Everypony else in Cloudsdale, they like me, for me. For the stuff I've done without a diploma.”

Twilight put a supporting hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder. “Well I do care, and you want to know why? Because I want you to be the best you can be. Not as good as you are, or good enough for them. The best you can be.” She smiled. “And that includes improving your education.”

“Thanks, Twilight.” A small smile made its way across Rainbow’s snout. “Have I ever mentioned that you're like, a hundred-thousand percent cooler than all those snooty flight school teachers I had?”

“No, you haven't.” Twilight smirked. “I believe last time we had a lesson you complained about how ‘this is the most boring lesson ever yet.’”

Oh yeah, Rainbow recalled. She had. “You spent half an hour on the changes in language on a failed amendment to a treaty between Equestria and the Griffon Kingdom regarding a two percent tax hike on tea imports!” She defended herself.

“It set a long term precedent between Equestrian-Griffon relations!” Twilight argued back, putting her hooves on her hips. “Seriously, it’s highly underrated as a subject. I wrote a thesis on it.”

Rainbow couldn’t help letting out a bark of laughter. “Of course you did,” she said, shaking her head. “Anyway, thanks.”

“Not a problem. We can go over the specifics when we get to Ponyville, right?”


Having solved that, Twilight cancelled her silence spell. “All right, let's get back to the girls.” She mopped the sweat off her brow with a hoof. “If this keeps up I’m going to smell like the pigs on Applejack’s farm.”

“You could always ask Rarity or Pinkie for some more of that perfume.” Rainbow offered with a grin.

“Nnoooo, thank you.” Twilight shook her head. “I’d rather stick with B.O. But there’s a hot tub waiting for us and that sounds better than either.”

Rainbow pushed the door open. “I’ve heard worse plans.” She admitted as they walked out the door together to rejoin the rest of the party.

“You mean like every plan you’ve ever made?” Twilight snarked.

“Oh, shut up.”

As the group left the spa, Rainbow spotted Ditzy and Cloud Kicker waiting for them. Dinky made her way over to give her mom a hug and chatter on about all the cool Rainbow stuff they had picked up. Dash was about to make her way over when she found her path blocked by Cloud Kicker.

She blinked. “Oh. Hey Kicker. 'What’s up?” Cloud Kicker tilted her head indicating that she wanted to get away from the group for a moment--someplace private.

“Hey Rainbow. Just hanging out. You?”

“Yeah. Same.” Dash shrugged. “You got Twi's note I guess?”

Cloud Kicker nodded. “Everything okay?”

“Sure. Why wouldn't it be?” Rainbow asked, a touch too quickly.

“Twilight said you had a run-in with the three stupidest pegasi in Cloudsdale.” Kicker said bluntly. Rainbow winced slightly, wishing she had taken the time to see just what Twilight had written on her note for CK.

“Oh. That. No big.” She tried to sound nonchalant, wondering what the heck regular chalant was, but Cloud Kicker clearly wasn’t buying it.

The lavender pegasus gently draped a wing around Rainbow. “Wanna talk about it?”

Still trying to play it cool, Rainbow shrugged. “Why? M'fine,” she mumbled unconvincingly. “Why should I care what those idiots think?”

“I dunno, why should you?” Cloud gave her a reassuring squeeze. “Whose opinion counts for more? Three idiots, or your best friends?”

“My friends, of course.” She said immediately. Then Rainbow couldn’t help but add, “It's just--” she bit her lip before continuing. “--they were right about one thing. They have known me longer than Twi or AJ and the others. And about as long as you or Derpy or Fluttershy.”

Cloud gave a contemptuous sounding snort. “Yeah, and? So what? They’re idiots.”

“It means they--maybe they do know me better than the others.” Rainbow fidgeted. “They've seen me crash and burn, drop out of flight school and all that other stuff.”

“So have I.” Kicker gave her a pointed nudge. “And so have Derpy and Fluttershy.” Rainbow paused, not having an answer for that. Cloud moved around until she was face to face with Rainbow Dash, putting her hooves on Dash’s cheeks. “Are you really gonna listen to those waste-of-space over ponies who love you?”

Rainbow tried to pull away, to look away, but Cloud Kicker didn’t let her. Finally she had to say something. “When you put it that way...” she admitted.

“That’s my Rainbow.” Cloud Kicker grinned, letting her hooves drop back to the ground. “Need one of my patented get-better-kisses?”

That won a startled, amused snort from her normally brash friend. “Yeah, pass. I mean, if I give you one, soon everypony in Cloudsdale will be wanting one.” A small grin tugged at her mouth. “You saw them when we arrived. They'd flip!”

“Yeah, yeah.” Cloud waved aside the fact that she’d just been being shot down. “So ... think maybe you oughta listen to all your best friends and the whole city of Cloudsdale over a couple idiots who're just jealous of how awesome you are?”

Rainbow nodded slowly. “...yeah.”

“So ... who's awesome?” Cloud grinned.

“Me.” Dash’s poise grew straighter, more confident.

Cloud reached out and gently shoved her like a drill-sergeant. “Now say it like you mean it.”


“Louder!” CK barked.



ME!” Rainbow practically roared in Cloud Kicker’s face. “I'm awesome!”

Cloud roared right back in Dash’s face, returning her words from earlier that day. “I-can't-hear-you!”

I'M AWESOME!” Rainbow shouted, flying up and waving her hoof triumphantly in the air. “I performed the only Sonic Rainboom in history--twice! Princess Celestia chose me as her student, I saved the world from Nightmare Moon! I'm Rainbow feathering Dash and I rock!”

Cloud nodded and flew up to join her. “Damn right you are!” The two shared a hard wing-slap. CK shook her wing once or twice to get the sting out before going on. “Now gimme a kiss, then go out there and kick flank!

“Yeah I--” Rainbow did a double-take worthy of a Las Pegasus comedy show. “No, Kicker!” She groused at her endlessly flirty friend. “But I will go out and kick flank so hard that nopony is gonna say that I didn't do the Rainboom or that I don't deserve to be Celestia's student ever again!”

“Sounds like a good plan.” Kicker agreed. “And your friends will be there with you every step of the way.”

Rainbow smiled. “I wouldn't have it any other way.”

“So, rain check on that kiss?” Cloud nudged her teasingly.

Dash rolled her eyes. “Yeah, let’s go with that, CK.”

Cloud smiled. “Cool. Let's go kick flank, Dash.”

“Yeah.” The two of them spread their wings and flew back to rejoin the others. Rainbow was back in high spirits and grinning confidently. “So, who wants to have their first taste of authentic Cloudsdale cuisine?”

“Ooh me! Me me me!” Pinkie bounced up and down, waving her hoof around.

Applejack reared up. “Yee-haw! Now yer talkin’! Hope they got apples!”

“Don’t you ever get tired of apples?” Derpy asked, slightly bemused.

“Do you ever get tired of muffins?” Applejack shot back, narrowing her eyes.

Derpy stroked her muzzle thoughtfully before nodding solemnly. “Touche. Well played Apple, well played.”

Elegantly ignoring the two of them, Rarity beamed. “Sounds exquisite! There’s nothing that makes traveling so satisfying as engaging in fine dining!” Her smile remained plastered on her face even after the group arrived at their destination: Private Pansy’s Pizzeria. “How...delightful.”

“C’mon guys!” Rainbow grinned as she put her hoof against the door, pushing it open. “We’ll scarf down some pizza while I tell you all about--”

“RAINBOW DASH!” The second Rainbow’s namesake mane had appeared in the doorway, the entire restaurant was on its hooves, staring gleefully at the biggest celebrity in town.

Fluttershy shrunk back into the group, eeping softly.

“So much for a quiet lunch.” Twilight sighed as Rainbow walked in, waving at her fans as the group took over an empty table. No less than four waiters competed for the chance to serve Rainbow Dash, elbowing each other aside and ignoring everypony else at the table. In the end, they each ended up taking part of Rainbow’s order and dashed off … then taking the others’ orders when they came back with Rainbow’s food.

By the time Dash’s friends were getting their food, Rainbow was already finished and performing some quick flexing and wing-ups for the crowd.

“Three cheers for Rainbow Dash!” Cloud Kicker yelled out.

Four cheers for Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie Pie shouted louder.

CK looked at her oddly as the crowd cheered. “Why four?”

“Because I like go one step beyond,” Pinkie announced seriously.

Rainbow Dash stood atop one of the tables and waved to her admiring crowd. “Cider for everypony!” She called, resulting in wild cheers. “It’s great to be back in Cloudsdale! I hope to see everypony here at the Best Young Flyers’ Competition to see the most awesome flying you’re ever going to see--mine!”

Applejack couldn’t help roll her eyes at the display. “Rate she’s going, RD won’t need wings to fly. Her fat head will float ‘er right off the ground.” She suddenly grunted as she took an elbow to the gut.

“Oh come on AJ.” Cloud Kicker grinned, having been the pony elbowing her. “Let Rainbow have her fun. It’s not everyday a pony gets to be the hometown hero.”

Derpy looked a bit skeptical at Cloud Kicker, her other eye trained on Rainbow Dash. “I don’t know Cloudy … This is getting to be a bit much.”

Twilight bit her lip. “I think Ditzy has a point.” She looked around the table. “I don’t think Rainbow is handling all this attention well. I mean, shouldn’t she be acting more modest about her abilities?”

“Really darling, I know you mean well but that’s not the way things work.” Rarity chimed in, patting Twilight’s hoof. “Nopony ever achieved their dreams by selling themselves short. If you aren’t going to put yourself forward, nopony else is going to do it for you. Why,” Rarity pressed the back of her hoof against her brow. “If I were to wave off all the praise directed towards my outfits, I’d find myself out of business and out of home! Living on the street! With dirt!”

“Oh for the love of…” Applejack grumbled.

Fluttershy flinched. “Oh, please don’t fight. Can’t we all just get along?”

“Yeah!” Pinkie shouted. “Come on ponies, it’s a party! Let’s be happy and celebrate!” She hopped up onto the table and started to dance on her hind legs, somehow managing to procure a lampshade to wear on her head, despite there not being a single lamp in the entire establishment.

Applejack and Ditzy let the matter drop as they dug into their food. Dinky was tearing and tugging fiercely at her pizza, getting all gooey in the process.

Twilight bit her lip as she looked at Rainbow Dash posing and stretching. “Cloud Kicker, could I have a word with you?”

“Hm?” Cloud swallowed a mouthful of pizza and pushed her seat back from the table. “Uh, sure. Outside?”

“Assuming we can get there,” Twilight commented ruefully, their table pressed on all sides by Rainbow’s fans. It took the two of them the better part of five minutes to get through the crowd and out the door.

Cloud Kicker stretched her wings idly as she looked at her Twilight. “So what did you want to talk about?”

“Rainbow Dash.” Twilight cast a worried look inside. “Are you sure you should be encouraging her like that is really such a good idea?”

“Come on Sparkles, you saw how down those three idiots made her feel.” Kicker growled at the memory. “She could use a little building up.”

“But she already has us supporting her. And Cloudsdale’s already making her out to be the best flyer in Equestria before the competition’s even started. How much more building up could she need?”

Cloud Kicker shook her head impatiently. “You just don’t get it. I’ve known Rainbow Dash for a long time. She’s always been trying to prove, to herself and to everypony else, just how good she is. And she is good. Great even. But she’s never good enough in her own mind. She wants perfection, to be the best. Anything less … it eats away at her. Makes her feel like an utter failure, even when on her worst day she could probably outfly half of Cloudsdale. And when there are ponies actively trying to tear her down, like those three morons, who try to shove every past setback in her face--she just shuts down. And while she’ll never admit it, she needs friends to help hold her up. That’s why I want to help her, however I can.”

Twilight was quiet for a long moment. But when she spoke, her voice was steady. “You’re wrong Cloud Kicker. I might not have known her as long as you, but I’ve seen her tackle situations unlike anything you’ve seen. And Rainbow Dash is much stronger than you give her credit for.” She bit her lip. “Maybe even more than she gives herself credit for. She might have her moments of doubt--everypony does--but that doesn’t mean that she’s still some insecure little filly who needs a pat on the back. I think she’s strong enough to be able to stand tall on her own and not need anypony to hold her hoof and tell her how great she is when she already knows it.”

Kicker’s wings twitched, feeling needled. “That sounds nice, Twilight, but I think I know Rainbow Dash a bit better than somepony who only met her a couple of months ago.” Her tone was icy. “And I don’t like being told that I don’t appreciate Rainbow enough … not after everything we’ve been through together. I’m not an ingrate, Miss Sparkle.”

“That isn’t what I said...” Twilight started, but Cloud Kicker whirled around and stomped off inside. The lavender unicorn sighed. “That went well.”

The rest of the day didn’t go any better. After lunch, the group went on a walking tour through Cloudsdale. Everywhere they went, they ended up getting mobbed by fans of Rainbow Dash. A leisurely stroll through the cloud sculpture gardens became a panicked rush to avoid being trampled by the ponies who practically shoved Rainbow’s friends aside.

A walk through the shopping district became an impromptu aerial show by Rainbow for her fans. By the time they had shaken the crowd, everypony had worked up quite a thirst. So the group stopped off at a small open-air cafe to rest their weary legs and have a drink. They settled into place around an open table, listening as Rainbow expounded upon the wonders of Cloudberry Pie and other such foods. It made them almost regret having filled up on pizza. The could hardly wait for dinner now! For a while they all just enjoyed a casual sit-down, until doom struck in the most unlikely form.

"Excuse me." A little colt no older than Dinky gently tugged on one of Rainbow's wings. "Are you Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow grinned down at the kid and reached down to ruffle his mane. "The one and only. What's up?"

The colt grinned, showing off a recently lost tooth, then whirled around, and shouted at the top of his lungs, "I told you guys it was really her!"

A second later, half a dozen young colts and fillies came boiling out of a nearby side street, practically trampling over each other in their eagerness to reach her. The young ringleader turned back to Rainbow and bombarded her with questions. "So you can really do a sonic rainboom? That's so cool! What's it like doing it? Is it awesome? I bet it's awesome! So..." The rest of his questions were drowned out by the arrival of his friends, each with their own questions.

"Whoa, whoa, chillax guys!" Rainbow tried to wave the enthusiastic kids down. "One at a time, one at a time. I know I'm awesome, but even I can't answer a dozen questions at once!"

And so, what would have been a pleasant snack with her friends instead became the first meeting of the Cloudsdale branch of the Rainbow Dash Fan Club.

As night began to fall and their bellies rumbled with hunger, they headed to one of Rainbow’s favorite diners. Twilight’s hopes for a nice, quiet meal were, quite literally, dashed.

Twilight sighed as she made her way over Rainbow Dash, having to shoulder her way through a thick crowd of starry-eyed fans who hung on her every word. She finally managed to get close to Rainbow Dash just in time to hear her describe her dramatic rescue of her friends from Nightmare Moon and performing her second Sonic Rainboom.

“... I dove off the tower and started racing down to catch my friends! All five of them were screaming, eyes wide with terror.” Rainbow waved her hooves around, demonstrating her friends’ justifiable panic at the situation, while omitting her own. “I knew I couldn’t let any of them down, so I said to myself, ‘Rainbow Dash, you’re the only pony awesome enough to save them and stop Nightmare Moon,’ and so I flew faster and faster, the ground reaching up to meet me when...” she trailed off, causing everypony around to lean in close to catch her next words. Dash grinned and took a deep breath. “BOOM!” she shouted, leaping up on the table and startling her fans backwards. “A Sonic Rainboom, just in the nick of time!”

Her audience ooohed and ahhhed right before bursting into tumultuous applause! Twilight couldn’t help but roll her eyes slightly. She would be the very last pony to deny that Rainbow was a hero or be grateful for her own rescue--Twilight didn’t think she’d be able to write many papers if she were a pony pancake--but this was too much. Listening to her, you’d think Rainbow Dash had saved them all like the stereotypical Prince in Distress and then gone on to defeat Nightmare Moon all by herself. Even if Rainbow Dash didn’t exactly say all that, that’s definitely how it came off. That’s when Rainbow went on to say, “And then I kicked Nightmare Moon right in the face! And she went down crying like a filly, 'cause she knew there was no way she could take me!”

That was it. Twilight frowned. Enough was enough. One of Rainbow’s fans saw Twilights’ less than impressed look. “Hey!” The mare frowned at Twilight. “What’s your problem?” Her outburst drew the attention of several other ponies in earshot.

“Nothing!” Twilight said quickly, feeling a bit nervous and daunted by all the stares heading her way. For a second she felt like flinching and backing down, like she would’ve done only a short time ago, before she came to Ponyville. She straightened up and stood firm. “I just think that could be … ” Twilight considered the words egotistical and arrogant before dismissing them as being too inflammatory. “A bit more reserved.”

There were indignant snorts and mumbles. Who did this unicorn think she was? The first pegasus asked that question, point blank. “Who are you and why should we care?” she demanded incredulously.

Twilight fought to keep her tone level, to keep out any stammer or hesitation. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I’m one of Rainbow Dash’s best friends.”

The response was about what you’d expect. “Oh yeah, me too! I’ve been PFFs with the savior of Equestria since we were four!” hooted one obnoxious pony. Another shouted out, “Yeah and I’m the Lord of all Horses!” “And I’m the C.E.O. of all donkeys!” called another. Snickers rang out, and Twilight fumed quietly.

That’s when Rainbow Dash spotted her, having taken a break in detailing exactly how awesome her Rainboom was, plus how easy it was for her to do it. Her eyes lit up. “Hey Twilight, there you are!” She waved her over. “C’mon! I was about to tell them about the fight against Nightmare Moon’s evil army of Shadowbolts!”

Twilight walked over, not sparing a look back at the ponies who had been openly mocking her a moment ago. “Rainbow Dash, can we talk?” She tilted her head to the crowd. “Alone?”

“Aww, but Twi we just got here! Besides, I know what you’re gonna say.” Rainbow waved.

“You do?” Twilight felt cautiously optimistic.

Dash nodded. “Of course! I’m keeping what you said in mind and I’m not gonna let anypony tell me that I’m not cool!” She smiled happily.

A twitch began to develop above Twilight’s eye. She should probably have that looked at. “That wasn’t … nevermind.” She sighed before counting to ten. “Rainbow can we please talk? I think you might be getting carried away.” there were gasps and murmurs as Twilight belatedly remembered that they had a crowd of ponies crowded around the two of them. “Just a bit?”

The first pony to challenge Twilight bristled as she stepped forward. “Rainbow Dash is the greatest flyer in Equestria!” she shouted. “Who are you tell her that she’s not? What the hay does a unicorn know about flying anyway?”

“She’s just jealous!” shouted another pony, receiving a loud agreeing chorus that completely drowned out both Twilight’s protests and Rainbow’s own efforts to get them to calm down.

Seeing Twilight under a virtual siege, Applejack stormed in, practically ploughing her way through Rainbow’s fans. “Now wait an apple-buckin’ minute! None of you git to say that about Twilight!” She barked, tossing her head around to give the stinkeye to everypony she made eye contact with. “Ah like Rainbow Dash as much as the next pony, heck, mebe even moreso--but she didn’t save the whole world by herself y’know?” She glared at Rainbow. “You do remember that, dontcha?”

“Well, yeah, but I’m still the greatest flyer there is!” Rainbow admitted, but quickly rallying.

Twilight stood closer to Applejack. “Rainbow Dash, we know you’re really talented and that you’re probably going to win at the competition tomorrow...” gasps of horror rang out from the crowd at the qualifier ‘probably.’ “But that’s no reason to brag and show off. You should be more modest about your abilities, even though you’re a great flyer.”

AJ nodded. “An’ not act like some darn-fool pony showin’ off a brand new ribbon in her mane!”

Rainbow’s wings flared out angrily, snorting with disbelief. “What?! You were the ones that said a little while ago how good I was and how those idiots who said I wasn’t were just jealous of me! What gives?” She was loudly encouraged by her fans, but she practically forgot they were there.

“Rainbow...” Derpy gave her best motherly-warning tone. “You're setting a bad example for your fans.”

“What?!” Dash protested heatedly. “Oh come on they came here to hear about me being awesome and that's what I'm giving them!”

Applejack stomped her hoof. “You’re tootin’ yer own horn louder than the brass section of a marching band.” She argued. “It’s gettin’ down-right obnoxious havin’ to sit here and listen to you act like yer the greatest thing since apple pie.”

Rainbow hopped down off the table and stalked up to Applejack, staring her in the eye. “Oh yeah? What about you, AJ?”


“Yeah, you!” Dash flicked her wings. “Always going on and on and on about how great your boring old apples are! ‘Buy Sweet Apple Acres apples! They’re the gold-darn best apples in all of Equestria, boy howdy ah tell you what.’” She went off in a horrible imitation of Applejack’s accent.

Applejack’s face turned the color of a red gala. “What?! That’s mah family’s livelihood ya air-headed, sidewinding, bushwhacking, hornswoggling galoot! That’s important, not like yer silly li’l competition!”

“‘Silly’?!” Rainbow got right up in Applejack’s face. “This is my chance to show the Wonderbolts what I’ve got so I can join them someday!”

“That ain’t as important as providin’ fer yer family!” Applejack shoved her forehead against Rainbow’s, who just as stubbornly pushed back.

“If it’s so silly, why are you even here?!” She shot back.

Derpy’s gray wing shot between them, forcing them to each back up a few steps. “All right, that's enough.” She gave a wall-eyed frown at both of them. “Go cool off, or I’ll have you go sit in the corner and hold hooves.”

Rainbow shook with anger. “Y-you’re not my feathering mom, Derpy! Quit acting like you are!”

Derpy took a step back, half-indignant and half-shocked. "I'm your friend and I'm trying to help you! We all are!”

“Well stop!” Dash reared up, stretching her wings out. “I don't need your help! Stop acting like you all know what I need to do, like you all know more than me!”

“Maybe we should go?” Fluttershy suggested meekly.

Rarity nodded. “I agree darlings, I think we’re doing more harm than good right now.”

Applejack grumbled but let herself be led away, leaving a confused Rainbow Dash staring at her friends’ retreating forms. “W-what?” Rainbow felt her mouth drop. “C’mon guys, wait a minute! Don’t go! It’s—it’s no fun if you aren’t here too.” She sighed as the door closed behind them.

Twilight was the last to leave. “Rainbow Dash, we’re all happy for you and want to be there for you. But the way you’re acting … it’s like you’re becoming an entirely different pony, and not the one we came to support. And I don’t know if she’s even the one we became friends with in the first place.” She looked at her sadly. “We’ll go on ahead to your parents’ house. We’ll be waiting for you there.”

Then she was gone, leaving Rainbow Dash feeling utterly alone in a room full of ponies.

Rainbow grumbled as she walked through the streets of Cloudsdale. She had spent another half-hour with her fans at the diner at her friends left before she made a break for it. A quick stop into a nearby souvenir shop had provided her with a sweater. Right now, she just wanted to be alone.

I just don’t get it. Rainbow Dash grumbled. They tell me to believe in myself and then they tell me not to. Didn’t they want her to win, to be the best?

“Rainbow, wait up!” Dash stopped and turned around to see Cloud Kicker running up to her.

“CK?” She didn’t know whether to feel relieved or angry. “Have you come to tell me that I’m being obnoxious and showing off too?” Rainbow narrowed her eyes. “Where is everypony anyway?”

Cloud flicked her wing to a small cafe across the street. “I thought maybe everypony should cool down for a bit.” Her face softened. “Look Dash, I know things got a bit ugly in there, but they’re your friends and they just want to help. Even if they're overreacting."

Rainbow tilted her head curiously. “What do you mean?”

“Look, Rainbow,” Cloud sighed. “I don't agree with them, but the whole reason they brought this up is because they're worried about you, and want what's best for you.”

The angry pegasus snorted and stomped her hoof. “I just don’t get it! They told me to believe in myself and stuff and now they're telling me not to! What the hay?”

“I don't think that's what they meant,” Kicker explained. “They want you to believe in yourself, but they also don't want you going into ego-monster territory.”

Rainbow almost went apoplectic at that. “E-ego-monster?! I am not an ego-monster!” She whinnied, rearing up on her hindlegs and flapping her wings angrily. “I didn’t say anything that wasn’t the truth! I’m not a liar!”

Cloud turned to avoid Dash’s flailing forelegs and put a calming hoof on her shoulder. “I know you're not. But they're worried.” A string of less than complimentary words issued out of Rainbow’s mouth as Cloud held firm, trying to weather the storm. “Rainbow!” She barked in her best West Hoof voice. “They’re your friends! Settle down!”

“I know that!” Dash shouted back, before slumping down back onto all fours, sounding weary. “I know.” She sighed. “I dunno what to do.”

“First things first...” Cloud nodded as she pulled Rainbow into a hug.

Rainbow was caught off guard, but soon found herself hugging Cloud back. “CK?”


“Thanks.” Dash managed a small smile.

Cloud gave her a gentle but firm squeeze. “No problem.” She drew back so she could look Rainbow in the eye. “Just remember, even when they're being silly and worrying too much, it's 'cause they care. We all do.”

“What should I do?” Rainbow murmured, half to herself.

“How do you think your ego's doing?” Cloud asked. “Feeling any need to go on about how you're 'The Great and Powerful Dashie?’"

That won a snort from her friend. “I don't think so … I'm more awesome and cool anyway.”

“Then I'd say you're okay.” Cloud gave her a supportive smile. “I believe in you. Always have, always will.” She gave Rainbow a tiny nuzzle.

But the question on Rainbow’s mind was on her lips even before it was fully formed. “Then why doesn't Twilight or AJ or Derpy?

Cloud Kicker winced. “They do, Rainbow. They're just...” She sighed as she thought of a way to explain. “It's a tricky balance, between too much ego and not enough. Twilight and Derpy are--don't take this the wrong way--but they're not all that ambitious.” Rainbow flicked her ear, indicating that she was listening. “When you have big goals, you have to push yourself harder. And you have to be seen as pushing yourself harder. The Wonderbolts don't want flyers who are content with just being good enough.”

Rainbow nodded. “Yeah. Only the best of the best get to be Wonderbolts.”

“Exactly!” Cloud agreed. “S'just like how in the Guard, you don't get anywhere with false modesty. Yeah, nopony likes a raging egotist, but you can't be afraid to put yourself out there and say, 'Yeah, I am that good.'”

Rainbow Dash shifted, feeling reassured. Cloud Kicker was right. Rainbow was just trying to prove that she was the best is all. No different than what every other competitive athlete did. But then, why did she still have this weight in her stomach? “I … I don't think I can talk to the others yet.”

Kicker nodded. “Might be good for everypony to have a little time to cool off first. You're all still probably a little mad at each other.” Her ear flicked in annoyance. “I'm not exactly happy with them myself.”

“I mean, I think I want to be alone for a bit, CK.” Rainbow elaborated, starting to stretch her wings.

“Oh. Yeah, sure.” A slightly hurt look crossed Cloud Kicker’s face, but quickly passed. She replaced it with a teasing smirk. “Do I get a goodbye kiss?” She puckered her lips.

“Later, Kicker.” Rainbow rolled her eyes.

“Okay, we can kiss later!” Kicker beamed. Dash let out a sigh and took off into the evening sky.

Cloud Kicker watched her fly off, her ear flicking as she heard the sound of somepony running towards her. She turned to see Twilight Sparkle running towards her. “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight called after the retreating pegasus, but she was too far away. She came to a stop, panting as she watched Dash fade into the distance. “Rainbow...” She sighed.

“Twilight Sparkle.” Kicker said cooly.

“Cloud Kicker?” Twilight turned to her. “Where's Rainbow Dash going?”

Kicker shrugged. “She needs some alone time. Clear her head, and all that.” She hesitated for a moment, then added. “She's upset with you and your friends.”

Twilight flinched and turned to her. “They're her friends, Cloud Kicker. Just as much as you.”

“I know, I told her as much.” Cloud swished her tail. “Still, calling her out in public was a dumb move.”

That made Twilight bristle. “I tried to talk to her in private but she wouldn't move.”

“When my dad disagrees with your brother, he keeps his mouth shut until they can get to private,” Cloud ground out stiffly. Then she sighed and took a deep breath. “I know you were trying to look out for her, but...”

Twilight frowned. “My brother is your dad's commanding officer. Rainbow isn't my CO, she's my friend. I tried talking to her in private but she wouldn't budge! She's becoming addicted to all those hangers-on and fake friends and fame!”

Cloud snorted skeptically. “She's been in Cloudsdale for a day. It’s a little early to call it an addiction.”

“Oh really? The part about her taking out Nightmare Moon all by herself and making her cry didn't seem the least bit worrisome?” Twilight challenged. When CK didn’t immediately respond, she pushed on. “You aren't taking this seriously. Rainbow's always been a bit of a show-off, but now it's getting out of hoof!”

“Look, she's in a shaky spot right now.” Cloud tried to reason. “If she needs to brag a bit to build herself up, let her. Besides, she's not gonna get far on false modesty.”

By the look on her face, Twilight wasn’t buying it. “How far do you think she's going to get on puffed-up ego? Do you really think that's the example Derpy wants Rainbow setting for her goddaughter? Do you really think that bragging is going to get her ahead in life? That claiming she made Nightmare Moon cry like a filly is really going to help?”

“I'm not saying she should go overboard on it, but there's nothing wrong with having a little pride in her accomplishments. It certainly beats the hay out of her feeling like she's not good enough.”

“This isn't ‘a little pride,’ Cloud Kicker.” Twilight shook her head. “She's acting like she's Celestia's gift to ponykind and she's starting to accept it like it's her due.”

“How do you know she wasn't putting on a show for the crowd?” Kicker challenged. “And like I said before, it's a little early to say she's going nuts with ego.”

“After what she said to Derpy?” Twilight demanded. “Why are you so insistent on denying that there's any problem with any of this?”

“I dunno,” Cloud returned cooly. “Why are you so insistent on seeing a problem where none exists?”

“Because I care about Rainbow Dash!” Twilight shouted. “All this attention--the parades and celebrations and merchandise--it's too much for anypony!”

That got Cloud Kicker bristling. “And you think I don't care? Just 'cause I wasn't there to get an element doesn't mean I count for less as a friend!”

“I never said that!” Twilight exclaimed. “Stop putting words in my mouth, Cloud Kicker. You did this before, and it was wrong then.”

Cloud opened her mouth only to bite down and take a deep breath. “Yeah.” She sighed wearily. “You didn't say it. But...” she trailed off.

Twilight seemed to follow her train of thought. “Is that why you want to support Rainbow so much? You want to show her that you aren't any less of a friend than the rest of us?” She was surprised when Cloud Kicker went quiet for a bit. When she started talking again it was in a very subdued tone.

“Everypony's got something special with her.” Cloud murmured. “Derpy's got her as Dinky’s godmom, the rest of you have the whole Elements of Harmony thing...”

“Cloud Kicker,” Twilight tentatively reached out a hoof to put on her shoulder. “You're one of her first friends. You went to flight camp together. You work with each other almost every day. That's not nothing.”

But Cloud stubbornly shook her head. “You gotta admit, Dash and I don't have anything special. Nothing that's just us.”

“Friendship is special,” Twilight urged.

“Yeah, but she's got you guys for that. Hay, she's got more friends than she knows what to do with.” Cloud let out a weak snort. “Least I can do is have her back.”

Twilight was quiet for a moment. “Pretending Rainbow Dash doesn't have any problems isn't the same thing as having her back.” She stood close to Cloud Kicker. “I know you're trying to help Rainbow Dash. I am too. But can you look me in the eye and say that none of this attention is going to her head, that her ego isn't getting out of control?”

Cloud Kicker lifted up her head and looked Twilight right in the eye. She opened her mouth, only to close it again. “She's going a little too far, yeah.”

“So what do we do?” Twilight asked gently.

“Guess we need to ask her to tone it down a tad, once she gets back.” Cloud sighed, knowing how confused it was going to make Dash feel when she talked to her.

“Do you know where she went?”

Cloud shook her head at Twilight. “Out for a flight. She needs a bit to clear her head and calm down before we try talking to her anyway.”

Twilight sighed. “Should we wait for her here? Or should we go to her family's house? We were supposed to end up there at the end of the night anyway.”

“Probably best to go to her family's place,” Cloud answered. “We don't know for sure that she'll come back here, but she'll definitely go there.” She hesitated. “Can I tell you a secret?”

Twilight seemed a bit taken aback that Cloud Kicker would trust her with a secret, nodding. “Dash ... means a lot to me. A whole lot. The idea that she might be moving on, leaving me behind...” Cloud shivered.

“I'm sure she won't,” Twilight said comfortingly. “She's not that kind of pony. She doesn’t give up on friends.”

Cloud gave a numb nod. “Yeah, but the thing about Dash is, I kinda...” There was a bit of an awkward lull in the conversation. Twilight looked down and scuffed her hoof on a cloud, not quite sure what to say. Kicker couldn’t help but chuckle at how adorable she was acting. “So ... you're still single, right?”

Twilight stiffened and started to walk back, followed closely by Cloud Kicker. “Yes, and liable to stay that way, thank you.”

“A mare after my own heart,” Kicker grinned. “So--we had a fight. I think make-up sex is a must, now.”

“Ohlooktherearetheothers!” Twilight yelped as she picked up speed.

Cloud let out a giggle as she followed her. “You really are too easy.”